中石油职称英语课文讲稿1-60第01课 (52)

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第一篇:中石油职称英语课文讲稿1-60第01课 (52)

大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 53.Britain Accelerates[(accelerate):v.加快] toward Cleaner Future-with Wheat[n.小麦].依托小麦-英国加速迈向绿色未来.1.Wheat never used to get Charlie Goldsack excited.He's got fields of the stuff[n.材料,东西] down on his farm, but as a cash[n.现金] crop there was one big problem: it didn't generate[v.产生] much cash.Rock bottom prices saw to that.1、小麦从未让查利·戈德萨克兴奋过。虽然他的农场大片大片地种着这东西,但作为一种商品作物,它的一大缺陷就是创收有限。最低价在那儿决定着呢。

分析:used to do :过去常常做某事;

单词:stuff=材料(这里指小麦);cash=现金; generate=产生;

2.But now, the farmer hopes his wheat might literally[adv.真正地] become the driving force of his 1,400-acre Friar Maine farm in southern England.2、但现在,这位农场主希望小麦能够给他在南英格兰的1400英亩的费赖尔缅因农场带来活力。

分析:literal:字面的,literate:有文化的,识字的,literary: 文学的,literature:n.文学; 单词:literally=真正地,字面地;

3.Instead of heading to the bakery[n.面包店], Goldsack's harvest will now go to a nearby plant for conversion[n.转化] into bioethanol[n.生物酒精]-part of accelerating[(accelerate):v.加快]

大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html British efforts to introduce cleaner car fuel.3、今后,戈德萨克所收获的小麦将不再送往面包房,而是供应给附近一家工厂生产生物酒精--这是英国加速引进清洁汽车燃料行动的一部分。

单词:conversion转化; accelerate=加快;

4.“For a lot of farms, it was barely[adv。几乎不] economic to grow wheat any more,” he says.“This is just what we need-a new market.Hopefully it can soak up[吸收] all the surplus[n.剩余] and raise prices.”

4、“对许多农场来说,再种小麦几乎已经无利可图了,”他说,“这正是我们所需要的--一个新市场。但愿它能消化掉所有过剩的小麦,从而抬高小麦的价格。” 分析:soak up:吸收;

单词:barely=几乎不能; economic=经济的; surplus=剩余;

5.The simple arithmetic[n.算术] looks compelling[adj.令人服的].Goldsack's roughly[粗略地] 250 acres could yield[v.生产]

enough wheat to produce a million miles' of car fuel.5、这个简单的算法看上去挺有说服力:戈德萨克的大约250英亩小麦,就足以生产供一辆汽车行驶100万英里的燃油。

单词: compelling=令人服的; roughly=粗略地; yield=生产;

6.Extrapolate[推算] that across all of Britain's farmland and you get enough bioethanol[n.生物酒精] to account for 5 percent 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html of all fuel used annually by British motorists-a target[n.目标] the government wants hit by 2010.In a pleasing symmetry[n.对the amount of wheat required would be around 3 million tons, 称], roughly equal to the excess[n.过剩] produced each year that is unwanted by the domestic market.6、以此推算,整个英国的农场足够供应每年全国5%的机动车燃料消耗量。英国政府希望到2010年达到这一目标。随之而来的好处是,为此所需的小麦数量将在300万吨左右,大致相当于国内市场每年的剩余量。

分析: account for:占;

单词:extrapolate=推算; target:目标; excess=过剩;

7.“If this soaks up[吸收] that surplus[剩余 ] then it could add eight or nine pounds to the price of wheat,” enthuses[(enthuse):v.充满热情] Goldsack, estimating that this would be worth about J 10,000($17,445)a year to his investment-starved[饥饿] farm.7、“如果该计划能够消化掉所有剩余小麦,小麦的价格就会(每吨)上涨8、9英镑,”戈德萨克兴奋地说,并且预计这会给他急需投资的农场带来每年1万英镑(1.7440万美元)的收益。单词: estimate=估计;

8.While President Bush last week emphasized[强调] the need for cleaner cars for reasons of energy security, Britain's 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html motivations[(motivation):n.动机] are slightly[adv.细小地] different.As a signatory[签约国] to the Kyoto[n.京都] pact[n.条约] on climate change, Britain must reduce carbon[n.碳] emissions[(emission):n.排放物] by 20 percent by 2010.With motoring accounting for almost one-third of emissions, and greener fuels like bioethanol estimated to reduce greenhouse gas output by around two-thirds, the logic[n.逻辑性] appears indisputable[adj.无可争辩的].8、布什总统上周强调推广清洁能源汽车的必要性,理由是出于能源安全上的考虑,而英国的动机则略有不同。作为有关气候变化的京都议定书的签署国,到2010年英国必须将碳排放量减少20%。由于汽车的排放量占总排放量的近1/3,而像生物酒精这样的绿色燃料预计可使温室气体的排放量减少约2/3,因而推广清洁燃料的合理性无可争议。

单词:emphasize=强调; motivation=动机; slightly=细小地; logic=逻辑性; indisputable=无可争辩的; Will oil companies stand in the way? 石油公司会出来阻挠吗?

9.But there is a snag[n.障碍].Experts warn[vt.警告] that biofuels[生物燃料] are very expensive to produce-roughly twice as costly as gasoline-and can only become viable[a.可行的] with generous[adj.慷慨的] government subsidies[(subsidy):n.补助].9、不过存在一个障碍。专家警告说,生物燃料的生产成本非常大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 高-大约是汽油的两倍,除非政府提供慷慨的补贴,否则缺乏可行性。单词:snag障碍; warn=警告; viable=可行的;; generous=慷慨的; subsidy=补助;

10.They also note that it will be difficult to create a network of “gas” stations selling bioethanol, since many of Britain's current gas stations are owned by petrochemical[a.石giants[巨人] that have little interest in supplying a product 化的]

that challenges their own hegemony[n.霸权].Britain's biggest energy producer, BP, says it is “looking at” introducing bioethanol, but none of its 1,300 gas stations throughout the United Kingdom sell the product yet.10、他们还提醒说,建立销售生物酒精的加“油”站网络也非易事,因为英国现有的加油站多为石化巨头所有,供应这种燃料将会挑战它们自身的霸权,因而它们对此没有什么兴趣。英国最大的能源生产商BP表示,它们将会“考虑”引进生物酒精,但其旗下的1300个在英国境内的加油站尚无一开始出售这一产品。单词:giant=巨人;hegemony=霸权;

11.“One man and his chip pan(deep-fat fryer used to make French fries)may be able to turn fat(from cereal[n.谷类食物] grains[(grain):n.谷物])into petrol, but he's a long way from being able to take on BP,” says Nick Matthews, principal fellow at the Warwick Manufacturing Group, a research body in central England.大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html


12.“I can make black pop and sell it in bottles,” he continues, “but can I take on Coca-Cola? They have such massive[adj.巨大的] branding and distribution[n.分布] that no one's going to buy my stuff.”


单词:massive=巨大的; distribution=分布;

13.“Oil companies want to get the benefit of vertical[a.垂直的] integration[n.结合] in their system;therefore, unless there is the regulatory[a.规定的] and fiscal[adj.财政的] framework[n.准则] to stimulate[激励] it, it won't happen of its own accord[n.Mr.Matthews adds.Still, some bioethanol is already 一致,符合];” creeping[(creep):v.潜行] into usage here, not as a separate fuel with a pump[泵] of its own, but as a blend[n.混合物] that is mixed with petrol in a ratio[n.比率] of about 1 in 20, for use in ordinary cars.Any richer mix than that and cars must undergo[v.经历] a relatively inexpensive adaptation[n.适应] to replace[vt.代替] rubber[n.橡胶] and aluminum[n.铝] parts, which would be eroded[腐大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 蚀,侵蚀] by bioethanol.13、“石油公司希望将其纳入自身的产品链以获取好处,因此,除非有法规和财政手段作为激励,否则这一切不会自然而然地发生,”马修斯先生补充道。不管怎样,已经有一些生物酒精渐渐进入消费领域。不过不是单独出售,而是以1:19的比例与汽油混合供普通汽车使用。超过这一比例,汽车必须稍事改装,换掉容易受生物酒精腐蚀的橡胶和铝制部件。

单词: integration=结合;stimulate=激励;blend=混合物;undergo=经历;adaptation=适应;

14.Ford and Saab have produced “flex[曲线] fuel ” cars that can run on either boiethanol or normal petrol, or any combination[n.结合] of the two.A pilot[实验性的] project in southwest England is introducing cars running on E85(a fuel made of 85 percent bioethanol)within the local police force.Gas stations at supermarkets in the region are preparing to install[v.pumps to supply the new fleet[n.车队].The US, generally 安装] E85 acknowledged[(acknowledge):v.公认] to be a step ahead of Britain on biofuel, has an estimated 600 stations that offer E85.14、福特和萨博公司已生产出了既可使用普通汽油、又可使用生物酒精或两者混合物的“弹性燃料”汽车。在英格兰西南部的一个试验项目为当地警察配备了使用E85(含有85%生物酒精)燃料的汽车。当地超市的加油站正准备安装E85加油机以供应这批新车所需。在生大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 物燃料方面公认为比英国领先一步的美国,已有大约600个加油站提供E85燃料。

分析:run on:继续;

单词:install=安装; acknowledge=公认;

A push from government


15.A recent government ruling could force oil companies to equip[v.配备] their gas stations similarly.Just as it did with electricity generation, the government has said it will order energy groups such as BP to ensure that a certain proportion[n.比例,部分] of their products are made from renewable[a.可再生的]

resources.It has yet to give an exact[adj.准确的;严格的] figure, but industry insiders predict[v.预言] it will be around 3 percent.15、政府新近做出的规定将迫使石油公司的加油站具备类似的能力。与过去对待发电问题一样,政府表示将命令诸如BP这样的能源集团确保它们一定比例的产品来自可再生资源。虽然具体的数字尚未确定,但业内人士预测其将会在3%左右。

单词:equip=装备,配备;proportion=比例;renweable=可再生的; predict=预言;

16.The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation[n.义务,责任] will come into operation in 2008.For Malcolm Shepherd, managing director of a company created last year to make bioethanol from 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html farm produce, this could make all the difference.16、《可再生交通燃料法》将于2008年生效。对于马尔科姆·谢泼德先生来说,一切将因此而改变。谢泼德先生是去年成立的一家利用农产品生产生物酒精的公司的总经理。单词:come into operation:生效;

17.“If they(oil companies)fail to fulfill[v.实现,完成] the quota[n.配额,限额], they will have to pay penalties[(penalty):n.惩罚,处罚],” he notes.“The obligation will open up forecourts[前院](gas stations)to the biofuel industry.”

17、“如果它们(石油公司)未能达到这一限额,就得支付罚款,”他说,“这一法律将为生物燃油工业打开前场(加油站)。” 单词:penalty:惩罚,处罚;

18.Mr.Shepherd's company, Green Spirit, is building one of Britain's first major[a.较大的;主要的]

bioethanol factories-where crops are turned into fuel-in southern England.It estimates that as many as 10 others will be required nationwide[adj.全国性的] to satisfy[vt.满足] British demand alone.18、谢泼德先生的公司Green Spitit正在英格兰南部建造的工厂,是英国首批大型生物酒精工厂之一,谷物在这里被转化为燃料。预计,单是为满足英国本国的需求,就需要再建设10个类似的工厂。单词:satify=满足;

Enough land to “feed the machine”? 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html


19.Matthews notes that the US and Brazil are world leaders in biofuel usage because of the formidable[a.令人惊叹的] acreage[n.英亩数] at their disposal[n.处置,处理].“Here it's completely uneconomic,” he says.“Oil prices would have to be astronomically[ad.天文学上] high to make it worthwhile.”



20.Professor Stephen Glaister, a transport expert at Imperial[a.帝国的] College London, takes an even broader view.“It's all about the arithmetic[n.算数],” he says.“Energy comes from the sun.It's just a question of whether there's enough sunlight and enough land to capture[v.捕获] it to produce sufficient[adj.足够的] volumes of energy.”

20、伦敦帝国学院的交通问题专家斯帝芬·格莱斯特教授把眼光放得更远。他说:“归根结底,这是一个算法问题,能源来自太阳。问题只在于是否有足够的阳光,以及是否有足够的土地来捕捉这些阳光,然后生产出足量的能源来。” 单词:capture: 捕获;



40.Petroleum Geology[n.地质学] and Other Sciences.石油地质学与其它科学、1.Petroleum geology is the application[n.应用] of geology(the study of rocks)to the exploration[n.勘探] for and production of oil and gas.Geology itself is firmly[adv.牢牢地] based on chemistry, physics, and biology, involving[包括] the application[n.应用] of essentially[基本的] abstract[adj.抽象的] concepts to observed[观察] data.In the past these data[n.数据] were basically[adv.基本上] observation[n.观察] and subjective[adj.主观的], but they are now increasingly[adv.越来越…] physical[a.物理学的] and chemical, and therefore more objective[adj.客观的].Geology, in general, and petroleum geology, in particular, still rely on value judgements[(judgement):n.判断] based on experience and an assessment[n.评估] of validity[n.有效,效力;正确] among the data presented.1、石油地质学是地质学(岩石研究)在油气勘探开发和生产中的应用。地质学本身是以化学、物理和生物学为基础,应用其基本的抽象理论概念来解释观察到的资料。在过去,这些资料主要凭主观观察获取。现在借助物理和化学手段,因而更具客观性。从根本上讲,地质学和石油地质学,仍然特别依赖于基于经验的数值判断和对现有资料的有效性评估。分析:base on=建立在…基础上;

in general=大体上;

in particular=特别; 单词:geology=地质学;application=应用; exploration=勘探; physics=物理学; essentially=必要的; abstract=抽象的; basically=基本上; observation=观察;subjective=主观的; objective=客观的; judgement=判断; assessment=评估;validity=有效;

2.The application[n.应用] of chemistry to the study of rocks(geochemistry[n.地球化学])has many uses in petroleum geology.Detailed[详细的] knowledge of the mineralogical[a.矿物学的] composition[构成] of rocks is important at many levels[方面].In the early stages of exploration[n.勘探] certain general conclusions[(conclusion):n.结论] as to the distribution[n.分布] and quality of potential[n.潜在性] reservoir[n.储层] could be made from their gross[adj.总的] lithology[n.岩性].For example, the porosity[n.孔隙度] of sandstones[n.沙岩] tends to be facies[n.相] related[(relate):vi.有关;涉及], whereas[而] in carbonate[n.碳酸盐] rocks this is generally not so.Detailed[详细的] knowledge of the mineralogy[n.矿物学] of reservoirs[n.储层] enables[(enable):v.使能够] estimates[估计] to be made of the rate at which they may lose porosity[n.孔隙度] during burial[n.埋葬], and this detailed mineralogical[a.矿物学的] information[n.信息] is essential[adj.必要的] for the accurate[a.精确的] interpretation[n.解释] of geophysical[a.地球物理学的] well logs[测井] through reservoirs[n.储层].Knowledge of the chemistry of pore[n.孔隙] fluids[(fluid):n.液体] and their effect on the stability[n.稳定性] of minerals[矿物质] can be used to predict[v.预言] where porosity[n.孔隙度] may be destroyed by cementation[n.胶结], preserved[(preserve):v.保存] in its original[adj.起初的] form, or enhanced[(enhance):v.提高] by solution[n.溶解] of minerals[矿物质] by formation waters.[n.地层水]

2、化学应用到石油地质的岩石研究(地球化学)中有许多作用。岩石矿物组分的详细资料在许多方面很重要。在勘探早期,就潜在储层的分布和质量我们可以从总的岩性得出某些通用的结论。例如,砂岩孔隙度一般与相有关,而一般在碳酸盐岩中则并非如此。储层矿物学的详细知识可以帮助我们估计出在埋藏过程中孔隙度损失的速率。这样详细的矿物组分资料对于准确地解释储层地球物理测井非常必要。了解孔隙流体的化学组成及其对岩石稳定性的影响,有助于预测哪些地区孔隙度因胶结作用而变差,哪些地区孔隙度保持不变,哪些地区孔隙度因地层水的溶蚀作用而提高。单词:detailed=详细的; composition=构成; exploration=勘探; distribution=分布; quality=质量; potential=潜在性; enable=使能够; estimate=评估; essential=必要的; accurate=准确的;interpretation=解释;predict=预言; enhance=提高;

3.Organic[a.有机的] chemistry is involved both in the analysis[n.分析] of oil and gas and in the study of the diagenesis[成岩作用] of the plant and animal tissues[组织] in sediments[n.沉淀物] and the way in which the resultant[a.必然产生的] organic[a.有机的] compound[n.化合物], kerogen[干酪根], generates[生成] petroleum.3、有机化学则可应用于分析原油和天然气,研究沉积物中植物和动物组织的成岩作用,研究动植物组织转化为合成有机化合物,揭示由此而生成的有机化合物干酪根生成石油的方式。单词:be involved in=被涉及; analysis=分析;generate生成;

4.The application of physics to the study of rocks(geophysics[n.地球物理学])is very important in petroleum geology[n.地质学].In its broadest[广泛的 ] application[n.应用] geophysics[n.地球物理学] makes a major contribution[n.贡献] to understanding the earth's crust[n.外壳] and, especially through the application[n.应用] of modern plate tectonic[a.构造的] theory[n.理论], the genesis[n.产生] and petroleum potential[n.潜在性] of sedimentary[a.沉积的] basins[盆地].More specially, physical[a.物理学的] concepts are required to understand folds[褶皱], faults[断层], and diapirs[底辟], and hence[因此] their roles in petroleum entrapment[圈闭].4、在石油地质中,将物理应用到岩石研究(地球物理)中很重要。地球物理的广泛应用对于了解地壳,尤其是应用了现代板块构造理论后,对于了解沉积盆地的成因和潜在石油资源作出了重要贡献。更为特别的是,在理解褶皱、断层和底辟以及它们在石油圈闭过程中的作用时需要物理概念。单词:application=应用;physics=物理学; contribution =贡献; theory=理论; potential=潜在的; require=需要;

5.Modern petroleum exploration is unthinkable[不能想象的] without the aid of magnetism[n.地磁], gravity[n.重力], and seismic[adj.地震的] surveys in finding potential[潜在的] petroleum traps[圈闭].Nor could any finds be evaluated[(evaluate):v.评价] effectively[有效地] without geophysical[a.地球物理学的] wireline[电缆] well logs[测井] to measure[测量] the lithology[n.岩性], porosity[n.孔隙度], and petroleum content[含量] of a reservoir[n.储层].5、利用现代石油勘探手段寻找潜在的石油圈闭时,如果没有地磁、重力和地震勘探,是不可想象的。同样,如果没有地球物理电缆测井测量岩性、孔隙度和储层中石油的含量,对任何发现的圈闭也不可能做到有效评价。

单词:unthinkable=不能想象的; evaluate=评估; effectively=有效地;

6.Biology[n.生物学] is applied[应用] to geology in several ways, notably[adv.显著地] through the study of fossils[化石 ](paleontology[n.古生物学]), and is especially significant[adj.重要的] in establishing[建立] biostratigraphic[生物地层的] zones[n.地带] for regional[adj.区域的] stratigraphical[地层学的] correlation[n.对比].The shift[v.移动] in emphasis[n.重点] from the use of macrofossils[:大化石] to microfossils[n.微化石] for zonation[划带], caused by oil exploration[n.勘探], has already been noted.Ecology[n.生态学], the study of the relationship between living organisms[有机体] and their environment, is also important in petroleum geology.Carbonate[n.碳酸盐] sediments[(sediment):n.沉积物], in general[adj.大体的], and reefs[(reef):n.礁], in particular, can only be studied profitably[ad.有利地,] with the aid of a detailed[详细的] knowledge of the ecology[n.生态] of modern marine[adj.海洋的] fauna[n.动物群] and flora[n。植物群].Biology, and especially biochemistry[n.生物化学], is important in studying the transformation[n.转化] of plant and animal tissues[组织] into kerogen[干酪根] during burial[n.埋藏] and the generation of oil or gas that may be caused by this transformation[n.转化].6、生物学可以从几个方面应用于地质学。较为明显的是用于化石研究(古生物学),同时,生物学对区域地层对比和建立生物层序地层带具有极为重要的意义。由石油勘探引起的划带重点化石已经显然由大化石转移到微体化石。生态学,即研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学,在石油地质中也很重要。碳酸盐岩沉积物,特别是生物礁,只有在现代海洋动物群落和植物群落生态学详细资料的帮助下才能获得有益的研究成果。生物学,尤其是生物化学,对于埋藏过程中动植物组织转化为干酪根并由此生成石油和天然气的研究很重要。

单词:significant=重要的;establish=建立; profitably=有利地; transformation=转变

7.Geologists[(geologist):n.地质学家], in contrast to some nongeologists, believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology can help to find petroleum and, furthermore[adv.此外], often think that petroleum geology and petroleum exploration[n.勘探] are synonyms[(synonym):n.同义词], which they are not.Theories that petroleum is not formed by the transformation[n.变化] of organic[a.有体的] matter in sediments[n.沉积物] have already been noted and are examined[证实] in more detail.If the petroleum geologists' view of oil generation and migration[n.迁移] are not accepted, then present exploration[n.探索] methods would need extensive[a.大量的] modification[n.修改].7、地质学家相对于非地质学家来说,更相信了解地质概念有助于寻找石油。而且,常常认为石油地质和石油勘探是同义词,而实际上并非如此。石油并不是由沉积物中的有机物转化而来的理论已经引起人们的关注,并在许多细节问题上得以证实。如果石油地质学者关于油气生成和运移的观点不被接受,那么目前的勘探方法需要大幅度改变。分析:in contrast to=和...形成对比;

单词:extensive=大量的; modification=修改

8.Some petroleum explorationists still do not admit[vt.承认] to a need for geologists[(geologist):n.地质学家] to aid them in their search.In 1982 a successful oil finder from Midland[米德兰], Texas[n.德克萨斯州], admitted to not using geologists because when his competitors[(competitor):n.竞争者] hired[(hire):vt.雇用] them, all it did was to increase their costs per barrel[n.桶] of oil found.The South African State Oil Company(SOEKOR)is under a statutory[a.法定的] obligation[n.责任] imposed[施加] by its government to put to the test every claim[v.声称] to an oil-finding method, be it a dowsing[(dowse):v.探寻水源] or some sophisticated[adj.复杂的] scientific technique.These examples are not isolated[孤立的] cases, and it has been argued that oil may better be found by random[a.任意的] drilling than by the appliance[n.应用] of scientific principles[原理].8、一些石油勘探家仍然不承认在找油过程中需要地质学家的帮助。1982年,一位德州米德兰油田的发现者声称没有雇佣地质学家。他的对手雇佣了地质学家,结果只是增加了每桶原油的成本。南非国家石油公司在政府法律强行规定下,对每种发现石油的方法(寻找矿藏和水源机械方法或复杂的科学方法)必须进行测验。上述事例并非是独一无二的,它说明寻找石油可能的较好方法是随机钻探,而不是应用科学原理。

第三篇:中石油职称英语课文讲稿1-60第01课 (54)

大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 55.Why Antarctica[n.南极洲] Is Being Explored.为什么要勘探南极洲、1.When the United States was born, the continent[n.大陆;大洲] of Antarctica[n.南极洲] was as remote[adj.遥远的] as the moon-more so, in a way, because the moon was clearly visible[a.看得见的] and the very existence[n.存在] of Antarctica was uncertain[adj.不确定的].But now that remote land area is so attainable[adj.可达到的] and so important that it has become the subject of an international treaty[n.条约] which protects it from national rivalries[(rivalry):n.竞争] yet leaves it open to all for exploration and use.The pact[条约] arranging this is even being viewed as a model applicable[a.能应用的] to the moon and other celestial[adj.天体的] bodies.1、在美国诞生之时,对人们来说南极洲就像月球一样遥远-从某种角度说,甚至更远,因为月亮清楚可见,而南极大陆是否真实存在还无法确定。但是今天,这块遥远的陆地已变得如此触之可及并且如此重要,以致它已受到一个国际公约的保护,使其免于成为国家间竞相抢夺的对象,而是对所有国家开放,供大家共同开发和利用。这个公约甚至被视为一个范本,适用于月球和其他天体的开发。单词:remote=遥远的;visible=看得见的; existence=存在; attainable=可达到的; treaty=条约;rivalry=竞争; exploration=勘探; applicable=可适用的;大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html

2.Yet many people, thinking of the distant[遥远的] continent only as a bleak[a.荒凉的], rocky, cold and inhospitable[a.不适居住的] land mass, may wonder: Why all the fuss[n.小题大做]? Why protect something so unpromising[a.没有前途的]?

2、至今仍有很多人认为这块遥远的大陆仅仅是一大片荒凉、寒冷、岩石林立、根本无法居住的土地。他们可能很奇怪:为什么如此小题大做?为什么要保护这样一块毫无前途的土地? 单词:distant=远的; bleak=荒凉的; inhospitable=不适于居住的; fuss=小题大做; unpromising=无前途的;

3.The answer lies in a number of factors, not the least of which is isolation[n.与世隔绝] itself.Antarctica[n.南极洲] is a very large area of the earth's surface, but-until recent years-was the least studied.More knowledge of it is important for all mankind.3、这些问题的答案由许多因素所决定,并不仅仅是这块大陆本身与世隔绝这么简单。南极洲是地球表面上一块巨大的土地,但是,直到近年,人类的研究都很少涉及于此。更多地了解南极洲对全人类来说都非常重要。


4.A look at a globe[地球仪] is perhaps the best way to appreciate the significance[n.重要性] of this peculiar[adj.奇特的] continent.The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere[n.大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 半球] is preponderantly[(preponderant):占有优势的] water-the widest parts of the Atlantic and Pacific, the unbroken[a.连续的] sweep of Antarctic[a.南极的] seas circling the world.Although much of South America, parts of Africa and all of Australia lie south of the equator[n.赤道], most of the world's land lies north of the line.4、仔细观察地球仪也许能帮助我们了解这个神奇大陆的重要性。地球仪显示,水在整个南半球占绝对优势-包括大西洋和太平洋最广阔的部分以及环抱地球的南极海洋。尽管绝大部分南美洲、部分非洲以及整个澳洲位于赤道以南,但地球上的大部分陆地还是分布在赤道以北。

单词:globe=地球仪 ; significance=重要性;peculiar=奇特的;=unbroken=连续的; equator 赤道;

5.Antarctica[n.南极洲] stood in splendid[adj.壮丽的]-even awesome[adj.令人敬畏的]-isolation from the rest of the world for countless years.Its forbidding[令人难以亲近的] climate and wild[adj.狂野的] seas prevented the migration[n.迁徙] and development of land animals such as the Arctic[a.北极的] regions know.On the continent itself are a few insects, some lichens[地衣] and mosses[苔藓], but nothing else that is land supported.However, there are amphibious[a.两栖的] penguins[企鹅] and seals[海豹] and a rich marine[adj.海洋的] life, ranging from the minute 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html organisms[生物] called plankton[n.浮游生物] to the biggest creature the world has ever known, the blue whale[n.鲸].5、南极洲的壮丽引人敬畏,在无数的岁月里,它就这样孤独傲立于世界。和人们已熟知的北极区域一样,它那令人难以亲近的气候和狂野的海浪使得陆地动物无法迁移至此和繁衍。依附于南极洲陆地生存的只有很少的一些昆虫、地衣和苔藓。然而,这里却有着两栖的企鹅和海豹以及丰富的海洋生命-包括从被称为浮游生物的微小生物,直到迄今所知世界上最大的动物蓝鲸。

分析:migrate:指人“迁居,迁移”,指鸟“迁徙” emigrate:移居(出境),immigrate:移居(入境)单词:splendid=壮丽的; awesome=令人敬畏的; forbidding=令人难亲近的; migration=迁徙;

6.The Antarctica[n.南极洲] treaty[n.条约] applies to all areas(the high seas excepted)below latitude[n.纬度] 60 degrees south.This line, running around the globe some 2,000 miles from the South Pole itself, just misses the lower tip of South America, and is well below the Cape of Good Hope[好望角] and New Zealand.There are a number of small islands between this line and the Antarctic continent, but the waters here are known to mariners[水手] as “the screaming[尖叫] Sixties” because there is so little obstruction[n.障碍物] to the world-circling winds.6、《南极洲公约》适用于除公海以外位于南纬60度以南的所有区大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 域。南纬60度线距南极点大约2000英里,它环绕地球,刚好错过南美洲的最南端,远在好望角和新西兰之南。该线和南极洲之间分布着一些小岛,但是,这里的海域被水手们称为“狂啸的60度”,因为这里障碍物很少,阻挡不了“世界环风”。

单词:treaty=条约;latitude=纬度;scream尖叫; obstruction=障碍物;

7.In contrast, in the northern hemisphere[n.半球], the lands lying above the sixtieth parallel[平行线] of latitude[n.纬度] include much of Scandinavia[斯堪的纳维亚], Siberia[n.西伯利亚] and Alaska[n.阿拉斯加], all of Greenland[n.格陵兰] and Iceland, with a total population of several million.Great mountains help subdue[v.减弱,缓和] the winds;a spur[刺激] of the Gulf Stream[湾流] and part of the Japan Current temper[缓和] the frigid[adj.airs of this polar[极地的] region.This, and the presence[存寒冷的]

of the Arctic Ocean in the center of the great land mass, give 在]

the area a markedly[adv.显著地] different conformation[n.构造] and climate from that around the opposite pole.7、与之相对的北半球,北纬60度平行线以北区域,包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛、西伯利亚和阿拉斯加的大部分地区,以及格陵兰岛和冰岛的全部,人口总数几百万。高山阻碍了风的前进;墨西哥湾流和部分日本洋流使这里的极地寒冷空气有所缓和;再加上北冰洋又处在大块陆地的中央。这一切使得这块区域相对于地球另一端来说,在构架大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 和气候方面存在显著的不同。

单词:parallel=平行线; subdue=减弱;spur=刺激(物); temper=缓和; frigid=寒冷的;

8.Antarctica[n.南极洲] seems a vast basin of rock, filled and overflowing[(overflow):v.充满] with a load of ice.In the heart of the continent it is almost as high as the summits[(summit):最高点] of the Alps[n.阿尔卑斯山], yet soundings[(sounding):探测] show that in places that rock floor is below sea level.8、南极洲看似一个巨大的石盆,被冰所覆盖。大陆的中心几乎与阿尔卑斯山等高,然而,超声探测显示,岩石底部的许多地点都低于海平面。


9.Actually, the ice accumulation[堆积物] is less than it was perhaps 1,000 years ago.Its seaward flow is not so voluminous[adj.容量大] as it once was, and as a result there are patches of bare[adj.赤裸的] rock here and there along the coast and inland.They were scoured[冲刷] clear of soil ages ago, but one may sometimes find moss[n.地衣] or lichens[地衣] growing, though virtually[ad.实际上] no flowering plants.9、事实上,与1000年前相比,这些冰的堆积物减少了许多,尤其是朝向大海的一面已经不像以前那么多了,在海岸边和陆地上留下一片片裸露的岩石。很多年前这里的土壤已经被冲刷干净,实际上已大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 找不到开花植物的踪影,但有时还能发现地衣和苔藓。

单词:accumulation堆积物; bare=赤裸的; virtually=实际上;

10.In all this barrenness[贫瘠] and cold, what is there of value? First, Antarctica[n.南极洲] is bound[一定的] to have mineral resources comparable to those of other great continents.Coal-much of it of poor quality-has been found at many points along the 2,000 mile mountain system known as the Great Antarctic Horst[南极大地垒].A writer has found a small deposit[矿藏] of manganese[n.锰] ore[矿石] and rock specimens[标本,样品] flecked[a.有斑点的] with uranium[n.铀] or stained[(stain):vt.染色] green by copper[铜].These finds are important only as indications[表明] that further exploration would be worthwhile, and such a systematic[adj.有系统的] effort has begun under SCAR[南极洲研究特别(the Special Committee on Antarctic Research).This group 委员会]

is an outgrowth[分支] of the International Geophysical Year(I.G.Y.);but its program has broadened[(broaden):v.扩展] from geophysics[n.地球物理学] to include mapping and biology.10、这样一个空旷寒冷的地方,到底有什么价值?首先,南极洲的地下一定有能与其它几个主要大陆相媲美的矿产资源。在被称为南极大地垒的山脉附近,沿线2000英里范围内已有多处找到了煤,尽管大多数质量很差。一名作家还发现了一个不大的锰矿堆积体和一些粘染有铀痕迹或者带着铜绿斑痕的矿石标本。这些发现的重要性在于它大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 表明在这一地区进行深入的勘探是很有价值的,并且在“南极洲研究特别委员会(SCAR)”的指导下,系统的工作已经开始了。这个组织是国际地球物理学年会(LGY)的一个派生机构,但是它的项目已经从地球物理学拓展到地图测绘和生物学。

单词:specimen=标本; indication=表明;broaden=扩展;

11.There are other possible economic values.Several intercontinental[a.洲际的] air routes lie across portions[部分] of Antarctica.Strange antibiotics[(antibiotic):n.抗生素] have been found in the drifting plants of the Antarctic seas;the Russians are reported to be carrying in live herring[鲱鱼] to be dumped[(dump):v.倾倒] overboard[ad.自船上落下] in an attempt at sea “farming.”

11、除此之外还有其他的经济价值。有数条洲际航线经过南极上空;在南极海洋的浮游植物里已发现了一些前所未知的抗生素;据报道,俄国人要将鲱鱼苗倒进海洋,尝试在南极“放养”。单词:intercontinental=洲际的; portion=部分;

12.But for the immediate future the great value of Antarctica may lie in other lines of research-from the common cold to problems of outer space.The former is under scrutiny[n.详细的检查] at a biological[adj.生物学的] laboratory at McMurdo Sound, where clues[线索] to certain viruses[病毒] are being sought[(seek)探寻] in the study of epidemics[(epidemic):n.流行病]

大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html among the utterly[adv.完全地] isolated[与世隔绝的] members of scientific parties.12、但是,就近期看来,南极洲的重要价值却存在于其他的研究领域:从普通的感冒到外层空间的问题。对于感冒的研究已经在位于麦克默多湾(McMurdo Sound)的生物学实验室里紧锣密鼓地进行,一群完全与外界隔绝的科学组织的人员正从流行病学的角度寻找一些特殊的病毒。

单词:scrutiny=详细的研究; virus=病毒; utterly=完全地;isolated =与世隔绝的;

13.Investigations[调查研究] of the weather's origins[起源] and patterns are being pressed.There is no question that Antarctica plays an important role in the weather that affects[影响] the destinies[(destiny):n.命运]

of those living south of the equator[n.赤道];some believe its effects are felt in the north as well.13、对于气候的形成和模式的研究也正在加速进行。毫无疑问,在气候方面南极洲扮演着一个重要的角色,与生活在赤道以南的人们息息相关;甚至有人认为它的影响也同样波及到了北半球。单词:investigation=调查,研究; origin=起源; affect=影响; destiny=命运;

14.As to space research, there is no place on earth better suited than the South Pole for certain kinds of observation[观大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 察].Here is a firmly[adv.稳固的] fixed point, in contrast to the drifting floes[(floe):n.大浮冰] that cover the North Pole;from it all directions are north, and during the six months of darkness the stars circle around a point directly overhead.The United States established an observatory[n.天文台,气象台] there in 1957 for the I.G.Y.and has maintained it ever since.14、在空间研究方面,南极是地球上最适宜的进行观察的地方。与北极上;覆盖的漂流浮冰相比,这里是一个稳定的点。这里所有的方向都是北,在长达六个月的黑夜中,星星围绕的中心点就在头顶。1957年,美国为国际地球物理学年会在此处建立了一个观测站,并且一直维持至今。

单词:observation=观察; firmly=稳固地;

15.Now it is an ideal space tracking[跟踪] station.Any vehicle[n.交通工具] on a mission[n.使命,任务] in the southern half of the heavens[天空,天堂] remains continuously “visible[a.可见的,看得见的]” to an antenna[天线] at the pole.Such a station is also able to play a unique[adj.独一无二的]

role in interrogating[(interrogate):监视] earth satellites in orbit[轨道] over both poles.15、现在,这里是最理想的空间跟踪站。在南半球的太空中执行任务的所有飞行器都可被极点上的天线持续追踪。同时,这个观测站还在监视两极轨道上的地球卫星方面发挥不可替代的作用。

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16.Such satellites-maintaining their steady[a.稳固地;平稳地] sweeps as the earth revolves[旋转] beneath them-cover all parts of the globe and hence are ideal for weather observation[观communications and other tasks.The South Pole would be the 察], check point on each circuit[环形道], snatching[抓住] the data[n.资料,数据] from space, processing[(process):处理] them in computers within seconds and relaying them to the rest of the world.16、这些卫星处在平稳旋转的地球上空,几乎可以对全球的所有地区进行稳定的扫描,因此能很好地完成气象观察、通讯以及其它任务。南极点将成为这些卫星环球轨迹的检查站,从太空采集数据、通过电脑在几秒钟之内处理数据,并传送到世界各地。单词:steady=平稳地; revolve=旋转;

17.On all these counts, the scientists justify[v.证明„正当] their voyages[(voyage):n.航行;航海] to Antarctica and the vast

sums needed.But essentially[(essential)根本上] their argument[n.理由] is a simple one.The great continent to the south is still largely unknown.In the quest[v.搜索] for fundamental[a.基本的] knowledge, which is the heart and soul so all science, it cannot be ignored[(ignore):v.忽视].17、综上所述,科学家们认为应当进行南极勘探,同时需要大量大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 的资金。但是,他们最根本的论据很简单:南方的这块大陆在很大程度上仍是个迷。为了探索基础知识-而探索基础知识也正是科学的核心和灵魂所在-这个地区不容忽视。

单词:justify=证明„是正当; voyage=航行; essentially=根本的; quest=探索;fundamental=基本的; ignore=忽视;


第四篇:中石油职称英语课文讲稿1-60第01课 (27)

大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 28.The Energy Crisis[危机] of 1973 and Nixon's Energy Policies.1973年能源危机与尼克松总统的应对政策、1.The energy crisis of 1973 underscored[(underscore):强调] the necessity[n.必要性] Of developing a coordinated[(coordinate):协调的] national energy policy and concentrating[(concentrate):v集中] the government's various energy programs into one agency[n.机构].On April 18, 1973, six months before renewed[(renew):v.重新开始] conflict[n.冲突] in the Middle East, President Nixon noted that the United States, with 6 percent of the world's population, consumed one-third of the world's energy.In the immediate future, the president predicted[(predict):v.预言], the United States might face energy shortages[(shortage):n.缺乏,不足] and increased prices.Again, as in 1971, Nixon cautioned[(caution):n.提醒] that America's energy challenge could become an energy

crisis if current trends continued unchecked[a.未加抑制的 ].Declaring[(declare):vt.断言] that the Nation's energy demands had grown so rapidly that they now outstripped[(outstrip):v.超过] available supplies, the President amended[(amend):vt.修改] his 1971 proposal for a cabinet[n.内阁]

department by requesting[(request):n.请求,要求] Congress[议会] to establish a department of energy

and natural resources with responsibility[职责] for energy policy and management as well as 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html research and development.Meanwhile, Nixon established the Special Energy Committee[n.委员会] of senior[adj.高级的] White House advisors[(advisor):n.顾问],including special assistants for domestic[a.国内的], foreign, and economic affairs, and the National Energy Office, headed by Charles J.DiBona, to identify[analysis[发现] issues[问题] and coordinate[v.协调] energy

and 分析] between the various offices[部门]


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2.Nixon's proposal for a department of energy and natural resources stalled[(stall):拖延] in Congress[议会].The House[众议院] and Senate[参议院] held subcommittee[n.附属委员会]

hearings[(hearing):n.听证会], but the proposal received no further attention during 1973.Although he did not abandon[v.放弃] hope for an energy department, the President, turned to[启用 ] immediate, interim[a.临时的] solutions to the organizational[a.组织机构的] problem.At the urging of Roy L.Ash, director of the Office of Management and Budget[n.预算,], Nixon established the Energy Policy Office, which combined and expanded[(expand):扩大] the responsibilities of the Special Energy Committee and the National Energy Office.The new Energy Policy Office established on June 29, 1973, under the leadership of Governor John A.Love of Colorado[n.科罗拉多州], with DiBona remaining at the White House 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html as Love's deputy, was responsible for formulating[(formulate):阐述] and coordinating[(coordinate):v.协调] energy policies at the presidential level.Nixon also proposed creating the Energy Research and Development Administration[n.行政部门] to develop the government's energy research programs and to work with industry in developing and fostering[(foster):v


new energy

technologies.The new administration would combine the energy research and development activities of the Atomic[a.原子的] Energy Commission[v.委员会] and the Department of the Interior[adj.内部的].The Atomic[a.原子的] Energy Commission's licensing[审批] and regulatory[立法]

responsibilities would continue in the independent[a.独立的] five-member Nuclear Energy Commission.2、尼克松的(设立)能源和自然资源部门的建议遭到议会的搁置。尽管众参两院举行了附属委员会的听证,该提议在1973年期间并没有得到更多的关注。但尼克松总统并没有放弃,他立即启用了组织机构问题的临时解决方案,在联邦预算和管理局局长Royl、Ash的督促下,能源政策办公室成立了,该办公室将特别能源委员会和国家能源办公室合并,并且扩大了职责范围。新的能源政策办公室成立于1973年6月29日,由科罗拉多州州长JohnA、Love领导,DiBona作为JohnA、Love的副手,留在在白宫里负责阐述和协调总统级别的能源政策问题。与此同时,尼克松总统还提议建立能源研发局,进行政府的能源项目研究,并与工业界合作开发和培育新的能源技术。新设立的部门将兼并大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html(美国)核能委员会和(美国)内务部所负责的能源研究和开发活动。核能委员会的审批及立法职能仍由其五人独立委员会承担。

单词:stall=停止; subcommittee=附属委员会; hearing=听证会; abandon=放弃; interim=临时的; organizational=组织机构的的; budget=预算; expand=扩展; formulate=阐明; foster=培育;technology=技术;administration=行政部门; atomic=原子; interior=内部的;license=审批;regulatory=立法; independent =独立的; 3.By September 1973 the President, while asserting[(assert):v.声称] the Nation was not yet in an energy crisis, continued to stress[强调] America's energy problem.Nixon especially encouraged congressional[a议会的] enactment[通过] of four bills[法案] to provide for the construction of the Alaskan[a.阿拉斯加的] pipeline[n.管道] and deepwater[深水]

ports, deregulation[n.违反规定]

of natural gas, and new standards[(standard):标准] for surface mining[采矿].He also expressed hope that Congress[议会] would quickly authorize[批准] the Department of Energy and Natural Resources and the Energy Research and Development Administration.Unfortunately war broke out in the Middle East on October 6, 1973.America's energy challenge and problem would soon become a bona fide[真实的] crisis.大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 3、1973年9月之前,尽管尼克松总统承认能源危机并未出现,但他仍然继续强调美国的能源问题,尼克松尤其督促议会通过了有关阿拉斯加输油管道、深水码头的建设、放松天然气管制,以及地表采矿新标准的四个法案。他还表示,希望议会能够尽快批准(设立)能源和自然资源部以及能源研发局。不幸的是,1973年10月6日,中东战争爆发,美国的能源问题很快变成了一场名副其实的危机。

单词:assert=声称; stress=强调; congressional=会议的;enactment=通过;bill=法案; pipeline=管道; deregulation =违反规定; standard=标准;authorize=批准;

4.The consequences of the Israeli[a.以色列共和国的] victory in the Yom Kippur[赎罪日] War quickly spread[vt.延伸] to North America when the Organization of Arab[adj.阿拉伯的] Petroleum Exporting Countries(OAPEC)placed an embargo[n.禁运] crude[a.天然的] oil shipped to the United States.By November 1973 oil

supplies were critically[(critical):adj.关键性的] low, creating the most acute[a.严重的] shortages of energy since World War II.Now the Arab oil embargo[n.禁运], subsequent[adj.随后的] long gas lines, and complex[adj.复杂的] but fragmented[破碎的] energy projects and regulations[规章] demanded bolder[(bold):a.大胆的] action by the President.No longer regional, the energy shortages became nationwide[adj.全国性的] threatened[威胁] virtually[事实上] every sector[n.部门] of the economy.大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html


单词:spread=延伸;embargo=禁运;crude=天然的;critically=关键性地;crude= 严重的;subsequent=随后的;complex=复杂的;fragmented= 破碎的;bold=大胆的;threaten=威胁;virtually=事实上;sector=部门;

5.In a televised address the energy emergency[n.紧急情况] on November 7, 1973, President Nixon launched[(launch):v.Project Independence[n.独



to achieve


self-sufficiency[n.自足] by 1980.Urging Americans to lower thermostats[(thermostat):n.恒温器], drive cars more slowly, and eliminate[消除] unnecessary lighting.Nixon pledged[(pledge):v.保证] increased funding[(fund):n.资金] for energy research and development.Recalling[(recall):v.回忆] Manhattan Project, which had built the atomic[a.原子的] bomb during World War II and the Apollo[n.阿波罗] Project, which had landed two Americans on the moon in 1969, the President expressed his faith[信心] that 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html American science, technology, and industry could free[解脱] the United States from dependence on foreign oil.Three weeks later, as winter cold began to grip[v.抓住] the Northeast, the President reaffirmed[(reaffirm):vt.重申]

Project Independence and announced[宣布] plans to increase the production of home-heating oils, while reducing gasoline[n.(美)汽油] supplies and closing gasoline[n.(美)汽油] stations on Sundays.Communities[(community):n.社区] across the Nation reduced holiday lighting and implemented[执行] various schemes[(scheme):n.计划] for pumping[提供] short supplies of gasoline[n.(美)汽油].As motorists[汽车驾驶scrambled[(scramble):v.抢夺] for a place in line, in some states 员]

matching their license plates to the date on an odd-or-even system, the era[n.时代] of energy affluence[n.丰富] ended.5、1973年11月7日,尼克松总统就能源的紧急事态发表了电视讲话,呼吁发动一场旨在1980年之前达到能源自给自足的“独立计划”。(他)力劝美国人民调低温度控制器的设置、慢速驾驶和减少不必要的照明,并保证为能源研究和发展增加预算。总统在讲话中回忆起二战期间制造出原子弹的“曼哈顿计划”以及1969年将两名美国人送上月球的“阿波罗计划”,并坚定地表明了自己的信心-美国凭借自己的科技和工业一定能摆脱对外国石油的依赖。三周之后,寒流袭击了东北部,(尼克松)总统再次重申“独立运动计划”,宣布增加家庭取暖用油的生产同时降低汽油供应,并且在星期日关闭加油站。大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 全国的社区减少了节日照明,并且实施了各种应对汽油短缺的方案。人们驾车在等候加油的长龙里争抢位置,一些州也根据车牌号实行了单双号出行的规定,这一切都表明、能源富足的时代已经结束了。单词:emergency=紧急情况;launch=发动;self-sufficiency=自足;eliminate=消除;pledge= 保证;recall=回忆; faith=信心; reaffirm=重申;announce=宣布;implemennt=执行;scheme=计划; scramble=抢夺;era=时代;affluence=丰富;


第五篇:中石油职称英语课文讲稿1-60第01课 (39)

大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 40.Petroleum Geology[n.地质学] and Other Sciences.石油地质学与其它科学、1.Petroleum geology is the application[n.应用] of geology(the study of rocks)to the exploration[n.勘探] for and production of oil and gas.Geology itself is firmly[adv.牢牢地] based on chemistry, physics, and biology, involving[


the application[n.应用] of essentially[基本的] abstract[adj.抽象的] concepts to observed[观察] data.In the past these data[n.数据] were basically[adv.基本上] observation[n.观察] and subjective[adj.主观的], but they are now increasingly[adv.越来越…] physical[a.物理学的] and chemical, and therefore more objective[adj.客观的].Geology, in general, and petroleum geology, in particular, still rely on value judgements[(judgement):n.判断] based on experience and an assessment[n.评估] of validity[n.有效,效力;正确] among the data presented.1、石油地质学是地质学(岩石研究)在油气勘探开发和生产中的应用。地质学本身是以化学、物理和生物学为基础,应用其基本的抽象理论概念来解释观察到的资料。在过去,这些资料主要凭主观观察获取。现在借助物理和化学手段,因而更具客观性。从根本上讲,地质学和石油地质学,仍然特别依赖于基于经验的数值判断和对现有资料的有效性评估。

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单词:geology=地质学;application=应用; exploration=勘探; physics=物理学; essentially=必要的; abstract=抽象的; basically=基本上; observation=观察;subjective=主观的; objective=客观的; judgement=判断; assessment=评估;validity=有效;

2.The application[n.应用] of chemistry to the study of rocks(geochemistry[n.地球化学])has many uses in petroleum geology.Detailed[详细的] knowledge of the mineralogical[a.矿物学的] composition[构成] of rocks is important at many levels[方面].In the early stages of exploration[n.勘探]

certain general

conclusions[(conclusion):n.结论] as to the distribution[n.分布] and quality of potential[n.潜在性] reservoir[n.储层] could be made from their gross[adj.总的] lithology[n.岩性].For example, the porosity[n.of sandstones[n.沙岩] tends to be facies[n.相] related[(relate):vi.有关;涉及], whereas[而] in carbonate[n.碳酸盐] 孔隙度]rocks this is generally not so.Detailed[详细的] knowledge of the mineralogy[n.矿物学] of reservoirs[n.储层] enables[(enable):v.使能够] estimates[估计] to be made of the rate at which they may lose porosity[n.孔隙度] during burial[n.埋葬], and this detailed mineralogical[a.矿物学的] information[n.信息] is essential[adj.必要大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 的] for the accurate[a.精确的] interpretation[n.解释]

of geophysical[a.地球物理学的] well logs[测井] through reservoirs[n.储层].Knowledge of the chemistry of pore[n.孔隙] fluids[(fluid):n.液体] and their effect on the stability[n.稳定性] of minerals[矿

where porosity[n.孔隙度] may be destroyed by cementation[n.胶结], preserved[(preserve):v.保存] 物质] can be used to predict[v.预言]in its original[adj.起初的] form, or enhanced[(enhance):v.提高] by solution[n.溶解] of minerals[矿物质] by formation waters.[n.地层水]


单词:detailed=详细的; composition=构成; exploration=勘探; distribution=分布; quality=质量; potential=潜在性; enable=使能够; estimate=评估; essential=必要的;

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3.Organic[a.有机的] chemistry is involved both in the analysis[n.分析] of oil and gas and in the study of the diagenesis[成岩作用] of the plant and animal tissues[组织] in sediments[n.沉淀物] and the way in which the resultant[a.必然产生的] organic[a.有机的] compound[n.化合物], kerogen[干酪根], generates[生成] petroleum.3、有机化学则可应用于分析原油和天然气,研究沉积物中植物和动物组织的成岩作用,研究动植物组织转化为合成有机化合物,揭示由此而生成的有机化合物干酪根生成石油的方式。

单词:be involved in=被涉及; analysis=分析;generate生成;

4.The application of physics to the study of rocks(geophysics[n.地球物理学])is very important in petroleum geology[n.地质学].In its broadest[广泛的 ] application[n.应用]

geophysics[n.makes a major contribution[n.贡献] to understanding the 地球物理学]

earth's crust[n.外壳] and, especially through the application[n.应用] of modern plate tectonic[a.构造的] theory[n.理论], the genesis[n.产生] and petroleum potential[n.潜在性] of sedimentary[a.basins[盆地].More specially, physical[a.物理学的] concepts 沉积的]

are required to understand folds[褶皱], faults[断层], and diapirs[底辟],and hence[因此] their roles in petroleum

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单词:application=应用;physics=物理学; contribution =贡献; theory=理论; potential=潜在的; require=需要;

5.Modern petroleum exploration is unthinkable[不能想象的] without the aid of magnetism[n.地磁], gravity[n.重力], and seismic[adj.地震的] surveys in finding potential[潜在的] petroleum traps[圈闭].Nor could any finds be evaluated[(evaluate):v.评价] effectively[有效地] without geophysical[a.地球物理学的] wireline[电缆] well logs[测井] to measure[测量]

the lithology[n.岩性], porosity[n.孔隙度], and petroleum content[含量] of a reservoir[n.储层].5、利用现代石油勘探手段寻找潜在的石油圈闭时,如果没有地磁、重力和地震勘探,是不可想象的。同样,如果没有地球物理电缆测井测量岩性、孔隙度和储层中石油的含量,对任何发现的圈闭也不可能做到有效评价。

单词:unthinkable=不能想象的; evaluate=评估; effectively=有效地;

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6.Biology[n.生物学] is applied[应用] to geology in several ways, notably[adv.显著地] through the study of fossils[化石 ](paleontology[n.古生物学]), and is especially significant[adj.重要

biostratigraphic[生物地层的] zones[n.地带] for regional[adj.区域的] stratigraphical[地层学的] 的] in establishing[建立]correlation[n.对比].The shift[v.移动] in emphasis[n.重点] from the use of macrofossils[:大化石] to microfossils[n.微化石] for zonation[划带], caused by oil exploration[n.勘探], has already been noted.Ecology[n.生态学], the study of the relationship between living organisms[有机体] and their environment, is also important in petroleum geology.Carbonate[n.碳酸盐] sediments[(sediment):n.in general[adj.大体的], and reefs[(reef):n.礁], in particular, 沉积物], can only be studied profitably[ad.有利地,] with the aid of a detailed[详细的] knowledge of the ecology[n.生态] of modern marine[adj.海洋的] fauna[n.动物群] and flora[n。植物群].Biology, and especially biochemistry[n.生物化学], is important in studying the transformation[n.转化] of plant and animal tissues[组织] into kerogen[干酪根] during burial[n.埋藏] and the generation of oil or gas that may be caused by this transformation[n.转化].6、生物学可以从几个方面应用于地质学。较为明显的是用于化石研究(古生物学),同时,生物学对区域地层对比和建立生物层序地层带具有极为重要的意义。由石油勘探引起的划带重点化石已经显然大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 由大化石转移到微体化石。生态学,即研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学,在石油地质中也很重要。碳酸盐岩沉积物,特别是生物礁,只有在现代海洋动物群落和植物群落生态学详细资料的帮助下才能获得有益的研究成果。生物学,尤其是生物化学,对于埋藏过程中动植物组织转化为干酪根并由此生成石油和天然气的研究很重要。单词:significant=重要的;establish=建立; profitably=有利地; transformation=转变

7.Geologists[(geologist):n.地质学家], in contrast to some nongeologists, believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology can help to find petroleum and, furthermore[adv.此外], often think that petroleum geology and petroleum exploration[n.勘探] are synonyms[(synonym):n.同义词], which they are not.Theories that petroleum is not formed by the transformation[n.变化] of organic[a.有体的] matter in sediments[n.沉积物] have already been noted and are examined[证实] in more detail.If the petroleum geologists' view of oil generation and migration[n.迁移] are not accepted, then present exploration[n.探索] methods would need extensive[a.大量的] modification[n.修改].7、地质学家相对于非地质学家来说,更相信了解地质概念有助于寻找石油。而且,常常认为石油地质和石油勘探是同义词,而实际上并非如此。石油并不是由沉积物中的有机物转化而来的理论已经引起人们的关注,并在许多细节问题上得以证实。如果石油地质学者关大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 于油气生成和运移的观点不被接受,那么目前的勘探方法需要大幅度改变。

分析:in contrast to=和...形成对比;

单词:extensive=大量的; modification=修改

8.Some petroleum explorationists still do not admit[vt.a need for geologists[(geologist):n.地质学家] to aid them in 承认] to their search.In 1982 a successful oil finder from Midland[米Texas[n.德克萨斯州], admitted to not using geologists because 德兰], when his competitors[(competitor):n.竞争者] hired[(hire):vt.雇用] them, all it did was to increase their costs per barrel[n.桶] of oil found.The South African State Oil Company(SOEKOR)is under a statutory[a.法定的] obligation[n.责任] imposed[施加] by its government to put to the test every claim[v.声称] to an oil-finding method, be it a dowsing[(dowse):v.探寻水源]

or some sophisticated[adj.复杂的] scientific technique.These examples are not isolated[孤立的] cases, and it has been argued that oil may better be found by random[a.任意的] drilling than by the appliance[n.应用] of scientific principles[原理].8、一些石油勘探家仍然不承认在找油过程中需要地质学家的帮助。1982年,一位德州米德兰油田的发现者声称没有雇佣地质学家。他的对手雇佣了地质学家,结果只是增加了每桶原油的成本。南非国家石油公司在政府法律强行规定下,对每种发现石油的方法(寻找矿大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 大家论坛中石油职称英语http://club.topsage.com/forum-346-1.html 藏和水源机械方法或复杂的科学方法)必须进行测验。上述事例并非是独一无二的,它说明寻找石油可能的较好方法是随机钻探,而不是应用科学原理。

单词:competitor=竞赛者; obligation=责任; isolated=孤立的;principle=原理


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