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北京是一个具有悠久历史的文化古都,早在公元前一千多年的时候,那时的燕国就在这里建起了城墙,从此开创了北京城墙文化的历史。随着历史的演变和发展,北京城墙所承载的文化内涵也不断被延展着、变化着、丰富着。城墙是人类开始走向文明的标志。说到文明就总是离不了城墙、青铜器、文字、阶级这几个标志,而对于古代中国文明的发掘无不以城墙遗址为要,可见城墙对文明来说是多么的重要。城墙的建设不仅仅反映了人们挖壕筑墙的水平,而且还反映了古代青铜矿冶和铸造的科技进步水平。只有相对高级和相对发达的城墙建筑,才能够保证城市生活的稳定和发展,这才是城墙“文化”最贴切的核心内涵。城之形制 在我国古代的汉字中的“城”,一方面是指“城墙”,另一方面又指“城市”。对于中国古代的城市的建设来说,大多是先修筑城墙,后形成市区的。城墙的主要作用是用于军事防御。而国都的城墙不仅仅是一种防御工事,而且还是统治中心象征,这就是北京城墙所具有的文化内涵,也是北京城墙和其他城市的城墙的最大不同之处。我国历史上的城墙主要以矩形为主,北京城的形状为近似矩形。说到北京城,原来有4道城墙,在城市的中心,皇宫外面是紫禁城,紫禁城的城墙不是一般老百姓的,所以它不是一般意义上的城墙,虽然它也代表着一定的文化,只是那文化离我们老百姓太远了。它的外面围着一圈更大的城墙,叫皇城,皇城的外面还有周长24里的内城城墙,此外北京的南边还有外城城墙。紫禁城宫城高墙环绕,城高10米,厚6米多,城外有护城河,又名筒子河。城四方都有高大的城门楼,南面叫午门,北面叫神武门,东边的叫东华门,西边的叫西华门。有城就一定有门,否则就只能叫墙而不能叫城墙了。中国对于门的理解和西方人不同,我们常见到的西式建筑,差不多就一大门,其余多是小门,西方文化是开放的,可是建筑却是相对封闭的独立的。中国古代,从院落建筑到城市建筑,总是不厌其烦的大建其门,中国传统文化是相对封闭,可是建筑却相对开放。现存的北京皇城始建于明永乐年间(1406-1420年),它是用砖砌成的城墙,城墙的外面还涂了朱红色,墙的顶上覆盖着黄色琉璃瓦。皇城南的大门叫做大明门(清代改为大清门,民国时又改叫中华门),东侧的叫“东安门”,西侧的叫“西安门”,北边的名“北安门”,清代改叫地安门。北京从前的内城是在明太祖1370-1419年建造,内城周长约24里,一共有9个城门,老北京话说的“四九城”,就是内城东西南北的四面城墙和它的九个城门。外城,明代时,正阳门外人口增多,为了防止外部的侵扰,1542年刘伯温等人建议明政府修筑北京外城。嘉靖32年又有给事中朱伯辰上书也建议说应该修。另外我国古代城市本来就有“内城外郭”的重城制模式。于是嘉靖帝下令大兴土木修筑城墙。干了一段时间之后,发现财政吃紧,严嵩下来到工地巡视了一番之后,提议先修筑南面城墙,等到以后有钱了再续修其他几面。最后把已经修好的北京南面的城墙,“东折转北,接城东南角;西折转北,接城西南角”,外城工程花费了十个月的时间,北京城就成了”凸“字形。
Beijing culture
金融1101 马雪飞
Introduction Beijing is an ancient city with a long history.Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the moment, had been named capital of Yan.Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their capital.Therefore, Beijing was famous for “Capital of a thousand years”.The long history leaves Beijing precious cultural treasure.Traditional Beijing culture
The best representatives for Beijing are the Hutongs and square courtyards.Through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of Beijing's life
Si He Yuan(四合院)
A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides protected by high walls with a yard in the center.The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings.'si' means four ,which here refers to the four sides;east west south and north 'he' refers to the surrounding meaning the four sides circle into a square.Due to it's special layout it's compared to a box with a garden in the center.There is only one gate leading to a hutong , so when the gate is closed the courtyard losses touch with the outside world.Therefore family members can fully enjoy tranquility and share the happiness of a peaceful family union.Usually, a whole family lives in compound.The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end, the younger generations and guests live in the eastern and western side houses, and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.Hutong(胡同)
Hutong first appeared in Beijing during the Yuan dynasty, most of today’s Hutong were formed during the Ming and Qing dynasties that followed.The narrow streets between the Si He Yuan are called “Hutong”s.Hutong is the common name of small lanes in Beijing.Old people say that “there are 360 hutongs with names without names are countless.there are more than 5000 hutongs in Beijing they are basically keeping the layout of ming dynasty.the widest have more than 30meters and the narrowest less than 1 meters.In Beijing You can find various hutongs with different lengths,shapes or directions The extremity of hutongs 北京胡同之最
the longest: Dongjiuaominxiang ,3000 meters
The shortest: Chidajie ,25.23 meters 最短的胡同:尺大街
The broadest: Lingjinghutong, the broadest 32.18 meters 最宽的胡同:灵境胡同,最宽处32.18米
The narrowest: Xiaolaba hutong less than 0.6meters 最窄的胡同:小喇叭最窄处不足0.6米 The maximum curves:9 curves 拐弯最多的胡同:九湾胡同 The oldest: zhuanta hutong 最古老的胡同:砖塔胡同
Si He Yuan with Hutong which have been very familiar for people, having a history of more than 700 years now suffer from the urban renovation and economic development of China, and they are slowly disappearing from Beijing.Beijing snacks Perhaps you have never been to Beijing but you must hear the Beijing snacks like the roast duck Roast duck The history of the roast duck can be traced back to as early as the Yuan Dynasty(1206-1368), Theo famous restaurants that , Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant Beijing Roast duck is thought to be one of the most delicious dishes all over the world;most visitors coming to Beijing will never forget to have a try.Eating Peking duck is seen to be one of the two things you are absolutely supposed to do while in Beijing.Snakes street Gui street and Nine gates snacks street is the famous street for food in Beijing
Beijing snacks 驴打滚glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour 炒肝Fried Liver 豌豆黄 Pea Cake
炸酱面Noodles with Bean Paste 豆汁Mung Bean Milk 焦圈fried ring
Beijing snacks used to be very famous in Beijing in the old days.The kind of snacks is varied, there were approximately more than 200 of them, but the most of the snacks are derived from Chinese Muslims.Bean Soup(豆汁)is one of the distinguished Beijing snacks.In making the bean soup, the only material is the remaining after making Tofu.Bean Soup tastes sour.If you are not familiar with Beijing, you will hate this at the first taste.Beijing traditional brand 稻香村Sweets 点心
瑞蚨祥silk textiles(绸布)内联升(布鞋)
同仁堂 Famous place
天桥(theater, acrobatic)吹糖人 潘家园
Modern culture of Beijing
The Beijing central business district(CBD), centered on the Guomao area, has been identified as the city's new central business district, and is home to a variety of corporate regional headquarters, shopping precincts, and high-end housing.the Beijing center business district is becoming one of the most important financial centers in china.There has new Beijing television station and a lot of the world top enterprise 798 The area occupied by Beijing 798 Art Zone was once the place for Beijing North China wireless joint equipment factory,which was designed and built by the experts of former G.D.R in the 1950s.The Joint Factory was designed to be built in 1952 due to the ordered designing, convenient traffic, unique style of Bauhaus architecture, many art organizations and artists came to rent the vacant plants and transformed them, gradually formed a district gathered galleries, art studios, cultural companies, fashion shops etc.As the earliest area where the art organizations and artists moved in located in the original area of 798 factories, this place was named as Beijing 798 Art Zone.The 798 Art Zone has become a exhibition center of Chinese culture and modern culture, it also have the world famous cultured and creative industries centralized area
Olympic The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies.The stadium is 330 meters long by 220 meters wide, and is 69.2 meters tall.场馆长330米,宽220米,高69.2米The 250,000 square meter(gross floor area)stadium is to be built with 36 km of unwrapped steel, with a combined weight of 45,000 tonnes.250000平方米的体育馆将由全长36千米的钢铁搭建而成,总重达45000吨 The Beijing National Aquatics Centre, also known as the Water Cube(or abbreviated [H2O]3 [1]), is an aquatics centre that was built alongside Beijing National Stadium in the Olympic Green for the 2008 Summer Olympics.Ground was broken on December 24, 2003.Tourist attraction Tiananmen The largest city central square in the world, the solemn and respectful Tiananmen Square is not only the symbol of Beijing but also the symbol of China.surrounded by a variety of significant edifices: Chinese Revolution History Museum, Mao Mausoleum, Great Hall of the People, the elegant and beautiful Tiananmen(Heavenly Peace Gate), and Qianmen(Front Gate).The daily flag ceremony at the square, performed at sunrise and sunset each day, is most exceptional and well-worth making time to view.The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking Forbidden City is the world's largest and best-preserved ancient building groups.The Palace Museum start to set up in A.D.1406, the Palace Museum have the size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to 8704.the Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum wall of 3400 meters, there is 52 meter wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe barracks故宫位于北京市中心。中国现存最大、最完整的古建筑群。被誉为世界五大宫之一。故宫始建于公元1406,故宫有大小院落90多座,房屋有980座,共计8704间.宫城周围环绕着高12米,长3400米的宫墙,形式为一长方形城池,墙外有52米宽的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡
The Summer Palace, dominated mainly by Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, covers an area of 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is under water.Its 70,000 square meters of building space features a variety of palaces, gardens and other ancient-style architectural structures.Well known for its large and priceless collection of cultural relics, it was among the first group of historical and cultural heritage sites in China to be placed under special state protection.颐和园主景区由万寿山、昆明湖组成,全园占地2.9平方公里,水面约占四分之三。园内现存各式宫殿、园林古建7万平方米,并以珍贵的文物藏品闻名于世,是第一批全国重点文物保护单位。
The Temple of Heaven is located in southern Beijing.Built in 1420, the 18th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Yongle, the temple was where emperors went to worship heaven for good harvests.The great wall, located in northern china, is 6700 kilometers long and thus known as the ”10000-li great wall".Construction of the wall went on for more than 2000 years, from 7th century BC to 14th century AD.The wall has become a symbol of both china's proud history and its present strength.Yuan Ming Yuan, include palaces and gardens in Beijing.It is 8 kilometers north-west the Imperial City, built in the 18th and early 19th century.It was destroyed by British and French troops in 1860 during the Second Opium War.The Old Summer Palace is located just outside the west gate of Qinghua University, north of Peking University, and east of the Summer Palace.Many tourist come to Beijing to experience the Chinese wonderful culture.And Beijing is becoming an international city with its continuous development.I believe you must have a strong interest about Beijing culture.Welcome to Beijing.