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Lecture Two: Three Views of Style We have seen the definition of stylistics and some definitions of style.Next we will see some most influential and representative views of style.Style as form.(Aristotle)(form and content)Style as eloquence.(Cicero)(skill to use L persuasively)(the relation with rhetoric)Style is the man.(Buffon)(L use is using it in discourse)Style as personal idiosyncrasy.(Murry)

Saying the right thing in the most effective way.(Enkvist)Style as the choice between alternatve expressions.(Ibid)Style as equivalence.(Roman Jacobson)(between form and function)Style as foregrounding.(Leech Mukarovsky)Style as deviation.(Mukarovsky & Spitzer)Style as prominence.(Halliday)

Style as the selections features partly determined by the demands of genre, form, themes, etc.(Traugott & Pratt)

Style as linguistic features that communicate emotions and thought.(Enkvist)

When writers write, they will naturaly try to make their language difffernt from the others’, so as to attract the attention of the readers and also to ensure and secure an independent existence.Or to stand out from the multitude of men of letters.Or just a special position for his writing.And that is to depart from the normal way of expression in a certain sense.Style as deviance.This view of stylistics comes from Widdowson’s remark of style holding that stylistic analysis has no fixed procedure and the technique of doing this kind of analysis is to pick on features in the text which appear to first impressions as unusual or striking in some way and then explore their ramifications.This remark implies that only those unusual or striking features are stylistically relevant.And the implied assumption is that the literary aesthetic effects can only be achieved through deviance.Though some stylisticians hold different views.It leads to such an assumption as that the distinctiveness of a literary text lies in its departure from the characteristics of what is communicatively normal.It also gives birth to the approach to style as deviance from the norms of a given language.Mukarovsky is another famous proponent and founder of this view of style.In his famous article Standard Language and Poetic Language, he speaks of style as foregrounding.He asserts that the violation of the norm of standard, especially, its systematic violation, is what makes possible the poetic utilization of language;without this possibility there would be no poetry.According to Mukarovsky normal use of language “automatizes” language to such an extent that the users no longer see its expressive or aesthetic power;poetry must de-automatize or foreground language by breaking the rules of everyday language.P13 Such as the expression “a grief ago”“a presidency ago” “Mr.Smarter”“Mr.Bumble””

The advantage of this approach to style is that it helps us keep in mind the there is a difference between everyday language and the language of literature.The disadvantages are that: a.It is difficult to define the norm from which the style of a text deviates.Bloch considers the basis of norm to e statistical, that is, to determine style by counting or resorting to the frequency distributions of linguistic features as they differ from that of the language as a whole.b.It tends to lead the readers and stylisticians to value only the language of the grammatically highly deviant authors and under value those authors that do not deviate or do not deviate so much from the norms of language.And generally speaking, it tends to lead underestimation of the non-deviant language both within literature and without.Style as choice.Style results from a tendency of speaker or writer to consistently choose certain structures over others available in the language.The difference between L and style is that L is the sum total of the structures available to the speaker, while style concerns the characteristic choices by a certain writer either consistently or in a given text or context.To say that style is choice of words is not the same thing as saying that it is always a conscious choice, though of course if the writer always chooses his word scrutinously the effect of his way of using L will be all the more obvious as a style.Then that is pick his way forward among words, and it is hard to imagine how much literary work can there be by now.The stock of literature of we human kind no doubt will be greatly diminished.But most, almost all poets, and some writers, and all writers at certain points in their writing do write that way, that is, they a kind of choose scrutinously and seem to pick their way forward among the forest of words.E.g.we Chinese posts have a tradition of refining words.吟得一字安,捻断数茎须。语不惊人死不休。一字之得,旬月踯躅。

Style as choice is often considered as a matter concerned with form or expression rather than meaning.That is, when the meaning is the same what makes a writer as a writer is his peculiar way of saying that, and a person’s of speaking or writing is to a very large extent his consistent choice of a special type of expressions.It dose imply that writers do choose their content in their writing, but it is true that style and stylistic study is mainly concerned with the choice of forms at different levels of L system, i.e.phonology, lexicon, syntax, and discourse.Consequently, a stylistician should first identify those words or forms of other levels of the linguistic hierarchy which are obviously the results of choice.Of though the elements o in a text are all the choices of the writer, but in practice, we only focus on the most peculiar and outstanding ones that are most expressive and most relevant to the meaning and interpretation of the text.Actually, all writings, if the writer is conscientious enough, are essentially speaking processes of choosing of words from the whole repertoire of language of a nation.So what is the implication here?

The awareness of the criteria for choosing is important.The language ability of a person lies in the following: 1.The awareness of the criteria for choosing is important.2.The ability to determine and distinguish the deviant choices from the non-deviant choices 3.The ability to choose 4.A large enough store of different choices(at different levels: sounds, words, sentence patterns, the format of text).5.the ability to transform the different forms, especially, the different sentence patterns into each other.6.The ability to break away from the constraints of norms.Style as foregrounding.Foreground

A term used in pictoral art / close to the viewers Originally applied to the literature by Mularovsky to refer to the departure from the accepted use or norm of language.P18 This essentially speaking is to add a striking feature to one’s language.The departure from the norms(either in terms of structure or semantics)results in a kind of novelty or extraordinary feature, which is sight attracting.Another way of foregrounding one’s language is not to deviate from norms, but to achieve a less radical form of foregrounding, i.e.to manage a striking feature such as uniformity of structure, symmetrical structure, or just something uncommon or striking in general.e.g.1.Do not presume God to scan, The proper study of Humankind is but Man.2.Degeneration is comfortable disease.3.Be what you seem, and seem what you are.A good way of understanding style as choices is put forward by Short(p19): a.When a writer writes he is constantly making choices between one word and another, one structure and another, and so on.Actually it is a matter of making choices from among different ways of expressions in general rather than a choice from two alternatives.b.Examination of the choices one makes as opposed to the ones he rejects can help us more fully understand the meaning he is trying to create and the effects he is striving to achieve.c.He can make choices from both inside and outside of the language system.And the choices from outside the language system are deviant and therefore foreground the language of his writing.d.Over regularity of one’s choices within the language system also makes the effect of foregrounding.The above discussion of style as choices implies that: 1.There are two kinds of choices that are worthwhile for stylistic analysis: deviant choices & choices that are not deviant 2.It is fore grounded choices that are covered and directly concerned in stylistic analysis.Fore-grounded choices include two kinds: the deviant choices and the choices from inside the language system that form a kind of over regularity.In other words, foregrounding is achieved through either deviation or overregularity in language use.3.Style is foregrounding.Deviation can be classified according to its linguistic levels, namely: Phonological level Lexical level Syntactic level Discoursal level The above are different kinds of surface structure deviations.Over regularity is surface phenomenon and mainly exists in the forms of the linguistic segments of different levels.Semantic level(deep structure deviation, for it is concerned with what is later called deep structure).This definition of style integrates the previous two definitions(style as deviation and style as choices)

The two advantages of this view: a.It can account for the non-deviant use of language in literaturewhich might also form the style of its own, while the definition of style as deviance fails to cover this kind of language use.b.Compared to the definition of style as choice, the view of style as foregrounding leaves much less to personal judgment.(The selection and identification of the stylistically relevant features are less of a problem fro those taking the view of style as foregrounding.)

Notice: This does not mean the distinction between the deviant and non-deviant use of language or stylistically relevant and non-relevant choices is not important.Neither dose it mean that the analyst should give equal attention to these two kinds of choices.A sum up:

Style as foregrounding and the different ways of foregrounding(surface structure);a.By frequency, high: some consistent choice within a context or a whole text/ consistent choice of an author/an inclination of choosing language forms/an exhibition of preference of some forms over some other forms b.Successive and consistent choice of certain element/s within a relative shorter stretch of text

c.By putting some L elements in the prominent positions, such as the beginning or end of a sentence d.By deviation

Different kinds of deviation: Deviation can be classified according to its linguistic levels, namely: a.Phonological level b.Lexical level c.Syntactic level d.Discoursal level e.The above are different kinds of surface structure deviations.Over regularity is surface phenomenon and mainly exists in the forms of the linguistic segments of different levels.And this is also a kind of deviation from the norm of language use.It is not a deviation through violating rules but a deviation through exhibiting extraordinary consistency in choice of forms or extraordinary preference of certain forms over other forms.Semantic level(deep structure deviation, for it is concerned with what is later called deep structure).





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(王正文 编撰于 2012.12.23)



一、学习目标(根据题目及是否给出所教班级学生条件等调整)1.准确掌握重点字词和读音的意义,了解词的有关知识 2.分析词与景的关系,理清作者的基本思路和方法










3.开着互动式教学,通过提问回答评价的形式引导学生层层深入地开着教学; 1)自读课文,回答问题

2)分组讨论,注意倾听,汇报心得 4.老师总结






相关文学常识: 词的有关知识: 词兴起于隋唐,是一种和乐可唱、句式长短不齐的诗体。初起时称“曲子”“杂曲子”“曲子词”,后来也称作“乐府”(如《东坡乐府》)“长短句”(如《稼轩长短句》)或“诗余”(如《草堂诗余》)等。它的特点是“词有定格,句有定数,字有定声。”每首词都有一个曲词名称,叫“词牌”。如“沁园春”就是词牌。词牌决定了这首词的字数、句数和平仄声韵。







Description 描述文

A description is a verbal picture of a person, place or things.To make the work picture as vivid and real as possible you must observe and record specific details that appeal to your reader’s sense(sight, hearing , taste, smell, and touch.)Narration记叙文

Relating a single story or several related ones.Though narration, we make a statement clear by relating in detail.We present the details in which they happened Narration includes 5W and 1H.Exposition说明文

In exposition, the writer provides information about and explains a peculiar subject.Argumentation 议论文

Exposition is to illustrate the main means of expression to explain things, explains reasons and give people knowledge genre of literature



课程编号:ENGL3002 课程类别:专业选修课

授课对象:英语、英语师范专业 开课学期:秋(第7学期)学

分:2 主讲教师:王军



第一课 Introduction to Stylistics 课时:第一周,共2课时

教学内容:What is stylistics and how is it associated with other linguistic studies? 第一节:

The position of stylistics in general linguistics.The importance of studying stylistics.第二节:

What is stylistics?

The major contents of this study.Issues that need to be born in mind.思考题:

1.How to do stylistics in the framework of literature or translation? 2.What do you expect to learn from this course?


Style and Stylistics 课时:第二周,共2课时

教学内容:The development and scope of stylistics 第一节:

The definition of style and stylistics.The relationship between appreciation and research.第二节:

The development of stylistics.The scope of stylistics.思考题:

1.What are the major differences between style and stylistics? 2.What areas in society can the knowledge of stylistics be applied to?

第三课 Procedure of stylistic analysis(1)


教学内容:Linguistic description 第一节:

Linguistic description: methods and procedures.第一节:

A checklist of linguistic description.The functions of each one.思考题:

1.Why do we need linguistic description? 2.Think about the significance of conducting linguistic description.第四课 Procedure of stylistic analysis(2)课时:第四周,共2课时

教学内容:Textual analysis and contextual factors analysis 第一节:

What is textual analysis?

How to conduct textual analysis? 第二节:

A classification of contextual factors.How to analyze contextual factors? 思考题:

1.How do you understand the relationship between understanding and textual analysis? 2.Are there other ways to classify contextual factors?

第五课 Stylistic functions of linguistic items 课时:第五周,共2课时

教学内容:Stylistic functions as defined at different levels 第一节:

Stylistic functions of speech sounds.Stylistic functions of graphological items.第二节:

Stylistic functions of lexical items.Stylistic functions of syntactic/grammatical items.思考题:

1.How do you evaluate the different kinds of stylistic functions? 2.What is the significance of studying stylistic function?

第六课 Varieties in relation to regions 课时:第六周,共2课时 教学内容:Regional English 第一节:

A brief introduction to British English.The appearance of American English.第二节:

Differences between British English and American English.British and American regional dialects.思考题:

1.What are the major causes for the differences between British English and American English? 2.How to deal with the use of the two regional English in actual learning or daily communication?

第七课 Varieties in relation to media 课时:第七周,共2课时

教学内容:Spoken English and written English 第一节:

Major features of spoken English and written English.What are the standards of using spoken English or written English? 第二节:

Electronic English.思考题:

1.What is the situation like if one is only skilled in using spoken English or written English? 2.What is the role of electronic English in the course of learning English?

第八课 Varieties in relation to attitude 课时:第八周,共2课时

教学内容:Attitude-related styles 第一节:

Degree of formality.Politeness.第二节:


1.Think about the relationship between meaning and emotion expressions.2.What do you think of the relationship between formality and politeness?

第九课 Varieties in relation to social factors 课时:第九周,共2课时

教学内容:Social factors and their constraints on language 第一节:

Women’s English.Black English.第二节:

Taboo and euphemism.Cultural factors involved in social factors.思考题:

1.What are the reasons that maintain the existence of women’s English?

2.How do you understand the status of black’s English and the black’s social status?

第十课 Review of the past lessons 课时:第十周,共2课时

教学内容:A summary and comment of the past lessons 第一节:

The watershed of the whole course.Recall what have been learned.第二节:

What are the sections that interest you the most?

Is there possibility for you to conduct further research?

第十一课 The English of conversation 课时:第十一周,共2课时

教学内容:Conversational English 第一节:

A general introduction to what to learn in the latter half of the term.About conversation.Phonological features.第二节:

Lexical features.Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:

1.How do you understand conversation in terms of direct speech and indirect speech? 2.Is conversational English always informal?

第十二课 The English of public speaking 课时:第十二周,共2课时

教学内容:Public speech and its features 第一节:

What is public speech?

Public speeches’ phonological features.Lexical features.第二节:

Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:

1.What are the major differences between public speaking and conversation? 2.What are the major differences between public speech and written English?

第十三课 The English of news reporting(1)课时:第十三周,共2课时

教学内容:General knowledge about news reporting 第一节:

What are news reports?

Different kinds of newspapers and magazines.第二节:

The make-up of news reports.A sample analysis of a piece of newspaper(New York Times/China Daily)思考题:

1.Is there any difference between formal news report and informal news release? 2.Specify the make-up of some pages of newspaper, both English and Chinese.第十四课 The English of news reporting(2)课时:第十四周,共2课时

教学内容:Stylistic features of news reporting 第一节:

Graphological features.Lexical features.第二节:

Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:

1.What are the functions of each group of stylistic features in news reporting? 2.What are the stylistic features that distinguish news reporting from other textual styles?

第十五课 The English of Advertising 课时:第十五周,共2课时

教学内容:The language styles in advertising English 第一节:

Something about advertisements.Graphological features.第二节:

Lexical features.Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:

1.What are the major purposes of advertisements? 2.Give some advertising examples that show the violation of some basic language rules in advertising.第十六课 Literary English 课时:第十六周,共2课时

教学内容:Literary English: novel and poetry


Some basic facts about the novel.Aspects for the analysis of the novel.General stylistic features of the novel.第二节:

Some basic facts about the poetry.Prosody.General stylistic features of poetry.思考题:

1.Between fiction and reality, what kinds of stylistic features are most suitable for the novel? 2.What effects does it have on appreciation to analyze the novel’s stylistic features? 3.How to balance meaning expression and poetic features in poetry? 4.What are the common stylistic features between poetry and novel?

第十七课:The English of science and technology 课时:第十七周,共2课时 教学内容:Technical English 第一节:

Graphological features.Lexical features 第二节:

Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.思考题:

1.How to handle formality and politeness issues in technical English? 2.How is objectivity achieved in technical English?

第十八课:Review and answer questions 课时:第十八周,共2课时

教学内容:Review and answer questions 第一节:


Answer questions.参考书目:

1.王守元.《英语文体学要略》.济南:山东大学出版社,2000.2.徐有志.《英语文体学教程》.北京:高等教育出版社,2005.3.Thornborrow,J.Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language and Literature.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.4.Wright, L.Stylistics: A Practical Coursebook.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.



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