
时间:2022-03-28 01:03:10下载本文作者:会员上传





The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Double Ninth Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival.This festival started in the spring and Autumn period and Warring States period.It is called the three major festivals of China together with the Spring Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival.关于端午节的起源,各地说法不一。影响最大的一说是为了纪念屈原。屈原,战国时代楚国人,出生在湖北秭归县三闾乐平里。由于他学识渊博,明于治乱,娴于辞令,便做了楚怀王的`左徒。他主张对内“举贤授能”、对外“联齐抗秦”,最后达到统一中国的目的。然而,他的这一政治主张却遭到楚国一班奸臣的反对,受到排挤和陷害,被放逐到湖南一带,流落在洞庭湖畔。不久,又听到楚国都城被秦国军队攻破的消息,他难忍亡国之痛,于是在农历五月五日这天投汨罗江而死。人们为了救他,竞相划船寻觅并向水中抛粽子。

There are different opinions about the origin of Dragon Boat Festival.The most influential one is to commemorate Qu Yuan.Qu Yuan, a native of Chu during the Warring States period, was born in lepingli, Sanlu, Zigui County, Hubei Province.Because of his erudite knowledge, his wisdom in dealing with chaos and his adept in rhetoric, he became the left apprentice of King Huai of Chu.He advocated “giving talents and abilities” at home and “uniting Qi and resisting Qin” at abroad, so as to achieve the goal of unifying China.However, his political idea was opposed by a group of treacherous officials of the state of Chu.He was ostracized and framed.He was exiled to Hunan and lived by Dongting Lake.Soon after, he heard the news that the capital of Chu state had been attacked by the army of Qin state.He couldn't bear the pain of national subjugation, so he threw himself into Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and died.In order to save him, people rowed boats to find and throw zongzi into the water.还有的认为过端午是为了驱邪避毒。《楚荆岁时记》说:“五月五日,士民并蹋百草,又有斗百草之戏。采艾以为人,悬门户上,以禳毒气。”《风俗通》中说:“五月五日以彩系臂者,辟兵及鬼,令人不病瘟。”至今东北农村还保留着端午节清晨到野外采摘艾蒿挂在门旁和在儿童的臂上系五彩线的习俗。

Others think that Dragon Boat Festival is to ward off evil spirits and avoid poison.“Chu Jing Sui Ji” said: “on May 5, scholars and people not only waste all kinds of grass, but also fight all kinds of grass.Caiai is like a man, hanging on the door, using poison gas.” “Customs” said: "on May 5 to tie the arms of the color, Bibing soldiers and ghosts, people do not plague Up to now, the custom of picking wormwood and hanging it by the door in the early morning of Dragon Boat Festival and tying colorful lines on children's arms still exists in the northeast rural areas.现代学者闻一多先生认为端午节是龙的节日,即古代吴越人(一个龙图腾部族)举行图腾祭祀的节日。

Mr.Wen Yiduo, a modern scholar, thinks that Dragon Boat Festival is a Dragon Festival, that is, the ancient Wuyue people(a Dragon Totem Tribe)held a totem sacrifice Festival.还有的认为端午节源于夏至,即源于夏商周时期的夏至节。范晔的《后汉书》就持此说。

Others believe that the Dragon Boat Festival originated from the summer solstice, that is, from the summer solstice in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties.Fan Ye's book of the later Han Dynasty holds this view.














端午节是我国的传统节日,端午节又称端节、蒲节、重五节、端阳节、天中节、天长节、五月节、女娲节、龙 子节、诗人节、女儿节、娃娃节、龙船节。香包节、沐兰节、白赏节、解粽节、粽包节,时在农历五月初五,并有“小端阳”与“大端阳”之分。

据晋周处《风土记》记载“端者,初也。”即每月初五这一天,唐玄宗的生日是八月初五,当时的宰相为了讨 好皇帝,避“五”字的讳,于是把“端五”改为“端午”。这一改意思更加明确,古代以地支纪月,正月建寅,二 月为卯,顺次五月为“午”,因此端午即五月初五。端午节的起源、传说颇多,主要的有: ①普遍的说法是纪念受国诗人屈原,据唐文秀《端午诗》记载:“节分端午自谁言?

万古传闻为屈原,堪笑楚 江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤。” ②纪念各族英雄人物。这里面包括替父报仇雪耻的伍子胥。安贫守节的介子推,为操练水军而创设龙舟竞渡的 越王勾践,威震西域的伏波将军马援,反对朱棣篡位的谏臣刘景,投江祭父的孝女曹娥,大理白族坚贞不屈的白洁 夫人,西双版纳神勇的傣族王子岩洪蹩,苗家的屠龙英雄保儿,采集百花降病魔的藏族姑娘莲花,岁暮捉鬼的钟馗,忠于爱情的蛇仙白 娘子等。③原始宗教的植物崇拜。如《诗经。大田》中有“与其黍稷,以享祭祀”的记登,以及《风土记》中“仲夏端 午,烹骛角黍的记载。④夏商周三代的兰浴说。道教定农历五月初五为“地腊”,是日要香场沐浴,驱逐瘴气,祭奠神祖,以保平安。⑤古代吴越民族的图腾祭说。吴越先民断发文身,以“龙子”自居,每逢端午,都要赛龙舟、抛筒粽娱神,以 求部落昌盛,以上诸说,长助并存,没有定论。端午节的礼俗、食俗。①避恶去毒。古人

认为五月是个“恶月”,“阴阳争,血气散”,汉人应劭的《风俗通义》甚至有“俗说五月 五日生子,男害父,女害母”的记载。因此自古便有端午避恶去毒的礼俗。《夏小正》提倡“蓄采仙药”,《后汉 书》主张“朱索五色柳桃印为门户饰,以止恶气”,《荆楚岁时记》也肯定“采艾以为人,悬门户上,以禳毒气” 的作法。因此,后世端午节由许多习俗与食俗,无不出自避兵鬼、驱魔疠、止病瘟、强身体之目的。从这个意义上讲,端午节应当是个防御疾病、卫生保 健的节日。为了使之更有情趣,它在传承过程中还融进了祝福、纳吉、游戏、踏青、竞技、美食等内容,显得文采焕灿,英华纷 披。更有意味的是,端午节的许多宴席均用药物或避邪的名称命名,如《东京梦华录》记载的“艾人宴”,《武林 旧事》记载的《禳会宴》,《胜饮篇》记载的“菖蒲宴”,《岁时广记》记载的“解粽宴”等,这都可作为“端午 辟恶”的佐证。端午节各地有不同的风俗,较流行的有龙舟

竞渡,也叫赛龙船,传说是为了拯救落江的屈原。其它的活动还有 插艾、贴符、挂图等。发表99

第五篇:端午节 英语作文

The Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.This festival is to commemorate the death of QU Yuan, an upright and honest poet and statesman who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.The most important activity of this festival is the Dragon Boat races.It symbolizes people's attempts to rescue Qu Yuan.In the current period, these races also demonstrate the virtues of cooperation and teamwork.Besides, the festival has also been marked by eating zong zi(glutinous(黏性的rice).Zong zi is made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed(芦苇)leaves.People who mourned the death of Qu threw Zong zi into the river to feed his ghost every year.With the changes of the times, the memorial turns to be a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of year.People will hang healthy herbs(药草)on the front door to clear the bad luck of the house.Although the significance of the festival might be different with the past, it still gives the

observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich Chinese cultural heritage.



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