省决赛 英语演讲(五篇范文)

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第一篇:省决赛 英语演讲

Good evening!Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen!It’s my great honor to speak here today.And now, let’s talk about the marriage.Nowadays, when people are going to marry, she or he must be facing a choice.To marry a tall, rich and handsome boy or to marry a person that you really love because he has a kind heart, or to marry a rich and beautiful girl or a tender girl with a golden heart? Maybe this is really a complex question.However, different people would just have different choices.In the society, we can see many real examples around us.The first one I want to mention here is “Luoyufeng”.You know that girl? Yeah, maybe everyone in the world does know her.And, do you remember which word makes her known to this world? Of course it’s her choice of love.She said, “I must marry a tall, rich, handsome boy who is graduated from Qinghua University or Peking University.” At that time, many people think that it is so strange, so interesting, she must be joking!Because they know that she is just 1.48 meters high and has a unworthy looking appearance.Occasionally, LYF and me, we are from the same place, while my choice of love is different from her.And in my hometown, many people claim that she makes our hometown a bad fate.But, I think it’s no problem, because it’s her dream of love.Everyone has the right to choose what he dreams of and does not have the right to disagree with one’s dream.Ok, over here, let’s see the second example.In China, there is a popular saying on the Internet, “a girl would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bike.” Is it interesting? So this is just the real world.In addition, I still remember my mother has told me that when she was young, she just eager to marry a tall and handsome boy.But finally, she married with my father, and my father is not tall and handsome, he just has a kind heart, is a good man.Actually, my mother is really a beautiful woman with a golden heart but not rich.So, all in all, the choice of marriage varies from person to person.It is difficult to set a choice of standars.But, everyone has a right and perfect choice in his own mind.Personally, if I were going to marry, I’ll choose the golden heart first.Maybe it’s not easy to find a girl with a golden heart now.But it’s my dream of love;I want to choose my other half that like my mother.That’s all my speech, Thanks for you attention!



英语演讲决赛演讲稿 英语演讲决赛演讲稿 hello,everyone!

i′m very happy to mae a speech here, now,let me introduce name’s zuo ’m nine years old.i have long blac hair,big eyes and a small nose.loo ,this is me.i′m in class four,grade day i get up at half past si ,i listen to english tapes for half an hour,then i go to school by school bus at seven thirty.we learn chinese、english and other subects at school.i have many interests.such as singing and dancing,loo,“twinle, twinle, little star, how i

wonder what you are.up above the world so high, lie a diamond in the sy.twinle, twinle, little star, how i wonder what you are!}” i lie english began to learn english when l was five years old,when i was young ,my mom bought some english videos for i feel it easy to learn english now,and i get good grades.i have a great mother.she always encourages me to learn also encourages me to tae part in this competition.mom tells me that the result is not important, it is important for me to have such an i′m confident to be here.i believe i can spea english very well in the near you!


莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y


M 4



I′m very happy to make a speech here, Now,let me introduce myself.My name’s Zuo Jingli.I’m nine years old.I have long black hair,big eyes and a small nose.Look ,this is me.I′m in Class Four,Grade Three.Every day I get up at half past six ,I listen to English tapes for half an hour,then I go to school by school bus at seven thirty.We learn Chinese、English and other subjects at school.I have many interests.Such as singing and dancing,Look,(表演唱歌、跳舞)“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!}” I like English best.I began to learn English when l was five years old,when I was young ,my mom bought some English videos for me.So I feel it easy to learn English now,and I get good grades.I have a great mother.She always encourages me to learn English.She also encourages me to take part in this competition.Mom tells me that the result is not important, It is important for me to have such an experience.So I′m confident to be here.I believe I can speak English very well in the near future.Thank you!

莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y


M 4




















第五篇:my university决赛英语演讲

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, it’s my honor to stand on such a perfect stage to share my speech with all of you.Tody, the title of my speech is My University.Do you have dreams? Yes, I have dreams, too.I had a dream that one day I could enter my ideal university to study with you, all my dear friends.I had a dream that one day I could walk in the beautiful garden of may campus with you, my dear friends, could be able to sit together to chat, to play, to share joy, sorrow together.I had a dream that one day, not only my grandpa, grandma, mom, dad, but also my friends, would celebrate my university dreams come true.Now, I can speak so loudly that the dream which deeply rooted in my heart that come true!In the year of 2010, I entered my university with full expectancy.When first day I came to University, I really felt that the school is very fabulous, but at the first sight of the dormitory buildings, something disappointing come up to me!The condition of the dormitory downstairs is really very poor with so many bicycles here in mess sequence!With a big smile on my face, I told myself it doesn’t matter on account of that university is a place to study not joy.However the road of life

is not paved with roses.The difficulties occurred to me.I soon felt lonely for my parents' leaving.I couldn’t help thinking the scene that the bus became smaller and smaller, then my face got wet.I told to myself you have no one who can help you here, just depend on yourself.After a year's study and the life, I have learned a great deal.The university tells me so much.My university tells me that no one can doubt the essential fact that study is the most important part.We have morning reading every morning.We have excellent teachers in our university.We have a big library here.In my spear time, I come here to look more books about 3ds Max and computer programming.My university tells me that study is the most important part but not the major.Because university is a small society.I should adapt to it and exercise more.So I enjoy clubs here.I participate in lot of competitions here.My university tells me you should be brave, confident, and optimistic to face the world.I began to realize the sentence: tomorrow is another day, and no matter what happened, there is still hope left!Open your eyes to search the beautiful scenery;you will get the meaning of the world!

Now, I want to tell all of us, it is my university which makes me no longer a little boy!

Now, please, allow me to wish everyone here, happy and healthy!Wish you, my university always be active and beautiful!About my speech, I will stop here.Thank you for your listening.

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