
时间:2019-05-14 17:29:35下载本文作者:会员上传





For many, the service of 'Nine Lessons and Carols' from King's College Cambridge is when Christmas begins.Listened to by millions of people around the world it starts with a chorister singing the first verse of once in royal David City.The priest who introduced this service to King's College Chapel exactly 100 years ago was Eric Milner White.He had served as a military chaplain in the First World War.Just six weeks after the Armistice he wanted a new kind of service which, with its message of peace and goodwill spoke to the needs of the times.于许多人而言,剑桥大学国王学院的“九篇读经与圣诞颂歌庆典”教堂礼拜,象征着圣诞节的伊始。来自世界各地数百万人都会聆听这一盛典,它的序幕,将在一位合唱团男童领唱《昔日在大卫王城中》的第一段中拉开。整整百年之前,是神父埃里克米尔纳-怀特将这套庆典引进国王学院礼拜堂。第一次世界大战期间,他曾是一名随军牧师。就在停战协定签订的六周后,他希望用这样一套新的礼拜仪式,把和平和友善的精神,传递给那个年代正需要它们的人们。2018 has been a year of centenaries.The Royal Air Force celebrated its hundredth anniversary with a memorable fly-past demonstrating a thrilling unity of purpose and execution.We owe them and all our armed services our deepest gratitude.2018年,是百年纪念的一年。在这一年,英国皇家空军为庆祝诞生100周年,组织进行了一场值得纪念的飞行表演,展示出目标与执行的惊人一致。在此,对皇家空军与所有服务于我们的军队,致以最深切的感谢。

My father served in the Royal Navy during the First World War he was a midshipman in HMS Collingwood at the Battle of Jutland in 1916.The British fleet lost 14 ships and 6,000 men in that engagement.My father wrote in a letter how and why we were not hit beats me.Like others he lost friends in the war.At Christmas we become keenly aware of loved ones who have died whatever the circumstances.But of course we would not grieve if we did not love.Closer to home, it has been a busy year for my family.遥想第一次世界大战时,我的父亲在皇家海军服役。在1916年的日德兰半岛之战中,他是科林伍德皇家海军学院的一位候补少尉。那次战斗中,英国军队损失了14艘船,6000条鲜活的生命葬身大海。父亲在一封信中写道:“我甚至不知道,我们是怎样从枪林弹雨中生还的。”和其他很多人一样,在这场战争中,他也失去了很多朋友。在圣诞节阖家欢聚之时,无论何种情境,都让我们更为清晰地感受到亲人离去的痛楚。但如若心中无爱,自然也不会有悲伤。

With two weddings and two babies and another child expected soon it helps to keep a grandmother well occupied.We have had other celebrations too, including the 70th birthday of the Prince of Wales.说到我的家庭,今年的家事尤为忙碌。我们举办了两场婚礼,迎来两个婴儿,还有一个孩子即将诞生。这些都会让我这祖母继续忙碌。我们还举行了其他庆祝活动,包括威尔士亲王的70岁生日。

Some cultures believe a long life brings wisdom.I'd like to think so.Perhaps, part of that wisdom is to recognize some of life's baffling paradoxes such as the way human beings have a huge propensity for good, and yet a capacity for evil.Even the power of faith which frequently inspires great generosity and self-sacrifice can fall victim to tribalism.有些文化中认为,长寿者多智。我也乐于这么认为。也许认识到生命中那些令人困惑的悖论,就是那种智慧的一部分。例如人性本善,但亦有成为恶魔的天赋。信仰的力量也是如此,它能激发慷慨和伟大的牺牲精神,亦可让人臣服于部落主义的野蛮与残暴。

But through the many changes I have seen over the years: faith, family, and friendship have been not only a constant for me, but a source of personal comfort and reassurance.但纵观这些年间诸事变迁。我的信仰,家庭和友谊不仅是我永恒的坚守,同时也是我的安抚和宽慰。

In April the Commonwealth Heads of Government met in London.My father welcomed just age countries to the first such meetings in 1948.Now, the Commonwealth includes 53 countries with 2.4 billion people, a third of the world's population.Its strength lies in the bonds of affection it promotes and a common desire to live in a better, more peaceful world.今年四月,我们举行了英联邦政府首脑会议,而我的父亲第一次召开这个会议时,还是1948年的伦敦,那时只有八个国家参与。现在英联邦已经拥有了53个联盟国家,有了24亿人民,相当于三分之一的世界人口。英联邦的力量源于它所促进的情感纽带,也源于一个共同愿景,那就是生活在更美好、更和平的世界中。

Even with the most deeply held differences, treating the other person with respect and as a fellow human being is always a good first step towards greater understanding.Indeed the Commonwealth Games held this year on Australia's Gold Coast are known universally as the friendly games because of their emphasis on good will and mutual respect.即使彼此间存在最根深蒂固的分歧,视对方为同侪、待他人以尊重永远是增进理解的第一步。事实上,今年在澳大利亚黄金海岸举行的英联邦运动会,就因为强调善意与相互尊重,而成为了众所周知的友好运动会。

The Christmas story retains its appeal since it doesn't provide theoretical explanations for the puzzles of life.Instead, it's about the birth of a child, and the hope that birth 2,000 years ago, brought to the world.圣诞节的故事仍保持着自己的魅力,它并未给我们的人生排忧解难。相反,故事所述的是一个新生儿的诞生。2000年前,他的诞生将希望给予全世界。

Only a few people acknowledged Jesus when he was born;now billions follow him.I believe his message of peace on earth and goodwill to all is never out of date.It can be heeded by everyone.It's needed as much as ever.耶稣基督在出生时少有认可,而如今,数十亿信徒追随于他。我坚信,他在圣训中传递的和平和善意将永不过时。这份训诫被所有人聆听和铭记着,我们也一如既往地需要着它。

A very happy Christmasto you all.祝愿你们所有人圣诞节快乐。




Each year that passes seems to have its own character.Some leave us with a feeling of satisfaction, others are best forgotten.2009 was a difficult year for many, in particular those facing the continuing effects of the economic downturn.过去每年似乎都各具特点。一些年份让我们心满意足,一些年份则最好忘却。2009年对很多人来说都不好过,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。

I am sure that we have all been affected by events in Afghanistan and saddened by the casualties suffered by our forces serving there.Our thoughts go out to their relations and friends who have shown immense dignity in the face of great personal loss.我相信,我们所有人都受到阿富汗战事影响,为英军士兵伤亡感到悲伤。我们向这些士兵的家人和朋友表示慰问,他们面对巨大个人损失表现得无比高尚。

But, we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making, in conjunction with our allies.但我们应该为我们的士兵与盟友作出的积极贡献而感到骄傲。

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Well over 13,000 soldiers from the United Kingdom, and across the Commonwealthare currently serving in Afghanistan.英国和包括加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3万名士兵在阿富汗服役。

The debt of gratitude owed to these young men and women, and to their predecessors, is indeed profound.我们对这些年轻士兵以及先前在阿富汗服役过的士兵表示深深感激。

It is 60 years since the Commonwealth was created and today, with more than a billion of its members under the age of 25, the organisation remains a strong and practical force for good.今年是英联邦成立60周年,今天其成员国25岁以下人口超过10亿,为它保持长久的强大和实用提供了力量源泉。

Recently I attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago and heard how important the Commonwealth is to young people.最近我刚刚参加了在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的英联邦政府首脑会议,听到联邦对年轻人是多么重要。

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New communication technologies allow them to reach out to the wider world and share their experiences and viewpoints.For many, the practical assistance and networks of the Commonwealth can give skills, lend advice and encourage enterprise.新的通信技术使他们能够接触到更广阔的世界,分享他们的经验和观点。对于许多人来说,英联邦的实际援助与网络可以提供技能,给予意见和鼓励进取。

It is inspiring to learn of some of the work being done by these young people, who bring creativity and innovation to the challenges they face.令人鼓舞的是,我了解到一些年轻人正在做着一些事情,他们面对挑战,富于创造力和创新精神。

It is important to keep discussing issues that concern us all-there can by no more valuable role for our family of nations.I have been closely associated with the Commonwealth through most of its existence.对关系到我们所有人的问题保持讨论很重要,它让我们的大家庭产生更大的价值。在英联邦成立以来的大部分时间里,我都同它联系紧密。

The personal and living bond I have enjoyed with leaders, and with http://wordnet.sparke.cn/Article_List.aspx?C_ID=8 http://wordnet.sparke.cn/Article_List.aspx?C_ID=8星火词网

people the world over, has always been more important in promoting our unity than symbolism alone.我个人同各国领袖、人民密不可分。这不单是象征意义,也能促进我们的团结。

The Commonwealth is not an organisation with a mission.It is rather an opportunity for its people to work together to achieve practical solutions to problems.英联邦并非一个具某种使命的组织,而更是一个让各国人民合作、解决困难的平台。

In many aspects of our lives, whether in sport, the environment, business or culture, the Commonwealth connection remains vivid and enriching.在涉及我们生活的许多方面,不论是体育、环境、商业或文化,英联邦国家之间的联系紧密而丰富。

It is, in lots of ways, the face of the future.And with continuing support and dedication, I am confident that this diverse Commonwealth of nations can strengthen the common bond that transcends politics, religion, race and economic circumstances.在很多方面这展现未来的前景。随着不断的支持和贡献,我相信英联http://wordnet.sparke.cn/Article_List.aspx?C_ID=8 http://wordnet.sparke.cn/Article_List.aspx?C_ID=8星火词网


We know that Christmas is a time for celebration and family reunions;but it is also a time to reflect on what confronts those less fortunate than ourselves, at home and throughout the world.众所周知,圣诞节是欢庆与家人团聚的时候,但我们也可以借这个时机回顾那些国内外不幸者面临的困境。

Christians are taught to love their neighbours, having compassion and concern, and being ready to undertake charity and voluntary work to ease the burden of deprivation and disadvantage.基督徒被教导要爱他们的邻居,有同情心,乐于慈善和志愿工作,以减轻贫困和不利的负担。

We may ourselves be confronted by a bewildering array of difficulties and challenges, but we must never cease to work for a better future for ourselves and for others.我们自己会面临一连串的困难和挑战,这些困难和挑战会令我们感到困惑,但我们绝不能停下脚步。而应该继续努力,为自己和他人创造更美好的未来。

I wish you all, wherever you may be, a very happy Christmas.http://wordnet.sparke.cn/Article_List.aspx?C_ID=8 http://wordnet.sparke.cn/Article_List.aspx?C_ID=8星火词网


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第三篇:2014英国女王圣诞演讲 中英(xiexiebang推荐)

In the ruins of the old Coventry Cathedral is a sculpture of a man and a woman reaching out to embrace each other.The sculptor was inspired by the story of a woman who crossed Europe on foot after the war to find her husband.在旧考文垂大教堂废墟(Coventry Cathedral)的外面竖立着一尊雕塑,造型是一个男人和一个女人正伸手想要拥抱彼此。雕塑的灵感来源于一个女人在战争爆发后徒步跨越欧洲寻找自己丈夫的故事。

Casts of the same sculpture can be found in Belfast and Berlin, and it is simply called Reconciliation.在贝尔法斯特和柏林都能找到同样的雕塑,它的名字很简单,叫做和解。

Reconciliation is the peaceful end to conflict, and we were reminded of this in August when countries on both sides of the First World War came together to remember in peace.和解是战争过后的和平,今年8月第一次世界大战的交战双方在一起纪念和平时,我们再次想到了“和解”这个词。

The ceramic poppies at the Tower of London drew millions, and the only possible reaction to seeing them and walking among them was silence.For every poppy a life;and a reminder of the grief of loved ones left behind.伦敦塔上的陶瓷罂粟吸引了数百万人,沉默是人们看到这场景并从中穿过时的唯一反应。每一朵罂粟象征着一个生命,让人们想起失去至爱后的悲痛。

No one who fought in that war is still alive, but we remember their sacrifice and indeed the sacrifice of all those in the armed forces who serve and protect us today.也不能忘记那些依然在服务和保卫着我们的军中将士做出的奉献。

In 1914, many people thought the war would be over by Christmas, but sadly by then the trenches were dug and the future shape of the war in Europe was set.1914年,很多人认为战争会在圣诞节结束,但遗憾的是那时战壕已经挖好,欧洲战场上未来的战争形态也已经确定。

But, as we know, something remarkable did happen that Christmas, exactly a hundred years ago today.不过,正如我们知道的那样,一百年前的今天,也就是圣诞节当天,的确发生了一件意义非凡的事情。

Without any instruction or command, the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in No Man's Land.Photographs were taken and gifts exchanged.It was a Christmas truce.没有指示,没有命令,射击停止了,德国士兵和英国士兵相聚在无人地带。士兵们拍照留念并互赠礼物。这就是圣诞节休战协定。

Truces are not a new idea.In the ancient world a truce was declared for the duration of the Olympic Games and wars and battles were put on hold.休战协定并非新创。古时候战争和战斗都要在奥运会期间暂停。

Sport has a wonderful way of bringing together people and nations, as we saw this year in Glasgow when over 70 countries took part in the Commonwealth Games.运动是将人们和国家聚在一起的好方法,我们看到有70多个国家参与今年在格拉斯哥举行的英联邦运动会。

It is no accident that they are known as the Friendly Games.As well as promoting dialogue between nations, the Commonwealth Games pioneered the inclusion of para-sports within each day's events.这个运动会被称为友好运动会并非偶然。除了促进国家之间对话以外,英联邦运动会还开创了在每天的比赛项目中都加入残疾运动项目的先河。

As with the Invictus Games that followed, the courage, determination and talent of the athletes captured our imagination as well as breaking down divisions.在之后的不可征服运动会中,运动员们的勇气,决心和天赋不但吸引着我们的目光,同时还打破了隔阂。

The benefits of reconciliation were clear to see when I visited Belfast in June.While my tour of the set of Game Of Thrones may have gained most attention, my visit to the Crumlin Road Gaol will remain vividly in my mind.今年六月份我访问贝尔法斯特时就清楚的看到了和解的好处。虽然我参观《权力的游戏》拍摄地的新闻吸引了大部分人的注意力,但对克拉姆林路监狱的参观却让我记忆犹新。

What was once a prison during the Troubles is now a place of hope and fresh purpose;a reminder of what is possible when people reach out to one another, rather like the couple in the sculpture.这个在北爱尔兰**期间的监狱如今充满了希望和新目标;让人们认识到,当人们伸出手互相帮助时,什么事都是有可能的,就像雕塑里的那对夫妇一样。

Of course, reconciliation takes different forms.In Scotland after the referendum many felt great disappointment, while others felt great relief;and bridging these differences will take time.当然,和解有很多方式。苏格兰公投后,很多人觉得很失望,有的人却觉得很宽慰,弥合这些分歧尚需时日。

Bringing reconciliation to war or emergency zones is an even harder task, and I have been deeply touched this year by the selflessness of aid workers and medical volunteers who have gone abroad to help victims of conflict or of diseases like Ebola, often at great personal risk.在战争中或者紧急突发地带取得和解更是困难,今年,救援人员和医疗志愿者们不顾个人安危、奔赴国外帮助冲突地区的受害人员或者饱受疾病(例如埃博拉)困扰的病人。我深为所动。For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose birth we celebrate today, is an inspiration and an anchor in my life.今天是耶稣基督,和平之主的诞辰,庆祝他的生日对我来说是一种鼓舞,是我生命中的一个精神支柱。

A role model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing.Christ's example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people, of whatever faith or none.作为和解和宽恕的榜样,他伸出充满爱、接纳和弥合的手。耶稣教会我尊重和珍视每一个人,无关信仰。

Sometimes it seems that reconciliation stands little chance in the face of war and discord.But, as the Christmas truce a century ago reminds us, peace and goodwill have lasting power in the hearts of men and women.有时候和解在战争与冲突面前似乎无力反击。但,正如一百年前的圣诞节停战协定,和平和美好的希望在世人心里拥有持久的影响力。

On that chilly Christmas Eve in 1914 many of the German forces sang Silent Night, its haunting melody inching across the line.1914年的圣诞节前夜很寒冷,德国士兵们吟唱的《平安夜》穿过交火线,让人难以忘怀。

That carol is still much-loved today, a legacy of the Christmas truce, and a reminder to us all that even in the unlikeliest of places hope can still be found.今天,这首圣诞歌曲依然受欢迎,它是圣诞节停战协定的延续,也提醒着我们,即使在最不可能的地方,依然可以找到希望。

A very happy Christmas to you all.祝各位圣诞快乐。



At this time of year, few sights evoke more feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree.每年此时,没有什么情景比一棵圣诞树上闪烁的灯光更让人感到欢乐祥和。

The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread.人们对圣诞树的喜爱要部分归功于我的曾曾曾祖父母——维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王。这张温馨的图片公布后,很多家庭都想要一棵自己的圣诞树,这一习俗也很快普及开来。

In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife.We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders;and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queen's Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbol of hope in their own Commonwealth communities.1949年,初为军嫂的我在马耳他度过圣诞节。多年以来,我们多次回到马耳他岛,上个月还在那里召开英联邦领导人会议。今年我会晤了另一批领导人,“女王青年领袖”是一个鼓舞人心的团体,每个人都是各自英联邦社区的希望。

Gathering round the tree gives us a chance to think about the year ahead--I am looking forward to a busy 2016, though I have been warned I may have Happy Birthday sung to me more than once or twice.聚在圣诞树旁,让我们有机会展望来年。我盼望着2016年忙忙碌碌,尽管有人说,我可能不止一次甚至两次听到生日歌。

It also allows us to reflect on the year that has passed, as we think of those who are far away or no longer with us.Many people say the first Christmas after losing a loved one is particularly hard.But it's also a time to remember all that we have to be thankful for.圣诞树让我们回首过去的一年,于是我们想到了那些远离和已经离开我们的人。很多人说失去平生所爱后的第一个圣诞节是最艰难的,可此时也该想想我们要感恩的人。

It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkness this year, but the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”.今年,世界不得不面对诸多黑暗时刻,这是事实。可《约翰福音》有一句充满希望的话这样说,圣诞赞歌中常常朗诵,“光明照亮了黑暗,黑暗却无法蒙蔽光明。”

One cause for thankfulness this summer was marking 70 years since the end of the Second World War.On VJ Day, we honoured the remaining veterans of that terrible conflict in the Far East, as well as remembering the thousands who never returned.今年夏天纪念二战结束七十周年是一件值得感恩的事。在对日作战胜利日,我们给在远东那场可怕战役中的在世老兵们授勋,缅怀数千名没有回到祖国的牺牲者。The procession from Horse Guards Parade to Westminster Abbey must have been one of the slowest ever, because so many people wanted to say “thank you” to them.从骑兵卫队场到威斯敏斯特宫的队伍大抵是行进最慢的一次,太多的人想对他们说一声“谢谢”。

At the end of that war, the people of Oslo began sending an annual gift of a Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square.It has 500 light bulbs and is enjoyed not just by Christians but by people of all faiths, and of none.At the very top sits a bright star, to represent the Star of Bethlehem.战争结束后,奥斯陆人民每年向特拉法加广场赠送一棵圣诞树。树上挂着500个灯泡,不仅基督徒喜爱它,无论何种信仰或有无信仰的人们都喜爱它。在树顶有一颗明星,它代表着“伯利恒之星”。


The custom of topping a tree also goes back to Prince Albert's time.For his family's tree, he chose an angel, helping to remind us that the focus of the Christmas story is on one particular family.这一风俗也可追溯到阿尔伯特亲王时代。他把一个天使放在家里的圣诞树顶,提醒我们圣诞节纪念了一个家庭的故事。

For Joseph and Mary, the circumstances of Jesus's birthwere far from ideal, but worse was to come as the family was forced to flee the country.It's no surprise that such a human story still captures our imagination and continues to inspire all of us who are Christians, the world over.对于约瑟和玛丽而言,耶稣出生在马厩,这样的环境远非理想,可更糟糕的是这家人还被迫逃离故土。这个人伦故事依旧捕捉着我们的想象力,继续激励着全世界所有的基督徒,这并不令人惊讶。

Despite being displaced and persecuted throughout his short life, Christ's unchanging message was not one of revenge or violence but simply that we should love one another.基督短暂的一生中颠沛流离、饱受迫害,可他一如既往倡导的不是复仇和暴力,而是人人相爱。

Although it is not an easy message to follow, we shouldn't be discouraged;rather, it inspires us to try harder: to be thankful for the people who bring love and happiness into our own lives, and to look for ways of spreading that love to others, whenever and wherever we can.尽管践行不易,我们也不要灰心。这鼓励着我们要加倍努力,感谢那些给我们生命带来爱和幸福的人,并想方设法将那份爱传递给他人——无论何时,无论何处。

One of the joys of living a long life is watching one's children, then grandchildren, then great-grandchildren, help decorate the Christmas tree.And this year my family has a new member to join in the fun.长寿的喜悦之一是儿孙绕膝。先是儿女,然后是孙辈,现在有重孙辈帮我装扮圣诞树。今年,我家又有一位新成员共享天


outline Ⅰ、Title Ⅱ、Abstract and Introduction

Ⅲ、Four Espects that Enfluence the Religious Reformation1、Religions and Beliefs

2、Roman Catholic

3、The Decline of Religion

4、The Enfluence of Renaissance Ⅳ、The Religious Attitude of Elizabeth I Ⅴ、Conclusion Ⅵ、Reference Books

The Religious Reformation of the English Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ

Ⅰ、Abstract and Introduction

The background of Religious Reformation contains many espects, religions and beliefs, the religious attitude of Elizabeth I,the Political,the Economic,and theCultural Influence.Elizabeth I is the last Tudor monarch in the 15th century.At that time, England was confused by the religious issue and because of the wrong religious policy adopted by her brother king Award and her sister Queen Mary;the religious issue became more and more dangerous.It endangered the stability of regime and the unity of England.Queen Elizabeth changed the attitude toward different religions and found a more effective method to settle the issue.At the beginning of her accession to the throne, she actualized the mild religious policy and in the middle and late time, she changed he religious policy and adopted more strict policy to adjust to the development of society.Historian reviewed that the religious policy of Queen Elizabeth was very successful.It saved England from the civil war and laid a good foundation for the future of England.Key Words: Elizabeth I; Religious policy;Catholicism; Protestantism; Puritanism; Political ;Economic;Cultural

Ⅱ、Four Espects that Enfluence the Religious Reformation

1、Religions and Beliefs

During this period, the religious issues, which involves the stability of reign and the security of kingdom, is extremely complex and acute.Under the guide of rationalistic religious views, Queen Elizabeth according to the variable situation, strived to seek the balance between the politics and religion.2、Roman Catholic 2

The general British believe in Christianity.Christ’teaching was based on love:love of God,and love of one’s neighbour,i.e.of all fellow-men regardless of race.All the people begin to get tired of the old religion,and some people even dare to protest the govern of Roman Catholic.Before sixteenth century,selfishness,greedy,ignorance appear inside of the Church.The Pope abuse the power to increas the tax.3、The Decline of Religion

The most striking thing about religion in Britain today is that a large proportion of prople are not really interested in it at all.This situation is comparatively new.During the last century religon was very popular,but now it has seriously declined.4、The Enfluence of Renaissance

The main idea of Renaissance has come into Britain from the early time.Although the most people can not understand it at that time,it can also has a great effect on intellectual people in Britain.The Religious Reformation learns a lesson from Renaissance.People absorb the quintessence(吸取精华)of the ideas.Ⅳ、The Religious Attitude of Elizabeth I

When we studies the early time of Elizabeth, we could easily find that Elizabeth always existed in intrigue and trap, so her character was tactful(得体的)and mutable.She could change her religious belief and then protect her life.Second, Elizabeth had received good education.We had known that Elizabeth was a well-informed, educated person.She could master six languages and delve into many literatures that were history, theology and philosophy and so on.So she could rationally and profoundly treat religious issue.And at last, Elisabeth’s brother(King Edward)and sister(Queen Mary)gave her deep impression in judging religious issue.But King Edward and Queen Mary put in force adverse religious policy and all of them put England into balefulness(恨意).So Elisabeth did not want to make the same mistake in religious issue.All of the factors affected Elisabeth’s attitude to religion.Her attitude was rational and under the attitude that Elisabeth put political advantage over personal sensation.Ⅴ、Conclusion

In conclusion,any reformation happens under many espects.A successful monarch would have first settled the two most fundamental issues of politics and religion.A great reformation can bring development and happiness to a country.But on the way to success,we will meet many difficulties,as the Queen of a country, Elizabeth I had succeeded in handling the problem,we shoud show great respect to her.In our textbooks,we learn knowledge about this period of time,we know about the history of Britain,I am interested in this.I wrote this thesis with the help of many documents,I was attracted by them.Ⅵ、Reference Books a.《英国宗教改革研究》蔡骐 湖南师范大学出版社 b.《宗教改革》

任学安 中国民主法治出版社 c.《伊丽莎白一世传》







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