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Students at school and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from other sources(such as the Internet, television).To what extend do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

In the Information Age, students have more accesses to all kinds of information.Some people argue that they should grasp every means to learn rather than learn from teachers, while others hold the opposite view.Speaking for myself, I stand on the side of the former one.No doubt, it is absolutely necessary for students to learn their lessons in class with teachers at schools and universities.But, at the same time, we find some knowledge seems practically useless, and teachers are often enthusiastic to explain some theories, which are not of much use for most of the students in their future.Such lessons are not suitable for everyone.Some students may feel boring and their requests for specific knowledge cannot be met, too.Using a range of sources such as the Internet and television to learn has obviously merits.On the one hand, students can study on line efficiently.For example, modern technology has provided many powerful computer assisted language learning programs that help students with pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing of different languages.On the other hand, students can learn practical skills which are taught on the Internet and television by using specific examples.Knowledge and art from these sources would be useful supplements to those from lessons at schools and universities.From the above mentioned analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that other sources like the Internet and television are indispensable supplements to the traditional education forms.And students should also learn much more from the Internet and television.【高分词汇】 ★grasp vt.抓住,抓紧

例He thought mathematics more difficult to grasp than physics.○译他觉得数学比物理更难捉摸 ○★enthusiastic adj.热心的,热情的

例China has the most enthusiastic fans in the world.○译中国有全世界最热情的球迷 ○★be suitable for 适合……的

例 The weather is suitable for outdoor activities.○

译天气适合户外运动 ○★practical adj.实际的、实用的

例 The plan takes on a more practical aspect.○译这个计划具有更切合实际的性质 ○★supplement n.补遗、补充 v.补充

例Try a B vitamin supplement.○译试着补充些维生素B ○★indispensable adj.不可缺少的,绝对必要的

例 The computers are now an indispensable tool in many businesses ○译目前,计算机是很多公司不可或缺的工具 ○【万能句型】

1.Some people argue that …, while others hold the opposite view.Speaking for myself, I stand on the side of the former one.译文: 一些人认为……,然而其他人持有相反的观点。在我看来,我支持前者。解读:这种句型结构适用于第一段,引出题目中双方的观点,同时表明自己的立场,表示支持前者或后者的观点。

2.From the above mentioned analysis, we can safely draw the conclusion that… 译文: 通过上面的分析,我们可以得出结论,那就是,……



More and more students choose to go to another country for their higher education.Do you think the benefits outweigh the problems associated with it? 【Model Essay】

In order to acquire more knowledge, more and more people decided to further their study abroad.I believe that the benefits of studying abroad for higher education are far greater than problems that could be associated with it.There are many reasons supporting my view.First and foremost, students can learn advanced knowledge and management experience which can widen their horizons and minds.Then, studying abroad can provide a good language environment to students and make it easy to pick a language, which can contribute to remove language barrier and make international cooperation much easier.Besides, studying abroad can cultivate students’ ability to live independently and their characters, for they have to deal with many problems and learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with foreign teachers and classmates.Last but not least, studying abroad is an excellent way for

students to learn about themselves and the world in which they live in.By communicating with foreign friends, they will experience the characteristics of a distinct culture and see the similarities to and differences from their own.However, studying abroad also brings about many disadvantages.Firstly, students will be confronted with so many psychological problems.They often feel lonely and helpless in a new environment.Furthermore, the tuition is very high, which is a very heavy burden to the average people.To sum up, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages greatly.We should encourage students study abroad.When they accomplish their curriculum, they can make more contribution to the construction of our society.【高分词汇】

★acquire vt.获得,学到

例The company has recently acquired new offices in central London.○译公司最近在伦敦市中心弄到了新的办公室 ○★further vt.促进,推进

例We’ll do all we can to further your plans.○译我们将经历促成你们的计划。○★associate vt.是发生联系,使联合

例I don’t associate the two ideas.○译这两个概念我联系不起来。○★horizon vt.范围,视野

例Go out for broaden your horizon.○译出去开开眼界。○★cultivate vt.培养

例She cultivates her mind by reading many books.○译她博览群书,修身养性。○★deal with 应付,处理;对待

例He must deal with many difficulties.○译他必须应付许多困难。○★be accustomed to习惯于

例He is accustomed to loneliness.○译他对于孤独已经习以为常。○★get along with 与……和睦相处

例He is good-tempered;he gets along with everyone.○译他脾气好,和谁都处得来。○


Teachers used to convey information, but now with wide resources of information from the Internet, there is no role for teachers to play in modern education.Do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

Nowadays, the computer is growing in popularity in education for its marvelous functions.Some people, therefore, claim that teachers` roles are not significant any more in the Information Age given the convenience and efficiency of the Internet in terms of information access.As far as I am concerned, however, this point of view seems a bit partial and misleading.Most important of all, it is often the case that teachers can benefit students in many ways which computers cannot.Indeed, teachers often bring students a host of knowledge and ideas out of text books, such as ethics and such kind of things.There are plenty of vivid evidences to support the opinion that teachers are usually serving as the guide for students, a role which can never be performed by computers.For example, when I studied in high school, one of my teachers helped me with my study and taught me how to deal with difficulties in my life as well.It is impossible for computers to fulfill these actions.In addition, a more subtle point is that young students are more susceptible to the adverse influence of computers.It is a general principle that juveniles are usually lack in the sense of judgment to tell right from wrong.So they are more likely to be distracted from study by the lure that comes along with computers.Therefore, teachers are superior to computers in cultivating students.To conclude, it is all very well to suggest that teachers invariably enjoy the most crucial role in fostering young people, we should not lose sight of the dramatic benefits brought by computers as well.That is to say, teacher can never give way to computers buy they can make computers facilitate their jobs.【高分词汇】

★convenience n.便利,方便,有益

例 The house has all the modern conveniences.○译这栋房屋有各种现代化的设施。○★in terms of 就......而言,从……方面说来

例He referred to your work in terms of high praise.○译他对你的工作大加赞扬。○★ethics n.道德规范,伦理学

例 The ethics of his profession don`t permit him to do that.○译他的职业道德不允许他那样做。○

★subtle adj.敏感的,微妙的

例 Her whole attitude had undergone a subtle change.○译她的整个态度发生了微妙的变化。○★be susceptible to 对……敏感

例In his weakened condition, he is very susceptible to cold.○译他身体很弱,因此很容易患感冒。○★superior adj.较高的,上级的,较好的

例You’re a very superior young woman.○译你是一个非常优秀的年轻女性。○★foster vt.养育,抚育,培养

例Nowadays young couple sometimes foster.○译现今年轻夫妇有时领养别人的孩子。○★give way to 让路,让步

例Cloudy mornings give way to clear evenings.○译【谚】早晨云遮日,晚上星满天。○★facilitate vt.使便利,减轻……的困难

例Tractors facilitate farming.○译拖拉机使耕作便利。○【万能句型】

1.As far as I am concerned, however, this point of view seems a bit partial and misleading.译文: 在我看来,这种观点有点偏颇并且容易令人误解。解读:这个句型常常用于第一段的末尾,表明作者的立场和观点。2.Most important of all, it is often the case that … 译文: 最重要的是,……

解读:在这个句型中,it is often the case 一般不用翻译,它所表述的实际内容就是that后面的内容。省略了it is often the case 也没有错,放在这里主要是为了增加文章的语言色彩。


Some children can learn efficiently by watching TV.Therefore, they should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and at school.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

There are many ways of learning, and watching TV is one of them.Some children can learn quite well by watching TV.Hereby, some people argue that children should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and at school.As far as I am concerned, however, this point of view seems a bit absurd and ridiculous.On one hand, in spite the function of learning, TV has so many demerits.Firstly, watching TV is harmful to eyes.Staring at TV for a long time may lead to short sight.Secondly, not all the contents on the TV are suitable for children.Some of TV programs contain violence and obscenity, which are harmful to the children`s growth.Thirdly, long time sitting before TV is not good for physical growth.Staying in one position for a long time can lead to crookback.On the other hand, apart from TV, there still are other efficient ways which can help children to learn.First of all, children can comprehend considerable number of things by playing games.Traditional games do good to exploit children`s wit, and modern games help them to get a rough idea about the society.Then, telling stories is another efficient way.Encouraging children to tell stories can develop their observing abilities and language skills.Last, sightseeing is also a valid method which can help children contact close with the nature.For example, organizing children to the zoo can give them vivid images of the animals.Once you have known all the above-mentioned, you must agree with me that the idea of encouraging children to watch TV both at home and at school is absolutely insane.Watching TV is just one of many effective learning methods, but not the only one.【高分词汇】

★absurd adj.荒谬的,可笑的

例 What an absurd suggestion!○译多么荒唐的建议!○★ridiculous adj.荒谬的,可笑的

例It`s the most ridiculous thing I`ve ever heard in my life.○译这是我有生以来听到最荒唐可笑的事。○★in spite of 虽然,尽管

例I went out in spite of the rain.○译 尽管下雨我仍然外出。○★suitable…for 合适的

例 He hasn`t any suitable shoes for the wedding.○译适合在婚礼上穿的鞋他一双也没有。○★efficient adj.有效地,有能力的

例 She is an efficient manageress.○译她是个有能力的经理。○★comprehend vt.领会,理解

例I did not comprehend his meaning.○译我不理解他的意思。○★vivid adj.生动的,鲜明的

例 A vivid picture is present to our eyes.○译一幅栩栩如生的画面出现在我们面前。○【万能句型】

1.Hereby, some people argue that… 译文: 因此,一些人认为……


2.Once you have known all the above-mentioned, you must agree with me that… 译文: 一旦你了解了上面所提到的,你肯定会同意我的观点,那就是……

解读:这种句型一般用于最后一段第一句,对前面所论述的内容作出总结,并进一步强调作者观点。考生应熟练运用这种句型。在结尾段直接用I believe…这样的句型,虽然没有错误,但缺少语言色彩。恰当运用上面的句型加分的机会更大。


Some people think that schools should concentrate on academic classes, because they are helpful for further career.But they think music and sports classes are not useful.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

Recently, whether schools should concentrate on academic classes has triggered a heated discussion.Some people contend that career-oriented education for college students should be encouraged and schools should mainly provide academic classes.But there are also a majority of people suggest that personality-oriented education is necessary and music and sports classes should also be offered.Personally, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter one in the following reasons.On the one hand, if schools only taught academic classes, the school life would definitely be monotonous and boring.No one can tolerate such tough days.Most students treasure their happy years in school, because they are colorful and diversified.On the other hand, music and sports lessons are extremely important to students.To start with, sports and music can accompany one throughout his life.Some students may forget the academic knowledge learned at school, but they will not forget how to do sports and appreciate music.Furthermore, music classes can cultivate one’s mind and temperament, which are helpful in building one’s optimistic personality.Sports can help students keep fit and build up strong character.Last but not least, sports and music can raise one’s taste.People with good taste of music and sports usually keep away from bad behaviors.Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that academic classes are not as important as some people think, and music and sports classes are not useless, either.Academic classes develop one’s ability;music and sports classes improve one’s personality charm.In contemporary society, only able persons with fine character and moral win the career.【高分词汇】

★concentrate on专心,把思想集中于

例 Many firms are concentrating on increasing their markets overseas ○译许多公司正在集中精力开拓它们的海外市场。○★monotonous adj.单调的,无变化的

例 She thought life in the small town was monotonous.○译她觉得小镇上的生活单调而乏味。○★tolerate vt.忍受,容忍

例she cannot tolerate that rude fellow.○译她不能容忍那个粗鲁的家伙。○★treasure vt.珍爱,珍惜

例I certainly treasure the friendship between us very much.○译我当然非常珍视我们之间的友谊。○★temperament n.气质,性情

例Success often depends on temperament.○译成功常常取决于一个人的性格。○★keep fit保持健康

例 We work out regularly to keep fit.○译我坚持锻炼以保持健康。○【万能句型】

3.Some people contend that …But there are also a majority of people suggest that… 译文: 一些人主张……,但是也有许多人建议…… 解读:这种句型常常用于第一段,介绍双方观点。

2.Personally, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter one in the following reasons.译文:个人而言,我倾向于后者,理由如下。



Some people think that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their future career.But others think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience.Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.【Model Essay】

Time spent in campus is not always treated with great importance.Some parents may choose other ways for their children’s post-high-school period, namely, helping them find jobs, rather than sending them to a college.I can find myself against this act for many reasons, amongst which we can figure some strongest ones as follows.My first con against this behavior is that education is not just a benefit but also one’s rights.Without education, as Gorge Orwell had once said, is to be deprived of the most precious privilege in our time as a modern man.With college education, youngsters can choose a better way of doing things correctly and efficiently.The sharp contrast between those who have received well education and those without is not just financially, but more vitally, spiritually.Admittedly, we can find cases of some people achieve without college education, but these cases are famous only because they are rare.Those people who succeed with a college degree are more common.The absence of university education is hard to imagine in our days.The prospect of those juvenile workers or businessmen would be even dimmer than ever before.For in our age, knowledge is not only the power, but also the know-how to solving problems and gaining a much larger fortune.Therefore we should always encourage kids to further education and even more, we should fund those who cannot afford their college study ,because their future is the future of our nation.【高分词汇】

★deprive vt.剥夺,使丧失

例 She has been deprived of sight for some year.○译她失明已有几年了。○★privilege n.特权,特别待遇

例 We need to allow a privilege to him.○译我们需要给他一种特权。○★prospect n.景色,前景

例 The prospect of this young team is beyond measure.○译这支年轻队伍前途不可限量。○

★dim vt.使暗淡,使失去光泽

例 His defection from the party dims his political career.○译他的叛党使得他政治前途黯淡。○★further education进修

例What are my opportunities for additional training or further education? ○译我有多大的深造或进修的机会? ○【万能句型】

1.I can find myself against…for many reasons, amongst which we can figure some strongest ones as follows.译文: 我有很多理由反对…,在这些理由当中,我们能发现下面一些是最具有说服力的。解读:这种句型一般用于第一段最后一句,表明作者的立场,引起下文。2.My first con against this behavior is that… 译文: 我反对这种行为的第一个理由是,……




Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor.Do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

Technology is one of the most powerful forces in society today.It is being put to use everywhere, in homes and organizations of all sizes and helps millions of people do their jobs more effectively each day.Some people, however, believe the range of technology will widen the gap between the rich and the poor.In fact, I believe that the gap between rich and poor people will narrow because of the new technologies.There are numerous reasons why I hold this opinion, and I would explore a few of the most important ones here.First and foremost, the development of technology has made the price of high-tech products less expensive, so even the poor can afford cell phones and computers, which used to be symbols of wealth.That is to say, more people than ever have the opportunity to take advantage of the new technologies, which will definitely decrease the gap between the rich and the poor.Besides, another example is from the way that people travel.We used to take a train, but presently, most people would prefer to take a flight if the destination is quite far away.Such gap between the rich and the poor is not as obvious as before.Last but not least, some poor people who are intelligent can also make good use of the technologies.There are many examples which demonstrate how some poor persons become rich by using high technologies.To conclude, wealth imbalance is not the result of technological development, but the disparity of information.The technology is just the remedy to the disparity.I believe with the range of technology available to people, the gap between the rich and the poor will keep decreasing.【高分词汇】

★ put to use 使用,利用

例 We shall put it to good use.○译 我们将好好利用它。○★ widen v.加宽,放宽,扩展

例 Her outlook gradually widens ○译 她的眼光渐渐开阔了。○★ gap n.缺口,差距

例 There is a wide gap between the views of the two statements.○译 关于这点,两位政治家的政见有很大分歧。○★ narrow vt.使变狭窄,使缩小

例 The river narrows at this point.○译 河在这里变窄了。○★ high-tech n.高科技

例 Traditional products do not disqualify the producer from high-tech ○译 生产传统的产品,不表示它就不是高科技。○★ afford vt.提供,供应得起

例 She can afford a new computer.○译 她能买得起一台新电脑。○★ intelligent adj.聪明的,伶俐的,有才智的

例 I have not arrived at a very intelligent opinion on that matter.○译 我对那件事还没有高见。○★ demonstrate vt.示范,证明

例 All of those demonstrated the correctness of his analysis.○译 这一切都证明了他分析的正确性。○★ disparity n.不同,不等

例 Rich and poop live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.○译 富人和穷人毗邻,但居住条件极为悬殊。○★ remedy n.补救 vt.补救,矫正,修补

例 Your only remedy is to appeal to law.○译 你的唯一补救办法是诉诸法律。○★ available adj.可用到的,可利用的,有用的

例 I will send you all the periodicals available.○译 我将把我能得到的期刊都给你寄去。○【万能句型】

1.There are numerous reasons why I hold this opinion, and I would explore a few of the most important ones here.译文: 持这个观点有若干个原因,在这里我将阐述最重要的几个。

解读:这种句型一般用于第一段末尾,绝大多数的议论文写作题目都要用到这个句型。它有承上启下的作用:一方面用于强调自己的观点,同时引起下文。2.Last but not least, …




Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve the poverty.So rich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than the financial aid.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

It is natural for rich countries to give financial aid to poor ones.However, afflicted with famine, wars, diseases, people living in those poverty-stricken countries are struggling for survival.In face of the severe situation, it is suggested that rich countries should also give other kinds of help to them.This view is based on the propensity of the following points.Many countries are willing to afford financial aid to poor countries, which has turned out to be of high importance to boost economy of poor nations.For example, some rich countries invest large amount of capital to develop industries in poor countries, so that more job opportunities are brought and living standard are enhanced there.However, this kind of aid cannot solve the poverty by the roots.The causes of being economically humble lies in diversified aspects, such as bad education, the lack of new technologies.And diseases and epidemics could be another reason for poverty.Therefore, other sorts of assistance should also be given to the poor ones.To begin with, some advanced technologies should be

introduced to poor countries.Then the teams of teachers and doctors should be dispatched to the needy countries to effectuate the responsibilities of educational and medical aid.Furthermore, medicine and medical training courses should also be scattered to the countries which are in the agony of diseases and epidemics.To summarize, I believe rich countries are definitely duty-bound to help their poor counterparts out.That is to say, both financial aid and other varieties of help should be offered to release those poor people from poverty.And poor countries should also struggle for advance on their own, which can really make a difference.【高分词汇】

★ financial adj.财政的,金融的

例 The company was in deep financial difficulties.○译 该公司陷入了严重的财务困难。○★ aid n.帮助,援助

例 He went to the aid of the hurt man.○译 他前去援助那些受伤的人。○★ afflict vt.使痛苦,折磨

例 Famine and war still afflict mankind.○译 饥饿和战争仍使人类遭受痛苦。○★ struggle for 为„„斗争

例 We should help those who are still struggling for liberation.○译 我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。○★ turn out to be 结果是,原来是

例 He said he was a doctor, but later he turned out to be a cheat.○译 他自称是个医生,结果证明他是个骗子。○★ boost v.推进

例 This will be a great boost to the economy.○译 这对于经济发展将是一个巨大的促进。○★ by the roots 从根本上

例 They lost the match by the roots.○译 他们从根本上输了比赛。○★ effectuate vt.实行,完成

例 The disease do not prevent him from effectuating his plan.○译 疾病并未妨碍他实现计划。○★ release from 豁免,解除

例 He released me from my torments.○译 他解除了我的痛苦。○★ make a difference

例 That will make a vast difference.○译 那将会有天壤之别。○【万能句型】

1.This view is based on the propensity of following points.译文: 这种观点基于以下几点倾向。

解读: 这种句型常常用于第一段末尾,在介绍完题目观点之后,用这种句型过渡到下一段,表示接下来要分析能够支持这种论点的几个方面。过渡自然而流畅。2.However ,… can’t…The cause of… 译文: 然而,„„并不能„„,理由是„„

解读: 在论述完问题的一个方面之后,用这种句型可以继续展开话题。However表示转折。


Nowadays people live in the society where consumer goods are relatively cheaper to buy.Do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 【Model Essay】

Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the price of consumer goods continues to fall.This situation is pounding at people’s traditional consumption habit and life styles, using its advantages to gradually affect peoples’ lives.As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.There are several benefits for people to enjoy cheaper consumer goods.Most important of all, reducing the price of consumer goods can stimulate requirement and boost economy, which is especially important under the background of financial crisis.Besides, with the price of consumer goods less expensive, more ordinary people can afford to buy cell phones and computers , which help people do jobs more effectively each day.In addition, as far as the merchants concerned, in order to sell more, they often cut down the profit margin, which contributes to enhance the total amount of annual sales and reduce stocks.However, to this issue, some other people hold a different attitude, arguing that cheap consumer goods also bring harm and even disasters to us.For more businesses are striving for the same customers, the lower price may be the result of unfair competition and will undermine the social

order.At the same time, for the sake of profits, some merchants use inferior materials and turn out substandard products, which will ultimately do harm to the extensive consumers.Admittedly, there are some potential risks on reducing the price of consumer goods, but the law can be executed to supervise and manage dealers strictly.In fact, cheap consumer goods can benefit both the customers and the merchants.【高分词汇】

★pound vt.猛击;跳动

例 Her heart is pounding so loudly.○译她的心正怦怦直跳。○★as to 至于,关于

例I have no doubts as to your ability.○译关于你的能力我毫不怀疑。○★stimulate vt.刺激,激励

例 The art course stimulated me.○译艺术课激发了我的灵感。○★boost n.促进,改善,激励

例 This will be a great boost to the economy.○译这对于经济发展将是一个巨大的促进。○★crisis n.危机,危急关头

例 When a crisis comes they have gone.○译当危机来临时,他们已经走了。○★merchant n.商人,批发商,贸易商,店主

例 The merchants of Arab are doing their things all around the world.○译阿拉伯商人在世界各地做生意。○★cut down 减少,降低

例 We were for cutting down the cost of production.○译我们赞成降低成本。○★competition n.竞争,竞赛

例 There is keen competition between the two motorcar firms.○译两家汽车公司之间存在着激烈的竞争。○

★ undermine v.暗中破坏;逐渐削弱

例Illness undermined his strength.○译疾病逐渐削弱了他的力气。○★for the sake of 为了

例He argues for the sake of arguing.○译他是为了争辩而争辩。○★substandard adj.标准以下的,不合规格的

例 The loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you should be responsible.○译该损失是由于包装不合标准所致,所以应由贵公司负责这一损失。○【万能句型】

1.Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology,… 译文: 如今,随着科技的快速发展,……

解读:这种句型一般用于第一段第一句,介绍背景,同时引出话题。2.There are several benefits for people to … 译文: 对于人们来说,……有很多好处。

解读:这种句型一般用于第二段第一句,表示开始分析有利的方面。3.However, to this issue, some other hold a different attitude , arguing that… 译文: 然而,对于这个问题,另一些人有不同的态度,认为……



If a product is good or it meets people’s needs, people will buy it.So advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

Good products have high prestige and quality, which can gain the love of the customers.It is true that a good product sell itself.So some people assert that advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment.Superficially, the above sounds reasonable.But when carefully weighing in the mind, we find that it goes against the fact.A number of causes account for my point.To begin with, as far as some companies such as Nintendo, Apple, etc, are concerned, it is important for them to spread their most positive and interesting products information to compete against their rivals.These companies are well-known not only for their great customer service and

reliable products, but also their advertisements.Apple is known for its humorous adverts.And Nintendo often has colorful advertising aimed towards the youth.These advertisements make people all over the world more familiar with the companies and more curious about their products.Then, in fact, advertising has proved to be a means of getting the latest product news to spread out quickly and effectively.The companies would probably find that adverts, even if entertaining, can help new products sale tremendously.Admittedly, some companies are so popular with the public that advertisements are no more than reminders to the masses that they are ever-present in daily life.Examples would be the corporations like Coca-Cola and McDonald’s which are so well-known in most countries that their adverts have stopped describing their products but focused more on the images of the companies themselves.For such companies, advertisement is an unnecessary entertainment.However, they may never have reached that status without advertising.For that reason, advertisement is surely not unnecessary.【高分词汇】

★prestige n.声望,威望

例 The old universities of Cambridge still have a lot of prestige.○译历史悠久的剑桥大学仍然享有很高的声望。○★reliable adj.可靠的,可信赖的

例 The news is reliable.○译这消息靠得住。○★ even if 即使

例 we should practice economy even if we are rich.○译即使我们富裕了,也仍应该厉行节约。○★reminder n.提醒的人,暗示

例I wrote a reminder in my daily planner.○译我在我的每日记事簿里写了个备忘字条。○【万能句型】

1.Superficially, the above sounds reasonable.But when carefully weighing in the mind, we find that it goes against the fact.A number of causes account for my point.译文: 从表面上看,以上内容听起来很合理,但经过仔细考虑之后,我们发现它违背事实。大量的理由说明了我的观点。


2.To begin with, as far as … are concerned, it is important for …to do … 译文: 首先,就……而言,对于……来说做某事很重要。



The government should encourage industries and companies to move out of big cities and into regional areas.Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages? 【Model Essay】

Nowadays, more industries and companies develop in large cities, which causes plenty of problems like pollution, crowdedness and traffic jam.Some people suggest that the large factories and companies should move away from densely-populated areas like some metropolis.However, others oppose to their opinion.I will discuss both sides and give my own evaluation.Opponents raise many reasons to go against the vicinity between cities and large industries.They believe that many of these industries are hazardous and even fatal to human health.The monstrous system may deprive us the vigor and potential to enjoy our life and the products they produce.Proponents come up with quite different views.They firstly point out that not all industries are perilous to human, like some fine chemistry industries and even some tertiary industries, both of which can dwell harmoniously with people and offer them both products and job opportunities.They also believe moving these companies to regional areas is expensive and uneasy to the management, which may deter them from investing in their country.Personally, I side with neither side.This thesis is just too general in the scope and definition of the concept “industries and companies”.As we all well know, not every industry is harmful and noisy to us, but some of them are.Thus, how can we treat these different companies with an identical view? Putting them together and giving any comparison is quite unreasonable at all.Before we take any proposal, we had better think twice and then give our judgment.【高分词汇】

★metropolis n.首都,大城市

例Beijing is a metropolis in China.○译北京是中国的一个大城市。○★go against 违背,作对

例Don't go against your father.○译不要违背你的父亲。○★point out 指出;把注意力引向......例 This guide book points out the main facts of early American history.○译这本导游手册讲述了美洲早期的重要史实。○★deter v.阻止;制止

例Don't let failure deter you.○

译别让失败把你吓倒。○★at all 根本

例 No worry at all.○译别担心。○★think twice 三思,反复思考

例He told me to think twice before speaking.○译他叫我三思而后再发言。○【万能句型】

1.I will discuss both sides and give my own evaluation.译文:我将讨论双方的观点并给出我自己的评论。

解读:这种句型常常用于对称式写法的第一段的最后一句,引起下文,表示要分别讨论双方的观点,并在最后给出自己的结论。2.Opponents raise many reasons to go against...译文:反对者提出了很多理由反对.......解读:这种句型一般用于对称式写法的第二段的第一句,表示开始讨论反对者。3.Proponents come up with quite different views.译文:赞成者提出完全不同的观点。



Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

No one is alienated from the rest of the world.Thus, we can see no a single person to be solely living for himself--he must be simultaneously shouldering various duties for multifarious groups of people, such as employers and government, who must at the same time in turn undertake the duty of caring for him as well.I am not here to deny the necessity of saving money for one's aged life, but to state the reasons why the above parties should give their attention to individuals.What hits me at the first thought is that employers should have the liability to their employees, for they sacrificed their youth and shed tears and sweat for them.If employers were free to take the duties of their elderly employees, then they may feel so easy and comfortable to expel any of those “used” workers randomly.No just legislation can possibly tolerate this happen.And employers should have their duty to support the aged workers for their later part of life.Another party that should also attach importance to individuals is the government.People fight for their motherland with all their energy, health and even life.So undoubtedly, the government, like employers, should provide financial aid to citizens as well.As we can happily conclude, this world is not one that goes without justice and warmth between people.We give when we can and we take when we need.Employers as well as governments are due to unshakable responsibilities to give their care to individuals who have paid their efforts for them, which would be the way things ought to be.【高分词汇】

★alienate v.疏远

例 We'd better not alienate ourselves from the colleagues.○译我们最好还是不要与同事们疏远。○★shoulder vt.肩负,承当

例 You must shoulder the future of the country.○译你们必须肩负国家未来的重任。○★in turn 依次,轮流

例His policy was to beat each enemy in turn.○译他的方针是各个击破。○★undertake vt.承担,担任,许诺,保证

例He could undertake the work for the time being.○译他暂时能承担这项工作。○★liability n.责任,义务

例 What is your liability under the insurance contract? ○译按照保险契约贵方应负哪些责任呢? ○★randomly adv.随便地,未加计划地

例 Few people are randomly violent.○译很少有人是随意发火的。○★attach importance to 重视

例We must attach great importance to these problems and take effective measures to solve them.○译我们必须高度重视这些问题,采取有力措施加以解决。○★unshakable adj.不可动摇的,坚定不移的

例It is our unshakable policy to help them do that.○译帮助他们发展是我们坚定不移的政策。○【万能句型】

1、I am not here to deny the necessity of..., but to state the reasons why...译文:在这里我并不否认......的必要性,我只是想说明......的原因。


2、What hits me at the first thought is that...for...译文:我第一点想说的是,„„,因为„„




Today, people can work and live in anywhere they want, because of the improvement of communication technology and transport.Do advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? 【Model Essay】

Nowadays, with the rapid development of communication technology and transport, people have more opportunities to choose the places where they work and live in.This phenomenon is often brought into public focus.People from different back grounds hold different attitudes towards it.From my own perspective, there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages.The reasons are chiefly as follows.First and foremost, this development can optimize human and other resources and fuel business growth rapidly.Geographical distance is not hurdle any more to stop people from entering a flow state when they are fully absorbed.That is to say, it enables the working people to choose their ideal jobs, and at the same time, the employers can also recruit and retain right employees easily.Besides, the improvement of communication technology and transport can be a possible solution to many problems, such as traffic jams, air pollution and so on.For example, with the help of computers, the Internet, phones and other high-tech devices, people can work, shop, and study at home and fewer cars are driven on the roads.All in all, I admit the development also brings disadvantages, for example, more people rely on the modern technology and are reluctant to get in touch with others, but in many aspects, its merits obviously outweigh its drawbacks.【高分词汇】


例All communications with the north have been by snowstorm.○译北部的一切通信均被暴风雨所阻。○★optimize vt.使最优化

例Design and optimize logistics solution.○译设计优化物流方案。○★fuel n.燃料

例Soot is usually the product of the imperfect combustion of fuel.○译煤烟通常是燃料不完全燃烧的产物。○★Geographical adj.地理学的,地理的

例Pollution of geographical environment is a serious problem.○译地理环境污染是一个严重的问题。○★distance n.距离,远离

例We spotted them at a distance of two hundred yards.○译我们在相距200码处就看到了他们。○★hurdle n.障碍

例In starting a new company, many hurdles must be crossed.○译刚创办一个公司时,必须克服许多障碍。○★far away 遥远,深远

例He lives far away from us.○译他住的地方离我们很远。○★moderate adj.中等的,适度的

例He has a room of moderate size.○译他有一个大小适中的房间。○★rely on 依赖,依靠

例You can rely on me for help.○译你可以依靠我来帮忙。○★reluctant adj.不顾的,勉强的

例He gives me a reluctant assistance.○


1、People from different back grounds hold different attitudes towards it.From my own perspective, there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages.The reasons are chiefly as follows.译文: 来自不同背景的人们对此都持有各自不同的态度。在我看来,这种现象的优点要远远大过其缺点。主要原因如下。


2.All in all, I admit the development also brings disadvantages, for example,...but in many aspects, its merits obviously outweigh its drawbacks.译文: 总之,我承认,这种发展也带来了一些不利因素,例如,······,但在许多方面,他的优点明显大于缺点。



Some people believe that to improve public health should increase the number of sports facilities;others believe that it has little effects and need other measures to improve it.Discuss both views and give your opinion.【Model Essay】

The construction of new sports facilities are definitely needed in an environment where people's health is in a declining state.However, there are those who believe that the way to improving people's health should lie in other measures that governments have to come up with to get people to live more healthily.In many countries, the lack of sports facilities has directly led to a sharp decline in the general public's involvement in sports activities, which is the major reason for overweight nowadays.If a wider range of sports and fitness facilities(swimming pools, basketball court and gymnasiums etc.)were available, then people would be more willing to spend time taking exercise, instead of watching television, playing video games or using computers at home.However, the building of such facilities may become a waste of time and money if they are built far away from where people live or if they are too expensive to use.In these cases, the government should spend more advertising healthier lifestyle.In the first place, a well-balanced diet will provide the body with all the nutrients needed, which can help people maintain health, improve immunity and reduce effects of illness.In the second place, enough sleep and less alcoholic are vital to health.These should be widely publicized among citizens.In the third place, the

government should also attach importance to the public mental hygiene problems and make mental therapy be available to all the residents.Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that only enlarging the number of sports facilities is far from enough and a series of measures as I have listed above should also be taken to improve public health.【高分词汇】

★come up with 提出,拿出

例I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.○译我希望你们能提出一个比这个更好的计划。○★spend...on...把„„花在„„

例He doesn't spend much time on his homework.○译他花在写作业上的时间不多。○★instead of(用„„)代替„„,(是„„)而不是„„

例Will you go to the party instead of me? ○译你替我赴宴好吗? ○★well-balanced adj.很平衡,很均匀的,正常的,意识安全的

例We encourage and support all facets of a well-balanced work and personal life.○译我们鼓励和支持员工平衡好工作和个人生活的各方面。○★provide with 给„„提供;以„„装备

例Sheep provide us with wool.○译羊供给我们羊毛。○★improve v.改善,改进,提高

例If he can keep from smoking for a month or two, his health will improve.○译他要是一两个月不抽烟的话,健康一定会有起色的。○【万能句型】

1.In the first place,...In the second place,...In the third place,...译文: 首先,„„其次,„„其三,„„

解读:这种句型常用于论述作者支持或者反对某种观点的三点理由,或者用于表示列举。2.Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that …

译文: 基于以上讨论和分析,我们能认识到„„



Some people think it is more important to spend public money promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already ill.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

Along with the rapid development of the society, people are attaching much importance to health.Many people think that more public funds should be spent promoting healthy lifestyles rather than on treatment for people who are already ill.After careful consideration, I, personally, stand on the side of the advocates.The reasons are presented below.First and foremost, I believe that the saying “an ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure” is true, because the most effective way to defeat something is by a preemptive strike.The amount of time and money invested in promoting a healthy lifestyle would be far less than the amount spent curing persons who were too careless about their health.In addition, the benefits of encouraging healthy living far outweigh the “benefits” of curing the sick.In fact, there are no true benefits to spending money curing the sick, which is only the result of people neglecting their health.If they took better care of their health, there would be far less illnesses to worry about.Furthermore, living a healthy lifestyle is beneficial to a person’s life and society as a whole.Healthy persons tend to be happier and think more clearly.They are also less likely to become ill, thus, saving money on health care.All in all, of course, I am not suggesting that investments for treating people who are already ill should be neglected, because some ailments are unavoidable, such as hereditary ailments like high blood pressure.However, illnesses brought about by an unhealthy lifestyle, such as Emphysema from smoking, are completely avoidable, and more should be invested in preventing avoidable illnesses.Many countries are beginning to ban smoking in public places, and have reported positive effects on public health as a result.This is just one example of how promoting healthy living which has proven to be effective.【高分词汇】

★ preemptive adj.抢先的

例I believe this was preemptive.○我认为这是先发制人的。★ neglect vt.忽视,疏忽

例 The government neglected industry.○政府忽视了工业。

★As a whole 整体来看,普遍说来,一般的说

例 There are some areas of poverty, but the country as a whole is fairly prosperous.○这个国家有些地区比较贫困,但总的来说是相当富裕的。★Health care 卫生保健

例Community health care is very important.○社区的卫生保健很重要。★ Avoidable adj.可避免的

例In fact, the mistakes are avoidable.○实际上,错误是可以避免的。★As a result 结果,因此

例As a result, he had to leave.○结果,他只得离开。【万能句型】

1.Along with the rapid development of the society, people are attaching much importance to„„



2.After careful consideration, I, personally, stand on the side of the advocates.The reasons are presented below.译文:经过认真考虑,我个人支持这一观点。原因如下。



An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people think individuals and society pay more attention to the future than to the present.Do you agree or disagree? 【Model Essay】

An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people also think individuals and society should attach more importance to the future than to the present.But another saying goes like this, “Yesterday is history;tomorrow is mystery;only today is a present.” So in my point of view, I would prefer to cherish today and strive for tomorrow.There are many reasons supporting my view.Most important of all, tomorrow is always a day after today and the future is abstract, which we can only imagine it in our mind.But we do know that today passes very quickly.So we must grasp it firmly and devote more efforts to work and study.If it is necessary for us to fulfill something today, let us finish it and do not leave it until tomorrow.Remember that today is more valuable and we must get hold of it rather than imagine what the future is like.Moreover, what we are doing at present decides what the tomorrow would be like.However, some people do not know the value of today, so they waste it in going to films, playing games and doing other useless things.Idleness is the thief of today which can bring us a failure future.Finally, what the actor said really means that tomorrow is hope and the hope is important and precious, which we should never give up.However, only hope cannot achieve anything.So we should grasp the present to work hard and to get near to the hope.In fact, as long as we catch hold of today firmly, tomorrow must be fantastic.【高分词汇】

★Precious adj.宝贵的,贵重的

例○He has sent me most precious gifts.译○他送给我极其珍贵的礼物。

★Prefer to 较喜欢;宁愿

例○I prefer country life to town life.译○我更喜欢乡村生活而不是城市生活。

★ cherish vt.珍爱,怀抱(希望等)

例○ The old lady tenderly cherished her dog.译○老妇人十分爱她的狗。

★Strive for 奋斗,争取

例○ They have strived for peace.译○他们为谋求Precious和平而争斗。

★ firmly adv.坚定地,稳固地

例○ We stood firmly against expansionism.译○我们坚决反对扩张主义。

★Devote vt.投入于,现身

例○ We should devote everything we have.译○我们应该奉献我们的一切。

★ Idleness n.闲散,懒惰。赋闲无事

例○ Idleness rusts the mind.译○懒惰脑筋要生锈。

★Give up 放弃;认输

例○I can’t answer that puzzle;I give up.译○我猜不出这个谜语,我认输了。

★ fantastic adj.幻想的,奇异的

例 What a fantastic goal!○译这球进的多漂亮!○【万能句型】

1.But another saying goes like this,“…”


解读:这是引用谚语的一种句型,用谚语或古语来引出某种观点,使观点更有说服力。2.So in my point of view,I would prefer to„ 译文:因此,依我看来,我宁愿„„

解读:这种句型一般用在第一段,表明作者立场;也可放在最后一段,总结作者的观点。3.There are many reasons supporting my view.译文:有很多理由支持我的观点。



People should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than their personal benefits.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

【Model Essay】

The generally accepted definition of health is a state of complete physical,mental,and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.Some people maintain that people should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than their personal benefits.I agree with this position and my arguments for this point are listed as follows.On the one hand,the healthy condition of the national people is the symbol of the nation’s peace and prosperity.We can’t forget the fact, in the end of 19th century, not only the Chinese people were sneered at “oriental illness”, but also the territory was invaded and exploited.And at the contemporary age, a nation’s prosperity very much depends on the contribution made by its citizens who are in good health.Healthy people can devote to working and bring more benefits to the society.They can enhance productivity of the society and create more fortune.As a result, the entire society tends to be more wealthy and harmonious.On the other hand, health care is the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical,nursing, and allied health professions.So we can see that people who neglect their health would impose heavy burdens on the society they live in.As mentioned above, we gradually recognized that health is a matter of everybody in practice but not an individual matter.It is a positive concept emphasizing both social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.【高分词汇】

★ definition n.定义,释义

例I made a definition for this word.○译我给这个词下了定义。○★absence n.不在,缺席,缺乏,没有

例 A major problem is the absence of water.○★look after


例They don’t look after themselves very well.○译他们没有很好地照顾自己。○★prosperity n.繁荣

例The new agreement raised hopes for conditions of prosperity and harmony.○译新的协议唤起了人们对繁荣和和谐前景的期望。○★harmonious adj.和谐的,协调的,和睦的

例The advantages of harmonious relations far outweigh the disadvantages of confrontation.○译和谐关系的好处远远大于冲突的坏处。○★prevention n.预防,防止

例Prevention is better than cure.○译预防远胜于治疗。○★impose vt.强加,强迫

例Overcrowding impose mental stains.○译 过度拥挤使精神紧张。○【万能句型】

1.The generally accepted definition of …is… 译文:被普遍接受的„„的定义是„„

解读:这种句型一般运用在第一段,用定义的方法引出话题。被定义的往往是题目中的关键词。本文就是首先运用对“健康”一词定义,为下文展开话题作铺垫。2.On the one hand,„ 译文:一方面,„„

解读:这个句型一般用于论述作者赞成或反对某种观点的一个方面的原因,如果是用于第二段开头,这一句的内容就是该段的中心句,后面会包括几个更具体的原因。3.On the other hand,„ 译文:另一方面,„„

解读:这个句型一般用于论述作者赞成或反对某种观点的另一个方面的原因,和on the one hand配对使用。



Development in technology causes problems.Some people believe the solution to these problems is for everyone to live a simpler life, while others say that technology can solve these problems.Discuss both views and give your opinion.As we all know, certain developments in technology lead to environmental problems.The best example I can give for this is the industrial revolution, and manual labor was largely replaced by machines, which were operated by burning coal and fossil fuels.This is thought by many to be a major cause of pollution and other environmental problems since the waste and after–products of burning fuels are usually disposed of into the air and water.How to solve these problems? Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to analyze the following arguments on two sides.Some people advocate that living a simpler life and less consuming lifestyle is a solution to the matter, and everyone should certainly make an effort to be less wasteful in their daily lives.However, although this method may be the most practical one, it would require an extraordinary amount of effort from everyone which perhaps a little too much to expect.And sadly, some people may not be cooperative with any steps taken to ensure such a lifestyle because they have become too comfortable in their over-consuming way of life.Others point out that technicians are working hard to find ways to keep the earth clear.For example, scientists have studied clean technologies like batteries and wind power for years because of the threat of climate change.At the same time, with the development of technology, energy companies can produce more energy while emit less carbon dioxide.Admittedly, both sides are reasonable.But they are one-sided.In my opinion, the country should build up and carry out scientific development philosophy in an all-around way and set up environment-friendly policies and systems to develop recycling economy and stick to the way of new industrialization.Moreover, we should reinforce international cooperation in terms of environmental protection and sustainable development.【高分词汇】 ★lead to 导致,引起

例 In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results.○译在一定条件下,坏事可以导致好的结果。○★industrial revolution 工业革命

例 That country must have an industrial revolution.○译那个国家必须进行工业革命。○★make an effort 做出努力

例 The prisoner made an effort to escape.○译囚犯企图越狱。○★extraordinary adj.非常的,特别的,非凡的,额外的

例 There will be an extraordinary meeting next Wednesday to discuss the emergence resolution.○译下星期三将会有一个额外安排的会议专门讨论紧急决议。○★cooperative with 和„„合作

例Patients should be cooperative with the doctor in order to recover from the disease.○译病人要与医生合作,以期早日康复。○★carbon dioxide n.【化】二氧化碳

例Soft drinks contain carbon dioxide.○译软饮料中含有二氧化碳。○★build up 逐步建立,增强,增进

例 The pressure on the enemy is building up.○译对敌人的压力在不断地增强。○★carry out 执行,贯彻

例He carried out the plan in very detail.○译他一丝不苟地执行哪项计划。○★all-around adj.全面的,综合性的

例 This is an all-around dictionary.○译这是一本综合词典。○★environment-friendly adj.环保的,有利于环境的

例 A new kind of bags, environment–friendly shopping bags were introduced by our ○government


1、Some people advocate that„ 译文:一些人提倡„„

解读: 在分析两方观点之前,需先引出观点内容。这种句型就是用来引出题目中一方观点的常用表达,放在第二段句首,表示开始分析一方的观点。

3、Others point out that…


解读: 这种句型常常用来引出题目中另一方的观点,放在第三段句首,表示开始分析另一方面的观点。


Some think that these environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve, while others think that individuals can solve these environmental problems if they take some action.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.【Model Essay】

It is true that one person alone does not have the capability to solve all environmental problems, such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources.However, this does not mean that an individual is completely powerless when it comes to protecting the environment.It is our duty as individual to try our best to deal with these problems.A good example of an individual can make sense is Al G ore, the democratic candidate for the US presidential elections for 2000,and his film An Inconvenient Truth.His film reached enormous popularity and helped gather much attention to the state of the earth and how pollution affects it.It is hard to say how much effect this had on the environment due to people’s changed attitudes, but it certainly helps arose people’s consciousness of protecting environment.Individuals can also join together and make a difference.For example, the Greenpeace Organization has also attached much attention to the cause of a cleaner environment and organized individuals to take an active part in some environmental-friendly actions.Individual’s actions can also be turned into united power when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaign to oppose environmentally damaging policies.All in all, the earth is our home and each individual has responsibility to take care of it, not only for ourselves but also for our later generations.So we must work together to protect the environment and there is also a great deal that we can do alone.For example, we can save energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, which is also ultimately good for the environmental.【高分词汇】

★try one’s best 竭尽全力,尽力

例 Whatever you do, try your best.○


○★make sense 讲得通,有意义

例 This sentence doesn’t make any sense ○译这个句子没有意义。○★arise vt.引发,激起,唤起

例 During the night a great storm has arisen ○译夜里来了一场大风暴。○★consciousness n.意识,知觉,自觉,觉悟,个人思想

例 The experience helped to change her social consciousness ○译这种经验有助于改变她的社会意识。○★ turn into(使)变成

例 Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician ○译琼正在变成一个技艺精湛的音乐家。○★ participate in 分担,参加

例 The people are demanding a chance to participate more in government ○译人民要求更多的参与政事的机会。○★ work together 共同,携手

例 Some people think that we should work together to protect the environment ○译有些人认为我们应该携手共同保护环境。○【万能句型】

1.When it comes to„„ 译文:当谈到„„

解读:这种句型常用来引出观点或问题,可以用在第一段,也可以用在其他段落。本文用在第一段,引出作者的观点。2.All in that…not only…but also… 译文:总之,……这不仅仅是…,也是…



Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further.However, others think this leads to environmental problems, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.【Model Essay】

Whether air travel should be cheaper or more expensive has become a hot topic for discussion recently.Some people contend the price should be lifted to discourage it, which can contribute to environmental protection.Nevertheless, quite a few people stand on a very different ground.Both sides of argument are well supported by sound reasons.People who support that discouraging air travel by more expensive price give some of the following reasons.For one thing, air pollution by a plane could be dozens of times as that of common vehicles.And increasing the price of air travel can prevent many people from unnecessary journeys and reduce the use of planes and fuel.Less use of air flying produces less pollution.For another thing, raising the price of air travel could encourage the use of other cheap, clean and efficient high-tech protects as communication tools, like mobile phones, the Internet and computers, which can substitute for business travel by air.However, the other side of the coin voices its strong opposition, saying that cheap air travel has obvious merits.In the first place, lower price and superb systems of air communications make it possible for modern travelers to visit far away places at a moderate cost within hours.Actually, traveling by air has so far been the best way for people to travel around the world, considering the distance covered, the number of passengers transported and travel time.Admittedly, both opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to decide which one is more valuable.From my own perspective, international traveling by air has so far been the most economical and efficient way which should not be rudely discouraged by improving the price.And the cost of air travel should sustain at a reasonable level.【高分词汇】

★lift vt.升高,提高,举起,空转

例 This window will not lift.○译这个窗户推不上去。○★ substitute for 用„„代替,(使)代替

例 Can you substitute for the singer who is ill? ○译你能替一下那位生病的歌手吗? ○★superb adj.挺好的

例 They’ve designed us a superb plan.○译他们给我们设计了一个极好的计划。○★so far 迄今为止

例 So far ,so god ○译到目前为止,一切顺利。○

★sustain vt.支撑,撑住,维持,持续

例 We do not have enough money to sustain our campaign for long.○译我们没有足够的财力是宣传活动长期保持下去。○★reasonable adj.合理的,有道理的

例Fresh vegetables are reasonable in winter, too ○译冬季新鲜蔬菜的价格也不贵。○【万能句型】

1.Both sides of argument are well supported by sound reasons.译文: 双方论据都有合理的理由


2.Admittedly, both opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to decide which one is more valuable.From my own perspective… 译文: 无可否认,双方观点都有一定的道理,因此很难确定哪一方更有价值。在我看来,…



Many people think it is important to protect the environment, but they make no effort on it themselves.Why is it and what your opinion? 【Model Essay】

Environment means the land, water and atmosphere we live by.However, pollution is, in fact, threatening it severely.People are also beginning to realize just how serious the whole situation is and they appeal that it is time to protect the environment.They are worrying, but do not make any effort yet.The reasons are chiefly as follows.On the one hand, many people think individual actions are too tiny to be noticed and their behaviors are indifferent to the environment.It will not get better for one`s effort, and will not worsen for one`s ignorance.On the other hand, some people think that environmental problems are too big for individual to deal with.No single person can save the environment.That is why nobody takes any action by himself.How can we protect environment at individual level? Individual actions, small as they may be, can prove more effective than we realize.We can avoid driving cars, and walk, take public transit or bicycle instead.This will reduce the use of fuel and cut pollution.Saving energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is also ultimately good for the environment.Individual`s actions can also be turned into united power when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaign to oppose environmentally damaging policies.From what has been mentioned above, we can see that environmental protection is pretty complicated, which need each one`s effort and willingness.And it is the duty and responsibility of every individual to protect the environment.But the most pressing and complicated problems go far beyond an individual`s capability and so require the concerted effort of the environment as well as the global community.【高分词汇】

★threatening adj.胁迫的,危险的

例 That dog is very threatening.○译那条狗非常吓人。○★appeal vi.求助,诉请,要求

例 This job is rather appeals to me.○译这工作对我很有吸引力。○★ tiny adj.很少的,微小的

例 The baby put his tiny hand in mine.○译那个婴儿把小手放在我的手中。○★indifferent adj.无关紧要的

例 His manner was cold and indifferent.○译他的态度既冷漠又无动于衷。○★complicated adj.复杂的,难解的

例 This is the most complicated case I have ever handled.○译这是我所处理过的最为复杂的案子。○★pressing adj.紧迫的,迫切的

例 Pressing business matters prevented him from taking a holiday.○译他因生意上有紧迫事情而不能去度假。○★concerted adj.商议定的,协定的

例 He woke his audience to the need for concerted action.○译他使听众意识到有必要采取一致的行动。○【万能句型】

1.On the one hand, … On the other hand,….译文: 一方面„„,另一方面„„

解读:在论述原因或优缺点时,如果只有两点,就可用这个句型。它可以使段落层次清晰。本文第二段就采用了这种句型结构。类似的表达还有For one thing,…For another thing… 一方面„„另一方面„„ From what has been mentioned above, we can see that… 译文: 从上面谈到的,我们可以看出„„



The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate.What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems? 【Model Essay】

There is nothing unusual about energy like coals and oils being consumed, principally because economic development depends on natural resources all the time.But today, energy depletion is on a massive scale and this problem is so knotty that should deserve our closer heed.Amongst the diverse factors contributing to the energy crises around the world, government`s policies and citizens` extravagant use of automobiles are probably the two most significant ones.Additionally, the amount of private cars increases at such a breakneck speed that the petroleum used amounts to an intimidating proportion of the natural resources.The consequences are undoubtedly disastrous for human beings.Although countries can boast their growth of GDP, their citizens have to endure the ever deteriorated environment with stinking gas belching from factories and vehicles, polluted water due to fuels infiltrating underground, even ultraviolet radiation in the absence of ozone layer.Therefore, their quality of life is by no means improved.Therefore, the governments must take serious steps to attack those problems.The first and foremost is that governments have to reverse their minds and no longer deem the growth of GDP their first goal.Rather, the betterment of citizens` quality of life should deserve more attention than the economic growth.Furthermore, the use of private cars should be discouraged by authorities, who must shoulder the responsibility of improving public transportation in order to facilitate people as well as release the burden of energy consumption.In conclusion, to avoid the phrase “filthy rich” added to themselves, countries must pay more heed to the efficient use of energy and the issue of environmental protection;otherwise, environmental problems and energy crisis are feared to happen all around the world.【高分词汇】

★natural resources 天然资源

例 We must develop the natural resources of our country.○译○我们必须开发我们国家的天然资源。★all the time 总是;始终

例○ All the time people are seeking to prolong life.译○人们总是在寻找延长生命的方法。★heed n.注意,留意

例Take heed not to spill milk on the rug.○译○当心别把牛奶洒在地毯上。★extravagant adj.浪费的,过分的 例○Am I being extravagant? 译我这样是不是太奢侈? ○★breakneck adj.要使颈骨折断似的,非常危险的 例○June worked at a breakneck pace to execute her plan.译琼废寝忘食地工作以实施其计划。○★boast v.自夸,以有„„而自豪

例She made a boast of her son`s talent and daughter`s beauty.○译○她夸耀她儿子聪明,女儿漂亮。★by no means 绝不

例Theory should by no means be separated from practice.○译○理论绝对不应该脱离实际。

★attack vt.攻击,抨击,动手处理(某事)例○We shall fight them back if they attack.译他们如若进攻,我们必将反击。○【万能句型】

1.Therefore, … must take serious steps to attack those problems.译文: 因此,……必须采取严厉的措施来解决这些问题。


2.In conclusion,…Otherwise,… 译文: 总之„„否则„„

解读:这种句型一般用于最后一段,用于总结全文,得出结论,otherwise 表示从反面进一步加以论述。



Newspapers have become an enormous influence on people’s ideas and opinions.Is it a desirable or undesirable situation.【Model Essay】

Newspapers have been playing an essential role in shaping people’s thoughts on a wide range of issues.In my opinion, this complex phenomenon has both positive and negative aspects which need to be analyzed respectively.To a large extent, this situation is a desirable one with its many positive aspects.First of all, unlike works of fiction, newspapers mostly report actual occurrences.Therefore, when any opinion is expressed, whether intentional or not, they are regarded as fact along with other undisputable stories the paper presents.This is how newspapers influence the opinions of the public.In addition, many major newspapers have smoothly operated branches, seasoned correspondents and highly efficient systems to collect local news with the swiftest actions.Most importantly, their coverage and insightful comments can encourage young readers to form their own opinions on current affairs.On the other hand, people should be fully aware of the downside of the journalistic dominance.For example, newspapers tell stories that could be exaggerated or simply untrue to spur negative feelings towards a certain group.In addition, since we already know that newspapers can shape people’s opinions, it is difficult to judge whether those who believe one thing are actually holding their own opinion, or being influenced by the press.This simply means that whoever controls the press controls the opinions of the people, which results in a low variety of opinions.To sum up, newspapers have become so influential that it would be easy for people to believe that something did not happen if it was not reported.So I suggest that more privately run newspapers should be permitted to be publish, which can provide opportunities for the public to deliver their own opinions freely.【高分词汇】

★Regard as 把„„认作 例○ Don’t regard fantasies as truth.译 不要把幻想看成事实。○★Seasoned adj.经验丰富的,老练的 例 He is a seasoned traveler.○译○ 他是一位有经验的旅行者。★Correspondent n.通讯记者,通信者

例 They said foreign correspondents who stayed too long in a place went blind.○译○ 他们说,驻外记者在一个地方待得太久就变得不能发现新事物了。★Coverage n.新闻报道,报道量

例○ There’s little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper.译 报纸上几乎没有国外新闻报道。○★Insightful adj.富有洞察力的,有深刻讲解的

例○ They have a reputation for being intuitive and insightful.译 他们既有敏锐的洞察力,又有深刻的见解。○★Be aware of n.知道

例 Always stay alert and be aware of your surroundings.○译○ 随时随地保持警惕并意识到你四周的环境。★Comment n.解释,评论,意见 例 Comment is needless.○译○ 解释是不必要的。

★Dominance n.优势,支配地位

例○ Their economic dominance has merely been postponed.译 这些新兴经济体要占据经济主导地位还欠火候。○★Influential adj.有影响的,有势力的

例○ He is a very influential man in the government.译○ 他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。【万能句型】

1、In my opinion, this complex phenomenon has both positive and negative aspects which need to be analyzed respectively.译文:在我看来,这种复杂的现象既有积极地方面,也有消极的方面,需要深入分析。解读:这种句型常常用于第一段末尾,表明作者的观点,同时引起下文。

2、To a large extent, this situation is a desirable one with its many positive aspects.译文:在很大程度上,这种情况是好的,有许多积极地方面。解读:这种句型常常用于第二段第一句,表示开始分析积极的方面。

3、On the other hand, people should be fully aware of the downside of„„ 译文:另一方面,人们应该充分认识到„„这种不利的方面 解读:这种句型常常用于第三段开头,表示开始分析消极的方面。


Many people think music plays an important role in society;others, however, believe music is simply a form of entertainment for individuals.What’s your opinion? 【Model Essay】

Nowadays, music is becoming increasingly prevalent at an amazing rate.As to the function of it, there is a long-running controversial debate.A majority of people contend that music is simply a form of entertainment for individuals, but others believe music plays an important role in society.Personally, I side with the latter opinion.No doubt, music is very relaxing.After a day of hard working, it is fun to listen to some music at home.You can even play a musical instrument for a while.In this way, music relieves the tension caused by the problems of a long day of work.At the same time, music plays an more important role than just entertainment.To begin with, music has the function of motivation.Exciting music can promote the morale of people.For example, when Chinese people fought against the invaders, many pieces of music were composed to encourage the spirits of the nationals.So the final victory should also credit much to the music.Then, music can act as a kind of communicating method.That is to say, people can feel the feelings in the music.Furthermore, music can raise people’s sense of art and their appreciating level, which helps them to pursue healthy hobbies and reduce their bad behaviors.Finally, music can console people from sorrows and make them feel mentally quiet.Whenever people hear music, you see them smiling and tapping their feet along with the beat.From the above analysis, we can reach the conclusion that music has various functions rather than individual entertainment.For the existence of music, the world keeps wonderful and peaceful.And we should not neglect the great importance of music.【高分词汇】

★Prevalent adj.普遍的,流行的

例 The habit of travelling by airplane is becoming more and more prevalent.○译○ 乘飞机旅行的习惯变得越来越盛行了。

★Side with 与(某人)站在同一边,和(某人)持有同样的见解 例○ She always sides with me.译 她总是站在我这一边。○★ relieve vt.减轻,缓解

例○ The doctors did their best to relieve the patient.译○ 医生们尽力减轻病人的痛苦。★Morale n.士气,斗志

例 The morale of the enemy troops is sinking lower every day.○译○ 敌军的士气日益低落。

★Credit to 为„„增光的人(事物)

例○ The sportsmen are determined to be a credit to their country.译运动员们决心为国增光。○★Sense of art 艺术感

例○ Music can raise people’s sense of art.译○ 音乐能提升人们的艺术感。★Pursue vt.追赶,追求

例He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.○译○ 他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。★Along with 和„„一起

例○ Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.译 和酒一样,烟草在大多数国家都要征税。○【万能句型】

1、No doubt…… 译文:无疑,„„


2、At the same time,„„plays a more important role than just„„ 译文:同时,„„有着更重要的作用,而不仅仅是„„



Some people think media should not report detail of crimes to the public.To what extent do you agree or disagree ? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.【Model Essay】

Recently, the discussion about whether the crime in the newspaper and on TV should be described at length has become a heated one.Some people assert that the media coverage of crime details should be banned while others claim that such reports have their own advantages.Before presenting my view, I seek to analyze the issue from different angles.From some people’s points of view, there are many good reasons for opposing the detailed description about the crimes in the newspaper and on TV.Firstly, the reports of criminal details often contain numerous of erotic, corrupt and provoking episodes, which may carry great risks and bring negative influence to young people.Furthermore, media reports of criminal details are unfair for the victim of crimes.The victims who have suffered greatly from these crimes would feel they were forced to experience a nightmare again.Many others, however, take a quite strong opposite attitude towards this issue.They believe the detailed descriptions about crimes should not be banned.The fundamental reason for this is that such reports keep the public alert to crimes.Should all these reports disappear from the media, it would be very hard for the public to know about the crimes occurring in society.As far as I am concern, I strongly believe that the detailed descriptions about crime in newspaper and on TV should be controlled to some extent.At the same time, we cannot deny the advantages brought by them.Therefore, we should encourage the media to inform the public about the criminal acts, but not in great detail.【高分词汇】

★At length充分地;详尽的

例○He went into the subject at full length.译○他详细地研究了这个问题。★Contain vt.包含,容纳,容忍

例○Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.译○威士忌的酒精含量很高,★Episode 一段情节,插曲;片段 例○The episode of this film sounds good.译○这部电影的插曲很好听。

★Suffer from 患(某种病);受(某种病痛)折磨;因……而受罚(苦、损)例○Sometimes I still suffer from these weaknesses.译○有时我还是在吃这些弱点的苦头。★Nightmare梦魇,噩梦

例○I a had nightmare about being drowned in a lake.译○我做了个在湖里淹死的噩梦。★Disappear消失,不见

例○The snow will soon disappear when the warm weather comes.译○天气变暖时,雪很快就会融化。★Occur 发生,出现

例○I hope this won’t occur again.译○我希望不要再发生这种事情。★To some extent某种程度上

例○National economic growth accelerated to some extent.译○国民经济增长速度有所加快。【万能句型】

1.From some people’s points of view, there are many good reasons for apposing … 译文:从一些人的观点来看,有许多理由可以用来反对……


2.Many others, however, take a quite strong opposite attitude towards this issue.译文:然而,许多其他的人对这个问题持有完全相反的态度。



With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them.What ways could mobile phones and Internet be useful to old people? How do old people be encouraged to use these new technologies? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.【Model essay】

New technologies such as mobile phones and the internet not only bring a lot of fun to youngsters, but also have an important effect on senior citizens who would like to keep pace with the age.However, after thorough survey, we find that unlike the youth, most old people are afraid to try these new technologies.For one thing, based on pondering on many occasions, the new technologies could be useful to old people in the following ways.Firstly, it is convenient for them to keep in touch with their children who live independently or study overseas by using mobile phones or e-mails.They could communicate with their children on line or by sending instant massages.Besides, if some of old people feel physically uncomfortable or get in danger outdoors and alone , they could immediately make an emergency call or inform their relatives or friends.For another thing, we can see that old people are reluctant to learn new technologies, so some feasible measures should be taken to encourage them to use the high-tech products.First and foremost, they should be specially designed for the old people, i.e., they should be cut down parts of the subsidiary functions and easy to operate.Moreover, the buttons and displayed characters should be extra big so that old people could see them clearly.furthermore, these products should

be cheap enough to be acceptable to the old people.Last but not least, as far as the old people concerned, they are also really supposed to be a bit more confident to make use of the new technologies.Generally, I should say that let the high-tech facilitates both young and old people’s lives, which need the technologists to make just one step forward.【高分词汇】

★Keep pace with 并驾齐驱

例○Our theoretic work must keep pace with our revolutionary practice.译○我们的理论工作必须和革命实践相适应。★Keep in touch.保持联络 例○We’ll keep in touch with you.译○我们将和你保持联系。★Independently独立地,自立地 例○Can you complete it independently? 译○你能够独立完成吗?

★Communicate with 与……联系,与……交往 例○I communicate with him regularly by letter.译○我与他定期通信。★Get in 到达

例○What time does the rain from London get in? 译○从伦敦来的火车何时进站? ★Reluctant 不顾的,勉强的 例○He gave me a reluctant assistance.第六节——科技


Some people support the development in agriculture such as factory farming and scientific creation of new type of fruits and vegetables.some people oppose it.Discuss both views and give your opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.【Model Essay】

It is widely acknowledge that the debut of new things always accompanies debating and arguing.Some people support the development of agriculture, such as factory farming and scientific creation of fruits and vegetables, while others oppose it.Undeniablely, there are points in both sides of the argument..Those who favor the new development of agriculture give their reasons as follows.Firstly, traditional agriculture has always been slow and lack of efficiency in mass production of food.So it is necessary to introduce scientific methods to create new fruits, vegetables, ect, which can ensure the citizens have enough meat, corns, fruits and vegetables to consume.Secondly, factory farming can be very profitable since we can get rid of the impact from climatic factors and pest invasion, which can promote economic development.However, the other side of the effects cannot be ignored.First and foremost, this way of agricultural production may do harm to our health.For example, in order to make pigs grow faster, a lot of chemic ingredients are added into the feeding stuff.When we eat the meat of the animals fed up by the feeding stuff, the ingredients come into our innards.Cancers and other diseases may attack us with the accumulation of these harmful chemic ingredients.In addition, this production way can seriously pollute the environment.Tons of chemic fertilizers are spread into the fields, which will ruin the soil.After years of farming, this soil would be so barren that no plants are suitable to grow there.As far as I am concerned, I agree with the former.In modern society, traditional modes of agriculture are too slow and monotonous to fulfil the appetite of global citizens.We should grasp the opportunity to accelerate the development of agriculture.【高分词汇】

★ debut n.初次登场,开张

例○ Helen made her debut at a party when she was eighteen.译○海伦十八岁时在一次聚会上初次进入社交界。★ get rid of 摆脱,除去 例○ we must get rid of this bad style.译我们必须去掉这种不良作风。○★ attack vt.攻击,抨击,动手处理(某事)例○ We shall fight them back if they attack.译○他们如若进攻,我们必将反击。

★ accumulation v.加速,促进 例○ The capitalists only care about the accumulation of weath.译 资本界只顾积累财富。○★ accelerate v.加速,促进

例○ We must seize all opportunities to accelerate development.译 必须抓住一切机遇加快发展。○


1.Undeniable,there are points in both sides of the argument.译文:不可否认,辩论的双方都有道理。


2.Those who favor …give their reasons as follows.译文:那些支持„„的人理由如下。

解读:这种句型一般用于对称式写法第二段的第一句,表示开始论证正方的观点。3.However, the other side of the effects cannot be ignored.译文:然而,另一方面的影响也不能被忽视。




Some people think that criminals should be given longer terms in prison, so as to reduce the crime rate.To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.【Model Essay 】

With the incidence of crime hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.And a growing number of people have begun to insist that criminals should be given longer terms in prison, so as to reduce the crime rate.They argue that the law offenders should be punished severely.At first thought, this opinion seems to be sensible and sound.But on second thought, I find it is not often the case.The reasons are given below.The first one is that longer terms in prison may be unfair to the criminals.Punishment should match with the crime, which is a major principle and has been acknowledged by most countries.If criminals are given longer terms than they deserve, this act itself is a kind of crime which deprives the basic human rights of criminals.Besides, some of the criminals are very talented people and may be experts in some fields.So after a certain term of imprisonment, they should be set free and use their talent to serve the society.If they were detained in the prison for longer terms ,they may lose the opportunities of making good use of their skills.The third one is that if criminals were locked up in prisons longer, the government would spend more money providing them food and shelter.This is a huge waste of wealth.Taking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that giving criminals longer terms in prison is not the only way to prevent crimes.At the same time, the government should take some other measures to combat against crimes.For example, the government may reclaim criminals by education and teaching then skills.【高分词汇】

★ offender n.犯罪;冒犯者

例 Reckon leniently with a first offender.○译○ 对初犯者从宽发落。

★ punish vt.惩罚,处分

例○ The parents punished their disobedient child.译 父母惩罚了他们不听话的孩子。○★ severely adv.严重地,严格地

例 His courage was severely tired.○译○ 他的勇气收到了严峻的考验。

★ sound adj.健全的,可靠的,合理的

例○ You had better establish a sound foundation for your further study.译 你最好为将来的深造打下牢固的基础。○★ match with 使„„和„„相配(称)

例○ What you have said doesn’t match with the facts.译○ 你所说的跟事实不完全相符。

★ principle vt.应得;应受(赏、罚等),该奖[罚] 例 These machines work on the same principle.译 这些机器按同样的原理运转。

★ deserve vt.应得;应受(赏、罚等),该奖(罚)

例○ If you do wrong, you deserve punishment.译 你如做错事,应当受罚。○★ set free 释放

例○ We pray you to set the prisoner free.译○ 我们恳求你释放这个囚犯。

★ Detain vt.扣留,拘留

例○ The policeman detains him as a suspect.译○ 警察把他当做嫌疑犯而加以拘留。


1.With the incidence of …hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.译文:随着„„的发生率居高不下,这引起了很多人的困扰和警觉。解读:这种句型常常用于第一段第一句,介绍背景,引出要讨论的话题。

2.Taking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that 译文:考虑到所有的这些因素,我们可以得出结论„„



Many people are afraid to leave home because of crime.Some believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crimes, but others feel little can be done.What’s your view? 【Model Essay】

Nowadays, the incidence of crime is growing at a staggering rate, which leads to some people are afraid to leave home.Such a grave situation merits our careful attention.Some suggest that more effective measures should be taken to guard against crimes, while others feel nothing can make sense.From my part, I totally consent to the former point of view.We should take effective measures to solve the problem.The basic way to stop so many crimes is the serious punishment and actions taken by the government.We should put more police force to protect the public security, especially in some high-crime ratio areas.And the police force should be armed with the most advanced equipment for their better performance in their daily work, With the help of the latest technologies, such as the surveillance skill, computer skill and etc, the work of policemen will become efficient and the rate of crime will decrease gradually.And for common people, what they need to do is to keep alert, try best to avoid any possible crimes.At the same time, learn some basic skills to defend crimes.For instance, do not walk along the dark footpath at night when you get back home from work;put your bag to the front instead of at back when walking in the crowded throng.In a word, do not give any chance to the criminals.So in my opinion, it is totally unnecessary for people to stay at home because of the crimes.Many things can be done to prevent crimes, If you have fully preparation, it will become relatively easy for you to treat with the crime.And even you encounter, you can reduce your lost to its minimum.【高分词汇】

★staggering adj.蹒跚的,摇晃的,令人惊愕的

例○He was half in the bag and staggering slightly.译○他已半醉,走路有点摇摇晃晃。

★guard against 提防,预防

例○ We should take measures to guard against accidents.译○我们应该采取措施防止事故发生。

★arm with 用……武装起来,装备有……的

例○ The government was armed with many facts and figures.译○政府以许多事实及数字作为武器。

★surveillance n.监视,监督

例○ We must keep these people under close surveillance.译○对这些人我们要严密监视。

★encounter v.遭遇,遇到,相遇 n.遭遇,遭遇战

例○ It seems probable(that)we might encounter some unexpected troubles.译○我们很可能会遭遇到一些意向不到的麻烦。


1.Nowadays, the incidence of … is growing at a staggering rate, which lead to some people … 译文:如今,……以惊人的速度增长,使得一些人…… 解读:这种句型常常用于第一段第一句,介绍背景,引出话题。2.So in my opinion, it is totally unnecessary for … to … 译文:因此在我看来,因为……而……实在没有必要。




Nowadays many charities and other organizations publicize their activities by giving a name to a particular day every year, like National Non-smoking, National Children’s Day, etc.Why do these organizations do this? How effective can these special days be? 【Model Essay】












































AA收款: “AA收款”是微信内一个基于微信支付的一项应用。与“红包”不同的是,它能以某种名义(如聚餐、活动、班费等)来AA收款。

API接口支付: 是整合市面所有的支付通道,全力给合作方提供多途径通道,实现资源共享、风险共担的全新网络支付程序。


T+0 POS机:是指POS机上的当天所有成功交易,于银当日将POS机结算资金划入指定的结算账户,并收取相关服务费用的特殊结算处理业务。目前市场上比较流行的T+0 POS机均是由支付公司作为垫付方,在当日进行资金垫付,并会相应收取高额的手续费用。

T+1 POS机:就是当日发生的POS机交易均延顺到下一个交易日进行结算,这种结算方式符合了银联对资金结算的方式,安全性、稳定性均有很大保障。

T+1: T+1是一种股票交易制度,即当日买进的股票,要到下一个交易日才能卖出。“T”指交易登记日,“T+1”指登记日的次日。我国上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所对股票和基金交易实行“T+1”的交易方式,中国股市实行“T+1”交易制度,当日买进的股票,要到下一个交易日才能卖出。

IVR支付: 即IVR电话支付,是一种通用的可脱离互联网的可移动式支付方式,几乎适用于所有类型的商品交易,特别适用于接收消费者打入客服或销售热线订购商品的商家。消费者可以在网站或者热线电话里先下订单,后选择电话支付,商家会将您的订单情况下达到银行系统或第三方支付平台。如果是电话下单的,可以由商家直接转到银行或者支付平台的支付热线进行电话支付;如果是网站或其他方式下单的,这时就可通过手机、小灵通或固定电话,根据自己所拥有的银行卡拨打电话银行或者支付平台热线,根据预定提示完成付款。



NFC支付:是指消费者在购买商品或服务时,即时采用NFC技术(Near Field Communication)通过手机等手持设备完成支付,是新兴的一种移动支付方式。支付的处理在现场进行,并且在线下进行,不需要使用移动网络,而是使用NFC射频通道实现与POS收款机或自动售货机等设备的本地通讯。NFC近距离无线通讯是近场支付的主流技术,它是一种短距离的高频无线通讯技术,允许电子设备之间进行非接触式点对点数据传输交换数据。

POS(销售终端):销售终端--POS(point of sale)是一种多功能终端,把它安装在信用卡的特约商户和受理网点中与计算机联成网络,就能实现电子资金自动转账,它具有支持消费、预授权、余额查询和转账等功能,使用起来安全、快捷、可靠。







USB 电子密钥 一种USB接口的硬件设备。内置智能芯片,存储用户的私钥和数字证书,并确保存储的内容无法被拷贝出来,利用其中内置的公钥算法实现身份认证。




报文鉴别码:MAC(message authentication code)是用来完成消息来源正确性鉴别,防止数据被篡改或非法用户窃入的数据。







差错管理: 是在数字通信中利用编码方法对传输中产生的差错进行管理,以提高数字消息传输的准确性。













电子支付订单 :包含订单编号、订单金额等支付信息的电子数据。

















多因子认证 :需要由两个以上不同类别的因素组合进行的身份认证。









服务器证书 :用来表明服务器身份的数字证书。







加密 :基于某种加密算法对数据作可逆的变换从而生成密文的过程。


鉴权: 是指验证用户是否拥有访问系统的权利。鉴权包括两个方面:用户鉴权,网络对用户进行鉴权,防止非法用户占用网络资源;网络鉴权,用户对网络进行鉴权,防止用户接入了非法的网络,被骗取关键信息。





解密 :对应加密过程的逆操作。




借记卡一键支付: 是指用户把在商户网站注册的账号和借记卡账户进行绑定,在商户网站进行消费时,通过主动发起扣款的方式,借助支付宝账户余额、卡通、快捷支付资金渠道,仅需手机短信确认即可完成服务购买的一种支付方式,流程相似于游戏内支付的代扣。

近场支付:指消费者在购买商品或服务时,即时通过手机向商家进行支付,支付的处理在现场进行,使用手机射频(NFC)、红外、蓝牙等通道,实现与自动售货机以及POS机的本地通讯。NFC(Near Field Communication)近距离无线通讯是目前近场支付的主流技术,它是一种短距离的高频无线通讯技术,允许电子设备之间进行非接触式点对点数据传输交换数据。该技术由RFID射频识别演变而来,并兼容RFID技术,其最早由飞利浦、诺基亚、索尼主推,主要用于手机等手持设备中。





密文 :加密运算的结果。




内扣: 是指在发生一笔交易时,所缴纳的手续费从这笔金额内扣除,区别于外收。

清分:是清算的数据准备阶段, 主要是将当日的全部网络交易数据按照各成员行之间本代他、他代本、贷记、借记、笔数、金额、轧差净额等进行汇总、整理、分类。是指对交易记录汇总分类并计算出相互结算金额的过程。




实时清分结算:清分是清算的数据准备阶段, 主要是将当日的全部网络交易数据按照各成员行之间本代他、他代本、贷记、借记、笔数、金额、轧差净额等进行汇总、整理、分类。结算时指指把某一时期内的所有收支情况进行总结、核算。













退货:指商户应持卡人要求或主动将商品收回或服务取消,通过联机POS 终端等受理机具或者手工方式,将已扣款项通过收单银行退还给持卡人原扣款的过程。


脱机交易:使用闪付/Quick Pass支付时可以脱机交易,脱机交易指的是扣取电子现金账户/UP Cash的余额,不验证密码也不需要签名。


外卡DCC收单:动态货币转换(DCC:Dynamic Currency Conversion)其主要功能是收单行在受理外卡收单消费业务时,持卡人可以选用外卡账户的币种(非人民币)进行结算。与传统外卡收单业务相比,它不但兼容前者。而且更具有汇率调节等诸多优点。



网关支付: 是银行金融网络系统和Internet网络之间的接口,是由银行操作的将Internet上传输的数据转换为金融机构内部数据的一组服务器设备,或由指派的第三方处理商家支付信息和顾客的支付指令。
















银行账户支付: 通过银行账号与手机号码之间的对应关系,持有银行活期储蓄账户(含卡、折)或信用卡账户的客户,无需开通网上银行,直接输入“银行账号+手机短信验证码”,即可进行网上小额支付。







账务处理: 指从审核原始凭证、编制记账凭证开始,通过记账、对账、结账等一系列会计处理,到编制出会计报表的过程。



支付网关 :支付服务提供方用于处理支付指令的系统。










教师招聘面试成功与否,归根结底还是取决于一个人是否具备成为优秀教师的综合素质。教师公开招 聘考试面试测查的重点是应试者的授课水平和能力,包括考查应试者是否具备教师的基本素质以及应试者的形象、气质是否符合教师的基本要求。虽然各种教师招聘面试的类型风 格有所不同,但考查的内容都大体一致。下面我们把历届应试者和个别考官在经历教师招聘面试后总结的一些体会与心得呈现给大家。



启示之一:必须有谦虚的品格。其实,能够来参加面试的应试者,绝大多数都很优秀,所以自信心都很强,都有一种唯我独尊、舍我其 谁的自信心。如果能摆正心态、认真准备、谦虚面试,那么实力加上良好的表现,录取的可能性就会大增。在面试的时候,由于心理学上的第一印象效应,个别的应试者可能已经 遭到淘汰了。你可能是很优秀的,你也可能是很有希望被录取的,但如果给人一种目空一切、谁都不在你眼里的独大心态,那你前面的努力可能都已经白费了。因为作为学校领导,肯定要从学校持续发展的角度出发来考虑教师选配的,谁都不愿意招一个想在学校里面特立独行、另立山头的“害群之马”。谦虚是应试者在想进入所要去的单位之前就必须抱 有的心态,并需要其在面试时用行动表示出来。

启示之二:必须有细致的作风。面试前必须细读招聘简章和招聘方案,把要求和需要准备的材料及复印件准备 好。在本次招聘过程中,有个别应试者由于提供的材料不全,又没及时补足材料,所以没有通过第一关的审核。等到录取名单公布后他才后悔地告诉我们,其实还有材料没来得及 在规定时间内上交,而错过了面试的机会。所以,细致地准备、精心地参与、认真地对待每一个小的步骤,是获得成功不可或缺的一步。

启示之三:必须有精 心的准备。面试前,我们把面试所用的教材、面试的时间、10分钟的说课、3分钟评委提问都已告知。知道进入面试程序了,就要认真准备,尽管不知道是哪一个内容,但适当的准 备还是必要的。例如可以了解一下说课的程序,同时选一内容,大致地说一下过程,合理安排时间进程。好多应试者,连说课的几个环节都没有,直接把教学内容和盘托出;还有 相当多的人,只是说了大体的框架,只说自己准备用什么方法、用什么理念来教学这节课,这样太简单而且空虚。作为评委想听的应该是你对这节课的独到理解,并如何借助说课,把教学意图在教学过程中充分展示出来。也有的应试者对教学内容所处的地位等说得太多,用了五六分钟,真的留给课堂教学过程预设的时间只有三四分钟,根本讲不完,肯定 影响成绩。有一位教师心情很迫切,时间到时评委喊停,她感觉自己没有说完、没有充分展示自己的设计,所以要求继续说下去,一说就多说了十多分钟。心情能够理解,但一般 而言,评委打分在前五分钟实际上已经有分数出来了,因此多说只能是在原有的分数上再往下减分。另外极大部分的教师,没有板书设计,这十分可惜。个别的说课中甚至出现了 科学性错误,这也不应该。

启示之四:必须有良好的台风。说课时,台风很重要,所谓行家一出手,便知有没有。一口响亮标准的普通话,不紧不慢地叙说,对教材有独到而不偏颇的理解,都能让评委打出高分。比如,在说人教版五年级观察位置内容时,大部分的教师把难点定为在不同的方向能正确地描述出物体的位置关系。有两位 教师有自己的理解:其一,认为通过自己教学过程中的体会,学生看物体时往往看到的是三个面、两个面,而不是一个面,所以难点定位为:通过对大物体,如大的建筑物的一个 面的观察,从垂直方向体会看到一个面,并能运用到对小的物体的观察中去。因此,该应试者绝大部分的时间都花在对这一问题的处理上。理解是独到了,但不符合生活的实际及 课程的要求。而另一位教师,把难点定位成:观察圆柱体平面图的表示。这样比较具体,而富有操作性。整个的说课过程,也显示出两人教学功力差距甚远。个别教师,说课时用 本地方言,经评委提示后如梦方醒;个别教师声音细小,明显缺少底气和自信;个别教师准备不足,边翻书、边举例、边说课,几分钟时间纠缠于一个问题,且婆婆妈妈,最终没 有圆满解决问题;个别教师可能十分紧张,抖脚、目光呆滞、不断重复、板书字迹如天书一般,等等,都不能得到好的分数。



为了让理想变成现实,面试前,我做足了功课。当然努力是有回报的,我的准备让我在复试中有了出色的发挥,并最终超越了前面的人,以总分第二名的成绩签到了这份工 作。在这里和诸位还在为教师招聘考试奔波的朋友们分享一下我的面试心得,希望对大家有所帮助。

1.熟悉教材。一般面试前都会公布试讲或者说课的内容,这时候,准备一本指定的教材是必须的,而不是只从网上下载单独一课的内容。因为你只有了解整本教材的结构,对于这本教材的风格、所讲内容在全书的地位才能够有一个比 较准确的把握。我当时为了买到指定的教材跑了大半个济南市,但事后证明这绝对是值得的。

2.准备好一些常用的教育理论。说课时要说一些教学方法的教 育理论依据,所以一些比较流行的方法比如任务驱动法、探究式教学法等,要提前背过相关的理论。我用的是任务驱动法,这是建构主义理论中的一种方法,所以关于什么是建构 主义,任务驱动法的具体应用步骤、注意事项、优缺点等等我都背过,以备不时之需。

3.写一个宽泛的教案。这是针对我自身的情况而讲的。我的语言表达 能力算是比较强,所以提示几个简单的关键词我就能顺畅地讲下去。如果你对自己没自信,那就不要偷懒,逐字逐句写好教案稿吧。辛苦一点,对试讲是有帮助的。

4.得体的仪表。仪表对于教师这个职业是很重要的,面试时这一部分占了很大的分数。首先,你要准备一套得体的衣服。不一定是套装,因为大家都是学生,穿上西装不 一定好看。干净、简洁的设计很适合面试。我当时选了一件白色的小西装外套,搭了一条直筒裤,因为我比较矮,所以鞋子选得比较高。其次,女士要化淡妆。不化妆和浓妆艳抹 都是忌讳的,适当的遮瑕、画唇彩、眼线能让你看起来更加精神。另外,隐形眼镜也能为近视的你加分不少。相比之下,有一些人面试的时候灰头土脸的,怎么会赢得评委的好感 呢?


6.最后说一下我这次面试的必胜法宝--交互式说课法。教师面试分为说课和讲课两种,二者的区 别是:讲课是课堂的复现,讲给学生听;说课是说一节课该怎么讲,讲给老师听。有很多人把说课说得很枯燥,没有新意。而我说课的时候,在教学过程这一环节,我的语言绘声 绘色,就像在课堂上跟学生对话一样(虽然是自问自答),既说教师,也说学生。自己创造一个情境,自己要充分融入其中。所以我的说课很生动,自然赢得了高分。记住,这是 目前流行的一种模式,大家要多加练习。

就是这样充分的准备,让我有了精彩的发挥。没有托关系、找熟人,我完全凭借自己的能力,得到了一份稳定的教师 工作。


不论是考上还是没考上的,希望大家都调整好心态,没有考上并不能说自己失败了,只是自己还有 差距,要更加努力,不能在一次失败面前气馁,一定要把握好每次机会,相信和我一起在教师招聘之路上前行的人都能够获得成功!前三次考试我均以失败告终,得到的教训就是 毛主席说的那句话“抓而不紧等于不抓”。面试答辩每个应试者有8分钟的时间,都是同样的三道题。我觉得面试答辩最重要的是声音一定要大,跟考官要有目光交流,语速要慢,坐直,微笑,这样会显得很自信,即使心里不是很有底!最想给所有的应试者们说:好好准备,就会有好结果!背不下去的时候,咬咬牙就过去了!现在主要说一下试讲的注意 事项:

首先,叫到你的时候会给你20分钟准备课文时间,进去一个屋子而且只能拿新的教材,那个教室有老师拿着表看着时间。20分钟的准备时间我感觉需 要做的事情是:


2.花10分钟构建一个基础框架,也就是从开始到结尾。然后注意每自然段的衔接词 语要准备好。


4. 设计过之后一般就已经过去15分钟了,剩下5分钟考虑一下答辩题目,把想到的答案要点写到纸上,答辩的时候可以看一下,关键是言之成理。

试讲备课的时 候可以向工作人员要纸,把自己列的提纲和答辩要点记上去,试讲的时候可以带着那张纸进去。准备时间过后就是试讲,大概有10个以上的评委,进门之前先深呼吸,平复心情,然后敲门进入,先向评委问好,说自己是几号,不能作自我介绍,直接开始试讲。试讲的要求是必须有板书,下面虽然说没有学生,但是你一定要感觉下面是一屋子的学生在听你 讲课,导入的时候可以复习导入也可采用别的方法导入,导入要有激情。多让学生读课文,用不同的形式读,多创设问题情境和互动,多提问,学生回答完后要评价一下,评价语 最好不要重复。15分钟的试讲时间要规划好,做到心中有数。重点把握重难点。讲到重难点的时候板书。讲课的过程要注意联系实际。调动课堂气氛,甚至要假装管理一下课堂秩 序。不要看着天花板或者是地板,要用眼神和评委交流。课讲完了,布置作业。作业最好是让学生自己动手收集或思考问题。在讲课的过程中可以下讲台巡视,缓解心中紧张的情 绪,同时梳理思路。



我参加的教师招聘面试分三个环节,分别是候考、备考、试讲和答辩。候考有专门的监考老师,只能带准考 证、身份证进去,连上厕所都有人跟着。在候考室里抽签,等待叫号备考。备考三个题目抽一个,上面有试讲内容,注意事项,课本对应的哪一页,还有答辩题目(二选一),时 间是30分钟,从你坐下开始备课起计时。试讲10分钟,答辩3分钟,试讲时间一到计时员会喊停,然后你就可以开始对所选问题进行答辩了。

我认为面试有几 个窍门:

1.衣着得体,清新淡雅就可以,没必要扮成熟。上身浅色,下身略深,既显得有层次,又不沉闷。女孩子不要带任何饰品,甚至是手表,不穿高跟 鞋,凉鞋最好不露趾,不化浓妆,不涂指甲油,长头发的最好束起来,干净利落。有一年考后报纸上就登出说这些都是扣分点。但是最好化一点淡妆,比如铺一点粉底,描下眉毛 和眼线,这样显得有精神。

2.试讲时,要有条理,思路清晰。我认为自己面试有几个制胜法宝:普通话标准;导入新颖而且入题快,我常用一句话提出一个 问题做导入,而问题都是与实际生活相联系的;板书有条有理,配合讲解,我本身粉笔字写得也很好;讲课过程中重点突出,我一般配合板书边讲边总结边重复;注意和听课的人 的交流,不管是老师还是学生,注意讲解板书内容时要侧身,不要挡住黑板,同时用眼神跟他们交流,不要害怕。有人说短短几分钟怎么能注意这么多细节,我觉得习惯成自然。从教育实习开始老师就这样要求我们了,所以面试的时候会注意自觉。





1.说课稿。当时要求把说课稿交一份给考官,有不少人因为说课稿不通过而功败垂成。说课稿在准备时最好多参考一下有经验的老师的。主要是看别人说课稿的逻辑和编 排方式,怎么样组织课堂等。不要照抄,大家知道,如果说课稿都一样的话,会影响考官们对你的印象。如果说课稿编排得不好,会被刷下来的。尤其是英语的 Important and difficult points,Aims to the teaching这样的标语千万不要弄错,最好不要自己翻译。另外排版要条理清楚紧凑,每部分内部可以用特殊符号来代替枯燥的阿拉伯数字,既醒 目又有条理。

有的地方不让准备,那么在面试之前准备的时候,要找好一个课文做一个完整的说课稿,再多拿几篇套进来试试,这样现场准备时条理才会清 晰。

2.说课。一定要背熟自己的说课稿,要背得完全不打梗!这很重要。最好找同学或朋友旁听试讲,可以锻炼自己的胆子也可以让人帮忙找找自己的不足,还可以用手机等录下来自己听听。我就是这样做的。一开始自己以为准备得不错了,录下来一听就傻眼了,赶紧再练,直到听着还可以了、比较流畅了。在说课时考官还要看你 的表情、手势等,如果你背得比较流畅,在考官那里就容易过关了。

说课时板书不要太多,最好控制在10个单词,也就是写写说课的题目,自己的姓名,以 及你认为在最出彩的或最重要的部分的简单标题。


最好面带微笑,记不起来的时候要微笑,停留最好不超过5秒,还想不起来就直接说下面自己想得起来的。没有必要完全一字不差地背说课稿。我的一个同学在 开始导入的时候就是背了段美文,效果还不错。走之前擦黑板,考官不让擦就算了;如果你进去时黑板有字最好擦一下。

3.回答问题。这个培训老师都讲 过,听不清的不要重复问第3遍。第2遍听不清也要回答。记得我有一问题问完第二遍还没听清,我就回答,我没有很理解您的意思,但是我认为应该是……答完,那个考官就笑了,显然答得不对,但是她对我的印象还是比较好。回答问题一定要看着问你的考官,扫视其他考官。面带微笑,一定要记得说谢谢。没必要每一个问题回答时都说谢谢,但是第一 个问题回答前最好要说,最后一个回答完也要说。

关于教学教法记住爱生、敬业、专业知识扎实,让学生发挥特长这一点也很重要。教育的关键是教会学生 如何学习,让学生全面发展。回答的点基本都要围绕这些框框发挥,而且记住答题最好要分1、2、3……


(一)备课和讲课时间都是20分钟,面试前需要准备一套正装和一双中跟皮鞋,颜色以素净为主,款式大方。我去面试时发现很多同学都是很随便地穿着牛仔裤和凉鞋就去了,这 在面试教师这一职业时是非常吃亏的,穿着正装是对于这一职业的尊重,也容易争得评委的高分。备课时可以和工作人员要草稿纸,因为自己的纸是不允许带进试讲室的,你可以 把自己的教案提纲写在草稿纸上,在试讲忘词的时候可以看一看,自己也可以不那么紧张。以下是几点注意事项:


2.由于是试讲,没有学生,还要模拟课堂,我们就 要自问自答,对于很多人来说觉得挺尴尬,但是我要说:不要觉得难为情。你一定要把学生的回答用某种方式表达给评委,然后对学生的回答还要评价!新课程改革中非常注重“ 评价”!评价最好不要重复,所以大家可以去网上搜一些教师评价语,背几个,会有很大的帮助!

3.将微笑从头坚持到尾!因为仪态分数占挺大的比例,要 做一名亲切的老师,特别对于小学老师来说更重要。声音要洪亮清脆,作为教师,声音洪亮清晰是最基本的!

4.在教案中多设计朗读和感悟部分!(只适用 于语文科目)可以轮读、赛读、分角色读等等,新课程中很重视学生朗读能力的培养。还可多设计活动和讨论部分,也就是新课程中所说的:合作、探究。.最后一点,我要说的就是千万不要在乎评委老师的态度!因为很多评委一个下午要听4个小时的课,真的很累,很多评委都会趴着,斜眼看你等等,千万不要因为评委的态度而影 响你的情绪和发挥,就当评委是透明的,自己好好发挥就行!


(二)1.关于面试,相信很多人已经查到许 多帖子都在说面试的经验,我就在这里再多说几句。首先是着装,应该说一个光鲜整洁的门面能给人留下好的第一印象。这点不能忽略。我面试时就是穿着白色的连衣裙,因为第 一次见面白色能给人留下深刻的印象,所以在面试前一定要先选好一件得体的衣服,才能事半功倍。


3.建议一些师范毕业生在实习期间就要熟悉当地版本的小学或初中的教材,这样到面试时才能做到无论看到哪篇课文都能把握住其重难点。再根据各个科目,总结出一个说课的模板,比如语文的第一课时,一 般就是要说生字词、词组意思,课文中心思想,划分段落。而在说课时比较精彩的往往是第二课时,所以就看到时你的临场发挥了。

4.我们这里是公布面试 内容范围的,因为面试的范围是在试前4天左右公布的,而且又是在晚上,我看到的时候点击率还不到十个人,也就是说你要时刻关注着任何与考试有关的网站信息。看到考试范围 后我就马上上网整理教案,第二天打印,然后来不及全部都看,于是只看第二课时。大家都知道,一篇课文的两个课时之间都是有联系的,建议如果来不及的话,大家可以选择重 点来记,比如语文,就以第二课时为主。

5.最关键的一招也是最重要的,要看看网上面试的视频,很多人,包括之前我面试了很多次,也不知道怎么去说课 和片段教学,学校老师也没教,只有看了真实面试视频你才会恍然大悟,原来要这么说课。

6.要熟背说课稿。有个刚毕业的师范生在面试时是拿着教案纸照 念的,这样做分数肯定不会高。之所以要面试就是要看你这个人的精神面貌,在面试时首先要做到的是镇定大方,其次就是要很熟练地把课文重难点和教学片段说好,再有就是看 你的细节之处,举止是否文明礼貌。

7.面试时要把最精彩的一面呈现出来。很多人以为15分钟很长,其实当你站到台上,看着下面的评委时,可能很快你就 会发现你还没呈现最精彩的片段,时间就结束了。我这次面试也是这样,还没说到重点,只是导入了一下课题,却被告知时间到了,那一瞬间就想哭出来了。幸好有位评委告诉我 这样就可以了,已经表现得不错了,我才一脸茫然地走下讲台,后来分数出来才知道考了第一。经过这次面试我觉得我还可以发挥得更好,所以建议应试者们在家里自己练习时,掐算好时间,争取做得更完美。

8.面试的细节问题,在进入面试考场前,要对评委鞠躬,面试时,要看着评委的眼睛说话,面试结束时要对评委致谢。讲课 时最好加些动作,显得大方自然。

9.在一些帖子里看到比较关键的内容,譬如写粉笔字时身体最好侧在一边,不能完全挡住,字迹要工整清秀,避免错误再 进行擦拭。声音要洪亮,表达要清晰,要面带微笑,这点很关键,忘记下面要说什么时,只要笑笑,不要慌张,想起什么就直接说什么,不要拼命回忆接下去的内容。

10.其实,面试的人数很多,评委们也很辛苦,要想取得高分,就要争取在15分钟内把你最优秀的一面呈现出来,避免和别人相似。这次我参加的面试就是同样一篇课 文,大家都去说,但是我就刻意避免和别人一样的开头,这样就能在多数人中求新取胜。尤其是小学生,课程的设计一定要活泼有趣,吸引学生的注意。

说了 这么多,如果你有耐心把它看完,我相信你一定会有所收获。我感觉我还是比较幸运的,但在总结这些经验时,我又觉得有些事情,如果有方法去针对,就能事半功倍。看看我周 围的同学,有些都参加了三四次教师招聘考试,我想不是他们没有资格当老师,而是缺少方法或选错教材。所以我把在这次教师招聘考试中的经验总结出来,希望大家都能得到一 些收获。



对于音乐 专业的应试者来说试讲是最重要的环节,拿到课题之后一定要看好它是欣赏课还是教唱课,两种课有不同的教学流程和方法。开始我抽到的课题是五年级下册《绿叶对根的情意》,这是欣赏课,可我当时没注意,加上没有教学经验,就把它上成了教唱课,上得很吃力而且效果还不是很好。像这样的欣赏课很能体现教师的综合能力,以及教师对音乐新教材 改革的理解的。教师在课上主要是引导学生的发散思维,由绿叶对根的情意可以发散到对父母之爱、朋友之爱、祖国之爱等。这让我体会到,新时代了,音乐教师的思想也要与时 俱进,像我们小的时候音乐教师那种教课方式已经不能适应现在的发展了,那时候就是单纯地教一首歌,不利于学生创新能力的培养。建议以后想考音乐教师的应试者多看看音乐 新教程改革。对于应届毕业生来说教课的经验还是太欠缺了。

然后是考视唱,这是在意料之外的,这里居然没考钢琴伴奏,而考的是视唱,两条谱子,五线谱,一个是降B调,一个是G调。应变能力很重要,因为突然面对这样的考题我就没有应变好。下来考官会有提问:简单介绍一下自己。(后来我才知道每个应试者被问的问题都是一 样的)

考完这些之后就是特长展示,这没什么好说的,有什么展示什么就行了。我展示了三项,自我感觉还好。我觉得还是试讲重要,因为特长展示大家都是 有备而来,而试讲的话只是在之前有一个小时准备时间,还是有一些教学经验比较好,至少要懂一些音乐教学方法。此外临场发挥能力和应变能力也很重要。试讲是对评委讲的,没有学生,第一次面对这样的场合,我还是颇为紧张的,因为经验太少。这次自己的收获是:还得加油。


这 次我失败在一进考场就开始紧张。不紧张是不可能的!不论你之前准备得有多好,我排练的时候找请几个老师指导,一点也不紧张,但一进考场就傻眼了,心里真像揣了个兔子似 的,咚咚咚地跳个不停。结果总成绩差了一点。我自己总结教训:面试前不如多试想面试当天的情景,每天想一遍,到时候可能会缓解一些压力。面试时尽管紧张,也要尽量稳住 心情,临场发挥很重要,可能评委也能理解你的紧张,所以也不必太在意,把你排练的水平发挥个七八成就成功了。再说面试老师很辛苦,他们也没心情来欣赏你的紧张,这样想 大概也就不紧张了。




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