
时间:2019-05-14 17:45:42下载本文作者:会员上传



Second Inaugural Address of Ronald Reagan MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1985 Senator Mathias, Chief Justice Burger, Vice President Bush, Speaker O'Neill, Senator Dole, Reverend Clergy, members of my family and friends, and my fellow citizens: This day has been made brighter with the presence here of one who, for a time, has been absent--Senator John Stennis.God bless you and welcome back.There is, however, one who is not with us today: Representative Gillis Long of Louisiana left us last night.I wonder if we could all join in a moment of silent prayer.(Moment of silent prayer.)Amen.There are no words adequate to express my thanks for the great honor that you have bestowed on me.I will do my utmost to be deserving of your trust.This is, as Senator Mathias told us, the 50th time that we the people have celebrated this historic occasion.When the first President, George Washington, placed his hand upon the Bible, he stood less than a single day's journey by horseback from raw, untamed wilderness.There were 4 million Americans in a union of 13 States.Today we are 60 times as many in a union of 50 States.We have lighted the world with our inventions, gone to the aid of mankind wherever in the world there was a cry for help, journeyed to the Moon and safely returned.So much has changed.And yet we stand together as we did two centuries ago.When I took this oath four years ago, I did so in a time of economic stress.Voices were raised saying we had to look to our past for the greatness and glory.But we, the present-day Americans, are not given to looking backward.In this blessed land, there is always a better tomorrow.Four years ago, I spoke to you of a new beginning and we have accomplished that.But in another sense, our new beginning is a continuation of that beginning created two centuries ago when, for the first time in history, government, the people said, was not our master, it is our servant;its only power that which we the people allow it to have.That system has never failed us, but, for a time, we failed the system.We asked things of government that government was not equipped to give.We yielded authority to the National Government that properly belonged to States or to local governments or to the people themselves.We allowed taxes and inflation to rob us of our earnings and savings and watched the great industrial machine that had made us the most productive people on Earth slow down and the number of unemployed increase.By 1980, we knew it was time to renew our faith, to strive with all our strength toward the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with an orderly society.We believed then and now there are no limits to growth and human progress when men and women are free to follow their dreams.And we were right to believe that.Tax rates have been reduced, inflation cut dramatically, and more people are employed than ever before in our history.We are creating a nation once again vibrant, robust, and alive.But there are many mountains yet to climb.We will not rest until every American enjoys the fullness of freedom, dignity, and opportunity as our birthright.It is our birthright as citizens of this great Republic, and we'll meet this challenge.These will be years when Americans have restored their confidence and tradition of progress;when our values of faith, family, work, and neighborhood were restated for a modern age;when our economy was finally freed from government's grip;when we made sincere efforts at meaningful arms reduction, rebuilding our defenses, our economy, and developing new technologies, and helped preserve peace in a troubled world;when Americans courageously supported the struggle for liberty, self-government, and free enterprise throughout the world, and turned the tide of history away from totalitarian darkness and into the warm sunlight of human freedom.My fellow citizens, our Nation is poised for greatness.We must do what we know is right and do it with all our might.Let history say of us, “These were golden years--when the American Revolution was reborn, when freedom gained new life, when America reached for her best.” Our two-party system has served us well over the years, but never better than in those times of great challenge when we came together not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans united in a common cause.Two of our Founding Fathers, a Boston lawyer named Adams and a Virginia planter named Jefferson, members of that remarkable group who met in Independence Hall and dared to think they could start the world over again, left us an important lesson.They had become political rivals in the Presidential election of 1800.Then years later, when both were retired, and age had softened their anger, they began to speak to each other again through letters.A bond was reestablished between those two who had helped create this government of ours.In 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, they both died.They died on the same day, within a few hours of each other, and that day was the Fourth of July.In one of those letters exchanged in the sunset of their lives, Jefferson wrote: “It carries me back to the times when, beset with difficulties and dangers, we were fellow laborers in the same cause, struggling for what is most valuable to man, his right to self-government.Laboring always at the same oar, with some wave ever ahead threatening to overwhelm us, and yet passing harmless...we rode through the storm with heart and hand.” Well, with heart and hand, let us stand as one today: One people under God determined that our future shall be worthy of our past.As we do, we must not repeat the well-intentioned errors of our past.We must never again abuse the trust of working men and women, by sending their earnings on a futile chase after the spiraling demands of a bloated Federal Establishment.You elected us in 1980 to end this prescription for disaster, and I don't believe you reelected us in 1984 to reverse course.At the heart of our efforts is one idea vindicated by 25 straight months of economic growth: Freedom and incentives unleash the drive and entrepreneurial genius that are the core of human progress.We have begun to increase the rewards for work, savings, and investment;reduce the increase in the cost and size of government and its interference in people's lives.We must simplify our tax system, make it more fair, and bring the rates down for all who work and earn.We must think anew and move with a new boldness, so every American who seeks work can find work;so the least among us shall have an equal chance to achieve the greatest things--to be heroes who heal our sick, feed the hungry, protect peace among nations, and leave this world a better place.The time has come for a new American emancipation--a great national drive to tear down economic barriers and liberate the spirit of enterprise in the most distressed areas of our country.My friends, together we can do this, and do it we must, so help me God.--From new freedom will spring new opportunities for growth, a more productive, fulfilled and united people, and a stronger America--an America that will lead the technological revolution, and also open its mind and heart and soul to the treasures of literature, music, and poetry, and the values of faith, courage, and love.A dynamic economy, with more citizens working and paying taxes, will be our strongest tool to bring down budget deficits.But an almost unbroken 50 years of deficit spending has finally brought us to a time of reckoning.We have come to a turning point, a moment for hard decisions.I have asked the Cabinet and my staff a question, and now I put the same question to all of you: If not us, who? And if not now, when? It must be done by all of us going forward with a program aimed at reaching a balanced budget.We can then begin reducing the national debt.I will shortly submit a budget to the Congress aimed at freezing government program spending for the next year.Beyond that, we must take further steps to permanently control Government's power to tax and spend.We must act now to protect future generations from Government's desire to spend its citizens' money and tax them into servitude when the bills come due.Let us make it unconstitutional for the Federal Government to spend more than the Federal Government takes in.We have already started returning to the people and to State and local governments responsibilities better handled by them.Now, there is a place for the Federal Government in matters of social compassion.But our fundamental goals must be to reduce dependency and upgrade the dignity of those who are infirm or disadvantaged.And here a growing economy and support from family and community offer our best chance for a society where compassion is a way of life, where the old and infirm are cared for, the young and, yes, the unborn protected, and the unfortunate looked after and made self And there is another area where the Federal Government can play a part.As an older American, I remember a time when people of different race, creed, or ethnic origin in our land found hatred and prejudice installed in social custom and, yes, in law.There is no story more heartening in our history than the progress that we have made toward the “brotherhood of man” that God intended for us.Let us resolve there will be no turning back or hesitation on the road to an America rich in dignity and abundant with opportunity for all our citizens.Let us resolve that we the people will build an American opportunity society in which all of us--white and black, rich and poor, young and old--will go forward together arm in arm.Again, let us remember that though our heritage is one of blood lines from every corner of the Earth, we are all Americans pledged to carry on this last, best hope of man on Earth.I have spoken of our domestic goals and the limitations which we should put on our National Government.Now let me turn to a task which is the primary responsibility of National Government-the safety and security of our people.Today, we utter no prayer more fervently than the ancient prayer for peace on Earth.Yet history has shown that peace will not come, nor will our freedom be preserved, by good will alone.There are those in the world who scorn our vision of human dignity and freedom.One nation, the Soviet Union, has conducted the greatest military buildup in the history of man, building arsenals of awesome offensive weapons.We have made progress in restoring our defense capability.But much remains to be done.There must be no wavering by us, nor any doubts by others, that America will meet her responsibilities to remain free, secure, and at peace.There is only one way safely and legitimately to reduce the cost of national security, and that is to reduce the need for it.And this we are trying to do in negotiations with the Soviet Union.We are not just discussing limits on a further increase of nuclear weapons.We seek, instead, to reduce their number.We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.Now, for decades, we and the Soviets have lived under the threat of mutual assured destruction;if either resorted to the use of nuclear weapons, the other could retaliate and destroy the one who had started it.Is there either logic or morality in believing that if one side threatens to kill tens of millions of our people, our only recourse is to threaten killing tens of millions of theirs? I have approved a research program to find, if we can, a security shield that would destroy nuclear missiles before they reach their target.It wouldn't kill people, it would destroy weapons.It wouldn't militarize space, it would help demilitarize the arsenals of Earth.It would render nuclear weapons obsolete.We will meet with the Soviets, hoping that we can agree on a way to rid the world of the threat of nuclear destruction.We strive for peace and security, heartened by the changes all around us.Since the turn of the century, the number of democracies in the world has grown fourfold.Human freedom is on the march, and nowhere more so than our own hemisphere.Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit.People, worldwide, hunger for the right of self-determination, for those inalienable rights that make for human dignity and progress.America must remain freedom's staunchest friend, for freedom is our best ally.And it is the world's only hope, to conquer poverty and preserve peace.Every blow we inflict against poverty will be a blow against its dark allies of oppression and war.Every victory for human freedom will be a victory for world peace.So we go forward today, a nation still mighty in its youth and powerful in its purpose.With our alliances strengthened, with our economy leading the world to a new age of economic expansion, we look forward to a world rich in possibilities.And all this because we have worked and acted together, not as members of political parties, but as Americans.My friends, we live in a world that is lit by lightning.So much is changing and will change, but so much endures, and transcends time.History is a ribbon, always unfurling;history is a journey.And as we continue our journey, we think of those who traveled before us.We stand together again at the steps of this symbol of our democracy--or we would have been standing at the steps if it hadn't gotten so cold.Now we are standing inside this symbol of our democracy.Now we hear again the echoes of our past: a general falls to his knees in the hard snow of Valley Forge;a lonely President paces the darkened halls, and ponders his struggle to preserve the Union;the men of the Alamo call out encouragement to each other;a settler pushes west and sings a song, and the song echoes out forever and fills the unknowing air.It is the American sound.It is hopeful, big-hearted, idealistic, daring, decent, and fair.That's our heritage;that is our song.We sing it still.For all our problems, our differences, we are together as of old, as we raise our voices to the God who is the Author of this most tender music.And may He continue to hold us close as we fill the world with our sound--sound in unity, affection, and love--one people under God, dedicated to the dream of freedom that He has placed in the human heart, called upon now to pass that dream on to a waiting and hopeful world.God bless you and may God bless America.

第二篇:1981年里根第一任总统就职演说-english version

里根第一任总统就职演说 罗纳德-里根 第一次就职演说 第40任总统(1981年-1989年)


First Inaugural Address of Ronald Reagan


Senator Hatfield, Mr.Chief Justice, Mr.President, Vice President Bush, Vice President Mondale, Senator Baker, Speaker O'Neill, Reverend Moomaw, and my fellow citizens: To a few of us here today, this is a solemn and most momentous occasion;and yet, in the history of our Nation, it is a commonplace occurrence.The orderly transfer of authority as called for in the Constitution routinely takes place as it has for almost two centuries and few of us stop to think how unique we really are.In the eyes of many in the world, this every-4-year ceremony we accept as normal is nothing less than a miracle.Mr.President, I want our fellow citizens to know how much you did to carry on this tradition.By your gracious cooperation in the transition process, you have shown a watching world that we are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other, and I thank you and your people for all your help in maintaining the continuity which is the bulwark of our

Republic.The business of our nation goes forward.These United States are confronted with an economic affliction of great proportions.We suffer from the longest and one of the worst sustained inflations in our national history.It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift, and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike.It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people.Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, causing human misery and personal indignity.Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and

keeps us from maintaining full productivity.But great as our tax burden is, it has not kept pace with public spending.For decades, we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our children's future for the temporary convenience of the present.To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals.You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time.Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation?

We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow.And let there be no misunderstanding--we are going to

begin to act, beginning today.The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades.They will not go away in days, weeks, or months, but they will go away.They will go away because we, as Americans, have the capacity now, as we have had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem.From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people.But if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden.The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no

one group singled out to pay a higher price.We hear much of special interest groups.Our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected.It knows no sectional boundaries or ethnic and racial divisions, and it crosses political party lines.It is made up of men and women who raise our food, patrol our streets, man our mines and our factories, teach our children, keep our homes, and heal us when we are sick--professionals, industrialists, shopkeepers, clerks, cabbies, and truck drivers.They are, in short, “We the people,” this breed called Americans.Well, this administration's objective will be a healthy, vigorous, growing economy that provides equal opportunity for all Americans, with no barriers born of bigotry or discrimination.Putting America back to work means putting all Americans back to work.Ending inflation means freeing all Americans from the terror of runaway living costs.All must share in the productive work of this “new beginning” and all must share in the bounty of a revived economy.With the idealism and fair play which are the core of our system and our strength, we can have a strong and prosperous America at peace with itself and the world.So, as we begin, let us take inventory.We are a nation that has a government--not the other way around.And this makes us special among the nations of the Earth.Our Government has no power except that granted it by the people.It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown

beyond the consent of the governed.It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the Federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the States or to the people.All of us need to be reminded that the Federal Government did not create the States;the States created

the Federal Government.Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, it is not my intention to do away with government.It is, rather, to make it work-work with us, not over us;to stand by our side, not ride on our back.Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it;foster productivity, not stifle it.If we look to the answer as to why, for so many years, we achieved so much, prospered as no other people on Earth, it was because here, in this land, we unleashed the energy and individual genius of man to a greater extent than has ever been done before.Freedom and the dignity of the individual have been more available and assured here than in any other place on Earth.The price for this freedom at times has been high, but we have

never been unwilling to pay that price.It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government.It is time for us to realize that we are too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams.We are not, as some would have us believe, loomed to an inevitable decline.I do not believe in a fate that will all on us no matter what we do.I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing.So, with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal.Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength.And let us renew;our faith and our

hope.We have every right to dream heroic dreams.Those who say that we are in a time when there are no heroes just don't know where to look.You can see heroes every day going in and out of factory gates.Others, a handful in number, produce enough food to feed all of us and then the world beyond.You meet heroes across a counter--and they are on both sides of that counter.There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth and opportunity.They are individuals and families whose taxes support the Government and whose voluntary gifts support church, charity, culture, art, and education.Their patriotism is quiet but deep.Their values sustain our national life.I have used the words “they” and “their” in speaking of these heroes.I could say “you” and “your” because I am addressing the heroes of whom I speak--you, the citizens of this blessed land.Your dreams, your hopes, your goals are going to be the dreams, the hopes, and the goals of this administration, so help me God.We shall reflect the compassion that is so much a part of your makeup.How can we love our country and not love our countrymen, and loving them, reach out a hand when they fall, heal them when they are sick, and provide opportunities to make them self-sufficient so they will be equal in fact and not just in theory?

Can we solve the problems confronting us? Well, the answer is an unequivocal and emphatic “yes.” To paraphrase Winston Churchill, I did not take the oath I have just taken with the intention of presiding over the

dissolution of the world's strongest economy.In the days ahead I will propose removing the roadblocks that have slowed our economy and reduced productivity.Steps will be taken aimed at restoring the balance between the various levels of government.Progress may be slow--measured in inches and feet, not miles--but we will progress.Is it time to reawaken this industrial giant, to get government back within its means, and to lighten our punitive tax burden.And these will be our first priorities, and on these principles, there will be no compromise.On the eve of our struggle for independence a man who might have been one of the greatest among the Founding Fathers, Dr.Joseph Warren, President of the Massachusetts Congress, said to his fellow Americans, “Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of....On you depend the fortunes of America.You are to decide the important questions upon which rests the happiness and the liberty of millions yet unborn.Act worthy

of yourselves.”

Well, I believe we, the Americans of today, are ready to act worthy of ourselves, ready to do what must be done to ensure happiness and liberty for ourselves, our children and our children's children.And as we renew ourselves here in our own land, we will be seen as having greater strength throughout the world.We will again be the exemplar of freedom and a beacon of hope for those who do not now have freedom.To those neighbors and allies who share our freedom, we will strengthen our historic ties and assure them of our support and firm commitment.We will match loyalty with loyalty.We will strive for mutually beneficial relations.We will not use our friendship to impose on their sovereignty, for or own sovereignty is not for sale.As for the enemies of freedom, those who are potential adversaries, they will be reminded that peace is the highest aspiration of the American people.We will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it;we will not surrender for

it--now or ever.Our forbearance should never be misunderstood.Our reluctance for conflict should not be misjudged as a failure of will.When action is required to preserve our national security, we will act.We will maintain sufficient strength to prevail if need be, knowing that if we do so we have the best chance of never having to use that

strength.Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.It is a weapon that we as Americans do have.Let that be understood by those who practice terrorism and prey

upon their neighbors.I am told that tens of thousands of prayer meetings are being held on this day, and for that I am deeply grateful.We are a nation under God, and I believe God intended for us to be free.It would be fitting and good, I think, if on each Inauguration Day in future years it should be declared a day of prayer.This is the first time in history that this ceremony has been held, as you have been told, on this West Front of the Capitol.Standing here, one faces a magnificent vista, opening up on this city's special beauty and history.At the end of this open mall are those shrines to the giants on whose shoulders we stand.Directly in front of me, the monument to a monumental man: George Washington, Father of our country.A man of humility who came to greatness reluctantly.He led America out of revolutionary victory into infant nationhood.Off to one side, the stately memorial to Thomas Jefferson.The Declaration of Independence flames

with his eloquence.And then beyond the Reflecting Pool the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial.Whoever would understand in his heart the meaning of America will find it in the life of Abraham Lincoln.Beyond those monuments to heroism is the Potomac River, and on the far shore the sloping hills of Arlington National Cemetery with its row on row of simple white markers bearing crosses or Stars of David.They add up to only a tiny fraction of the price that has been paid for our freedom.Each one of those markers is a monument to the kinds of hero I spoke of earlier.Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood, The Argonne, Omaha Beach, Salerno and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Pork Chop Hill, the Chosin Reservoir, and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called

Vietnam.Under one such marker lies a young man--Martin Treptow--who left his job in a small town barber shop in 1917 to go to France with the famed Rainbow Division.There, on the western front, he was killed trying to carry a message between battalions under heavy artillery fire.We are told that on his body was found a diary.On the flyleaf under the heading, “My Pledge,” he had written these words: “America must win this war.Therefore, I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.”

The crisis we are facing today does not require of us the kind of sacrifice that Martin Treptow and so many thousands of others were called upon to make.It does require, however, our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds;to believe that together, with God's help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us.And, after all, why shouldn't we believe that? We are Americans.God bless you, and thank you.



罗纳德-里根 第一次就职演说



















我们听到许多关于特殊利益集团的谈论,然而。我们必须关心一个被忽视了大久的特殊利益集团。这个集团没有区域之分,没有人种之分,没有民族之分,没有 政党之分,这个集团由许许多多的男人与女人组成,他们生产粮食,巡逻街头,管理厂矿,教育儿童,照料家务和治疗疾病。他们是专业人员、实业家、店主、职 员、出租汽车司机和货车驾驶员,总而言之,他们就是“我们人民”--这个称之为美国


本届政府的日标是必须建立一种健全的、生气勃勃的和不断发展的经济,为全体美国人民提供一种不因偏执或歧视而造成障碍的均等机会,让美国重新工作起 来,意味着让全体美国人重新工作起来。制止通货膨胀,意味着让全体美国人从失控的生活费用所造成的恐惧中解脱出来。人人都应分担“新开端”的富有成效的工 作,人人都应分享经济复苏的硕果。我国制度和力量的核心是理想主义和公正态度,有


因此,在我们开始之际,让我们看看实际情况。我们是一个拥有政府的国家--而不是一个拥有国家的政府。这一点使我们在世界合国中独树一帜,我们的政府 除了人民授予的权力,没有任何别的权力。目


我打算压缩联邦机构的规模和权力,并要求大家承认联邦政府被授予的权力同各州或人民保留的权利这两者之间的区别。我们大家都需要提醒:不是联邦政府创 立了各州,而是各州创立了联邦政府。因此,请不要误会,我的意思不是要取消政府,而是要它发挥作用--同我们一起合作,而不是凌驾于我们之上;同我们并肩 而立,而不是骑在我们的背上。政府能够而且必须提供机会,而不是扼杀机会,它能够


如果我们要探究这么多年来我们为什么能取得这么大成就,并获得了世界上任何一个民族未曾获得的繁荣昌盛,其原因是在这片土地上,我们使人类的能力和个 人的才智得到了前所未有的发挥。在这里,个人所享有并得以确保的自由和尊严超过了世界上任何其他地方。为这种自由所付出的代价有时相当高

昂,但我们从来没 有不愿意付出这代价。

我们目前的困难,与政府机构因为不必要的过度膨胀而干预、侵扰我们的生活同步增加,这决不是偶然的巧合。我们是一个泱泱大国,不能自囿于小小的梦想,现在正是认识到这一点的时候。我们并非注定走向衰落,尽管有些人想让我们相信这一点。我不相信,无论我们做些什么,我们都将命该如此,但我相信,如果我们 什么也不做,我们将的确命该如此。





Ronald Reagan

First Inaugural Address

delivered 20 January 1981

[AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio.Thank you.Thank you.Senator Hatfield, Mr.Chief Justice, Mr.President, Vice President Bush, Vice President Mondale, Senator Baker, Speaker O’Neill, Reverend Moomaw, and my fellow citizens:

To a few of us here today this is a solemn and most momentous occasion.And, yet, in the history of our nation it is a commonplace occurrence.The orderly transfer of authority as called for in the Constitution routinely takes place as it has for almost two centuries and few of us stop to think how unique we really are.In the eyes of many in the world, this every-four-year ceremony we accept as normal is nothing less than a miracle.Mr.President, I want our fellow citizens to know how much you did to carry on this tradition.By your gracious cooperation in the transition process you have shown a watching world that we are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other.And I thank you and your people for all your help in maintaining the continuity which is the bulwark of our republic.The business of our nation goes forward.These United States are confronted with an economic affliction of great proportions.We suffer from the longest and one of the worst sustained inflations in our national history.It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift, and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike.It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people.Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, human misery and personal indignity.Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keeps us from maintaining full productivity.But great as our tax burden is, it has not kept pace with public spending.For decades we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our children’s future for the temporary convenience of the present.To continue this long trend is to guarantee

tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals.You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time.Why then should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation?

We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow.And let there be no misunderstanding--we’re going to begin to act beginning today.The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades.They will not go away in days, weeks, or months, but they will go away.They will go away because we as Americans have the capacity now, as we have had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem;government is the problem.From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people.But if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?

All of us together--in and out of government--must bear the burden.The solutions we seek must be equitable with no one group singled out to pay a higher price.We hear much of special interest groups.Well our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected.It knows no sectional boundaries, or ethnic and racial divisions, and it crosses political party lines.It is made up of men and women who raise our food, patrol our streets, man our mines and factories, teach our children, keep our homes, and heal us when we’re sick--professionals, industrialists, shopkeepers, clerks, cabbies, and truck drivers.They are, in short, “We the People.” This breed called Americans.Well, this Administration’s objective will be a healthy, vigorous, growing economy that provides equal opportunities for all Americans with no barriers born of bigotry or discrimination.Putting America back to work means putting all Americans back to work.Ending inflation means freeing all Americans from the terror of runaway living costs.All must share in the productive work of this “new beginning,” and all must share in the bounty of a revived economy.With the idealism and fair play which are the core of our system and our strength, we can have a strong and prosperous America

at peace with itself and the world.So as we begin, let us take inventory.We are a nation that has a government--not the other way around.And this makes us special among the nations of the earth.Our Government has no power except that granted it by the people.It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed.It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the Federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the states or to the people.All of us--all of us need to be reminded that the Federal Government did not create the states;the states created the Federal Government.Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, it’s not my intention to do away with government.It is rather to make it work--work with us, not over us;to stand by our side, not ride on our back.Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it;foster productivity, not stifle it.If we look to the answer as to why for so many years we achieved so much, prospered as no other people on earth, it was because here in this land we unleashed the energy and individual genius of man to a greater extent than has ever been done before.Freedom and the dignity of the individual have been more available and assured here than in any other place on earth.The price for this freedom at times has been high, but we have never been unwilling to pay that price.It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of Government.It is time for us to realize that we are too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams.We're not, as some would have us believe, doomed to an inevitable decline.I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do.I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing.So with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal.Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength.And let us renew our faith and our hope.We have every right to dream heroic dreams.Those who say that we’re in a time when there are no heroes--they just don’t know where to look.You can see heroes every day going in and out of factory gates.Others, a handful in number, produce enough food to feed all of us and then the world beyond.You meet heroes across a counter--and they’re on both sides of that counter.There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth and opportunity.There are individuals and families whose taxes support the Government and whose voluntary gifts support church, charity, culture, art, and education.Their patriotism is quiet but deep.Their values sustain our national life.Now I have used the words “they” and “their” in speaking of these heroes.I could say “you” and “your” because I’m addressing the heroes of whom I speak--you, the citizens of this blessed land.Your dreams, your hopes, your goals are going to be the dreams, the hopes, and the goals of this Administration, so help me God.We shall reflect the compassion that is so much a part of your make-up.How can we love our country and not love our countrymen--and loving them reach out a hand when they fall, heal them when they’re sick, and provide opportunity to make them self-sufficient so they will be equal in fact and not just in theory? Can we solve the problems confronting us? Well the answer is an unequivocal and emphatic “Yes.” To paraphrase Winston Churchill, I did not take the oath I’ve just taken with the intention of presiding over the dissolution of the world’s strongest economy.In the days ahead, I will propose removing the roadblocks that have slowed our economy and reduced productivity.Steps will be taken aimed at restoring the balance between the various levels of government.Progress may be slow--measured in inches and feet, not miles--but we will progress.It is time to reawaken this industrial giant, to get government back within its means, and to lighten our punitive tax burden.And these will be our first priorities, and on these principles there will be no compromise.On the eve or our struggle for independence a man who might’ve been one of the greatest among the Founding Fathers, Dr.Joseph Warren, president of the Massachusetts Congress, said to his fellow Americans,“Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of.On you depend the fortunes of America.You are to decide the important

question upon which rest the happiness and the liberty of millions yet unborn.Act worthy of yourselves.”

Well I believe we, the Americans of today, are ready to act worthy of ourselves, ready to do what must be done to insure happiness and liberty for ourselves, our children, and our children’s children.And as we renew ourselves here in our own land, we will be seen as having greater strength throughout the world.We will again be the exemplar of freedom and a beacon of hope for those who do not now have freedom.To those neighbors and allies who share our freedom, we will strengthen our historic ties and assure them of our support and firm commitment.We will match loyalty with loyalty.We will strive for mutually beneficial relations.We will not use our friendship to impose on their sovereignty, for our own sovereignty is not for sale.As for the enemies of freedom, those who are potential adversaries, they will be reminded that peace is the highest aspiration of the American people.We will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it;we will not surrender for it--now or ever.Our forbearance should never be misunderstood.Our reluctance for conflict should not be misjudged as a failure of will.When action is required to preserve our national security, we will act.We will maintain sufficient strength to prevail if need be, knowing that if we do so, we have the best chance of never having to use that strength.Above all we must realize that no arsenal or no weapon in the arsenals of the world is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.It is a weapon that we as Americans do have.Let that be understood by those who practice terrorism and prey upon their neighbors.I am--I'm told that tens of thousands of prayer meetings are being held on this day;and for that I am deeply grateful.We are a nation under God, and I believe God intended for us to be free.It would be fitting and good, I think, if on each inaugural day in future years it should be declared a day of prayer.This is the first time in our history that this ceremony has been held, as you’ve been told, on this West Front of the Capitol.Standing here, one faces a magnificent vista, opening up on this city’s special beauty and history.At the end of this open mall are those shrines to the giants on whose shoulders we stand.Directly in front of me, the monument to a monumental man.George Washington, father of our country.A man of humility who came to greatness reluctantly.He led America out of revolutionary victory into infant nationhood.Off to one side, the stately memorial to Thomas Jefferson.The Declaration of Independence flames with his eloquence.And then beyond the Reflecting Pool, the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial.Whoever would understand in his heart the meaning of America will find it in the life of Abraham Lincoln.Beyond those moments--those monuments to heroism is the Potomac River, and on the far shore the sloping hills of Arlington National Cemetery, with its row upon row of simple white markers bearing crosses or Stars of David.They add up to only a tiny fraction of the price that has been paid for our freedom.Each one of those markers is a monument to the kind of hero I spoke of earlier.Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood, the Argonne, Omaha Beach, Salerno, and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Pork Chop Hill, the Chosin Reservoir, and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called Vietnam.Under one such a marker lies a young man, Martin Treptow, who left his job in a small town barber shop in 1917 to go to France with the famed Rainbow Division.There, on the Western front, he was killed trying to carry a message between battalions under heavy fire.We're told that on his body was found a diary.On the flyleaf under the heading, “My Pledge,” he had written these words:

“America must win this war.Therefore, I will work;I will save;I will sacrifice;I will endure;I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.”

The crisis we are facing today does not require of us the kind of sacrifice that Martin Treptow and so many thousands of others were called upon to make.It does require, however, our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds;to believe that together with God’s help we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us.And after all, why shouldn’t we believe that? We are Americans.God bless you and thank you.Thank you very much.(2450words)

Reagan’s First Inaugural Address Tuesday, January 20, 1981 I.the advantages and goal of the US political system 1.the advantages

1)The _______ transfer of authority 2)Continuity of its political system 2.goal: safeguard individual _______ II.US current economic problems 1.inflation

1)its severity: the _______ and one of the

_______inflations 2)its effects:

a)_______our economic decisions b)_______thrift

c)_______ the struggling young and the

fixed-income elderly

2.idle industries its effects

1)unemployment 2)human _______ 3)personal_______ 3.unfair tax system its effects

1)hinder successful achievement 2)undermine _______ 4.high deficit its effect:

1)risk the _______

2)cause tremendous _______upheavals III.Calling for immediate action, patience and confidence

IV.views about Government

1..The people’s misunderstanding about government: Government by an elite group is _______

2.The fairness of the government ’solutions: benefit allreason: Government’s concern must be for _______

3.Government’s objective: a _______economy ending unemployment and_______

4.the core of US system and its national strength: _______

5.necessity to downsize US government and protect the rights of the states or the people reasons:

a)Government’s power is granted by _______ b)The states ______ the federal government

6.government’s relation with the people: work _______ the people, not _______ them 7.government’s responsibility a)Provide _______ b)Foster _______V.Importance of the individuals 1.secret of US long-term prosperity:

a)make full use of the energy and _______ of man b)protect freedom and _______ of the individual

VI.Words of encouragementDream _______ dreams 2 _______ makes a difference VII.Ode to the peoplethe people, including factory workers, _______, shop

assistants, are heroesthe people shows _______by paying taxes and

voluntarily supporting _______, art, and education 3 the goals of the people are the goals of _______

VIII.Calling for _______ and love and confidence and optimism and restating government’s top priorities—reduce _______ and punitive taxes

IX.relationship between national fate and personal efforts Dr Warren: the US fortunes and its future generations’ _______ _______ on its citizens X.International ties

1.promises for neighbors and allies in the free world: 1)_______ our historic ties

2)offer support and firm _______ 3)remain loyal to them 4)respect their _______

2.Warning against the US enemies 1)US will not _______for peace

2)US forbearance and reluctance for _______ should not be


3)US formidable weapon: the _______ of free men and


XI.Confirm US Christian faithUS:A nation under _______Inaugural day should be a day of _______ XII.Remember the historic giants and war heroes 1 George Washington: leadingthe _______war 2 Thomas Jefferson: drafting _______Lincoln: reflecting the_______ of America

War heroes: fighting in two _______ wars, _______war and _______war

e.g.Martin treptow’s My Pledge--do his utmost for America XIII.Calling for the best _______, self-confidence of the people and God’s help to resolve the crisis

Reagan’s inaugural address expressions SEction I

1.Chief Justice-The presiding judge of a high court having

several judges, esp the U.S.Supreme Court.首席法官 2.Reverend牧师或神父的尊称 3.momentous重大的 4.bulwark堡垒,壁垒

SEction II

1.affliction苦恼,痛苦 2.sustain蒙受, 遭受 3.distort扭曲 4.penalize处罚 5.thrift节俭 6.idle空闲的7.indignity轻蔑, 侮辱 8.mortgage-冒风险投注 9.upheaval**

SEction III and the rest

1.bastion-One that is considered similar to a defensive

stronghold:精神堡垒 2.elite精英

3.equitable公正的 4.sectional派别的 5.man担任,操作 6.cabby汽车司机 7.bigotry 偏执

8.runaway失控的: 9.idealism-理想主义 10.bounty慷慨 11.curb 控制

12.establishment、统治集团 13.foster-培养 14.intrusion入侵 15.doomed命定的 16.entrepreneur创业者 17.patriotism爱国主义 18.makeup天性

19.self-sufficient自给自足的 20.unequivocal毫不含糊的 21.emphatic强调的 22.dissolution分解 23.punitive惩罚性的 24.exemplar典范 25.sovereignty主权 26.adversary敌人 27.forbearance忍耐 28.arsenal兵工厂

29.Capitol国会大厦 30.shrine圣地

31.monumental有重大意义的 32.infant幼稚的33.eloquence雄辩, 口才 34.dignified尊严的35.Potomac River波托马克河(美国, 流经华盛顿)

36.Arlington National Cemetery阿灵顿国家公墓。其中无名

战士墓纪念美国军队中在第一次世界大战,第二次世界大战,朝鲜战争和越南战争中阵亡的将士。37.Star of David大卫王之星,犹太教的六芒星形

38.Belleau Wood贝洛林苑:法国北部的森林地带,位于蒂

耶里堡以东。第一次世界大战期间此地曾发生过一次艰苦激战打败德国,取得胜利(1918年6月),现有一公墓以纪念此次战役中牺牲的美国人 39.The Argonne阿尔贡:法国东北部的一丛林丘陵地区,位


40.Omaha Beach奥马哈海滩是第二次世界大战的诺曼底战


41.Salerno 1943年9月3日,盟军部队登陆意大利本土,美军从萨勒诺(Salerno)登陆,史称萨勒诺登陆





44.Pork Chop Hill-1953朝鲜战争猪排山之战,志愿军称之


45.Chosin Reservoir1950.11-12朝鲜战场长津湖战役 46.rice paddy水稻田

47.Rainbow Division美国彩虹师,在一战前线创下显赫战


49.flyleaf -A blank or specially printed leaf at the beginning

or end of a book.扉页


物 物 理 实 验 报 告




1.通过对带电油滴在重力场和静电场中运动的测量,验证电荷的“量子化”,即电量不是连续变化的,测定电子的电荷值; 2.理解分别利用静、动平衡条件巧妙测量电子荷质比巧妙之处,通过对仪器的调整练习选择、跟踪油滴,调整电压使油滴平衡。


由油滴盒、CCD 电视显微镜、电路箱、监视器等组成的密立根油滴仪; 棕油、喷油器。

【 实验原理】

1.静态(平衡)测量法 用喷雾器将油滴喷入两块相距为 d 的平行极板之间。油在喷射撕裂成油滴时,一般都是带电的。设油滴的质量为 m,所带的电量为q,两极板间的电压为 V,如图(b)

所示。如果调节两极板间的电压 V,可使两力达到平衡,有:

dVq qE mg  

(1)为了测出油滴所带的电量 q,除了需测定平衡电压 V 和极板间距离 d 外,还需要测量油滴的质量 m。因 m 很小,需用如下特殊方法测定:平行极板不加电压时,油滴受重力作用而加速下降,由于空气阻力的作用,下降一段距离达到某一速度g 后,阻力rf 与重力mg平衡,如图(a)所示(空气浮力忽略不计),油滴将匀速下降。其中油滴重力为

mg=34 r 3  g.此时有:

mg v a fg r    6

(2)其中  是空气的粘滞系数,是 a 油滴的半径。经过变换及修正,可得斯托克斯定律:

pabv afgr16  

(3)其中 b 是修正常数,b=8.22×10-6 m·Pa , p 为大气压强,单位为厘米汞高。

至于油滴匀速下降的速度gv,可用下法测出:当两极板间的电压 V 为零时,设油滴匀速下降的距离为 l,时间为 t,则 :

ggtlv 






为了求电子电荷e,对实验测得的各个电荷q求最大公约数,就是基本电荷e的值,照射油滴,使它所带电荷改变),这时 ∆q1 应近似为某一最小单位的整数倍,此最小单位即 为基本电荷e。

也就是电子电荷e,也可以测得同一油滴所带电荷的改变量 ∆q1,这时∆q1应近似为某一最小单位的整数倍,此最小单位即为电荷量 e.【实验内容】



2、喷油滴:喷雾器内的油不可装得太满,否则会喷出很多“油”而不是“油雾”,喷油时喷雾器的喷头不要深入喷油孔内,防止大颗粒油滴堵塞落油孔; 3、选择油滴:微调测量显微镜的调焦手轮,这时视场中即出现大量清晰的油滴。且大而亮的油滴必然质量大,所带电荷也多,而匀速下降时间则很短,增大了测量误差和给数据处理带来困难。过小的油滴观察困难,布朗运动明显,会引入较大的测量误差。通常选择平衡电压为 200V左右,匀速下落 2mm 的时间在 15~35S 左右的油滴较适宜。喷油后,置“平衡”档,调 W 使极板电压为 200V左右,注意几颗缓慢运动、较为清晰明亮的油滴。置“0V”档时,观察各颗油滴下落大概的速度,从中选一颗满足条件的油滴作为测量对象。如油滴斜向运动,则可转动显微镜上的圆形 CCD,使油滴垂直方向运动; 4、测量:将油滴移至某条刻度线上,仔细调节平衡电压,当油滴不在上升或下降时为平衡电压,将电压置“up”档,使油滴上升到距刻度线一格以上,置“平衡”档,将计时器归零,置“down”档,当油滴经过 0 刻度线时开始计时,当经过刻度线 2 时,计时结束并将电压置“平衡”档,重复 6 次该油滴的实验,记录运动的时间及平衡电压; 5、按照上述方法,再另找两滴油滴,并记录数据。

【 原始 数据】

第一组 V(v)174 175 174 175 174 176 t(s)28.8 28.4 28.7 28.5 28.5 28.3 第二组 V(v)171 172 172 171 171 173 t(s)29.2 29.8 28.5 29.4 29.3 29.8 第三组 V(v)185 185 184 184 185 185 t(s)22.1 21.6 21.5 21.3 21.3 21.4


ρ=981Kg/m 3 g 为重力加速度

g = 9.80 m·s-2


η =1.83×10-5

Pa·s l 为油滴匀速下降的距离

l = 2.00×10-3 m b 为修正常数

b =8.22×10-6 m·Pa p 为大气压强

P=1.0133×10 5 Pa d 为平行极板间距离

d =5.00×10-3

m 【数据处理】



和 gvag29 可得:

带电量/c i=q/e i(取整)



4.81911E-19 3.011945 3 1.60637E-19 4.89316E-19 3.058225 3 1.63105E-19 4.84432E-19 3.027701 3 1.61477E-19 4.86743E-19 3.042143 3 1.62248E-19 4.8954E-19 3.059627 3 1.6318E-19 4.89117E-19 3.056981 3 1.63039E-19

第二组 4.80324E-19 3.002027 3 1.60108E-19 4.8248E-19 3.015502 3 1.60827E-19 4.80324E-19 3.002027 3 1.60162E-19 4.82802E-19 3.017515 3 1.60934E-19 4.80324E-19 3.002027 3 1.60108E-19 4.80324E-19 3.002027 3 1.60108E-19

第三组 6.74287E-19 4.214294 4 1.68572E-19 6.97835E-19 4.361468 4 1.74459E-19 7.06528E-19 4.415801 4 1.76632E-19 7.16503E-19 4.478141 4 1.79126E-19 7.1263E-19 4.453935 4 1.78157E-19 7.0764E-19 4.422752 4 1.7691E-19

e=iie181= 1.70544E-19

C  1812e)()1 18(181iie e  0.12×10-19

e=(1.70  0.12)×10-19 C 相对偏差:S 相 =(((1.70-1.69)×10-19、/1.69×10-19))×100%=0.59%


一、实验结果 1、本实验中通过对带电油滴在重力场和静电场中的运动的测量:第一个油滴的电荷量是 e 的 3 倍;第二个油滴的电荷量是 e 的 3 倍;第三个油滴的电荷量是 e 的 4 倍。由此可知,油滴的电荷量是量子化的,即是不连续变化的。

2、本实验测得电子电量为 e=(1.70  0.12)×10-19 C ;e 的不确定度为 0.12,其反映了此次实验的重复性较好。此外,其相对偏差为 0.59%,它反映了测量值与理论值较为接近,验证了实验结果的准确性较好。

二、误差分析 1、理论误差

因为油的密度ρ、空气的粘滞系数都是温度的函数, 重力加速度 g 和大气压强 p 又随实验地点和实验条件的变化而变化,但是一般条件下,计算的误差只有百分之一左右。、仪器误差 实验仪器本身带来的误差:按下计时器时,油滴瞬时的加速,计时器的误差,油滴下落过程中可能碰撞到其他的油滴造成质量的变化。


a、在实验仪器相同的情况下, 测量误差除了由系统误差引起的部分, 主要就是由测量人员的主观素质引起的偶然误差形成的。例如:电荷未达到平衡就开始计时;电荷在多次测量中于其他电子发生碰撞;油滴下落时没有沿直线匀速下落;

b、选择合适的油滴很重要,油滴的体积太大,大的油滴虽然容易观察,但质量大,必须带很多电荷才能取得平衡,而且下落时间短,结果不易测准。油滴的体积过小,容易产生漂移,也会增大测量误差。选择那些质量适中而带电量不太多的油滴才是可取的, 可根据平衡电压的大小(约 200V)和油滴匀速下降的时间(约 15~35s)来判断油滴的大小和带电量的多少。

3、减少误差的方法:多次测量取平均值 三、注意:

1、测准油滴上升或下降某段距离所需的时间,要统一油滴到达刻度线什么位置才认为油滴已踏线; 2、眼睛要平视刻度线,不要有夹角。反复几次,使测出的各次时间的离散性较小; 3、正式测量用平衡测量法、动态测量法和同一油滴改变电荷法(第三种方法所用的射线源用户自备)。如采用平衡法测量,可将已调平衡的油滴用 K 2 控制移到“起跑”线上,按 K3(计 时/停),让计时器停止计时,然后将 K 2 拨向“0V”,油滴开始匀速下降的同时,计时器开始计时。到“终点”时迅速按下计时器; 4、注意不要让所观测的油滴跑掉。



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