八(下)Unit10 Section A 听说课教案(最终版)

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第一篇:八(下)Unit10 Section A 听说课教案(最终版)

八年级(下)人教版新目标英语 Go For It!

Unit10 I have had the bike for three years


Section A(1a-2d)教学设计

Teaching Content Analysis: This period belongs to listening and speaking type.And it covers the content of 1a to 2d in Section A.The whole class is based on the topic of “Yard Sale”.And all the activities target our students simply.The teacher just acts as a helper for the students to better participate in the activities.Through different interesting tasks, the students can truly understand how to use the target language.Still, they can learn something deeply in this class like how to care for and help other people in need.Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aim: Let students master the target language-the different usages of “since” and “for” in the sentence structure of Present Perfect Tense.2.Ability aim: Make students can freely talk about their old things.3.Emotional aim:Develop students’ spirit of saving things and learn to love and help others in need.Students’ Analysis: The students in this class are classified seriously based on different foundation.This makes some trouble for the teaching.So before giving the lesson, the teacher makes great effort in designing the class activities.Also, the past two units study about Present perfect tense makes it easier to learn this unit.Teaching key points: 1.Let students




words: yard/sweet/memory/cent/toy bear/scarf/soft/bread maker and so on.2.Enable students learn to talk about how long they have kept their old things.Teaching difficult points: 1.Students know the differences between “since” and “for” in Present perfect tense.2.Students can fully understand how to have a yard sale.Teaching methods: 1.Situation teaching

2.Task-centered teaching Learning strategies: 1.Pair work

2.Group work

3.Group competition Teaching Aids: Multimedia, some old things Teaching process: Step1.Warming-up热身

Let students enjoy a beautiful song “Days of my past” and some old photos, then ask their feelings.Purpose of design:The photo video can effectively remind students of their sweet memories about their childhood.Step2.Lead-in导入

1.Tell the teacher’s feeling after hearing the song,bring out the key word-sweet memories.2.Then ask students if they have kept some old things for long time.3.The teacher takes out some old things and choose a notebook, asking students to guess how long she has had it.4.Set up a question for students to think about: If I don’t want to keep the notebook, what should I do? Guide students to say “yard sale”.Purpose of design:Using the real old things from the teacher makes the language study close to our life.And the question is better to bring out the topic easily.Step3 Presentation呈现 1.Ask students if they know what the yard sale is.Then play a video for them to know more.2.Ask students what we can buy in the yard sale.Naturally teach reading the new words.3.Tell the students that Ms Zhang will have a yard sale in the classroom.Welcome them to have a look and buy something.4.Invite some students to the front table to choose and buy.And the buyers should have conversations according to the sentence tips.Purpose of design:In this part, the teacher smartly make full use of the teachers’ own things and multimedia.Words are taught easily through guessing games.Step4 Group Competition小组竞赛

1.First, tell students that they are going to have a yard sale in each group.And the game rules are shown on PPT for them to know.2.All six groups have yard sales together at the same time.Buyers can go around each group to choose their favorite old things.They should make conversations with the buyers following the sentence models on PPT.3.Finally, the teacher asks each group leader the result of selling and buying in total.And choose the top three groups.Purpose of design: As we all know, game competition is a good way to burn students’ passion in study.And most of them will feel very enjoyable in such an exciting environment.Step5 Listening(听力训练)

1.Let students prepare the listening part 2a,2b first.2.Then play the recording, students should finish the given tasks and check the answer.Purpose of design:Through the first steps of preparation, students have basically mastered the target language, so it is easy for them to do the listening job.Step 6 Reading 2d(课文品读)

1.First set up some questions for students to think about.2.Students read by themselves, then write down their answers on the paper.3.Point some to answer the questions for checking.Purpose of design: Actually this step is a simple transfer from step5.Because they are about the same girl, Amy and her family.So it is better designed as an easy reading text.Step7 Discussion(拓展延伸)Let students discuss this question: If we don’t want to sell old things in the yard sale, what other ways to deal with them? Purpose of design:This step aims to develop students’ care and love for other people in need.It deepens the whole class teaching.Step8 Summary(小结)

let students review and read the notes on the screen.Purpose of design: It is necessary for the students to review what they have learned in this class for better mastery.Step9 Assignment(当堂作业)

1.Finish the exercise of the workbook(period1, Section A, unit10)2.Review the notes after class.Purpose of design: After-class intensive practice and memorizing training are very important for students’ mastery.


What is the matter? 1.The analysis of teaching material: For eight grade students, we should based on the knowledge students already studied.I use all kinds of targets to teach and let them master the words of diseases.I forced students do a roll play who imitating the procedure of seeing a doctor.With this , can raise students interest and make students lead the class.2.The Analysis of the Students: In this period students are lively, active and have strong curiosity, so they are eager to express in English.Their ability to imitate and remember is particularly strong.3.Teaching objectives 3.1 Knowledge Objectives:

1)Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back;stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;

2)Be able to learn the expressions of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;

3)Be able to talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “You should…You shouldn’t…”

3.2 Ability Objectives:

1)Be able to talk about one’s health problems and give advice fluently;

2)Be able to role play doctor and patient;3.3 Moral Objectives:

1)Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing

2)Care more about yourself and your family members’ health.4.Teaching focus and difficult points: students should master the words about diseases and can give considerable advises.The teaching Focus

1.Master the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back;stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;

2.Can give some considerable advises: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;

2.Talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…”and give advice by using “You should… You shouldn’t…”

The Teaching Difficulties

1.Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the class;2.Students may find it difficult to give considerable advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience.5.Teaching methods: Communicative language teaching.6.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, chalk, eraser and so on.7.Teaching procedures.Step1: Warming up:

1.First greet students and start the class.2.Presentation of pictures about medical instruments(ward, sickbed, operating room).3.Let students recognize these pictures and ask them:” Where they can see these medical instruments?” and students will say:”in hospital”.Step2: Presentation of pictures about diseases 1.Then get students to guess the diseases..When I do an action, ask students: “What’s the matter?” For example, when I put my finger on the stomach, ask students: “What’s the matter with me?” Help students say: “I’m not feeling well.I have a stomachache.” Then teach the other target words: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back in the following way: Put my finger on the other part of body and get students to ask: What’s the matter? Then get other students to guess the problem.2.Use body language to guide students to guess another two names of diseases: cold, cough.3.Show students pictures of diseases half hidden, and get students to guess the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back, cold, cough.Design Description: use pictures, can arouse the curiosity of students to actively participate in teaching activities, the teaching of word mode is simple and intuitive, easy to be accepted by students.Grade eight students love speculation activities, so using the half cover images allows students to consolidate the learned words.Step3: Pair workLet students talk to their desk-mate and use question and answer.Put finger on the part of a student’s body and ask: “What’s matter?” and guide him to use the pattern: I’m not feeling well.I have a… Then ask students to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the target language: What’s the matter? I’m not feeling well.I have a …

Design notes: pairs practice can stimulate student participation, expand participation, and enable more students to speak English.Step4 Presentation of expressions of giving advice.Tell students that I have a cold/cough, ask them: What should I do? Students may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: You should/shouldn’t do… Then show some pictures of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to give advice to each

problem by using target language: You should/shouldn’t do… During this activity, some phrases will be learned: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of water, take some medicine.Design Description: to show students pictures about the disease, it can not only help students to review the new knowledge, but also can naturally introduce a new topic for disease advice.Then, through between male and female disease to carry out said matching game recommendations, stimulate the enthusiasm of students, and consolidate the sentence.At the same time.The student growth related knowledge, strengthen the awareness of health.Step5 Group work

Ask students to make a five-people group, one of them is a doctor, one is doctor assistant, the rest of them are patients.Ask the students to role play the dialogue above.Then ask several groups to perform before the class by using some tools: bandage, a uniform, a stethoscope.Ask other students.8.Homework: Let students recite these words and the text.




一、Background information

Teacher: Miss Qin

Students: 40


Age: 13-14 years old

Lesson duration:40mins Teaching contents: unit1, what are you going to do at the weekend? Module 3

student’s book 2


1、教材内容:本模块围绕 计划 这个话题展开的,从同学们的周边环境入手,从而达到可以计划自己要做什么事情

2、本节课为本模块的第一单元,教学内容包括教材14—15页的 speaking and listening.学生在老师的引导学习下知道一些重要的单词,短语。和能够自然地运用这些短语进行对话。能够计划短期的行程



四、teaching aims;

1、knowledge aims ⑴ New words:


revise picnic

test ⑵New phrases:

check email

revise for

have a picnic ⑶Structures:

be going to+动词原形表达一般将来时 2 Ability aims: be able to use the structures to make a dialogue

五、Teaching strategies: communication approach, audio-lingual approach

六、teaching aids: PPT



七、teaching procedures Step 1:Lead in T:Class begin

S: Stand up.Good morning, Miss Qin T: Good morning, class.Thank you, sit down, please, look, these are my friends, we usually have a picnic at the weekend.Do you know “have a picnic”? S:No T:OK, please look at the picture, have a picnic means we can eat and drink in outside, anywhere, and you can smell flowers…now, do you know? S: Yes T: Ok, what are you usually to do at the weekend? You, please S: I usually play computer games at the weekend T: Ok, it is relaxing, what about you? S:I usually do my homework T:Yean;you are a good student, what about you? S: I usually visit my grandparents T: Good, I think you like you grandparents very much, ok, weekend is coming.This weekend, < look at PPT.>what is my plan at the weekend, do you know plan? S: Yes T: Yean, plan plan, read it, you can guess what is my plan at the weekend, can you guess? You can guess in this way.You are going to…maybe you are going to…

S: Maybe you are going to have a picnic T: Ok, what about you? S: Maybe you are going to have o party T: En it is a good idea S: Maybe you are going to go shopping T: Yean yean, I like go shopping …

T: Look ,this is my plan , read it ,louder Ok ,what is your plan at the weekend, you can answer in this way, I am going to…what are you going to do at the weekend S;I am going to get up early T: Ok.This is a good habit.You? S: I am going to… …

T: please ask and answer the question in pair, what are you going to do at the weekend? I am going to…what about you? I am going to…yean, now please do it T: Louder please, so that everyone can hear you….thank you, look at me who like do it, please two boys S: T;Thank you so much, S: T: Ok, that girl, what is your name? S: Nancy T: Nancy, you like read books right, I like read books very much, so we are friends T;So you see , my friend Nancy is going to read some books, and that is his plan, what is the plan of your friend, you can ask your friends about their plans, you should answer it use “my friend/friends is/are… he/they is/are going to…we /they are going to…OK? Ok, go do it T: You, please S: My friend is Lucy;she is going to have a piano lesson on Saturday morning.We are going to have a piano on Saturday afternoon T: Ok.Who is Lucy? Ok your weekend is very interesting, what about you? S: my friends are lily and joy;they are going to have a party.T: en, first, we are going to listen the tape, and you can finish this blanks, ok? S: ok T: are you finished it? Ok, check your answer T: look at the screen again, who can read this question? who can..just try, ok S: …

T: Good, you can read it confidently, now we can listen it and then answer question


: Check you answer, second listen it again and choose the correct answer….check your answer.Look at the page 15, listen again and finished, then I want to choose some students to answer it T: are you finished it? Ok, check it, you? S;…

T: good, right answer, next …

T: we are finished it, ok, do you think Betty and Daming’s weekend are very great? S: Yes T:Now, please, play a role with your partner

T:this group, can you? Ss:…



we have learn much about the structure and some important phrases, please work with your partner to make your own dialogue like page 14, if you have any questions, please hands up, begin ,go go go T:Who want to show your dialogue? Ok please …

T :Any one else, this group, can you? T :You are very good today.now we will review together, look at the picture, do you know what’s this? S:Clock T:Good, first, he is going to get up early, and then he is going to revise for his test.then he is going to buy some clothes, then he(ask students to answer it)

Homework Write down your own dialogue about how to spend your weekend


教学过程: 一 课程导入:

同学们大家好,我有个问题,你需要什么?需要钱 需要男朋友 需要食物 需要睡觉 需要上厕所~(3分钟)二 课文部分:
















时髦。小红想要一件新潮连衣裙。这双鞋子很新潮。8.坡跟儿 图示法或实物法



镶红边儿 10.尊敬(动)尊敬的老师

11.袖珍(形)很小的袖珍手机/词典/相机 12.汇报(动)向女儿汇报 13.香肠(名)


C 好,我们听第二遍录音(4分钟)D 回答问题(“对了”用法):(8分钟)

女儿需要什么?新潮连衣裙(镶金边儿或镶粉边儿)、袖珍相机、洋娃娃 妈妈需要什么?皮凉鞋(坡跟儿的、比25小半号)、广东香肠 爸爸需要什么?一分钟安静

“对了,爸爸,我还想要个洋娃娃„„”口语中,说话人突然想起别的话题,或对前面说的事情有所补充。讲解课本例句。E 课本68页练习一(2分钟)

F 读一下练习二题目,听第三遍录音,回答练习二问题。(10分钟)G 完成句子:先做练习(15分钟)第二课时:





做题。(2分钟)讲解为什么(2分钟)C 练习2(10分钟)


初中英语听说课教案《Unit 5 Could you please tell me where the》

上传: 张爱萍 更新时间:2012-5-21 10:55:23


unit 5 could you please tell me where the



1、知识目标: 学习使 用 uncrowded, safe, fascinating, inexpensive, delicious, convenient 等形容词描述介绍各种场所。能力目标:

2、能力目标: 1)能够听懂询问信息的句型并会用英语提供帮助。2)学会准确描述地理位置,并给他人指路,提供帮助。教法 情感目标:


1)视听法:主要通过多媒体课 件展示、图片展示、老师提问、学生回答等方式提供让学生看、听、说的练习机会 2)问答法:展示各种图片,让 学生利用这些图片进行交流,互 学法 相问答,让学生在做中学,在实 践中获得信息,习得英语。3)实施情境教学法 4)采用 任务型语言教学 多媒体 录音机 学具 师生活动设计

1)学生课前预习法 2)小组合作探究法 3)情感激励法

教具 教学程序设计 教材处理设计



step1 warming up :复习热身 greet the class.look at the pictures.【出示 section a 中 2a 的图片, 让学生思考, 准备介绍分别可以在哪买到 book,shoes, shampoo 等物品,如何找到该地方。复习前 面学过的句型,为本课的顺利进行,尤其是 听力的顺利展开打好基础。…… 】

老师出示一些商业店铺的图片,学生两人一组练习: 该在哪里买到相应物品?如何到达目的地?即练习问路的表达 法和如何指路的表达法。复习where, how 引导的宾语从句。为 本节课的听力做好铺垫。


step2 free talk:各抒己见 1)老师提出问题

1)老师提出问题: t: do you like the restaurant



t: what do you think the restaurant should be like(多媒体出示餐馆图片)let ss talk about this question.启发学生使用 clean, beautiful, delicious…… 等形容词来修饰表达。教 师 出 示 更 多 图 片,(museum, restaurant, park, subway, mall)开始本节课话题,带出任 务,组织学生进行交流,学生通过思考和谈论 引入新课题,让学生根据所提出的问题,总 结自己的答案。2)let ss read 1b.然后同桌谈论我们镇的一 些地点,参考用 1a 中所给词汇练习。step 3 :listening 1)听力内容听两遍。在 听 之 前 告 诉 学 生 : you’ll hear three different conversations.in all three, the family members are talking to the man in the information booth.listen to the recorder and write what place they ask about in each conversation.第一遍,听对话,捕捉所听信息,完成 2a。第二遍,再听对话,检查所写内容是否正确。answers: conversation 1: restaurants conversation 2: restrooms conversation 3: museums 2)listen again.fill in the missing words.听两 遍,完成 2b.2b 的听力难度比 2a 要大,因此在处理时,采用漏词填空形式,将听力材料打印出来,s: yes, we do.t: but what do you think the restaurant should be like s1: clean s2: beautiful …… 学生同桌谈论,提示使用课本 1a 左边所给的形容词,先写出最 重要的形容词,可用多个形容词修饰。让学生说出自己的答案。

2)老师可先给出一个范例。如:a: the mall is really crowded.b: yes, and it’s convenient,too.学生两人一组以 mall, park, restaurant 为话题自由交谈。

三、打开耳朵,打开耳朵,听录音 1)听力训练 1 完成 2a

(1)在听之前老师向学生介绍,一个家庭在 sunville 渡假时,家庭中各个成员正在向人咨询的场景。提醒学生注意听好他们 询问的是有关什么地方?

(2)check the answers with the class.听完后让学生说出他们所写 的答案,与全班一起校对。这时应该边听边校对,便于学生发现自己存在的问题,找出错 误的原因。

(1)老师将听力材料打印好分发到同学手中,给学生一分钟的 时间快速浏览一遍。(2)老师放录音两遍,学生听并完成漏词填空。

2)听力训练 2 完成 2b

漏掉关键词语,让学生边听边填。设置的填(3)师生对照大屏幕一起校对答案。空既要考虑难易适中,又要照顾本课重点。不能让学生听不懂,失去信心。我们应该让 学生觉得“我行”,而不是“我不行”。然后 师再放录音,生对照手中听力材料跟录音读,规范学生的语音 将含有答案的听力材料展示在大屏幕上。语调,练习朗读,为后面的语言交流做准备。3)第三遍让学生根据手中的听力原文,跟录 音读,进行朗读训练,主要是让学生能学习到纯正的语音、语调,弥补了教材朗读材料 的不足。step 4 :practice 2c role play the conversations between the man and the tourists.引导学生自己说出 2c 中的句型,写在黑板上,然后根据这个简单的对话,利用听力 2a, 2b 中的信息完成一个新的对话。这个环节主要是 培养学生自主学习的能力。step 5:exercise 大屏幕显示练习: 1.can you tell me _______________________(哪儿有好吃的地方)2.do you know _________________________(这周围有公厕吗?)3.could you please tell me _____________(在 sunville 是否有好的博物馆吗?)4.the fine arts museum is really ________.(又 漂亮又有趣)5.the mall is ___________________.(又方便


t: now work in pairs, role play conversations using the information from 2a,2b ss 两人一组进行练习,用 can you tell me where there is …….句型。这样设计对话,一是复习了听力中的目标语言,二是为下节课内容的展开做了良好的铺垫。


学生独立完成练习。教师可以让不同层次的学生到黑板做,然后针对学生所作的情 况,加以讲解,这样教师只是对部分易错的题进行讲解,节省 了大量讲的时间,给学生更多练习的时间.1.教师出示练习在大屏幕上让学生练习,巩固知识点。2.教师让不同层次的学生到黑板上做题 3.老师讲解错题,学生巩固知识点。


又不拥挤)老师先给出一个例子:i like the bookstore best.because there are step 6: homework 以 my favorite place 为题,让学生介绍写下一 many books that i like in it.i can learn a lot from the book.but the air isn’t fresh……学生相互讨论喜欢的地点,及优缺点,为下一 个自己最喜欢的地方(如:综合大超市、商 步的写做好准备。场、公园、书店、图书馆等等)。并说明它的方位以及它的优点和缺点。

板 书 设 计 unit 5 could you please tell me where the restrooms are

1、inexpensive(= cheap)

2、both delicious and inexpensive

3、a good place to eat

4、a good place to hang out

5、there are a lot of fun things for children there.6、learn about……

教 学 反 思

本节课以听说为主,首先为学生创设一个与生活密切 相关的问路、指路的生活情景,学习礼貌地向他人询问 信息,从而练习where, how, if 引导的宾语从句。再一个就是处理听力部分的时候我注意到: 先让学生 熟悉背景材料,然后开始放录音;且在放第二遍录音后 让学生自己检查或验证答案; 最后,教师与学生一起校 正答案,并将听力中的难点句子板书在黑板上,便于学 生很好的理解。当然本节课的不足之处也是听力,听力练习一向是学生 的薄弱环节,以后应加强学生听力训练。小组讨论环节,部分差生不能积极参与。

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    听说课一、概述 听说课是英语学科的课型之一,也是常考课型。本课型重在培养学生听和说的技能,因此面试时抽到这一课型的学员应合理设计教学活动,确保学生能够积极参与,鼓励学生......


    学完初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析专题讲座后,我认为英语听说课教学应注意以下几点: (一)听力部分的分析和使用:1.准确定位主题内容。2.准确定位教学重点和难点。 (二)听说课......


    听“中小学体育教学单元式说课”有感 一、明白了单元式体育说课说什么。 单元式体育说课要从设计理念;教材分析;学情分析;单元目标;教学重、难点;教法与学法指导;设计一节课的完整......


    如何改进教学设计,提高听说课教学的有效性? 课堂上练习听说能力是英语基本技能之一,那么如何提高这项能力呢?在实践教学中,我们要改进教学设计,来提高它的有效性。结合自身的体会,......


    看过鲁子问老师执教的高中英语模块一Unit 1 Friendship的听说课,感触很多。对听说课有了进一步了解。对听说课的教学设计有了新的认识。 “听说课”是将听说训练相结合,以听为......


    新课标下的听说教学 高一英语 新课程改革已经在全国范围内逐步推行,我省也已经正式步入课改的行列之中。英语学科新课改的重点是改变过去只注重语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽......


    如何上好听说课提高学生语言综合应用能力 新世纪中学英语教学改革的核心是要在课堂教学中实施英语素质教育。素质教育是一种教育思想,它首先要求教师面向全体受教育者强调普......


    初中英语听说课教学策略 适用于每单元的lesson 1 listening and speaking。section a listening是语言的基本内容,是语言的输入阶段。section b speaking是综合的语言运用和......