Opening Remarks开场白:
谢吴:Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen。吴:Welcome to Shangluo Center school 谢:Welcome to English Blackboard Design & English Talent Show Competition.主持人自我介绍:
谢: First, let me introduce myself.I am 谢泽英。The English teacher of Shangluo Center school.吴: I am 吴秋沂, the teacher of Shangluo Center school too.上罗镇中心学校简介
谢:Shangluo Center school,located in Yuejin Street Shangluo town---The first shale gas town of China.吴:上罗镇中心学校位于有中国页岩天然气第一镇之称的上罗镇跃进街。
谢:There are 111 teachers、55 classes、2200 pupils in our school。吴:上罗镇中心学校有在职教师111名,55个班级,2200名学生。
谢:Shangluo town covers an area of 117.8 square kilometers。Here,have a pleasant climate, abundant rainfall, suitable for a wide range of crop growth。
谢:In Shangluo, have the hospitable people, so Welcome your coming sincerely.吴:上罗人民热情好客,在此,我代表上罗人民真诚的欢迎大家的光临!
谢:In order to further fulfill the curriculum concept which the country “English Curriculum Standard” initiates 吴:Comprehensively promote and demonstrate the primary school English teacher’s teaching skill and the overall quality of our county 谢: Promote the county-wide primary school English teacher to exchange and study mutually 吴: Impels the growth and the development of the county-wide primary school English major 谢、吴:Today we are here, 谢:Conducts “the first session of the Gong county primary school English teacher blackboard design and the talent show competition”.吴:Wish our teachers get a good result and show your own elegant demeanour in this competition.谢:为进一步践行国家《英语课程标准》倡导的课程理念,全面提升和展示我县小学英语教师教学技能和综合素质,促进全县小学英语教师相互交流与学习,推 动全县小学英语专业成长与发展。
吴:今天我们相聚在这里,举办 “首届珙县小学英语教师板书设计与才艺比赛活动”。
谢:Well, it’s the great honor for me to introduce 8 judges.The backbone teacher of Yibin,胡桂菊。The English group leader of Xiaoer school district,冷静。The English group leader of Luobiao school district,袁泽珍。The English group leader of Shangluo school district,徐燕。The English group leader and academic leader of Gongdi school district,余斌。The academic leader of Gong county and English group leader of Xunchang school district,周洁。The Director of the Resource Center Office, 唐旭宗。The researcher and group leader of Gong county Primary school English course, 陆祥刚。
吴:下面,我很荣幸地给大家介绍8位评为,他们是:市骨干教师胡贵菊;孝儿学区小学英语学科组长冷静;洛表学区小学英语学科组长袁泽珍;上罗学区小学英语学科组长徐燕;珙底学区首席教师,珙底学区小学英语学科组长余斌;珙县小学英语首席教师,巡场学区小学英语学科组长--周洁;珙县资源中心办公室主任唐旭宗;珙县小学英语考研员,珙县小学英语课程组组长陆祥刚。谢:We are very pleased to have the distinguished guests.Let’s give them a warm welcome.And welcome all of you!吴:我们非常荣幸地邀请到各位贵宾,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来,也欢迎所有同仁的光临!(掌声)谢:Now please have Mr Li , Principal of Shangluo Center school, Gong County to make the welcoming speech.吴:下面有请珙县上罗镇中心学校李长军校长致欢迎词。李校长致欢迎辞:
比赛开始: 谢:Thanks for Mr Li’s welcoming speech.In the next stage , we will watch English Blackboard Designs.吴:感谢李校长的致辞,接下来,我们将看到的是英语板书设计。
谢:Today 11 contestants will take part in this competition.They are from diffident schools in Gong County.吴:今天,一共有来自珙县不同学校的11名选手参加英语板书设计比赛 谢:First, Let’s welcome Contestant NO.1.许欣芸,from 巡场 NO.1 primary school, she will bring us the design of Module 1, Contestant NO.2林柯please get ready.吴:首先,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎来自巡场一小的一号选手许欣芸,她将给我们带来第一模块的板书设计,请2号选手林柯做好准备。
吴:Thank you for许欣芸’s wonderful performance.Now, let’s welcome Contestant No.2 林柯,from 仁义 center school, she’ll bring us the design of Module2 unit1 London is a big city.Contestant NO.3 尹光翠please get ready.(请3号选手做好准备)
谢:Thank you for林柯’s wonderful performance.Now, let’s welcome Contestant No.3,尹光翠, from珙泉 center school, she’ll bring us the design of Module3 unit1 Robots will do everything.Contestant NO.4胡玲please get ready.谢:OK, now let’s have a rest to enjoy “the big break ”in our school 吴:现在请老师们休息一下,到室外欣赏我校的大课间
吴:Fellow leaders, experts, teachers and friends, now let’s continue our Competition.谢:尊敬的各位领导,专家,老师们,现在我们继续比赛
吴:The next contestant is No.4.胡玲, from Didong NO.3 primary school, she’ll bring us the design of Module4 unit1 Will you take your kite?.Welcome!Contestant NO.5孙静please get ready.谢:接下来这位是来自底洞三小的4号选手胡玲,他将给我们带来Module4 unit1。让我们掌声欢迎!请5号选手孙静做好准备。谢:Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 1许欣芸 is________
Contestant NO.2林
柯is ___________,the score of Contestant No.3尹光翠is ______ Let‘s welcome contestant No.5孙静,from Xialuo NO.1 primary school.she’ll bring us the design of Module4 unit2 Will it be hot in Haikou? Contestant NO.6 喻洁please get ready.吴:Wonderful, right? Let’s welcome contestant No.6.喻 洁, from 米市街primary school, she’ll bring us the design of Module5 unit1 I was two then.Contestant NO.7王琼please get ready.谢:Thank you for喻洁’s wonderful performance.Let’s welcome contestant No.7.王琼, from上罗center school, she’ll bring us the design of Module6 unit1 Were you at home yesterday? Contestant NO.8王小芳please get ready.吴:Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 4 胡玲is________
Contestant NO.5孙静is ___________,the score of Contestant No.6喻 洁is ______ Let‘s welcome contestant No.8.王小芳,from 洛表 No.3 primary school, she’ll bring us the design of Module7 unit1I helped Mum.Contestant NO.9彭燕please get ready.谢:And next.Let’s welcome contestant No.9.彭燕, from 王家 center school, she’ll bring us the design of Module8 unit1They sang beautifully.Contestant NO.10徐燕please get ready.吴:Thank you for your wonderful performance.Let’s welcome contestant No.10.徐燕, from 曹营 center school, she’ll bring us the design of Module9 unit1Did he live in New York? Contestant NO.11严应秋please get ready.谢:Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 7王琼is________
Contestant NO.8王小芳is ___________,the score of Contestant No.9彭燕is ______ Let‘s welcome the last contestant No.11.严应秋from 沐滩No.1 primary school, she’ll bring us the design of Module10 unit1Did you fall off your
谢:Thanks the last contestant’s wonderful performance.You really did a good job.Now I would like to announce the score.Contestant No 10徐
燕is________ , 吴:ContestantNo.11严应秋is ______, 谢吴:Congratulations!
谢:The English Blackboard Designs is over,let’s have a rest!
吴: We will have the English Talent Show at 3o’clock in the afternoon。谢:今天上午的板书设计比赛到此结束,我们将在下午3点进行英语才艺展示比赛,请大家准时到场。(就餐)
谢:Good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back!
吴:In this afternoon, we will have the English Talent Show Competition.谢:今天下午我们将进行英语才艺展示
吴:There are 6 contestants or teams.They will show off their skills in singing, dance and English plays.谢: 这次才艺比赛共有6个参赛节目,有唱歌、跳舞以及戏剧表演。在正式比赛之前,我们先欣赏一个由洛亥中心校带来的特邀节目“童话剧(狼来了)The wolf is coming”,掌声有请!
谢:Thank you for your wonderful performance。My friends, it’s time for our players to give their performance.吴:接下来我们正式进入英语才艺比赛。
谢: Now, Let‘s welcome the No.1show,From 洛表school district, they will play a modern drama “The weather” for us.NO.2 show please get ready.吴:下面我们一起来观看由洛表学区带来的一号参赛节目“The weather”,表演者:王小芳 龚定勇老师,请2号节目孙静老师做好准备。
吴: Wonderful, right? Let‘s welcome NO.2 show.From 上罗school district。She will bring us “The Forest Concert”.NO.3 show please get ready.谢:有请上罗学区孙静老师带来的森林集会,请孝儿学区的3号节目做好准备。
谢: And next.Let’s welcome NO.3 show“ Tooth extraction”.NO.4 show please get ready.吴:接下来,有请孝儿学区李晓娟、张建老师带来的3号节目《拔牙》,请巡场学区 的4号节目做好准备。
吴:Thank you for your wonderful performance,Now, let’s welcome NO.4 show“The necklace”.Welcome!NO.5 show please get ready.谢:感谢老师们带来的精彩表演,现在有请巡场学区带来的4号节目《项链》,表演者:郑杰、梁虹、闵婕、许欣芸、叶敏老师。请上罗学区的5号节目做好准备。吴: Now I would like to announce the score of shows。No 1 is________ NO.2 is ___________,the score of No.3 is ______ 吴: 下面是由我们学校额几名老师和孩子们带来的5号节目“sweet candies”,请珙底学区的6号节目做好准备。
吴:Let‘s welcome the last show,No.6.from 珙底school district。吴:让我们欢迎今天的最后一个才艺节目,他们是来自珙底学区的«冰雪奇缘»动画配音歌伴舞,表演者:童露、陈惠、周琳和刘学老师。谢: OK!Just wait a moment。Now I would like to announce the score of shows。No 4 is________ NO.5 is ___________,the score of No.6 is ______
谢:Next Let’s welcome the judges to give us some comments on our contestants’ performance.吴:下面有请我们尊敬的评委给参赛者进行点评。谢:First,let’s welcome Ms zhou。吴:首先欢迎周校长对板书设计进行点评。谢:Now,it’s Ms yu‘s turn,welcome。
吴:现在让我们用热烈的掌声有请余斌老师对才艺展示进行点评。谢:At last,let’s welcome Mr lu。
吴:下面有请陆祥刚老师对本次活动做总结点评。Thank you for your wonderful comments.吴:感谢评委们的精彩点评。
谢:Well, thank you all the contestants.Thank you for your excellent performance。
吴:感谢所有的参赛选手,谢谢你们的精彩表演。谢:Now,Let’s welcome Mr Zhou,the Bureau Education of Gongcounty to made a speech。吴:下面让我们以热烈的掌声有请珙县教育与文化广电局副局长周玉东周局长讲话!
吴:Thank for Mr Zhou‘s speech!
吴:Let me announce the list of third prize_________________(三等奖名单).Congratulations.谢:三等奖的获奖者有:——让我们以热烈的掌声表示祝贺!
谢:Allow me to announce the list of second prize _________________(二等奖名单)Congratulations.吴:请允许我宣布二等奖名单,他们是:让我们以热烈的掌声表示祝贺!吴: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky persons are________.Congratulations!谢:谁将是最后的一等奖得主呢?他们是——
谢:Let’s welcome _______to award prize for these winners.Thank you ______ 吴:请——为获奖者颁奖。
谢: Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor!吴:让我们以热烈的掌声再次对获奖选手表示祝贺!
谢: Ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers , our English Competition is ending.Once again thank you for your coming.吴:尊敬的老师们,我们的比赛到此结束,再次感谢你们的光临。
谢:At this time I wish you all the best of luck.吴:最后祝大家好运!欢迎大家以后常来上罗镇中心学校。谢:请大家在回去的路上注意安全,祝大家一路平安。
A and B:Good afternoon, dear teachers and students.Wellcome to the second Guanhua school talent match.A:I’m…
B:I’m Zhong Xinting.A:English is an important language in our life , and in Guanhua school, there are many good English learners,who have great gifts.B:Who are they?
A:They are the players from different classes.B:Let’s welcome.A:The first player(s)is(are)…from Class… Grade…
B:Welcome.A:Thank you for your show.The second play(s)is(are)..B:Welcome.…
A:Thank you ,all the players , you are so wonderful.Today’s match is a good success.Studying English is of great fun,and it can help us a lot.We like English, that’s all for today’s match,thank you!
Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hainan English Talent Show Competition.Today _______ contestants or teams will take part in this competition.They are from _______ classes.They will show off their skills in singing, English small Chorus, speeches and English plays.Well, it’s great honor for us to have 6 judges.They are_________.We are very glad to have the distinguished guests from Shaoxin.Let’s give them a warm welcome.And welcome all of you!
Your attention, please.The judges will give scores on the spot.After 2 contestants finish the show, the score will be announced together.过程中:
Let’s welcome Contestant NO.1.Contestant NO.2, please get ready.加一些串词:(A beautiful voice, a meaningful show, a moving story)Thank the last contestant’s wonderful performance.You really did a good job.Next Let’s welcome the judges to give us some comments on our contestants’ performance.Thank you for your wonderful comments.颁奖部分:
A:Let me announce the list of third prize_________________(三等奖名单).Each recipient will be presented with a certificate.Congratulations.B:Let’s welcome Mr.Chen to present the awards to therecipients.Thank you Mr.Chen.A:Allow me to announce the list of second prize _________________(二等奖名单)Congratulations.B:Let’s welcome Mrs Yin.to award prize for these winners.Thank you Mrs.Yin.A: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky persons are________.Congratulations!
B:Let’s welcome Mr s Xu to present the awards to therecipients.Thank you.A: Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor!Today is your day,you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.X: Ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers,my fellow students,our English Competition is ending.Once again thank you for your coming, At this time I would like to close the ceremony by saying that I and wish you all the best of luck.
Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Talent Show Competition.(All)
First, let me introduce myself.I am 何诗琪 I am 严天烯.I am(莫茵怡).I am(潘远杭)Good evening!(All)
1.Today 18 contestants or teams will take part in this competition.They are from diffident classes in junior high school.They will show off their skills in singing, speeches and English plays.(何诗琪)
2.Well, it‟s great honor for us to have 6 judges.They are_______.We are very glad to have the distinguished guests.Let‟s give them a warm welcome.And welcome all of you!(严天烯)
3.Your attention, please.The judges will give scores on the spot.After 2 contestants finish the show, the score will be announced together.(莫茵怡)
4.My friends, it‟s time for our players to give their performance.(潘远杭)
1.Let‟s welcome Contestant NO.1.莫斯涛,from class 3 , grade 8, he will bring us a song – “summer train”.Contestant NO.2 please get ready.(何诗琪)
2.Thank you for the beautiful song.Now, let‟s welcome Contestant No.2,李海锋,卢戬,蔡洪洺,覃楚轩.They will also bring us a song-“Take me to your heart”.Contestant NO.3 please get ready.(严天烯)3.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 1 is________Let‟s give big hands for Contestant No.3, from class 2, grade 7.They will bring us a short play.Contestant NO.4 please get ready.(何诗琪)
4.Thank you for your performance.Let„s welcome contestant No.4.From class 3, grade 7, she will sing a song “Drenched” for us.Contestant NO.5 please get ready.(莫茵怡)
5.Wonderful, right? Let„s welcome contestant No.5.From class 3, grade 8, they will sing a song,”Heart beats”.Contestant NO.6 please get ready.(潘远杭)
6.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 2 is________Contestant NO.3 is ___________,the score of Contestant No.4 is ______Let„s welcome contestant No.6.Contestant NO.7 please get ready.(严天烯)
7.And next.Let‟s welcome Contestant NO.7 Contestant NO.8 please get ready.(莫茵怡)
8.Thank you for the beautiful song.Now, let‟s welcome Contestants No.8,these two girls will sing abeautiful song :“God is a god”.Welcome!Contestant NO.9 please get ready.(潘远杭)
you for your wonderful performance.ContestantNo.6 is ______ Contestant No.7is ______Now, let‟s welcome Contestants No.9.Contestant NO.10 please get ready.(何诗琪)
All: Wow, now it is game time!!(猜谜语)
10.It is great.Now, the contestants 10 from class 3, grade 8, Let„s give them a warm welcome Contestant NO.11 please get ready..(莫茵怡)
11.Thank you.Let„s welcome contestant No.11.From class 1, grade 7, they will put on a play “three little pigs” for us.Contestant NO.12 please get ready.(潘远杭)
12.Thank you for your wonderful performance.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 8 is ________ , ContestantNo.9 is ______, ContestantNo.10 is ______Now, let‟s welcome Contestants No.12 Contestant NO.13 please get ready.(严天烯)
13.Thank you.Now it‟s time for ContestantNo.13.Contestant NO.14 please get ready.(何诗琪)
14.Thank you.Let„s welcome contestant No.14.From class 2, grade 7, Contestants NO.15 please get ready.(莫茵怡)
you for the beautiful song.ContestantNo.12 is ______, ContestantNo.13 is ______, Now, let‟s welcome Contestant No.15 From class 3, grade 8.Contestant NO.17 please get ready.(何诗琪)
16.Great!Now, the contestant No.16 from class 1, grade 8 will give us a performance.Let„s give them a warm welcome.Contestant NO.17 please get ready.(潘远杭)
17.Great!Now, the contestant No.17 from class 3, grade 7 will give us a performance.Let„s give her a warm welcome.Contestant NO.18 please get ready.(莫茵怡)
18.Thank you for the beautiful song.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , ContestantNo.15 is ______, ContestantNo.16 is ______ ContestantNo.13 is ______, Now, let‟s welcome Contestant No.18 From class 4, grade7.(严天烯)
19.Thank the last contestant‟s wonderful performance.You really did a good job.I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , ContestantNo.15 is ______, ContestantNo.16 is ______ ContestantNo.13 is ______,Next Let‟s welcome the judges to give us some comments on our contestants‟ performance.Thank you for your wonderful comments.(何诗琪)
20.I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 16 is________, ContestantNo.17 is ______, and ContestantNo.18 is ______(严天烯)
21.Let‟s play a game.(绕口令)(all)
22.Well, thank you all the contestants.Thank you for your excellent performance.Let‟s enjoy the song“Auld Lang Syne”(潘远杭)
A:Let me announce the list of third prize_________________(三等奖名单).Each recipient will be presented with a certificate.Congratulations.中文译一次大意:
B:Let’s welcome ________ to present the awards to therecipients.Thank you Mr.Chen.(莫茵怡)
A:Allow me to announce the list of second prize _________________(二等奖名单)Congratulations.B:Let’s welcome _______to award prize for these winners.Thank you ______(严天烯)
A: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky persons are________.Congratulations!
B:Let’s welcome ______ to present the awards to the recipients.Thank you.(何诗琪)
A: Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor!Today is your day,you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.(潘远杭)
X: Ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers ,my fellow students,our English Competition is ending.Once again thank you for your coming.(何诗琪)At this time I would like to close the ceremony by saying that and I wish you all the best of luck.(严天烯)
Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Talent Show Competition.(All)
First, let me introduce ourselves.I am S1…… I am S2…….I am T1…….I am T2…….Good evening!(All)
1.Today 15 contestants or teams will take part in this competition.They are from different grades of our school.They will show off their skills in singing, speeches and English plays.(T1,S1)
2.Well, we are very glad to have the distinguished guests, our vips: Principle Liu, vice-principle xx and Director xx….It’s also a great honor for us to have 6 judges.They are Miss Zhang, Miss Chen, Mr.Yang ,Mr.Xie and our foreign teachers: Nelson and Mike.Let’s give them a warm welcome.And welcome all of you!(T2.S2)
3.Now, your attention, please!The judges will give scores on the spot.After 2 contestants finish the show, the score will be announced together.(T1,S1)
1.Let’s welcome Contestant NO.1.from Primary school, they will bring us the well-known play – “little red cap”.Contestant NO.2 please get ready.(T2,S2)
2.Thank you for the good performance.Now comes Contestant No.2 from Primary school,.They will also bring us a play-“three little pigs”.Contestant NO.3 please be ready.(T1,S1)
3.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 1 ,it
is________Let’s give big hands for Contestant No.3, from class 3, grade
7.They will show us a play-“the little match girl”.Contestant NO.4 please get ready.(t2, s2)
4.Thanks for your forgettable performance.Let’s welcome contestant No.4.from class 2,3,4 and 5 ,Senior One, they will offer us “the voice of senior”.Contestant NO.5 please prepare.(t1,s1)
5.It’ amazing!What a show!Following iscontestant No.5.From class 6, senior one, they will sing a song “Auld lang syne[,ɔ:ldlæŋ'sain]”.Contestant NO.6 please get prepared.(t2,s2)
6.Now please allow me to declare
the score of Contestant No 2 is________, Contestant NO.3 is ___________,the score of Contestant No.4 is ______
Let’s welcome contestant No.6 from class 2 grade 7, a recitation called “Proud of You”.Contestant NO.7 please be ready.(t1,s1)
7.Look, Contestant NO.7 from class 19 junior one is on the way , he will show us a song called “ One Voice”.Contestant NO.8 please be prepared.(t2,s2)
8.Wonderful song!Now, let’s welcome Contestant No.8,from class 12
junior two, a song called “someone like you”.Welcome!Contestant NO.9 please get prepared.(t1,s1)
9.Brilliant performance, isn’t it!.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 5 is ________ , Contestant No.6 is ______ Contestant No.7 is ______.Now, it’s turn to Contestant No.9.from class 18 junior two , a dancing and singing show called “If I would be a boy”.Contestant NO.10 please be prepared.(t2,s2)
10.How great!Now, the contestant NO.10 from class 11, grade 8, they will show us the film: Finding Nemo.《海底总动员》
Let’s give them a warm welcome.Contestant NO.11 please get ready..(t1,s1)
11.Thank you.Let’s welcome contestant No.11.From class 1, senior one, they will put on a fashion show for us!My friends,are you ready? Contestant NO.12 please get ready.(t2,s2)
12.Fantastic!Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 8is ________ , ContestantNo.9 is ______, ContestantNo.10 is ______Now comes the show of Contestant No.12, from class 5and 6 junior two, a play called “ The Frog King”.Contestant NO.13 please get ready.(t1,s1)
13.Thank you.Now it’s time for Contestant No.13 from class 18 junior one, a solo called “ Big Big World”.Contestant NO.14 please get ready.(t2,s2)
14.Wonderful, right? Let’s welcome contestant No.14.From class 7 and 8, grade 7, they will show us a live film, called “The Croods”.The last Contestant NO.15 please get ready.(t1,s1)
15.Thank you for your beautiful imitation.Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 11 is________ , ContestantNo.12 is ______, ContestantNo.13 is ______.“ The boys” , are you ready ? Let me hear you!Come on, it’s your time!(t2,s2)
16.It’s crazy, I am crazy!Well done!Thank you very much!
My friends, here, with us,are two special teachers : Nelson and Mike, come on , let them know we need them!
Now, let’s welcome our respectable leader: XX to give us some comments on our SHOW.Thank you for your encouraging words.(t1,s1)
20.Now, I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , ContestantNo.15 is ______.(t2,s2)
A: Now is the time to let you know the result!Who will be your favorite ?Any niose!……The third prize goes to:(t1,s1)B:Let’s welcome ________ to present the awards to thewinners.Thank youvery much.(t1,s1)
Now comes to the second prize, they are: ……
B:Let’s welcome _______to award prizes for these winners.……, thanks a lot!(t2,s2)
A: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? ……Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky person goes to________.Congratulations!(t1,s1)
B:Let’s welcome our captain:to present the awards to our favorite, to our superstars!Thank you.(t1,s1)
A: Once again, Congratulations!Today is your day, you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.(T2,S2)
X: Ladies and gentlemen, our honorable teachers ,our fellow students,the English Competition is ending.Thank you for your coming.At this time I would like to close the ceremony by saying that I wish you all the best of luck.Thank you, goodby!(ALL)