
时间:2019-05-14 18:32:08下载本文作者:会员上传



W:Good morning ladies and gentlemen,M: Good morning my dear teachers and friends W & M;Nice to see you here!(重读.)

W: Today we are happy and excited.Because we are holding the first English Classic Recitation Contest for Junior High School Students in Weicheng District M: Thank you for coming.I’m ….from Weifang Foreign Language School.W: I’m …, also from Weifang Foreign Language School.Well, xxx, I feel it’s really my great honor to host this contest.M : So do I.W: As an English lover, I’m very attached to this contest and I’m looking forward to the popularity of this kind of contest.M: Yes.This is going to be an interesting and exciting contest!W: In this contest,we've got 12 teams from 12 different schools, and we can see their confidence and smile already, right?

M: Yes, of course.I’d like to take this opportunity to wish this contest a perfect success.And I hope we’ll make good use of this chance.W: Now allow me to introduce the rules for today’s contest.We’ll give a mark from four sides.The full marks are 100.Including clothing, content, language and acting.M: 25 marks for clothing.25 marks for content.25 marks for language.25 marks for acting.W: OK, I think everybody here cannot wait to see now, so let’s get started!

M: Now.let's warmly welcome the students from No.8 Middles School.They are going to show us a famous play about a girl who is not outstanding but kind-hearted---------“ Cinderella ”.W: The students from Weicheng Economic Development Zone Middle School,please get ready.…

M&W: Well done!Thank you!W: XXX, have you ever heard of the story “ the Little Red Riding Hood” ?

M: Yes , our teacher has told us.And we all like the Little Red Riding Hood very much.W: Now, please enjoy the textbook play, the Little Red Riding Hood acted by the students from Weicheng Economic Development Zone Middles School.M: The students from Weicheng Experimental Middle School get ready ,please.…

W&M : Wonderful!Thank you!

M: Cinderella was a kind and beautiful girl.Her stepmother and stepsisters was cruel to her.Luckily, the fairy helped her and she found her happiness in the end.Let’s watch the play《Cinderella》by Weicheng Experimental Middle School.W: The students from Lebushan Middle School get ready ,please.…

M: I was deeply moved by their performance.W: So was I.The land gives his love to the trees and the trees offer their thanksgiving to the land, which is just like the teacher and the students.With the touch, let's come to the music

poetry“The Talk to Sunset”performed by the students from Lebushan Middle School.M: The students from Yuhe Experimental Middle School please get ready.…

W &M: Thank you!A beautiful poem!

W: Now, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce the scores of the first three schools.No.8 Middles School is …, Weicheng Economic Development Zone Middles School is …...., Weicheng Experimental Middle School is ….M&W : Congratulations!

M: The sunshine hasn’t come out yet, but Simba has already waked up.The naughty prince bothered his deadly sleeping parents and asked his dignified father to show him around.Look, they are coming...W : Now let’s enjoy .It is performed by Yuhe Experimental Middle School.M : The students from Junbukou Middle School get ready, please!

W: Simba is lovely,and their performance is perfect!Thank you!

M : When we were children, we always asked our mothers to tell us fairy tales before going to bed.Now as time went on ,our childhood has gone, but the fairy tales are always with us.Look!Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs are coming to us.Let’s welcome the thirteen students from Junbukou Middle school W : The students from Nanguan Middle School get ready, please!

W &M: Well done, thank you!M : Everyone needs friends , and friendship is like the breeze.You can’t hold it.But you can always feel it.Now let’s enjoy Forever Friendship by Nanguan Middle School.W : The students from No.5 Middle School get ready ,please!

M : A brilliant poem and they did quite well.Now, ladies and gentlemen, It’s time to announce the scores of the second three schools.W: Lebushan middle School is_____ ,Yuhe Experimental Middle School is_____, and Junbukou Middle School is ______.M&W : Congratulations!

M : We successfully sent Shenzhou 9 to space last year.Do you want to know what will happen to the future spacecraft? The students from No.5 Middle School will show us.Let’s welcome them.W : The students from No.3 Middle School get ready ,please!

M : Thanks for their wonderful performance.W: Now comes another exciting moment.Because the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs are coming, again.This time it is played by the lovely boys and girls from No.3 Middle School.Let's welcome them.M: The students from Wangliu Middle School get ready, please.…

W: Excellent performance!Thank you!M: Many people think the fox is smart but sly.But today we will see a different fox.It is wise and kindhearted, and it always helps others.Now, please enjoy “The Fox and the Horse” performed by the students from Wangliu Middle School.W : The students from Weifang Foreign Language School get ready, please!

W&M : Well done!Thank you!

M: Now, ladies and gentlemen, It’s time to announce the scores of the third three schools.Nanguan Middle School is _____, No.5 Middle School is _____, No.3 Middle School is____.Congratulations!M : Congratulations!

The future shines for all of us.It calls to us and it gives us hope.The road ahead is clean and wide.We work and play and live each day to make our new day come.The lovely students from Weifang Foreign Language School will bring you a wonderful programme.Please enjoy .W : The students from Fuyanshan Middle School get ready, please!

M : Excellent!Thank you!W : There is a poem expressing Chinese people’s mind and the Chinese people’ long-term depression.In this situation, how to promote the communication between China and western countries is worth our reflection.Please appreciate the poem “What do you really want from us”.It is performed by the students from Fuyanshan Middle School.…


What is the most distant way in the world? They will tell us.Please appreaciate the poem “The most distant way in the world”.M &W: Well done!Thank you!W:How exciting today the contest is!M;So I’d like to say thank you.I want to thank all of our presenters, thank you for your perfect performance today.You were just great.Thank you for informing us, inspiring us and entertaining us.W: Now, ladies and gentlemen,the last time to announce the scores.M: Wangliu Middle School is_____,Weifang Foreign Language School is ____,Fuyanshan Middle School is______.M &W: Congratulations!

M: Congratulations, everybody.You are really excellent.Thank you for your outstanding performance.W:Ladies and gentlemen!Now, the first English Classic Recitation Contest for Junior High School Students in Weicheng Di strict is ending.I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful plays and poems presented by the 12 teams.Let's give them a big round of applause.M: And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.W: Ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers, my fellow students, the first English Classic Recitation Contest for Junior High School Students in Weicheng District is closed.Once again, Thank you for your time.W&M:See you next year.



Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and schoolmates(或classmates,视参赛人群而定), nice to see you here!(nice to see you here你要重读.)

This is the English Speaking Contest of our school, and thank you for coming.We've got___(填参赛选手数量)contestants.They come from different classes and grades, and we can see their confidence and smile already, right? This is going to be an interesting and exciting competition!

Firstly, let's warmly welcome our headmaster ,Mr.Fu to make remarks.(现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎符校长给我们讲话)

Okay, well, I'd like to introduce you the judges of this Contest, since they've been working so hard during when then competition's going on.They are...(挨个介绍评委.)

Now I think you might be a little curious about what judges the contestants, so I'm about to tell you the criteria about our competition.There're several factors that we are going to count into this competitions, they're(挨个介绍比赛规则)

Okay, since you've already known these, I think it time to begin!So let's get started!First let's welcome contestant number one!He's ***, from class * grade*, his topic is___(介绍第一个选手的题目)


1、Now.let's warmly welcome contestant No.1xxx.Her topic is “My school life” and contestant No.2 ,get ready ,please.2、let's warmly welcome contestant No.2xxx.and contestant No.3 ,get ready ,please.3、let's warmly welcome contestant No.3xxx.and contestant No.4 ,get ready ,please.4、let's warmly welcome contestant No.4xxx.and contestant No.5 ,get ready ,please.5、let's warmly welcome contestant No.5xxx.and contestant No.6,get ready ,please.6、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is a double show.Now let's warmly welcome contestants No.6and.and contestant No.7 ,get ready ,please.7、let's warmly welcome contestant No.7xxx.xxx and contestant No.8,get ready ,please.8、let's warmly welcome contestant No.8xxx.and contestant No.9,get ready ,please.9、let's warmly welcome contestant No.9钟雄燕.and contestant No.10,get ready ,please.10、let's warmly welcome the last contestant No.10and xxx get onto the stage and give us a performance.And after all the contestants finished their speeches, our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Now, we are taking a break.And we’ll start again in 10 minutes.After our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.1、First, I would like to announce the third winners:

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2、And then, the second winners:

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3、Ladies and gentlemen, now it’s coming to the most exciting moment!Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners:



Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and schoolmates, nice to see you here!A:Our school life is very interesting.I like studying in No.3 Middle School!B:Our school life is very colorful.And I love singing English songs.C:English is very helpful, let’s try our best to study it!D: Singing English songs is a good way to study English.We feel relaxed when we are singing.E: Today, we will enjoy some beautiful English songs.Are you exciting? F: Firstly, let's warmly welcome Miss Qi to make remarks.1.xxx, do you like classical music?

Of course, what’s your favorite classical English song?

I think it should be Yesterday Once More.Oh, you’re lucky.Today two beautiful girls will sing this song for us.Let’s welcome 张颖 and 陈姝彤 from Class 5 to sing Yesterday Once More.2.Hey, xxx, you looks sad, what’s up?

I failed my English test, I feel a little upset.Cheer up, I can help you with it.When I am down, you usually raise me up.This time, it’s my turn.Thank you.I feel better now.Why not enjoy the beautiful song, You Raise Me Up? Let’s welcome the singer from Class 12, 付歆容.3.Love is the forever theme of the world.The next one is a song about love.Let’s appreciate Proud of You.The singers are 张欣,李慧俞 from Class 9.4.When we are young, we are powerful;

When we are young, we are fearless;1

When we are young, we set the world on fire.Let’s enjoy the song We Are Young from Class 10.Please welcome 李澳龙、李昊勋,刘翔予,贾浩勋.5.Do you like firework? Of course.When the colors burst in the sky.It’s wonderful.Let’s warmly welcome 马丽,李佳璇,王欣荣 and 黄锐恒 from Class 16 to sing the song Firework。

6.After enjoying the colorful firework, we would like to fly with the firefly in the sky.王颢儒and 武敏婕 from Class Two will sing the song Firefly for us.Let’s give them big hands.7.Everyone has a dream.We all want to make it come true.There’s no need to rush.It’s like learning to fly.Let’s welcome 张可明 and 刘喜庆 from Class 15 to sing the song One Step at a Time.8 The next one is 柳欣然 from Class 6.She will sing a beautiful song for us.It’s Big Big World.I think you all know this song.Let’s welcome the singer.9 Sometimes, you think something is big, but in fact, it’s little;Sometimes, you think something is little, but it’s really big.Yeah.The stars are big, but they look very little.Now let’s enjoy the song Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star from Class 7.The singers are 刘凯阳 and 袁嘉彤.Let’s welcome.10.Friendship plays an important part in our lifetime.The more friends, the better.Next song is See You Again by 王俞文 from Class11.Let’s give him a big hand.11.Everyone may meet some trouble.When you are in trouble, don’t let it bother you.Just let it go.Next, the singer 吴苑新 from Class 4 will sing the song Let It Go for us.Let’s welcome.12.Do you believe god is a girl? Can you receive god is a girl? If the god is a girl, what do you think? Next, let’s welcome 杨星月 and 高果琴 of the Class 3 to sing the song God Is a Girl.Let’s welcome them.13.The song is so beautiful, let’s enjoy it again.Let’s welcome 马新月,折佳莉,白梓新 and 白梓汇 from Class 8 to sing the song again.God Is a Girl!Welcome.14.Edelweiss, edelweiss, small and white.It’s the flower of my heart.It’s clean and bright, it makes me happy and powerful.Let’s enjoy the song Edelweiss from Class 14.Welcome 张鑫 and 周雅茹 to sing the song for us.15.The next singer is very famous, her song Wish You Well(祝你平安),is popular with our parents.Do you know who she is?

Yes, she is 孙悦.But today 孙悦,the girl from Class 13, will sing the song Pretty Boy.Let’s give her a big hand.16.The last song is from Class One, they will sing a song for all our mates, our friends and our loves.Let’s welcome 全琛裕 and 赵梓旭.A: It’s a fine day today.B: It’s a wonderful day today.C: It’s a successful day today.D: We enjoyed lots of beautiful songs.We feel relaxed.E: We learned a lot today.And we will learn more from now.F: Let’s look forward to the next competition.Well,how exciting the contest is today!Thank you!3



Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and schoolmates(或classmates,视参赛人群而定), nice to see you here!(nice to see you here你要重读.)

This is the English Speaking Contest of our school, and thank you for coming.We've got22 contestants.They come from different classes and grades, and we can see their confidence and smile already, right? This is going to be an interesting and exciting competition!

Firstly, let's warmly welcome our headmaster ,Mr.to make remarks.(现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎符校长给我们讲话)

Okay, well, I'd like to introduce you the judges of this Contest。

Okay, since you've already known these, I think it time to begin!So let's get started!

There are many contests in this competition, Shaoxuan is a beautiful and brave girl,so let’s warmly thisBeautiful girl to introduce herself.1、Now.let's warmly welcome contestant No.1Shaoxuan , Her topic is Myself and contestant No.2 get

ready ,please.2、Friendship likes a bottle of wine,the longer it’s kept, the sweeter it will be ,now let Xing lili to share her Friendship with us.let's warmly welcome contestant Xing lili ,her topic is Friendship.and contestant No.3 ,get ready ,please.contestant No。1the last mark is ^

3、let's warmly welcome contestant No.3xxx.and contestant No.4 ,get ready ,please.4、let's warmly welcome contestant No.4xxx.and contestant No.5 ,get ready ,please.5、let's warmly welcome contestant No.5xxx.and contestant No.6,get ready ,please.6、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is a double show.Now let's warmly welcome contestants No.6and.and contestant No.7 ,get ready ,please.7、let's warmly welcome contestant No.7xxx.xxx and contestant No.8,get ready ,please.8、let's warmly welcome contestant No.8xxx.and contestant No.9,get ready ,please.9、let's warmly welcome contestant No.9.and contestant No.10 get ready ,please.10、let's warmly welcome the last contestant No.10and xxx get onto the stage and give us a performance.And after all the contestants finished their speeches, our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Now, we are taking a break.And we’ll start again in 10 minutes.After our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.1、First, I would like to announce the third winners:

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2、And then, the second winners:

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3、Ladies and gentlemen, now it’s coming to the most exciting moment!Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners: well,how exciting today the contest is!

But,now I have to say : That’s all,thank you!



A: Good morning, teachers and schoolmates!Nice to see you here!This is the first English Speech Contest of our school, and thank you for coming.Today we’re very happy to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you.This time we've got 22 contestants.They come from different classes and grades, and we can see their confidence and smile already, right? I think there is going to be an interesting and exciting competition!B: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好(合)!A: First of all, let's warmly welcome our headmaster ,Mr.Ding to make remarks for us.B:现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎丁校长给我们讲话。

A: Thanks very much!Now, let me introduce the rules of this competition.There are 2 parts in today’s competition.The first part is to introduce yourself.Then give a speech according to the topic that you chose.And you have to know, each of contestants only has 4 or 5 minutes.B: 现在我给大家介绍一下比赛规则。今天的演讲每位选手先做一分钟左右的自我介绍,然后根据既定的话题做四分钟左右的演讲。

A: Next, it’s time to begin our speech!So let's get started!Welcome contestant No.1XXX.Her topic is......and contestant No.2 get ready , please.B: 比赛即将开始,下面我们有请第一位选手上场。第二位选手请做好准备。

说明:以下的时间主持人不用说什么的,等到一位选手演讲完,就说他Thank you.然后说Let’s welcome contestant NO.XXX, and please next contestant get ready.选用:Friendship is like a bottle of wine, the longer it’s kept, the sweeter it will be.Now let’s share her Friendship with us.Let's warmly welcome contestant......, her topic is Friendship.and contestant No.3 ,get ready ,please.A: Ladies and gentlemen.For this afternoon party all the students have made careful preparations.So I’m sure all of us have already enjoyed so many excellent performances.We are ready, we are winners.How exciting today’s contest is!And we’re looking forward to the next English speech contest!But now I have to say to you: Today the English speech contest is end.That’s all.Thank you!”




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