
时间:2019-05-14 16:28:02下载本文作者:会员上传


制冷专业英语基本术语 制冷 refrigeration 蒸发制冷 evaporative refrigeration 沙漠袋 desert bag 制冷机 refrigerating machine 制冷机械 refrigerating machinery 制冷工程 refrigeration engineering 制冷工程承包商 refrigeration contractor 制冷工作者 refrigerationist 制冷工程师 refrigeration engineer 制冷技术员 refrigeration technician 制冷技师 refrigeration technician 制冷技工 refrigeration mechanic 冷藏工人 icer 制冷安装技工 refrigeration installation mechanic 制冷维修技工 refrigeration serviceman 冷藏链 cold chain 制冷与空调维修店 refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop 冷藏 refrigerated prvservation

管道与附件 配管 tubing 空调制冷配管 ACR tubing 管道 piping,tubing 制冷管路 refrigeration pipe line 系统酸状况 acid condition system 退火 annealing 加压元件 pressure imposing element 检修门 access door 气封 vapor lock 主管 main 歧管 mainfold 集管 header 盐水管 brine line 盐水集管 brine header 旁通管 by-pass 套管 tube-within-a-tube 伸缩弯 expansion loop 存油弯 oil loop 液环 liquid loop 配管 tubing 空调制冷配管 ACR tubing 管道 piping,tubing

制冷管路 refrigeration pipe line 系统酸状况 acid condition system 退火 annealing

加压元件 pressure imposing element 检修门 access door 气封 vapor lock 主管 main 歧管 mainfold 集管 header 盐水管 brine line 盐水集管 brine header 旁通管 by-pass 套管 tube-within-a-tube 伸缩弯 expansion loop 存油弯 oil loop 液环 liquid loop

吸入管 suction line,return line 消声器 muffer

分液贮存器 accumulator

排出管 discharge line,hot gas line 液体管 liquid line 冷凝液管 condensate line 管道附件 fittings 软接头 connecting hose 加液接头 charging connection

快装接头 quick-release coupling,quick-coupler 法兰 flange 接管 coupling

收缩管 constricted tube 异径内承插管 reducing coupling 异径外承插管 double male reduction 异径套管 reducing bushing 螺纹接管 nipple 阀 valve

截止阀 stop valve 止回阀 check valve 角阀 angle valve

球阀 ball type valve,ball valve 闸阀 gate valve 操作阀 service valve 防通阀 bypass valve 二通阀 two-way valve 三通阀 three-way valve 塞子 plug 端盖 cap 垫 gasket 垫料 gasket 填料 packing 喇叭口接头 flared joint 扩口工具 flaring tool 胀口工具 swaging tool 弯曲弹簧 bending spring 弹簧弯管器 bending spring 扭矩扳手 torque wrench 压力容器 pressure vessel 贮液筒/器 surge drum 高压贮液筒 high pressure receiver 低压贮液筒 low pressure receiver 低压平衡筒 accumulator,surge drum 均压管/平衡管 equalizer 均压罐 equalizer tank平衡罐 balance tank 液体分离器 suction trap 气液分离器 flash chamber 经济器 economizer 喷射器 ejector 搅拌器 agitator 抽气回收装置 purge recovery unit 排空 pump-down 循环泵 circulation pump 液位指示器 liquid level indicator 窥镜 sight glass 液体流动指示器 liquid flow indicator 吸入压力表 suction gauge 排出压力表 discharge gauge 净化系统 purge recovery system 油分离器 oil separator 集液器 liquid trap 集油器 oil receiver,oil trap 不凝性气体分离器 non condensable gas purger 放空气器 gas purger 干燥器 dehydrator,drier 过滤器 filter,screen,strainer 干燥过滤器 drier-filter 脱水 dehydration 干燥 drying 干燥剂 desiccant 硅胶 silica gel

活性铝 activated carbon 分子筛 molecular sieve 润滑 lubrication 滑油冷却器 oil cooler

中间冷却器 intercooler,interstage cooler 闪发式中间冷却器 flash intercooler 膨胀容器 expansion tank 冷凝器英语 冷凝器 condenser 冷凝液 condensate

空冷式冷凝器 air-cooled condenser 风冷式冷凝器 air-cooled condenser

自然对流空冷式冷凝器 natural convecton air-cooled condenser

强制通风式冷凝器 forced draught condenser 冷凝风机 condensate fan

线绕式冷凝器 wire and tube condenser 水冷式冷凝器 water-cooled condenser 沉浸式盘管冷凝器 submerged coil condenser 套管式冷凝器 double pipe condenser 壳管式冷凝器 shell and tube condenser 组合式冷凝器 multishell condenser

卧式壳管式冷凝器 closed shell and tube condenser

卧式冷凝器 closed condenser

立式壳管式冷凝器 open shell and tube condenser 立式冷凝器 open condenser,vertical condenser 壳盘管式冷凝器 shell and coil condenser 分隔式冷凝器 split condenser 淋激式冷凝器 atmospheric condenser 溢流式冷凝器 bleeder-type condenser 蒸发式冷凝器 evaporative condenser 板式冷凝器 plate-type condenser

空冷板式冷凝器 air-cooled plate-type condenser 水冷板式冷凝器 water-cooled plate-type condenser

焊接板式冷凝器 welded sheet condenser 螺旋板式冷凝器 spiral sheet condenser 冷凝-贮液器 condenser-receiver 混合式冷凝器 barometric condenser 液化器 liquefier

冷凝水泵 condensate pump 冷凝器梳 condensate comb 预冷盘管 desuperheating coil 过冷器 subcooler 中间冷却器 intercooler 盐水冷却器 brine cooler 气-液回热器 liquid or suction heat exchanger 回热器 superheater 紊流器 turbulator 预冷器 precooler 级间冷却器 interstage cooler 饮水冷却器 drinking-water cooler 喷泉式饮水冷却器 bubbler-type drinking water cooler 冷藏间冷却器 cold-storage cooler 盐水(水)冷却器 brine(water)cooler 空气冷却器 air cooler,forced draught 干式空气冷却器 dry-type air cooler 强制循环空气冷却器 forced-circulation air cooler 自然对流空气冷却器 natural-convection air cooler 空气冷却机组 air-cooler unit 蒸发盘管

干燥盘管 drier coil 冷却盘管 cooling coil 蒸发盘管 expansion coil 蓄冷盘管 hold-voer coil 直接蒸发盘管 direct expansion coil 制冷剂分配器 refrigerant distributor 支承板 tube support 蓄冷板 hold-over plate 共晶混合物板 eutectic plate 折流板 baffle 滴水盘 drip tray 冷藏库排管

冷却排管 cooling coil,cooling grid 冷却排管组 cooling battery 顶排管 overhead coil 墙排管 wall coil,wall grid 蓄冷排管 hold-over coil,hold-over grid 蓄冷板 hold-over plate 冷却塔

自然通风式冷却塔 atmpspheric cooling tower,natural draught cooling tower 机械通风式冷水塔 mechanical draught cooling tower

吸风式冷水塔 induced draught cooling tower 送风式冷水塔 forced draught cooling tower 水膜式冷水塔 film cooling tower 水滴式冷水塔 drop cooling tower 喷雾式冷水塔 spray cooling tower 拉西环 Rasching rings 温度接近值 approach 水垢 scale

水垢抑制剂 scale inhibitor 藻类 algae 防藻剂 algaecide 淀渣 slime

升压阀 back-up valve

冷水塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower 凉水塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower 冷却塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower 喷水池 spray pond

干式冷水塔 dry cooling tower 湿-干式冷水塔 wet-dry cooling tower

冷水塔填料 packing of cooling tower,fill of cooling tower 膜式填料 film packing

帘栅形填料 grid packing,grid fill 片式填料 plate packing,plate fill 松散填料 random packing,random fill 飞溅式填料 splash packing 蒸发器

壳盘管式蒸发器 shell-and-coil evaporator 壳管式蒸发器 shell-and-tube evaporator 喷淋式蒸发器 spray-type evaporator 立管式蒸发器 vertical-type evaporator平行管蒸发器 receway coil

螺旋管式蒸发器 spiral tube evaporator “V”型管蒸发器 herringbone type evaporator 沉浸式盘管蒸发器 submerged evaporator 板式蒸发器 plate-type evaporator 螺旋板式蒸发器 spiral sheet evaporator平板式蒸发器 plate-type evaporator,tube-in-sheet evaporator

管板式蒸发器 tube-on-sheet evaporator 凹凸板式蒸发器 embossed-plate evaporator 吹胀式蒸发器 roll-bond evaporator 压焊板式蒸发器 roll-bond evaporator 制冰块器的蒸发器 ice cube maker evaporator 结冰式蒸发器 ice-bank evaporator 蓄冰式蒸发器 ice-bank evaporator 结霜蒸发器 frosting evaporator 除霜蒸发器 defrosting evaporator 无霜蒸发器 nonfrosting evaporator 强制通风蒸发器 forced circulation evaporator 冷液式蒸发器 liquid cooling evaporator 封套式蒸发器 wrap-round evaporator 蒸发器 evaporator 直接冷却式蒸发器 direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器 direct evaporator 间接冷却式蒸发器 indirect cooled evaporator 间接式蒸发器 indirect evaporator 干式蒸发器 dry expansion evaporator 满液式蒸发器 flooded evaporator 再循环式蒸发器 recirculation-type evaporator 强制循环式蒸发器 pump-feed evaporator 制冷剂

制冷剂(制冷工质)refrigerant 高温制冷剂 high temperature refrigerant 低压制冷剂 low pressure refrigerant 中温制冷剂 medium temperature refrigerant 中压制冷剂 medium pressure refrigerant 低温制冷剂 low temperature refrigerant 高压制冷剂 high pressure refrigerant 氟利昂 freon 卤化碳制冷剂 halocarbo refrigerant 氟利昂11 freon 11 氟利昂12 freon 12 氟利昂13 freon 13 氟利昂14 freon 14 氟利昂22 freon 22 氟利昂113 freon 113 氟利昂125 freon 125 氟利昂134a freon 134a 氟利昂152a freon 152a 碳氢化合物制冷剂 hydrocarbon refrigerant 甲烷 methane 乙烷 ethane 丙烷 propane 丁烷 butane 异丁烷 isobutane

乙烯 ethylene

无机化合物制冷剂 inorganic compund refrigerant 氨 ammonia

二氧化碳 carbon dioxide 二氧化硫 sulphur dioxide 干冰 dry ice

共沸制冷剂 azeotropic mixture refrigerant 氟里昂500 freon 500 氟里昂501 freon 501 氟里昂502 freon 502 氟里昂503 freon 503 氟里昂504 freon 504

近共沸溶液制冷剂 near azeotropic mixture refrigerant

非共沸溶液制冷剂 nonazeotropic mixture refrigerant 润滑油

润滑油 lubricant oil 冷冻机油 refrigeration oil 冷冻油 refrigerant oil 凝点 condensation point 闪点 flash point 浊点 cloud point 絮凝点 flock point 流动点 pour point 起泡 foaming 皂化 saponify 油泥 sludge 结碳 carbonization

制冷装置试验与操作 试运转 commissioning 吹污 flush

气密性试验 gas-tight test,air-right test 密闭容器 closed container 漏气 air infiltration 放气 air vent

检漏 leak hunting,leak detection 检漏仪 leak detector 卤素灯 halide torch

电子检漏仪 electronic leak detector 真空试验 vacuum test 试验压力 test pressure 工作压力 operating pressure,working pressure 最高工作压力 highest operating pressure 气密试验压力 gas-tight test pressure 设计压力 design pressure平衡压力 balance pressure 充气 aerate,gas charging 制冷剂充注 refrigerant charging 首次充注 initial charge 保护充注 holding charge,service charge 制冷剂不足 lack of refrigerant,under-charge,gas shortage 缺液 starveling 充灌台 charging board 充灌量 charge 充注过多 overcharge 供液过多 overfeeding 制冷剂抽空 pump down of refrigerant 降温试验 pull down test 制冷[功能]试验 refrigeration test 卸载起动 no-load starting,unloaded start 卸载机构 unloader 闪发 flash vaporization,instantaneous vaporization 闪发气体 flash gas 不凝性气体 non condensable gas 气体排除 gas purging,degassing,gasoff 阀针跳动 hammering,needle hammer 阀振荡 hunting of a valve 阀片跳动 valve flutter,valve bounce 短期循环 short-cycling 异常温升 overheating 泄漏 leak 气蚀 cavitation 制冷剂瓶 refrigerant cylinder,gas bottle 检修用瓶 service cylinder,gas bottle 紧急泄放阀 emergency-relief valve 检修阀 service valve 安全阀 pressure relief valve 抽空阀 pump out valve 加油阀 oil charge valve 放油阀 oil drain valve 放空阀 purge valve 充灌阀 charging valve 喷液阀 liquid injection valve


制冷装置 refrigerating installation,refrigerating plant

工业制冷装置 industrial refrigerating plant 商业制冷装置 commercial refrigerating plant 中心站房 central station 成套机组 self-contained system 规范安装 code installation 制冷回路 refrigerating circuit 热平衡 heat balance 货物负荷 product load 操作负荷 service load 设计负荷 design load 负荷系数 load factor

制冷系统自动调节 流量调节 flow regulation 制冷剂控制器 refrigerant control 膨胀阀 expansion valve 节流阀 throttle valve

热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve 热电膨胀阀 thermal electric expansion valve 内平衡热力膨胀阀 internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve

外平衡热力膨胀阀 external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve 外平衡管 external equalizer pipe 内平衡管 internal equalizer pipe

蒸发器阻力损失 pressure drop of evaporator 同工质充注 same material charge 交*充注 cross charge 吸附充注 absorptive charge 气体充注 gas charge

膨胀阀过热度 superheat degree of expansion valve

过热温度调节 superheat temperature regulation 膨胀阀容量 expansion valve capacity 手动膨胀阀 hand expansion valve 自动膨胀阀 automatic expansion valve 浮球调节阀 float regulation valve 浮球阀 float valve

低压浮球阀 low pressure float valve 高压浮球阀 high pressure float valve 流量调节 flow regualation 制冷剂控制器 refrigerant control 膨胀阀 expansion valve 节流阀 throttle valve 热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve 热电膨胀阀 thermal electric expansion valve 内平衡热力膨胀阀 internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve 外平衡热力膨胀阀 external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve 外平衡管 external equalizer pipe 内平衡管 internal equalizer pipe 蒸发器阻力损失 pressure drop of evaporator 同工质充注 same material charge 交*充注 cross charge 吸附充注 absorptive charge 气体充注 gas charge 膨胀阀过热度 superheat degree of expansion valve 过热温度调节 superheat temperature regulation 膨胀阀容量 expansion valve capacity 手动膨胀阀 hand expansion valve 自动膨胀阀 automatic expansion valve 浮球调节阀 float regulation valve 浮球阀 float valve 低压浮球阀 low pressure float valve 高压浮球阀 high pressure float valve 恒压膨胀阀 constant pressure expansion valve 能量调节 capacity regulator 单机能量调节 capacity regulation of single unit 卸载能量调节 capacity regulation of load drainage 程序指令式能量调节系统 capacity regulation system of program order 电磁阀 solenoid valve 电磁滑阀 magnetic slide valve 三通电磁阀 three way magnetic valve


运行工况 operating conditions 标准性能 standard rating 标准工况 standard condition 空调工况 air conditioning condition

内部条件 internal conditions 外部条件 external conditions 蓄热 accumulation of heat 蓄冷 accumulation of cold 制冰能力 ice-making capacity

热泵用压缩机的供热系数 heat-pump compressor coefficient of performance 容积效率 volumetric efficiency 容积输气量 vulumetric displacement 实际输气量 actual displacement 理论输气量 theoretical displacement 冷凝热量 condenser heat 过冷热量 heat of subcooling 过热热量 superheat

运转工况下的制冷量 rating under working conditions

标准制冷量 standard rating 名义工况 normal conditions 试验工况 test conditions 轴功率 brake power 效率 efficiency

指示效率 indicated efficiency 机械效率 mechanical efficiency 总效率 overall efficiency

制冷系数 coefficient of performance(COP)制冷压缩机的制冷系数 refrigerating compressor coefficient of performance

热力完善度 thermodynamical perfectness 能效比 energy efficiency ratio(EER)

热泵供热系数 heat-pump coefficient of performance

空调有效显热制冷量 useful sensible heat capacity of air conditioner

空调有效潜热(减湿)制冷量 useful latent heat(dehumidifyying)capacity of air conditioner 空调器有效总制冷量 useful total capacity of air conditioner

制冷剂循环量 circulating mass of refrigerant 制冷剂循环容积 circulating volume of refrigerant 单位压缩功 compress work per mass 示功图 indicator diagram 指示功 indicated work 摩擦功 frictional work 功率 power 摩擦功率 frictional power 指示功率 indicated power 理论功率 idea power 制冷量 refrigerating capacity 总制冷量 gross refrigerating capacity 净制冷量 net refrigerating capacity 单位制冷量 refrigerating capacity per weighing 单位容积制冷量 refrigerating capacity per unit of swept volume 制冷系统制冷量 system refrigerating capacity 单位轴功率制冷量 refrigerating effect per shaft power 压缩冷凝机组制冷量 compressor condensing unit refrigerating capacity 制冷压缩机制冷量 refrigerant compressor capacity 蒸发器净制冷量 net cooler refrigerating capacity

制冷暖通行业品牌中英文对照 AEROFLEX “亚罗弗”保温

ALCO “艾科”自控

Alerton 雅利顿

Alfa laval阿法拉伐

ARMSTRONG “阿姆斯壮”保温

AUX 奥克斯

BELIMO 瑞士“搏力谋”


BILTUR 意大利“百得” BOSIC “柏诚”自控




CARLY 法国“嘉利”制冷配件

Carrier 开利

Chigo 志高

Cipriani 意大利斯普莱力

CLIMAVENETA意大利“克莱门特” Copeland“谷轮”压缩机




Dorin “多菱”压缩机



Dwyer 美国德威尔

EBM “依必安”风机



EVERY CONTROL意大利“美控” Erie 怡日

FRASCOLD 意大利“富士豪”压缩机


FUJI “富士”变频器

FULTON 美国“富尔顿”锅炉

GENUIN “正野”风机



GRUNDFOS “格兰富”水泵

Haier 海尔

Hisense 海信


Honeywell 霍尼韦尔

Johnson 江森

Kelon 科龙


KU BA德国“库宝”冷风机

Liang Chi 良机


MARLEY “马利”冷却塔


McQuary 麦克维尔


Munters 瑞典“蒙特”除湿机


Panasonic 松下

RANCO “宏高”自控


RIDGID 美国“里奇”工具


RYODEN “菱电”冷却塔

SanKen “三垦”变频器

Samsung 三星



Schneider 施耐德

SenseAir 瑞典“森尔”传感器

SIEMENS 西门子 SINKO “新晃“空调

SINRO “新菱”冷却塔

STAND “思探得”加湿器

SWEP 舒瑞普

TECKA “台佳”空调






WITTLER 德国”威特”阀门




蒸汽喷射制冷 steam jet refrigeration 蒸汽喷射制冷机 steam-jet refrigerating machine 蒸发式蒸汽喷射制冷机 evaporation-type steam jet refrigeration machine 混合式蒸汽喷射制冷机 contact-type steam jet refrigerating machine 蒸汽喷射制冷系统 steam jet refrigerating system 蒸汽喷射器 steam ejector 主喷射器 main ejector 辅助喷射器 auxiliary ejector 喷射系数 jet coefficient 主冷凝器 main condenser 辅助冷凝器 auxiliary condenser 多效蒸发 multieffective evaporation 高位安装 high-level installation 低位安装 low-level installation 高低位安装 high-low-level installation

一般制冷换热器英语 换热器 heat exchanger 热交换器 heat exchanger 紧凑式换热器 compact heat exchanger 管式换热器 tubular heat exchanger 套管式换热器 double-pipe heat exchanger 间壁式换热器 surface type heat exchanger 表面式换热器 surface type heat exchanger 板管式换热器 tube-on-sheet heat exchanger 板翅式换热器 plate-fin heat exchanger 板式换热器 plate heat exchanger

螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger平板式换热器 flat plate heat exchanger 顺流式换热器 parallel flow heat exchanger 逆流式换热器 counter flow heat exchanger *流式换热器 cross-flow heat echanger 折流式换热器 turn back flow heat exchanger 直接接触式换热器 direct heat exchanger 旋转式换热器 rotary heat exchanger 刮削式换热器 scraped heat exchanger 热管式换热器 heat pipe exchanger 蓄热器 recuperator

壳管式换热器 shell and tube heat exchanger 管板 tube plate

可拆端盖 removable head 管束 bundle of tube 管束尺寸 size of tube bundle 顺排管束 in-line hank of tubes 错排管束 staggered hank of tubes 盘管 coil

蛇形管 serpentine coil U形管 U-tube 光管 bare tube 肋片管 finned tube 翅片管 finned tube 肋管 finned tube

肋管束 finned tube bundle 肋片 fin 套片 plate fin 螺旋肋 spiral fin 整体肋 integral fin 纵向肋 longitudinal fin 钢丝肋 wire fin 内肋 inner fin

肋片管尺寸 size of fin tube 肋片厚度 fin thickness 肋距 spacing of fin 肋片数 pitch of fin 肋片长度 finned length 肋片高度 finned height 肋效率 fin efficiency

换热面积 heat exchange surface 传热面积 heat exchange surface 冷却面积 cooling surface 加热表面 heat exchange surface 基表面 primary surface 扩展表面 extended surface 肋化表面 finned surface 迎风表面 face area 流通表面 flow area 净截面积 net area;effective sectional area 迎风面流速 face velocity 净截面流速 air velocity at net area 迎风面质量流速 face velocity of mass 净截面质量流速 mass velocity at net area 冷(热)媒有效流通面积 effective area for cooling or heating medium 冷(热)媒流速 velocity of cooling or heating medium 干工况 dry condition;sensible cooling condition 湿工况 wet condition;dehumidifying condition 接触系数 contact factor 旁通系数 bypass factor 换热效率系数 coefficient of heat transmission effectiveness 盘管风阻力 air pressure drop of coil;air resistance of coil 盘管水阻力 pressure drop of cooling or heating medium 表面冷却 surface cooling 蒸发冷却 evaporating cooling 冷却元件 cooling element


开式盐水冷却系统 open brine system 闭式盐水系统 closed brine system 盐水箱 brine bank 盐水混合箱 brine mixing tank 盐水溢流箱 brine return tank 盐水回流箱 brine return tank 盐水膨胀箱 brine balance tank 盐水加热器 brine heater 盐水冷却器 brine cooler 盐水筒 brine drum 盐水集管 brine header 盐水泵 brine pump 盐水喷雾 brine spray 盐水喷淋 brine sparge


吸收式制冷机 absorption refrigerating machine 吸收式制冷系统 absorption refrigerating system 间歇式吸收系统 intermittent absoprtion system 连续循环吸收式系统 continuous cycle absorption system

固体吸收式制冷 solid absorption refrigeration 氨-水吸收式制冷机 ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine

单级氨-水吸收式制冷机 single stage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine 多级氨-水吸收式制冷机 multistage ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine 双级氨-水吸收式制冷机 ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage absorption process

双级发生和双级吸收式氨-水制冷机 ammonia/water absorption refrigerating machine with two stage generation and absoprtion process 分解 decomposition 水解 hydrolysis 扩散 diffusion

能量增强剂 energy booster 缓蚀剂 anticorrsive 发生不足 incomplete boiling 吸收不足 incomplete absorption 喷淋密度 sprinkle density 溴化锂 lithium bromide

溴化锂水溶液 aqueous solution of lithium bromide

氨水溶液 aqueous solution of ammonia 吸收剂 absorbent,absorbing agent 吸附剂 adsorbent 溶液 solution 浓度 concentration 溶解度 solubility 溶剂 solvent 溶质 solute

浓溶液 rich solution,concentrated solution 稀溶液 weak solution,diluted solution 溶液分压 partial pressure of liquor 吸收 absorption 吸附 adsorption

吸收式制冷 absorption refrigeration 吸附式制冷 adsorption refrigeration 工质对 working substance 热力系数 heat ratio 放气范围 deflation ratio 焓-浓度图 enthalpy concentration chart 溴化锂吸收式制冷机 lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 单效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 single-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 两效型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 double-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 单筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 one-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 双筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 two-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 三筒型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 three-shell lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 两级溴化锂吸收式制冷机 two-stage lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机 direct-fired lithiumbormide absorption refrigerating machine 溴化锂吸收式冷温水机组 lithiumbromide absorption water heater chiller 无泵型溴化锂吸收式制冷机 lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine with bubble pump 蒸汽型吸收式制冷机 steam operated absorption refrigerating machine 热水型吸收式制冷机 hot water operated absorption refrigerating machine 发生器 generator 沉浸式发生器 submerged generator 喷淋式发生器 spray-type generator 立式降膜式发生器 vertical falling film generator 直燃式发生器 direct-fired generator 高压发生器 high pressure generator 低压发生器 low pressure generator 吸收器 absorber 喷淋式吸收器 spray absorber 降膜式吸收器 falling film absorber 立式降膜式吸收器 vertical falling film absorber 卧式降膜式吸收器 horizontal falling film absorber 喷淋装置 spray system 溶液换热器 solution heat exchanger

溶晶管 anti-crystallinic pipe 抽气装置 purging system 精馏器 rectifier 屏蔽泵 shield pump 发生器泵 generator pump 吸收器泵 absorber pump 蒸发器泵 evaporator pump 溶液泵 solution pump 氨水泵 aqua-ammonia pump 混合阀 mixing valve

压缩机制冷系统及机组 制冷系统 refrigeration system 制冷机 refrigerating machine

机械压缩制冷系统 mechanical compression refrigeration system

蒸气压缩制冷系统 vapour compression refrigeration system

压缩式系统 compression system 压缩机 compressor

制冷压缩机 refrigerating compressor,refrigerant compressor 吸气端 suction end 排气端 discharge end 低压侧 low pressure side 高压侧 high pressure side 蒸发压力 evaporating pressure

吸气压力 suction pressure,back pressure 排气压力 discharge pressure 蒸发温度 evaporating temperature 冷凝压力 condensing pressure 冷凝温度 condensing temperature 吸气温度 suction temperature 回气温度 back temperature 排气温度 discharge temperature 压缩比 compression ratio 双效压缩 dual compression 单级压缩 single-stage compression 双级压缩 compound compression 多级压缩 multistage compression 压缩级 compression stage 低压级 low pressure stage 高压级 high pressure stage 中间压力 intermediate pressure 中间冷却 intercooling 多级膨胀 multistage expansion 湿压缩 wet compression 干压缩 dry compression 制冷系统 refrigerating system 机械制冷系统 mechanical refrigerating system 氟利昂制冷系统 freon refrigerating system 氨制冷系统 ammonia refrigerating system 压缩式制冷系统 compression refrigerating system 单级压缩制冷系统 single-stage compression refrigeration system 双级压缩制冷系统 two-stage compression refrigeration system 多级制冷系统 multistage refrigerating system 复叠式制冷系统 cascade refrigerating system 混合制冷剂复叠系统 mixed refrigerant cascade 集中制冷系统 central refrigerating plant 直接制冷系统 direct refrigeration system 直接膨胀供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liqiud direct expansion 重力供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for the evaporator by gravity 液泵供液制冷系统 refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for evaporator by liquid pump 间接制冷系统 indirect refrigeration system 融霜系统 defrosting system 热气融霜系统 defrosting system by superheated vapour 电热融霜系统 eletrothermal defrosting system 制冷系统故障 breakdown of the refrigerating system 冰堵 freeze-up 冰塞 ice plug 脏堵 filth blockage 油堵 greasy blockage 液击(冲缸、敲缸)slugging 湿行程 wet stroke 镀铜现象 appearance of copper-plating 烧毁 burn-out 倒霜 frost back 制冷机组 refrigerating unit

压缩机组 compressor unit

开启式压缩机组 open type compresssor unit 开启式压缩机 open type compressor

半封闭式压缩机组 semihermetic compressor unit 半封闭式压缩机 semihermetic compressor 全封闭式压缩机组 hermetically sealed compressor unit

全封闭式压缩机 hermetically sealed compressor 压缩冷凝机组 condensing unit

全封闭式压缩冷凝机组 hermetically sealed condensing unit

半封闭式压缩冷凝机组 semihermetically sealed condensing unit

开启式压缩冷凝机组 open type compressor condensing unit

工业用压缩冷凝机组 industrial condensing unit 商业用压缩冷凝机组 commercial condensing unit 整马力压缩冷凝机组 integral horsepower condensing unit

分马力压缩冷凝机组 fractional horsepower condensing unit

跨式制冷机组 straddle refrigerating unit


涡流制冷效应 vortex refrigerating effect 兰克-赫尔胥效应 Ranque-Hilsch effect 涡流管制冷 vortex tube refrigeration 涡流管 vortex tube 兰克管 Ranque tube 膨胀喷嘴 expansion injector 涡流室 vortex device 分离孔板 separation orifice 调节阀 control valve

膨胀压力比 expansion pressure ratio 冷气流分量 cold gas fraction 热气流分量 hot gas fraction 冷却效应 cooling effect 加热效应 heating effect

冷却效率 cooling efficiency磁制冷英语 磁热效应 magnetocaloric effect 磁制冷 magnetic refrigeration

磁制冷机 magnetic refrigerating machine 磁冰箱 magnetic refrigerator 透平压缩机及零部件英语 涡流 swirl 叶片颤振 blade flutter 叶片通过频率 blade passing frequency 喘振 surging 脱流 stall 叶轮反应度(反作用度)impeller reaction 叶轮 impeller 半开式叶轮 unshrouded impeller 闭式叶轮 shrouded impeller 叶片 blade,vane 导流叶片组件 pre-rotary vane assembly 扩压器 diffuser 蜗壳 scroll 滑动 slip 透平压缩机 turbocompressor 离心式压缩机 centrifugal compressor 轴流式压缩机 axial flow compressor 刚性轴离心式压缩机 stiff-shaft centrifugal compressor 挠性轴离心式压缩机 flexibleshaft centrifugal compressor 亚音速压缩机 subsonic compressor 超音速压缩机 supersonic compressor

太阳能制冷与供热英语 太阳能 solar energy 太阳常数 solar constant 太阳能系统 solar energy system 被动式太阳能系统 passive solar energy system 主动式太阳能系统 active solar energy system 混合式太阳能系统 hybrid solar energy system 太阳能制冷 solar cooling 太阳能热机驱动制冷 solarpowered cooling 太阳能吸收式制冷机 solar absorption refrigerating machine 光-热转换制冷 photothermal refrigeration 光-电转换制冷 photoelectrical refrigeration 太阳能蒸汽喷射制冷机 solar steam jet refrigerating machine 连续式太阳能吸收式制冷机 continual solar absorption refrigerating machine 间歇式太阳能吸收式制冷机 intermittent solar absorption refrigerating machine

敞开式太阳能吸收式制冷机 open solar absorption refrigerating machine

太阳能空调装置 solar air-conditioning system 太阳能制冷系统 solar energy cooling system,solar cooling system 太阳能集热器 solar collector

选择式吸收表面 selective absorber surface 电淀积 electrodeposition

平板型太阳能集热器 flat plate solar collector 真空管太阳能集热器 tubular solar collector,vacuum tube collector

聚光型太阳能机热器 focus solar collector 集热量 heat-collecting capacity 集热温度 heat-collecting temperature 集热效率 heat-collecting efficiency 蓄热介质 heat storge medium 岩石蓄热容器 rock storge container 辅助热源 supplementary heat source 太阳能贮存系统 solar energy storge system 太阳能供热系统 solar heating system,solar space heating installation

自然循环闭式供水系统 natural convection closed water system

强制循环闭式供水系统 forced convection in a closed water system

热风供热系统 warm air heating system

家用太阳能热水系统 solar domestic water heating system


容积式压缩机 positive displacement compressor 往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机)reciprocating compressor

回转式压缩机 rotary compressor 滑片式压缩机 sliding vane compressor

单滑片回转式压缩机 single vane rotary compressor

滚动转子式压缩机 rolling rotor compressor 三角转子式压缩机 triangle rotor compressor 多滑片回转式压缩机 multi-vane rotary compressor 滑片 blade

旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling piston compressor 涡旋式压缩机 scroll compressor 涡旋盘 scroll 固定涡旋盘 stationary scroll,fixed scroll 驱动涡旋盘 driven scroll,orbiting scroll 斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机)swash plate compressor 斜盘 swash plate 摇盘 wobble plate 螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor 单螺杆压缩机 single screw compressor 阴转子 female rotor 阳转子 male rotor 主转子 main rotor 闸转子 gate rotor 无油压缩机 oil free compressor 膜式压缩机 diaphragm compressor 活塞式压缩机 reciprocating compressor 单作用压缩机 single acting compressor 双作用压缩机 double acting compressor 双效压缩机 dual effect compressor 双缸压缩机 twin cylinder compressor 闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor 开式曲轴箱压缩机 open crankcase compressor 顺流式压缩机 uniflow compressor 逆流式压缩机 return flow compressor 干活塞式压缩机 dry piston compressor 双级压缩机 compund compressor 多级压缩机 multistage compressor 差动活塞式压缩机 stepped piston compound compressor,differential piston compressor 串轴式压缩机 tandem compressor,dual compressor 截止阀 line valve,stop valve 排气截止阀 discharge line valve 吸气截止阀 suction line valve 部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port 能量调节器 energy regulator 容量控制滑阀 capacity control slide valve 容量控制器 capacity control 消声器 muffler 联轴节 coupling 曲轴箱 crankcase 曲轴箱加热器 crankcase heater 轴封 crankcase seal,shaft seal 填料盒 stuffing box

轴封填料 shaft packing 机械密封 mechanical seal 波纹管密封 bellows seal 转动密封 rotary seal 迷宫密封 labyrinth seal 轴承 bearing

滑动轴承 sleeve bearing 偏心环 eccentric strap 滚珠轴承 ball bearing 滚柱轴承 roller bearing 滚针轴承 needle bearing 止推轴承 thrust bearing 外轴承 pedestal bearing 臼形轴承 footstep bearing 轴承箱 bearing housing 止推盘 thrust collar 偏心销 eccentric pin

曲轴平衡块 crankshaft counterweight,crankshaft balance weight 曲柄轴 crankaxle

偏心轴 eccentric type crankshaft 曲拐轴 crankthrow type crankshaft 连杆 connecting rod 连杆大头 crank pin end 连杆小头 piston pin end 曲轴 crankshaft 主轴颈 main journal 曲柄 crank arm,crank shaft 曲柄销 crank pin 曲拐 crank throw 曲拐机构 crank-toggle 阀盘 valve disc 阀杆 valve stem 阀座 valve seat 阀板 valve plate 阀盖 valve cage 阀罩 valve cover

阀升程限制器 valve lift guard 阀升程 valve lift 阀孔 valve port 吸气口 suction inlet

压缩机气阀 compressor valve 吸气阀 suction valve 排气阀 delivery valve 圆盘阀 disc valve 环片阀 ring plate valve 簧片阀 reed valve 舌状阀 cantilever valve 条状阀 beam valve 提升阀 poppet valve 菌状阀 mushroom valve 杯状阀 tulip valve 缸径 cylinder bore 余隙容积 clearance volume 附加余隙(补充余隙)clearance pocket 活塞排量 swept volume,piston displacement 理论排量 theoretical displacement 实际排量 actual displacement 实际输气量 actual displacement,actual output of gas 气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder 活塞行程容积 piston displacement 气缸 cylinder 气缸体 cylinder block 气缸壁 cylinder wall 水冷套 water cooled jacket 气缸盖(气缸头)cylinder head 安全盖(假盖)safety head 假盖 false head 活塞环 piston ring 气环 sealing ring 刮油环 scraper ring 油环 scrape ring 活塞销 piston pin 活塞 piston 活塞行程 piston stroke 吸气行程 suction stroke 膨胀行程 expansion stroke 压缩行程 compression stroke 排气行程 discharge stroke 升压压缩机 booster compressor 立式压缩机 vertical compressor 卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor 角度式压缩机 angular type compressor 对称平衡型压缩机 symmetrically balanced type compressor


热管 heat pipe

深冷热管 cryogenic heat pipe 低温热管 low temperature heat pipe 中温热管 moderate temperature heat pipe 高温热管 liquid metal heat pipe 管芯 wick

相容性 compatibility

传热极限 heat transport limitation 重力热管 gravity assisted heat pipe 热管换热器 heat pipe exchanger

深冷热管手术器 heat pipe surgery cryoprobe 余热 exhaust heat

低温余热 low temperature exhaust heat 余热制冷 utilizing waste heat for refrigeration 氟利昂透平freon turbine

氟利昂透平离心式制冷机 centrifugal refrigerating machine driven by freon turbine 动力-制冷循环 power/refrigeration cycle


热电制冷 thermoelectric refrigeration 温差电制冷 thermoelectric refrigeration 半导体制冷 semiconductor refrigeration 热电效应 thermoelectric effect 塞贝克效应 Seebeck effect 珀尔帖效应 Peltier effect

热电制冷效应 thermoelectric refrigeration effect 汤姆逊效应 Thomson effect 焦耳效应 Joule effect 傅里叶效应 Fourier effect 温差电动势 thermoelectric power 塞贝克系数 Seebeck coefficient 优值系数 figure of merit 热电堆 thermoelectric pile 温差电堆 thermoelectric pile 最佳电流 optimum current 经济电流 economic current

热电半导体 thermoelectric semiconductors 热电材料 thermoelectric material

热电制冷材料 thermoelectric cooling material n型半导体 n-type semiconductors p型半导体 p-type semiconductors

半导体制冷器 thermoelectric-refrigerating unit 热电制冷器 thermoelectric refrigerating unit 热电空调器 thermoelectric air conditioner 半导体空调器 thermoelectric air conditioner 半导体恒温器 thermoelectric thermostat 半导体冷饮水器 thermoelectric drinking water cooler 半导体热泵 thermoelectric heat pump 半导体降温机 thermoelectric dehumidifier 低温半导体制冷器 low temperature thermoelectric unit 焊接式半导体制冷器 soldered thermoelectric refrigerating unit 粘接式半导体制冷器 sticky thermoelectric refrigerating unit 嵌装式半导体制冷器 inlaid thermoelectric refrigerating unit 复叠式半导体制冷器 cascade thermoelectric refrigerating unit 医用半导体制冷器 medicine thermoelectric refrigerating unit


自然通风式冷却塔 atmpspheric cooling tower,natural draught cooling tower 机械通风式冷水塔 mechanical draught cooling tower 吸风式冷水塔 induced draught cooling tower 送风式冷水塔 forced draught cooling tower 水膜式冷水塔 film cooling tower 水滴式冷水塔 drop cooling tower 喷雾式冷水塔 spray cooling tower 拉西环 Rasching rings 温度接近值 approach 水垢 scale 水垢抑制剂 scale inhibitor 藻类 algae 防藻剂 algaecide 淀渣 slime 升压阀 back-up valve 冷水塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower 凉水塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower 冷却塔 water cooling tower,cooling tower 喷水池 spray pond

干式冷水塔 dry cooling tower 湿-干式冷水塔 wet-dry cooling tower

冷水塔填料 packing of cooling tower,fill of cooling tower 膜式填料 film packing

帘栅形填料 grid packing,grid fill 片式填料 plate packing,plate fill 松散填料 random packing,random fill 飞溅式填料 splash packing


空气循环制冷 air-cycle refrigeration

空气循环制冷机 air-cycle refrigerating machine 涡轮冷却器 turbine cooler 温降 temperature drops 开式循环 open cycle 闭式循环 closed cycle 除水 water elimination 补气 air supply

回热式空气制冷循环 regenerative air cycle 飞机座舱空调系统 aircraft air-conditioning system

增压式飞机空调系统 ”Bootstrap" system 冲压空气 ram air


臭氧 ozone

臭氧层 ozonesphere,ozone layer

臭氧层破坏 ozonesphere depletion,ozonesphere disturbance

消耗臭氧层物质 ozone depleting substances(ODS)

禁用制冷剂 forbidden refrigerant 过渡制冷剂 transition refrigerant 替代制冷剂 substitute refrigerant 自然制冷剂 natural refrigerant 氟利昂家族 freon group 全氟代烃 fluorocarbon(FC)氯氟烃 chloroflurocarbon(CFC)氢氟烃 hydrofluorocarbon(HCF)

含氢氯氟烃 hydrochloroflurocarbon(HCFC)含氢氯化烃 hydrochlorocarbon(HCC)全氯化烃 polychlorocarbon(PCC)哈龙 Halon 共沸混合物 azeotropic mixture 碳氢化合物 hydrocarbon compound,hydrocarbon(HC)

臭氧消耗潜能值 ozone depletion potential(ODP)温室效应 greenhouse effect 全球变暖 global warming 京都议定书 kyoto protocol 全球变暖潜能值 global warming potential(GWP)变暖影响总当量 total equivalent warming impact(TEWI)

寿命期气候性能 life cycle climate performance(LCCP)

蕴含能量 embodied energy 不易收集的排放 fugitive emissions


暖通专业词汇中英文对照(一)AHU: air handling unit 空调箱 air conditioning load空调负荷 air distribution气流组织 air handling unit 空气处理单元 air shower 风淋室

air wide pre.drop空气侧压降

aluninum accessaries in clean room 洁净室安装铝材 as-completed drawing 修改竣工图 ayout 设计图

blass stop valve 铜闸阀

canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头 centigrade scale 摄氏温度

chiller accessaries 水冷柜机排水及配料 chiller asembly 水冷柜机安装工费 chiller unit 水冷柜机基础 clean bench 净化工作台 clean class 洁净度 clean room 洁净室 无尘室 correction factor修正系数 dcc dry cool units 干盘管 district cooling 区域供冷 direct return system异程式系统 displacement ventilation置换通风 drawn No.图号 elevation立面图

entering air temp进风温度 entering water temp进水温度 fahrenheit scale 华氏温度 fan coil unit 风机盘管

ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组 final 施工图 flow velocity 流速 fresh air supply 新风供给 fresh air unit 新风处理单元 ground source heat pump地源热泵 gross weight 毛重

heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节 hepa high efficiency pariculate air 高效过滤网 high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器 horizontal series type水平串联式 hot water supply system生活热水系统 humidity 湿度

hydraulic calculation水力计算 isometric drawing轴测图 leaving air temp 出风温度 leaving water temp出水温度 lood vacuum pump中央集尘泵

MAU:make up air handling unit外气空调箱 RCU: Recycled airhandling unit循环空调箱 PAU(Pre-Cooling Air Handling Unit)预冷空调箱 natural smoke exhausting自然排烟 net weight 净重 noise reduction消声 nominal diameter 公称直径 oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉

one way stop peturn valve 单向止回阀 operation energy consumption运行能耗 pass box 传递箱

particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法 Piping accessaries 水系统辅材 piping asembly 配管工费 plan平面图

rac recirculation air cabinet unit schedule循环组合空调单元 ratio controller 比例调节器 ratio flow control 流量比例控制 ratio gear 变速轮 ratio meter 比率计 rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的 rationale(基本)原理;原理的阐述 rationality 有理性,合理性

rationalization proposal 合理化建义 ratio of compression 压缩比 ratio of expansion 膨胀比 ratio of run-off 径流系数 ratio of slope 坡度

ratio of specific heat 比热比 raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的 raw coal 原煤 raw cotton 原棉

raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气 raw data 原始数据 raw fuel stock 粗燃料油 raw gas 未净化的气体 real gas 实际气体

realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线 realm 区域,范围,领域 real work 实际工作 ream 铰孔,扩孔 rear 后部,背面,后部的 rear arch 后拱 rear axle 后轴

rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉 rear pass 后烟道

rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置] rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置] reason 理由,原因;推理 reasonable 合理的,适当的 reassembly 重新装配 reaumur 列氏温度计

reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片 recalibration 重新校准[刻度] recapture 重新利用,恢复 recarbonation 再碳化作用

recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池 receiving tank 贮槽

recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中 receptacle 插座[孔];容器 reception of heat 吸热

recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器 recharge well 回灌井

reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的 reciprocal action 反复作用 reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机 reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机 reciprocal grate 往复炉排 reciprocal motion 住复式动作 reciprocal proportion 反比例 reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机 reciprocate 往复(运动),互换

reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的 reciprocating(grate)bar 往复式炉排片 reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机 reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机

reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组 reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵 reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵 reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机 recirculate 再循环 recirculated 再循环的

recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气] recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路 recircilated air intake 循环空气入口 recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统 recirculating 再循环的,回路的 recirculating air duct 再循环风道 recirculating fan 再循环风机 recirculating line 再循环管路 recirculating pump 再循环泵 recirculation 再循环

recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水 recirculation ratio 再循环比 recirculation water 再循环水 reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复 reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置 reclamation 回收,再生,再利用

reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收 recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复

recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准 reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究 record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图 recording apparatus 记录仪器 recording barometer 自记气压计 recording card 记录卡片 recording facility 记录装置 recording liquid level gauge 自动液面计 recording paper of sound level 噪声级测定纸 recording pressure gauge 自记压力计 recording water-gauge 自记水位计 recoverable 可回收的,可恢复的 recoverable heat 可回收的热量 recoverable oil 可回收的油

recoverable waster heat 可回收的废热 recovery plant 回收装置 recovery rate 回收率 relief damper 泄压风门

return air flame plate回风百叶


Mini ball valve 迷你球阀

Pc ball valve


Pc thread ball valve片式内螺纹球阀

Pc butt weld ball valve片式对焊球阀 Pc socket weld ball valve片式承插焊球阀 Pc long butt weld ball valve片式球阀 Pc clamp end ball valve片式加长对焊球阀

Flanged ball valve片式法兰球阀

y-strainer Y型过滤器 globe valve threaded 截止阀 gate valve 闸阀 check valve 止回阀


印尼暖通专业设备中英文对照 编 号




Power Roof Ventilator


Air-cooled Air Conditioner


Air-cooled Packaged Air Conditioner


Air-cooled Wall Mounted Air Conditioner


Ceiling Mounted Cassette Type(Four Flow)Air Conditioner(Indoor Unit)


Air Conditioner(Outdoor Unit)


Fan Coil Unit


Axial Fan


Water-cooled Chiller


Cooling tower


Cooling Water Pump


Chilled Water Pump


Pressurization Device


Air Handling


Force draft fan


Air Return Fan


Exhaust Air Unit


Air Handling Unit(Fresh Air Cooling Type)


Fresh Air Unit(Cooling Type)


Control System for Central Air Conditioning System


Explosion-proof Axial Fan


 英文简历常用词汇中英文对照


Executive and Managerial(管理部分)

Retail Store Manager 零售店经理 Food Service Manager Executive Marketing Director市场行政总监 HMO AdministratorAssistant Store Manager 商店经理助理 Operations Manager Assistant Vice-President副总裁助理 Production Manager Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官 Property ManagerChief Operations Officer(COO)首席运营官 Branch ManagerController(International)国际监管 Claims Examiner Director of Operations运营总监 Controller(General)Field Assurance Coordinator土地担保协调员 General ManagerManagement Consultant管理顾问 District ManagerHospital Administrator医院管理 President

Import/Export Manager进出口经理 Product ManagerInsurance Claims Controller保险认领管理员 Program ManagerInsurance Coordinator保险协调员 Project Manager Inventory Control Manager库存管理经理 Regional ManagerManager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机

构管理 Service Manager

Manufacturing Manager制造业经理 Vending ManagerTelecommunications Manager电信业经理 Vice-PresidentTransportation Manager运输经理 Warehouse Manager



Administrative Director 行政主管 File Clerk Executive Assistant 行政助理 Office Manager Executive Secretary 行政秘书 Receptionist General Office Clerk 办公室文员 Secretary Inventory Control Analyst 存货控制分析 Staff Assistant

Mail Room Supervisor 信件中心管理员 Stenographer 食品服务经理 医疗保险管理 操作经理 生产经理 房地产经理 部门经理 主考官 管理员 总经理 市区经理 总统 产品经理 程序管理经理 项目经理 区域经理 服务经理 售买经理 副总裁 仓库经理 档案管理员 办公室经理 接待员 秘书 助理 速记员

Order Entry Clerk

Shipping/Receiving Expediter Vice-President of Administration

订单输入文员 收发督导员 行政副总裁

Telephone Operator Ticket Agent Typist

电话操作员 票务代理 打字员


Human Resources(人力资源部分)

Assistant Personnel Officer Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources

Director of Human ResourcesJob Placement Officer Labor Relations Specialist Training Coordinator


Benefits Coordinator


人力资源副总裁助理 Compensation Manager 薪酬经理 人力资源总监 人员配置专员 劳动关系专员 培训协调员

Employment Consultant 招募顾问 Facility Manager Personnel Consultant Personnel Manager Recruiter Training Specialist

后勤经理 员工顾问 职员经理 招聘人员 培训专员

Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表

Vice-President of Human Resources人力资源副总裁


Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)

Vice-President of SalesVice-President of MarketingSenior Account Manager Sales AdministratorRegional Sales ManagerRegional Account ManagerReal Estate AppraiserMerchandising ManagerMarketing ConsultantMarketing AssistantMarketing and Sales Director Market Research AnalystManufacturer's RepresentativeDirector of Subsidiary RightsCallback Representative

销售副总裁 市场副总裁 销售主管

Wholesale BuyerTravel Agent Telemarketer

批发采购员 旅行代办员 电话销售员 电话调查员 销售员 销售代表 销售经理 销售执行者 销售助理 零售采购员 房地产经理 房地产经纪人 采购代理 产品开发

高级客户经理 Telemarketing Director电话销售总监 地区销售经理 Tele-Interviewer地区客户经理 Salesperson 房地产评估师 Sales Representative 采购经理 市场顾问 市场助理

Sales ManagerSales ExecutiveSales Assistant

市场与销售总监 Retail Buyer市场调查分析员 Real Estate Manager厂家代表 复查代表

Real Estate Broker Product Developer

分公司权利总监 Purchasing Agent

Assistant Account Executive客户管理助理 Marketing ManagerAdvertising Manager广告经理 Marketing InternAdvertising Coordinator广告协调员 Marketing DirectorAdvertising Assistant广告助理 Insurance Agent

Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail)广告文撰写人 Account Manager

Account Representative



Accounting and Finance(会计与财务部分)

Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员 Accounting Assistant Assistant Portfolio Manager 组合基金经理助理 Accounting Manager

Accounts Receivable Clerk 应收帐款文员 Accounting Clerk Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师 Senior Accoutant Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 Audit Manager Collections Officer 收款负责人 Actuarial Anaylst Insurance Underwriter 保险承销商 Auditor Bank Administrator 银行事务管理员 Junior Accountant

Loan Administrator 贷款管理员 Bank Treasurer Management Accountant 管理会计 Billing Clerk Mortgage Underwriter 抵抻保险员 Billing Supervisor Payroll Manager 工资经理 Bookkeeper Staff Auditor 审计员 Bookkeeping Clerk Stock Broker 股票经纪人 Budget Analyst Tax Accountant 税务会计 Credit Analyst Tax Inspector


Credit Manager

Vice-President of Administration and Finance

财务行政副总裁 Financial Analyst Vice-President of Finance财务副总裁 Financial Consultant Loan Servicer 贷款服务 Financial Manager Financial Planner


Bank Clerk



市场经理 市场实习市场总监 保险代理人 客户经理

会计助理 会计经理 会计文员 高级会计 审计经理 保险分析员 审计师 初级会计 资金调拨 票据文员 票据管理员 档案管理 档案管理助理 预算分析 信用分析 信用管理经理 财务分析 财务顾问 财务经理 银行出纳

Aerospace EngineerElectronics EngineerEngineering ConsultantEnvironmental EngineerFacilities Engineer Industrial EngineerManufacturing EngineerMechanical EngineerPetroleum Engineer

航空工程师 电子工程师 工程顾问 环境工程师 设备工程师 工业工程师 机械工程师 石油工程师

Ceramic EngineerChemical EngineerCivil Engineer Electrical EngineerField EngineerMarine EngineerPlastics EngineerProduct Engineer

陶器工程师 化学工程师 土木工程师 电力工程师 施工工程师 航海工程师 核能工程师 整形工程师 产品工程师

制造业工程师 Nuclear Engineer

A Useful Glossary for Educational Background(教育程度常用词汇)


educational background

学历 教育程度

educational history



style='font-size: 12.0pt;font-family



代 数 部 分




divisible可被整除的dividedevenly被整除dividend被除数 divisor因子,除数quotient商remainder余数 factorial阶乘power乘方



proper subset真子集solution set解集


algebraic term代数项

like terms,similar terms同类项 numerical coefficient数字系数 literal coefficient字母系数 inequality不等式

triangle inequality三角不等式 range值域

original equation原方程

equivalent equation同解方程 等价方程

linear equation线性方程


proper fraction真分数 improper fraction假分数

mixed number带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数 simple fraction简分数 complex fraction繁分数 numerator分子 denominator分母

(least)common denominator(最小)公分母 quarter四分之一

decimal fraction纯小数 infinite decimal无穷小数 recurring decimal循环小数 tenthsunit十分位


arithmetic mean算术平均值 weighted average加权平均值 geometric mean几何平均数 exponent指数,幂 base乘幂的底数,底边 cube立方数,立方体 square root平方根 cube root立方根

common logarithm常用对数 digit数字 constant常数 variable变量


complementary function余函数 linear一次的,线性的 factorization因式分解 absolute value绝对值,round off四舍五入


natural number自然数 positive number正数 negative number负数

odd integer,odd number奇数 even integer,even number偶数 integer,whole number整数 positive whole number正整数 negative whole number负整数 consecutive number连续整数

rea lnumber,rational number实数,有理数

irrational(number)无理数 inverse倒数

composite number合数 prime number质数 reciprocal倒数

common divisor公约数 multiple倍数

(least)common multiple(最小)公倍数(prime)factor(质)因子 common factor公因子

ordinaryscale,decimalscale十进制 nonnegative非负的 tens十位 units个位 mode众数 median中数

common ratio公比


arithmetic progression(sequence)等差数列geometric progression(sequence)等比数列



(anti)clockwise(逆)顺时针方向 cardinal基数 ordinal序数

directproportion正比distinct不同的estimation估计,近似 parentheses括号 proportion比例 permutation排列 combination组合 table表格

trigonometric function三角函数 unit单位,位

几 何 部 分 1.所有的角

alternate angle内错角

corresponding angle同位角 vertical angle对顶角

central angle圆心角 interior angle内角 exterior angle外角

supplement aryangles补角 complement aryangle余角 adjacent angle邻角 acute angle锐角 obtuse angle钝角 right angle直角 round angle周角 straight angle平角 included angle夹角


equilateral triangle等边三角形 scalene triangle不等边三角形 isosceles triangle等腰三角形 right triangle直角三角形 oblique斜三角形

inscribed triangle内接三角形


concentric circles同心圆 quadrilateral四边形 pentagon五边形 hexagon六边形 heptagon七边形 octagon八边形 nonagon九边形 decagon十边形 polygon多边形

parallelogram平行四边形 equilateral等边形 plane平面

square正方形,平方 rectangle长方形

regular polygon正多边形 rhombus菱形 trapezoid梯形



line,straight line直线

line segment线段 parallel lines平行线 segment of a circle弧形


cube立方体,立方数 rectangular solid长方体

regular solid/regular polyhedron正多面体 circular cylinder圆柱体 cone圆锥 sphere球体 solid立体的6.有关图形上的附属物

altitude高 depth深度 side边长

circumference,perimeter周长 radian弧度

surface area 表面积 volume体积

arm直角三角形的股 cros ssection横截面 center of acircle圆心 chord弦 radius半径

angle bisector角平分线 diagonal对角线 diameter直径 edge棱

face of a solid立体的面 hypotenuse斜边 included side夹边 leg三角形的直角边

medianofatriangle三角形的中线 base底边,底数

opposite直角三角形中的对边 midpoint中点 endpoint端点

vertex(复数形式vertices)顶点 tangent切线的 transversal截线 intercept截距


coordinate system坐标系

rectangular coordinate直角坐标系 origin原点 abscissa横坐标 ordinate纵坐标 numberline数轴 quadrant象限 slope斜率

complex plane复平面


plane geometry平面几何 trigonometry三角学 bisect平分

circumscribe外切 inscribe内切 intersect相交


pythagorean theorem勾股定理 congruent全等的 multilateral多边的1、单位类 cent美分

penny一美分硬币 nickel5美分硬币 dime一角硬币 dozen打(12个) score廿(20个) Centigrade摄氏 Fahrenheit华氏 quart夸脱

gallon加仑(1gallon=4quart) yard码 meter米 micron微米 inch英寸 foot英尺

minute分(角度的度量单位,60分=1度)squaremeasure平方单位制 cubicmeter立方米


2.有关文字叙述题,主要是有关商业 intercalary year(leapyear)闰年(366天)common year平年(365天) depreciation折旧

down payment直接付款 discount打折 margin利润 profit利润 interest利息

simple interest单利

compounded interest复利 dividend红利 decrease to减少到 decrease by减少了 increase to增加到 increase by增加了 denote表示 list price标价 markup涨价 per capita每人 ratio比率

retail price零售价 tie打平



非负整数集the set of all non-negative integers

自然数集the set of all natural numbers 正整数集the set of all positive integers 整数集the set of all integers

有理数集the set of all rational numbers 实数集the set of all real numbers 元素element 属于belong to

不属于not belong to 有限集finite set 无限集infinite set 空集empty set

包含inclusion, include 包含于lie in 子集subset 真子集proper subset

补集(余集)complementary set 全集universe 交集intersection 并集union

偶数集the set of all even numbers 奇数集the set of all odd numbers 含绝对值的不等式

inequality with absolute value 一元二次不等式

one-variable quadratic inequality 逻辑logic

逻辑联结词logic connective 或or 且and 非not 真true 假false

真值表truth table

原命题original proposition 逆命题converse proposition 否命题negative proposition

逆否命题converse-negative proposition 充分条件sufficient condition 必要条件necessary condition

充要条件sufficient and necessary condition ……的充要条件是……… if and only if …


函数function 自变量argument 定义域domain 值域range 区间interval

闭区间closed interval 开区间open interval

函数的图象graph of function 映射mapping 象image

原象inverse image 单调monotone

增函数increasing function

减函数decreasing function 单调区间monotone interval 反函数inverse function 指数exponent n次方根n th root 根式radical 根指数radical exponent 被开方数radicand 指数函数exponential function 对数logarithm 常用对数common logarithm 自然对数natural logarithm 对数函数logarithmic function数列数列sequence of number 项term 通项公式the formula of general term 有穷数列finite sequence of number 无穷数列infinite sequence of number 递推公式recurrence formula 等差数列arithmetic progression,arithmetic series 公差common difference 等差中项arithmetic mean 等比数列geometric progression,geometric series 公比common ratio 等比中项geometric mean三角函数三角函数trigonometric function 始边initial side 终边terminal side 正角positive angle 负角negative angle 零角zero angle 象限角quadrant angle 弧度radian 弧度制radian measure 角度制degree measure 正弦sine 余弦cosine 正切tangent 余切cotangent 正割secant 余割cosecant 诱导公式induction formula 正弦曲线sine curve 余弦曲线cosine curve 最大值maximum 最小值minimum 周期period 最小正周期minimal positive period 周期函数periodic function 振幅amplitude of vibration 频率frequency 相位phase 初相initial phase 反正弦arc sine 反余弦arc cosine 反正切arc tangent平面向量有向线段directed line segment数量scalar quantity向量vector 零向量zero vector 相等向量equal vector 共线向量collinear vectors平行向量parallel vectors 向量的数乘multiplication of vector by scalar 单位向量unit vector 基底base 基向量basevectors平移translation 数量积innerproduct 正弦定理sinetheorem 余弦定理cosinetheorem


算术平均数arithmetic mean 几何平均数geometric mean 比较法method of compare 综合法method of synthesis 分析法method of analysis


倾斜角angle of inclination 斜率gradient

点斜式point slope form 截距intercept

斜截式 gradient intercept form 两点式two-point form 一般式general form 夹角included angle

线性规划linear programming 约束条件constraint condition 目标函数 objective function 可行域feasible region 最优解optimal solution



坐标法method of coordinate 解析几何analytic geometry 笛卡儿Descartes

标准方程standard equation 一般方程general equation 参数方程parameter equation 参数parameter

圆锥曲线point conic 椭圆ellipse

焦点focus, focal points 焦距focal length 长轴major axis 短轴minor axis 离心率eccentricity 双曲线hyperbola 实轴real axis

虚轴imaginary axis 渐近线asymptote 抛物线parabola 准线directrix



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