
时间:2019-05-14 17:34:56下载本文作者:会员上传








 首先,你生活里有一个不离不弃的方向和目标,无论它现在离你有多远。要有一件事让你想起来就兴奋,就睡不踏实,并且这件事最好足够大,能够对周围的人、对社区社会、对国家乃至对世界有些影响。它可以是竞选总统、创立引领潮流的商业模式、打造世界级的企业,也可以是扶贫救困、保护环境、预防艾滋。

 其次,你要能说清楚为什么你认为上了HBS就能够让你离这个目标更近一步,无论这种理由两年之后毕业时翻回头再看是否真的靠谱。换句话说,你愿意把人生中最宝贵的两年扔在这,总不能是因为哈佛商学院的健身房或者食堂比别人的好。HBS有点像好莱坞,喜欢帮助你让不可能成为可能。

 第三,你要在讲述过往经历的字里行间表现出优秀的领导能力的同时也表现出同样优秀的与别人沟通与合作的能力。今天的世界已经不太需要喜欢以自我为中心的孤胆英雄,而是更需要懂得倾听、勇于反省、善于合作的商业伙伴。

 最后,一点点适度的幽默通常是有帮助的。你要设身处地为招生办的官员们考虑,他们每天从早到晚看那么多篇作文其实是挺枯燥乏味的一件事。将心比心,在展示自己真性情的同时让人家开心一笑没有什么不好。而且,说得再玄乎一点,幽默不仅仅是一种语言风格,同时也是一种成功所需要的“换个角度看问题”的能力与豁达的生活态度。













 有人会马上打开百度在搜索框里敲进去“2006中国餐饮企业排名”这几个字看看自己的运气,也有人会先礼貌地问上司“对不起我可以问一下您对相关信息的具体要求和期望以及什么时候需要这份排名吗?另外,除了排名列表以外还需要前十名企业更详细的信息吗?”

 有人会把自己局限在网上,充其量多试几个搜索引擎和几个关键词的排列组合。有人除此之外还会想到趁周末之前赶紧打电话给公司里做过餐饮项目的同事、餐饮方面的媒体、餐饮业的行业协会甚至在餐饮行业工作的亲戚朋友了解更多这个行业的信息。

 有人会把网上的数据直接下载就算完事,有人则会从不同的渠道找到不同维度(如开店数、营业额、利润额、员工人数等)上的数字,并且试图了解和揭示不同资料来源出现统计差异的原因(至少是指出这些不同来源的统计差异)。

 有人会把相关的信息直接剪贴到电子邮件里发给老板,有人则会根据公司的过往文件找到相应的图表作为模板,然后把自己搜集来的信息整理成一个漂亮的Powerpoint或者Word文件。

 有人会直接把这个文件作为附件发给上司邮件里什么都不写,有人则会在邮件中提纲挈领地把调研结果用文字表述出来,这样上司即使只看一眼也大概能知道结果。

 有人会周五下班后就把这件事暂时放在一边直到周一上班,有人整个周末都会因此而加班并且在周日夜里两点把自己工作的成果发到上司的邮箱。








 发现自己的兴趣与特长。没有什么比发现自己的兴趣与特长更重要了,因为我不相信一个人能把自己横看竖看都不顺眼的事做到最好。能够发现自己的兴趣与特长是非常幸运的,发现得越早就越幸运,因为和别人相比你可以少浪费一些时间。因此,如果你在走进大学校门的那一刻还不是很清楚自己将来要做什么,不妨多涉猎一些不同的学科,多参与一些不同类型的社团活动,有比较才能有鉴别,排除的多了剩下的就少了。如果四年的大学生活帮助你找到了能让自己眼里放光、想着就兴奋就睡不着觉的东西,那这四年就过得非常有价值。顺便说一句,自己对什么东西感兴趣、在哪些方面有特长以及未来可能从事什么样的职业与你在大学读了哪个系学了哪个专业基本上没有太大的关系。

 掌握学习的方法和工具。可以明确说明的是,你们在大学里学的那些具体的知识,工作以后90%以上都是毫无用处的。但是千万别误解,那些知识不重要并不代表学习不重要。事实上,学习这件事的核心不在于被学的那些知识,而在于学习的习惯、方法和过程;学习是个动词,是动作就要有范儿。特别应该指出的是,同十年前相比,我们今天学习过程中最大的不同就是对互联网的借助乃至依赖。一个人学习和研究的效率在很大程度上将取决于这个人在网络上找到所需信息的准确性和速度。在一个有知识但是不太会使用工具的应聘者和一个虽然没有太多知识但是非常知道如何去巧妙寻求帮助的应聘者之间,我们(我相信也包括绝大多数招聘方)会毫不犹豫地选择后者。

 提高英语、快速阅读以及与人沟通相处的能力。对不同的人来说,根据其兴趣、爱好以及未来的职业选择,总有一些能力比另一些能力更加重要。不过,作为最大公约数,我认为在现代社会里有三个方面的能力是最容易让人占到便宜的。这就是英语(特别是英语口语)、快速阅读以及与人沟通交往的能力。背后的原因也很简单:英语是因为经济和文化的全球化发展,快速阅读是因为以互联网为代表的信息海量化趋势,沟通交往是因为现代商业生活对于团队协同作战的要求。还有更简单的一个原因:它们是很多用人单位最希望看到的能力。

 交几个值得一辈子交往的朋友,做几件值得一辈子回忆的事情。大学四年如果只做到了上面提到的三点,只能说有收获,但还是过得有点浪费。在这段时间里交一些值得交往一辈子的朋友、做几件能让自己在多少年后还能骄傲地回忆起来的“牛叉”事,才算真正对得起自己的青涩岁月。











Dear Class of 2009, Parents, and Friends:

It is always an honor to be invited to speak at the commencement of a prestigious school like Cheung Kong(Changjiang).To invite an investment banker to give the commencement address this year after what happened on Wall Street last year is like inviting Bin Laden to your Halloween party.So now I know you have guts…or maybe you just don’t know better.Actually what’s more scary than inviting Bin Laden to your Halloween party is to buy those shares listed on ChiNext at 1 p.m.last Friday…and I hope you weren’t part of that.Today is a big day for all of you.Because after today, you won't have to pretend that you are actually trying to learn something while networking with your classmates.Well, the good news is that those folks at Beida or ZhongOu are not doing much learning OR networking, so you still come out alright.When I wrote this address, I had to save it into a folder on my computer.First, I thought about creating a new folder with a title of something like “Future” but decided it was too much of a cliché.I also thought about saving the file in my “Marketing” folder.But that wouldn’t be appropriate either since the only thing I am trying to sell to you is a reason to spend the next 20 minutes in this room as opposed to getting drunk ahead of your peers.Finally, I decided to place the document under a folder entitled “Personal”.I want to send each of you a “personal” message, a message that is so “personal” that it has to do with your bodies.„Well, for both female and male.Eyes

Let’s start with your eyes.Yes, you need to use your eyes to look into the future, seeing hopefully just a few miles farther than most of your peers.You need to use them to discover opportunities and uncover danger.You also need to use them identify issues and problems that you will hopefully become a part of their solutions.But most importantly, I want to encourage you to use your eyes to see the positive side of life.The world as we know sucks in many, many ways.There is poverty and major inequity in many places;the environment is getting worse;the job market is as tough as it could be;and guess what, your future boss may be the biggest idiot on earth…

However, every coin has two sides.Look at the bright and the positive side.The journey of life is like a bumpy flight, and being positive and genuinely optimistic is the best gift your can give to yourself.It will not only help enhance your chance of success, but will also make you a happier person, which—at least in my view—is the ultimate success for each one of us.I still remember the day when I received a rejection letter from Harvard College while I was still going through my senior year at Punahou School in Hawaii.Prior to that I had been admitted to Macalester College in Minnesota with full scholarship, but Harvard of course held more prestige and appeal in name.When I brought the bad news to my host Mother, who had been taking care of me, she did not look upset for a second.“Well, this IS good news for you,” she said, “because you can always go to Harvard for graduate school, but this is probably the only chance for you to experience a truly liberal arts education.Plus, if you can survive the brutal winter in Minnesota, you can survive America!”

Two years later, I transferred to Harvard from Macalester after my sophomore year in college, and to this day, I have zero regret over spending the prior two years at Macalester.Steve Jobs, in his commencement address a few years back, said that life is about connecting all the dots.Well, Minnesota was an important dot for me.But more importantly, from my conversation with my host mother, I learned how to deal with setbacks and failures and cast them into a positive light.Mouths

Now let’s talk about your mouths.Yes, you may use them to express and articulate your views and perspectives.You may use them to support a rightful course such as environment and rights to individuals.You may use them to admit and take responsibility for a mistake.You may even use them to crack a joke to lighten up a conversation.But there are two things I want to mention in particular.First, use them to state a promise…and make sure to keep it.Just two days ago, Huayi Brothers went public with a resounding success, hitting a total market cap of an unbelievable RMB 12 billion.Three years ago, I was representing a buy-side client to acquire the majority stake in Huayi Brothers Music.At a lunch with the buyer, Wang Zhongjun agreed in principle to the deal we helped crafted.Subsequently, however, we learned that he took a lot of beating from his board members including people like Ma Yun for agreeing to relinquishing control on the music business.For a few days, I thought the deal was in jeopardy.Finally, at a meeting with the CEO of the buyer, Zhongjun said—“The thing I hate most now is my hand.I should not have shaken hands with you on this deal.But since I did, I am going to stand by my promise, and let’s move forward.”

To this day, every time I hear negative comments on Zhongjun, I talked about his commitment to keeping his promise.I think it is no coincidence that Huayi Brothers became the first privately held entertainment companies in China to have snapped a successful IPO in the A-share market.Second, you should always remember to use your mouths and words—and more importantly, your actions—to encourage and support others around you.I don’t know if you have heard this story about the frogs—

A group of frogs were hopping through the woods, when two of them fell into a deep pit.All of the other frogs gathered around the pit to see what could be done.When they saw how deep the pit was, they agreed that it was hopeless and told the two frogs in the pit that they should prepare themselves for their fate.Unwilling to accept this, the two frogs began to jump with all of their energy.Some of the frogs shouted into the pit that it was hopeless.The two frogs continued jumping as hard as they could.Finally, after a couple hours, one of the frogs took message from his fellows.Tired and disheartened, he quietly gave up the effort, laid down at the bottom of the pit, and died as the others looked on in helpless grief.The other frog continued to jump with every ounce of energy he had…And Bang!He finally made it out of the pit.Amazed, the other frogs celebrated his miraculous freedom and then gathering around him asked, “Why did you continue jumping when we told you it was impossible?” Reading their lips, the frog explained to them that he was deaf, and that when he saw their gestures and shouting, he thought they were cheering him on.What he had perceived as encouragement inspired him to try harder and to succeed against all odds.Class of 2009, I am in full belief that many of you will become leaders in your organizations someday.As leaders, the most daunting challenge is to inspire and motivate your people so that they can make even greater efforts and contribution.I hope you will remember this story about the frogs.A few cheerful words, an encouraging look, and a pat on the back can go a very long way and make a big difference.Just last night, we learned the sad news about Chen Lin, a well-known singer, who jumped to her death.It was speculated that she had some problems with her relationships.Well, if people around her had given her a little more care and encouragement, perhaps the tragedy could have been averted.Hands

Next, let’s talk about your hands.Yes, it is easy to want to use them to point to others for faults and mistakes.But please remember, time is always better spent on identifying our own shortcomings and thinking about possible improvements than trying to find a scapegoat.Yes, it is easy to want to use them to grasp opportunities and get ahead.But we should also be willing to use them to reach out and help the weak, the poor, and the needed.Yes, it is easy to want to use them to shake hands on big deals.But we should also be prepared to use them to take good notes, to write a personal thank-you note, to make a copy, to mark up on a business document, to crack up a financial model, to fill a cup of coffee for your associate, and to open the door for your female colleagues.A trip of a thousand miles has to begin with that very first step, and great accomplishments are results of doing numerous small things that eventually become those connected dots.I have this friend from HBS who joined Morgan Stanley after our graduation.A year later, I bumped into him in NYC while getting my Starbucks around Time Square.I asked him how he liked his job.I was expecting to hear about all these fancy big deals that he was doing.But what he said to me was: “Well, I learned how to make the people at the print shop happy so they can give my pitch books priorities.” “How did you do it?” I asked.“Well,” he said, “I remembered each of their snack preferences—some of them like pizza and others like KFC…and I also remembered the names of their pets and sweethearts.”

A few years later, it wasn’t coincidental he was made a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, one of the youngest in Morgan’s history.Feet

After your hands, it’s time to talk about your feet.You can use them to kick the tires and test the water.You can use them to stand tall and firm.You can use them to dash to an opportunity, but equally important, you can use them to walk away.We must be prepared to walk away from opportunities.This is particularly salient in China where opportunities pop up like camera lights at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.However, we must always remember that 99.99% of the opportunities that pop up in front of us are inherently having nothing to do with us, and therefore we should not waste our precious time chasing after them.We must also be prepared to walk way from situations that violate our basic principles and core value, no matter how high the stake is.Years ago, we were approached by a film and TV series production company that was in the process of raising a major round of financing.I had known the owner for quite some time, and he was the type of person that would open three bottles of Chateau Laffet of over RMB10,000 apiece simultaneously to show his hospitality and generosity when no one at the table is really a big wine connoisseur.So not surprisingly, we were offered a handsome fee for helping them close this round of financing.However, as we dug a little deeper, we realize that their financials were totally cooked up, and their real need was for us to help them cover the funny accounting.That’s when our conscience began to work.I told him that while the opportunity was attractive from a financial perspective, it was simply something we couldn’t do.And we walked.Subsequently, the company found someone else to help them with their cooked-up financials, and eventually took in a hefty sum from a well known institutional investor.Today, that investor is kicking himself for having made the investment since the projections were totally fabricated, but at least we could sleep well at night for not having played a role in it, and we didn’t lose credibility with him.In our business, credibility and reputation is the most important asset we have got.Hearts

Finally, a few words about our hearts.Yes, most of the time, we use our brains to think, to question and challenge, and to come up with answers and solutions to a problem.But sometimes, we have to use not just our brains, but also our hearts, to make a decision and live with it.Those decisions made by our heats are usually the best decisions we could ever hope to make, because they reflect what we truly believe.If our brains are powerful machines which help us digest and analyze the gazillion pieces of information, our hearts are the engines of those machines.We as human beings are not defined by our appearance, education, jobs or achievements.Instead, it is our hearts that truly define who we are.So let’s hope our hears are soft enough to sympathize, and yet strong enough to stand a Tsunami in our life.Let’s hope that they are sensitive enough to feel, bright enough to warm, tolerant enough to welcome opposition and challenges, and big enough to forgive even our enemies.Our hearts tell us what to believe and what to question, what to respect and what to disdain, what to compromise on and what to insist upon.They get us through the long dark hours, and guide us through the numerous do’s and don’ts.A few years ago, I was visiting with a U.S.-based client who is also an avid sports car collector.He told me this story about his Porsche 959, which was the fastest sports car in the 80s.Back then, there were only seven of these in the entire United States, and the owners included Bill Gates.Because the car never quite fulfilled all the legal requirements, it was technically illegal to drive them to the road.One night, his 15-year old son decided to show off this car to his friends after having a few bottles of beer with them.Well, perhaps he had one too much, before he knew it, he had hit on a tree at a street corner.The front end of the car was in total wreck.Not wanting to alert the police, he called up another friend, who helped tolled the damaged car back to his garage.“Then what happened?” I asked my client.“Well, we flew a few engineers from Europe in to help fix the car.” He said.“Did the value of the car diminish?”

“No, absolutely not.You see, that’s the difference between a top-tier car and a regular car.The value of a top-tier car is all in its engine.As long as the engine is not damaged, the car could be a pile of iron, and you could still count on its value after fixing it.”

Well, let’s hope we all have that Porche 959 engine in ourselves.That engine, I think, is our heart.Finally, please imagine if you had to spend three days on a lonely planet, away from earth, what would you bring with you other than essentials such as water and food?

Your mobile phone is useless since there is no signal there, so you can’t use it to SMS your friends and loved ones.Your laptop will not be very useful since there is no broad band access and you won't be able to steal vegetable on Kaixin.You can’t bring your cars since there will be no road to drive on.You certainly can’t bring your golf gears since there is no golf course and the balls will not fly the same curve anyway.The answer is--you really don’t need to bring anything.That is--as long as you have a pair of eyes that look firm and positive, a mouth that you can use to encourage others as well as yourselves, hands that can lift stones and make yourself a place to sit and rest, feet that can walk away from danger, and a heart that is as strong as the engine of a Porche 959.Well, I take that back.Maybe an iPod, but make sure you only have songs with legitimate copyrights.„And make sure to bring some pictures of your family and friends.Because no matter how high or how far you travel in life, your family and friends should always stay at the very heart of that Porche 959 engine.Good luck coming back to earth, and welcome to real life.Thank you.


















第三篇:北楼中学王晨曦博文 2(本站推荐)

经过周密的活动策划和安排,与11月6日晚我们顺利的举办了以“魏书生 学习方法谈”为主题的电影放送团日活动,通过这次活动我们学到了很多:



第四篇:王昭冉 培训心得体会


——警官培训体会 王昭冉























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