
时间:2019-05-14 19:29:34下载本文作者:会员上传


2018年 2018年 能靠自己去选择去拼搏!

安徒生说:“认识自己就是进步。”我们只有了解自己,才能走在科技与时代的发展前端。人生不过几十载,时间是宝贵的,所以我们要“千海万漉,沙里淘金。”只有规划好我们人生阶段性目标,制定有效措施,并按照措施去实行,才能一步步走向成功!· 2






阿方索·卡隆(Alfonso Cuarón),是一位集导演,编剧,拍摄,剪辑,制片,演员,视效,音效,助导等其他职员于一身的全能型导演。1961年11月28日,出生于墨西哥城。1982年,在《Víspera, La》中担任场工,2004年,因为执导《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》而声名大噪。代表作品有《人类之子》,《地心引力》等。








凯特·布兰切特(Cate Blanchett),1969年5月14日出生于澳大利亚,澳大利亚影视演员。




“i'd be lying if i hadn't made a version of this speech before, i think i was probably eight years old and staring into the bathroom mirror.and this(holding up her statuette)would've been a shampoo bottle.如果说此前我没有为这次感言排演,难么我是在撒谎。我想象着自己可能是个八岁大的孩子,痴痴地盯着盥洗室的镜子,而这东西(凯特举着小金人)是一个香波瓶。

”well, it's not a shampoo bottle now!


“i feel very fortunate to have made it all the way from there to here.我觉得我一路走来,取得了成就,非常幸运。

”and i'd like to thank some of the people along the way who had faith in me, my friends and my family, especially my mum and dad, who are in this room somewhere.我要谢谢那些在我前进的路上对我充满信心的人们,我的朋友和我的家庭,特别是我的妈妈和爸爸,他们正待在这个会场的某个地方。

“dad, whistle or something, 'cause then i'll know where you are.(he whistles.)yeah!(waving to him.)i love you.爸爸,吹个口哨或表示点什么,那样的话我就知道你在哪儿了。(凯特的父亲吹口哨)yeah。(凯特向父亲招手)。我爱你。

”i'd also like to thank hylda queally, dallas smith and the late, much loved, much missed robert garlock.我还想谢谢hylda queally, dallas smith和故去的、我十分敬爱和怀念的robert garlock。“and from peter jackson and emma thompson to my very own sam and stephen daldry.以及peter jackson和emma thompson,还有我的sam 和stephen daldry。

”i'm very lucky to have been given hanna schmitz by bernhard schlink and david hare and stephen and working with you is an experience i will never forget.bernhard schlink,david hare和stephen将hanna schmitz这个角色给我,我深感幸运。而和你们一道工作则是我永远难忘的经历。

“there was no division between the cast and the crew on this film, and that's what made it so special.在这部电影中,演职人员和工作人员没有隔阂,而这也造就了这部电影的卓越非凡。

”so, to have been surrounded by a remarkable group of people who provided an unbroken chain of support from david kross to ralph fiennes, bruno ganz, lena olin, from hair and makeup to cinematography, from the art department to the ads, and from new york to berlin.我被围绕在一群为影片提供持续服务的非凡人物当中,这些人从david kross到ralph fiennes、bruno ganz、lena olin,从发型师、化妆师到摄影师,从艺术指导到广告人员。

“and i am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children who let me do what i love and who love me just the way that i am.我很幸运地拥有一个出色的丈夫和两个漂亮的孩子,他们由着我去做我爱做的事,并且深爱着本色的我。

”anthony and sidney, this is for you.this is for both of you.anthony和sidney,这是献给你们的,献给你们两个的。“and i want to acknowledge my fellow nominees, these goddesses.i think we all can't believe we're in a category with meryl streep at all.我还想感谢其他的被提名者,那些女神们。我想我们都不会相信我们居然能够和meryl streep比肩。”i'm sorry, meryl, but you have to just suck that up!and, just to the academy, thank you so much, my god!thank you!"



Two birds with one night, huh?

Oh, God is good.God is great.God is great.From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all.Forty years I've been chasing Sidney.They finally give it to me and what'd they do? They give it to him the same night.I'll always be chasing you, Sidney.I'll always be following in your footsteps.There's nothing I would rather do, sir.Nothing I would rather do.God bless you.God bless you.Oh, I wanna thank the Academy.You know, when I was in college, first starting out as an actor, they asked each one of us what we wanted to do.I said, “I want to be the best actor in the world.” All the students in the classroom looked at me like I was a nut.Life has taught me to just try to be the best that I can be.And I thank the Academy for saying to me that on this given night I was the best that I could be.I wanna thank Warner Brothers and Alan Horn and Lorenzo di Bonaventura for supporting this film.And Antoine Fuqua, a brilliant young filmmaker, African-American filmmaker.I don't know where you are, Antoine--love you.Ethan Hawke, my partner in crime.So many people.I can't remember everybody--lawyers, doctors, agents.My beautiful agent, Ed Limato.We've been together for so many years.Hometown boy from Mt.Vernon.My beautiful wife.I love you so much.You put up with me, in spite of myself.And my beautiful children at home.I told you, if I lost tonight, I would come home and we'd celebrate.And if I won tonight, I'd come home and we'd celebrate.Well, I'm coming home--we're celebrating.God bless you all.



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