
时间:2019-05-14 19:59:31下载本文作者:会员上传


大家好。Hello, everyone, my name is xxx, from fu yang an hui province , it is my pleasure to stand here.每个站在这里的人都谈自己的家乡很漂亮,我也是。Everyone standing here talking about the beauty of the home, so do i.我觉得自己的家乡是世界上最美丽的地方,而且,我爱她。。但是,家乡的美丽不是我今天讲的主题,我想简单谈谈我对吸烟的看法.I think my hometown is the most beautiful place in the world, too, and I love her.But the beauty of my hometown is not the theme of my speech, i just want to talk about my simple perception of smoking.众所周知,吸烟是有害健康的。As we all know, smoking is harm to ours health.全世界每年大概有250万人因为吸烟而死亡.About 2.5 million people of the world died from smoking each year 吸烟会使人易患上肺癌,另外吸烟还能引起其他疾病,如心血管疾病等。Smoking Not only can make people suffer from lung cancer, but also lead to other illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease(CVD).此外,吸烟不仅对吸烟者自身有害,而且会对公众的健康也能构成一定的威胁,尤其是妇女和儿童。Furthermore, smoking is a threat to public health, especially women and children.许多国家,包括中国,已经颁布法律,禁止吸烟者在公共场所,如车站,医院等地方吸烟。many countries including china have made laws forbidden smokers to smoke in public place such as stations、hospital an so on。吸烟者容易引起火灾,给公共安全照成一定的威胁。最后一条,吸烟真的很浪费钱,信不信由你,反正我是信了。The Last , smoking is really a waste of money.Believe it or not, anyway I am believed.但是,吸烟真的是一无是处吗?恐怕不全是这样吧。However smoking is really good for noting? I'm afraid not.Especially in china.Smoking had being a specific culture in china.Cigarette(smoke)is a bridge of communication.When you meet a stranger,and you don’t know how to start your conversation.Pass a cigarette ,or to accept a cigarette, it will be a nice beginning.有些人吸烟,仅仅只是因为能够消除郁闷的情绪,让心情好起来。Some people smoking, just because smoking can Eliminate fatigue,and make people at ease.另外吸烟可以刺激大脑,让人变得清醒。In addition, smoking can stimulate the brain ,let a person become clear.如果你觉得自己能很好的自控能力,而不上瘾,不妨尝试一下。If you think your self-control is very strong, and you are sure yourself do not addicted to smoking , maybe ,you can try it.Hello, everyone, it is my pleasure to stand here.Let me introduce myself firstly.my name is wangyouli, from fu yang an hui province.Ok, Everyone standing here tend to talk about the beauty of the hometown.so, I think my hometown is the most beautiful place in the world, and I love her.But the beauty of my hometown is not the theme of my speech, i just want to talk about my simple perception of smoking.As we all know, smoking is harm to ours health.About 2.5 million people of the world died from smoking each year.Smoking Not only can make people suffer from lung cancer, but also lead to other illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease(CVD).Furthermore, smoking is a threat to public health, especially women and children.many countries including china have made laws forbidden smokers to smoke in public place such as stations,hospital an so on.The Last, smoking is really a waste of money.Believe it or not, anyway I am believed.However smoking is really good for nothing? I'm afraid not.Especially in china.Smoking had being a specific culture in china.Cigarette(smoke)is a bridge of communication.When you meet a stranger, and you don’t know how to start your conversation.Pass a cigarette ,or to accept a cigarette, it will be a nice beginning.Some people smoking, just because smoking can Eliminate fatigue,and make people at ease.In addition, smoking can stimulate the brain, let a person become clear.If you think your self-control is very strong, and you are sure yourself do not addicted to smoking.maybe, you can try it.


Hello everyone , very glad to stand here and give you a speech about anti-smoking.Firstly, I want to throw you all a question , how many of you have smoked ever? Please put up you hands, don’t be shy, it’s just a small investigation.Okay, not many , very good(so big a number, shocking)and how many of you know exactly the harm of tobacco and are for anti-smoking? Okay not many,(随机应变)I will try to explain it to you.It is reported recently that smokers make up one quarter of the world population,while in China,33.9 percent above the age of 15 are smokers.If you take notice in some places, you’ll see the fact that most smokers are young people and even some are middle school students.It is said that in China the number of the people smoking is about 0.3billion.It's a very serious problem because not only the old, the youth, and even girls have been engaged in smoking.I am wondering why people smoke , for fun? or priority? Can’t understand.So what are the bad effects of smoking? Of course you all know that it’s a big treat to the smoker’s body as well as the victims of second-hand smoking.The study of smoking shows that many kinds of illnesses have something to do with smoking.Scientific researches show that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problems.The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year

Smoking itself is a waster.It costs one so much money, Besides, many fires are caused by careless smokers.Today more and more people all over the world want to give up smoking.If you’re not a smoker, don’t start.Treasure your life and others’.Let’s together build a world with no smoke.That’ all, thanks for your attention!


Early Bird Gets the First Worm

Good morning everyone,today I’m here to give a speech about early bird gets the first worm,as we can see from the literal sense, it shows that we will be rewarded if we work early and hard,and we shouldn’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.For example, English learning is a long-term process, if you deny it for several days, it’s OK,but if you always deny several days,you will deny much than you expect if we don’t work hard at usual,when the final exam is coming,we need much more time to study than others,and we can’t get a good grade even if we work so hard.However,such a phenomenon exists around us generally, personally,I’d like to be a early bird too,to be a early bird,I should have a plan about what to do,after all,you won’t be happy even you are entertaining with a lot of things undone.In addition,we need to learn how to resist temptation,that’s important.


Good afternoon everyone, I want to share with you about some Japanese etiquettes.In the first place, I want to tell you about the meeting etiquette.First meeting attaches a great importance in many occations.When you meet a Japanese who is vital for you, bowing for the cerenomy is a essential manner.It is generally between 30 degrees and 45 degrees in bowing.Man bows while hanging down the hands on both sides of underwear.However, in order to show great respect, woman should make her left hand rest on her right hand in the front.While bowing, you should say “Ohayou” in the morning, “Connichiwa” in the afternoon, or “Conbawa” at night.What’s more, exchanging the cards is also important in first meeting.Japanese think that card is a represent in business.You have to receive everyone’s card, not missing anyone, and read them carefully.Also you should hand out you card to everyone, although it takes a long time.Japanese, both in formal occations or in informal settings, are focusing on their clothes.Men usually wear a suit and a tie.But do not wear black suit, white shirt and black tie because they are suitable in funerals.Women should only wear low-heeled shoes, in order to avoid towering over men.Calling Japanese must say their last name and follow “San”.For example, if I were a Japanese, you should call me “SenSon”.Communiting with Japanese, you should aviod the topic of age, marriage, income and the World War II.Japanese seldom express what they think directly.They often say “と思います” which means “I’m afraid that……”.Any criticism should be delivered privately, discreetly and tactfully, or else, just opposite to what you wish.To sum up, do in Rome as Rome does, but you need not worry about these cultural barriers since most Chinese are hospitable and amiable and will not mind your nonproficiency.


Self-descipline: a Basic Quality of College Students

Several days ago, SDU had passed a administrative project which spread rapidly in the Internet: students who have little self-descipline resulting in playing the computer games all days and failing a great many exams are advised to drop out from school.As far as it goes, it is a superb policy that can promote the development of the university and the quality of the students.The objective of this policy is to encourage the students establish their self-descipline.To my way of thinking, self-descipline is an absolutely necessary of quality in students’ life.When we go to university, we have to leave from our family, which results that no one can directly care for us.We must adapt the new environment.We are adapt to the life that are forced to study by our teachers, our parents, and the drastic competition between our classmates and the nationwide students who are eager to attend to the world-known universities.But after joining in the university, we have little presure, for few people can stop us from playing endless computer games and staying in KTV all night.It’s easy to fall behind.Chinese education is awful.Student in senior high school only know how to solve maths problems, how to remember English worlds, how to cope with exams, but expect how to built the self-descipline.Nevertheless, self-descipline is proved to be important for a college student, not only for his study, but also for his quality, his self-descipline and development.A person only knows theory but can’t practize is useless in this society, after all.So how to possess self-descipline? The most important thing we should do is to make a plan about what goals we should or would like to realize.Then put them into practice.What is necessary is that you can divide the goals into several small and workable everyday-goals.When at night, ask yourself whether you have finish your plan.What’s more, searching a person that is more excellent to try your best to exceed him is also a good way you can attempt.



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