
时间:2019-05-14 18:38:13下载本文作者:会员上传


WASHINGTON — U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry addresses the World Economic Forum in Switzerland on Friday.Some 30 heads of state, including Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, are among 2,500 participants attending the annual meeting of world leaders.Iran, Syria and the global economy top the agenda this year.Zlatica Hoke reports.Kerry arrived in Davos on Thursday after a peace conference on Syria in Montreux, Switzerland.In an interview with Al-Arabiya, he rebuked Iran for its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.“Iran understands that the Geneva 1 communiqué calls for a transition government with full executive authority by mutual consent.Iran could have come to Geneva but they refused to embrace that standard,” said Kerry.Kerry's remarks came hours after the Iranian president sought to attract foreign investors for his sanctions-hit country.Rouhani said his government has made major steps to improve relations with the West.“Engagement between Iran and the United States also entered a new phase during the past month, and for the first time politicians from both countries have negotiated, exchanged views and have made decisions to resolve differences in relation to the nuclear issue.This is a major development since Iran's Islamic Revolution,” said Rouhani.Rouhani also said that Iran has the right to build nuclear power, which he said was strictly for peaceful purposes.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promptly questioned Iran's claims.“They say they oppose nuclear weapons.Why do they insist on maintaining the ballistic missiles and the plutonium and the advanced centrifuges that are only used for the production of nuclear weapons? So, it sounds good, I wish it was real.It isn't real.I think the world has a mission to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, or from manufacturing nuclear weapons,” said Netanyahu.Israel is pushing for more sanctions against Tehran, a move that Washington has halted for the time being.Kerry offered assurances to U.S.allies in the region that the United States will never allow Iran to build nuclear weapons.“'They have to have inspections every day of [Iran's nuclear facility] Fordow.They have to have inspections every day in Natanz.We didn't have that before we made this agreement.Now yes, okay, if they broke out and decided they're going to throw this agreement away and go start enrichment again, sure they can turn around.But guess what? If they do that, then the military option that is available to the United States is ready and prepared to do what it would have to do,“ said Kerry.U.S.Treasury Secretary Jack Lew also defended the U.S.decision on Iran.”Each year the impact of the sanctions that go into effect is far greater than the one-time relief that was in the joint plan.And I've been very clear with businesses, both in the United States and internationally, that they should be very clear-headed as they think about going and doing business in Iran now because the sanctions regime has not been removed," said Lew.Lew also pointed out that the oil and financial sanctions on Tehran should remain in place and that Washington will continue to enforce and monitor them for any violations.




日期: 2011-04-24


We need to understand there is no one formula for how women should lead our lifes.That is why we must respect the choices that each women makes for herself and her family.Every woman desevers the chance to realise her own God-given potential.But we must recognize that women will never gain full dignity until their human rights are respected and protected.我们必须认识到,对于女性应该如何引领生活并没有定式。这就是为什么我们必须尊重每位女性为其自身和家庭所作出的选择的原因。每位女性都应有机会认识到她自己的天赐潜能。但我们必须认识到,只有女性的人权得到尊重和保护,她们才会得到完整的尊严。

Women also have a crucial role to play in establishing peace worldwide.In regions torn apart by war, it is often the women who find ways to reach across differences and discover common ground as mothers, caretakers, and grassroots advocates.When women are afforded their basic rights, they flourish.And so do their children, families, communities, and nations.在建设和平世界的过程中,女性也扮演着重要角色。在那些被战争分裂的地区,女性通常以母亲,看管者和基层倡导者的身份寻找到跨越差异并发现共同点的办法。如果赋予了女性基本的权利,那么她们就会活跃起来,而她们的孩子、家庭、社区和国家也会兴旺起来!

The status of the world's women is not only a matter of morality and justice.It is also a political, economic, and social imperative.Put simply, the world cannot make lasting progress if women and girls in the 21st century are denied their rights and left behind.世界妇女的地位不只是道德和公正的事情,而是一件关乎政治,经济和社会的极其必要的事情。简言之,如果不给予21世纪妇女和女孩权利或将她们弃而不顾,那么世界不能持续进步。

And as the United Nations strives to better support the world's women, it would benefit from having more women in more of its leadership positions.Just as there are talented women working unnoticed in every corner of the world, there are women with great talent and experience whose potential leadership is still largely untapped, and they deserve the chance to serve and lead.联合国一直力求给世界妇女更好的支持,它也将因更多妇女担任领导职务而从中受益。正像有些天资聪颖的妇女默默无闻的在世界每个角落工作着一样,有些极具智慧且经验丰富的妇女,其大部分领导才能没有得到发挥,她们应得到任职和领导的机会。



Remarks at East Asia Summit Ministerial Meeting 在东亚峰会部长级会议上的讲话 John Kerry, Secretary of State 美国国务卿 约翰·克里

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei 文莱 斯里巴加湾 July 2, 2013 2013年7月2日

I am very pleased to represent, for the first time as Secretary of State, the United States at this East Asia Summit Ministerial.Allow me to express my appreciation to His Majesty, the Sultan, and the entire nation of Brunei for their warm hospitality.President Obama looks forward to traveling here in October to attend the EAS Leaders Summit.我非常高兴第一次以国务卿身份代表美国出席东亚峰会部长级会议。请允许我对苏丹陛下和文莱全体人民的热情款待表示感谢。欧巴马总统期待10月份来文莱访问,出席东亚峰会领导人峰会。

The Asia-Pacific region is enjoying an almost unparalleled period of peace, prosperity, and stability.亚太地区正处于一个几乎无可比拟的和平、繁荣与稳定时期。This region has increasingly become the envy of the rest of the world.这一地区越来越受到世界其他地区的羡慕。

The key to sustaining and advancing this success has been our common efforts to establish norms and institutions that encourage greater cooperation and resolve disputes when they arise – and to do so in a manner that respects the rights of the people.As a Pacific nation, the United States has an enduring interest in maintaining peace andprosperity across this entire region.维持和推进这一成功的关键是,我们一直共同努力,建立鼓励扩大合作和解决纠纷的规范制度——而且我们在以尊重人民权利的方式这样做。作为一个太平洋国家,维护整个亚太地区的和平与繁荣始终是美国持久的利益所在。

The United States firmly believes that regional institutions such as the EAS should play a lead role in shaping the future of the Asia-Pacific.We support the East Asia Summit as the region’s primary institution for political and strategic issues.美国坚定地认为,诸如东亚峰会等区域性机制应该在塑造亚太地区未来的过程中发挥主导作用。我们支持东亚峰会作为处理亚太地区政治和战略议题的主要机制。

The East Asia Summit, like any institution, is most effective when it produces concrete results for the people of the region.So today I’d like to talk about four of the key pressing challenges facing the region today where we need to produce results: on maritime security, disaster relief, nonproliferation, and our moral responsibility to address climate change.东亚峰会和任何机制一样,在为本地区人民带来具体成果时最有效。因此今天,我想谈谈要在这一地区取得成果所面临的四项关键的紧迫挑战:海上安全、救灾、不扩散以及我们应对气候变化的道德责任。

And though we discussed the South China Sea earlier today, I’d like to restate my concern over the increase over the past year in maritime incidents and tensions in disputed waters.虽然我们在今天早些时候讨论了南中国海问题,但我想重申我对过去一年中在有争议的水域的海上事件增多和紧张局势加剧的担忧。

We all have a vital interest in the peaceful management of maritime disputes, and we believe the EAS can serve a key role in setting and enforcing norms and rules that will ensure we are working collectively to protect the regional peace and stability that our economic future depends on.我们大家对和平处理海洋争端都有着切身利益,我们认为东亚峰会在建立和执行规范和规则方面能起到关键作用,这些规范规则将确保我们通过共同努力来保护为我们的经济未来所依赖的地区和平与稳定。American has long been committed to easing the challenges, the personal suffering caused by disasters and to help facilitate recovery.However, effective international coordination is vital when natural disasters strike.Promoting the exchange of expertise and removing barriers to the deployment of supplies and first responders saves lives.That calls for coordinated mechanisms to ensure that this goodwill can be translated quickly into practical assistance on the ground.美国人长期以来致力于缓解这些问题,减轻灾害造成的人身痛苦,以及帮助促进灾后恢复。然而,当自然灾害降临时,有效的国际协作至关重要。促进专长经验交流并消除调配物资和应急人员的障碍可以挽救生命。这要求形成协调机制来确保这种善意可以迅速转化为给当地的切实援助。

Third, let me say a word about non-proliferation.As President Obama reaffirmed last month in Berlin, peace with justice means pursuing the security of a world without nuclear weapons.The United States remains committed to that goal, and will work with our partners to reduce the number of nuclear weapons.We will also work toward a new international framework for peaceful nuclear power, and work to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.第三,让我简要谈谈不扩散。欧巴马总统上个月在柏林重申,公正的和平意味着争取实现一个没有核武器的安全世界。美国继续致力于这一目标,并将同我们的合作伙伴一道,削减核武器的数量。我们还将努力促成一个新的和平利用核能的国际框架,并且致力于使《全面禁止核试验条约》得到批准。

In no uncertain terms, we also reject North Korea’s and Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and will work to enforce the international nonproliferation system.我们也明确抵制北韩和伊朗谋求核武器,并将努力贯彻国际不扩散制度。

We recognize that many of you are making very serious efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and promote peaceful use of nuclear energy, and we hope that all EAS members will fully embrace the available tools in the fight against proliferation – including endorsing PSI principles and bringing into force the Additional Protocol to your IAEA Safeguards Agreement.我们认识到你们许多人正在非常认真地为防止核武器扩散及促进和平利用核能而努力,我们希望所有东亚峰会成员国将全力拥护防止核武器扩散的现有措施——包括同意“防扩散安全倡议”的原则,并落实你们的《国际原子能机构保障协定》附加议定书。


Remarks at the Opening Session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

by U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

May 9, 2011

Sidney R.Yates Auditorium

Department of the Interior

Washington, D.C.在第三轮美中战略与经济对话会议上的开幕词




Good morning.It is such an honor to host Vice Premier Wang, State Councilor Dai, and the entire Chinese delegation on behalf of Secretary Geithner and myself.I am very pleased that we are joined by so many officials and experts from throughout both the United States Government and the Government of China, and we are delighted that we will shortly be joined by Vice President Biden, and I know President Obama is looking forward to meeting with the leadership of our two governmental teams later today.早上好。我十分荣幸地代表盖特纳部长和我本人在这里接待王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员以及中国代表团全体成员。我为有如此众多来自美国政府和中国政府各部门的官员和专家与会感到高兴,我们也很高兴拜登副总统一会儿将来到这里。我知道奥巴马总统期待着今天晚些时候与两国政府代表团的领导人见面。

The Strategic and Economic Dialogue is the premier forum in a bilateral relationship that is as important and complex as any in the world.Since we first gathered in Washington back in 2009, the depth and breadth of our discussions and the participation across our two governments have grown significantly.美中战略与经济对话是处理世界上最重要、最复杂的双边关系的主要论坛。自我们2009年在华盛顿举行首次对话以来,双方讨论的深度与广度以及两国政府各部门的参与度都大大地扩展了。

Now more than ever, with two years of Dialogues behind us, success depends on our ability to translate good words into concrete actions on the issues that matter most to our people.So as we begin this third round, we will keep that goal in clear focus.在经历了两年的对话之后,在对两国人民最重要的问题上,我们能否取得成功比过去任何时候都更加取决于我们是否能够把良好的承诺转化为具体的行动。因此,在开始进行第三轮对话之时,我们将十分明确地注重这一目标。

Our work really begins with our commitment to better understanding one another, to building trust between each other, and to working to avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation.We all know that fears and misperceptions linger on both sides of the Pacific.I will be very open about that.Some in our country see China’s progress as a threat to the United States.Some in China worry that America seeks to constrain China’s growth.We reject both those views.We both have much more to gain from cooperation than from conflict.The fact is that a thriving America is good for China and a thriving China is good for America.But to work together, we need to be able to understand each other’s intentions and interests.And we must demystify long-term plans and aspirations.双方应以致力于更好地相互理解、建立互信及努力避免误解和误判作为我们工作的开端。我们大家都知道,太平洋两岸仍然存在一些恐惧和误解。对此我可以十分坦率地表明态度。我们国家有些人将中国的发展视作对美国的威胁。中国有些人担心美国寻求遏制中国的发展。这两种观点我们都不能接受。合作——而不是冲突——将为我们两国带来更多利益。事实是,一个繁荣的美国有利于中国,一个繁荣的中国也有利于美国。但要进行合作,我们就必须了解彼此的意图和利益。我们必须让我们的长期计划和追求的目标透明化。

We are also working to build greater understanding and trust between our citizens and to foster stronger ties between our students, our businesses, and our communities, expanding on the consultations that were held here in Washington last month.我们也正在努力加深两国公民之间的理解和信任,促进学生、企业和社区之间的联系,扩大上个月我们在华盛顿进行的磋商。

China and the United States face a wide range of common regional and global challenges.How our two countries work together to meet those challenges will help define the trajectory, not only of our relationship going forward, but the future peace, prosperity, and progress of the world.Whether it’s the global financial crisis, or the upheaval in the Middle East, recent history has underscored the link between our economies and global security and stability.And that intersection is at the heart of our dialogue.So we will be discussing the need to work together to rebalance the global economy and assure strong, sustained future growth.中国和美国面临着广泛的全球性和地区性共同挑战。我们两国如何共同应对这些挑战将有助于确定我们未来的关系以及世界未来的和平、繁荣和进步走向。无论是全球金融危机还是中


There are some very important international security issues we will be discussing.As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States and China came together to enact tough sanctions on Iran, and now we are working to implement them.Our two countries share a vital interest in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and that includes the complete denuclearization of the peninsula.So we continue to urge North Korea to take concrete actions to improve relations with South Korea and to refrain from further provocations, and we want to see North Korea take irreversible steps to fulfill its international obligations toward denuclearization.我们将讨论一些非常重要的国际安全问题。美国和中国作为联合国安理会常任理事国,协力通过了对伊朗的严厉制裁,现在我们正在努力落实这些制裁。我们两国在维护朝鲜半岛的和平与稳定上有着共同的重要利益,这包括该半岛的彻底无核化。因此,我们继续敦促北韩采取具体行动改善与韩国的关系并停止进一步挑衅,我们希望看到北韩采取不可逆转的步骤履行其无核化的国际义务。

Now, like any two great nations – in fact, I would argue like any two people – we have our differences.And like friends, we discuss those differences honestly and forthrightly.We will be continuing the discussion of the recent U.S.-China Human Rights Dialogue just held in Beijing.We have made very clear, publicly and privately, our concern about human rights.We worry about the impact on our domestic politics and on the politics and the stability in China and the region.And we know over the long arch of history that societies that work toward respecting human rights are going to be more prosperous, stable, and successful.That has certainly been proven time and time again, but most particularly in the last months.猪八戒威客网站,中国目前最大的威客网站。湖北有超过35万人在上面出售智慧赚外快。你还在犹豫什么呢!如果你觉得这网站不错,那就推荐给你所有的朋友!


So this dialogue offers us a forum to have these candid discussions while continuing to focus on where we are going to cooperate effectively.As my friend State Councilor Dai knows, I am fond

of finding Chinese sayings and proverbs, and I used one that has, for me, been the real inspiration for our participation back in 2009, that China and the United States are like people in the same boat, and we have to row in the same direction to get anywhere.Well, there’s also wise Chinese expression that says, “When confronted by mountains, one finds a way through.When blocked by a river, one finds a way to bridge to the other side.”Well, we are here to keep building those bridges, and we are not doing this alone.We are part of a web of institutions and relationships across the Asia Pacific and the world.因此,在继续侧重于我们将进行有效合作的领域的同时,这次对话也给我们提供了一个进行此类坦率讨论的论坛。正如我的朋友、戴国务委员所知,我热衷于搜集中国的成语和谚语,我曾经使用过其中一个,对我来说,自2009年以来,那个成语对于我们的参与一直是一种真正的激励;它把美国和中国比作在同一条船上的人,我们必须齐心合力往一个方向划才能前进。这里,我还要引用一句中国格言:“逢山开道,遇水造桥”。现在,我们在此会谈,就是为了继续建造这类桥梁,我们并不是在孤军奋战,我们是一个横跨亚太地区乃至全世界的由各种机构和关系组成的网络的一部分。


The United States is practicing what we call forward deployed diplomacy.We’re expanding our presence in people, programs, and high-level engagement.We’ve renewed our bonds with our allies.We broaden our involvement with multilateral institutions.And the first time ever this year, President Obama will participate in the East Asia Summit.So we have a lot of work ahead of us, both bilaterally and regionally and globally, and we have a lot to cover in a short time.美国正在实施我们称为“前沿部署外交”的方针,我们正在人员、项目和高级别交往等方面扩大我们的存在;我们重新加强了我们与盟友的纽带;我们扩大了我们在多边机构中的参与;今年,也是有史以来第一次,奥巴马总统将出席东亚峰会。因此,我们往后有许多工作要做,包括双边、多边和全球性议程;而且,我们必须在短暂的时间内完成大量工作。

So again, I am delighted to welcome all of you here to express my confidence in this relationship and in the importance of this dialogue.因此,我再一次十分高兴地欢迎各位光临,表达我对于这一关系的信心和对于本对话的重要意义的认识。



Well, thank you very much.It is a great privilege forme to be here with Vice Premier Yandong.Thank youvery much for being here.And also, State CouncilorYang.Thank you, State Councilor, for your verypowerful statement a moment ago underscoring theimportance of what we are trying to achieve here,underscoring the strong commitment of China tocombating wildlife trafficking, and particularlyenforcing ivory trade controls.Wildlife traffickingdoes not exist in a vacuum.It is connected withmany of the other 21st century challenges that weface, including terrorism.And it demands a common response.非常感谢。与延东副总理一起在这里令我十分荣幸。非常感谢你在这里。还有杨国务委员。谢谢你,国务委员,刚才所作的非常有力的声明,它突出表明了我们要在这里完成的工作的重要性,突出表明了中国对打击野生动植物非法交易的坚定承诺,特别是落实对象牙交易的管制。野生动植物贩运交易不是真空存在,而是与我们面临的21世纪的其他许多挑战相连,包括恐怖主义。对它必须作出共同反应。

I am very, very delighted that Yao Ming could be here with us today.He is the small guy sittingup here in front.(Applause.)We are very delighted that he could be here today.He is a terrificmodel of how an athlete can harness his celebrity and capture the public’s attention on anissue.And I think all of us in this room are particularly grateful for his personal commitment,and for the very direct truth, the candor that he brings to this cause.Yao has personally seenthe ravages of this particular crime.He has visited Africa, he has seen, particularly, the bodiesof dead elephants.And he knows that reducing demand and ramping up law enforcement arethe two key essential ingredients of any strategy to try and meet this kind of challenge.令我非常、非常高兴的是,姚明今天能和我们一起在这里。他就是坐在前面的这位小个子。(掌声)我们对他今天能够来到这里感到非常高兴。他是一个极好的榜样,说明一位运动员能够如何运用自己的知名度,引起公众对一个问题的注意。我想我们这里在座的所有人都特别感谢他的亲身投入,感谢他给这个问题带来了非常直接的真切感和真诚。他亲眼目睹过这一罪行的残暴。他访问过非洲,尤其是看到过大象的死尸。他知道,减少需求和增强执法是迎战这种挑战的任何战略所必须具备的两个基本要素。

Combating wildlife trafficking is a responsibility for every single person.Everybody can become alaw enforcement person.In the social media age, everybody has an ability to hold peopleaccountable for what is happening.I remember well personally, when my wife Teresa and Ivisited a wildlife preserve, and we went on a safari about seven years ago.I remember beingstruck and saddened at the same time by the extraordinary story after story after story ofa

nimals being criminally slaughtered into near extinction.And that is why, during my last yearas Chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I convened the first-everSenate wildlife trafficking hearing, in order to try and give publicity and visibility to this issue.打击野生动植物非法交易是每一个人的责任。人人都能够成为执法员。在社交媒体时代,每个人都有能力让犯事者受到究责。我本人就清楚地记得我和我的夫人特里萨参观一个野生动物保护区的经历,那是大约七年前在非洲。我记得当时震惊和悲哀地听到了一个、一个、又一个犯罪性屠杀导致动物濒临绝迹的非常事件。正是因为这样,我在身为美国参议院对外关系委员会主席的最后一年,召开了参议院有史以来第一个关于野生生物贩运问题的听证会,努力使这个问题得到舆论和社会关注。

Last year, we held a break-out session here – not here, but it was in Washington, but as partof the S&ED, the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.And we held it on wildlife trafficking.And since then, our two countries have come together totake concrete action.And I am particularly grateful that, here in Beijing today, we are makingthis joint announcement and coming together as part of the economic dialogue in order toshow how great nations can cooperate on great challenges.去年,我们在这里——不是这里,是华盛顿——举行了一个分组会议,它是美中战略与经济对话的一部分。我们在会上讨论了野生动植物贩运交易问题。我非常感谢我们今天在北京作出这一联合宣布,并作为经济对话的组成部分走到一起,它展现了大国如何能够针对重大挑战进行合作。

Through groundbreaking efforts – enhancing law enforcement, raising public awareness, andeach of us destroying about six tons of confiscated ivory stocks – we have been able to showthe world that we mean business.Through a groundbreaking global law enforcement operationcalled Cobra II, we have launched investigations that have led to hundreds of arrests, and majorwildlife seizures.And we are on track to make even greater progress by next year's dialogue.我们通过作出具有开拓性的努力——加强执法、提高公众认识,以及各自销毁了大约六吨没收的库存象牙——我们向世界显示,我们说到做到。通过一个叫做―眼镜蛇二号‖的全球执法行动创举,我们启动调查,使数百人落网,缴获了一大批野生物品。我们将会在明年举行对话时,取得比这更大的进展。

Standing together, the United States and China are sending a simple, but a very powerfulmessage: We need to stop the poachers and the profits that come from wildlife trafficking.Andwhile the threat extends beyond elephants, the fact is that ivory has become today’s blooddiamond.Each of us have a responsibility to combat this.It is, frankly, one of the most tragicand outrageous

assaults on our shared sense of global responsibility, responsibility for theenvironment, responsibility for the species.And it is one of the most severe that I havewitnessed in my lifetime.Unbelievable numbers of poachers, almost declaring war againstinnocent animals, simply for the greed.美国和中国立场一致,正在发出一个简明但极其有力的信息:我们必须制止偷猎者并制止从野生动植物非法交易中牟利的行径。尽管受到威胁的不仅仅是大象,但事实是象牙已经成为今天的血腥钻石。我们每个人都有责任打击这种行径。坦率地说,这些行径是对我们共同的全球责任感、对环境的责任感以及对物种的责任感的最可悲、最令人发指的攻击之一。而且这是我在有生之年所目睹的最严重破坏之一。偷猎者的人数之多令人难以置信,完全是出于贪婪而几乎是在向无辜的动物开战。

President Obama is deeply committed to this effort, and that’s why he issued a landmarkexecutive order last year to combat wildlife trafficking, demonstrating that the United States’resolve to strengthen enforcement, to reduce demand, and to promote partnershipsregarding wildlife trafficking is strong, firm, and it will be a commitment of duration.欧巴马总统深切地致力于这项努力,正因为如此,他于去年发布了一项打击野生生物贩运的具有里程碑意义的行政令,显示出美国在打击野生动植物贩运方面增强执法、减少需求及增进伙伴关系的决心是强大和坚定的,而且这将是一项持久的承诺。

In February, President Obama released a National Strategy on Wildlife Trafficking that includes anear total ban on commercial trade in ivory.And the good news is we are not in this fightalone.The United States and China, together, are building on the network of partners likeKenya, Gabon, and the Philippines, each of which has destroyed its ivory stocks in recentyears.And we hope to continue our work with China at the APEC conference and in othermultilateral meetings over the course of this year and next.2月份,欧巴马总统发布了《打击野生生物贩运的国家战略》,其中包括近乎全面禁止象牙商业交易的禁令。令人欣慰的是,我们的斗争不是孤立的。美国和中国携手努力,正在同肯尼亚、加蓬和菲律宾等伙伴国共建网络,这些国家近年来已分别销毁了其象牙库存。我们希望于今明两年在亚太经合组织会议及其他多边会议上继续我们同中国的合作。

Make no mistake, all of us have a responsibility to do more and to do it faster.The numbers oftigers and rhinoceri – I mean, there’s just extraordinary assault on various animals aroundthe world.And the scale and the sophistication of elephant and rhino poaching isaccelerating at an alarming pace.Not only are these majestic animals disappearing before us,but the explosion in trafficking is actually undermining the security of range states, and it isimperiling those whose livelihoods depend on these great creatures to attract people to comeand simply witness their beauty.毋庸置疑,我们所有人都有责任作出更多的努力并更加迅速地作出努力。老虎和犀牛的数量——我的意思是,攻击世界各地各种动物的行径极其严重。而且偷猎大象和犀牛的规模和狡诈程度正在以令人警觉的速度加剧。不仅仅是这些雄奇的动物正在从我们眼前消失,而且非法交易激增其实正在破坏相关地区国家的稳定,并且正在危及那些依赖于这些雄奇的动物吸引人们前来观赏美妙动物的人的生计。

One thing is clear: Consumers also bear responsibility for the market incentives that thetraffickers respond to.The grim reality is that the prices for ivory and for rhino horn areactually going up.They are skyrocketing.And that, in turn, leads to more involvement of moretransnational organized criminals who are looking for bigger return on their investment.Itprovides more corruption, and corruption provides more collateral damage.有一点是清楚的:消费者对于形成贩运分子可利用的市场因素也负有责任。一个严峻的事实是,象牙和犀牛角的价格实际上正在上涨。它们的价格正在飙升。而这反过来又导致更多的跨国有组织犯罪分子参与,谋求从中换取更大的回报。这滋生了更多的腐败行径,而腐败行径又造成更多的连带损害。

So, wildlife trafficking, yes, it’s a conservation problem.But it’s also an economic problem, it’sa health problem, it’s a security problem.Our governments and citizens cannot afford to standidly by while sadistic poachers and wildlife traffickers destabilize entire regions with theiractivities, threaten the lives of innocent citizens of those areas, undermine economicdevelopment, and hunt elephants, rhinos, tigers, bears, sharks, or other species to the pointof extinction.Leaders everywhere have a responsibility to step up and meet this challenge,and I am pleased that here in Beijing today, China and the United States are making clear thatwe intend to do our part.We are committed, and we ask all of us to move forward togetherto win this victory.Thank you.(Applause.)




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