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学术会议英语 期末论文

学号: 2015000360 姓名:黄龙阳


专业:土木工程 班级:






关键词:地基处理;效果;检测方法 前言


目前很多学者对地基加固处理效果检测做了各种各样的研究,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了探讨,本文以下仅将工程中应用比较多的进行阐述和归纳。2.1 地基静载荷试验

基静载荷试验是一种精度较高,分析结果与实际吻合度较好的试验方法,用其进行地基承载力测定和地基沉降计算相对准确,但其成本较高,技术要求严格,且试验周期相对较长,一般大型项目的场地勘察均要求进行此项试验。2.1.1 静载荷试验简述 静载荷试验模拟建筑物地基土的受荷条件,在刚性承压板上加荷,荷载通过承压板均匀传递给地基,以测定天然埋藏条件下地基土的变形特性,从而评定地基土的承载力,计算地基土的变形模量和估计基础的沉降量,可以比较直观的反映地基土的变形特性。地基承载力确定方法是:最后当压力-沉降曲线上有比例界限时,取该比例界限所对应的荷载值;当极限荷载小于对应比例界限的荷载值的2倍时,取极限荷载值的一半;当不能按上述两款要求确定时,可取 s/b=0.01所对应的荷载,但其值不应大于最大加载量的一半[1]。2.1.2 静载荷试验评价实例总结

王文奎[2]等采用工字钢和堆料组成压重平台反力系统,用压重平台反力法对长江沿岸某码头后方陆域地基处理工程进行质量检测。预压地基荷载板为边长1m的方形板,由于该工程场地地基处理设计承载力特征值为120kpa,故该次试验最大加载为设计值的2倍,为240kpa,按24kpa每级分级加载,并在加载过程中进行沉降观测,地基承载力特征值的确定。该次试验共计检测20处,p-s曲线上可以看出,当最大加载至240kpa时,所有测点均未达到极限状态,最大沉降量为8.400mm,最小沉降量为6.200mm,根据承载力特征值的取值原则,取最大加载量的一半,即240kpa/2=120kpa为该点处理后地基的承载力特征值,所有测点的承载力均满足设计要求。该工程采用静载荷试验对地基处理进行了评价,说明了该场地经过地基处理,达到了该场地设计的地基承载力120kpa。2.2 十字板剪切试验

十字板剪切试验由于其自身的适用条件限制,一般在沿海地区的软土场地应用较为普遍,而在一些碎石土场地则无法用其进行场地地基处理效果的评判。2.2.1 十字板剪切试验简述

试验时,逆时针方向摇动扭力箱装置小摇手,以每10s转动1°的速度匀速转动,当试验达到峰值或者稳定值后,再测试1min,如试验数据正常,记录峰值数据,根据该数值计算原状土抗剪强度;完成抗剪强度测定后,顺扭转方向连续转动探杆6圈,按照以上步骤进行操作,测定重塑土的不排水抗剪强度。2.2.2 十字板剪切试验评价实例总结

王文奎[2]等采用十字板剪切试验对长江沿岸某码头后方陆域地基处理工程进行质量检测。该次试验共8孔,每孔18个测点,对各孔的检测数据进行统计,通过与原地质勘察资料相比较可知,地基土的抗剪强度有了大幅度提高,地基处理达到了预期效果。2.3 轻型触探试验

轻型触探指N10轻型动力触探仪,其质量较轻,设备简单,应用广泛,操作简便,成本较低,在一些软土地区应用十分广泛。2.3.1 轻型触探试验简述

其利用一定的锤击能量,将带有探头的探杆打入土中,按贯入的难易程度来评价土的性质,主要用于素填土及碎石土地层,并可连续贯入,能在其试验深度范围内不断测得土层的力学特性及变化规律[1]。2.3.2 轻型触探试验评价实例总结

王文奎[2]等采用轻型动力触探试验对长江沿岸某码头后方陆域地基处理工程进行质量检测。现场对56根水泥搅拌桩桩顶下2m范围内的桩头进行了检测,试验结果表明桩顶下2m范围内每30cm锤击数为64-78击,设计值:N10>35击/30cm,检测范围内桩身水泥土均匀,质量满足设计要求。2.4 取芯试验

取芯试验即钻取地基处理后的地基土,然后进行室内试验,用以评价其地基处理后的效果,在一些大型工程中应用也较为普遍。2.4.1 取芯试验简述

对采用旋喷桩、振冲桩、搅拌桩进行地基土处理的场地,在对地基桩取芯试验中,其目的主要是检测桩身混凝土质量情况,检查桩身混凝土胶结状况、有无气孔、松散或断桩等;检查桩底持力层的岩土性状和厚度是否符合设计或规范要求,并核对施工记录桩长是否真实[3]。2.4.2 取芯试验评价实例总结


钱归[3]对广明高速公路广州段软基处理后的路基进行取芯检测,其结果岩芯[2]采取率均接近100%,采取率65.4%-74.4%。芯样连续、完整、胶结好、呈长柱状,混凝土桩抗压强度代表值为22.1Mpa,说明该软土地基进行处理后达到了地基处理设计要求。2.5 波速试验

波速试验也是地基处理效果检测的常用手段之一,其设备简单,操作简便,价格相对较低,适用范围较广。2.5.1 取芯试验简述

在地面上进行竖向激震时,均会在其表面附近层状连续介质中产生瑞雷波,它的特点是能量大,传播速度低,频率低,随时间衰减慢,易于识别。在层状介质中,瑞雷波法具有频散特性,在同一地段求出一系列频率的瑞雷波速,就可得到一条瑞雷波频散曲线,不同波长的瑞雷波的传播特性反映了不同深度岩土介质的运动学特性,由频散曲线可以反演地下速度界面的分层厚度和速度结构,以确定每层岩土体的速度和深度参数。2.5.2 取芯试验评价实例总结




[1] 汤定一.强夯技术加固机理与质量检测研究.湖南大学硕士学位论文,2002.[2] 王文奎.软土地基处理效果检测技术探讨.工程与建设,2014.28(3):379-382.[3] 钱归.广明高速公路广州段软基处理方案及检测分析.华南理工大学硕士学位论文,2012.[4] 史慧杰.强夯施工振动监测与夯后地基处理效果振动测试研究.中国海洋大学硕士学位论文,2005.Study on detection method of ground treatment effect

Huang Longyang Abstract:with the implementation of the various construction projects in China, due to thegeological characteristics of the various venues, often need to to deal with the foundation reinforcement, and the reinforcement treatment methods are different, difference between the effect of greatly.Thus, looking for effective ground treatment testing method is particularly important.In this paper, the current engineering application more foundation processing detection technology are discussed and summarized.Keywords: foundation treatment, effect, detection method Preface

With the rapid development of economy and technology in China, various construction projects started, but usually because of the particularity of geological conditions, the need for the construction site of the foundation reinforcement.The current application in the actual construction process of the foundation treatment method, preloading, dynamic compaction, reinforcement method, the replacement method vibroflotation, pile, jet grouting pile, soil improvement, but often due to human factors foundation treatment method of limitations and in the process of construction, resulting in uneven ground treatment effect.But a qualified engineering foundation, is an important guarantee for building design, construction quality and safety and therefore play an increasingly important role the detection effect of detection of reinforcement foundation.In current engineering application method in foundation detection processing are the main load test, dynamic penetration test, cone penetration test, ten plate shear test, wave velocity Test, core test and so on, but all kinds of test methods are limited in their own conditions, the accuracy of the test is very large.This paper combined with some engineering examples, the application and effect of these testing methods are discussed.2Test research on effect of foundation treatment

At present, many scholars have done a variety of research on the effect of the foundation reinforcement treatment, and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of various methods, this paper will be used in the following projects to elaborate and sum up.2.1 Static load test of foundation

Based on static load test is a kind of high precision, analysis the result is consistent with the actual well test method, the foundation bearing capacity determination and foundation settlement calculation is relatively accurate, but the cost is high, the strict technical requirements and test cycle is relatively long, generally large project site survey are required to perform the test.2.1.1 Static load test

Static load test simulation of foundation soil for buildings load conditions, loading on rigid bearing plate, uniform load transfer to the ground through the bearing plate, the deformation characteristics of Foundation Soil Determination of natural burial conditions, so as to assess the bearing capacity of foundation soil, settlement calculation of soil deformation modulus and deformation characteristics can be estimated based.The soil foundation reflects the more intuitive.The method for determining the bearing capacity of the foundation is: when the pressure ratio limit final settlement curve, the load ratio limit value corresponding to the load limit;when the load is less than 2 times the value of the corresponding proportion limit, half limit load value;when cannot be determined according to the above two requirements, desirable load s/b=0.01 corresponding, but its value should not exceed the maximum loading amount of half(Qian Gui.2012).2.1.2 Static load test evaluation Wang Wenkui(Wang Wenkui.2014), the I-steel and stacking pressure counter pressure system, with pressure platform force method is used to test the quality of a wharf along the Yangtze River land foundation treatment engineering.Square plate preloading foundation loading plate to the side of 1m, because of the engineering site foundation treatment design bearing capacity characteristic value is 120kPa, so the test of maximum load is 2 times the design value is 240kpa, according to 24kpa each stage of loading, and the settlement observation in the loading process, determine the characteristic value of bearing capacity of foundation.The test were tested in 20, the P-S curve can be seen, when the maximum load to 240kpa, all the measurement points are did not reach the limit state, the maximum settlement is 8.400mm, the minimum settlement is 6.200mm, according to the selection principle of the characteristic value of bearing capacity, half maximum load, which is 240kpa/2=120kpa to the point after the treatment of the foundation bearing force characteristic value, all The bearing capacity of the measuring point is satisfied with the design requirements.The project adopts the static load test to evaluate the foundation treatment, and shows that the ground treatment of the site has reached the foundation bearing capacity of the ground design 120kpa.2.2 vane shear test

Due to its own limitations, the vane shear test is generally used in the coastal areas of soft soil sites, and in some of the gravel soil can not be used to conduct the evaluation of the effect of ground treatment.2.2.1Brief introduction ofvane shear test Test, inverse clockwise rocking torsion box device small cranks, every 10 seconds to rotate one degree at a constant rate of rotation, when the test to peak or stable value, to test for 1min, test data, such as normal and record the peak data.According to the numerical calculation of undisturbed soil shear strength;complete shear strength determination, along the reverse direction continuous rotation of the probe rod coil 6, in accordance with the above steps operation, the determination of remolded soil undrained shear strength.2.2.2 cross plate shear test evaluation examples summary Wang Wenkui(Wang Wenkui.2014)Adopting vane shear test of along the Yangtze River a wharf land foundation treatment engineering quality detection.The experiment a total of eight holes, each hole 18 measuring points, on each hole detection data statistics, through with the original geological survey data are compared, the soil shear strength has been greatly improved, foundation treatment reached expected effect.2.3 light penetration test N10 light dynamic penetrometer for light penetration, their quality is light, simple equipment, widely used, easy operation, low cost and in a wide range of application in soft soil area.2.3.1Thelight penetration test The hammer blow energy, with probe, and the probe rod into the soil, according to the degree of difficulty of the penetration to evaluate soil properties, mainly used for grain filling and gravelly soil layer, and can be used for continuous penetration, in the test depth range continually measured soil mechanical properties and change rules(Qian Gui.2012).2.3.2 light penetration test evaluation summary Wang Wenkui et al.(Shi Huijie.2013)the light dynamic penetration test of along the Yangtze River a wharf land foundation treatment engineering quality detection.Site of 56 cement mixing pile top under the 2m range of pile head were measured.The experimental results show that the pile top under 2m every 30cm hammer hammer number is 64-78 hammer and design values: hammer N10>35 / cm2, uniform cement soil piles detection range, quality meet the design requirements.2.4 core test Core test is drilling and taking the foundation treatment of the foundation soil, and then carry out laboratory tests, in order to evaluate the effect of the foundation treatment, in some large-scale projects are more common.2.4.1 core test The application of jet grouting pile, vibro pile, mixing pile of foundation soil treatment site, on foundation pile core test, its purpose is mainly testing the quality of pile body concrete situation in, check the pile body concrete bonding conditions, stomatal, loose or broken pile;check the pile bearing stratum at the bottom of the geotechnical properties and thickness meets design requirement or standard, and check the construction record of pile length is real.2.4.2 core test case summary Wang Wenkui(Shi Huijie.2013)by taking the core test along the Yangtze River a wharf land foundation treatment engineering quality testing, completed a total of 16 cement mixing pile testing, core test and unconfined compressive strength group, 48, pile core sample molding average length of 8.5m, forming section of the core sample into short columnar fracture are in good agreement, pile body 8.30m post and core sample is not formed, has not formed the strength.Strength of core sample: completed a total of strength test group(n = 48, no side limit compression strength average value for 3.1mpa.Qian Gui(Qian Gui.2012)of Guangming Expressway Guangzhou section of soft foundation treatment of subgrade detecting core to check, the cores taken rate of close to 100%, the take rate 65.4%-74.4%.core sample continuous, complete, well cemented, a long column, concrete pile compressive strength represents value for 22.1Mpa that the soft soil foundation treatment to the foundation treatment design requirements.2.5 wave velocity test Wave velocity test is one of the common methods of foundation treatment, its equipment is simple, operation is simple, the price is relatively low, the scope of application is wider.2.5.1 core test Produced on the ground vertical shock, will in the near the surface of the layered continuous medium in which the Rayleigh wave, which is characterized by high energy and propagation speed is low, the low frequency with time attenuation is slow and easy to identify.In layered medium, Rayleigh wave method with dispersion characteristics in the same area for a series of frequency of the Rayleigh wave velocity can be obtained by a Rayleigh wave dispersion curves, different wavelength of Rayleigh wave propagation characteristics reflect the different depth of rock and soil medium kinematics characteristics, the dispersion curve inversion of underground velocity interface layer thickness and velocity structure, to determine each layer of rock and soil mass velocity and depth parameter.2.5.2 core test case summary Hui Jie Shi(Wang Wenkui.2014)on the West Bay of Qingdao Beihai made ship repairing base of sea reclamation area after foundation treatment by the Rayleigh wave test, the test curve reflects the surface filling stone compactness is not uniform, changes in the larger, 6.2 m below the wave velocity increases gradually, to 11.2 M wave velocity decreases, indicating that the with depth increasing, fill stone density also increases, but to 11.2 m below the velocity suddenly becomes small, reflecting the 1.2m in the mixed layer;12m-12.9m curve linear, constant velocity, reflect the 12m-12.9m into the silt layer;following 12.9 M wave velocity increases rapidly to 452.5m/s, that 12.9 m after entering the weathered bedrock.Drilling results and surface wave test results are basically the same.Existing problems Because the site itself is complex and changeable, foundation treatment process due to the method of selection of the different construction process of human factors influence, will cause the great difference, therefore on the foundation treatment effect detection is particularly important.But in actual operation process, due to the limitations and the subsurface complexity of various methods, so often need to more comprehensive method of use, to achieve the goal of mutual authentication.At the same time, it also requires us to constantly explore, the existing methods are perfect and looking for new and more effective technical means


Qian Gui.2012.Guangzhou Guangming expressway soft ground treatment scheme and test analysis.A preliminary study.Shi Huijie.2013.Vibration monitoring of dynamic compaction construction and vibration test of foundation treatment effect after dynamic compaction.Geophys.J.Int,140:568~576.Tang Dingyi.1998.An observational test of the critical earth quake concept.J.Geophys.Res,103:24359~24372.Wang Wenkui.2014.Discussion on detection technology of soft soil foundation treatment effect.J.Construction and engineering.28:379~382.





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① 准备工作

学术报告中的提问者往往是相关领域中的专家,对报告的内容非常熟悉,因此所提出的问题可能会有相当的深度、广度以及不可预见性,有时甚至直接指出研究工作中的不完善之处或漏洞所在。由于时间关系,回答者在现场一般没有充分的时间进行考虑,这就要求报告人要事先进行充分的准备。在报告前,报告人应将对答环节的准备作为准备工作的一部分,进行深入考虑,全面的预测听众可能提出的问题,可以假设一些问题,并准备好最合适的解答。如果会议没有统一安排每个报告的问答环节,报告者在进行报告时就要预先告知听众随后的Q&A Session,这样可以让听众为提问做好准备。

② 过程控制


③ 答问方式

应首先仔细听清问题,在回答之前应将问题清楚的重复一遍,这可以保证对问题的正确理解,确保每个人都能听清楚问题,同时给自己一些时间来思考,表述答案前可做片刻停留,这既引起了听众的注意,又表明了对答案的谨慎态度,同时也给自己留更多的思考空间。不要对问题进行评价,避免说类似“That was a great question”的话,如果想要对某一问题进行肯定,可以用“Thanks for asking that question”或“I get asked that question by many people.”等中性的表述,还可以让听众感到平等。回答问题时应尽可能简洁,切题。在回答中应尽可能多地提及报告中的内容,这有利于听众对报告内容加深印象,并有利于控制问答环节的主题。

④ 问题的类型


⑤ 时间的把握


⑥ 提问者的礼仪




① 提问

I would like to ask/address/raise a question about… I would like to know(whether)… I would be glad to know(whether)… I have a question about…

May I ask(a question about)…? My question is/concerns//is concerned with… What I would like to ask is… What I am asking is …

I wonder if you would like to explain/comment on the point of…

I would be grateful/appreciate/obliged/for(to have)some explanation about…

I wonder if you would be kind enough to explain/comment on/give some example for… I wonder(What I am wondering is)…

I am curious about/interested in/keen on(whether/why/how/what/when)…? Could you please tell me whether/why/how/what/when…? Do you mind showing me whether/why/how/what/when…? I could not understand what you really mean by… Do you have any ideas about…? What do you think of/about…? Could you back…up? Could you give us an example about…? Could you provide any example to prove what you have said about…? Could you give any example that shows…? ② 回答


Are you asking me the question about…? I am not quite about the question? Do you mean…? I am not quite sure what your question is.Could you address your question more specifically? What do you mean by…? I don’t known whether I have understood your question correctly.Do you mean….? b.肯定会否定的表示 Yes./I do.The answer is(not)correct/true/right… Exactly!Precisely!I think so.I think you’re right.I don’t think so.That is just what I mean.That is not what I mean.I(don’t)believe/consider/suppose/regard the viewpoint is true.Sure./Absolutely./Certainly./Definitely.No,(absolutely/certainly/definitely)not.I’m in complete agreement.I(quite)agree.I couldn’t agree more.c.正面回答

My answer(to the question)is…

To answer this question, I would like to say that… The direct/simple/brief answer to the question is… Let me answer your question by same examples of… I’d like to make a few comments on/explanation about…

I think I can give you a few general comments on/explanation about…

To comment on the question of you, I have made comparison between… and… I’d like to present/offer/give/express/state my opinion on…

In my opinion, the conclusion can be supported by the experimental result that… To answer your question, I’d like to repeat what I said just know.I think this picture will be helpful for your understanding.Here, I’d like to explain it briefly.My idea is on the basis of two points.The first is…, and the second is… I will explain by some examples.d.非正面回答

Now I can only present same estimation about that…

As far as I know, little in-depth research has bean carried out yet.I can only provide/I have only a partial answer to that question.That’s one possible explanation, but not the only one.I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult for me to present some experimental data at the moment to support the theory since my idea is mainly out of theoretical consideration.I’m afraid the question is too complicated to be answered with a few words.I’d like to discuss it with you after the session.I think the answer to the question needs some further study.I’m afraid is not within the field of the presentation.I’m not sure if what you’re saying has any relevance here.I’m not sure if what you’re saying has anything to do with our problem.I’m not sure if what you’re saying really matters in this case.I’m not sure if what you’re saying is relevant to our problem.e.无法回答时的表述

I’m sorry my experience/knowledge about your question is very limited so I think I cannot give a good answer to your question.I’m sorry I really don’t know the answer to the question.Unfortunately I cannot answer the question at the moment.I’m afraid I have no idea how to answer your question(about that).Sorry, I’m afraid I know little about that matter, so I don’t think I can answer your question right now.It’s quite difficult for me to answer that question now.I can’t really recall;I’ll have to get back to you on that.I can’t quite remember;I’ll need to do a little checking and get back to you.I can’t fully remember;I’ll have to check up on it.I can’t recall all the facts;I’ll have to get back to you.f.回答之后的表述

I wonder whether my question is helpful to you.Does that answer your question in a right way? Is my explanation clear enough? Is that what you wanted me to answer? Would anyone like to and anything(to what I’ve said)? Would anyone care to comment? Would anyone like to give their ideas on this? Would anyone care to add their thoughts(to the discussion)?







首先是关于小肾癌诊治方面的一场辩论赛:来自新加坡总医院TAN Bien Soo教授的“积极监测或者介入干预治疗”PK 来自美国佛罗里达大学的Benjamin CANALES教授的“不要被大小欺骗”。TAN Bien Soo教授认为,对于年长、预期寿命较短的,和/或合并其它高危风险的临床疾病的患者,应采用主动监测方法。热消融治疗被证明不优于肾脏切除术或肾脏部分切除术。Benjamin CANALES教授则认为小肾癌可能具有更高的恶性度并且有高致死率,无法忽略的转移潜力。从局部复发率、肿瘤特异性生存率和无转移生存率三个方面看,肾脏部分切除效果优于冷冻疗法和消融术。

来自新加坡国立大学肿瘤研究所的Alvin Wong教授谈到转移性肾癌分子靶向治疗的10年回顾和反思。Alvin Wong教授认为:




随后,本次UAA大会执行主席,来自新加坡伊丽莎白诺维娜医院Man Kay LI教授分享了关于肾癌静脉瘤栓手术疗效的分析。LI教授认为:





最后,来自德国海德堡大学SLKKlinikenHeibronn医院的Jens RASSWEIILER教授汇报了关于腹腔镜肾脏部分切除术的经验和技巧——如何最小程度的缺血、最大程度的保留肾单位。谈及了5点经验:












中医思维在重症医学中的应用。ICU是重症医学科的临床基地,其对各种原因导致一个或多个器官与系统功能障碍、危机生命或具有潜在高危因素的患者,及时提供系统的、高质量的医学监护和救治技术,对病情进行连续、动态的观察,通过有效的干预措施,为重症患者提供生命支持,改善生存质量。通过对山东省中医院重症医学科孔立主任的授课学习,我了解到中医思维在重症医学中的应用。1注重整体观念,整体性体现在生理上、病理上、诊治上。2 中和思维 “中和”思想的核心是平衡与和谐,太过、不及对人体都是不利的。阴阳学说认为,正常情况下,人体的阴阳相对平衡协调意味着健康,《素问•生气通天论》中日“阴平阳秘,精神乃治”。针对疾病出现的阴阳平衡失调,治疗的原则是“损其有余,补其不足”,“谨察阴阳所在而调之,以平为期”。在某种意义上,耐心也是一种美德。过度的医疗干预反而对患者产生不利影响。3重视胃肠功能:胃气衰败为各种危重病的难点.亦提示预后不良。所以中医十分重视保护胃气。大肠小肠五脏皆属于胃,胃虚则俱病,说明胃虚导致疾病的发生。4未病先防,早期发现高危患者是预防和控制重症的基础,早期识别是防止病情恶化的重点,呼吸急促是早期最重要的独立预测指标。从急性肾损伤到急性肾衰竭,从急性肺损伤到急性呼吸窘迫综合征,都是渐进性的疾病发展,早发现、早诊断、早治疗。对ICU患者积极保护其胃肠功能,防治腹内高压综合征。治疗中应避免医源性脏器损害如肺损伤、肝损伤、肾损伤等。总之。ICU患者病情危重且复杂,病死率高。现代医学在生命支持方面具有明显的优势,如机械通气呼吸功能的支持,血液净化肾功能的替代治疗,抗生素针对病原菌的治疗。中医在这些方面虽然没有明显的优势,但针对炎症损伤、免疫损伤、胃肠功能、凝血功能损伤的修复具有明显的优势,进行环节的干预也是研究复杂性疾病的临床治疗疗效的有效方法。如何降低ICU患者病死率,提高患者生存质量,减少器官替代,降低治疗成本,是中医药亟待明确和解决的课题。在诊治危重病时要有整体观念、中和思维、重视胃肠功能、未病先防、早期识别意识,运用传统中医理论结合现代循证医学治疗危重病值得进一步研究。




Big and Open Date :Challenges for Smart City

Victoria Lopez

Victoria Lopez任教于西班牙马德里Complutense大学,其在计算机软件,计算机应用技术,计算机网络,人工智能,管理科学与工程等领域颇有建树,此次学术会议是她在2014年信息学与计算进展国际会议上的关于大数据的一次学术会议报告,她的演讲题目是Challenges for Smart City,以智能城市为研究对象,阐述大数据在智能城市领域内面临的挑战,鞭辟入里,发人深省,引人深思。







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