
时间:2019-05-14 19:30:23下载本文作者:会员上传


1.公园休闲类: 时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :garden。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:paint , boating, climb, take photos, play games…..(可替换)范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the garden for fun| to draw picture, the lake is very clear.And there are many people boating on the lake.The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.@play guitar and I sing.We talk and draw.We all have a good time.How I wish we can come again.2.公园休闲类:

时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :garden。人物:@ ,and I.事件:sing and play guitar(可替换)范文:Today is Sunday , it’s a sunny day, the sky is so blue, @ and I go to the garden for fun| , the lake is very clear.And there are many people boating on the lake.The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.@play guitar and I sing.How happy we are!I wish we can play again.3.购物休闲类go shopping...时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:go shopping..Today is Sunday.It’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the street to buy some books.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We find many interesting books in the book store.And we have 3 picture books.How happy we are!4.购物休闲类, eat and drink.时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:drink in the coffee shop(可替换)Today is Sunday.It’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the street to have fun.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We buy ice cream and drink a cup of coffee|tea(many tasty food).What a happy day we have!5..购物休闲类, buy gift for a friend.时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon , It’s @’s birthday.地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:buy a gift for @ Today is Sunday, it’s fine, the sky is so blue, we are so excited because today is XiaoLi’s birthday,@@ and I go to the street to buy a gift.for Xiaoli.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We choose some flowers for him.We wish xiaoli have a good time and happy birthday.6.海滩休闲

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunny and hot, the sky is so blue, @ and I go to beach for fun| , the water is so clean.And there are many people on the beach,the trees are green.Firstly,@ and I swim in the water.Then, we rest and eat ice cream.How relaxing and happy we are!.学习类

1.(在公园读书)Today is Sunday , it’s sunny, the sky is so blue, @ and I go to the garden to have fun, the flowers are white ,the trees are green ,we read under a tree, it’s so cool.we read and talk.How happy we are!2.(在家中读书)Today is Sunday , we are free.@ and @come to my study to study with me,.My study is clean and beautiful.We study and have fun.We help each other.We all have a good time.How I wish we can study together everyday.图片类看图说话范文

1.运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:play basketball, football......范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we have no lessons, @@ and I go to the playground for fun, we play basketball….., it’s very interesting.We are tired but We all have a good time.How I wish we can play again.2运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:have a walk.范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue the air is fresh, we have no lessons, @@ and I go out to have a walk.The birds are singing in the trees, the flowers are red.we walk and talk we meet many people.Some people are talking, some are buying things.Some are listening to music.others are walking dogs(溜狗)we are all very happy , 未来科技

Look at the picture, it’s so beautiful.I like it very much the picture is about future(未来), we can see many tall buildings and modern cars, buses, they are so wonderful(了不起),some cars and buses can fly, everyone is so happy ,because they can fly in the sky!How I wish I can live in the future.天安门广场 存钱大金猪 图

Hello, everybody, look at this picture it’s so funny, a boy ride on the big pig, and a bag of money is on his hand.What is he doing? He is saving money, I think he want to save money to help others or he want to save money to buy his favorite books and food.I also want to save money to buy my favorite things.四,五年级,如图:



孩子们 children 男孩 boy 女孩?girl?(性别不明显,自己假定)假定全是男孩 Jim Peter Robert 特征是什么?

数量:3个男孩 three boys

服饰: 红色T恤 red t-shirt 7号 number 7 23号 number 23 蓝色短裤 blue shorts

黄色长头发 long yellow hair 棕色长头发 long brown hair

白色T恤 white T-shirt 黑短裤 black shorts

棕色短发 short brown hair

位置:在操场上 on the playground

行为,它在做什么?(这个可以有很多种设想)他们在踢足球 They are playing football

Jim kicked the ball,Robert ran to stop him,but he missed,fortunately,Peter caught the ball at last


他们很开心 They are very happy 场景描述

学校里,操场上 on the playground in the school 夏天的下午 one summer afternoon

天气晴朗 It’s sunny 白云天上飘 White clouds float in the sky

操场边有花有树There are many beautiful flowers and tall trees around the playground


One afternoon in summer, it’s sunny, white clouds float in the sky.Three boys are playing football on the playground;there are many beautiful flowers and tall trees around the playground.One boy has long yellow hair,he wears red T-shirt with Number 7 and blue shorts, his name is Robert,another boy who wears red T-shirt with Number 23 is Peter,he has long brown hair,the boy who wears white T-shirt and black shorts is Jim,he has short brown hair.Jim kicks the ball towards the goal,Robert runs to stop him,but it is too late,fortunately,Peter catches the ball.They are very happy.但是,这样的描述只占了分值的70%(35分),要想得到更高的分数,我们需要说得更多,需要联系自身的经历,超越图片本身。



… …


I like football,but I am not good at it.I can play basketball very well because I am tall and I can jump so high.I have a team.There are 4 boys in the team.They are Tom,Steven,Chris and I.Tom is…(特征,特点),Steven is…, Chris is….We are good friends.We always play basketball together after class.Last week, we won a very important basketball match in my school.We were very happy and proud of it.我喜欢足球,但是我踢得不好,我篮球打的非常不错,我个子很高,跳得也高,所以我打篮球。我有一个球队,我们有4个人,Tom,Steven,Chris 和我,Tom… …

Steven … ….我们是好朋友,每天放学后我们几乎都在一起打篮球。上周我们在校内赢得了一场重要比赛的胜利,我们为此感到高兴和骄傲。

辅导老师同样要注意以下几个知识重点: 1.“There be …”句型 表示“有… …” 2.名词单复数




1.方位介词,in,on,under,by,in front of,behind,beside,next to,……



因为是连环画,其时间,空间,人物角色,行为动作都是在变化的 也就是说,它有不止一个的时间,地点,人物和事件要素。



父亲和儿子 father son 起个名字以便于描述 Tom and his father Mr.Smith 角色特征:

父亲高大强壮 tall and strong 儿子瘦小 thin and short 行为,做了些什么?

儿子向父亲借了一本书 borrow a book from his father 儿子又向父亲借了三本书 borrow three more books

儿子站在书上摘樱桃 the son stood on the books to pick cherries from the tree 角色心理活动

父亲为孩子借书感到很高兴 father felt very happy,because he thought the son liked reading 父亲为儿子很快再次来借书感到奇怪 father felt strange,Why the son borrowed so many books?“Can he read all the books at the same time?

真相大白 father felt surprised and a little bit disappointed.场景

时间 one day

房间内 in the room

书架上有很多书,厚厚的书 There are many books on the shelf,these books are very thick 院子里有一棵樱桃树

There is a cherry tree in the yard.注意:讲故事的话,一般用过去时态


I have a friend, his name is Tom, He is thin and short, and he doesn’t like studying and reading.His father, Mr.Smith who is tall and strong is a doctor.There are many interesting books in their home, But Tom never reads them.One day, Mr.Smith was smoking in the reading room, Tom came in and asked: “Dad, May I borrow a book?” Mr.Smith was very surprised, but he was very glad that Tom wanted to read, He took an interesting story book from the shelf and gave it to Tom, Tom said: “No, Dad, May I have that thick one on the shelf, Mr.Smith felt strange but he didn’t say anything, he gave Tom the thick book minutes later, Tom came in and asked for more thick books, Mr.Smith was puzzled but he gave 3 more books to Tom.Tom didn’t come back again, Mr.Smith thought: “Tom has grown up, he likes reading now;He can read so many thick books.I am proud of him.He decided to go out to see what Tom was doing.He went to the yard,To his surprise, Tom wasn’t reading the books.He was standing on the books to pick cherries from the tree!

Mr.Smith felt surprised and a little bit disappointed.这样下来,就是一篇很有趣的故事。







时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :garden。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:paint , boating, climb, take photos, play games…..(可替换)

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the garden for fun| to draw picture, the lake is very clear.And there are many people boating on the lake.The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.@play guitar and I sing.We talk and draw.We all have a good time.How I wish we can come again.2.公园休闲类:

时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :garden。人物:@ ,and I.事件:sing and play guitar(可替换)

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s a sunny day, the sky is so blue,@ and I go to the garden for fun| , the lake is very clear.And there are many people boating on the lake.The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.@play guitar and I sing.How happy we are!I wish we can play again.3.购物休闲类go shopping...时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:go shopping..Today is Sunday.It’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the street to buy some books.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We find many interesting books in the book store.And we have 3 picture books.How happy we are!

4.购物休闲类, eat and drink.时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:drink in the coffee shop(可替换)

Today is Sunday.It’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the street to have fun.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We buy ice cream and drink a cup of coffee|tea(many tasty food).What a happy day we have!

5..购物休闲类, buy gift for a friend.时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon , It’s @’s birthday.地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:buy a gift for @

Today is Sunday, it’s fine, the sky is so blue, we are so excited because today is XiaoLi’sbirthday,@@ and I go to the street to buy a gift.for Xiaoli.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We choose some flowers for him.We wish xiaoli have a good time and happy birthday.6.海滩休闲

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunny and hot, the sky is so blue,@ and I go to beach for fun| , the water is so clean.And there are many people on the beach,the trees are green.Firstly,@ and I swim in the water.Then, we rest and eat ice cream.How relaxing and happy we are!.学习类

1.(在公园读书)Today is Sunday , it’s sunny, the sky is so blue,@ and I go to the garden to have fun, the flowers are white ,the trees are green ,we read under a tree, it’s so cool.we read and talk.How happy we are!

2.(在家中读书)Today is Sunday , we are free.@ and @come to my study to study with me,.My study is clean and beautiful.We study and have fun.We help each other.We all have a good time.How I wish we can study together everyday.图片类看图说话范文

1.运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:play basketball, football......范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we have no lessons, @@ and I go to the playground for fun, we play basketball….., it’s very interesting.We are tired but We all have a good time.How I wish we can play again.2运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:have a walk.范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue the air is fresh, we have no lessons, @@ and I go out to have a walk.The birds are singing in the trees, the flowers are red.we walk and talk we meet many people.Some people are talking, some are buying things.Some are listening to music.others are walking dogs(溜狗)we are all very happy ,未来科技

Look at the picture, it’s so beautiful.I like it very muchthe picture is about future(未来), we can see many tall buildings and modern cars, buses, they are so wonderful(了不起),some cars and buses can fly, everyone is so happy ,because they can fly in the sky!How I wish I can live in the future.天安门广场

存钱大金猪 图

Hello, everybody, look at this picture it’s so funny, a boy ride on the big pig, and a bag of money is on his hand.What is he doing? He is saving money, I think he want to save money to help others or he want to save money to buy his favorite books and food.I also want to save money to buy my favorite things.四,五年级,如图:



孩子们 children男孩 boy女孩?girl?(性别不明显,自己假定)



数量:3个男孩 three boys

服饰: 红色T恤 red t-shirt7号 number 723号 number 23

蓝色短裤 blue shorts

黄色长头发 long yellow hair棕色长头发 long brown hair

白色T恤 white T-shirt黑短裤 black shorts

棕色短发 short brown hair

位置:在操场上 on the playground


他们在踢足球 They are playing football

Jim kicked the ball,Robert ran to stop him,but he missed,fortunately,Peter caught the ball at last



他们很开心They are very happy


学校里,操场上on the playground in the school

夏天的下午 one summer afternoon

天气晴朗 It’s sunny白云天上飘 White clouds float in the sky

操场边有花有树There are many beautiful flowers and tall trees around the playground


One afternoon in summer, it’s sunny, white clouds float in the sky.Three boys are playing football on the playground;there are many beautiful flowers and tall trees around the playground.One boy has long yellow hair,he wears red T-shirt with Number 7 and blue shorts, his name is Robert,another boy who wears red T-shirt with Number 23 is Peter,he has long brown hair,the boy who wears white T-shirt and black shorts is Jim,he has short brown hair.Jim kicks the ball towards the goal,Robert runs to stop him,but it is too late,fortunately,Peter catches the ball.They are very happy.但是,这样的描述只占了分值的70%(35分),要想得到更高的分数,我们需要说得更多,需要联系自身的经历,超越图片本身。



… …


I like football,but I am not good at it.I can play basketball very well because I am tall and I can jump so high.I have a team.There are 4 boys in the team.They are Tom,Steven,Chris and I.Tom is…(特征,特点),Steven is…, Chris is….We are good friends.We always play basketball together after class.Last week, we won a very important basketball match in my school.We were very happy and proud of it.我喜欢足球,但是我踢得不好,我篮球打的非常不错,我个子很高,跳得也高,所以我打篮球。我有一个球队,我们有4个人,Tom,Steven,Chris 和我,Tom… …

Steven … ….我们是好朋友,每天放学后我们几乎都在一起打篮球。上周我们在校内赢得了一场重要比赛的胜利,我们为此感到高兴和骄傲。


1.“There be …”句型表示“有… …”





1.方位介词,in,on,under,by,in front of,behind,beside,next to,……






父亲和儿子fatherson起个名字以便于描述 Tom and his father Mr.Smith


父亲高大强壮tall and strong

儿子瘦小thin and short


儿子向父亲借了一本书borrow a book from his father

儿子又向父亲借了三本书borrow three more books

儿子站在书上摘樱桃the son stood on the books to pick cherries from the tree


父亲为孩子借书感到很高兴 father felt very happy,because he thought the son liked reading 父亲为儿子很快再次来借书感到奇怪 father felt strange,Why the son borrowed so many books?“Can he read all the books at the same time?

真相大白father felt surprised and a little bit disappointed.场景

时间one day

房间内in the room

书架上有很多书,厚厚的书 There are many books on the shelf,these books are very thick 院子里有一棵樱桃树

There is a cherry tree in the yard.注意:讲故事的话,一般用过去时态


I have a friend, his name is Tom, He is thin and short, and he doesn’t like studying and reading.His father, Mr.Smith who is tall and strong is a doctor.There are many interesting books in their home, But Tom never reads them.One day, Mr.Smith was smoking in the reading room, Tom came in and asked: “Dad, May I borrow a book?” Mr.Smith was very surprised, but he was very glad that Tom wanted to read, He took an interesting story book from the shelf and gave it to Tom, Tom said: “No, Dad, May I have that thick one on the shelf, Mr.Smith felt strange but he didn’t say anything, he gave Tom the thick bookminutes later, Tom came in and asked for more thick books, Mr.Smith was puzzled but he gave 3 more books to Tom.Tom didn’t come back again, Mr.Smith thought: “Tom has grown up, he likes reading now;He can read so many thick books.I am proud of him.He decided to go out to see what Tom was doing.He went to the yard,To his surprise, Tom wasn’t reading the books.He was standing on the books to pick cherries from the tree!

Mr.Smith felt surprised and a little bit disappointed.这样下来,就是一篇很有趣的故事。








时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :garden。人物:XX and I.事件:paint , boating, climb, take photos, play games…..(可替换)

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the garden for fun| to draw picture, the lake is very clear.And there are many people boating on the lake.The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.@play guitar and I sing.We talk and draw.We all have a good time.How I wish we can come again.2.公园休闲类:

时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :garden。人物:XX and I.事件:sing and play guitar(可替换)

范文:Today is Sunday, it’s a sunny day, the sky is so blue, @ and I go to the garden for fun| , the lake is very clear.And there are many people boating on the lake.The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.@play guitar and I sing.How happy we are!I wish we can play again.3.购物休闲类go shopping...时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:go shopping..Today is Sunday.It’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the street to buy some books.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We find many interesting books in the book store.And we have 3 picture books.How happy we are!

4.购物休闲类, eat and drink.时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:drink in the coffee shop(可替换)

Today is Sunday.It’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we are free.@@ and I go to the street to have fun.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We buy ice cream and drink a cup of coffee|tea(many tasty food).What a happy day we have!

5..购物休闲类, buy gift for a friend.时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon , It’s @’s birthday.地点 :街上。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:buy a gift for @

Today is Sunday, it’s fine, the sky is so blue, we are so excited because today is Xiao Li’sbirthday,@@ and I go to the street to buy a gift.for Xiao li.There are many people, a lot of shops and nice things in the street.We choose some flowers for him.We wish xiao li have a good time and happy birthday.6.海滩休闲

范文:Today is Sunday , it’s sunny and hot, the sky is so blue,@ and I go to beach for fun| , the water is so clean.And there are many people on the beach,the trees are green.Firstly,@ and I swim in the water.Then, we rest and eat ice cream.How relaxing and happy we are!.学习类

1.(在公园读书)Today is Sunday , it’s sunny, the sky is so blue,@ and I go to the garden to have fun, the flowers are white ,the trees are green ,we read under a tree, it’s so cool.we read and

talk.How happy we are!

2.(在家中读书)Today is Sunday , we are free.@ and @come to my study to study with me,.My study is clean and beautiful.We study and have fun.We help each other.We all have a good time.How I wish we can study together everyday.图片类看图说话范文

1.运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:play basketball, football......范文:Today is Sunday, it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue, we have no lessons, @@ and I go to the playground for fun, we play basketball….., it’s very interesting.We are tired but we all have a good time.How I wish we can play again.2运动类:时间:Sunday Saturday morning afternoon 地点 :运动场。人物:@ ,@ and I.事件:Have a walk.范文:Today is Sunday, it’s sunnycloudy, the sky is so blue the air is fresh, we have no lessons, @@ and I go out to have a walk.The birds are singing in the trees, the flowers are red.we walk and talk we meet many people.Some people are talking, some are buying things.Some are listening to music.others are walking dogs(溜狗)we are all very happy ,未来科技

Look at the picture, it’s so beautiful.I like it very much the picture is about future(未来),we can see many tall buildings and modern cars, buses, they are so wonderful(了不起),some cars and buses can fly, everyone is so happy ,because they can fly in the sky!How I wish I can live in the future.天安门广场

存钱大金猪 图

Hello, everybody, look at this picture it’s so funny, a boy ride on the big pig, and a bag of money is on his hand.What is he doing? He is saving money, I think he want to save money to help others or he want to save money to buy his favorite books and food.I also want to save money to buy my favorite things.即兴编对话、故事可用的句子模板:

And I… ,Then I …,(我还…)

But I…(但我…)

He/she likes/…(他喜欢…)He/she wants…(她想要…)

He/she/it has…I/they have…(有…)

形容数量:数词,some, many, a lot of

描述场景;There is a/are…

描述动作: He/she is play games.They can play soccer…

常用动词:stand, sit, go to, walk, go for a walk, run after, run, jump

常见地点:garden, park, zoo, supermarket, forest, jungle, river, lake, country, city, playground, school, classroom, house, shop

常用方位词;in, on, under, between, next to, in front of, on the left, on the right


1.from the picture we can see a boy is reading an upside down Chinese book ,after him is his

father who is sit down on a sofa and say :’you can’t go to sleep after 12 clock.As can often be seen in our daily life, many parents have expectations which are too high for their children to reach.In the picture, parents’ standard is twice as highly as their child can reach.Two adults are urging the little boy to jump over the standard while the boy is looking at it nervously and hopelessly.Nowadays, too many parents are engaged in educating their children to make progress in many different fields, so that their children may have more changes to get well-paid job.Although it’s the great love to their kids, it may give their kids too much pressure, causing some unexpected problems.For parents, it’s necessary to have a balance between requirement and children’s ability.2.from the picture we can see a lot of people who are say: ’do we manage others ’ are running

for the student union cadre.3there are two pictures in this topic.The fist picture is an orderly traffic but the second is terrible.Exaggerated as it is, the phenomenon is not uncommon nowadays.With the number of private cars increasing, traffic jams in metropolitans are bound to happen.Heavy transportation pressure in large cities may bring much inconvenience to people and exert negative impacts on the environment.On the one hand, when traffic jam happens, short distance in the past now seems to become terribly long, and drivers could do nothing but to wait.Therefore, a lot of precious time has been wasted on the road.On the other hand, exhausted gas emitted by cars has increased the burden of environment and caused carbon emission, which has diverted from the concept of living a low carbon life。

Therefore, effective measures should be taken to alleviate the traffic jam.Firstly, taxes levied on the sales of private cars should be raised so as to restrict private car ownership rate.Secondly, public transportation such as buses and subways, which are low-carbon transportation means, should be encouraged and promoted so that we can have a smooth transportation。虽然这幅图有点夸张,但是当今这种现象并不罕见。私家车的增多必然产生大城市交通堵塞。大城市沉重的交通压力会给人民生活带来不便,也会对环境造成负面影响。一方面,一旦发生堵车,原来很近的路程似乎变得十分漫长,除了等没有别的办法,大量的宝贵时间被浪费在路上。另一方面,汽车排放的尾气更增加了环境的负担、导致了碳排放,这和低碳生活的理念相违背。


4.From the picture we can see A boy held the admission notice on the steps called confidence.Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence.If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships.This truth seems to be self-evident.In reality, however, we do see a lot of people who always complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcome.For some, this might be true.But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.Why do some people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? I think there are two main reasons.In the first place, these people don’t have a correct estimate of themselves.For example, ……Secondly, there is another possibility that they exaggerate the difficulties.They can’t see …..They tend to ……..In my opinion, one should build up faith in oneself as long as he has a right attitude towards his own abilities.We should neither underestimate nor overestimate our abilities.As a proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” With confidence we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with.个人不管做什么事,他应该充满信心地去做。如果他没有信心,那他取得成功的可能性就很小,尤其是当他面临困难时。这个道理似乎明白无误。然而,在现实中我们确实看到许多人,他们总是抱怨说,他们缺乏办事的能力,或者说,他们的困难大得克服不了。对于有些人来说,这可能是对的。但是对许多其他人来说,这只能表明他们已经失去信心。



5.6.from picture we can see many people are find jobs.First with today’s economy the job market can be perfect for some but terrible for others.If you graduate with a degree in accounting or business the field is steadily growing and firms are continuously hiring entry-levels and trying to expand their market share.On the other side, to find a job in education, communications or advertising for example, it is very hard to find any company that is hiring since many are trying to cut costs.In my opinion, since I recently faced this critical situation I would suggest that if you can receive a job offer now, take it!You never know what the job market will be like in two years, maybe even worse.On the other hand if you have a tough time entering into the job market, I would recommend continuing your education, especially if it was already a future goal.It is always harder to start working and then go back to school.In today’s job market many are being laid off from their long time jobs while many of us graduates are trying to break into the workforce for the very first time.In the end, the decision is left up to the future graduate, which choice fits their needs and what work load they will be able to handle.7.Most people dream of being a success in life.However,this does not mean the same thing to everyone.Many equate success with financial success and believe that only those who earn a lot of money can be considered successful.But there are other ways to measure success.In my opinion,it is definitely possible to be successful without earning a lot of money as long as one lives a meaningful life.Some people find meaning in life simply by doing something they enjoy.They may or may not become wealthy,but they are very likely to lead a happy life.Others find meaning by making a contribution to the society.They may set a world record,cure a disease,create a beautiful work of art,or bring more convenience to everyday life.Still others find satisfaction in educating others,helping the poor,or raising a family.When the ones they nurture do well,they feel successful.Riches,on the other hand,do not guarantee happiness or meaning.No matter how wealthy a man is,he is unlikely to feel his life has been a true success if he is unhealthy,alone,or simply bored.To sum up,there are many ways to measure a person's success,and material wealth is just one of them.Some people really do find satisfaction and meaning in amassing a fortune for themselves and their heirs,and for them,this is a good way to measure their success.But for other people,it is important to adhere to a more personal definition of success.However,we measure our won success,we must set our own goals and then strive to reach them.Only in this way can we truly consider ourselves successful.金钱与成功




第五篇:小学英语看图说话horse and lamb四


提示语:mother horse and baby horse, help


But where is




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