
时间:2019-05-14 17:34:16下载本文作者:会员上传



At 80, Sanmao, China's most popular comic strip hero, is not aging at all.Skinny limbs, big head and three curly strands of hair crowning the top, he is brave and quick-witted as Tintin and acts as an ultimate survivor like Charlie Brown.But unlike his western counterparts, Sanmao's tales are much darker, since they mirror some of the most turbulent moments of Chinese history in the 20th century.Shao Jianqiu is a comic buff born in the 1980s.“When I read the books as a kid, I could only memorize the scenes.But as I get older, I start to recognize the political connotation and irony of these comic strips.There are many elements of historical background embedded.In terms of the plot, drawing style, and the incisive reflection on the society, Sanmao series are truly master pieces.” In 1935, Sanmao, literarily meaning “three hairs” in Chinese, was devised by cartoonist Zhang Leping in Shanghai.Though at that time, modern comics had already been popularized for ten years, it was rare to see a comic strip featuring a child as protagonist.Zhang Weijun, the cartoonist's youngest son, recalls.“When Sanmao's stories were first serialized in 1935, he hadn't roamed on the street and joined the army yet.He was just an average kid living in a Shanghai lane house.He was pretty naughty and had a sense of justice.” The birth of Sanmao filled a blank in Chinese comic industry.Adopting the technique of line-drawing, Zhang Leping wrote no dialogues and used the simplest brushworks to reveal the complexity of one's inner world and the chores and trifles in old Shanghai.But soon, things went downhill, as Japan levied the war of aggression against China.Zhang and other cartoonists left home and travelled around the country to disseminate the message of resistance and patriotism.During his eight-year rove, the artist witnessed how bloodshed, violence and misery ravaged China.Heartbreakingly, he also watched ordinary people, particularly young children, become the victims of the war.Zhang Weijun says those experiences transformed his father's artworks drastically.“I think his wartime experience became his baptism and purified him.From then on, he was determined to see the world and reflect problems for the sake of common people.He came back to Shanghai in 1945.One year later, he drew the comic 'Sanmao Joins the Army', which combined the happenings he went through.Once published, the response was overwhelming.” In this blood-soaked cartoon story, the homeless Sanmao puts on ill-fitting uniform to fight against aggressive Japanese army.Despite his short height and gaunt feature, the boy is able to survive on the bullet-flying battleground and uses his size and wit as advantage to defeat much superior enemies.“Sanmao experiences a lot and his endeavors always end in vain.But he never gives up.No matter what happens, he carries on and moves on.” After the huge success of his first book, in 1947, Zhang Leping created another classic caricature of his: The Wonderings of Sanmao.This time, our beloved urchin lingers on the streets alone and hangs around with beggars, refugees and orphans in the post-war Shanghai.Constantly being beaten and mocked, he is starved while the rich feast and celebrate.Sanmao's bitter experience and hardship resonated with many of that time, which has gradually elaborated this character to national fame.After the establishment of People's Republic of China, Zhang produced a sequence of comic strips to illustrate Sanmao's new life, but the previous two series remain the most popular ones.Dong Xiaoyan is the director of Zhang Leping museum, which commemorates the artist's contribution to Chinese cartoon industry and the eternal joy and inspiration his works bring.“Sanmao grows up with generations of Chinese children.He is vivacious and tough.That's why we not only receive local visitors but also admit people all around China and the rest of the world.” For decades, filmmakers, musicians and animation producers have doted on this mischievous and good-natured boy.Even the famous Taiwanese writer Chen Maoping empathized with him and changed her pen name into “Sanmao”.Zhang Weijun, son of the cartoonist, explains the reason behind Sanmao's everlasting popularity.“The Sanmao franchise, particular 'The Wonderings of Sanamo', is not just for children.The stories might better suit adult readers, since they reflect the fickleness and inconstancy of the society.Generally speaking, cartoon is an art of comedy and humor.There are no doubt humorous and funny elements in my father's books.But he illustrated them in a tragic way.I think compared with comedy, tragedy is much easier to strike a chord.” But as time goes by, is Sanmao's story still well-received among today's readers? As both a fierce lover for Sanmao series and curator of several Sanmao exhibitions, Shao Jianqiu gives a confirmative answer.“If an artwork is good enough in terms of its aesthetic value, it will never be out of date.People are equipped with a basic standard of aesthetics.When an artistic expression meets this standard, it will shake off the yoke of time.” 80 years elapses, Sanmao is still a child hero Chinese readers worship and he will carry on moving people with his innocence and a heart of gold.


三毛的故事 关于三毛 三毛,原名陈懋平(mào)(后改名为陈平),汉族,浙江舟山人,1943年三月二十六日出生于重庆黄桷桠。卒于1991年1月4日,享年四十七岁。“懋”是族谱上属她那一辈分的排行,“平”是取之她出生那年烽火连天,父亲期望这个世界再也没有战争,而给了这个孩子“和平”的大使命。后来这个孩子开始学写字,她无论如何都学不会如何写那个“懋”字。每次写名字时,都自作主张把中间那个字跳掉,偏叫自己陈平。不但如此,还把“陈”的左耳搬到隔壁去成为右耳,这么弄下来,父亲只好投降,她给自己取了名字,当时才三岁。后来把她弟弟们的“懋”字也都拿掉了。曾就读中国文化大学哲学系。肄业曾留学欧洲,定居西属撒哈拉沙漠加纳利岛后结婚,并以当地的生活为背景,写出一连串脍炙人口的作品。1981年回台后,曾在文化大学任教,1984年辞去教职,而以写作、演讲为重心。1991年1月4日在医院去世,年仅四十八岁。个人履历幼年时期的三毛就表现对书本的爱好,五年级下学期第一次看《红楼梦》。初中时期几乎看遍了市面上的世界名著。初二那年休学,由父母亲悉心教导,在诗词古文、英文方面,打下坚实的基础。并先后跟随顾福生、韩湘宁、邵幼轩三位画家习画。三毛在她的散文《我的三位老师》中记录了这三位绘画老师 1964年,得到文化大学创办人张其均先生的特许,到该校哲学系当旁听生,课业成绩优异 1967年再次休学,只身远赴西班牙。在三年之间,前后就读西班牙马德里大学、德国哥德书院,在美国伊诺大学法学图书馆工作。对她的人生经验和语文进修上有很大助益。1970年回国,受张其均先

生之邀聘在文大德文系、哲学系任教。后因未婚夫猝逝,她在哀痛之余,再次离开,又到西班牙。与苦恋她6年的荷西重逢。1974年,于西属撒哈拉沙漠的当地法院,与荷西公证结婚。在沙漠时期的生活,激发她潜藏的写作才华,并受当时《联合报》主编的鼓励,作品源源不断,并且开始结集出书。第一部作品《撒哈拉的故事》在1976年5月出版。1979年9月30日夫婿荷西因潜水意外事件丧生,回到台湾。1981年,三毛决定结束流浪异国14年的生活,在国内定居。同年1月,《联合报》特别赞助她往中南美洲旅行半年,回来后写成《万水千山走遍》,并作环岛演讲。之后,三毛任教文化大学文艺组,教小说创作,散文习作两门课程,深受学生喜爱。1984年,因健康关系,辞卸教职,而以写作、演讲为生活重心。1989后4月首次回大陆家乡,发现自己的作品在大陆也拥有许多的读者。并专诚拜访以漫画《三毛流浪记》驰名的张乐平先生,了却夙愿。1990年从事剧本写作,完成第一部中文剧本,也是她最后一部作品《滚滚红尘》。1991年1月4日清晨去世,年仅48岁。个人作品 文集:《倾城》《温柔的夜》《哭泣的骆驼》《梦里花落知多少》《雨季不再来》《撒哈拉的故事》《送你一匹马》《背影》《我的宝贝》《闹学记》《万水千山走遍》《稻草人手记》《随想》《谈心》《我的快乐天堂》《高原的百合花》《亲爱的三毛》《我的灵魂骑在纸背上-三毛的书信札与私相簿》 剧本:《滚滚红尘》共出版发行作品23部有声作品:《三毛说书》《阅读大地》《流星雨》译作:《刹那时光》《兰屿之歌》《清泉故

事》《娃娃看天下》(共两本)诗:《朋友》音乐专辑(填词):《回声》* * *


Hello,everyone,My name is XXX , XXXX is my English name.I’m in Class(班级)X,Grade(年级)X.Today I will tell you a little funny story and I hope you guys like it!It calls“a nice man”.A man is walking along the street when he sees a woman carrying a box.It is half in and half out of her car.He is a nice man, so he goes up to the woman and says, “Let give you a hand with that box, It looks very heavy.”

“That’s so kind of you, I’m having a lot of trouble with it.” the woman says.The man says, “Together we’ll soon move it.”.For a few minutes the man and the woman try their best.Soon they are tired.“Let’s rest for a minute.” the man says.A few minutes later, the man says, “let’s try again.Are you ready?” They push the box again.“one, two, three!” the man says.At last, when they are very tired, the man says, “it’s too hard, I don’t think there’s any way we can get it out of the car.”

The woman cries.“I’m trying to get it in!” Thanks for your listening!






女人哭了。“我想把它弄进去!“ 谢谢你的聆听!


A little funny story Hello,everyone,My name is Feng Qinyue, Eric is my English name.I’m a 4th grade student from Nanjing Ruijinbeicun Primary School.Today I will tell you a little funny story and i hope you guys like it!It calls“a nice man”

A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling with a large box.It was half in and half out of her car.He was a nice man, so he went up to the woman and said, “Let give you a hand with that box, It looks very heavy.”

“That’s so kind of you,” the woman said.“I’m having a lot of trouble with it.I think it’s struck.” “Together we’ll soon move it.” The man said, He got into the back seat of the car and took hold of the other end of the box.He said, “And he began to push hard.”

For a few minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box.Soon they were tired.“Let’s rest for a minutes,” the man said,” I’m sorry, but it is struck.” A few minutes later, the man said, “let’s try again.Are you ready?” Both of them took hold of the box again.“one, two, three!” the man said, and they went on with their struggle.At last, when they were very tired, the man said, “you’re right, It is really struck, I don’t think there’s any way we can get it out of the car.”

The woman cried.“I’m trying to get it in!” Thanks for your thanks for your listening!


A wolf was coming.Good afternoon!I am Shen Feiyu.Here is a story for you---A wolf was coming.One day little Andy was sitting on a hill looking after his sheep.The sheep were eating grass happily.Soon little Andy had nothing to do and became bored.He looked down the hill to the village and saw all the people busily working.Then, I am sorry to say, little Andy thought out a trick.He stood up and shouted.“Wolf!Wolf!There’s a wolf after my sheep!”

“Did you hear something? I heard a boy crying!” A farmer asked.“No, I didn’t hear anything!” Another farmer said.“ Wolf!Wolf!There’s a wolf after my sheep!”

Yes, this time I heard it.There’s a wolf after his sheep.Let’s go quickly and help the boy!

Hey!Everybody, Let’s stop working!Let’s go quickly.After a while, several people came and asked: “ What’s the matter, Andy? Is there a wolf here?”

“No, there aren’t any wolves, I was only joking with you.” Andy said.“Joking with us? You’re telling lies.You shouldn’t tell lies.If you do , nobody will believe you in the future.And you will come to a bad end.”

“ I was only joking.I’m sorry.Please go back.Don’t worry!I’m OK!” Andy said goodbye to the farmers.I’m sorry.It’s just Part One of this story.If I have much time I can continue it to you anywhere.Thank you!Thanks a lot!Good-bye.(1)周逸

Anny: Hello, Amy!

Amy: Hi, Anny!Sarah: Who’s that girl?

Amy: Sheis my friend , Anny.Anny, this is my friend Sarah.Sarah: Nice to meet you.Anny: Nice to meet you ,too.Where are you from? Sarah: I’m from England.Anny: Amy, Sarah, I have new penciles.Amy and Sarah: How nice!Anny: How many pencils can you see? Guess.Amy and Sarah: Twelve.Anny: Open it and see.Amy and Sarah: one, two………… eighteen.I can see eighteen.Anny: That’s right.(2)周继文 A Red Cap 1.The day,the little spuir rel went out,finding that there was a red cap on the tree mound before the door.2.The little spuirrel asked the hedgehog:“ Little hedgehog,is the cap yours?”“It is not mine!”

3.The little spuirrel asked the little bear again.but he also said it wasn’t his.4.The little spuirrel put the cap on the head:“How suitable the cap is!It’s pity that it isn’t mine.”

5.The little hedgehog said to the spuirrel:“Nobody comes to ask for it,after three days,it should be yours!”“Ok!”

6.Till to the third day,the little spuirrel thought:“It is mine if no body comes to ask for it.”

7.At the time,the poster sent a postcard.8.The little spuirrel saw it and said:“Ah,the cap is the gift which was given by my grandma!”

(4)Three Butterflies(三只蝴蝶)

There are three butterflies in the garden,One is red,one is yellow,and the last is White。They’re playing and dancing in the garden all day,They’re very happy Suddenly,it rains!。They fly to the red flowers and ask “We’re so coldCan we hide under your leaves?”

“Red butterfly,please come in”。The others go away!” “We are good friends,We must stay together!”

It’s raining harder。They fly to the yellow flowers and ask “We’re so cold(,Can we hide under your leaves?”

“yellow butterfly,please come in,The others go away!” “We are good friends,We must stay together!”

It’s raining harder and harder。They fly to the white flowers and ask: “We’re so cold,Can we hide under your leaves?”

“White butterfly,please come in,The others go away!” “We are good friends,We must stay together!”

They fly under the rain,They are Cold and afraid,But they don’t want to leave their friends。


The milkmaid and her pail A milkmaid was going to the market,She carried her milk in a pail on her head.As she went a long she began calcudating what she would buy after she had sold the milk.“I’ll bay a new dress and when I go to the ball,all the young men will dance with me”.As she spoke she to sed her head back.The pail immediately fell off her head,and all the milk was spilt.The girl went back without anything.She felt very sad,“Ah,my child.”said her mother“Do not count your chickens before they are hatched”.(6)谭港澳

A Thief and a Gentleman One night,a thief wants to steal something from a gentleman’s house.He opens the door and goes in.The gentleman is sleeping.The thief sees a watch on the table and puts it in his pocket Just then the gentleman wakes up and sees the thief.He gets up and asks the man,“What are you doing? Will you please tell me your name?”The thief stands there and begins to speak to him rudely.The gentleman is very angry.He shouts at the thief,“Get out!You badmannered”The thief runs out of the house quickly.(7)蔡文舒

What Can a Cat Do? Can a cat eat carrots? Yes, she can.A cat can eat carrots.Can a cat play cards? No, she can’t.A cat cannot play cards.Can a cat sit on a cushion? Yes, she can.A cat can sit on a cushion.Can a cat drive a car? No, she can’t.A cat cannot drive a car.Can a cat wear a cap? Yes, she can.A cat can wear a cap.Can a cat draw a cow? No, she can’t.A cat cannot draw a cow.Can a cat roll a can? Yes, she can.A cat can roll a can.Can a cat bake a cake? No, she can’t.A cat cannot bake a cake.Can a cat cuddle? Yes, she can.My cat can cuddle, very well.(8)


A duck and a chick A duck and a chick meet on road.The duck asks the chick: “What do you do?” The chick answers, “I’m a worker.” The duck then asks the chick, “Where do you work?” The chick answers, “ On a farm.” The duck says, “Then you are a farmer.” “No, I’m a worker.I make duck.What do you do?” The chick asks.The duck answers, “Oh, I’m a teacher.” The chick asks, “ Where do you teach?” “In a sports center.” The chick asks, “What do you teach?” “I teach swimming.”the duck answers.“Oh, good.May I learn to swim with you?” “ sorry, you can’t.” “Because you are a chick, you will drown in the water.”



A Story Good afternoon!I’m Liang Hua.I’m happy to be here today.Let me tell you a story about Little Tadpoles Looking For Mummy.There were a group of tadpoles in the river.They were looking for mummy.“Mummy, Mummy, where are you?” They saw a fish and swam to her.“Are you my mummy?” “ No, I’m not your mummy.I’m Mummy Fish.Your mummy has four legs.” “ Oooh, sorry.Bye-bye, Mummy Fish.” “Bye-bye.”

“Mummy, Mummy, where are you?” “Look, Mummy’s there and she has four legs.” They saw a tortoise and closed her.“Are you my Mummy?” “No, no, no.I’m not your mummy.I’m Mummy Tortoise.Your mummy has a big mouth and four legs.She is in green.” “Thank you, Mummy Tortoise.”

“See you!Mummy tortoise!”

“Mummy, Mummy.” Suddenly they saw a frog sitting on the bank.“Look, she has a big mouth and four legs.And she is in green, too.She must be our mummy.” They swam there quickly.And Mummy Frog saw her babies, too.“Oh, my dear babies.I miss you very much.” “Mummy, Mummy, I miss you, too.” They are all happy now.That’s all.Thank you!


My Friend,the Elephant A child became lost in a forest.He started to cry.At that moment,an elephant passed by and saw him crying.“Child,why are you crying?”the elephant asked.“I’ve lost my mother,”the child said.“Don’t cry.I’ll stay with you until you find your mother,”the elephant told him.“Oh!My body is going up in the air.Wow!This is fun,” the child said as the elephant gently picked him up.The elephant put the child on his back.“Elephant,Iwant to go down,now,”said the child.“Ha,ha!Wow!Your trunk is like a slide!”the child exclaimed.“This time,it’s like a swing.This is so much fun.Ha,ha,ha!” shouted the child.“Elephant,your ears are like cybmals.Cling!Ha,ha!How fun it is!” “Let’s sing a song.Hickory dickory dock!The mouse ran up the clock!The clock struck one,the mouse ran down!Hickory dickory dock!Cling!”sang the child.“Uh?There’s my mother.Mother,here I am!”the child shouted.“Thank you,elephant.I had a good time.If we meet,again,let’s play together some more,” the child said.The elephant was happy because the child had a good time with him.Also,he was very happy that the child found his mother.(13)五(1)班


The Goose’s Trip The goose woddled out.He worn a red hat and a snow-white coat.How proude he was.He walked on.Then he saw some chicks in the way.He cried:“Get out of the way you little things?” Then he saw some ducklings.He cried again;Step aside you little things.He became prouder and prouder.Throwing his chest our.Raising his head high.Looking up at the sky.He walkend on.He didn’t see.The big pit in him.Pu-tong He fell in the mudpit.The big white goose.Became a black goose.Then he couldn’t be proude any more.(14)五(2)班 黎兰慧

Guess who I Am?

I am black and white.Igive milk.Guess who I am? It’s me,the cow!

I have a red comb.I lay eggs.Guess who I am? It’s me,the hen.I have a curly tail.I like mud.Guess who I am? It’s me,the pig!

I bury bones,I chase cats.Guess who I am? It’s me,the dog?

I give wool,I say“baa”.Guess who I am? It’s me,the sheep!

I feed everyone in the farm.Guess who I am? It’s me,the farmer!

We are all members of this farm family.(15)蔡常睿

A rabbit and a wolf A little rabbit is picking mushrooms in a forest.A wolf is coming.He is very hungry.“ Oh , a little rabbit!This is my favourite food.”

The rabbit sees the wolf, but she is not afraid.She pretends to be poisoned by the mushrooms.The wolf thinks, “ If I eat her, I will be poisoned, too.” So he goes away.Then the rabbit is very happy.She goes on picking the mushrooms.(16)

The rabbits and the wolf

Mummy rabbit wants to go shopping.She tells her babies.You must stay at home.Close the door, Close the window.Remember? A wolf comes.I’m hungry.I want to eat something.I smell rabbits.There are two rabbits.I will eat them.The wolf knocks at the door.Hello, I’m your mummy.Open the door!The baby rabbits look out the window.Oh it’s a wolf!A big wolf!What can we do? One rabbit says.I have an idea.Mummy, let me look at your tail.The wolf answers.Look at my tail? Ok!Open the

door!The rabbits count.One, two, three!The wolf screams.My tail.Then he goes away.Mummy rabbit comes back.She smiles.(17)王博艺一(1)班

The great Big Turnip Here comes grandpa, “ I’m grandpa.I plat one turnip seed.Now I water the seed.Turnip, tuenip please grow up quickly.” The turnip grows and grows until it is very big.“I want the turnip for dinner.Grandpa pulls the turnip.“ I pull and pull, Oh, Ican’t.Grandma, grandma, come and help me.” “ I am coming.” Grandma pulls the grangpa and grandpa pulls the turnip.“ We pull and pull, Oh, we can’t.Little girl, little girl, come and help us.” I am coming.” The girl pulls the grandma and grandma pulls grandpa and grandpa pulls the turnip.“ We pull and pull,Oh, we can’t.Little dog , little dog, come and help us.” “ I am coming.”…….…………

The rat pulls the cat, the cat pulls the dog, the dog pulls the girl, the girl pulls grandma,grandma pulls grandpa and grandpa pulls the turnip.“We pull and pull, Oh, It’s out!Let’s carry the turnip home for dinner.”


The monkey in a bar A man walks into a bar and orders a beer.He takes his firt sip and sets it down.While he is looking around the bar, a monkey swings down and steals the pint of beer from before he is able to stop the monkey.The man asks the barman who owns the monkey.The barman replies the piano player.The man walks over to the piano player and says “Do you know your monkey stole my beer.” The pianist replies “No, but if you hum it , I’ll play it.”

(19)彭秋悦 Where Are All The Apples Gone?

a squirrel and a koala are good friends.a wolf is their neighbour.The wolf often steals their food.They don’t like him.One day,the squirrel find an apple tree.There are many apples on it.He goes back to tell the koala.on his way.He sees the koala and tells him about it.They don’t knowt that the wolf is near them.He’s behind a tree.He gets wind of the news.When the squirrul and the koala arrive there,there are no apples on the tree.Where are all the apples gone?Do you know?

(20)龙天伦 The Wind and The Sun Godd afternoon, teachers and classmates: I say a story about The Wind and The Sun.One day ,the wind said to the sun,“Look at that man, He’s wearing a coat.”

The Sun Looked.“Yes,that’s right.”

“I can get his coat off more quickly than you,”said the wind.“Watch.”

“Okay,”said the sun.So the wind blew.It blew and blew.But the man was cold.He held on to his coat very tightly.The wind blew and blew.and blew.The man got colder and colder.He held on to his coat more and more tightly.Finally,the wind stopped.“I give up,”he siad.“I cannot blow his coat off.” Then the sun tried.It shone.It shone.and shone..The man was hotter and hotter.Then he was too hot.So he took off his coat.“You win,”said the wind.I say the end of the story.Thank you!

(21)肖靖怡 My Old Teddy My old Teddy’s ear came off.Poor old Teddy!

I took him to the Teddy doctor.She made Teddy better.My old Teddy’s leg came off.Poor old Tsddy!

I took him to the Teddy doctor.She made Teddy better.My old Teddy’s arm came off.Poor old Teddy!Then poor old Teddy’s head came off.I took him to Teddy doctor.She made Teddy better.The Teddy doctor said,“Teddy is tired now.Teddy has to rest.”

The Teddy doctor gave me a new Teddy.I love my new Teddy very much,but I love poor old Teddy best.Dear old,poor old Teddy.(22)邬伊萍

JUST LIKE DAD My dad is a big man!I am a little girl.My dad helps me reach things.I help him get things under the table.My dad drives a big car to work.I drive my small car in the driveway.My dad works hard in his office.I play with friends.My dad gives me big hugs.I give him little kisses.My dad fixes broken toys.I hold his tools.My dad likes hamburger.I really like hamburger, too.My dad loves my mom.I love my mom too.When I grow up,I want to be just like Dad.(23)A short play-----A lion and a mouse


Good afternoon!I am Shen Feiyu.Here is a story for you---A wolf was coming.One day little Andy was sitting on a hill looking after his sheep.The sheep were eating grass happily.Soon little Andy had nothing to do and became bored.He looked down the hill to the village and saw all the people busily working.Then, I am sorry to say, little Andy thought out a trick.He stood up and shouted.“Wolf!Wolf!There’s a wolf after my sheep!”

“Did you hear something? I heard a boy crying!”

“No, I didn’t hear anything!”

“ Wolf!Wolf!There’s a wolf after my sheep!”

Yes, this time I heard it.There’s a wolf after his sheep.Let’s go quickly and help the boy!Hey!Everybody, Let’s stop working!Let’s go quickly.After a while, several people came and asked: “ What’s the matter, Andy? Is there a wolf here?”

“No, there aren’t any wolves, I was only joking with you.” Andy said.“Joking with us? You’re telling lies.You shouldn’t tell lies.If you do , nobody will believe you in the future.And you will come to a bad end.”

“ I was only joking.I’m sorry.Please go back.Don’t worry!I’m OK!”

It’s only the Part One of this story.If I have much time I can continue it to you.Thank you!Thanks a lot!Good-bye.(25)赵杰

The Banana Tree Once upon a time there was a single banana tree in the jungle.Two bunches of bananas were on the banana tree.There were three children from a village.They were watching the bananas grow.There were four monkeys from the jungle.They were watching the bananas grow.The children looked at the bananas at five o’clock in the afternoon everyday.The monkeys looked at the bananas at six o’clock in the morning everyday.The three children and the four monkeys were very excited.Soon the bananas would be ready to eat.All seven of them wanted to eat the bananas.One morning the monkeys and children wanted bananas for breakfast.The children were very upset to see the monkeys.The monkeys were very upset to see the children.The children were very afraid that the monkeys would take all of the bananas.The monkeys were afraid that the children would take all of the bananas.The children were very hungry.They were also very tired.The monkeys were very hungry.They were also very tired.The children were too tired to throw stones.The monkeys were too tired to throw sticks.“I’m so hungry.””Me too.”

“Let’s share the bananas with the monkeys.” “OK!Let’s share the bananas with the monkeys.”

The monkeys and the children enjoyed their breakfast.They also learned that sharing is better than fighting.(26)张宇庭

A man has a monkey and a little dog The donkey lives in a warm, clean stable and it hashay and water.The little dog lives in the house.It sits on the man’s knees in the evening and sleeps in the chair in front of the fire in the night.It eats good meet and biscuits and the mangivesit food from the table.“ It’s not fair” said the donkey, “I want to live in the house.”

One day, The donkey leaves the stable and gose into the house.It plays in the house.It breaks the furniture and the glasses and the cups and the plates.Its sits on the man’s knees.“ get out of the house!” shouts the man.“ you have got a nice table.” What is good for a little dog may not be good for a donkey.(27)罗宇涵

Our Dream-------The Successful Olympics The 2008 Olympics is coming soon.I can image the time when we are waving and cheering together while Beijing is holding the games.We shout for pumping the players up.That’s our dream.Now, the slogan “One World, One Dream” still reminds us to stretch our hands together, to achieve our dream!For me, I really want to do something for the 2008 Olympics.Because the Olympics will hold in China and I am Chinese.I thought to be a volunteer and wish Olympics will hold successlly!(29)陈安其

Rabbit Finds a Home Rabbit has grow up.“There are too many rabbits in this hole!It is time to leave the

nest.I am going to find my own home,”the oldest rabbit says.Rabbit decides to look in a different hole.“You cannot live here.This is my home!” shouts Mouse.So,Rabbit hops into the forest.He looks into another hole.“You cannot live here.This is my home!”shouts Squirrel.Rabbit looks for a new hole,one he can call his own.“You cannot live here.This is my home!” shouts Ground Hog.Rabbit is sad.He cannot find a home.Rabbit does not see Eagle flying high in the sky.At that time,the beautiful White Rabbit saw Eagle.“Quickly,come inside!”she shouts.“Thank you so much.You have saved my life!”Rabbit says.“You’re welcome,”White Rabbit answers.“What a roomy hole you have!

I wish I had a hole like this!”he says.Rabbit was surprised by how big the hole was.“I am all alone in this big hole.Why don’t you stay here with me?” White Rabbit asks.”Thank you.I will stay here.Now,I have found a home!”says Rabbit.(30)林凌翔

The Day the Balls Had a Fight One day,all of the balls in the world gathered together.The balls began to fight each other.Then,they divided into four groups.The balls chose leaders for their groups.They chose as their leaders the ping-pong ball,baseball,basketball,and soccer ball.Every ball thought that his own group had the best skills.Let’s listen to them.“Hey!A ball should be light and small,so he can move around quickly.Who is lighter and smaller than I am?”

“Hey!You’re wrong!You’re so light that the wind blows you away.Besides,a ball should be fast.And who’s faster than I am?”

“Ha,you guys don’t understand.If you hit people,they will get hurt.A ball should be big,but not too heavy.That way no one will get hurt.”

“You guys are so foolish.Is it good if you are good at only one thing?A ball should be well-rounded.Look at me.I’m almost as fast as a baseball.I’m slightly lighter and smaller than a basketball.So,I run fast when I have to.And,I protect myself from getting hurt,because I’m so big.”

“I don’t see an end to this argument.Let’s make a bet---The ball that people play with the most will be named the best ball.” “OK.”

Every four years,people play in the Olympic Games.People cheer for their favorite sports.Other balls are there,too.They play with volleyballs,tennis balls,and other balls,too.They all want to become the people’s favorite balls.(31)

Three Butterflies There are three butterflies in the garden,One is red,one is yellow,and the last is White。They’re playing and dancing in the garden all day,They’re very happy

Suddenly,it rains!。They fly to the red flowers and ask “We’re so coldCan we hide under your leaves?”

“Red butterfly,please come in”。The others go away!” “We are good friends,We must stay together!”

It’s raining harder。They fly to the yellow flowers and ask “We’re so cold(,Can we hide under your leaves?”

“yellow butterfly,please come in,The others go away!” “We are good friends,We must stay together!”

It’s raining harder and harder。They fly to the white flowers and ask: “We’re so cold,Can we hide under your leaves?”

“White butterfly,please come in,The others go away!” “We are good friends,We must stay together!”

They fly under the rain,They are Cold and afraid,But they don’t want to leave their friends。


It’s Not Easy Being a Kid!

I have one thing to say:IT’S NOT EASY BEING A KID!Being a kid might look like fun,but sometimes it’s not.Yesterday,I was playing outside with my friend.I was having a really good time.Then suddenly,my mother said, “Tom,it’s time to come inside now.It’s getting dark.” When you’re an adult,no one can tell you what to do or when to do it.When you’re a kid,you have to get up early in the morning and go to school.At school,you have to study math,English,science,and history.After school,you have to do your homework.When you’re an adult,you do not have to go to school and you never have homework.When you’re a kid,there are many things you can’t watch.Last Saturday,there was a scary movie on TV.It looked really exciting.But my father would not let me watch.He said, “You’re too young for this movie,Tom.”

When you’re an adult,you can watch anything you want.When you’re a kid,the older kids sometimes pick on you.When I was walking home from school on Monday,Tom and Steve bothered me.Steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree.It made me very mad.When you’re an adult,no one can pick on you.When you’re a kid,you cannot go anywhere by yourself.Last Friday,I wanted to buy a birthday gift for my friend John.But I had to wait for my mom to return home.When I want to go somewhere,I have to ride my bike or ask my mom for a ride.When you’re an adult,you can drive a car wherever you want.When you’re kid,you have to go to bed early.On school nights,my mom makes me go to bed at 9:00.But I do have a mom and dad who love me, which is really great.So I

guess I like being a kid,even though IT’S NOT EASY BEING A KID!


A Boy and His Tree

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree.A little boy loved to come and play around it every day.He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow„ He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.Time went by„The little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree.One day, the boy came back to the tree and looked sad.“Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy.“I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys.I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I don’t have money„but you can pick all my apples and sell them.So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited.He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily.The boy didn’t come back after he picked the apples.The tree was sad.One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited.“Come and play with me.” The tree said.“I don’t have time to play.I have to work for my family.We need a house for shelter.Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don’t have a house.But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn’t appear since then.The tree was again lonely and sad.This is a story of everyone.The tree is our parents.When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad„ When we grow up, we leave them, and only come to them when we need something or when we are in trouble.Bananas for Lunch A fat monkey likes eating bananas very much.He had bananas for lunch.He peeled one and ate one more and then, one more one banana, two bananas, three bananas, four… He ate and ate, but he wanted more, he peeled and he ate, peeled and he ate, fivebananas, six bananas, seven bananas, eight … He peeled two more and continued two more.He ate whole bunch of bananas and can’t sleep.香蕉午餐 一只小胖猴子很喜欢吃香蕉。他拿香蕉做午餐,他剥一个香蕉,用力地吃着,吃着,吃着,吃了1个香蕉,2个香蕉,3个香蕉,4个…… 他不停地吃,但是他还想要更多!他边吃,边剥,5个香蕉,6个香蕉,7个香蕉,8个……他又剥了两个,继续撑着吃。他吃了一整串香蕉以致不能躺下睡觉了。



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