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2012考研英语二 书信类小作文模板分析





考研应用文万学海文英语钻石卡考研辅导老师们建议大家采用缩进式格式。★ 称呼

书信写作的称呼语大致分为两种情况: 书信的情况 称呼语

1)写给团体、组织或机构的负责人 ①给不认识的人 Dear Sir or Madam,/ To Whom It Many Concern ②给认识的人 性别+姓:Dear Mr.Wang 性别+职务:Dear Mr./Ms.President/Professor/Manager 职务+姓名:Dear President(James)Wang 2)写给个人 ①认识,但关系不太亲密 同1)中的②

②熟人或亲属 直呼其名:Dear Mary, Dear John 注:president的含义:总统、董事长、总裁、大学校长、会长、主席等。

★ 正文

考研应用文一般有三点提纲,即三个内容要点。因此,考生应严格按照大纲要求写成三句,每句表达一个提纲要点,顺序不要打乱,做到文字条理清晰,简明准确。书信作文一般7~8句,使用3~5个关联词,3~5个从句,首尾两段可套用一些固定句型。★ 落款 a)落款包括结束语和署名两部分。b)结束语是表示礼节的套语,写在正文下面两三行处的右侧,从中间写起,第一个词的开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号。一般为“Yours sincerely/truly,”,根据考研大纲,署名一致为Li Ming,注意不能写自己的真实姓名。另外,考研书信类不要求写日期。

二、英语书信模板 1,建议信 Dear___, I am quite delighted to learn that_写信的原因.according to my point of view,表述建议内容.On the one hand,提出建议的理由一.On the other hand,建议的理由二, With regard to 具体到某一方面的建议, I suggest建议的具体内容.If 供被建议人的选择.it is unnecessary for you to建议内容的另一方面.What is more, 其它的建议.I am sure对建议内容所作的承诺.Please inform me期望被建议人作出的回应.Sincerely yours,Signature 2,投诉、批评、抱怨信

Dear___, I am写信人的身份.I venture to write you a letter concerning抱怨的内容.The focal point of the complaint is抱怨的中心点.for one thing,抱怨内容的一个方面.for another,_抱怨内容的另一个方面_.honestly speaking,客观的评论.but抱怨产生的原因.All in all, there is still much room for improvement.Before I take any further action, it is my hope表达本人的愿望.Thank you for your time and kind consideration.Sincerely yours,signature 3,道歉信 Dear ___, I am tremendously sorry to tell you that阐述道歉的理由.now, I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret.please accept my sincere apology.I hope you will understand me and excuse me for请求对方给予原谅的理由.The reason for my absence was due to 造成过失的原因.I had no way out because自己当时的处境和情况.Therefore it is not in my power to过失产生的结果.Naturally, I want to suggest建议下次再实现的愿望.I shall be obliged if you商定下次见面的时间和地点.We may meet again and I hope to see you soon.Sincerely yours,Signature.4,感谢信 Dear___, I am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for感谢的原因.I would like to know how much your对方所给予的帮助等meant to me.you have a positive genius for对收信人某方面的赞誉.I not only enjoyed对收信人给予帮助等的反应一,but also对收信人给予帮助等的反应二.I shall ever remember ___as one of the most___ in my life.I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.I will feel very honored and pleased if you表达自己回报的心愿.I am looking forward to seeing you next time!I repeat my thanks again for your___.please give my kind regards to your___.Yours truly,signature 5,求职申请信 Dear___, I am applying for the position of想申请的职务 advertised in___.I major in所学的专业,my training in所接受过的培训definitely meets your qualifications.my complete resume is attached.I will graduate in毕业时间from毕业院校.in addition to the required courses of my major, I have选修课程.I also have some experience in社会工作经验.May I have a personal interview at your convenience? I can be reached by telephone联系方式.Sincerely yours,signature

6,祝贺信 Dear___, I have learnt with delight that you祝贺的理由, I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on被祝贺人所取得的成就.You must be祝贺他很棒.And I feel very happy for you.被祝贺人所取得的成绩is quite exciting news!I know this is surely owing to 被祝贺人做出的努力.Kindly let me know when you询问对方何时有空.I hope表达愿望my best wishes for your___.Sincerely yours,Signature 7,邀请信 Dear___ 开门见山提出事件活动,地点,时间,It would be pleasant/honored to have you here.During the party time/conference, we will have lots of activities/points you will be interested in.First,举行活动之一.second举行活动之二.I know/believe you will be very interested in对这次活动感兴趣.first/for one thing,受邀请人参加的理由之一.second/for another, 受邀请人参加的理由之二.the conference/the party would not be complete without you.The party/conference will begin at举行时间and we do hope you can come.Sincerely yours,signature 8,推荐信 Dear___,It affords me much pleasure to recommend所要推荐的人to you.during his/her graduate years he/she was被推荐人在学校担任的职务.As his/her和被推荐人的关系I found him/he被推荐人的优点his/her performance in the school years was outstanding.first, he/she had been优点之一and showed great talents in优点表现的方面.in addition, he/she has a very pleasant personality.He/she has developed a strong sense of被推荐人的性格特征,and working with him/her is always和被推荐人一起时候的感觉.I can state that he/she has all the qualities of being所具备的特征.Therefore, I here recommend him/her to you with all my heart.Should you favor him/her with a position in your company? I am sure that his/her future conduct will prove worthy of your confidence.Sincerely yours,Signature Best wishes to___.11,辞职信 Dear___,I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position.I plan to leave my job here辞职的工作.There are several reasons involved, first of all, 辞职的原因之一,in addition, _辞职的原因之二__.most importantly, 辞职的原因之三.therefore, I would like to为什么选择辞职.Please let me take this chance to thank you for the rewarding experience I have enjoyed during my employment.I am sorry for any inconvenience caused to you.my best wishes for the company’s continued growth.Sincerely yours,Signature


小作文关键是格式要正确。。千万不要漏写题目给的要素如时间、地点这类的。要素是给分点哦。字要写好。文字不必像大作文一样华丽。。书信作文模板【英语一二通用,这是压缩版同学们尽量自己发挥】: Dear Sir or Madam,I am a senior of ___ department at ___University.(第一句,写给熟人的话可以省略)I am writing to express my interest/sorry/concern/request of 内容主旨.There are several factors accounting for this inquiry/apology/application/recommendation.To begin with,_______.Secondly, ____.Last but not the least,______.Thank you for considering my inquiry/application/recommendation and I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely

Li Ming







My family Rules

A country its laws and a family has its rules.My family also has some rules.For example ,there are important rules in my house.First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm.I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true.Next , I'm not allowed to watch tv on school nights.In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights.Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way.Finally,the biggest problem is that I can't join club.My parents think that only bad for my studying.They don't know I'm intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.There is good say “Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,”but though I should study hard.Of course,I'm old enough to make my own decision.My family rules

There are many rules at my house.I have to get up at six o'clock and be home by 6:30pm.on weekdays.I have to do my homework after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights.I have to stay at home instead of my friends’ home on school nights.I should clean up my room every

morning and we take turns to take out the trush and wash dishes.My parents don’t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because teenagers should sleep for 8~9 hours.I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to

watch TV at night ,thought it is good for me.I can't do it.I think it is a good way to have a rest.Although I don’t agree with some of the ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules.1、不准把书包带进图书馆





1.You are not allowed to bring the bags with you into the library.2.Be quite when you are reading.3.You can borrow four books every time.4.You shoud return books on time.4.You should leave the library before 6:00 pm.The library will be closed at 6:00pm.短篇英语作文[38]遵守交通规则

I am often very afraid to cross large wide streets.I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times I have been frightened.When the light changes to green, I still need to look both directions to check the traffic On many occasions a speeding motorcycle or bicycle or once a truck drove past the red light and across the pedestrian's When I have my bicycle, I get off and walk across the street, but always someone crosses the red light.Once at the intersection near National Taiwan University I saw an accident: a taxi had stopped for the light, and

another truck came from behind and did not stop.For safety, it is very important for everyone to obey the traffic


Traffic Safety(交通安全)

Traffic safety is everybody's business.Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents.Some

of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.However, most of them are the results of careless and reckless

driving, and could be avoided.A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules.They drive regardless of speed

limits, run through red lights, drive in the wrong direction, talk and laugh while driving, and turn as they wish

without giving signals.They don't slow down while approaching crossroads.So many people violate traffic

regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety.Only when everybody thinks

traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.交通安全人人有责。纪录显示每年有许多人死于车祸。有些车祸是由于机械问题。然而大部分车祸都是疏



根据以下提示,以Jim母亲Daisy Brown的名义给他特老师Mr.Green写封信,为Jim请假。



I amjim's mother, Jim uncomfortable after breakfast.I took a

thermometer found that some amount of fever, then took her to see a doctor.After the medical examination that he had a bad cold, take medication and bed

rest for a week.So leave a few days, her condition improved and after school.Daisy Brown




Thank you for your party


I was very happy in your birthday party on saturday morning.Because we

sang songs and danced,and I had some new friends in your party.I feel fun

now.thanks for you.your new friend


英语作文 招聘秘书








dear sir or madam,i am so glad to seeapplicaition of your company.and i also plan to compete for the position--secretary for my job.i think my conditions can meet you.i am 23 years old,male,and 1.72 meteres,who is healthy.i graduate from the guangxi normal university,and get bachelor of literature.my major is

english.therefor, i believe my english can fit for this job, and help my to work smoothly.moreover, i have an year experience related to secretary.finally, i hope that i will be employed by you and work in your company.



I am writing to you to recommend one of my best friends, Helen Wang, for this post.With her outstanding leadership and cheerful personality, she was elected chairperson of the Student Union several times.Busy as she was, she completed his major, teenage psychology, with an outstanding school record.Upon graduation she was assigned to be(分配到)a teacher in Fudan Middle School.What’s more, she loves his job and enjoys working with children.This has won her great popularity among his students.Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend her as an ideal candidate(理想的候选人)for the post you advertised.I am sure you will make a wise decision in hiring her














Dear Tim,I am quite sorry that I have to ask a favor of(寻求帮助)you, with the hope that you will be kind to help me.I have been looking forward to applying for the entrance examination for MA candidates for a long time because I want to pursue further studies(进修).Unfortunately I find myself far from the required standard, especially my very poor English.Finally, the personal friendship leads me toapproach(联系)you with the request, whether you can give me someinstructive guidance(启发性的指导).I promise to be a diligent student.If you agree, please call me as soon as you are free, I hope I can visit you twice a week.Thank you very much for your kind help again.Yours sincerely,Li Ming
















5邀请信 Dear Xiaobao,I will hold a dinner party at my house on April 1st, 2008 to celebrateMr.Guo Jing’s marriage with Miss Huang Hong.As you are a close friend of ours, we would very much like you to participate in the celebration and share our joy.The occasion will start at seven o’clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony.This will be followed by a dinner party.At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree(晚会), at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss.If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1st, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.Yours sincerely,Li Ming







Dear Ken,I have heard that you want to sell your Walkman.I’m interested in it and I would be very grateful if you can provide me with some details about it.For example, what’s its brand? How long have you used it? Does it have the function of recording? If the Walkman is seventy percent new and with the function of recording, I’d like to offer 200 Yuan for it.What’s your idea?

I hope you can call me at 123456 as soon as possible.I’m looking forward to your call.Thank you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming






Dear Mr.John,I am exceedingly(非常)sorry to hear that your father passed away.The painful news reached us this morning, and we were so shocked that we could not at first realize the fact.This sad news has put me in full sympathy with(深切同情)you.Your father was an honorable man and tender parent.Everybody who has known him must feel a great loss caused by his death.I quite understand how you feel now, but you are in duty bound to(有义务)look to your own heath and to take care of your family affairs.These would be impossible if you indulge your feeling in grief.Please accept the deep and true sympathy which is all I can offer.Yours sincerely,Li Ming









一、请职信: Dear Sir or Madam, I am a to-be graduate from Sichuan University, I am writing the letter for the purpose of applying for a position.My qualifications are follows.Firstly, in the past 4 academic years, I have proved myself to be a straight-A student, awarded a succession of scholarships.In addition, My English is particularly excellent, which will reach the requirements set by a foreign company like yours.Finally, I am a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn.In short, I believe that I deserve your consideration.I should be very happy if you would schedule an interview with me.I am looking forward your reply.Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei

二、辞职信 Dear Mr.Wang, I am writing the letter for the purpose of telling my decision to quit.After two months of work, I find it inappropriate for me to serve as an editor here for the following reason.To begin with, I ever expected the job to be challenging and rewarding, which has turned out to be the opposite.In addition, the salary has proved to be much lower than you originally promised and I have a big family to support.In short, I have made my mind to resign from this position after much deliberation.Thanks you for having offered me the splendid opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here.I am sincerely sorry for any convenience caused.Let me know if there is anything I need to do before my departure.Yours truly, Li Ming

三、请求信 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing the letter for the purpose of asking to help find a child in a remote area to whom I want to offer financial aid.The candidate should amply meet the following requirements.To begin with, he must be very poor and truly in need of help.In addition, he must be self-motivated and eager to learn.Finally, he must be willing to return to his hometown after graduation from university.For my part, I will send him a certain sum of money each semester until he finishes his higher education.Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter.Your promptly reply would be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely, Li Ming


I am writing the letter for the purpose of applying for be a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.My qualifications, I believe, just amply meet your requirements.Firstly, my major, English, ensures that my educational background is right in line with the position.In addition, my previous working experience as an enthusiastic participant in various sports has helped lay a solid foundation for this job.Finally, I am a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn.Please refer to my resume for more details.I would be very happy if you should schedule an interview with me.Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter.Yours sincerely, Li Ming


Dear Editor, I am a faithful reader of your newspaper.I’m writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my deepest concern about “White Pollution”.It must be admitted that the current situation is going from bad to worse.Therefore, it’s urgent for us to take more drastic measures.First and foremost, we should appeal to the authorities concerned to set by stricter regulations against the pollution.In addition, we should enhance the public’s awareness of its gravity, which is of vital importance to the solution.Last but not the least, mass media should help devise ways of alleviating the worsening trend.Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter.I’m looking forward to some new changes in our society.Yours sincerely, Li Ming

六、建议信(小建议信)Dear Sir or Madam,I am a student from the Foreign Language Department.I’m writing the letter for the purpose of convey my deepest concern about the library’s service.It must be pointed out that the current situation is going from bad to worse.Therefore, it’s urgent for us to take some drastic measures.Firstly, why not arrange an inquire desk at the circulation hall? In addition, the students should have access to the latest issue of foreign magazines.Finally, you’d better maintain stricter order at the reading room.Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter.I’m looking forward to seeing some new changes in our library.Yours sincerely, Li Ming

七、道歉信 Dear Bob, I’m the Chinese student who lodged at your house during my stay in Canada.I’m writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my sincere apology to you for my carelessness.When I got home, I found that I had forgotten to return the music CD that you were so kind to lend me.I’m feeling awfully sorry for it.As I understand that this CD is one of your favorites, I’ll try my best to send it to you as soon as possible.According to the regulations concerned, it will take almost a week to reach Canada.I’m looking forward to your reply at your convenience.Wish you all the best.Please accept my heartfelt apology.I do hope that you would forgive me for my carelessness.Yours truly, Li Ming


Dear Sir or Madam, I’m head of a household electric appliance plant, which is a leading manufacturer of high-quality digital recorders.I’m writing the letter for the purpose of inviting you to an exclusive presentation of new models and a reception.The presentation will take place at Nobel Hotel on the third of January.I would feel it a great honor if you could come.There will also be a reception at two p.m.I do hope you would attend to.Since your presence is of vital importance to this occasion, I genuinely hope that you can make it.Looking forward to seeing you on that day.Just call our office at 010-69985421, and will be happy to reserve a place for you.Yours truly, Li Ming


Dear Judy, I’m writing the letter for the purpose of inviting to my father’s 70-years-old birthday party.The party is to be held at my house.It will begin at 7 o’clock in the evening with a small musical soiree performance.This will be followed by our dinner, during which we can talk and laugh together.And around 9 o’clock, all the guests and friends will take some photos for our further memories.Since your presence is of vital importance to this occasion, I genuinely hope that you can make it.My family and I are looking forward to seeing you on that day.Yours truly, Li Ming



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