
时间:2019-05-14 02:10:06下载本文作者:会员上传








私见教授亦是可爱之人。正如剧中他“自夸”的;“我性情温和-------情操高洁-------”说唱“When a woman in your life------”传神生动之极。剧末在母亲家中意外见到伊丽莎,遭一阵让人哭笑不得的奚落后,临走还大声喊“Mum”,像个孩子似的。或许这就是孟子所谓“赤子之心”吧!然后“生平第一遭”自己骗自己地想着:将来如何报复伊丽莎。可行动却彰显出他早已不知不觉中爱上那个原本粗俗的卖花女,听着留声机里伊丽莎的声音,教授才能平静下来------接着悄悄的——仙女下凡了-------



All Is decided by Attitude

_____The Report of < My Fair Lady>

As we all have seen, it is enriched with comic scenes through this movie, and it makes us remember not only the actors' exquisite performances ,but also many charming songs from the beginning to the end.But what impresses me most in this movie, are some inspirations that make me aftertaste a lot.The prideful linguistic professor in this movie thinks that one's way of speaking can decide his status and his life in society.Thus he not only distincts languages with the superior and the inferior ,and so with them toward people ,including his student, Ilazer, a poverty-stricken flower girl.Actually, it seems that he has obligated one important point, that is no matter what jobs people are taking, the attitude of respect should go first, as any careers we choose have no differences between the superior and the inferior.They all have their own value of existences.Thus,only when people treat each other respectfully enough , can there eliminate all kinds of discriminations in the world.And the riots can reduce a lot ,while the society become more harmonious and peaceful.However , I do not mean that one can reap where he has not sown.In this movie, the reason why Ilazer can become grace,gain others'respect ,and then deal with the poverty and lead a ideal life, is not only her natured talent and a little good luck.Only owing those inspectors is far more enough to succeed.What she must experience are great effort and pains,which is vital to her success.The professor and Ilazer practice day and night and failure again and again.But where there is a well ,there is a way.They still do not give up and still cherish their hope in their hearts.We must remember Ilazer's charming song when she was dressed in a shabby closes and lead a poor life.Even in that case, she still paid a tribute to the spring ,the follows,and dreamt for chocolate and her future lover.That is all her hope, and hope will be a great motivation.So she never complained for her difficulties and under self-esteem,but still leaded a happy and confident life.Thus in the process of we seeking for our aims ,as long as we pay enough efforts and take a positive attitude in the face of any difficulties, our dream must come true one day.As a matter of fact, what kind of life we want to lead,and what kink of society we want to create ,is all decided by what kind of attitude,we are taking.That is what this movie is telling us.英062061652

李 浩










第四篇:窈窕淑女 影评

The film review of “My Fairy Lady”

Eliza Doolittle, a beautiful young lady.She is a girl with happiness, even the place she live is dirty and crowd, she never let smile slipped out from her face.She has a dream, a warm house with her lover, and a lot of chocolates to eat.“Wouldn’t it be lovely?”

Henry Higgins, an English Linguistic professor, is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor.He regards marriage the most boring and troublesome thing in the world.He is also a precise worker in his work as a language professor.It is often mistakenly said that they collaborate because Higgins decides to improve Eliza's cockney accent.But in fact it is Eliza who takes the initiative, presenting herself at Henry's bachelor quarters to sign up for lessons: “I know what lessons cost as well as you do, and I'm ready to pay.”

The lesson followed is a nightmare to not only Eliza but also Higgins.Higgins take this collaborates as an experiment and always a way to show his ability.He pushes Eliza day and night practicing her pronunciation.As Eliza and Higgins train together, they become accustomed to each other even though it is an abusive relationship on Higgins' part.This film stays true to the original material, and Higgins doesn't cave in during a soppy rewritten “happy ending.” Astonished that the ungrateful

Eliza has stalked out of his home, Higgins asks, “Why can't a woman be more like a man?” Why can not? He believe man is much more justice faithfulness and tolerate than woman.With his mother’s remindful words, Higgins realizes he loves Eliza, but even in the play's famous last line he perseveres as a defiant bachelor: “Eliza? Where the devil are my slippers?” It remains an open question for us, at the final curtain, whether Eliza stays to listen to what he says next.This story has no business with romantic in my mind.What it tells me is about change and attitude.Eliza’s father, used to be a man has nothing left to lose, is now tied by morality and status which he never cares about before.The change of his financial affairs leads to the change of his living attitude.Casting back the reason why it happens is just a joke said by Higgins, and that is really a satire, isn’t it?

Generally speaking, although three hours of the time is actually a little bit long, this film is still worth to watch, I highly recommend it.8266 李斯侬



The review of my fair lady

The movie is about a love story between a flower-girl Eliza and a gentleman Higgins.Eliza was a fair but poor girl who had a distinct countryside accent.Higgins was a linguist professor.He bet with his friend Pickering that he could teach Eliza for 6 months and transform her into a lady.Finally they succeed while Eliza left because of the selfishness of Higgins.But at last Higgins realized he could not live without Eliza and they got together

From my standpoint, the most impressive character was Eliza.She attracted me at first because of her noise characteristic which was quite different from the upper class.She was not constrained by the so-called dignity and she could say whatever she wanted though it would be regarded as impolite and rude.Just as Eliza said that she was a good girl.She earned money all by her hands and sometimes she had to give some money to her alcoholic father.She was brave enough to seize the chance to become an elegant lady.She was also a lovely girl that when she heard she could have chocolates to eat everyday if she stayed her eyes stuck to the chocolates straightly.When she was forced to do the monotonous pronouncing exercise everyday, she showed her disgust to the professor by dreaming that his head was cut down by the king, and only to find that the professor was upstairs staring at her and shouting to her "A".When she made a little progress and the professor danced with her for the first time, she was so excited that she could not fall asleep.In the story, she was a Cinderella who became a charming princess.The only difference was that she did not live happily with her prince that easily, instead they experienced twist and turns.Though Eliza was a poor girl who made a living by selling flowers, she had the determination and courage which seldom girls owned.She knocked the professor’s door bravely and asked him to teach her English with the full expectation of changing her fate.Most people are satisfied with comfortable condition they have and never think about doing something to make their life better and always laugh at those who attempt to challenge.After seeing the film, I realized that I am that kind of person who is lack of enthusiasm.I am afraid of failure and challenge.That is why I always feel my life boring just like a bottle of boiled water.You may challenge the fate with the result of being knocked down, but it is this unpredictable consequence that is charming.We can use our curiosity and eagerness for knowledge to welcome a new day with both dreams and obstacles.It is neither impulse of ignorant nor greedy of doing all kinds of things, but a gracious spirit though ordinary.It happens on the

flower-girl and happens on everyone who loves life.What is more, they will not give up to the hinder;instead they would rather pay more effort to do better.Just like Eliza, she could bear the tasteless pronouncing exercise and the midnight training.At last, her hard work paid off.She had changed into a excellent and independent lady after her behaviors and thoughts being guided and she was not a noisy girl any more.



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