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Shipping agent 船舶代理

Handling Agent 操作代理

Booking Agent 订舱代理

Cargo Canvassing 揽货

FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金

Brokerage / Commission 佣金


Booking 订舱

Booking Note 订舱单

Booking Number 订舱号

Dock Receipt 场站收据

M/F(Manifest):a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单Cable/Telex Release 电放

A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书

PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员

The said party 所涉及的一方

On Board B/L: On Board提单 A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/CCancellation 退关箱


BP Base Port 基本港

Prompt release 即时放行

Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间

Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地

Second Carrier(第)二程船

In transit 中转

Transportation hub 中转港


Tractor 牵引车/拖头

Low-bed 低平板车

Trailer 拖车

Transporter 拖车

Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司)

Axle load 轴负荷

Tire-load 轮胎负荷

Toll Gate 收费口


Bonded Area 保税区

Bonded Goods(Goods in Bond)保税货物

Bonded Warehouse 保税库

Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管

Fork Lift 叉车

Loading Platform 装卸平台


A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班

A fortnight sailing 双周班

A bi-weekly sailing 周双班

A monthly sailing 每月班

On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离

ETA :Estimated(Expected)Time of Arrival 预计到达时间

ETB: Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间

ETD Estimated(Expected)Time of Departure 预计离泊时间

The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。船期/船舶如有变更将不作事先通知

Closing Date:截止申报时间

Cut-off time:截关日


Ocean Freight 海运费

Sea Freight 海运费

Freight Rate 海运价

Charge / Fee(收)费

Dead Freight 空舱费

Dead Space: Space in a car, truck, vessel, etc., that is not utilized 亏舱

Surcharge / Additional Charge 附加费

Toll 桥/境费

Charges that are below a just and reasonable level 低于正当合理的收费

Market Price Level 市场价水平

Special Rate 特价

Rock Bottom Price 最低底价

Best Obtainable Price 市场最好价

CC Freight to Collect 到付运费

Freight Payable At Destination 到付运费

Back Freight 退货运费

Fixed Price 固定价格

Comm.Commission 佣金

Rebate 回扣/折扣

Drayage charge: made for local hauling by dray or truck 拖运费

GRI :General Rate Increase 运价上调

SGRI :Second General Rate Increase 第二次运价上调

GRD :General Rate Decrease 运价下调

TGRD :Temporary General Rate Decrease 临时运价下调

PSS :Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费

Wharfage: A charge assessed by a pier against freight handled over the pier 码头附加费THC :Terminal Handling Charge 码头操作附加费

ORC :Origin Receiving Charge 始发接单费

CUC :Chassis Usage Charge 拖车运费

IAC :Inter-modal Administrative Charge(U.S.Inland Surcharge)内陆运输附加费DDC :Destination Delivery Charge(目的地卸货费)

OAC: Origin Accessory Charge 始发港杂费

MAF: Manifest Amendment Fee 舱单改单费

(八)For prompt shipment 立即出运

Cargo Supplier(供)货方

Upcoming Shipment 下一载货

Same Assignment 同一批货

Nomination Cargo 指定(指派)货

Indicated / Nominated Cargo 指装货

Shipments under B/L No。XXX XXX提单货

Cargo Volume 货量

Freight Volume 货量

Reefer Cargo 冷冻货

High-value Cargo(goods)高价货

Miss Description 虚报货名

Agreement Rate 协议运价

D & H dangerous and hazardous 危险品


S/O Shipping Order 托(运)单

B/L Bill of Lading 提单

B/L Copy 提单副本

OBL Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单

HBL House Bill of Lading 无船承运人提单

TBL Through Bill of Lading 全程提单

Advanced BL Advanced Bill of lading 预借提单

Anti-Dated BL Anti-dated Bill of Lading 倒签提单

Blank BL Blank Bill of Lading 空白提单

‘To Order’B/L 指示提单

Combined Bill 并单(提单)

Separate Bill 拆单(提单)

Straight B/L: A non-negotiable B/L。the Pomerene Act governs its operation in the US。记名提单

On Board B/L :A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C =On Board提单

Shipped B/L: A B/L issued only after the goods have actually been shipped on board the vessel,as distinguished from the received for Shipments B/L 已出运的货物提单(On Board B/L; Shipped B/L 已装船提单)

Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单

Transhipment B/L 转船提单

Through B/L 联运提单

Shipper(Consignee)Box 发(收)货人栏(格)

Arrival Notice 到货通知书:An advice that the carrier sends to the consignee advising of goods coming forward for delivery.Pertinent information such as BL No.,container No.and total charge due from consignee, etc, are included and sent to consignee prior to vessel arrival.This is done gratuitously by the carrier to ensure smooth delivery but there is no obligation by the carrier to do so.The responsibility to monitor the transit and present himself to take timely delivery still rests with the consignee.M/F: Manifest document that lists in detail all the Bs/L issued by a vessel or its agent or master,ie,a detailed summary of the total cargo 舱单

Batch Filing 批量报备

Manifest Discrepancy 舱单数据不符

Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt 收到舱单回执

Packing List 装箱单

Cargo Receipt 承运货物收据

D/R Dock Receipt 场站收据

D/O Delivery Order 交货单(小提单)

Shipper’s Export Declaration 货主出口申报单

Shipping Advice 装运通知(似舱单 NVOCC用)

Manifest information 舱单信息

FCN Freight Correction Notice 舱单更改单(通知)

Surrender O B/L copies for consignment 交回提单副本

Release Note receipt signed by customer acknowledging delivery of goods 货物收讫单

(九)Inspection-related Terms 检验相关术语

Customs Inspection 海关查验

Commodity Inspection 商品检验

Tally 理货

Tally Report 理货报告

Check 查验/检查/核对


Animal / Plant Inspection 动植物检验

INSP Inspection / Inspector 检验/检验员

Certificate of Origin(normally issued or signed by a Chamber of

Commerce or Embassy)(始发地)原产地证书

Arbitration 仲裁

ACH :Automated Clearing House(part of ACS)自动清关

AMS :Automated Manifest System(for anti-terrorism)自动舱单(反恐)申报系统CSS :Cargo Selectivity System 货物抽验

CHB :Customs House Broker 报关行

SED :(EX-DEC)Shipper’s Export Declaration 货主出口报关单




QUOTAs Quantity of one HTS item allowed to be imported at either higher or lower rate of duties.进口配额

DDP: Delivery Duty Paid 完税

DDU: Delivery Duty Unpaid 未完税

DRAWBACK: Duties payment refunded because freight is re-exported or for similar circumstances 退税金额

Customs fine 海关罚款

Customs seals 海关关封

Application for inspection 检验申请

To expedite the clearance 加快清关

Pilferage 盗窃/偷窃

To be liable for a penalty of 受到。。处罚

Non-fraudulent violation of the regulation 非故意违反规定

To file certifications with Customs 向海关申报有效证明

To follow the current procedure 遵循现行程序

To abide by。。rule 遵照。。规定

To provide specific language 提供一定说法

To be not authorized 不予认可


COC Carrier’s Own Container(CARRIER OWNED CTN)船东自有箱

Container Cleaning 洗箱

VEN Ventilated 通风

FRZ Frozen 冰冻

HTD Heated 加热

I.D.Inside Dimension 箱内尺码

Inside Measurement 箱内尺码

TW(TARE WEIGHT)The weight of an empty container 箱子皮重Container Leasing Co。租箱公司

Equipment Exchange(Interchange)Receipt 设备交接单

Repositioning 集装箱回空

Container Leasing long-term / short-term lease 集装箱租赁 长期 / 短期Leasing Company 租箱公司

premises for longer period than provided in Tariff 空箱滞箱费Demurrage 重箱滞箱费


准装货单 shipping permit

租船契约 charter party

租船人 charterer

程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter

期租船 time charter

允许装卸时间 lay days | | laying days

工作日 working days

连续天数 running days | | consecutive days

滞期费 demurrage

滞期日数 demurrage days

速遣费 despatch money

空舱费 dead freight

退关 short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs

赔偿保证书(信托收据)letter of indemnity | | trust receipt装载 loading

卸货 unloading | | discharging | | landing

装运重量 shipping weight | | in-take-weight

卸货重量 landing weight

压舱 ballasting

压舱货 in ballast

舱单 manifest

海运费 ocean freight

集卡运费、短驳费 Drayage

订舱费 booking charge

报关费 customs clearance fee

操作劳务费 labour fee or handling charge

商检换单费 exchange fee for CIP

换单费 D/O fee

拆箱费 De-vanning charge

港杂费 port sur-charge

电放费 B/L surrender fee

冲关费 emergent declearation change

海关查验费 customs inspection fee

待时费 waiting charge

仓储费 storage fee

改单费 amendment charge

拼箱服务费 LCL service charge

动、植检疫费 animal & plant quarantine fee

移动式其重机费 mobile crane charge

进出库费 warehouse in/out charge

提箱费 container stuffing charge

滞期费 demurrage charge

滞箱费 container detention charge

卡车运费 cartage fee

商检费 commodity inspection fee

转运费 transportation charge

污箱费 container dirtyness change

坏箱费用 container damage charge

清洁箱费 container clearance charge

分拨费 dispatch charge

车上交货 FOT(free on track)

电汇手续费 T/T fee

转境费/过境费 I/E bonded charge


空运费 air freight

机场费 air terminal charge

空运提单费 airway bill fee

FSC(燃油附加费)fuel surcharge

SCC(安全附加费)security sur-charge

抽单费 D/O fee


内装箱费 container loading charge(including inland drayage)疏港费 port congestion charge

他港常用术语场站费 CFS charge

文件费 document charge

BAF BUNKER AJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃油附加费系数 BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。


FAF Fuel AdjustmentFactor 燃油价调整附加费(日本航线专用)IPI INTERIOR POINT INTERMODAL 内陆转运费??

PSS Peak Season Sucharges 旺季附加费 大多数航线在运输旺季时可能临时使用

Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费

Ice Surcharge 冰冻附加费




欧洲 O/F+BAF+CAF+PSS(旺季时候会加)



货物 goods | | freight | | cargo

运输 transportation | | transit | | conveyance

运送 to transport | | to carry | | to convey

运输业 transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade运输代理人 a forwarding agent

承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier

船务代理人 a shipping agent

陆上运输 transportation by land

海上运输 transportation by sea

货物运输 goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods

货轮 cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车 goods-train | | freight-train

卡车 goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck

货运办公室 goods-office | | freight-department

运费率 freight | | freight rates | | goods rate

运费 carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges车费 cartage | | portage

运费预付 carriage prepaid | | carriage paid

运费到付 carriage forward | | freight collect

运费免除||免费 carriage free

协定运费 conference freight | | freight rate

运费清单 freight account

托运单 way-bill | | invoice

运送契约 contract for carriage

装运 shipment | | loading

装上货轮 to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship

装运费 shipping charges | | shipping commission

装运单||载货单 shipping invoice

装运单据 shipping documents

大副收据 mate's receipt

装船单 shipping order

提货单 delivery order

装船通知 shipping advice

包裹收据 parcel receipt

船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry

航海日记 ship's log

船员名册 muster-roll

(船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health

光票 clean bill

不清洁提单 foul bill

有疑问提单 suspected bill


(1)ORC(Origen Recevie Charges)本地收货费用(广东省收取)

(2)THC(Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费(香港收取)

(3)BAF(Bunker Adjustment Factor)燃油附加费

(4)CAF(Currency Adjustment Factor)货币贬值附加费

(5)YAS(Yard Surcharges)码头附加费

(6)EPS(Equipment Position Surcharges)设备位置附加费

(7)DDC(Destination Delivery Charges)目的港交货费

(8)PSS(Peak Season Sucharges)旺季附加费

(9)PCS(Port Congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费

(10)DOC(DOcument charges)文件费

(11)O/F(Ocean Freight)海运费

(12)B/L(Bill of Lading)海运提单

(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading)船东单

(14)MTD(Multimodal Transport Document)多式联运单据

(15)L/C(Letter of Credit)信用证

(16)C/O(Certificate of Origin)产地证

(17)S/C(Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract)销售合同

(18)S/O(Shipping Order)装货指示书

(19)W/T(Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)

(20)M/T(Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)

(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费

(22)CY(Container Yard)集装箱(货柜)堆场

(23)FCL(Full Container Load)整箱货

(24)LCL(Less than Container Load)拼箱货(散货)

(25)CFS(Container Freight Station)集装箱货运站

(26)TEU(Twenty-feet Equivalent Units)20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)

(27)A/W(All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)

(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge)迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)

(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier)无船承运人


 英文简历常用词汇中英文对照


Executive and Managerial(管理部分)

Retail Store Manager 零售店经理 Food Service Manager Executive Marketing Director市场行政总监 HMO AdministratorAssistant Store Manager 商店经理助理 Operations Manager Assistant Vice-President副总裁助理 Production Manager Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官 Property ManagerChief Operations Officer(COO)首席运营官 Branch ManagerController(International)国际监管 Claims Examiner Director of Operations运营总监 Controller(General)Field Assurance Coordinator土地担保协调员 General ManagerManagement Consultant管理顾问 District ManagerHospital Administrator医院管理 President

Import/Export Manager进出口经理 Product ManagerInsurance Claims Controller保险认领管理员 Program ManagerInsurance Coordinator保险协调员 Project Manager Inventory Control Manager库存管理经理 Regional ManagerManager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机

构管理 Service Manager

Manufacturing Manager制造业经理 Vending ManagerTelecommunications Manager电信业经理 Vice-PresidentTransportation Manager运输经理 Warehouse Manager



Administrative Director 行政主管 File Clerk Executive Assistant 行政助理 Office Manager Executive Secretary 行政秘书 Receptionist General Office Clerk 办公室文员 Secretary Inventory Control Analyst 存货控制分析 Staff Assistant

Mail Room Supervisor 信件中心管理员 Stenographer 食品服务经理 医疗保险管理 操作经理 生产经理 房地产经理 部门经理 主考官 管理员 总经理 市区经理 总统 产品经理 程序管理经理 项目经理 区域经理 服务经理 售买经理 副总裁 仓库经理 档案管理员 办公室经理 接待员 秘书 助理 速记员

Order Entry Clerk

Shipping/Receiving Expediter Vice-President of Administration

订单输入文员 收发督导员 行政副总裁

Telephone Operator Ticket Agent Typist

电话操作员 票务代理 打字员


Human Resources(人力资源部分)

Assistant Personnel Officer Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources

Director of Human ResourcesJob Placement Officer Labor Relations Specialist Training Coordinator


Benefits Coordinator


人力资源副总裁助理 Compensation Manager 薪酬经理 人力资源总监 人员配置专员 劳动关系专员 培训协调员

Employment Consultant 招募顾问 Facility Manager Personnel Consultant Personnel Manager Recruiter Training Specialist

后勤经理 员工顾问 职员经理 招聘人员 培训专员

Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表

Vice-President of Human Resources人力资源副总裁


Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)

Vice-President of SalesVice-President of MarketingSenior Account Manager Sales AdministratorRegional Sales ManagerRegional Account ManagerReal Estate AppraiserMerchandising ManagerMarketing ConsultantMarketing AssistantMarketing and Sales Director Market Research AnalystManufacturer's RepresentativeDirector of Subsidiary RightsCallback Representative

销售副总裁 市场副总裁 销售主管

Wholesale BuyerTravel Agent Telemarketer

批发采购员 旅行代办员 电话销售员 电话调查员 销售员 销售代表 销售经理 销售执行者 销售助理 零售采购员 房地产经理 房地产经纪人 采购代理 产品开发

高级客户经理 Telemarketing Director电话销售总监 地区销售经理 Tele-Interviewer地区客户经理 Salesperson 房地产评估师 Sales Representative 采购经理 市场顾问 市场助理

Sales ManagerSales ExecutiveSales Assistant

市场与销售总监 Retail Buyer市场调查分析员 Real Estate Manager厂家代表 复查代表

Real Estate Broker Product Developer

分公司权利总监 Purchasing Agent

Assistant Account Executive客户管理助理 Marketing ManagerAdvertising Manager广告经理 Marketing InternAdvertising Coordinator广告协调员 Marketing DirectorAdvertising Assistant广告助理 Insurance Agent

Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail)广告文撰写人 Account Manager

Account Representative



Accounting and Finance(会计与财务部分)

Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员 Accounting Assistant Assistant Portfolio Manager 组合基金经理助理 Accounting Manager

Accounts Receivable Clerk 应收帐款文员 Accounting Clerk Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师 Senior Accoutant Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 Audit Manager Collections Officer 收款负责人 Actuarial Anaylst Insurance Underwriter 保险承销商 Auditor Bank Administrator 银行事务管理员 Junior Accountant

Loan Administrator 贷款管理员 Bank Treasurer Management Accountant 管理会计 Billing Clerk Mortgage Underwriter 抵抻保险员 Billing Supervisor Payroll Manager 工资经理 Bookkeeper Staff Auditor 审计员 Bookkeeping Clerk Stock Broker 股票经纪人 Budget Analyst Tax Accountant 税务会计 Credit Analyst Tax Inspector


Credit Manager

Vice-President of Administration and Finance

财务行政副总裁 Financial Analyst Vice-President of Finance财务副总裁 Financial Consultant Loan Servicer 贷款服务 Financial Manager Financial Planner


Bank Clerk



市场经理 市场实习市场总监 保险代理人 客户经理

会计助理 会计经理 会计文员 高级会计 审计经理 保险分析员 审计师 初级会计 资金调拨 票据文员 票据管理员 档案管理 档案管理助理 预算分析 信用分析 信用管理经理 财务分析 财务顾问 财务经理 银行出纳

Aerospace EngineerElectronics EngineerEngineering ConsultantEnvironmental EngineerFacilities Engineer Industrial EngineerManufacturing EngineerMechanical EngineerPetroleum Engineer

航空工程师 电子工程师 工程顾问 环境工程师 设备工程师 工业工程师 机械工程师 石油工程师

Ceramic EngineerChemical EngineerCivil Engineer Electrical EngineerField EngineerMarine EngineerPlastics EngineerProduct Engineer

陶器工程师 化学工程师 土木工程师 电力工程师 施工工程师 航海工程师 核能工程师 整形工程师 产品工程师

制造业工程师 Nuclear Engineer

A Useful Glossary for Educational Background(教育程度常用词汇)


educational background

学历 教育程度

educational history



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代 数 部 分




divisible可被整除的dividedevenly被整除dividend被除数 divisor因子,除数quotient商remainder余数 factorial阶乘power乘方



proper subset真子集solution set解集


algebraic term代数项

like terms,similar terms同类项 numerical coefficient数字系数 literal coefficient字母系数 inequality不等式

triangle inequality三角不等式 range值域

original equation原方程

equivalent equation同解方程 等价方程

linear equation线性方程


proper fraction真分数 improper fraction假分数

mixed number带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数 simple fraction简分数 complex fraction繁分数 numerator分子 denominator分母

(least)common denominator(最小)公分母 quarter四分之一

decimal fraction纯小数 infinite decimal无穷小数 recurring decimal循环小数 tenthsunit十分位


arithmetic mean算术平均值 weighted average加权平均值 geometric mean几何平均数 exponent指数,幂 base乘幂的底数,底边 cube立方数,立方体 square root平方根 cube root立方根

common logarithm常用对数 digit数字 constant常数 variable变量


complementary function余函数 linear一次的,线性的 factorization因式分解 absolute value绝对值,round off四舍五入


natural number自然数 positive number正数 negative number负数

odd integer,odd number奇数 even integer,even number偶数 integer,whole number整数 positive whole number正整数 negative whole number负整数 consecutive number连续整数

rea lnumber,rational number实数,有理数

irrational(number)无理数 inverse倒数

composite number合数 prime number质数 reciprocal倒数

common divisor公约数 multiple倍数

(least)common multiple(最小)公倍数(prime)factor(质)因子 common factor公因子

ordinaryscale,decimalscale十进制 nonnegative非负的 tens十位 units个位 mode众数 median中数

common ratio公比


arithmetic progression(sequence)等差数列geometric progression(sequence)等比数列



(anti)clockwise(逆)顺时针方向 cardinal基数 ordinal序数

directproportion正比distinct不同的estimation估计,近似 parentheses括号 proportion比例 permutation排列 combination组合 table表格

trigonometric function三角函数 unit单位,位

几 何 部 分 1.所有的角

alternate angle内错角

corresponding angle同位角 vertical angle对顶角

central angle圆心角 interior angle内角 exterior angle外角

supplement aryangles补角 complement aryangle余角 adjacent angle邻角 acute angle锐角 obtuse angle钝角 right angle直角 round angle周角 straight angle平角 included angle夹角


equilateral triangle等边三角形 scalene triangle不等边三角形 isosceles triangle等腰三角形 right triangle直角三角形 oblique斜三角形

inscribed triangle内接三角形


concentric circles同心圆 quadrilateral四边形 pentagon五边形 hexagon六边形 heptagon七边形 octagon八边形 nonagon九边形 decagon十边形 polygon多边形

parallelogram平行四边形 equilateral等边形 plane平面

square正方形,平方 rectangle长方形

regular polygon正多边形 rhombus菱形 trapezoid梯形



line,straight line直线

line segment线段 parallel lines平行线 segment of a circle弧形


cube立方体,立方数 rectangular solid长方体

regular solid/regular polyhedron正多面体 circular cylinder圆柱体 cone圆锥 sphere球体 solid立体的6.有关图形上的附属物

altitude高 depth深度 side边长

circumference,perimeter周长 radian弧度

surface area 表面积 volume体积

arm直角三角形的股 cros ssection横截面 center of acircle圆心 chord弦 radius半径

angle bisector角平分线 diagonal对角线 diameter直径 edge棱

face of a solid立体的面 hypotenuse斜边 included side夹边 leg三角形的直角边

medianofatriangle三角形的中线 base底边,底数

opposite直角三角形中的对边 midpoint中点 endpoint端点

vertex(复数形式vertices)顶点 tangent切线的 transversal截线 intercept截距


coordinate system坐标系

rectangular coordinate直角坐标系 origin原点 abscissa横坐标 ordinate纵坐标 numberline数轴 quadrant象限 slope斜率

complex plane复平面


plane geometry平面几何 trigonometry三角学 bisect平分

circumscribe外切 inscribe内切 intersect相交


pythagorean theorem勾股定理 congruent全等的 multilateral多边的1、单位类 cent美分

penny一美分硬币 nickel5美分硬币 dime一角硬币 dozen打(12个) score廿(20个) Centigrade摄氏 Fahrenheit华氏 quart夸脱

gallon加仑(1gallon=4quart) yard码 meter米 micron微米 inch英寸 foot英尺

minute分(角度的度量单位,60分=1度)squaremeasure平方单位制 cubicmeter立方米


2.有关文字叙述题,主要是有关商业 intercalary year(leapyear)闰年(366天)common year平年(365天) depreciation折旧

down payment直接付款 discount打折 margin利润 profit利润 interest利息

simple interest单利

compounded interest复利 dividend红利 decrease to减少到 decrease by减少了 increase to增加到 increase by增加了 denote表示 list price标价 markup涨价 per capita每人 ratio比率

retail price零售价 tie打平



非负整数集the set of all non-negative integers

自然数集the set of all natural numbers 正整数集the set of all positive integers 整数集the set of all integers

有理数集the set of all rational numbers 实数集the set of all real numbers 元素element 属于belong to

不属于not belong to 有限集finite set 无限集infinite set 空集empty set

包含inclusion, include 包含于lie in 子集subset 真子集proper subset

补集(余集)complementary set 全集universe 交集intersection 并集union

偶数集the set of all even numbers 奇数集the set of all odd numbers 含绝对值的不等式

inequality with absolute value 一元二次不等式

one-variable quadratic inequality 逻辑logic

逻辑联结词logic connective 或or 且and 非not 真true 假false

真值表truth table

原命题original proposition 逆命题converse proposition 否命题negative proposition

逆否命题converse-negative proposition 充分条件sufficient condition 必要条件necessary condition

充要条件sufficient and necessary condition ……的充要条件是……… if and only if …


函数function 自变量argument 定义域domain 值域range 区间interval

闭区间closed interval 开区间open interval

函数的图象graph of function 映射mapping 象image

原象inverse image 单调monotone

增函数increasing function

减函数decreasing function 单调区间monotone interval 反函数inverse function 指数exponent n次方根n th root 根式radical 根指数radical exponent 被开方数radicand 指数函数exponential function 对数logarithm 常用对数common logarithm 自然对数natural logarithm 对数函数logarithmic function数列数列sequence of number 项term 通项公式the formula of general term 有穷数列finite sequence of number 无穷数列infinite sequence of number 递推公式recurrence formula 等差数列arithmetic progression,arithmetic series 公差common difference 等差中项arithmetic mean 等比数列geometric progression,geometric series 公比common ratio 等比中项geometric mean三角函数三角函数trigonometric function 始边initial side 终边terminal side 正角positive angle 负角negative angle 零角zero angle 象限角quadrant angle 弧度radian 弧度制radian measure 角度制degree measure 正弦sine 余弦cosine 正切tangent 余切cotangent 正割secant 余割cosecant 诱导公式induction formula 正弦曲线sine curve 余弦曲线cosine curve 最大值maximum 最小值minimum 周期period 最小正周期minimal positive period 周期函数periodic function 振幅amplitude of vibration 频率frequency 相位phase 初相initial phase 反正弦arc sine 反余弦arc cosine 反正切arc tangent平面向量有向线段directed line segment数量scalar quantity向量vector 零向量zero vector 相等向量equal vector 共线向量collinear vectors平行向量parallel vectors 向量的数乘multiplication of vector by scalar 单位向量unit vector 基底base 基向量basevectors平移translation 数量积innerproduct 正弦定理sinetheorem 余弦定理cosinetheorem


算术平均数arithmetic mean 几何平均数geometric mean 比较法method of compare 综合法method of synthesis 分析法method of analysis


倾斜角angle of inclination 斜率gradient

点斜式point slope form 截距intercept

斜截式 gradient intercept form 两点式two-point form 一般式general form 夹角included angle

线性规划linear programming 约束条件constraint condition 目标函数 objective function 可行域feasible region 最优解optimal solution



坐标法method of coordinate 解析几何analytic geometry 笛卡儿Descartes

标准方程standard equation 一般方程general equation 参数方程parameter equation 参数parameter

圆锥曲线point conic 椭圆ellipse

焦点focus, focal points 焦距focal length 长轴major axis 短轴minor axis 离心率eccentricity 双曲线hyperbola 实轴real axis

虚轴imaginary axis 渐近线asymptote 抛物线parabola 准线directrix


法医学中英文词汇对照 法医学, 中英文, 词汇


A 阿片 opium 艾司唑仑 estazolam 氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂 Carbamate pesticides

安乐死 euthanasia 奥沙西泮 oxazepam


巴比妥 barbital 巴比妥类 barbiturates 百草枯 Paraquat 斑蝥素 cantharidin 薄层色谱法 thin layer chromatography

保险杠损伤 bumper injury

爆炸伤 explosion injuries 被控父亲 alleged father, AF 苯巴比妥 phenobarbital 苯丙胺类 amphetamine 苯二氮卓类 benzodiazepine 苯环己哌啶 phencyclidine

表皮剥脱 abrasion 表型 phenotype

病理性死亡 pathological death 病理性心境恶劣 dysphoria


草乌 radix aloniti kusnezoffil 长度多态性 length polymorphism 超生反应 supravital reaction 迟发性溺死 delayed drowning

冲击伤 coup injury 川乌 radix aloniti 船舶事故损伤 shipwreck injury

创 wound

刺创 stab wound 次乌头碱 hypaconitine 猝死 sudden death 挫裂创 laceration 挫伤 contusion 挫伤轮 abrasion collar


大麻 Cannabis sativa 大麻二酚 cannabidiol 大麻酚 cannabinol 单基因座探针 single-locus probe, SLP 道路交通事故损伤 road traffic accident injury

等位基因 allele 等位基因分型标准物 allelic ladder

抵抗创 defense wound 抵抗伤 defense injury 蒂巴因 thebaine 地西泮 diazepam 电击伤 electrical injury

电击死 electrical death 电流斑 current mark 冻伤 frostbite 冻死 death from cold 毒鼠强 tetramine 毒物 poison

毒物分析 toxicological analysis

堵死 choking 短串联重复序列 short tandem repeats, STR

对冲伤 contrecoup injury 钝器伤 blunt instrument injury 多基因座探针 multi-locus probe, MLP 多器官衰竭 multiple organ failure


鹅皮样 goose skin 扼死 manual strangulation 儿童性虐待 child sexual abuse


法定能力 legal competency 法医 DNA 分型 forensic DNA typing 法医病理学 forensic pathology 法医毒物分析 forensic toxicological analysis

法医精神病学 forensic psychiatry 法医临床学 forensic clinical medicine 法医人类学 forensic anthropology 法医生物学 forensic biology 法医学 forensic medicine 法医学尸体剖验 medico-legal examination of corpse

法医血清学 forensic serology 法医血液遗传学 forensic haemogenetics

法医遗传学 forensic genetics 钡酸铵硫酸反应 mandelin 反应 方向盘挤压损伤 steering wheel injury

飞机失事 aircraft

非暴力性死亡 non-violent death 非致命伤 nonfatal injury 非自然性死亡 unnatural death

肺脏死 lung death

分布 distribution 分子杂交 hybridization 吩噻嗪类 phenothiazine 服刑能力 competence of serving a sentence

氟西泮 flurazepam 氟乙酰胺 fluoroacefamide, 斧锤伤 axe-hammer injury 辅助死因 contributory cause of death

腐败 decomposition 父权排除概率 excluding probability of paternity, EP 父权相对机会 relative chance of paternity, RCP

父权指数 paternity index, PI


干性溺死 dry drowning 高山结晶试验 Takayama crystal test

高乌头 A.sinomontanum 高效液相色谱法 high performance chromatography

高坠伤 injuries due to fall 个人识别 personal identification 个人识别能力 discrimination power, DP 根本死因 underlying cause of death

哽死 choking 汞 mercury 骨折 fracture

光谱分析法 spectra analysis

硅藻 diatom 棍棒伤 stick injury International Society of Forensic Genetics, ISFG

过失杀人 manslaughter


海洛因 heroin

航空事故 aviation accident 褐翅红娘子 H.philaemata Fabricius 黑翅红娘子 Huechys sanguinea De Geer

呼吸死 respiratory death 环状沉淀反应 ring precipitation 黄黑小斑蝥 Mylabris cichorii Linnaeus

挥鞭样损伤 whiplash injury 国际法医遗传学会火药颗粒 smudging 化学法 chemical analysis


机械性损伤 mechanical injury 机械性窒息 mechanical asphyxia 肌肉弛缓 muscular flaccidity

基序 motif 基因型 genotype 基因座 locus

即时死 instantaneous death 《疾病和有关健康问题的国际统计分类》 International Classification of


疾病死 pathological death 挤压性创伤性窒息 overlaying and traumantic asphyxia

挤压伤 crush injury 假死 apparent death 间接因果关系 indirect causality

剪创 scissoring wound 交通事故损伤 traffic accident injury

交通医学 traffic medicine 脚踏板损伤 pedal injury 精神损伤 mental damage 精液斑 seminal stain 局部干燥 local desiccation 聚合酶链反应 polymerase chain reaction


砍创 chop wound 抗凝血类杀鼠药 anticoagulant rodenticides 可变数目串联重复序列 variable number of tandem repeats, VNTR

可待因 codeine 可卡因 cocaine 空茎乌头 A.apetalum 夸大病情 exaggeration 扩增片段长度多态性 amplification fragment length polymorphism, Amp


劳动能力 labour capacity 勒死 ligature strangulation 雷击死 death from lightning 雷击纹 lightning mark 累计父权指数 combined paternity index, CPI

联苯胺试验 benzidine test 联合 DNA 检索系统 the Combined DNA Index System,CODIS 联合死因 conjunctive cause of death

磷化锌 zincphosphide,Zn3P2

聋 hearing loss 颅像重合技术 photographic superimposing technique

氯胺酮 ketamine 氯丙嗪 chlorpromazine 氯氮卓 chlordiazapoxide 氯化血红素结晶试验 hemin crystal test 绿莞青 Llytta cara-ganae Pallas

乱伦 incest

螺旋桨损伤 propeller injury


马钱 Strychnos nux vomica L.马钱子碱 brucine 吗啡 morphine 麦司卡林 mescaline 卖淫 prostitution 闷死 smothering 毛莨科 Ranunculacere 毛细管电泳法 capillary electrophoresis 弥散性轴索损伤 diffuse axonal injury ,DAI

免疫分析法 immunoassay 面貌复原法 facial reconstruction 民事行为能力 civil capability

谋杀 murder 木乃伊 mummy


那可汀 narcotine 南方大斑蝥 Mylabris phalerata Pallas

脑挫伤 brain contusion

脑死亡 brain death 脑死亡诊断标准 criteria of diagnosis brain death

脑震荡 concussion 内脏破裂 rupture of viscera 拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂 synthetic pyrethroids pesticides

溺死 drowning 溺死斑 Paltauf 斑 碾压伤 run-over injury 虐待儿童 child abuse 虐待儿童综合征 child abuse syndrome


排泄 excretion 皮肤撕脱创或剥皮创 avulsion injury of skin

皮内出血 intradermal hemorrhage 皮下出血 subcutaneous hemorrhage

嫖娼 wenching


气相色谱法 gas chromatography 前列腺特异性抗原 prostate specific antigen

枪弹创 bullet wound

强奸 rape

切创或切割创 incised wound 亲权纠纷 disputed parentage 亲子关系概率 paternity probability 167 亲子鉴定 parentage testing 青壮年猝死综合征 sudden manhood death syndrome, SMDS

轻伤 flesh injury 轻微伤 slight injury 氢氰酸 prussic acid ,HCN 情感虐待 emotional abuse 躯体虐待 physical abuse 躯体死亡 somatic death 确证试验 conclusive test 175 R 热作用呼吸道综合征 respiratory complex caused by heat

锐器伤 sharp instrument wound


三氟拉嗪 trifluoperazine 三氧化二砷(砒霜)arsenic trioxide

三唑仑 triazolam 色谱分析法 chromatography analysis

烧伤 burn 烧死 death from burn 射出口 exit bullet wound 35 射创管 bullet wound track

射入口 entrance bullet wound 伸展创 extension wound 深昏迷状态 irreversible coma

砷化氢 arsine 生活反应 vital reaction 生理性死亡 physiological death 生前伤 antemortem injury

尸斑 lividity

死后分娩 postmortem delivery 死后人为现象 postmortem artifacts

死后伤 postmortem injury

尸僵 rigor mortis 尸蜡 adipocere

尸冷 algor mortis 尸体变化 postmortem changes 尸体发掘 cadaver exhumation 尸体化学变化 postmortem chemical change 尸体角膜混浊 postmortem turbidity of the cornea

尸体痉挛 cadaveric spasm 尸体现象 postmortem phenomena 实质性辨认能力 substantial capacity to appreciate

事故死 accidental death 试切创 tentative cut 试探伤 tentative incisions ,trial incisions

士的宁 strychnine 兽奸 bestiality 衰老死 physiological death 水性肺气肿 aqueous emphysema 司可巴比妥 secobarbital 死亡方式 manner of death 死亡机制 mechanism of death 死亡时间的推断 estimation of time of death 死亡诱因 inductive cause of death

死亡原因 cause of death

死亡证明 certification of death 四氢大麻酚 tetrahydrocannabbinol

似然率 likelihood LR 诉讼能力 capacity to action

损伤 injury

碎尸 dismembered body 197 T

他杀 homicide 他杀死 homicidal death.碳氧血红蛋白 carboxyhemoglobin ,Hb CO 60 烫伤 scalding 条件致命伤 conditional fatal injury 铁棒锤 aconitum azechenyianum gray 铁路交通事故损伤 railway accident injury

同性恋 homosexual offence 拖擦伤 dragging injury


乌头碱 aconitine 污垢轮 grease collar 无名尸体 unknown dead body

捂死 smothering

微卫星 DNA microsatellite DNA 维斯涅夫斯基斑 wischnevsky ' s fleck

猥亵 indecency


吸收 absorption 吸收试验 absorption test 吸收抑制试验 absorption-inhibition test

洗衣妇手 washerwoman hands 细胞死亡 cellular death 限制性片段长度多态性 restriction fragment length polymorphism ,RFLP153

硝西泮 nitrazepam 小卫星 minisatellite DNA 新乌头碱 mesasonitine 心脏死 heart death 刑事责任能力 criminal responsibility 1 性传播疾病 sexual transmission disease ,STD

性犯罪 sexual offences 性虐待 sexual abuse 性侵犯 sexual assault

性窒息 sexual asphyxia 性自我防卫能力 ability to defend oneself against sexual abuse 胸腺洒巴体质 thymus-lymophoid physique

雄黄 red orpiment

序列多态性 sequence polymorphism

血痕 blood stains 血型 blood group 血液酒精浓度 blood alcohol concentration BAC

血液坠积 hypostasis 血色原结晶试验 hemochromogen crystal test 雪上一枝蒿 aconitum brachypodam diels

循环死 circulatory death


摇篮死 crib death 医疗纠纷 medical tangle 医疗事故 medical malpractice or medical negligence,医事法学 medical jurisprudence 一氧化碳 carbonmonoxide,CO

咬伤 bite wound

仪器分析法 equipmental analysis

胰岛素 insulin 遗传标记 genetic marker 遗传多态性 genetic polymorphism

乙醇 alcohol

乙酰乌头碱 3-acetylaconitine 异戊巴比妥 amobarbital

缢死 hanging 引物 primer 婴幼儿猝死综合征 sudden infant death syndrome

罂粟碱 papaverine 硬膜下血肿 subdural hematoma 硬膜外血肿 dpidural hematoma 硬脑膜外热血肿 extradural heat hematoma 有机磷农药 organophosphorus pesticides

预试验 preliminary test 原子吸收分光光度法 atomic absorption spectrophotometry

云南马钱 S.pieriana A.W.Hill


砸压伤 tamp injury 灾害死 disaster death 造作伤(病)fabiecated injuries or disease 诈伤(病)malingering or fictitious injuries or disease

肢体离断 amputation 直接死因 immediate cause of death 直接因果关系 direct carsality 质谱分析法 mass spectrometry ,MS

致幻剂 hallucinate 致命伤 fatal injury 致死量 lethal dose 窒息 asphyxia,suffocation 种属鉴定 species identification

重伤 grave injury 中毒 poisoning 中毒量 toxic dose 蛛网膜下腔出血 subarachnoid hemorrhage

专家证言 expert testimony 砖石伤 brick-stone injury 撞痕 impact abrasion

撞击伤 impact injury 紫外分光光度法 ultraviolet spectrophotometry

自然死亡 nature death

自溶 autolysis 自杀 suicide 自杀死 suicidal death 组织间桥 tissue bridge 作证能力 competency



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