Earlierthisfall,thecenterrecommendedthatthegovernmentspend$100billion onenergyefficiency,renewableenergyandmasstransittopromotewhatitcalls a“greenrecovery”.今年秋初,该中心就建议政府花费1000亿美元用于节约能源,发展可再生能源以及公共交通,以促进经济的“绿色复苏”。
在上面的报道中,greenrecovery就是指“绿色复苏”,是指利用发展greenindustry(绿 色产业)的契机恢复经济。“绿色产业”即为环保产业,它是以防治环境污染、改善生态环境、保护自然资源为目的所进行的技术开发、产品生产、商业流通、资源利用、工程承包等活动 的总称。那么从事这一行业的工作人员就可以被称为green-collarworkers(绿领工人),而这个行业的工作自然就是green-collarjobs(绿领工作)了。
Recovery在这里的意思是“恢复,复苏”,例如我们现在都希望看到recoveryofthe market(市场复苏)。人身体的“复原”也可以用它来表示,如:Hisrecoveryisamiracle.(他的复元是一个奇迹),我们也没想到他可以makeaquickrecovery(迅速痊愈)。
此外,recovery还可以表示“回收,找回”,therecoveryofsomething就是指“找回丢失 的东西”。
鸵鸟政策:headinthesandapproach 美国当选总统奥巴马于上周日在接受电视采访时表示,美国经济面临的最大挑战是“使人们 重回工作岗位”。奥巴马还巧妙地回答了关于美国汽车业的问题,他表示,“我认为国会正在做正确的事情,即要求出台强迫汽车业同意的有条件救助方案”。请看外电的报道:
Thepresident-elect saiditisimportantthatdomesticcarmakerssurvivethecurrentcrisis,although heaccusedtheindustry'sexecutivesoftakinga“headinthesandapproach”thathasprevented theircompaniesfrombecomingmorecompetitive.尽管美国当选总统奥巴马指责汽车行业主管们的“鸵鸟政策”使公司无法更具竞争力,但他仍 然表示国内汽车业摆脱目前的困境非常重要。
在上面的报道中,headinthesandapproach就是指“鸵鸟政策”。有时也写成ostrichpolicy。据说鸵鸟在遭到外敌追赶不能逃脱时,就会让头钻进沙里,以为自己什么都看不见就会太平无事。殊不知,自己大大的屁股露在外面,更加引人注目。后来人们用它来嘲讽拒绝面对现 实,自欺欺人的政策。这个名词最初见于1891年9月12日英国的新闻和文学刊物《蓓尔 美尔文学新闻》上,后来被广泛运用到外交和经济等领域而逐渐流传开来。
Headinthesand意思是“逃避现实”,如:Ifthereisadifficulty,youcannotjustburyyourheadin thesand.(如果有困难,你不能逃避它)。除了buryone’sheadinthesand外,我们还可以用
have/putone’sheadinthesand来表示这个意思,如:It'snousehavingyourheadinthe sand.Youshouldtrytosolvetheproblem.(逃避现实是没有用的。你应该尝试解决问题)。“逃避现实的人”,我们一般称之为ostrich或者escapist。年度考核:annualassessment 日前,国家公务员局下发三个试行规定,将工作表现和业绩列为公务员考核标准。根据规定,连续两年年度考核被评为“不称职”的公务员将被辞退,“公务员队伍将建退出机制”的说法终于首次落到了“纸面上”。请看《中国日报》的报道:
China's state bureau of civil servants on Tuesday, stipulated that civil servants, who were evaluated as “incompetent” for two consecutive years in the annual assessment, would be dismissed.中国国家公务员局于本周二做出规定,连续两年年度考核为“不称职”等级的公务员将被辞 退。
在上面的报道中,annualassessment就是我们工作中常遇到的“年度考核”。在这个短语里 annual做形容词,表示“一年一度的”,例如公司每年都会出一份annualreport(年度报告),里面会标明annualaccounting(年度决算)。可是annualthecontract可不是表示再续一年合同,而是“废除合同”的意思。
此外,assessment在我们的生活中也是无处不在,我们在单位可能还会有performance-based assessment(工作表现评价),forward-lookingassessment(发展前景评价),self-assessment(自我评价)等不同的评价形式。Chinahand 第五次中美战略经济对话将于12月4 日至5 日在北京举行。在国际金融危机和奥巴马即将 入主白宫的历史时刻,本次对话更加引人注目。美国外交政策团队组建后将采取何种对华政策也成为人们关注的焦点。请看《中国日报》的报道:
“TheworldisdependingonChina'sgrowth,”theformerCEOofDowJones&CompanyinChina said.“Obama'schiefChinaadvisorisanexperiencedChinahand,heunderstandsthat,”referring toJeffreyBader.道琼斯公司中国区前任总裁说:“中国的发展对全世界至关重要。奥巴马的首席中国问题顾 问是个经验丰富的中国通,他会明白这一点的。”他指的首席中国问题顾问就是杰弗里•贝德。
在上面的报道中,Chinahand就是指“中国通”,有时也写作oldChinahand,一般指对中国 历史政治社会非常了解的外交官,或是对中国非常了解的外国人,例如美国记者斯诺、前美国国务卿基辛格、澳大利亚总理陆克文,还有人们很熟悉的大山都被称为old Chinahand。Hand在这里表示“内行,精通某项业务的人”,例如:anoldParliamentaryhand(精通议会事 务的人)。要想形容某人在某个领域是行家,可以用agood/great handat来表示。但acoolhand 可不是指对某个行当“手冷”(不熟悉),它的意思是“大胆而厚脸皮的人”。真正的“生手”其实是“afresh/green hand”,他们对所从事的领域notmuchofahandat(不擅长)。
上次去看演唱会,歌手在台上表演得非常出色,我们giveabighand(热烈鼓掌),但我朋友没 有去成,她的老板交待她去办事,而且giveherafreehand(让她全权处理),所以Shehas her handsfull(她实在太忙了),不能跟我们一起狂欢。联动效应:couplingeffects 金融危机来袭之后,中小企业首当其冲。中小企业数量较多的长江三角洲和珠江三角洲地区 受到的影响相对比较明显,这些企业主要面临资金紧张的问题。沿海加工贸易企业订单减少,部分企业停产破产关闭,中小企业融资难问题更加突出。请看《中国日报》的报道:
Amidthecouplingeffectsofshrinkingglobaldemandandrisingoperatingcosts,ithasbeena dramaticupheavalthisyearfordomesticsmallandmedium-sizedenterprises(SMEs)afterChina starteditsreforms 30yearsago.身陷国际需求下降及生产成本上升的联动效应当中,中国的中小企业今年面临着改革开放 30年来前所未有的一次形势巨变。
心理学中,人们把群体中两个或以上的个体通过相互作用而彼此影响从而联合起来产生增力 的现象,称之为联动效应。生活中联动效应的例子比比皆是,一个联动良好的班级,就可能使所有学生产生团结、向上、善学、积极奋进的品质。
Coupling在这里做名词,意思就是“联结、耦合”,例如couplingdevice就是指“联结装置”。此外,coupling还可以表示“运用、推广”,如:couplingscience toproduction(将科学运用到生产中去)。若想表示把……结合起来,就要用到它的原形couple了,如:Hernamewas coupledwithhis.(她的名字与他的连在一起)。
除了“联动效应”之外,我们在服用药物的时候会有sideeffect(副作用),现代社会大量的温室 气体排放会导致greenhouseeffect(温室效应),还有一个蝴蝶在巴西轻拍翅膀就可以导致一个月后德克萨斯州来一场龙卷风的butterflyeffect(蝴蝶效应)。重复建设:overlappingproject 为进一步扩大内需、促进经济平稳较快增长,国家安排了约4 万亿元投资。这些投资能不能 见效,怎么分配,会不会形成重复建设、出现豆腐渣工程?面对社会各界的高度关注和存在的疑虑,国家发展和改革委员会主任张平11月27日对此进行了详细解释。请看《中国日报》的报道:
“Indecidingthedesignatedareasofinvestmentandchoosingspecificprojects,wefollowedthe requirementssetoutintheeleventhfive-yearplan.Thatway,wecanavoidoverlappingprojects or unwise investment,”saidanofficialfromtheNationalDevelopmentandReformCommission.国家发展和改革委员会的一位官员称:“在指定投资区域及选择特定项目时,我们遵从了第 11个五年计划的要求。在此条件下,我们可以避免重复建设或盲目投资。”
在上面的报道中,overlappingproject就是我们平时所说的“重复建设项目”。所谓重复建设项 目,是指那些提供的产品或服务在数量上已超过社会(市场)需求,而在质量上又不如已有的产品或服务。重复建设项目会造成社会资源的巨大浪费,有损宏观经济效益。
Overlapping在这个短语中表示“重复的”,如:overlappingroute(重复路线)。它的原意是指“重 叠、叠加”,如streamline(orsimplify)overlappingadministrativeorganizations(精简重叠的行政机构)。
在工作中我们和同事常常会承担overlappingduties(共同的责任),或者和别人有overlapping areasofinterest(利益共同点)。现在有很多新兴学科都属于overlappingsubject(交叉学科),可以帮助我们建立综合知识体系,当然这也需要我们多运用amodel ofoverlappingthings(统筹问题的方式)来学习。智囊团:Braintrust 美国当选总统奥巴马已于上周在芝加哥召开新闻发布会,正式提名新政府经济团队主要成 员。同时,奥巴马过渡小组成员称,他将于感恩节后提名希拉里出任国务卿,并组建外交政策“智囊团”。请看外电的报道:
Obama,whorolledoutthekeycomponentsofhiseconomicteamthisweek,planstoannouncehis foreignpolicybraintrustaftertheThanksgivingholiday.奥巴马已于本周宣布了其经济团队的主要成员,并计划于感恩节后公布他的外交政策“智囊 团”。
在上面的报道中,braintrust就是我们常说的“智囊团”,有时也被称为thinktank。Braintrust 是在富兰克林•罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)总统执政时期流行起来的。1932年,罗斯福竞选总统时,曾请了三位哥伦比亚大学的教授为他撰写演讲稿,大学教授的智慧结晶果然使罗斯福旗开得胜,当选为美国第32届总统。尝到甜头的罗斯福上任后,继续使用政府以外的专家 来提供咨询,记者们把这些知识分子顾问称为braintrust,后来这种用法就逐渐流行起来了。
现在,凡是一个组织的领导人在他手下工作人员之外请一些人来给他出主意,做顾问,都可 以称为braintrust。如:Thedirectorofourinstitutemakesusfeeluselessbecauseheonlylistens tohisownbraintrust.Hetotallyignorestheideasfromthosewhoworkforhimintheinstitute.(我 们研究所的主任只听取他的智囊团的意见。这使得我们感到好像我们都是没有用的人。他把所里工作人员提出的意见完全不当一回事)。商业贿赂:commercialbribery 为了依法惩治商业贿赂犯罪,“两高”日前联合下发文件,对商业贿赂犯罪的范围,医药购销、工程建设、政府采购等领域中的商业贿赂进行了认定,提供旅游费,收受银行卡等行为都被纳入商业贿赂的范围。请看《中国日报》的报道:
Undertheinterpretation,medicalstafffacebeingchargedwithcommercialbriberyiftheyreceive bribesfromsalesagentsofpharmaceuticalcompaniesandsuppliersofmedicalequipment,orif theyhelppromotepharmaceuticalproductsthroughtheir prescriptionsforthe benefits.根据该解释,医务人员如果接受制药公司销售部门或者医疗器械供应商的贿赂,或是利用开 处方的职务便利帮助厂家促销药品谋利,均会面临商业贿赂的指控。
在上面的报道中,commercialbribery的意思是“商业贿赂”,商业贿赂是指经营者为争取交易 机会,暗中给予交易对方有关人员和能够影响交易的其他相关人员以财物或其他好处的行为,属于不正当竞争。常见的形式包括提供回扣、促销费、宣传费、劳务费,或报销各种费
Bribery的意思就是“贿赂”,如:Itisnecessarytotakecomprehensive lawmeasurestocontrol business bribery.(控制商业贿赂必须采取综合性的法治措施)。
最近有人向约翰commitbribery(行贿),但是Heissuperior/insusceptibletobribery./Heisproof againstbribery(他不为贿赂所动),因为他认为Briberyisavilepractice.(贿赂是卑鄙的行径),他不想卷入aseamybriberyscandal(肮脏的贿赂丑闻),更不想犯fenceofbribery(行贿受贿 罪)。
划定界限:drawtheline 由于和白宫相互指责,美国国会取消了原定于当地时间20日进行的对汽车行业250亿美元 救援计划的表决。这意味着在2009年1 月20日奥巴马上台前,汽车巨头们很可能要自谋生路了。
The$25billionrescueplanfortheautoindustry,desperatelysoughtbyDetroit'sbeleagueredBig Three,collapsedThursdayasCongressdrewthelineatonemorebailoutandDemocratssaidthey wouldn'tevenconsiderituntilthecompaniesproducedaconvincingplanforrebuildingtheir mightyindustry.once-美国“底特律三大汽车巨头”极力要求通过的一项250亿美元的汽车业援助计划遭到搁置,美 国国会已于本周四对这项追加的救援计划加以限制,民主党方面称在这些公司制订出能够重振昔日辉煌的汽车工业的可信计划之前,他们将对此援助计划不予考虑。
在上面的报道中,drawtheline就是指reasonably object(to)or setalimit(on),即“划定界限” 或“对某件事限制或反对”,也可用drawaline替换。
这种用法最早来源于网球以及类似的球类运动,这些活动需要在场地中央划线,将场地分成 两块,后来演变成“划定界限”的意思。如:Italldepends onyourconceptoffictionandwhereyou drawthe linebetweenfactandfiction.(这有赖于你对虚构这一概念的理解以及你如何划定事实和虚构的界线。)我们常说的“忍耐也得有个度”常用Onemustdrawthelinesomewhere来表示。王牌:Trumpcard
奥巴马当选之后,马不停蹄地为新政府物色人选,而他原来的竞争对手希拉里也成为下任美 国国务卿的“大热”人选。有消息人士透露,在“面试”完希拉里与比尔•理查森两名国务卿热门人选后,奥巴马也倾向于让希拉里担当重任。
HilaryClintonhassomeofthekeyattributesofagoodsecretaryofstate— statureandtoughness—butthatshe’suntestedasanegotiator,andherstatus asanerstwhileObamarivalmightundermineanenvoy’straditionaltrumpcard.希拉里•克林顿具备一位优秀国务卿的某些关键特质---才干和韧性,但是她是否能成功进行 协商谈判还不得而知,而且她作为奥巴马前竞争对手的特殊身份也可能会使该职位历来的重 王牌地位受到动摇。
在上面的报道中,trumpcard就是指“王牌,绝招”。Trumpcard原意是“牌局中最大的王 牌”。王牌在手,即胜券在握。王牌往往会留到最后关头才打出,所以一般人们用这个短语来形容决定性的可以扭转局势的手法。如:Thecoachsavedhisstarplayerforatrump card.(教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌)。
我们常用playone’strumpcard来表示“使出绝招”。如:Finallysheplayedhertrump cardandthreatenedtoresign.(最后她使出了绝招,扬言要辞职)。
而haveallthe trumpsinone'shand(holdsometrumps)则表示“胸有成竹,有必胜 把握”,但如果你putsomeone tohistrumps那可就要“把某人逼入绝境,迫使他使出最 后的招数”了。
NebraskalawmakersgavepreliminaryapprovalTuesdaytoanew30-dayage limitforchildrenwhocanbelegallyabandonedunderthestate'ssafehavenlaw.内布拉斯加州立法者于本周二初步通过了一项决议,将该州《安全港法案》规定的合法抛弃 婴儿的时限限定在婴儿出生30天以内。
在上面的报道中,safehavenlaw就是指《安全港法案》。在美国,《安全港法案》容许婴 儿的监护人安全地把孩子遗弃,“安全港”通常是医院、警察局、救援中心、消防站等。
但各州对孩子的年龄有不同规定,例如威斯康星州规定在婴儿出生72小时内才适用该法。有 趣的是,在内布拉斯加州将上限设定为19岁以后,很多其他州的父母为了教训不听话的孩子,专程开车把孩子送到内布拉斯加。
Safehaven原意是指“安全港、安身之处”,如:Hewillnotfindasafehavenhere.(他 在这里找不到安身之处)。它还可以引申为提供某种形式的“庇护”,如:In2000thisagent offeredAlQaidasafehaveninthe region.(这名情报人员在2000年向基地组织提供了 在该地区的庇护)。
此外,在经济领域,它用来指没有金融、财务危机的地点或投资。Safehavencurrency就 是我们听说的“避风港货币”,指诸如美元或瑞士法郎等主要交易货币,投资者在政治动荡时 期想为资金寻找避风港时,就会投资购入此类货币,或者他们会去taxhaven(避税港,对 跨国纳税人提供低税、免税或给予大量税收优惠的国家和地区)寻找机会。空白支票V.S空头支票
美国当选总统奥巴马日前再度向联邦政府发出呼吁,要求其确保支持陷入困境的本国汽车行 业。这是奥巴马竞选成功后不到两周时间内,第二次明确向政府发出类似呼吁。奥巴马解释说,在目前的环境下,汽车业崩溃对于美国经济将是一场灾难。请看外电的报道:
President-electBarackObamasaidhebelievesaidfortheautoindustryisneededbutthatit shouldbeprovided aspartofalong-termplan— notsimplyasablankcheck.美国当选总统巴拉克•奥巴马说他相信对汽车行业的救助是必须的,但应以长期计划形式提 供救助——而不仅仅是以空白支票的形式。
在上面的报道中,blankcheck就是指我们经常提到的asignedcheckwithnoamounttobepaid filledin(空白支票),即“未填金额的签名支票,可支取任何数目的支票”。如:Myuncleoffered meablankchecktostartmybusiness.(我叔叔为了支持我的事业给了我一张空白支票)。此外,它还可以表示“自由处理权,全权”。如:Wilcoxwasgivenablankcheckinthechoiceof personnelforthenewdepartment.(威尔科克斯先生全权负责为这个新部门挑选人员)。
平时我们常把blankcheck理解成“空头支票”,但实际上它的意思与“空头支票”正好相反。“空 头支票”在英文中是“anemptyorarubberorbadcheck”,即“金融机构拒绝付现或支付的支票”。出现这种情况的原因可能是账户已经终止,或者账户资金不足以支付支票金额,也可
转意为empty promiseorlipservice(空洞的许诺).如:Manyvotersknowthatthepromisesofdifferentpartiesbeforeanelectionarealljustbad checks.(许多选民都知道各党派在选举前的承诺只不过是空头支票,不会兑现的)。定下基调:settone 美国总统布什当地时间13日在纽约联邦国家纪念堂的演讲中阐明,金融改革及国际合作是 此次二十国集团(G20)高峰会讨论的目标,这为本届峰会定下了基调。人们期待这次峰会有助于解决此次全球金融危机。请看新华网的报道:
U.S.PresidentGeorgeW.BushsettonefortheupcomingGroup-20SummitThursdayinNew Yorksayingthatthesummitwillfocuson“understandingthecausesoftheglobalcrisisand developingprinciples forreformingourfinancialandregulatorysystems.” 美国总统布什本周四的讲话为即将于纽约召开的二十国集团(G20)高峰会定下基调。他称此 次峰会的目标是“理解全球金融危机的起因,并为财政及监管体制改革制定规则。” 在上面的报道中,settone就是指“定下基调”,tone在这里的意思是thegeneralatmosphere of aplaceorsituationandtheeffectthatithasonpeople(对处于某地或情境中的人们有影响的气氛)。如:Herfriendlyopeningspeechsetthetoneforthewholeconference.(她友好的开幕词确 定了整个会议的基调。)
Tone最常见的意思是指“音调、色调”。如果你想形容一个人的“声调很悦耳”,就可以说Her voicehasapleasanttone.Tone做动词还可以表示“搭配、协调”,朋友家新买了窗帘,Thenew curtainstoneinbeautifullywiththecarpet.(与地毯的颜色非常协调),但是她今天心情可不太 好,上班的时候tookanangrytonewithhercolleagues.(带着怒气与同事说话),因为最近由于金融危机,公司的市场状况(toneofthemarket)不太好。轮值主席:rotatingpresidency 二十国集团(G20)财政部长和中央银行行长2008年年会于本月9 日在巴西圣保罗闭幕。代表 们在为期两天的闭门会议中就金融危机产生的原因及应对措施进行了深入探讨,并为本月中旬在华盛顿举行的G20金融峰会奠定共识基础。请看《中国日报》的报道:
Mantega,whosecountryholdstherotatingpresidencyofthebloc,saideachcountrywilltake actionaccording toitsownsituation.Hedescribed Russia'scallforthefoundingofaG20treaty similartotheEU'sMaastricht Treaty,whichdefinesthefiscaltargetsofEUmembers,asan “interesting”alternative.年会轮值主席国代表(巴西财长)曼特加称,每个国家都应该根据自身情况采取相应措施。他 认为俄罗斯呼吁建立G20条约是个“有趣”的选择。该条约被指与规定了欧盟成员国财政目标的《马斯特里赫特》条约类似。
在上面的报道中,rotatingpresidency 就是指“轮值主席(国)”。某些国际机构或组织不设固定 的主席职位,而由各成员国或理事国首脑轮流担任。担任者就被称为“轮值主席”,其所在国家就是“轮值主席国”。
在rotatingpresidency这个短语中它表示performajobordutyonarotatingbasis(轮流担任某职 务),如:Franceholdsthesix-monthrotatingpresidencyoftheEUCouncilfrom1Julyto31
December2008.(法国将从2008年7 月1日至12月31日担任六个月的欧盟理事会轮值主席国。)Rotating做形容词最常用的意思是turnonoraroundanaxis oracenter(围绕轴或中心旋转的),如rotatingview就是指“旋转视图”,不过各大酒店顶层的“旋转餐厅”一般都用revolving restaurant来表示。跛脚鸭:Lameduck 赢得美国总统大选的侯任总统奥巴马已着手组建新政府。面临日趋严重的金融危机和对伊拉 克及阿富汗作战,奥巴马希望能尽快确定政府主要成员,力争顺利完成政权交接。现任总统布什5 日发表声明承诺,将全力协助政府的交接工作。请看外电的报道:
Mr.ObamahasconferredwithCongressionalleadersaboutpassinga$100billioneconomic stimuluspackageinalame-duck sessiontheweekofNov.17topayforpublicworksprojects,aid tocitiesand states,andunemployment,foodstampandheatingbenefits.奥巴马已经就总价值1000亿美元的经济刺激方案与国会领袖交换了意见,他希望该方案可 以在本月17日举行的“跛脚鸭”国会会议上获得通过。这些资金将用于公共设施建设、对城市和州的援助、增加失业人士的福利、向低收入家庭派发食物券及供热补贴。
上面的报道中,lame-ducksession就是指“跛脚鸭国会会议”,即新旧总统交接之间的国会会 议。由于部分与会议员不会在下任国会出现,也许议员会对议题出现爱理不理的态度。Lameduck字面上看是“跛脚鸭”,它做名词常用来指“无用的人”,带有贬义,如:The governmentshouldnotwastemoneysupportinglameducks.(政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业。)在政治领域它是指已经没有发展前途的政客,或者任期将满的官员,用来形容他们的窘境。如:Thegovernorofourstateended upasalameduckwhenhelosttheelection.(我们州的州长竞
选连任失败,即将离任。)胜选演说:victoryspeech 美国大选结果终于揭晓了,这是一次历史性的大选,奥巴马赢得了最后的胜利,成为美国历 史上首位黑人总统。他随即在芝加哥发表了胜选演说。他说,美国已开始改变。他感谢自己的家庭和竞选团队,并对对手麦凯恩表示敬意。请看外电的报道:
USPresident-electBarackObamapromisedTuesdaythat“changeiscomingtoAmerica”ashe gaveavictoryspeechafterbecomingthefirstAfrican-AmericantobeelectedtotheWhiteHouse.美国当地时间周二刚刚当选的美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马在成为首位入主白宫的非洲裔美国人 之后发表胜选演说,称“美国迎来了变革时代”。
上面的报道中,victoryspeech就是“胜选演说”的意思。总统候选人被正式提名为某党派候选 人,或者在确认当选下任总统,但还没有正式就职前,都会发表victoryspeech。如:Bushdeliversvictoryspeechfor2ndterm.(布什发表连任获胜演说),而竞选失利的一方发表的演说
到当选总统正式入主白宫时,发表的就是inauguraladdress(就职演说)了。总统任期期满卸任 时,会发表farewellspeech(告别演说)。“政治演说”我们可以用stumpspeech来表示。那么,speech和address有什么区别呢?一般来说,演说词在英语里是speech,用address这 个词是比较少的。如果要说两者有什么差别的话,无非是风格上及使用场合上的区别。speech使用比较随意,而address从风格上来说更为庄重,指“正式的致辞”,例如总统发表的“国情咨文演说”,就要说成是StateoftheUnionAddress。封口费:Hushmoney 最近,山西干河矿难发生之后,记者争先恐后地赶到出事煤矿——不是为了采访报道,而是 去领取煤矿发放的“封口费”,少则上千,多则几万。煤矿方面称,领取“封口费”的记者有四五十人,这其中不乏很多“假记者”,而且“封口费”的发放持续了数日。“封口费”没能“封”住事 件真相,却引发了人们的反思。请看《中国日报》的报道:
Journalistsfromvariousmediaorganizationswerepaidatotalof125,700yuannottoreportona mineaccidentinShanxiprovinceonSept20, theGeneralAdministration ofPressandPublication saidWednesday.Investigationsbythelocalgovernmentrevealedthatdozensofjournalists,some genuineand somenot, wenttotheminenottoreport ontheaccident,buttoreceive hushmoney.本周三,国家新闻出版总署称,9 月20日山西矿难发生后,从不同媒体赶赴山西的记者共 领到12.57万元“封口费”。当地政府的调查显示,这些记者去煤矿的目的不是报道矿难,而是去领取“封口费”,Hushmoney意思是abribepaidtosomeonetoinsurethatsomethingiskeptsecret.(为了让某人
这种做法由来已久,hushmoney这个习惯用语也至少有三百年的历史了。如:Takinghush moneyfromtheunderworldgang,thewitnesskepthismouthshutaboutwhathesaw.(目击者从黑社会歹徒那里拿了“封口费”,对他见到的一切守口如瓶)。
我们还可以用hushup来表达“掩盖”某事的意思,hushthescandalup就是指的“把丑闻掩盖 起来”。
平权措施:Affirmativeaction 总统大选,又一次在美国国内激起了关于种族问题的争论。麦凯恩在接受电视采访时说,他 支持自己家乡亚利桑那州政府和地方政府提出的禁止平权措施政策的主张。他的竞争对手奥巴马则表示,在平权措施考虑到个人困境、社会经济阶层、种族和困难等因素的情况下,他 坚决支持平权措施。请看外电的报道:
Hehasbeeninstrumentalinexpandingvotingrights,supportingaffirmativeaction,passingthe ViolenceAgainstWomenAct,expanding thedefinitionofhatecrimesandworkingtowardending employmentdiscrimination.他一直致力于扩大选举权,支持平权措施,支持通过《防止对妇女施暴法》,扩大仇恨犯罪 的定义范畴,并努力消除就业歧视。
Affirmativeaction(平权措施)始于美国最高法院19世纪中叶在有关人种问题的司法判决中,依据宪法的平等保障原则来保护黑色人种公民的权利的行为。20世纪60年代,随着美国黑人运动、妇女运动的兴起,美国总统约翰逊在1965年发起平权运动,主张在大学录取学生、公司招收或晋升雇员、政府招标时,应当照顾少数种族和女性。目的就是扳回历史上对黑人和女性的歧视,把他们在历史上承受的痛苦折算成现实的利益。随着时间的推移,它的概念范畴不断扩展。现在,平权措施包括所有有助于一些特定的少数人群或妇女消除故有的、新 生的、或即将产生的歧视而进行的私人或公开的积极、鼓励的举措。
Affirmative做形容词,表示“肯定的,赞成的,支持的”,如;anaffirmativeapproachtothe problem(正面解决问题)。我们平时数学中使用的“正号”,就是affirmativesign。在辩论时,也许你会taketheaffirmative(站在赞成的一方),或者对某项议题投affirmativevote(赞成票),因为你对自己的观点有十足的把握,有affirmativeproof(确凿的证据)。
食品“添加剂”:Additive 怎样才能“吃”得更安全?这是现在人们最关心的一个话题。各式各样的食品中,不可避 免都会有食品添加剂。“三鹿奶粉”事件使全国人大常委会正在三审的食品安全法草案更受关注。为防止食品添加剂的不规范使用和滥用,保证食品的源头安全,食品安全法草案三审稿对食品添加剂的生产经营、目录范围、使用以及添加剂的标签等都做了相应规定。
Thelatestdraftofthefoodsafetylawhassetstricterfoodqualitystandardsandgivengreater responsibilitytothegovernmentfollowingthe babymilkfoodscandal.“Onlyfoodadditives provensafe,reliableandtechnicallyessentialthroughriskassessmentswillbeallowed,” saysthe draft,submittedThursdaytothefifthsessionoftheNationalPeople'sCongress(NPC)Standing Committeeforthethirdreview.婴儿奶粉事件后,最新的食品安全法草案对食品质量标准有了更加严格的规定,同时加 强了政府部门的监管职责。该草案规定:只有经过风险评估证明安全可靠、技术上确有必要的食品添加剂,才能被列入允许使用的范围。本周四该草案已被提交给全国人大常委会第五 次会议进行三审。
那么什么是食品添加剂呢?食品添加剂是指食品健康当中,为了改变食物的现状,需要 添加的一些可以食用的成分。比如有的时候需要添加香味,有的时候需要改变颜色,有的时候需要改变形状。添加食品添加剂是世界通用的做法。只要符合标准,在严格规定的使用范围内来添加,是没有任何危害的。
Additive在这里意思就是“添加剂”。如chemicaladditive就是指“化学添加剂”,flavor additive为“香味添加剂”。
除此之外,它还可以做形容词,表示“附加的”,如:additivesamples(附加样本);additive information(补充报告)等。
我们平时在食品外包装上经常看到Thisfoodisguaranteedadditivefree.(该食品保证不含 添加剂)。这句话还可以这样说:Themanufacturerofficiallypromisesthatitcontainsno additives.农药“残留”:pesticideresidue 日本一女性消费者购买烟台北海食品有限公司出口日本的冷冻青刀豆,食用后感到不适。经 日方检测,其食用的豆角中最高含有6900PPM的敌敌畏成分,其他未开封豆角未检出敌敌畏成分。该公司有关负责人说,这一批号产品的原料在种植时,没有使用过这次被检出的有 机磷农药,工厂和基地也从来没有使用过这类农药。
TestsconductedonsamplesoffrozengreenbeansexportedtoJapanshowednoevidenceof pesticideresidue,Chineseauthoritiessaidhereyesterday.中国政府昨日表示,出口日本的冷冻青刀豆样品检测结果并未显示有农药残留痕迹。上面的报道中,residue是matterthatremainsaftersomething hasbeenremoved,即“残留、残 余,剩余”等意思,这里的pesticideresidue 就是“农药残留(物)”。除此以外,residue还有“剩余财产,余数”等意思,比如:Theresidue ofhisestatebelongstohisson.(他的剩余财产都归 他的儿子。)
1.绿色复苏:green recovery
美国当选总统奥巴马近日公布了经济刺激方案,并表示希望新的经济刺激方案是“绿色的”。该方案旨在增加 “绿领工作”岗位和使用节约能源。其中20亿美元将用于减少收费和提供扩展服务,50亿美元用于可再生能源债券,25亿美元用于购买和淘汰老式的污染汽车,以及花费9亿美元帮助100万户家庭节约能源。
Earlier this fall, the center recommended that the government spend $100 billion on energy efficiency, renewable energy and mass transit to promote what it calls a “green recovery”.今年秋初,该中心就建议政府花费1000亿美元用于节约能源,发展可再生能源以及公共交通,以促进经济的“绿色复苏”。
在上面的报道中,green recovery就是指“绿色复苏”,是指利用发展green industry(绿色产业)的契机恢复经济。“绿色产业”即为环保产业,它是以防治环境污染、改善生态环境、保护自然资源为目的所进行的技术开发、产品生产、商业流通、资源利用、工程承包等活动的总称。那么从事这一行业的工作人员就可以被称为green-collar workers(绿领工人),而这个行业的工作自然就是green-collar jobs(绿领工作)了。
Recovery在这里的意思是“恢复,复苏”,例如我们现在都希望看到recovery of the market(市场复苏)。人身体的“复原”也可以用它来表示,如:His recovery is a miracle.(他的复元是一个奇迹),我们也没想到他可以make a quick recovery(迅速痊愈)。
此外,recovery还可以表示“回收,找回”,the recovery of something就是指“找回丢失的东西”。
2.鸵鸟政策:head in the sand approach
The president-elect said it is important that domestic carmakers survive the current crisis, although he accused the industry's executives of taking a “head in the sand approach” that has prevented their companies from becoming more competitive.尽管美国当选总统奥巴马指责汽车行业主管们的“鸵鸟政策”使公司无法更具竞争力,但他仍然表示国内汽车业摆脱目前的困境非常重要。
在上面的报道中,head in the sand approach就是指“鸵鸟政策”。有时也写成ostrich policy。据说鸵鸟在遭到外敌追赶不能逃脱时,就会让头钻进沙里,以为自己什么都看不见就会太平无事。殊不知,自己大大的屁股露在外面,更加引人注目。后来人们用它来嘲讽拒绝面对现实,自欺欺人的政策。这个名词最初见于1891年9月12日英国的新闻和文学刊物《蓓尔美尔文学新闻》上,后来被广泛运用到外交和经济等领域而逐渐流传开来。
Head in the sand意思是“逃避现实”,如:If there is a difficulty, you cannot just bury your head in the sand.(如果有困难,你不能逃避它)。除了bury one’s head in the sand外,我们还可以用have/put one’s head in the sand来表示这个意思,如:It's no use having your head in the sand.You should try to solve the problem.(逃避现实是没有用的。你应该尝试解决问题)。“逃避现实的人”,我们一般称之为ostrich或者escapist。3.考核:annual assessment
China's state bureau of civil servants on Tuesday, stipulated that civil servants, who were evaluated as “incompetent” for two consecutive years in the annual assessment, would be dismissed.中国国家公务员局于本周二做出规定,连续两年考核为“不称职”等级的公务员将被辞退。
在上面的报道中,annual assessment就是我们工作中常遇到的“考核”。在这个短语里annual做形容词,表示“一年一度的”,例如公司每年都会出一份annual report(报告),里面会标明annual accounting(决算)。可是annual the contract可不是表示再续一年合同,而是“废除合同”的意思。
此外,assessment在我们的生活中也是无处不在,我们在单位可能还会有performance-based assessment(工作表现评价),forward-looking assessment(发展前景评价),self-assessment(自我评价)等不同的评价形式。4.中国通:China hand
“The world is depending on China's growth,” the former CEO of Dow Jones & Company in China said.“Obama's chief China advisor is an experienced China hand, he understands that,” referring to Jeffrey Bader.道琼斯公司中国区前任总裁说:“中国的发展对全世界至关重要。奥巴马的首席中国问题顾问是个经验丰富的中国通,他会明白这一点的。” 他指的首席中国问题顾问就是杰弗里•贝德。
在上面的报道中,China hand就是指“中国通”,有时也写作old China hand,一般指对中国历史政治社会非常了解的外交官,或是对中国非常了解的外国人,例如美国记者斯诺、前美国国务卿基辛格、澳大利亚总理陆克文,还有人们很熟悉的大山都被称为old China hand。
Hand在这里表示“内行,精通某项业务的人”,例如:an old Parliamentary hand(精通议会事务的人)。要想形容某人在某个领域是行家,可以用a good/great hand at来表示。但a cool hand可不是指对某个行当“手冷”(不熟悉),它的意思是“大胆而厚脸皮的人”。真正的“生手”其实是“a fresh/green hand”,他们对所从事的领域not much of a hand at(不擅长)。
上次去看演唱会,歌手在台上表演得非常出色,我们give a big hand(热烈鼓掌),但我朋友没有去成,她的老板交待她去办事,而且give her a free hand(让她全权处理),所以She has her hands full(她实在太忙了),不能跟我们一起狂欢。
5.联动效应:coupling effects
Amid the coupling effects of shrinking global demand and rising operating costs, it has been a dramatic upheaval this year for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)after China started its reforms 30 years ago.身陷国际需求下降及生产成本上升的联动效应当中,中国的中小企业今年面临着改革开放30年来前所未有的一次形势巨变。
在上面的报道中,coupling effects就是指“联动效应”,也称为互动效应、耦合效应。在群体心理学中,人们把群体中两个或以上的个体通过相互作用而彼此影响从而联合起来产生增力的现象,称之为联动效应。生活中联动效应的例子比比皆是,一个联动良好的班级,就可能使所有学生产生团结、向上、善学、积极奋进的品质。
Coupling在这里做名词,意思就是“联结、耦合”,例如coupling device就是指“联结装置”。此外,coupling还可以表示“运用、推广”,如:coupling science to production(将科学运用到生产中去)。若想表示把„„结合起来,就要用到它的原形couple了,如: Her name was coupled with his.(她的名字与他的连在一起)。
除了“联动效应”之外,我们在服用药物的时候会有side effect(副作用),现代社会大量的温室气体排放会导致greenhouse effect(温室效应),还有一个蝴蝶在巴西轻拍翅膀就可以导致一个月后德克萨斯州来一场龙卷风的butterfly effect(蝴蝶效应)。
6.重复建设:overlapping project
“In deciding the designated areas of investment and choosing specific projects, we followed the requirements set out in the eleventh five-year plan.That way, we can avoid overlapping projects or unwise investment,” said an official from the National Development and Reform Commission.国家发展和改革委员会的一位官员称:“在指定投资区域及选择特定项目时,我们遵从了第11个五年计划的要求。在此条件下,我们可以避免重复建设或盲目投资。”
在上面的报道中,overlapping project就是我们平时所说的“重复建设项目”。所谓重复建设项目,是指那些提供的产品或服务在数量上已超过社会(市场)需求,而在质量上又不如已有的产品或服务。重复建设项目会造成社会资源的巨大浪费,有损宏观经济效益。
Overlapping在这个短语中表示“重复的”,如:overlapping route(重复路线)。它的原意是指“重叠、叠加”,如streamline(or simplify)overlapping administrative organizations(精简重叠的行政机构)。
在工作中我们和同事常常会承担overlapping duties(共同的责任),或者和别人有overlapping areas of interest(利益共同点)。现在有很多新兴学科都属于overlapping subject(交叉学科),可以帮助我们建立综合知识体系,当然这也需要我们多运用a model of overlapping things(统筹问题的方式)来学习。
7.智囊团:Brain trust
Obama, who rolled out the key components of his economic team this week, plans to announce his foreign policy brain trust after the Thanksgiving holiday.奥巴马已于本周宣布了其经济团队的主要成员,并计划于感恩节后公布他的外交政策“智囊团”。
在上面的报道中,brain trust就是我们常说的“智囊团”,有时也被称为think tank。Brain trust是在富兰克林•罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)总统执政时期流行起来的。1932年,罗斯福竞选总统时,曾请了三位哥伦比亚大学的教授为他撰写演讲稿,大学教授的智慧结晶果然使罗斯福旗开得胜,当选为美国第32届总统。尝到甜头的罗斯福上任后,继续使用政府以外的专家来提供咨询,记者们把这些知识分子顾问称为brain trust,后来这种用法就逐渐流行起来了。
现在,凡是一个组织的领导人在他手下工作人员之外请一些人来给他出主意,做顾问,都可以称为brain trust。如:The director of our institute makes us feel useless because he only listens to his own brain trust.He totally ignores the ideas from those who work for him in the institute.(我们研究所的主任只听取他的智囊团的意见。这使得我们感到好像我们都是没有用的人。他把所里工作人员提出的意见完全不当一回事)。8.商业贿赂:commercial bribery
Under the interpretation, medical staff face being charged with commercial bribery if they receive bribes from sales agents of pharmaceutical companies and suppliers of medical equipment, or if they help promote pharmaceutical products through their prescriptions for the benefits.根据该解释,医务人员如果接受制药公司销售部门或者医疗器械供应商的贿赂,或是利用开处方的职务便利帮助厂家促销药品谋利,均会面临商业贿赂的指控。
在上面的报道中,commercial bribery的意思是“商业贿赂”,商业贿赂是指经营者为争取交易机会,暗中给予交易对方有关人员和能够影响交易的其他相关人员以财物或其他好处的行为,属于不正当竞争。常见的形式包括提供回扣、促销费、宣传费、劳务费,或报销各种费用、提供境内外旅游等等。
Bribery的意思就是“贿赂”,如:It is necessary to take comprehensive law measures to control business bribery.(控制商业贿赂必须采取综合性的法治措施)。
最近有人向约翰commit bribery(行贿),但是He is superior/ insusceptible to bribery./ He is proof against bribery(他不为贿赂所动),因为他认为Bribery is a vile practice.(贿赂是卑鄙的行径),他不想卷入a seamy bribery scandal(肮脏的贿赂丑闻),更不想犯fence of bribery(行贿受贿罪)。
9.划定界限:draw the line
The $25 billion rescue plan for the auto industry, desperately sought by Detroit's beleaguered Big Three, collapsed Thursday as Congress drew the line at one more bailout and Democrats said they wouldn't even consider it until the companies produced a convincing plan for rebuilding their once-mighty industry.美国“底特律三大汽车巨头”极力要求通过的一项250亿美元的汽车业援助计划遭到搁置,美国国会已于本周四对这项追加的救援计划加以限制,民主党方面称在这些公司制订出能够重振昔日辉煌的汽车工业的可信计划之前,他们将对此援助计划不予考虑。
在上面的报道中,draw the line就是指reasonably object(to)or set a limit(on),即“划定界限”或“对某件事限制或反对”,也可用draw a line替换。
这种用法最早来源于网球以及类似的球类运动,这些活动需要在场地中央划线,将场地分成两块,后来演变成“划定界限”的意思。如:It all depends on your concept of fiction and where you draw the line between fact and fiction.(这有赖于你对虚构这一概念的理解以及你如何划定事实和虚构的界线。)
我们常说的“忍耐也得有个度”常用One must draw the line somewhere来表示。
10.王牌:Trump card
Hilary Clinton has some of the key attributes of a good secretary of state — stature and toughness — but that she’s untested as a negotiator, and her status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine an envoy’s traditional trump card.希拉里•克林顿具备一位优秀国务卿的某些关键特质---才干和韧性,但是她是否能成功进行协商谈判还不得而知,而且她作为奥巴马前竞争对手的特殊身份也可能会使该职位历来的重王牌地位受到动摇。
在上面的报道中,trump card就是指“王牌,绝招”。Trump card原意是“牌局中最大的王牌”。王牌在手,即胜券在握。王牌往往会留到最后关头才打出,所以一般人们用这个短语来形容决定性的可以扭转局势的手法。如:The coach saved his star player for a trump card.(教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌)。
我们常用play one’s trump card来表示“使出绝招”。如:Finally she played her trump card and threatened to resign.(最后她使出了绝招,扬言要辞职)。
而have all the trumps in one's hand(hold some trumps)则表示“胸有成竹,有必胜把握”,但如果你put someone to his trumps那可就要“把某人逼入绝境,迫使他使出最后的招数”了。11.安全港法案:safe haven law
Nebraska lawmakers gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a new 30-day age limit for children who can be legally abandoned under the state's safe haven law.内布拉斯加州立法者于本周二初步通过了一项决议,将该州《安全港法案》规定的合法抛弃婴儿的时限限定在婴儿出生30天以内。
在上面的报道中,safe haven law就是指《安全港法案》。在美国,《安全港法案》容许婴儿的监护人安全地把孩子遗弃,“安全港”通常是医院、警察局、救援中心、消防站等。
Safe haven原意是指“安全港、安身之处”,如:He will not find a safe haven here.(他在这里找不到安身之处)。它还可以引申为提供某种形式的“庇护”,如:In 2000 this agent offered Al Qaida safe haven in the region.(这名情报人员在2000年向基地组织提供了在该地区的庇护)。
此外,在经济领域,它用来指没有金融、财务危机的地点或投资。Safe haven currency就是我们听说的“避风港货币”,指诸如美元或瑞士法郎等主要交易货币,投资者在政治动荡时期想为资金寻找避风港时,就会投资购入此类货币,或者他们会去tax haven(避税港,对跨国纳税人提供低税、免税或给予大量税收优惠的国家和地区)寻找机会。12.空白支票 V.S 空头支票
President-elect Barack Obama said he believes aid for the auto industry is needed but that it should be provided as part of a long-term plan — not simply as a blank check.美国当选总统巴拉克•奥巴马说他相信对汽车行业的救助是必须的,但应以长期计划形式提供救助——而不仅仅是以空白支票的形式。
在上面的报道中,blank check就是指我们经常提到的a signed check with no amount to be paid filled in(空白支票),即“未填金额的签名支票,可支取任何数目的支票”。如:My uncle offered me a blank check to start my business.(我叔叔为了支持我的事业给了我一张空白支票)。
此外,它还可以表示“自由处理权,全权”。如:Wilcox was given a blank check in the choice of personnel for the new department.(威尔科克斯先生全权负责为这个新部门挑选人员)。
平时我们常把blank check理解成“空头支票”,但实际上它的意思与“空头支票”正好相反。“空头支票”在英文中是“an empty or a rubber or bad check”,即“金融机构拒绝付现或支付的支票”。出现这种情况的原因可能是账户已经终止,或者账户资金不足以支付支票金额,也可转意为empty promise or lip service(空洞的许诺).如:Many voters know that the promises of different parties before an election are all just bad checks.(许多选民都知道各党派在选举前的承诺只不过是空头支票,不会兑现的)。13.定下基调:set tone
U.S.President George W.Bush set tone for the upcoming Group-20 Summit Thursday in New York saying that the summit will focus on “understanding the causes of the global crisis and developing principles for reforming our financial and regulatory systems.”
在上面的报道中,set tone就是指“定下基调”,tone在这里的意思是the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people(对处于某地或情境中的人们有影响的气氛)。如:Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference.(她友好的开幕词确定了整个会议的基调。)Tone最常见的意思是指“音调、色调”。如果你想形容一个人的“声调很悦耳”,就可以说Her voice has a pleasant tone.Tone做动词还可以表示“搭配、协调”,朋友家新买了窗帘,The new curtains tone in beautifully with the carpet.(与地毯的颜色非常协调),但是她今天心情可不太好,上班的时候took an angry tone with her colleagues.(带着怒气与同事说话),因为最近由于金融危机,公司的市场状况(tone of the market)不太好。
14.轮值主席:rotating presidency
Mantega, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the bloc, said each country will take action according to its own situation.He described Russia's call for the founding of a G20 treaty similar to the EU's Maastricht Treaty, which defines the fiscal targets of EU members, as an “interesting” alternative.年会轮值主席国代表(巴西财长)曼特加称,每个国家都应该根据自身情况采取相应措施。他认为俄罗斯呼吁建立G20条约是个“有趣”的选择。该条约被指与规定了欧盟成员国财政目标的《马斯特里赫特》条约类似。
在上面的报道中,rotating presidency就是指“轮值主席(国)”。某些国际机构或组织不设固定的主席职位,而由各成员国或理事国首脑轮流担任。担任者就被称为“轮值主席”,其所在国家就是“轮值主席国”。
在rotating presidency这个短语中它表示perform a job or duty on a rotating basis(轮流担任某职务),如:France holds the six-month rotating presidency of the EU Council from 1 July to 31 December 2008.(法国将从2008年7月1日至12月31日担任六个月的欧盟理事会轮值主席国。)
Rotating做形容词最常用的意思是turn on or around an axis or a center(围绕轴或中心旋转的),如rotating view就是指“旋转视图”,不过各大酒店顶层的“旋转餐厅”一般都用revolving restaurant来表示。15.跛脚鸭:Lame duck
Mr.Obama has conferred with Congressional leaders about passing a $100 billion economic stimulus package in a lame-duck session the week of Nov.17 to pay for public works projects, aid to cities and states, and unemployment, food stamp and heating benefits.奥巴马已经就总价值1000亿美元的经济刺激方案与国会领袖交换了意见,他希望该方案可以在本月17日举行的“跛脚鸭”国会会议上获得通过。这些资金将用于公共设施建设、对城市和州的援助、增加失业人士的福利、向低收入家庭派发食物券及供热补贴。
上面的报道中,lame-duck session就是指“跛脚鸭国会会议”,即新旧总统交接之间的国会会议。由于部分与会议员不会在下任国会出现,也许议员会对议题出现爱理不理的态度。
Lame duck字面上看是“跛脚鸭”,它做名词常用来指“无用的人”,带有贬义,如:The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks.(政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业。)
在政治领域它是指已经没有发展前途的政客,或者任期将满的官员,用来形容他们的窘境。如:The governor of our state ended up as a lame duck when he lost the election.(我们州的州长竞选连任失败,即将离任。)16.胜选演说:victory speech
US President-elect Barack Obama promised Tuesday that “change is coming to America” as he gave a victory speech after becoming the first African-American to be elected to the White House.美国当地时间周二刚刚当选的美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马在成为首位入主白宫的非洲裔美国人之后发表胜选演说,称“美国迎来了变革时代”。
上面的报道中,victory speech就是“胜选演说”的意思。总统候选人被正式提名为某党派候选人,或者在确认当选下任总统,但还没有正式就职前,都会发表victory speech。如:Bush delivers victory speech for 2nd term.(布什发表连任获胜演说),而竞选失利的一方发表的演说则叫做concession speech,即“败选演说”。
到当选总统正式入主白宫时,发表的就是inaugural address(就职演说)了。总统任期期满卸任时,会发表farewell speech(告别演说)。“政治演说”我们可以用stump speech来表示。
那么,speech和address有什么区别呢?一般来说,演说词在英语里是speech,用address这个词是比较少的。如果要说两者有什么差别的话,无非是风格上及使用场合上的区别。speech使用比较随意,而address从风格上来说更为庄重,指“正式的致辞”,例如总统发表的“国情咨文演说”,就要说成是State of the Union Address。17.封口费:Hush money
Journalists from various media organizations were paid a total of 125,700 yuan not to report on a mine accident in Shanxi province on Sept 20, the General Administration of Press and Publication said Wednesday.Investigations by the local government revealed that dozens of journalists, some genuine and some not, went to the mine not to report on the accident, but to receive hush money.本周三,国家新闻出版总署称,9月20日山西矿难发生后,从不同媒体赶赴山西的记者共领到12.57万元“封口费”。当地政府的调查显示,这些记者去煤矿的目的不是报道矿难,而是去领取“封口费”,Hush money意思是a bribe paid to someone to insure that something is kept secret.(为了让某人对某事保密而行的贿赂)。Hush做动词可以解释为“不要做声,掩盖”。所以,hush money就是为了防止某人揭露一个罪行或者一个丑闻而付给他的一笔钱。
这种做法由来已久,hush money这个习惯用语也至少有三百年的历史了。如:Taking hush money from the underworld gang, the witness kept his mouth shut about what he saw.(目击者从黑社会歹徒那里拿了“封口费”,对他见到的一切守口如瓶)。
我们还可以用hush up来表达“掩盖”某事的意思,hush the scandal up就是指的“把丑闻掩盖起来”。18.平权措施:Affirmative action
He has been instrumental in expanding voting rights, supporting affirmative action, passing the Violence Against Women Act, expanding the definition of hate crimes and working toward ending employment discrimination.他一直致力于扩大选举权,支持平权措施,支持通过《防止对妇女施暴法》,扩大仇恨犯罪的定义范畴,并努力消除就业歧视。
Affirmative action(平权措施)始于美国最高法院19世纪中叶在有关人种问题的司法判决中,依据宪法的平等保障原则来保护黑色人种公民的权利的行为。20世纪60年代,随着美国黑人运动、妇女运动的兴起,美国总统约翰逊在1965年发起平权运动,主张在大学录取学生、公司招收或晋升雇员、政府招标时,应当照顾少数种族和女性。目的就是扳回历史上对黑人和女性的歧视,把他们在历史上承受的痛苦折算成现实的利益。随着时间的推移,它的概念范畴不断扩展。现在,平权措施包括所有有助于一些特定的少数人群或妇女消除故有的、新生的、或即将产生的歧视而进行的私人或公开的积极、鼓励的举措。
Affirmative做形容词,表示“肯定的,赞成的,支持的”,如;an affirmative approach to the problem(正面解决问题)。我们平时数学中使用的“正号”,就是affirmative sign。在辩论时,也许你会take the affirmative(站在赞成的一方),或者对某项议题投affirmative vote(赞成票),因为你对自己的观点有十足的把握,有affirmative proof(确凿的证据)。19.食品“添加剂”:Additive
The latest draft of the food safety law has set stricter food quality standards and given greater responsibility to the government following the baby milk food scandal.“Only food additives proven safe, reliable and technically essential through risk assessments will be allowed,” says the draft, submitted Thursday to the fifth session of the National People's Congress(NPC)Standing Committee for the third review.婴儿奶粉事件后,最新的食品安全法草案对食品质量标准有了更加严格的规定,同时加强了政府部门的监管职责。该草案规定:只有经过风险评估证明安全可靠、技术上确有必要的食品添加剂,才能被列入允许使用的范围。本周四该草案已被提交给全国人大常委会第五次会议进行三审。
Additive在这里意思就是“添加剂”。如chemical additive就是指“化学添加剂”,flavor additive为“香味添加剂”。
除此之外,它还可以做形容词,表示“附加的”,如:additive samples(附加样本);additive information(补充报告)等。
我们平时在食品外包装上经常看到This food is guaranteed additive free.(该食品保证不含添加剂)。这句话还可以这样说:The manufacturer officially promises that it contains no additives.20.农药“残留”:pesticide residue
Tests conducted on samples of frozen green beans exported to Japan showed no evidence of pesticideresidue, Chinese authorities said here yesterday.中国政府昨日表示,出口日本的冷冻青刀豆样品检测结果并未显示有农药残留痕迹。
上面的报道中,residue是matter that remains after something has been removed,即“残留、残余,剩余”等意思,这里的pesticide residue就是“农药残留(物)”。除此以外,residue还有“剩余财产,余数”等意思,比如:The residue of his estate belongs to his son.(他的剩余财产都归他的儿子。)21.个性化车牌:personalized license plate
Beijing readopted a program on Monday allowing car owners to have personalized license plates, but clamping down on the flashy and crude picks such as “UFO”, “TMD”and “FBI 007” produced by some people six years ago.北京于本周一(10月6日)起重新开始发放由车主自行编排的个性化车牌,六年前此类车牌试行时,因有人选择“UFO”,“TMD”及“FBI007”等不实又不雅的号牌而被叫停。
上面的报道中,personalized license plate就是“个性化车牌”的英文表达,有些报道中也用personal/personalized plate或者customized license plate来表示“个性化车牌”,这三种表达方式分别用personalize和customize等词表达了“个性化”这个概念,即make according to personal requirements。生活中很多“个性化”的东西就可以用这两个词形容了,比如:customized design/product(个性化设计/产品),personalized service(个性化服务)等。
22.人肉搜索:human flesh search engines
Beijing court has issued what’s being treated as the first decision to award damages for emotional distress in a case involving human flesh search engines.A Beijing man surnamed Yan won 10,000 yuan in emotional damages from his former employer, along with 1,300 yuan for economic losses.北京市日前判决首起被判赔偿精神抚慰金的“人肉搜索引擎”案件。北京的严先生从其原单位获得经济损失1300元、精神抚慰金1万元的赔偿。
上面的报道中出现了近几年网络上很流行的一个术语“人肉搜索引擎”的英文表达方式:human flesh search engine,因为这个说法是中国的网民自创的,所以有些地方直接用renrou search engine来表示。
人肉搜索引擎就是指在利用现代信息科技和传统搜索引擎的同时,更多地利用人工参与来提取搜索引擎提供的信息的一种机制。对于“人肉搜索”在网络中的作用,有人称之为Internet lynching(网络私刑),也有人称之为vigilante of the Internet(网络义警),至于孰是孰非,尚待进一步论证了。23.矿难:coalmine mishap
Authorities will launch a three-month inspection on Oct 11 to prevent coalmine accidents nationwide, following a slew of fatalmining mishaps in the past months, the State Administration of Work Safety(SAWS)announced on its website.在过去几个月重大矿库事故频发的情况下,国家安全生产监督管理局日前在其网站上表示要从10月11日起展开为期三个月的安全检查以防止更多煤矿事故的发生。
在上面的报道中,mishap就是an unfortunate accident/unforeseen happening,即“(意外)事故”的意思,coalmine mishap/accident 都是“煤矿事故”的意思,即“矿难”。那么accident跟mishap到底有什么区别呢?
我们常用的accident除了指an unexpected happening, often harmful, causing injury etc“意外事故”以外,还可以指anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause“意外的、偶然的事”,比如:He met Tom in town by accident.(他在镇上跟汤姆偶遇);而mishap则专指那些“不幸的、意外的事故”。
绿色复苏:green recovery
美国当选总统奥巴马近日公布了经济刺激方案,并表示希望新的经济刺激方案是“绿色的”。该方案旨在增加 “绿领工作”岗位和使用节约能源。其中20亿美元将用于减少收费和提供扩展服务,50亿美元用于可再生能源债券,25亿美元用于购买和淘汰老式的污染汽车,以及花费9亿美元帮助100万户家庭节约能源。
Earlier this fall, the center recommended that the government spend $100 billion on energy efficiency, renewable energy and mass transit to promote what it calls a “green recovery”.今年秋初,该中心就建议政府花费1000亿美元用于节约能源,发展可再生能源以及公共交通,以促进经济的“绿色复苏”。
在上面的报道中,green recovery就是指“绿色复苏”,是指利用发展green industry(绿色产业)的契机恢复经济。“绿色产业”即为环保产业,它是以防治环境污染、改善生态环境、保护自然资源为目的所进行的技术开发、产品生产、商业流通、资源利用、工程承包等活动的总称。那么从事这一行业的工作人员就可以被称为green-collar workers(绿领工人),而这个行业的工作自然就是green-collar jobs(绿领工作)了。
Recovery在这里的意思是“恢复,复苏”,例如我们现在都希望看到recovery of the market(市场复苏)。人身体的“复原”也可以用它来表示,如:His recovery is a miracle.(他的复元是一个奇迹),我们也没想到他可以make a quick recovery(迅速痊愈)。
此外,recovery还可以表示“回收,找回”,the recovery of something就是指“找回丢失的东西”。
鸵鸟政策:head in the sand approach
The president-elect said it is important that domestic carmakers survive the current crisis, although he accused the industry's executives of taking a “head in the sand approach” that has prevented their companies from becoming more competitive.尽管美国当选总统奥巴马指责汽车行业主管们的“鸵鸟政策”使公司无法更具竞争力,但他仍然表示国内汽车业摆脱目前的困境非常重要。
在上面的报道中,head in the sand approach就是指“鸵鸟政策”。有时也写成ostrich policy。据说鸵鸟在遭到外敌追赶不能逃脱时,就会让头钻进沙里,以为自己什么都看不见就会太平无事。殊不知,自己大大的屁股露在外面,更加引人注目。后来人们用它来嘲讽拒绝面对现实,自欺欺人的政策。这个名词最初见于1891年9月12日英国的新闻和文学刊物《蓓尔美尔文学新闻》上,后来被广泛运用到外交和经济等领域而逐渐流传开来。
Head in the sand意思是“逃避现实”,如:If there is a difficulty, you cannot just bury your head in the sand.(如果有困难,你不能逃避它)。除了bury one’s head in the sand外,我们还可以用have/put one’s head in the sand来表示这个意思,如:It's no use having your head in the sand.You should try to solve the problem.(逃避现实是没有用的。你应该尝试解决问题)。“逃避现实的人”,我们一般称之为ostrich或者escapist。考核:annual assessment
China's state bureau of civil servants on Tuesday, stipulated that civil servants, who were evaluated as “incompetent” for two consecutive years in the annual assessment, would be dismissed.中国国家公务员局于本周二做出规定,连续两年考核为“不称职”等级的公务员将被辞退。
在上面的报道中,annual assessment就是我们工作中常遇到的“考核”。在这个短语里annual做形容词,表示“一年一度的”,例如公司每年都会出一份annual report(报告),里面会标明annual accounting(决算)。可是annual the contract可不是表示再续一年合同,而是“废除合同”的意思。
此外,assessment在我们的生活中也是无处不在,我们在单位可能还会有performance-based assessment(工作表现评价),forward-looking assessment(发展前景评价),self-assessment(自我评价)等不同的评价形式。中国通:China hand
“The world is depending on China's growth,” the former CEO of Dow Jones & Company in China said.“Obama's chief China advisor is an experienced China hand, he understands that,” referring to Jeffrey Bader.道琼斯公司中国区前任总裁说:“中国的发展对全世界至关重要。奥巴马的首席中国问题顾问是个经验丰富的中国通,他会明白这一点的。” 他指的首席中国问题顾问就是杰弗里?贝德。
在上面的报道中,China hand就是指“中国通”,有时也写作old China hand,一般指对中国历史政治社会非常了解的外交官,或是对中国非常了解的外国人,例如美国记者斯诺、前美国国务卿基辛格、澳大利亚总理陆克文,还有人们很熟悉的大山都被称为old China hand。
Hand在这里表示“内行,精通某项业务的人”,例如:an old Parliamentary hand(精通议会事务的人)。要想形容某人在某个领域是行家,可以用a good/great hand at来表示。但a cool hand可不是指对某个行当“手冷”(不熟悉),它的意思是“大胆而厚脸皮的人”。真正的“生手”其实是“a fresh/green hand”,他们对所从事的领域not much of a hand at(不擅长)。
上次去看演唱会,歌手在台上表演得非常出色,我们give a big hand(热烈鼓掌),但我朋友没有去成,她的老板交待她去办事,而且give her a free hand(让她全权处理),所以She has her hands full(她实在太忙了),不能跟我们一起狂欢。联动效应:coupling effects
Amid the coupling effects of shrinking global demand and rising operating costs, it has been a dramatic upheaval this year for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)after China started its reforms 30 years ago.身陷国际需求下降及生产成本上升的联动效应当中,中国的中小企业今年面临着改革开放30年来前所未有的一次形势巨变。
在上面的报道中,coupling effects就是指“联动效应”,也称为互动效应、耦合效应。在群体心理学中,人们把群体中两个或以上的个体通过相互作用而彼此影响从而联合起来产生增力的现象,称之为联动效应。生活中联动效应的例子比比皆是,一个联动良好的班级,就可能使所有学生产生团结、向上、善学、积极奋进的品质。
Coupling在这里做名词,意思就是“联结、耦合”,例如coupling device就是指“联结装置”。此外,coupling还可以表示“运用、推广”,如:coupling science to production(将科学运用到生产中去)。若想表示把„„结合起来,就要用到它的原形couple了,如: Her name was coupled with his.(她的名字与他的连在一起)。
除了“联动效应”之外,我们在服用药物的时候会有side effect(副作用),现代社会大量的温室气体排放会导致greenhouse effect(温室效应),还有一个蝴蝶在巴西轻拍翅膀就可以导致一个月后德克萨斯州来一场龙卷风的butterfly effect(蝴蝶效应)。重复建设:overlapping project
“In deciding the designated areas of investment and choosing specific projects, we followed the requirements set out in the eleventh five-year plan.That way, we can avoid overlapping projects or unwise investment,” said an official from the National Development and Reform Commission.国家发展和改革委员会的一位官员称:“在指定投资区域及选择特定项目时,我们遵从了第11个五年计划的要求。在此条件下,我们可以避免重复建设或盲目投资。”
在上面的报道中,overlapping project就是我们平时所说的“重复建设项目”。所谓重复建设项目,是指那些提供的产品或服务在数量上已超过社会(市场)需求,而在质量上又不如已有的产品或服务。重复建设项目会造成社会资源的巨大浪费,有损宏观经济效益。
Overlapping在这个短语中表示“重复的”,如:overlapping route(重复路线)。它的原意是指“重叠、叠加”,如streamline(or simplify)overlapping administrative organizations(精简重叠的行政机构)。
在工作中我们和同事常常会承担overlapping duties(共同的责任),或者和别人有overlapping areas of interest(利益共同点)。现在有很多新兴学科都属于overlapping subject(交叉学科),可以帮助我们建立综合知识体系,当然这也需要我们多运用a model of overlapping things(统筹问题的方式)来学习。智囊团:Brain trust
Obama, who rolled out the key components of his economic team this week, plans to announce his foreign policy brain trust after the Thanksgiving holiday.奥巴马已于本周宣布了其经济团队的主要成员,并计划于感恩节后公布他的外交政策“智囊团”。
在上面的报道中,brain trust就是我们常说的“智囊团”,有时也被称为think tank。Brain trust是在富兰克林?罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)总统执政时期流行起来的。1932年,罗斯福竞选总统时,曾请了三位哥伦比亚大学的教授为他撰写演讲稿,大学教授的智慧结晶果然使罗斯福旗开得胜,当选为美国第32届总统。尝到甜头的罗斯福上任后,继续使用政府以外的专家来提供咨询,记者们把这些知识分子顾问称为brain trust,后来这种用法就逐渐流行起来了。
现在,凡是一个组织的领导人在他手下工作人员之外请一些人来给他出主意,做顾问,都可以称为brain trust。如:The director of our institute makes us feel useless because he only listens to his own brain trust.He totally ignores the ideas from those who work for him in the institute.(我们研究所的主任只听取他的智囊团的意见。这使得我们感到好像我们都是没有用的人。他把所里工作人员提出的意见完全不当一回事)。商业贿赂:commercial bribery
Under the interpretation, medical staff face being charged with commercial bribery if they receive bribes from sales agents of pharmaceutical companies and suppliers of medical equipment, or if they help promote pharmaceutical products through their prescriptions for the benefits.根据该解释,医务人员如果接受制药公司销售部门或者医疗器械供应商的贿赂,或是利用开处方的职务便利帮助厂家促销药品谋利,均会面临商业贿赂的指控。
在上面的报道中,commercial bribery的意思是“商业贿赂”,商业贿赂是指经营者为争取交易机会,暗中给予交易对方有关人员和能够影响交易的其他相关人员以财物或其他好处的行为,属于不正当竞争。常见的形式包括提供回扣、促销费、宣传费、劳务费,或报销各种费用、提供境内外旅游等等。
Bribery的意思就是“贿赂”,如:It is necessary to take comprehensive law measures to control business bribery.(控制商业贿赂必须采取综合性的法治措施)。
最近有人向约翰commit bribery(行贿),但是He is superior/ insusceptible to bribery./ He is proof against bribery(他不为贿赂所动),因为他认为Bribery is a vile practice.(贿赂是卑鄙的行径),他不想卷入a seamy bribery scandal(肮脏的贿赂丑闻),更不想犯fence of bribery(行贿受贿罪)。
划定界限:draw the line
The $25 billion rescue plan for the auto industry, desperately sought by Detroit's beleaguered Big Three, collapsed Thursday as Congress drew the line at one more bailout and Democrats said they wouldn't even consider it until the companies produced a convincing plan for rebuilding their once-mighty industry.美国“底特律三大汽车巨头”极力要求通过的一项250亿美元的汽车业援助计划遭到搁置,美国国会已于本周四对这项追加的救援计划加以限制,民主党方面称在这些公司制订出能够重振昔日辉煌的汽车工业的可信计划之前,他们将对此援助计划不予考虑。
在上面的报道中,draw the line就是指reasonably object(to)or set a limit(on),即“划定界限”或“对某件事限制或反对”,也可用draw a line替换。
这种用法最早来源于网球以及类似的球类运动,这些活动需要在场地中央划线,将场地分成两块,后来演变成“划定界限”的意思。如:It all depends on your concept of fiction and where you draw the line between fact and fiction.(这有赖于你对虚构这一概念的理解以及你如何划定事实和虚构的界线。)
我们常说的“忍耐也得有个度”常用One must draw the line somewhere来表示。王牌:Trump card
Hilary Clinton has some of the key attributes of a good secretary of state — stature and toughness — but that she’s untested as a negotiator, and her status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine an envoy’s traditional trump card.希拉里?克林顿具备一位优秀国务卿的某些关键特质---才干和韧性,但是她是否能成功进行协商谈判还不得而知,而且她作为奥巴马前竞争对手的特殊身份也可能会使该职位历来的重王牌地位受到动摇。
在上面的报道中,trump card就是指“王牌,绝招”。Trump card原意是“牌局中最大的王牌”。王牌在手,即胜券在握。王牌往往会留到最后关头才打出,所以一般人们用这个短语来形容决定性的可以扭转局势的手法。如:The coach saved his star player for a trump card.(教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌)。
我们常用play one’s trump card来表示“使出绝招”。如:Finally she played her trump card and threatened to resign.(最后她使出了绝招,扬言要辞职)。
而have all the trumps in one's hand(hold some trumps)则表示“胸有成竹,有必胜把握”,但如果你put someone to his trumps那可就要“把某人逼入绝境,迫使他使出最后的招数”了。
安全港法案:safe haven law
Nebraska lawmakers gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a new 30-day age limit for children who can be legally abandoned under the state's safe haven law.内布拉斯加州立法者于本周二初步通过了一项决议,将该州《安全港法案》规定的合法抛弃婴儿的时限限定在婴儿出生30天以内。
在上面的报道中,safe haven law就是指《安全港法案》。在美国,《安全港法案》容许婴儿的监护人安全地把孩子遗弃,“安全港”通常是医院、警察局、救援中心、消防站等。
Safe haven原意是指“安全港、安身之处”,如:He will not find a safe haven here.(他在这里找不到安身之处)。它还可以引申为提供某种形式的“庇护”,如:In 2000 this agent offered Al Qaida safe haven in the region.(这名情报人员在2000年向基地组织提供了在该地区的庇护)。
此外,在经济领域,它用来指没有金融、财务危机的地点或投资。Safe haven currency就是我们听说的“避风港货币”,指诸如美元或瑞士法郎等主要交易货币,投资者在政治动荡时期想为资金寻找避风港时,就会投资购入此类货币,或者他们会去tax haven(避税港,对跨国纳税人提供低税、免税或给予大量税收优惠的国家和地区)寻找机会。空白支票 V.S 空头支票
President-elect Barack Obama said he believes aid for the auto industry is needed but that it should be provided as part of a long-term plan — not simply as a blank check.美国当选总统巴拉克?奥巴马说他相信对汽车行业的救助是必须的,但应以长期计划形式提供救助——而不仅仅是以空白支票的形式。
在上面的报道中,blank check就是指我们经常提到的a signed check with no amount to be paid filled in(空白支票),即“未填金额的签名支票,可支取任何数目的支票”。如:My uncle offered me a blank check to start my business.(我叔叔为了支持我的事业给了我一张空白支票)。
此外,它还可以表示“自由处理权,全权”。如:Wilcox was given a blank check in the choice of personnel for the new department.(威尔科克斯先生全权负责为这个新部门挑选人员)。
平时我们常把blank check理解成“空头支票”,但实际上它的意思与“空头支票”正好相反。“空头支票”在英文中是“an empty or a rubber or bad check”,即“金融机构拒绝付现或支付的支票”。出现这种情况的原因可能是账户已经终止,或者账户资金不足以支付支票金额,也可转意为empty promise or lip service(空洞的许诺).如:Many voters know that the promises of different parties before an election are all just bad checks.(许多选民都知道各党派在选举前的承诺只不过是空头支票,不会兑现的)。定下基调:set tone
U.S.President George W.Bush set tone for the upcoming Group-20 Summit Thursday in New York saying that the summit will focus on “understanding the causes of the global crisis and developing principles for reforming our financial and regulatory systems.”
在上面的报道中,set tone就是指“定下基调”,tone在这里的意思是the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people(对处于某地或情境中的人们有影响的气氛)。如:Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference.(她友好的开幕词确定了整个会议的基调。)
Tone最常见的意思是指“音调、色调”。如果你想形容一个人的“声调很悦耳”,就可以说Her voice has a pleasant tone.Tone做动词还可以表示“搭配、协调”,朋友家新买了窗帘,The new curtains tone in beautifully with the carpet.(与地毯的颜色非常协调),但是她今天心情可不太好,上班的时候took an angry tone with her colleagues.(带着怒气与同事说话),因为最近由于金融危机,公司的市场状况(tone of the market)不太好。轮值主席:rotating presidency
Mantega, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the bloc, said each country will take action according to its own situation.He described Russia's call for the founding of a G20 treaty similar to the EU's Maastricht Treaty, which defines the fiscal targets of EU members, as an “interesting” alternative.年会轮值主席国代表(巴西财长)曼特加称,每个国家都应该根据自身情况采取相应措施。他认为俄罗斯呼吁建立G20条约是个“有趣”的选择。该条约被指与规定了欧盟成员国财政目标的《马斯特里赫特》条约类似。
在上面的报道中,rotating presidency就是指“轮值主席(国)”。某些国际机构或组织不设固定的主席职位,而由各成员国或理事国首脑轮流担任。担任者就被称为“轮值主席”,其所在国家就是“轮值主席国”。
在rotating presidency这个短语中它表示perform a job or duty on a rotating basis(轮流担任某职务),如:France holds the six-month rotating presidency of the EU Council from 1 July to 31 December 2008.(法国将从2008年7月1日至12月31日担任六个月的欧盟理事会轮值主席国。)
Rotating做形容词最常用的意思是turn on or around an axis or a center(围绕轴或中心旋转的),如rotating view就是指“旋转视图”,不过各大酒店顶层的“旋转餐厅”一般都用revolving restaurant来表示。跛脚鸭:Lame duck
Mr.Obama has conferred with Congressional leaders about passing a $100 billion economic stimulus package in a lame-duck session the week of Nov.17 to pay for public works projects, aid to cities and states, and unemployment, food stamp and heating benefits.奥巴马已经就总价值1000亿美元的经济刺激方案与国会领袖交换了意见,他希望该方案可以在本月17日举行的“跛脚鸭”国会会议上获得通过。这些资金将用于公共设施建设、对城市和州的援助、增加失业人士的福利、向低收入家庭派发食物券及供热补贴。
上面的报道中,lame-duck session就是指“跛脚鸭国会会议”,即新旧总统交接之间的国会会议。由于部分与会议员不会在下任国会出现,也许议员会对议题出现爱理不理的态度。
Lame duck字面上看是“跛脚鸭”,它做名词常用来指“无用的人”,带有贬义,如:The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks.(政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业。)
在政治领域它是指已经没有发展前途的政客,或者任期将满的官员,用来形容他们的窘境。如:The governor of our state ended up as a lame duck when he lost the election.(我们州的州长竞选连任失败,即将离任。)胜选演说:victory speech
US President-elect Barack Obama promised Tuesday that “change is coming to America” as he gave a victory speech after becoming the first African-American to be elected to the White House.美国当地时间周二刚刚当选的美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马在成为首位入主白宫的非洲裔美国人之后发表胜选演说,称“美国迎来了变革时代”。
上面的报道中,victory speech就是“胜选演说”的意思。总统候选人被正式提名为某党派候选人,或者在确认当选下任总统,但还没有正式就职前,都会发表victory speech。如:Bush delivers victory speech for 2nd term.(布什发表连任获胜演说),而竞选失利的一方发表的演说则叫做concession speech,即“败选演说”。
到当选总统正式入主白宫时,发表的就是inaugural address(就职演说)了。总统任期期满卸任时,会发表farewell speech(告别演说)。“政治演说”我们可以用stump speech来表示。
那么,speech和address有什么区别呢?一般来说,演说词在英语里是speech,用address这个词是比较少的。如果要说两者有什么差别的话,无非是风格上及使用场合上的区别。speech使用比较随意,而address从风格上来说更为庄重,指“正式的致辞”,例如总统发表的“国情咨文演说”,就要说成是State of the Union Address。封口费:Hush money
Journalists from various media organizations were paid a total of 125,700 yuan not to report on a mine accident in Shanxi province on Sept 20, the General Administration of Press and Publication said Wednesday.Investigations by the local government revealed that dozens of journalists, some genuine and some not, went to the mine not to report on the accident, but to receive hush money.本周三,国家新闻出版总署称,9月20日山西矿难发生后,从不同媒体赶赴山西的记者共领到12.57万元“封口费”。当地政府的调查显示,这些记者去煤矿的目的不是报道矿难,而是去领取“封口费”,Hush money意思是a bribe paid to someone to insure that something is kept secret.(为了让某人对某事保密而行的贿赂)。Hush做动词可以解释为“不要做声,掩盖”。所以,hush money就是为了防止某人揭露一个罪行或者一个丑闻而付给他的一笔钱。
这种做法由来已久,hush money这个习惯用语也至少有三百年的历史了。如:Taking hush money from the underworld gang, the witness kept his mouth shut about what he saw.(目击者从黑社会歹徒那里拿了“封口费”,对他见到的一切守口如瓶)。
我们还可以用hush up来表达“掩盖”某事的意思,hush the scandal up就是指的“把丑闻掩盖起来”。
平权措施:Affirmative action
He has been instrumental in expanding voting rights, supporting affirmative action, passing the Violence Against Women Act, expanding the definition of hate crimes and working toward ending employment discrimination.他一直致力于扩大选举权,支持平权措施,支持通过《防止对妇女施暴法》,扩大仇恨犯罪的定义范畴,并努力消除就业歧视。
Affirmative action(平权措施)始于美国最高法院19世纪中叶在有关人种问题的司法判决中,依据宪法的平等保障原则来保护黑色人种公民的权利的行为。20世纪60年代,随着美国黑人运动、妇女运动的兴起,美国总统约翰逊在1965年发起平权运动,主张在大学录取学生、公司招收或晋升雇员、政府招标时,应当照顾少数种族和女性。目的就是扳回历史上对黑人和女性的歧视,把他们在历史上承受的痛苦折算成现实的利益。随着时间的推移,它的概念范畴不断扩展。现在,平权措施包括所有有助于一些特定的少数人群或妇女消除故有的、新生的、或即将产生的歧视而进行的私人或公开的积极、鼓励的举措。
Affirmative做形容词,表示“肯定的,赞成的,支持的”,如;an affirmative approach to the problem(正面解决问题)。我们平时数学中使用的“正号”,就是affirmative sign。在辩论时,也许你会take the affirmative(站在赞成的一方),或者对某项议题投affirmative vote(赞成票),因为你对自己的观点有十足的把握,有affirmative proof(确凿的证据)。食品“添加剂”:Additive
The latest draft of the food safety law has set stricter food quality standards and given greater responsibility to the government following the baby milk food scandal.“Only food additives proven safe, reliable and technically essential through risk assessments will be allowed,” says the draft, submitted Thursday to the fifth session of the National People's Congress(NPC)Standing Committee for the third review.婴儿奶粉事件后,最新的食品安全法草案对食品质量标准有了更加严格的规定,同时加强了政府部门的监管职责。该草案规定:只有经过风险评估证明安全可靠、技术上确有必要的食品添加剂,才能被列入允许使用的范围。本周四该草案已被提交给全国人大常委会第五次会议进行三审。
Additive在这里意思就是“添加剂”。如chemical additive就是指“化学添加剂”,flavor additive为“香味添加剂”。
除此之外,它还可以做形容词,表示“附加的”,如:additive samples(附加样本);additive information(补充报告)等。
我们平时在食品外包装上经常看到This food is guaranteed additive free.(该食品保证不含添加剂)。这句话还可以这样说:The manufacturer officially promises that it contains no additives.农药“残留”:pesticide residue
Tests conducted on samples of frozen green beans exported to Japan showed no evidence of pesticideresidue, Chinese authorities said here yesterday.中国政府昨日表示,出口日本的冷冻青刀豆样品检测结果并未显示有农药残留痕迹。
上面的报道中,residue是matter that remains after something has been removed,即“残留、残余,剩余”等意思,这里的pesticide residue就是“农药残留(物)”。除此以外,residue还有“剩余财产,余数”等意思,比如:The residue of his estate belongs to his son.(他的剩余财产都归他的儿子。)个性化车牌:personalized license plate
Beijing readopted a program on Monday allowing car owners to have personalized license plates, but clamping down on the flashy and crude picks such as “UFO”, “TMD”and “FBI 007” produced by some people six years ago.北京于本周一(10月6日)起重新开始发放由车主自行编排的个性化车牌,六年前此类车牌试行时,因有人选择“UFO”,“TMD”及“FBI007”等不实又不雅的号牌而被叫停。
上面的报道中,personalized license plate就是“个性化车牌”的英文表达,有些报道中也用personal/personalized plate或者customized license plate来表示“个性化车牌”,这三种表达方式分别用personalize和customize等词表达了“个性化”这个概念,即make according to personal requirements。生活中很多“个性化”的东西就可以用这两个词形容了,比如:customized design/product(个性化设计/产品),personalized service(个性化服务)等。人肉搜索:human flesh search engines
Beijing court has issued what’s being treated as the first decision to award damages for emotional distress in a case involving human flesh search engines.A Beijing man surnamed Yan won 10,000 yuan in emotional damages from his former employer, along with 1,300 yuan for economic losses.北京市日前判决首起被判赔偿精神抚慰金的“人肉搜索引擎”案件。北京的严先生从其原单位获得经济损失1300元、精神抚慰金1万元的赔偿。
上面的报道中出现了近几年网络上很流行的一个术语“人肉搜索引擎”的英文表达方式:human flesh search engine,因为这个说法是中国的网民自创的,所以有些地方直接用renrou search engine来表示。
人肉搜索引擎就是指在利用现代信息科技和传统搜索引擎的同时,更多地利用人工参与来提取搜索引擎提供的信息的一种机制。对于“人肉搜索”在网络中的作用,有人称之为Internet lynching(网络私刑),也有人称之为vigilante of the Internet(网络义警),至于孰是孰非,尚待进一步论证了。矿难:coalmine mishap
Authorities will launch a three-month inspection on Oct 11 to prevent coalmine accidents nationwide, following a slew of fatalmining mishaps in the past months, the State Administration of Work Safety(SAWS)announced on its website.在过去几个月重大矿库事故频发的情况下,国家安全生产监督管理局日前在其网站上表示要从10月11日起展开为期三个月的安全检查以防止更多煤矿事故的发生。
在上面的报道中,mishap就是an unfortunate accident/unforeseen happening,即“(意外)事故”的意思,coalmine mishap/accident 都是“煤矿事故”的意思,即“矿难”。那么accident跟mishap到底有什么区别呢?
我们常用的accident除了指an unexpected happening, often harmful, causing injury etc“意外事故”以外,还可以指anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause“意外的、偶然的事”,比如:He met Tom in town by accident.(他在镇上跟汤姆偶遇);而mishap则专指那些“不幸的、意外的事故”。南水北调:South-to-North water diversion
According to the South-to-North water diversion office, when part of the project is completed in 2010, about 1 billion cubic meters of water will be diverted to Beijing annually.据南水北调办公室称,到2010年该工程部分项目完工时,每年将会有大约十亿立方米的水源输往北京。
上述报道中,South-to-North water diversion就是“南水北调”的英文表达,South-to-North Water Diversion Project是“南水北调工程”,The South-to-North Water Diversion Project, consisting of eastern, middle and western routes, is designed to divert water from the water-rich south of the country, mainly the Yangtze River, the country's longest, to the dry north.(南水北调工程包括东线、中线、西线三条调水线路,主要从水资源丰富的长江流域往干旱的北方地区输送水源)。
stem cell: 干细胞
请看《中国日报》报道:South Korean Board of Audit and Inspection(BAI)on Monday said disgraced stem cell researcher Hwang Woo-suk mismanaged a huge amount of state funds and public donations for his research in the past years.句中的stem cell就是05年被吵得沸沸扬扬的“干细胞”。干细胞是具有self-renewal(自我更新)以及proliferation(增生)能力的细胞群体。干细胞被认为在未来的器官与组织移植、新药开发、基因疗法、治疗癌症等方面具有无限的发展潜力。
2009-3-23 类型:灾难——日本货机爆炸
A FedEx cargo plane(货机), crash-lands(迫降), at Japan's Narita International Airport(日本成田国际机场)..Red Cross officials say both pilots were killed.Television footage showed the plane explode, shortly after one of its wings, clipped the ground.Reports say the flight from Guangzhou, China, was trying to land in windy conditions.2009-4-13 类型:国际政治——美古关系改善 U.S.President Barack Obama has lifted restrictions on travel and money transfers by Cuban-Americans to Cuba.A statement said supporting the Cuban people's desire to freely determine their future and that of their country is in the national interest of the United States.Former Cuban Leader Fidel Castro says U.S.measures to ease restrictions on trips by Cuban-Americans to Cuba were positive, but minimum they could do.Castro says many other measures are missing, including the elimination of the Law of Cuban Adjustment.The 1966 law, which the U.S.exclusively applies to Cuba, grants Cubans who reach US soil automatic residency
2009-4-20 类型:国际政治——西班牙埃塔组织领导人被捕
The military leader of the Basque separatist group, ETA, has been arrested in France.Spain's Interior Ministry says Jurdan Martitegi Lizaso was captured by the French police in southeast France as part of joint cross-border operation with Spain.He was the third leader of ETA to be arrested in less than six months.2009-4-29 类型:灾难——H1N1 flu(Swine flu)开始流行
Mexico's Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova said late Tuesday that the probable death toll from swine flu in Mexico has risen to 159, up from the 152 suspected cases announced earlier Tuesday.Meanwhile, the swine flu crisis continues to spread worldwide.At least 16 countries have confirmed or suspected infections.This comes, as the World Health Organization admits the virus is too widespread to be contained.It has raised its global alert level, but stopped short of declaring a full-blown pandemic.There are 64 confirmed cases in the United States and eight cases in Canada.The US is reacting as if the swine flu outbreak is already a full pandemic.Countries in Asia and the Middle East are the latest to confirm virus-related cases.Oil prices have dropped, amid worries;the outbreak would hurt air travel, and hit demand.China's Ministry of Health has confirmed that a man in the southern province of Guangdong has tested positive for the H1N1 flu virus.The patient, who recently returned from a trip to the U.S.and Canada, is the fourth confirmed case in the Chinese mainland.A suspected case of H1N1 flu has been reported in Tibet.A female tourist from Italy is currently being treated in a local hospital for flu-like symptoms.23 foreign nationals who traveled with her are now under quarantine at a local hotel.2009-5-21 类型:灾难——印尼空难
The death toll of Indonesia's Air force Hercules(大力神运输机)plane crash in East Java(爪哇)reached 71, with 27 others wounded, the health ministry said on Wednesday.Health official reported that there were 15 fatalities in Sudono Hospital with nine people injured, and there were 57 deaths at Iswahyudi Hospital, with 19 people injured, head of crisis center of the Ministry Rustam Pakaya said.However the identification and checking on the victims was being conducting, he said.“It must be avoided two pieces of one body to be counted into two persons,” he told Xinhua.The final result would be announced later after the officials completed their works, said Pakaya.The Hercules was reported to have ploughed into homes on the ground as it crashed and caught fire in Magetan.The plane C-130 Hercules Alpha 1325 was on its way from Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta for Biak in Papua when it crashed only fours kilometer from Iswahyudi Airport.A metro television footage showed the body of the plane was broken into two parts and burnt into flames.2009-5-21 类型:灾难——伊拉克爆炸
Iraqi police say at least 34 people have been killed and 72 injured in a car bomb explosion in northwest Baghdad.An explosive-laden vehicle exploded near a popular restaurant Wednesday evening, destroying at least 10 cars and damaging several shops nearby.2009-6-2 类型:金融危机——通用破产保护
In the largest industrial bankruptcy ever seen in U.S.history, General Motors has filed for bankruptcy protection.Hoping to reemerge(重新出现)from bankruptcy protection as a new company within 60 to 90 days, GM will close 11 U.S.factories and idle three others to slash its operating costs.The GM bankruptcy will also lead to the loss of hundreds of dealers and suppliers as well as hundreds of thousands of jobs.However, an overnight statement from GM said the impact of its U.S.parent's bankruptcy will be minimal to its China business.President Barack Obama has promised an additional 30 billion dollars to the carmaker.2009-6-2 类型:灾难——法航失事
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says chances of finding any survivors are “very small” as an Air France airliner with more than 200 people on board vanished over the Atlantic Ocean.Air France said earlier the plane was probably hit by lightning and suffered an electrical failure while flying through a storm.The Airbus A330 left Rio de Janeiro on Sunday night for Paris.The 228 people aboard were from 32 countries, most of whom are French and Brazilians.8 Chinese nationals were also on board.The French and Brazilian militaries have been searching around the area where the plane disappeared.2009-6-2 类型:灾难——重庆山体滑坡
Rescuers have recovered seven bodies from the debris of Friday's landslide in southwest China, as the search continues to find the 65 people still missing.More than 400 experts, technicians and rescuers have joined the operation in Chongqing.So far they have carried out two explosions at the site to enable the drilling of holes in order to send food and air to 27 trapped miners.2009-6-10 类型:灾难——巴基斯坦爆炸
At least 11 people have been killed in a suicide bomb blast at a five-star hotel in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar.A United Nations worker was among the dead.Dozens of others were inured.The huge explosion at the Pearl Continental Hotel also destroyed some 40 vehicles.Witnesses said attackers first started firing at the guards when their vehicle was stopped at the hotel entrance.2009-6-10 类型:国际政治——制裁朝鲜的决议
The five permanent members of the UN Security Council, along with Japan and South Korea, have reached agreement on a draft resolution(决议)in response to North Korea's recent nuclear test.The resolution includes a range of punitive measures that would severely curtail loans and money transfers to North Korea, as well as an arms embargo.Diplomats say the earliest date for a vote at the Security Council is likely on Thursday.2009-8-16 类型:恐怖主义-——NATO喀布尔总部爆炸
A powerful suicide car bomb went off outside NATO headquarters Saturday, killing 7 Afghan civilians and wounded over 90 people.Taliban militants who have vowed to derail the second presidential election in the post-Taliban country, claimed responsibility for the attack.UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the car bomb attack in Kabul , voicing his concerns at “this indiscriminate violence” just five days before the presidential elections.2009-8月20日 类型:灾难-——台风莫拉克
Taiwan authorities say more than 600 people are listed dead or missing on the island after one of the island's worst typhoons swept across the island’s south.The official death toll stands at 153 deaths and 464 missing.Rescue work is still under way.According to the mainland's State Council Taiwan Affairs Office , relief funds donated from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan have already totaled over 781 million yuan(or 114 million U.S.dollars).The mainland says it is willing to provide more relief materials and equipment, including civilian helicopters, to Taiwan.2009-9-16 类型:国际政治——鸠山上台
Prime Minister Taro Aso(麻生太郎)and 17 other Cabinet ministers resigned on Wednesday, paving the way for the launch of a new coalition government scheduled later in the day.The Democratic Party of Japan secured a landslide victory in the August 30th lower house election.The DPJ-led coalition with the Social Democratic Party and People's New Party is set to assume the reins of government.At the special Diet session to be held later in the day, DPJ President Yukio Hatoyama(鸠山由纪夫)will be voted in as the new prime minister
2009-9-25 类型:国际会议——G20开幕
The third G20 Summit has kicked off in Pittsburgh.The two-day meeting will see leaders, including Chinese president Hu Jintao, coordinate their positions on global economic recovery, financial regulatory reform and world trade issues.G20 Leaders will also coordinate on their macro economic policies to ensure the world economy will grow in a sustainable and more balanced pattern.2009-9-30 类型:国际政治——美国和北约改善和俄罗斯关系
U.S.President Barack Obama says the United States and NATO want to improve relations with Russia, defending its new missile defense system could lead to further collaboration with Russia.Obama spoke to reporters after a meeting with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen in the White House.Obama reiterated the necessity of missile defense deployment in Europe, unveiling a “phased, adaptive approach” for missile defense in the continent.2009-10-2 类型:灾难——印尼地震
A Indonesian official says the death toll from Wednesday's earthquake could reach thousands as many victims are still trapped under the rubble.The head of the United Nations Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes has put the death toll from the 7.6-magnitude quake in West Sumatra at 1,100.Rescue efforts have been disrupted by the damaged roads and telecommunication system and power supply which are still paralyzed.And heavy rain was pouring down in the hardest-hit area of Padang.A second 6.8-magnitude earthquake rocked western Indonesia Thursday while rescuers struggled to reach survivors of the previous day's quake.2009-10-2 类型:体育——里约热内卢获得2016奥运主办权
Rio de Janeiro will host the 2016 Olympics after winning a landslide victory over Madrid in the final round of voting among International Olympic Committee members on Friday.In an astonishing start to the voting, Chicago, the odds-on favorite, went out in the first round, despite receiving unprecedented support from United States President Barack Obama and the first lady.Rio will be the first South American city to host the Games.IOC President Jacques Rogge made the announcement after three rounds of votes.Rio won the bid after beating rivals Chicago, Tokyo and Madrid.2009-10-8 类型:旅游——国内黄金周数据
China's railways will embrace a new round of travel peak as millions of travelers start returning home after the eight-day National Day holiday.Short-distance trips became popular, making the high-speed bullet trains packed with travelers.The China Tourism Academy forecasted before the holiday that the number of tourists on China's mainland could surpass 200 million.Tourist income was expected to be more than 100 billion yuan, roughly 15 billion U.S.dollars, an increase of 25 percent over the same period of last year.2009-10-9 类型:未定——奥巴马获得诺贝尔和平奖
President Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday.The first African-American to win the White House, Obama was praised by the Norwegian Nobel Committee for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”
“Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future,” the committee said.“His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.”
The committee also said Obama has “created a new climate in international politics.”
In his short time in office, Obama has acted on a wide range of issues from the economy to terrorism and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.Obama is the fourth U.S.president to receive the award, joining presidents Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.This year's peace prize nominees included 172 people and 33 organizations.The committee does not release the names of the nominees.2009-10-20 类型:UN——新的非常安理会成员被选出
Bosnia and Herzegovina(黑塞哥维纳), Brazil, Gabon(加蓬), Lebanon and Nigeria have been elected as new non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms starting on Jan.1 next year.The five countries ran unopposed in their respective regions when voting took place at the UN General Assembly.2009-10-27 类型:恐怖主义——巴格达大爆炸,有中国人受伤
The death toll in the massive suicide bombings in Baghdad has risen to 147.The bombs were detonated just 50 meters away from the Chinese Embassy and the Xinhua News Agency that are both located inside the al-Mansour Hotel.Two Chinese chiefs from the hotel's Chinese restaurant were slightly injured and were treated inside the Embassy.UN chief Ban Ki-moon and US President Barack Obama have also voiced their strong condemnation over the suicide bombings.2009-11-29 类型:灾难——上海浦东机场货机爆炸
Three staff have died and four others were injured after a cargo plane caught fire at the Shanghai Pudong airport Saturday.Local officials say the blaze occurred in the morning when the plane veered(转向)off the runway before it took off.All the seven foreign staff were rushed to the People's Hospital of Pudong New Area, where three of them died and one is in serious condition.The plane was registered at Zimbabwe.It was scheduled to fly from Shanghai to Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan.2009-11-20 类型:欧盟——Van Rompuy(范龙佩)当选欧盟首任主席
Belgian Prime Minister Herman van Rompuy has been chosen as the first full-time president of the European Union and Britain's EU Trade Commissioner Catherine Ashton as foreign policy chief of the 27-nation bloc.The two new posts(职位)are regulated by the Lisbon Treaty, which will come into force on December 1, 2009.2009-11-29 类型:恐怖主义——俄罗斯火车出轨系恐怖主义所为
Russian Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev says several people are suspected of bombing the Russian express train that derailed on Friday night.He's called on citizens who have any related information to report it to police.The express train, en route to St.Petersburg from Moscow, derailed Friday night, killing at least 26 people and injuring dozens more.The 14-car train was carrying 653 passengers, including three foreigners, and 29 crew members.The Chinese embassy in Moscow said it has received no report of casualty of Chinese nationals.A criminal case has been opened on possible terrorist attack and illegal explosives possession charges over the wreck.Meanwhile, Emergency Situations Minister Sergei Shoigu said rescuers were concluding work at the site.The 18 people listed as missing after the incident have not been located in the three car that went off the tracks.2009-12-8 类型:灾难——湖南小学踩踏事件
Eight teenagers were killed and 26 others injured in a stampede at a central China school Monday night.Local authorities in Xiangtan of Hunan Province say the accident happened at a privately-run middle school.The students were going downstairs when one of them toppled and caused dozens others to lose balance.The injured students were in hospital.2009-12-19 类型:国际会议——哥本哈根气候大会
Delegates from 190 nations have come to Danish capital Copenhagen to decide on a unified strategy to save the world’s worsening climate.This is the largest and most important UN climate change conference in history.So far 105 world leaders have accepted the invitation, including US President Barack Obama, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.The UN's top climate change official Yvo de Boer, says governments must agree on fast and effective implementation of immediate action on climate change;ambitious commitments to cut and limit emissions;and a long-term shared vision on low-emissions.The conference convened Monday in an upbeat mood after a series of promises by rich and emerging economies to curb their greenhouse gases, but with major issues yet to be resolved.At a press conference on Monday, the UN's top climate change official praised developing nations for their contributions to global efforts to rein in greenhouse gas emissions, saying commitments by developing nations could greatly encourage developed nations to make more ambitious pledges.However on 12-19,the UN climate change conference failed to adopt the proposed Copenhagen Accord on Saturday morning.2009-12-22 类型:体育——梅西获得世界足球先生称号
Barcelona and Argentina striker Lionel Messi was named World Player of the Year by world football's ruling body FIFA on Monday.Messi thus succeeds Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo as the world's top player, as voted by the team captains and coaches of all national teams.Messi has played a pivotal role in the recent success of Spanish giants Barcelona, who have won a total of six trophies in the past season, including the Champions League title and the World Club Cup trophy last week.The Argentine forward's talents were given the ultimate thumbs-up earlier this month when he was voted the winner of the Ballon d'Or for the European Footballer of the Year.Messi, 22, had been in contention with Barcelona teammates Andres Iniesta and Xavi, both from Spain, Brazilian striker Kaka of Real Madrid, the winner in 2007, and last year's winner Cristiano Ronaldo.2009-12-29 类型:国际政治——伊朗再次发生骚乱
Iran's police have confirmed that five people were killed and more than 300 others arrested during clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces in Tehran.Iran's deputy police chief Ahmad Reza Radan said Iranian police were not involved in the killings and the incidents were under investigation.The unrest took place as millions of Iranians held rallies on Sunday across the country to commemorate the Shiite Muslim ritual of Ashura.(12月27日是伊斯兰太阴历元月10日——什叶派穆斯林最重要的宗教纪念日阿舒拉节。)第一部分(2010年新闻更新版本)
2010-3月1日 类型:体育-——冬奥闭幕
The 2010 Winter Olympics were officially over after a spectacular closing ceremony.Its opening and closing spectacular all took place under a closed roof.A festive crowd of 60,000 jammed into the stadium for the closing ceremony.The Olympic flag was lowered during the event and presented to Sochi(索契)of Russia who will host the next Winter Games in 2014.Anatoly Pakhomov, the mayor of Sochi, received the flag from Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson.On the whole, the hosts took the overwhelming first place, winning also seven silver and five bronze medals.They are followed by Germany with 10 gold, 13 silver and 7 bronze awards.Americans are third with 9 gold, 15 silver and 13 bronze awards.The US team gained victory by the number of awards-37.Germany has 30 awards and Canada – 26.2010-3月1日 类型:灾难-——智利地震
The Chilean government says the death toll of the magnitude-8.8 earthquake has reached 708 and is likely to increase as rescue goes on.The president says food distribution will begin to help the affected people to stand up to the difficulties.Also 10,000 troops of the Armed Forces and of the Chilean Police will be deployed in the affected areas to guarantee the security and to collaborate on the aid delivery.2010-2月20日 类型:灾难-——巴西海难
A sailing ship owned by a Canadian school sank off the coast of Brazil in strong winds, but all 64 passengers have been rescued from rafts.Brazil's Navy said a distress signal was picked up from the ship Thursday afternoon.It was located about 300 miles off the coast of Rio de Janeiro.The Concordia is owned by West Island College International in Nova Scotia.2010-2月14日 类型:灾难-——印度恐怖主义袭击
At least eight people were killed and 53 others were injured in an apparent terrorist attack in the western Indian city of Pune.Police said the blast took place at a landmark German Bakery in a wealthy district, and that among the killed were three foreigners.2010-1月15日 类型:灾难-——海地地震
Haitian President Rene Preval is pleading for assistance after Tuesday's 7.3-magnitude earthquake rocked Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince bringing devastating catastrophe.The quake collapsed buildings including Preval's presidential residence, parliament, the tax office, and numerous schools and hospitals.The exact number of casualties is too early to be determined but the operation coordinator of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies estimates up to 100,000 people may have perished in the quake.A Chinese emergency rescue team has arrived in Port-au-Prince along with 10 tons of food, equipment and medicines.China's Red Cross Society has pledged to donate 1 million dollars in emergency aid, while the World Bank has pledged 100 million dollars to support recovery and reconstruction.Additional search and rescue teams from other countries, including the United States, are on their way to aid in rescue efforts.
negotiations,delegate,delegation,summit 峰会 charter n.特许状,执照,宪章
pledge n.诺言,保证,誓言,抵押,信物,保人,祝愿
vt.许诺,保证,使发誓,抵押,典当,举杯祝„„健康 vt.特许,发给特许执照 promote peace 促进和平
boost economic co-op 加强经济合作 make concession/compromise 作出妥协 pass a resolution 通过决议
sanction n.核准,制裁,处罚,约束力
vt.制定制裁规则,认可,核准,同意 default n.违约,不履行责任,缺席,默认值 vt.疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认 vi.疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认 veto a bill 否决议案
break the deadlock 打破僵局
a scientific breakthrough 科学突破 an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果
sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement 签署协议 diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家 diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案 hot spot 热点
take hostilities toward.....对„„采取敌对态度 ethnic cleansing 种族排斥 refugee,illegal aliens 非法移民 mediator 调解员
national convention 国民大会 fight corruption 反腐败
corrupted election 腐败的选举 peace process 和平进程 give a boost to...促进
booming economy 促进经济发展 mutual benefits/interests 双赢
Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon 五角大楼 impose/break a deadline 规定/打破最后期限 retaliate 报复
banking reform 金融改革 commissioner 代表 go bankrupt 破产
file for bankruptcy 提出破产 deputy 代表
external forces 外部力量 speculate,disarmament agreement 裁军协议 mandate,to lift a boycott 取消禁令
withdraw,embargo,impose sanctions against...实施制裁 dismantle 销毁
the implementation of an accord 执行决议
to ease the ban on ivory trade 缓解对象牙贸易的禁令 to harbor sb.保护
animal conservation 动物保护
threatened/endangered species 濒危物种 illegal poaching 非法捕猎 face extinction 濒临灭亡
Gallup/opinion/exit poll,survey 民意调查 stand trial 受审
put...on trial 审判某人
sue,file suit against...状告 radioactive 放射性 radiation 辐射
uranium enrichment program 铀浓缩计划 nuke nonproliferation 核部扩散
suspect,arrest,detain,in custody 被囚禁 on human rights abuse charges 反人权罪名 HIV positive HIV阳性
malaria,diabetes,hypertension,lung cancer,breast cancer fight poverty/starvation/hunger/disease/virus,stop the spread of...crack down on...严打
illegal drug trafficking 毒品贩运 piracy,pirated products 盗版产品 fake goods 假货 notorious 臭名昭著
bloody tyrant 血腥独裁者 execute/execution 处决 death penalty 死刑
seminar,forum,peace conference,national convention,his counterpart 同等级别的人
my predecessor/successor 我的前任/后任 二.战争军事:
military option 军事解决途径(动用武力)escalating tension 逐步升级的局势 military coupe 军事政变
forced from office 被赶下台 step down/aside 下台
on the brink of war 处于战争边缘
rebels,wounded,killed,injury,death,casualties 伤亡 heavy fighting 激战 genocide 种族灭绝
relief effort 救济工作
humanitarian aid 人道主义援助
broker/mediate a ceasefire/truce 促成停火 end the bloodshed 结束流血事件 special envoy 特使
peace-keeping forces 维和部队 guerrilla war 游击战争 border dispute 边境争端 armed conflict 武装冲突 reconciliation 调解 civil war 内战
cruise missile 巡航导弹
come to a conclusion 达成一致 coalition forces 联合军队 on high alert 处于高级戒备状态 rebellion 叛乱 rebel forces 叛军
sensitive,hostage,kidnapped French nationals 被绑架的法国人 rescue,release invade,US-led invasion 美国领导的入侵 right-wing extremists 右翼极端分子 warring factions 交战各方
topple the government 推翻政府 suicide bombing 自杀性袭击事件
dispute,crisis,conflict,holy war 圣战
administration,regime,claim responsibility for...声称负责 suspend 停止 resume 继续
coalition party 联合政党
post-war reconstruction 战后重建 pre-war intelligence 战前情报 radar,espionage 谍报 spying activity 间谍行为 electronic warfare 电子战争
chemical/biological/nuclear warfare 化学/生物/核战争
三. 地震类:
新闻发布会: press conference 汶川地震:Wenchuan Earthquake 大地震:the massive earthquake 8.0级地震:the 8.0-magnitude earthquake 地震灾区:quake-hit area/ quake-stricken area 重灾区:the worst-hit area 震中:epicenter 余震:aftershock 地震灾民:quake victim 人民解放军:People's Liberation Army soldier 武警:armed police 消防官兵:fire-fighter 医务工作者:medical worker 救援者:rescuer 救援队:rescue team 伤者:the injured 失踪者:the missing 废墟:debris/ruin 卫生:sanitationhygiene 黄金72小时:golden 72 hours 温总理:Premier Wen 联合国秘书长:UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 红十字会:the Red Cross 医疗队:medical team 资金和物资:funds and material 可移动医院:mobile hospital 死亡人数:death toll 与时间赛跑:race against time 生命线:lifeline 民政部:the Ministry of Civil Affairs 国务院信息办:the Information Office of the State Counsil 中央台记者:CCTV correspondent 沙特阿拉伯:Saudi Arabia 中国大使馆:Chinese Embassy 外交使节:envoy 降半旗:Flags are to be kept at half-mast.默哀:mourn 哀悼:condolence 人道主义援助:humanitarian aid 救济工作:relief work 捐赠:donate 咨询热线:consultation hotline 疏散:evacuate 堰塞湖:barrier lake/quake lake 重建:rebuild 震后重建:post-quake reconstruction 尽快进行重建工作:carry out reconstruction as soon as possible 复原:rehabilitation 帐篷小学:camp primary school 复课:resume classes 建立DNA数据库:build DNA database 火葬:cremate 阻止疫情:prevent epidemic 文化遗产:culture heritage 大熊猫:giant panda 四. 奥运类:
国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee 中国奥委会 Chinese Olympic Committee the Olympic flame 奥运圣火 奥运会选拔赛 Olympic Trial 奥运会会歌 Olympic Anthem 奥运火炬 Olympic Torch 奥运会代表团 Olympic Delegation 奥运村 Olympic Village 组委会 organization committee 开幕式 opening ceremony 闭幕式 closing ceremony 吉祥物 mascot 颁奖台 podium a crown of olive branches 橄榄枝编成的头冠 a record-holder 记录保持者
a team gold medal 一枚团体金牌 an Olympic medal 奥运金牌
Olympics opening ceremonies 奥运会开幕式 event 比赛项目
prance with the national flag 挥舞着国旗而雀跃 spectator 观众
a team bus 运动员专车
the gold / silver/ bronze medalist 金/ 银/ 铜牌获得者 Aquatics(水上运动)Archery(射箭)
Individual events 个人赛 Team events 团体赛 Athletics(田径)Track 径赛
Cycling(自行车)gymnastics 击剑:Fencing 射击: shooting
五. 经济类:
financial crisis 金融危机 Federal Reserve 美联储 real estate 房地产 share 股票
inflation deflation stock market 股市 shareholder 股东
macroeconomic 宏观经济 go underbankrupt 破产 pension fund 养老基金 government bond 政府债券 budget 预算
deficit 赤字 surplus intellectual property 知识产权 opportunistic practice 投机行为 entrepreneur 企业家 cook the book 做假帐 fluctuate 波动 merger 并购
pickup in price 物价上涨 CPI monetary policy 货币政策 foreign exchange 外汇 quote 报价 contract 合同
floating rate 浮动利率
venture capital 风险资本(VC)global corporation 跨国公司 consolidation 兼并 take over 收购 on the hook 被套住 六.常见新闻缩写词:
1、组织机构等专有名称 UNESCO=United Nations Educational,Scientific And Cultural Organization(联合国教科文组织)
IMF=International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations(东南亚国家联盟;“东盟”)GATT=General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade(关贸总协定)WTO=World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)OPE=Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织;“欧佩克”)
PLO=Palestine Liberation Organization(巴勒斯坦解放组织;“巴解”)IOC=International Olympic Committee(国际奥林匹克委员会)
NASA=National Aeronautics And Space Administration[(美国)国家宇航局] WHO=World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)
NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局
2、常见事物的名称,如上述例句中的aids(艾滋病)。又如: UFO=Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物;“飞碟”)DJI=Dow-Jones Index(道?琼斯指数)PC=Personal Computer(个人电脑)
ABM=Anti-Ballistic Missile(反弹道导弹)PT=Public Relations(公共关系)
SALT=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks(限制战略武器会谈)SDI=Strategic Defence Initiative(战略防御措施)
3、表示人们的职业、职务或职称的名词,如 Mp(议员)。又如: PM=Prime Minister(总理;首相)GM=General Manager(总经理)
VIP=Very Important Person(贵宾;要人)TP=Traffic Policeman(交通警察)PA=Personal Assistant(私人助理)
听力虽然属于接受性技能,但听力理解部分的考试实际上是对考生进行听﹑读﹑理解和记忆能力的综合性测试。它要求考生在听懂语言材料后,运用语言知识,如语音语调﹑语义﹑句法,以及调动非语言知识,如文化背景﹑常识,推测并判断出合乎原文的正确答案。但是由于听力内容瞬间即逝的特点,还要求考生具有一定的记忆能力。因此,听力考试对非英语国家的学生来说,一直是个颇具挑战的项目。那么如何提高考生的成绩呢? 那就要考生从听力测试所涉及的几个方面有的放矢地提早做些准备。
等方面的知识。如:在问题中经常要求对原文释义(What does the speaker mean),而答案项通常用与原文不同的词或词组表达与原文相同或相近的意思,不彻底了解单词词组或惯用语,没有足够的词汇量,即便听懂了,面对四个选择也只能是束手无策。同时考生要养成用英语思维的习惯,用英英字典查询,用英语的概念理解原文,潜移默化,才能更快作出反应。
(3)句法结构:掌握不同的句型结构,有助于正确理解其所表达的功能和意念。如:“No sooner...than...”,如果我们了解这个结构,就知道它所表示的时间前后关系了。
I suggest / propose...What / how about...Why not...Let's...Shall we...What do you think of...If I were you, I'd...表示同意:
I agree...I share the opinion
I can't agree more.Why not?
Of course / certainly
By all means
You said it.