一、十周年结婚纪念照拍摄 时间:8月13日
二、金色北疆克孜加尔湖自驾车二日游 时间:8月19日----8月21日
乌鲁木齐--乌苏-古尔图-克孜加尔湖-原始胡杨林-奎屯-乌鲁木齐 活动领队:岳江 财务:姜英
活动计划: 1、8月19日中午4点出发,约4个小时到奎屯市,在奎屯宿一晚 2、8月20日早7点出发,约3个半小时到达古尔图镇,在革命大餐厅吃午餐,再坐车5公里就来到美丽的克孜加尔湖景区了,我们坐上快艇感受在水上冲浪的感觉,喜欢钓鱼的可以拿上鱼竿尽情的展示你的钓艺,晚上拍摄漂亮的晚霞,可以自己做饭,也可以跟着领队到美丽的胡杨林去摄影拍照,看着满天的星星畅谈人生,集体住大开间(12人间,每人谈到10元了,四人间每人30元,估计能谈到20元,也可以自己开单间,也可以扎帐篷景区每个帐篷收5—10元钱)。晚上在景区晚餐。3、21日早上喜欢摄影的可以自己早起拍摄五指湖的日出,其他人可以睡 到自然醒,吃完早餐我们就驱车前往胡杨林深处去感受童话般的世界,在胡杨林深处大家可以尽情的去周边拍照,但要记得回来的路。最难得的是在胡杨人家不远有一口自流井,水很甘甜,为了安全,我们争取在5点左右往回赶,在天黑前赶回乌鲁木齐,各回各家。
集体装备:对讲机3部,纯净水2件 零食若干(面包、火腿、午餐肉)友情提示:本次活动为休闲腐败性质。注意事项:
乌鲁木齐--乌苏-古尔图-克孜加尔湖-原始胡杨林-奎屯-乌鲁木齐 活动领队:岳江财务:姜英
集体装备:对讲机3部,纯净水2件 零食若干(面包、火腿、午餐肉)友情提示:本次活动为休闲腐败性质。
第一年是纸婚(意思是一张纸印的婚姻关系,比喻最初结合薄如纸,要小心保护!)Paper wedding
第二年棉婚(加厚一点,尚须磨炼!)Cotton wedding
第三年皮革婚(开始有点韧性)Leather wedding
第四年丝婚(缠紧,如丝般柔韧,你浓我浓。)Silk wedding
第五年木婚(硬了心,已经坚韧起来)Wood wedding
第六年铁婚(夫妇感情如铁般坚硬永固)Iron or Sugar Candy wedding
第七年铜婚(比铁更不会生锈,坚不可摧)Copper wedding
第八年陶婚(如陶瓷般美丽,并须呵护)Pottery wedding
第九年柳婚(像垂柳一样,风吹雨打都不怕。)Willow wedding
第十年锡婚(锡器般坚固,不易跌破。)Tin wedding
第十一年钢婚(如钢铁般坚硬,今生不变。)Steel wedding
第十二年链婚(像铁链一样,心心相扣)Linen wedding
第十三年花边婚(多姿多彩,多样化的生活)Lace wedding
第十四年象牙婚(时间愈久,色泽愈光亮美丽)Ivory wedding
第十五年水晶婚(透明清澈而光彩夺目)Crystal wedding
第二十年 瓷婚(光滑无暇,需呵护,不让跌破)China wedding
第二十五年 银婚(已有恒久价值,是婚后第一个大庆典)Silver wedding
第三十年 珍珠婚(像珍珠般浑圆,美丽和珍贵)Pearls wedding
第三十五年 珊瑚婚(嫣红而宝贵,生色出众)Coral wedding
第四十年 红宝石婚(名贵难得,色泽永恒)Ruby wedding
第四十五年 蓝宝石婚(珍贵灿烂,值得珍惜)Sapphire wedding
第五十年 金婚(至高无上,婚后第二大庆典,情如金坚,爱情历久弥新)Golden wedding 第五十五年 翡翠婚(如翡翠玉石,人生难求)Emerald wedding
第六十年 钻石婚(夫妻一生中最大的一次结婚典庆,珍奇罕有,今生无悔,是最隆重庆典)Diamond wedding(Diamond Jubilee)
第四篇:结婚周年纪念策划英文版 Wedding Anniversary plan
Wedding Anniversary plan
If I have¥10,000 to organize an event, I want celebrate my parents’ wedding anniversary for twenty years.I will hold a wedding anniversary party.The purpose of the event: My parents have been married for twenty years, They help each other for 20 years, so we would to celebrate this memorable day.Wish them to grow old happiness forever.This event’s theme: celebrate my parents is love and help each other for 20 years, and recorded the beautiful moments forever.The venue: We will hold this plan in the restaurant, in order to share our happiness to everybody.The audience: We will invite our relatives and my parents’ friends get together to celebrate.The event time: We will hold the wedding anniversary party at 1 October 31, 2011 evening.That day is my parents’ 20th wedding anniversary.Before the Wedding Anniversary party
First, we will and invite the relatives and friends, there are about twenty people.And make sure how many people will come before a week.Then book three or four tables in the restaurant.Second, my parents will to take their wedding photography again before several weeks and prints them ready before the wedding anniversary day.Finally, I will take the money to buy two new presents for my parents: two new rings.We do not need our relatives to bring some experience gifts, just need take some roses and blessing cards, full of blessing’s flowers and full of blessedness words ’cards.In the Wedding Anniversary party
On that day evening, when everybody is ready, we will turn down the light in the restaurant’s box before dinner first.And slowly push for parents a big cake, putting the wedding photography in front of the cake.Let every body see the new wedding photography clearly.And light twenty candles, symbolize their twenty years
happy marriage.Then let my parents blew the candles, make a wish.Then let my parents talk about how their feeling, and what are they preparation and hope in the future.Finally, with the loud applause of the audience, I will show out the rings, my parents will wear the rings for each other.Represent they will continue to have this happiness and forever.When everybody is so exciting, we will let my parents to sing a love song for everybody.After the song we will let the relatives and friends take with the best wishes flowers and the cards to my parents.Blessing my parents always love each other and happiness forever.And then the audience can enjoy their dinner.After the dinner we can take a picture together, this family photo is meaningful to everybody.Then the party is almost come to end, my parents and I will go in front of the audience again, thanks for their coming and with so many blessing to us.And we will hope them always have happiness too.Through the whole party, we will take the video too, so we will record the wonderful time forever.I think it is make my parents’ wedding anniversary more meaningful and moving that everyone will never forget.Conclusion
This is my parents’ wedding anniversary plan, I think it will be so moving and impressive but realistic for the audience.And I will spend less than ¥10,000.I will spent the money to book three or four tables in the restaurant, buy a big cake and take my parents’ wedding photography in order to decorate the party, let everybody to see it wedding photography clearly.At least to buy two new rings, my parents will wear the rings for each other.
on behalf of all the employees invited tonight, i would like to extend our congratulations to president and mrs.johnson for the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.twenty-five years seems like such a long time, especially to a man like me who got married only recently.i seriously wish i would be able to learn from president and mrs.johnson about the secret of having a happy and enduring marriage.customarily, a gift of silver is given on the twenty-fifth anniversary.we
observe that custom, and would like to present a pair of silver ‘jeou’ cups to honor your marriage.with these cups, i’m sure your marriage will always be in a high ‘spirit’
congratulations, president and mrs.johnson!
1.in a high spirit: 浓郁甘醇
2.a silver ‘jeou’ cup 银酒杯
on behalf of president xu who could not attend today, i would like to first express our cordial gratitude to you for inviting us to this wonderful wedding reception.also, i would like to extend our
warmest congratulations to the newly weds, mr.and mrs.brown.i happen to know the groom, mr.john brown quite well, through our business dealings between his company and mine.i believe mr.brown is by far the most competent and efficient businessman i have ever met.obviously, his competence and efficiency even outside of his profession have also been proved, from the fact that he has today married such a beautiful and intelligent bride.mr.brown, with your youth and talent, i am sure that you will have a very happy married life.let me say congratulations again to you both, and i hope you will not work too hard and leave your wife alone too often.congratulations!
express cordial gratitude: 表达由衷的感谢
extend our warmest congratulations to:献上我们最诚挚的祝福
business dealings or business transactions:生意往来
paper wedding--纸婚1周年
tin wedding--锡婚2周年
crystal wedding--水晶婚15周年
china wedding--搪瓷婚20周年
silver wedding--银婚25周年
pearl wedding--珍珠婚30周年
ruby wedding--红宝石婚40周年
sapphire wedding--蓝宝石婚45周年
golden wedding--金婚50周年
emerald wedding--翠玉婚55周年
diamond wedding--钻石婚60-70周年
care mark/caution mark
小心搬运 handle with care
此面朝上 this side up
请勿抛掷 don’t throw down
易腐物品 perishable goods
请勿平放 not to be laid flat
请勿用钩 no hooks
保持冷藏 keep cool, keep in cool place
避免日光直射 keep out of the direct son
有毒物品 poison
危险 dangerous
危险品 dangerous goods
保持干燥 keep dry
请勿堆积 not to be stowed under
other cargo
易燃物 inflammable
禁止潮湿 guard against damp
易碎 fragile
玻璃器皿 glassware
远离锅炉 keep away from boiler
陶瓷,瓷器 porcelain , china
置于甲板 on deck
填充物 padding, pad
as this article is fragile, be sure to put enough padding.此物易碎,请务必装入足够的填充物。
paper wedding 纸婚、布婚第一大典pearl wedding 珍珠婚第二大典
emerale wedding 翠玉婚paper wedding
第二年棉婚cotton wedding
第三年皮革婚leather wedding
第四年丝婚silk wedding
第五年木婚wood wedding
第六年铁婚 iron or sugar candy
第七年铜婚 copper wedding
第八年陶婚 pottery wedding
第九年柳婚 willow wedding
第十年锡婚 tin wedding
第十一年钢婚 steel wedding
第十二年链婚 linen wedding
第十三年花边婚 lace wedding
第十四年象牙婚 ivory wedding
第十五年水晶婚 crystal wedding
第二十年 瓷婚 china wedding
第二十五年 银婚 silver wedding
第三十年 珍珠婚 pearls wedding
第三十五年 珊瑚婚 coral wedding
第四十年 红宝石婚 ruby wedding
第四十五年 蓝宝石婚 sapphire wedding
第五十年 金婚 golden wedding 第五十五年 翡翠婚 emerald wedding
第六十年 钻石婚 diamond wedding