
时间:2019-05-14 17:42:51下载本文作者:会员上传


Hello everyone, today we will say something about our plan of vacation.After considering carefully, we are planning to go to an occurring miracle and the future of city which named as “dream city”.Yes!That is Dubai!Dubai’s mother tongue is Arabic, but now, English is widely used with its development and opening.Ok, now, please allow me to explain our reasons firstly.Generally speaking, we are attracted by four mainly things.That is history, food, local features and its Royal members.Dubai, in the Middle East, is the second country of the United Arab Emirates.The natives always say that “No one will remember the second, what people will remember forever is the first.” Maybe that is the best explanation of the “Highest of the World”.Dubai used to be a small village, but quickly developed to a city that appeared suddenly in the 21 century just like a mirage.What made it become a reality is the huge strength full of wealth and oil funds like running water.A real estate investor said that “Dubai is the kingdom of rich men, there are too many rich people here.” Cutting the mountains, filling the sea and opening the desert, Dubai did all these things to develop their projects at a fastest speed during the human history, and attract talented people, sources, materials from different places around the world.Enterprises who found the attractive wealth flocked, and now the world is watching Dubai.Not only the natives in Dubai, but also people all around the world come to buy real estate in Dubai.It’s really unbelievable.The population in Dubai is one hundred million and four hundred thousand, however Dubai is making a 10 million people’s unimaginable development.Dubai has its own precious treasure and they’re unique in the world: the best hotel Seven-star Hotel, the highest building Dubai Tower, the largest artificial island Dubai Strand, the eighth wonder of the world Earth Group of Islands.It’s because these “the most” projects that made Dubai the definitely hottest tourist topic in the world now, and pushed Dubai to the whole world.In addition, Arab food is also filled with irresistible for us.Arab roast chicken, Arab dessert, Arab roast beef, Arab roast lamb.Emirate’s food belongs to Arab style, it’s similar to western food and it includes appetizer, soup, salad, barbecue, dessert.The natives have many ways to roast beef and lamb, they always sit round together and enjoy every kind of barbecue, it’s quite a wonderful thing.If you are interested in the Arab dessert, just try it.Fresh fruits and vegetables coupled with Arab style sauce make a plate of sweet dessert.Arab salad is made of fruit, vegetables, yogurt, olive oil and salt, you can imagine how delicious and appetizing.And the Arab pie, cooks sprinkle with sesame seeds on the pie and then roast it, it has a good smell of pure flour.Besides, there are many other features in Dubai, such as aromatherapy and gold.In Arab, people always burn incense in the living room generations and

generations, we may buy some perfume as a souvenir there.In Dubai's gold market, there is lots of jewelry that attract girls, including bracelets, necklaces, rings etc.They have collected all styles around the world.These things are only charged depended on weight and aren’t charged by designing and technology fees.Dubai has its own imperial family and everyone of the family has a born beautiful face.One prince even won the first in horsemanship in Asian Games.We planned to go there by air.The first experience in Dubai is taking the sports car taxi, including Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini and so on.After the luxurious taxi, we arrive at the hotel that we have booked in advanced Burj Al Arab Hotel, which considered to be the best hotel in the world, is also a symbol of luxury.Its boat-like shape appearance brought it another name “sailing hotel”.It is when you enter the hotel that you can really understand why it’s called “the only Seven-star Hotel” in the world.The hotel covers about 110,000 square meters.Inside the hotel is a magnificant hall which is large enough to contain the Dubai World Trade Center.Its luxurious decoration makes the hall look like a golden cave.The cost of rooms ranges from 1,300 dollars to 18,000 dollars per night, which is really expensive.After a short break, we’ll go to the undersea restaurant for dinner.Eating

in the AI-Mahara restaurant is another fantastic experience: we will go there by submarine, hundreds of fishes are swimming outside while we are eating delicious food.It seems that we’ll have a wonderful beginning.Dubai is a country with splendid landscapes, and we’ll strat our trip with Dubai Tower.The world super-level city has a unique building-Burj Dubai, which is the highest tower all over the world.It is 828 meters high and even the eagle cannot fly past.Dubai tower is not only a building ,but also the symbol of Dubai.In order to avoid the appearance of a higher building, Dubai has prepared to increase the height of Burj Dubai.The ruler of Dubai describs the tower as “the tallest building ever created by the hand of man”.The next step to one of the world’s best landscapes is Dubai Strand——Dubai spent super much money to construct many Bizarre buildings.There is a coconut for the meaning of the island, which is known as the biggest island of the world.Next it is an artificial island that imitate other place.Dubai Strand is made up by 300 little islands and it cost 25 million dollar to complete the huge project.People can use the island anyway as he pay enough money to buy one and usually it may cost from 19 to 62 million dollar.There is no doubt that Dubai is a country trying to make a collection of magnificent buildings: Da Vinci Tower, Four towers, Dubai Marina And Dubai Bridge are all worth visiting.As a country eager to pursuit luxury and enjoyment, Dubai is treated to be another shopping paradise.Mall of emirates is the world's largest shopping mall that opened a few years ago and many famous sports car always appear in it, involving Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati ,Porsche, Aston Martin, Alfa Romeo etc.Dubai has so many famous stores that the rich flocked from all around the world.Dubai is the most comfortable place for rich people.“Mission impossible 4” and “over the map” are filmed in Dubai.It’s really a fantastic vacation plan to look forward to.Now what we want to do is making money to accomplish our dream vacation and buy every one of us an island to enjoy the rest of our lifetime.In 2003, Dubai selected 5 people all over the world as their waiters.The salary is about 0.5 million dollars.

第二篇:梦想之旅~~迪拜(dubai) 英语演讲

Name:Sylvia(060914113)Wu Jiaxin(060914125)

Wu Ruozhu(060914127)Xing Qiuting(060914128)


Hello everyone, today we will say something about our plan of vacation.After considering carefully, we are planning to go to an occurring miracle and the future of city which named as “dream city”.Yes!That is Dubai!Dubai’s mother tongue is Arabic, but now, English is widely used with its development and opening.Ok, now, please allow me to explain our reasons firstly.Generally speaking, we are attracted by four mainly things.That is history, food, local features and its Royal members.Dubai, in the Middle East, is the second country of the United Arab Emirates.The natives always say that “No one will remember the second, what people will remember forever is the first.” Maybe that is the best explanation of the “Highest of the World”.Dubai used to be a small village, but quickly developed to a city that appeared suddenly in the 21 century just like a mirage.What made it become a reality is the huge strength full of wealth and oil funds like running water.A real estate investor said that “Dubai is the kingdom of rich men, there are too much rich people here.” Cutting the mountains, filling the sea and opening the desert, Dubai did all these things to develop their projects at a fastest speed during the human history, and attract talented people, sources, materials from different places around the world.Enterprises who found

the attractive wealth flocked, and now the world is watching Dubai.Not only the natives in Dubai, but also people all around the world come to buy real estate in Dubai.It’s really unbelievable.The population in Dubai is one hundred million and four hundred thousand, however Dubai is making a 10 million people’s unimaginable development.Dubai has it’s own precious treasure and they’re unique in the world: the best hotel Seven-star Hotel, the highest building Dubai Tower, the largest artificial island Dubai Strand, the eighth wonder of the world Earth Group of Islands.It’s because these “the most” projects that made Dubai the definitely hottest tourist topic in the world now, and pushed Dubai to the whole world.In addition, Arab food is also filled with irresistible for us.Arab roast chicken, Arab dessert, Arab roast beef, Arab roast lamb.Emirate’s food belongs to Arab style, it’s similar to western food and it includes appetizer, soup, salad, barbecue, dessert.The natives have many ways to roast beef and lamb, they always sit round together and enjoy every kind of barbecue, it’s quite a wonderful thing.If you are interested in the Arab dessert, just try it.Fresh fruits and vegetables coupled with Arab style sauce makes a plate of sweet dessert.Arab salad is made of fruit, vegetables, yogurt, olive oil and salt, you can imagine how delicious and appetizing.And the Arab pie, cooks sprinkle with sesame seeds on the pie and then roast it, it has a good smell of pure flour.Besides, there are many other features in Dubai, such as aromatherapy and gold.In Arab, people always burn incense in the living room generations and generations , we may buy some perfume as a souvenir there.In Dubai's gold market, there are lots of jewelry that attract gilrls, including bracelets, necklaces, rings etc.They have collected all styles around the world.These things are only charged depended on weight and aren’t charged by designing and technology fees.Dubai has its own imperial family and everyone of the family has a borned beautiful face.One prince even won the first in horsemanship in Asian Games.We planned to go there by air.The first experience in Dubai is taking the sports car taxi, including Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini and so on.After the luxurious taxi, we arrive at the hotel that we have booked in advanced Burj Al Arab Hotel, which considered to be the best hotel in the world, is also a symbol of luxury.Its boat-like shape appearance brought it another name “sailing hotel”.It is when you enter the hotel that you can really understand why it’s called “the only Seven-star Hotel”in the world.The hotel covers about 110,000 square meters.Inside the hotel is a magnificant hall which is large enough to contain the Dubai World Trade Center.Its luxurious decorations makes the hall looks like a golden cave.The cost of room

ranges from 1,300 dollars to 18,000 dollars per night, which is really expensive.After a short break, we’ll go to the undersea restaurant for dinner.Eating in the AI-Mahara restaurant is another fantastic experience: we will go there by submarine, hundreds of fishes are swimming outside while we are eating delicious food.It seems that we’ll have a wonderful beginning.Dubai is a country with splendid landscapes, and we’ll strat our trip with Dubai Tower.The world super-level city has a unique building-Burj Dubai, which is the highest tower all over the world.It is 828 meters high and even the eagle cannot fly past.Dubai tower is not only a building ,but also the symbol of Dubai.In order to avoid the appearance of a higher building, Dubai has prepared to increase the height of Burj Dubai.The ruler of Dubai describs the tower as “the tallest building ever created by the hand of man”.The next step to one of the world’s best landscapes is Dubai Strand——Dubai spent super much money to construct many Bizarre buildings.There is a coconut for the meaning of the island, which is known as the biggest island of the world.Next to it is an artificial island that imitate other place.Dubai Strand is made up by 300 little islands and it cost 25 million dollar to complete the huge project.People can use the island anyway as he pay enough money to buy one and usually it may cost from 19 to 62 million dollar.There is no doubt that Dubai is a country trying to make a collection of magnificent buildings: Da Vinci Tower, Four towers, Dubai Marina And Dubai Bridge are all worth visting.As a country eagering to pursuit luxury and enjoyment, Dubai is treated to be another shopping paradise.Mall of emirates is the world's largest shopping mall that opened a few years ago and many famous sports car always appear in it, involving Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati ,Porsche, Aston Martin, Alfa Romeo etc.Dubai has so many famous stores that the rich flocked from all around the world.Dubai is the most comfortable place for rich people.It’s really a fantastic vacation plan to look forward to.Now what we want to do is making money to accomplish our dream vacation and buy every one of us an island to enjoy the rest of our lifetime.



体验阿拉伯文化和风土人情,领略迪拜现代顶级建筑创意风采,这也是很多有志青年的想法,我和朋友们 也追逐了下潮流,在前几天走向了迪拜,重要的标志性想、建筑项目还是很受大家关注的,我们寻找了很多的考察团,最终锁定了黄金州商务考察,为期7天的商务考察,也表明我们的选择没有错,完美的服务,出发前的承诺都一一兑现,真的太美妙了,为了让自己的这次旅途拥有回忆的价值,我便选择用这种方式记录一下。


你是不是觉得第二天我们会想放飞的小鸟出去嗨了? 其实不然,我们首先选择的是公务参访-迪拜建筑艺术与建筑科技交流,黄金州商务考察团队还邀请了中国驻迪拜总领馆高级官员、阿联酋中国商会专业人士及当地著名房产机构专员和我们促膝长谈,一上午的时间我们分别就迪拜投资环境、法律法规及投资方向、迪拜房产前景规划、迪拜房产品牌行销、等主题进行对话和互动,通过这样思想和灵感的高峰对话,碰撞出精彩的思想火花。论坛过程中将播放迪拜城市介绍及迪拜历史短片和世界之最建筑艺术与建筑科技展示(PPT播放)。这样的论坛交流我还是第一次参加,带着一种紧张激动的心情进行探讨,感觉到自己的视野开阔了,真的有一种豁然开朗的感觉。再后来我们就一起游览,看看迪拜的风景,大家都知道,来到迪拜,最不能离开的就是沙漠玩耍了,已经换好服装的我们也就像放飞的鸽子在沙漠中翱翔,滑沙等等玩耍的是兴致无穷。到了晚上,我们还一起观看他们跳肚皮舞,享受阿拉伯式一千零一夜的热情款待,在犹如皇家在阿拉伯帐篷中尽情豪饮,但是美好的事情总是稍纵即逝,时间就这样匆匆流走,我们也返回了酒店,结束了第一站的旅途。































为朋友们汽车进西藏提点建议(仅青藏线)1,很多人上去会有高原反应,很多的原因也是因为太累,所以一定得休息好.当然高原反应不会死人,除非转肺水肿,脑水肿了.一般人绝对能够抗住的.别被我写的吓着,那是我实在太累,加上本来身体就不大好.后来我上高原基本就没有什么事.不可怕.氧气最好还是别吸,路上吸了你要持续的,要不可能会更加难过.2,汽车从西宁开始应该放点气,过格尔木再放点.因为上面的气压低.你看看自己带的东西就这样了.凡密封的都胖了起来的.3,拉萨的天气并不是很冷不用带非常多的衣服.4,格尔木出来最好一天翻过唐古拉山.5,路上吃的有,但是肯定有口味和卫生状况的不合.所以还是建议自己带干粮.野外用品基本就不用带了,除非你非得要在野外住一夜.6,一路住的都还是可以,没有洁癖可以不用带睡袋.7,路比较好认,基本到上面你想走错也难.8,水还是多带点比较好.9,沿途加油没有问题,可以不用带油箱备用.当然带了也可以.90好都是可以保证的, 10,什么车都可以上去,包括奥脱托,建议别开太好的或者太怪的车.要不心痛或者出点问题无法修车.11,路是比较好,但是下山还是别太快,在上面的视觉好象跟在低海拔的地方有不同,我感觉到了.所以还是小心点.如果你的目的就是开到拉萨或者就在边上玩,强烈决议别开越野车,除非你的越野车真的够好.我看到出问题往往就是他们.低底盘的安全多了.12,也不需要什么GPS,绞盘,甚至指南针,一根拖车的绳子就够了.D1(9日):西宁——塔尔寺——青海湖鸟岛(约300公里路况非常好)







D 4(12日):沱沱河——雁石坪——唐古拉山口——安多——那曲(海拨4500米)——当雄(约600公里,路况一般)







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