
时间:2019-05-14 02:08:59下载本文作者:会员上传




一、听演讲训练英文听力的网站-TED Talks边听演讲也可边训练英文听力,TED Talks就是这样的网站。在这里有不同领域的专业人士所发表的科学、娱乐、文化、教育、艺术等等专题英文演讲影片,除了训练正式英文的听力之外,还可以增长知识,开拓自己的视野。你可以观看约10~20分钟TED Talks练习英文听力,听不懂时,还可阅读演讲稿理解影片内容。

二、看电影练习英文听力的网站-Listening Video Comprehension这是Pinterest网站上一个英文听力练习的图书馆,搜集了大量的英文学习课程和教材。你可以从这里尽情挑选并追踪适合自己的英文老师,透过免费在线英文听力影片,还能连结到其他不同老师所设计的英文听力网站,并从中获得大部份的听力练习教材。

三、练听力、还能测听力的网站-Voice Tube网站:https://www.xiexiebang.comn10 CNN Student News(CNN学生新闻)是一个以英文新闻为学习题材的免费英文听力网站,每部影片约十分钟,在周一至周五播出,非常适合中、高级英语程度的学习者训练英文听力。你如果有心学好英文听力,推荐你一个非常有效的练习方法,只要有恒心毅力,肯花时间学下去,保证一定听懂CNN英语新闻。以上就是小编为为大家总结的五大最适合在线学习英语听力的网站,有些可以在浏览新闻的同时训练自己的英语听力,有些可以看着电影提高自己的英语听力水平,让大家在练习英语听力的时候也不感觉枯燥,在潜移默化的过程中提高自己的英语听力水平。在线英语听力网站是一个很方便的渠道,希望大家能够好好利用它们。


追看美剧超过20部,发现以下一些美剧是非常好的练习听力和口语的范本.1,FRIENDS(非常经典,不用多说,而且可以学到不少美国俚语);2,DESPERATE HOUSEWIFES(字正腔圆,看过一遍后,还可以作为上网时的背景“音乐”)3,KYLE XY(家庭频道的温情青春剧,所以语速比较慢,基本上可以裸听)4,BOSTON LEGAL(经典律师剧,不要认为律师剧会有专业术语不容易懂,事实上法庭上的专业词就那几个,而律师的口词非常清楚,语言很规范,尤其是ALAN SHORE的结案陈词,非常经典)5,HEROES(个人非常爱的剧,觉得所用语言比较简单,所以也是极适合裸听的)6,GOSSIP GIRL(走奢华路线的青春剧,可以了解很多美国青少年常用的语言)7,选秀类节目,包括AMERICAN IDOL,DANCE WITH YOU等(生活化的语言,口词很标准的HOST)


Sabrina 情归巴黎 Dove 真假总统

When harry meet salay 当哈里遇见莎莉 Pretty woman 漂亮女人

My best friend wedding 我最好朋友的婚礼 Erin Brockovich 永不妥协

There"s Something About Mary 我为玛丽狂 Vanilla sky 香草的天空

Sleepless in Seattle 缘份的天空 西雅图不眠夜 You‘ve got mail 电子情书 Philadelphia 费城故事(1993版)The Graduate 毕业生 Rain Man 雨人

Kramer Vs Kramer 克莱默夫妇

The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎 刺激1995 Legends Of The Fall 燃情岁月 Jerry Maguire 甜心先生 征服情海 Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》(发音不值得模仿)




























28、狮子王(1 2 3)

29、仙履奇缘 30、音乐之声





35、拜见岳父大人1 2

36、美女与野兽 1 2



39、米奇之分派群星会 40、小鹿斑比




44、侏罗纪公园1 2 3





49、一夜风流 50、费城故事









59、阿拉丁和大盗之王 60、茶花女

61、双城计 62、美人计

63、白雪公主 64、辛德勒的名单

65、傲慢与偏见 66、出水芙蓉

67、公主日记 68、天方夜谭

69、花木兰 70、海底总动员

71、冰河世纪 72、绿野仙踪

73、呼啸山庄 74、哈里波特

75、生死时速 76、爱国者

77、角斗士 78、芝加哥

79、初恋50次 80、不可饶恕

81、雨人 82、廊桥遗梦

83、美国派 84、海上钢琴师

85、本能 86、钢琴别恋

87、蒙娜丽莎的微笑 88、美人鱼

89、变相怪杰 90、大力士

91、佐罗 2 92、鬼马小精灵

93、冷山 94、蚁哥正传

95、窈窕淑女 96、天堂电影院

97、美国丽人 98、阿拉伯的劳伦斯

99、保镖 100、逃跑新娘

101、美国往事 102、红磨坊

103、教父 104、沙翁情史

105、与狼共舞 106、走出非洲

107、肖申克的救赎 108、永不妥协



111、沉默的羔羊 112、真实的谎言

113、壮志凌云 114、空中监狱

115、燃情岁月 116、天使之城

117、钢琴师 118、云中漫步

119、白宫群英 120、灰姑娘

121、小鸡快跑 122、修女也疯狂

123、泰山 124、美国天使

125、七宗罪 126、熊的传说

127、加菲猫 128、香草的天空

129、杀人三步曲 130、指环王

131、蝴蝶效应 132、富贵猫

133、虫虫特工队 134、英国病人

135、教室别恋 136、曼哈顿女佣

137、珍珠港 138、魔鬼代言人

139、超人特工队 140、黑客帝国

141、特洛伊 142、埃及艳后


听力1 Me? just a little 我呢,刚刚才一点点? I'm afraid I can't, as I am busy with the final preparation 恐怕我不能,因为我与车的最后准备忙? It's up to you 这取决于你

Don't mention it 不谢? It's really unimaginable 这真是不可思议? classmates 同学? Last Christmas 去年的圣诞节? No impression yet 还没有印象? USD$280 美金280元? He hadn't realized he was speeding 他没有意识到他超速? The balance in her account doesn't match her bank statement 在她的账户余额不配合她的银行存款证明

Either the sender or the receiver of a letter 无论是发送或接收的信? sell refreshments 卖小吃? To sit for four hours a day with her leg raised 要坐四个小时,她的腿一天提出? carry his groceries home 背着自己买菜 she planned to write about the evening school 她打算写上夜校? Have classes 上课? It was difficult to choose a present for him 这是一个困难的选择对他目前的 19 she'd hardly brought the right ties for her father 她几乎把她父亲的权利关系? Because it was good but not very expensive 因为它是好的,但不是很昂贵

听力2 I'm sorry.I'll be back with your order in a minute 对不起,我会与您在一分钟内订购返回? One dollar and fifty cents 一元五角钱? Perhaps I got to read though them again 也许我得重新虽然他们读

Yes,identical ones 是的,相同的 Yes,but hard cover ones are on sale today 是的,但精装的今天发售? They let him live with them for free 他们让他和他们住免费? To meet her friend for her 为了满足她的朋友为她? she is studying Spanish 她是学习西班牙语? They try to be friendly to them 他们试图对他们很友好? At2:00 There are signs along the road 有迹象沿路 His car was hit from behind 他的车从后面被击中? He has to finish his report 他要完成他的报告

see the Niagara 看到尼亚加拉

In a bookstore 在书店 A timetable of events 一系列事件的时间表

They live far away 他们住得很远? Law 法律 It should have books on every subject 它应该对每一个主题的书籍? The library has more than one function 图书馆有一个以上的函数

听力3 Certainly,it is out of question 当然,这是不成问题? Yes,it is worth your while to do so 是的,这是值得你这样做? Oh,I'm sorry,I didn't notice it 哦,对不起,我没有注意到它 Yes,Mr.Johnson is expecting you at three this afternoon 是的,期待你今天下午在三? How much do you want to change? 多少钱你想改变吗

About a week 大约一个星期? He is under a lot of stress 他是一个很大的压力下? Long holidays attract her 吸引她的长假期? To the supermarket 去超市

A book store 一家书店 He has to finish writing a paper 他要写完一篇论文? A couple of items 一个项目的情侣 He is tried of his work 他经过试验以后,他的工作? Sample cutting 试样切割? The man is considering renting it 该名男子正考虑租用它? He once gave a book as a present 他曾经作为礼物送给一书? A novel published 5 years ago 5年前发表的小说? she planned houses and other buildings 她计划的房屋和其他建筑物? The architects were men 建筑师是男性? storage buildings 仓储用房? 听力4 No,it is really freezing 不,这是真的冻结? Maybe tomorrow if I hurry up 也许明天我赶紧注册? I am trying my best to finish it,But you know easy said than done 我尽我所能去完成它,但你知道说的比做的容易? I'd love to,but I will be fully occupied that afternoon 我很想去,但我会在当天下午完全占领? I'm sorry Mr.Johnson is at a conference 对不起约翰逊先生在一次会议上的? It has plenty of light 它拥有充足的阳光? To see a new type of boiler 要看到新型锅炉? Call a taxi for him to the hotel 打电话给他打车到酒店? In the woman's dormitory 在女人的宿舍?

There schoolmates 有同学? He went for a drink with a friend 他去与朋友喝? Help him with his physics 他帮他物理? she might get a good job later 她可能找到一份好工作后? she will be picked up at the station 她将拿起在车站? He had a sight temperature 他有一个视线温度? They may support the employers 他们可能会支持聘用过的员工? A third party would impose a settle 第三方将处以解决? A very large spider 一个非常大蜘蛛? At night 在晚上? The bird-eating spider is able to climb any places 该鸟为食的蜘蛛能爬任何地方?

听力5 No,I don't mind at all 不,我不介意? I'm sorry.I'll come right away 对不起,我会马上来? Thank you for saying so 谢谢你这么说? I'm sorry for being late 我迟到了? I'm afraid I can't 恐怕我不能? Toothpaste,coffee and doll 牙膏,咖啡和玩偶? To read the woman's magazine 要阅读女性杂志? John has to learn to be independent 约翰要学会独立? Get a new television set 得到一个新的电视机?

Not to subscribe to the journal 没有订阅的期刊? Drop one course and do it next semester 放弃一门课,下学期做? A bookstore 书店? He had to finish his paper last night 他已经完成了他的论文昨晚? To have a look at another apartment 有一个在另一个房间看? John would pass the final exam 约翰会通过期末考试? Receptionist and guest 接待员和来宾? 126 dollars 126美元? Peace 和平? Over 130 超过130名? More money and more support 更多的钱和更多的支持? 听力6 What a pity!真可惜!? Of Course not,here you are 在康斯没有,你在这里? Well,I was informed that I failed in the final exam 嗯,我被告知,我在期末考试中失利? Here you are 在这里你? I quite agree with you.They two are always try to play tricks on teachers 我很同意俩经常尝试播放教师过关? 4.32 dollars 4.32元? If he didn't read the book,he wouldn't pass the course 如果他没有读过书,他不会通过这门课程? Because he didn't understand the lecture 因为他不理解讲座? Mrs.Johnson wouldn't come to the office today 约翰逊夫人就不会到办公室今日? Leave the library without borrowing anything 离开图书馆借什么? To be a TV news director would be pretty difficult 要成为一名电视新闻主管会非常困难? Go to see the play with the woman 去看与女人播放? About 2:00 约2:00? There have no modern facilities 有没有现代化的设施? He thinks it good to punish those students 他认为,惩罚那些好学生? They are discussing about the courses they want to choose 他们在讨论他们想要的课程选择? They are going to go on reading the course catalog 他们打算继续读课程目录? Go to a liberal arts college or university 去一个大学或大学文科? Communication skills 沟通技巧? some students want to attend a liberal arts school because it offers them a better chance to find well-paid jobs in future.有些学生要参加学校的文科,因为它为他们提供了一个更好的机会在未来找到高薪工作。

听力7 I'd like to but I'm afraid I can't.I have no pick up my mother tonight at the airport 我愿意去,但是我恐怕不能。

我没有在机场接我的母亲今晚? To be frank,it is hard,but I succeed in doing so 坦率地说,很辛苦,但我这样的人? Really?Peter is a luck gay 真的吗?彼得是一个运气同性恋? I'm sorry, but there is something wrong with the reservation system 我很抱歉,但有一些错误与预订系统? If you think it is really necessary,I can do it 如果你认为确有必要,我可以做的? Make lots of telephone calls 使大量的电话通话? she was not good at typing 她不擅长打字? The man didn't know the arrival time because the train was late 该名男子不知道到达时间,因为火车晚点了? The second hotel will be appropriate because it is nearer to the train station 第二个酒店将适当的,因为它更接

近火车站? The coat was the only present her husband gave 这件上衣是她的唯一礼物送给丈夫? 11:20 11: 20 ? 20 dollars 20 dollars? At a restaurant 在餐厅? Ellen is never late 埃伦是从来不迟到? Fill in the application form required by the store 填写申请表需要由商店? He was checking e-mail on computer 他在检查电脑的电子邮件? Journalism 新闻学? Go to have lunch 前往吃午饭? He must be an experienced pilot 他一定是个经验丰富的飞行员? To learn how to build better spaceships 要了解如何建立更好的飞船?

听力8 You bet 你打赌? Couldn't be better 好得不能再好? That's just what I'm thinking 这只是我在想什么? Sure,What about this one? 当然,这件怎么样?? Maybe you are right here.I'll do it myself 也许你是对的'会自己动手? Go down to have something to drink 下到有东西喝? The woman's husband was always absent from her birthday party 这名妇女的丈夫总是从她的生日派对缺席? The man is going to carry the bag for her 该名男子携带的袋子去为她? Tom likes the color of red most 汤姆喜欢的颜色最红? The woman should choose one that is her size 女方应选择一那是她的大小? The man shouldn't have trusted Peter 该名男子不应该信任彼得? she is not so enthusiastic about her studies 她对此并不热心的功课? less than 30 小于30? Mr.Smith's secretary 史密斯先生的秘书? The man is introducing this university to the woman 该名男子是这所大学的介绍给女方? He rejects the idea immediately 他的想法立即拒绝? Eating less 少吃? Geneva 日内瓦? Help wounded soldiers to survive 帮助伤员生存? Three times 三次?

听力9 How do you do 你怎么办? It's been nice having met you 它已经真高兴见到你? Yes,it's quite cool today 是的,今天很凉爽? Sure,what can I do for you 当然,我能为你做? Don't mention it 不谢? she must begin writing a paper for her history class 她必须开始为她写了一份文件的历史课? In Washington 在华盛顿? Second year 第二年? He works at home 他在家里工作?

He ordered apple pie 他下令苹果派? From eight o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock at night 从早上八点到晚上9点? Spanish 西班牙语? To a wedding 参加婚礼? she decided to buy a pair of gold earrings to match a gold necklace that she already had 她决定买了一双金耳

环金项链匹配,她已经有了? six hours 六小时? Education 教育? dance 舞蹈? angry 愤怒? you obey all the traffic rules 您遵守所有的交通规则? Traffic safety 交通安全?


Yes, I'd like to 是的,我想? Thank you very much 非常感谢你? No, please do 不,请不要? Hi, Jim.I haven't seen you for ages 嗨,吉姆。我已经好久没见到你? Ok, thank you very much 好的,非常感谢你? on the counter 在柜台上? she bought him a watch 她给他买了一块手表? to a concert 一场音乐会? because it is too formal for the occasion 因为过于正式的场合? fifty minutes 五十分钟? the man's mileage is twice that of the woman 该名男子的里程是女人的两倍,? at9:15 at9:15? the man will pay thirty dollars 该名男子将支付三十元? twenty-five dollars 二五美元? he will pay $1.25 他将支付一点二五美元? coffee is his favorite drink 咖啡是他最喜欢的饮料? they will call a taxi themselves 他们将自己叫出租车? we have more industry 我们有更多的行业? industry 工业;行业...it's time we did something to reduce pollution 它的时间,我们做了什么,以减少污染?

听力11 sorry, I don't know.You'd better check the TV guide 对不起,你最好检查电视指南? Yes ,basketball is one of my favorite sports 是的,篮球是我最喜欢的运动之一? I think there is an English program called Business talk我认为这是一个英文名为商务 Yes, I'm crazy about pop songs and good at singing them我疯了对流行音乐,善于歌唱他们? It costs about $135 它的费用约135元? They are talking about gardening equipment 他们谈论的园艺设备? Lee will enter the treasurer's campaign 李将进入掌柜的竞选? Repair the broken items 修复损坏的物品? How to use their tickets at a sports event 如何使用一个体育赛事的门票? clean up the table 收拾桌子? They should try for a different showing 他们应该尝试不同的显示? Steve survived a robbery 史蒂夫躲过了抢劫? They are at on observation station 他们是在对观测站? He isn't hearing things correctly 他不听正确的事情? The price of the tickets depends on size of the children 戏票的价格取决于大小的孩子? The traffic 交通? Many Italians speak good English 许多意大利人说一口流利的英语? Because of the caller's ignorance 由于呼叫者的无知? That some people just want to be heard by others 有些人只是想被别人听见? The writer tells us that the host is silly 笔者告诉我们,主是愚蠢的?


It's about $2500 per month 这是关于每$2500个月? It's about twice a month 它的两倍左右一个月? Yes, I'd love to 是的,我很乐意? He is very generous 他很慷慨? Yes, I will see to it 是的,我会看到它? It needs to be cleaned 它需要被清理? His roommates have gone for a walk 他的室友外出散步? They will have to wait 他们将不得不等待? she is worried about her health 她担心她的健康? They don't completely describe her qualifications 他们没有完整地描述她的资格? Mother and son 母亲和儿子? In a hospital 在医院? In a clinic 在诊所? After 9:00 in the morning 在上午9:00后? To see her boy friend first and then to visit her parents 看她的男朋友,然后再去看她的父母? It sells goods of high quality 它高品质的商品销售? It sells various mane brands 它销售各种品牌的鬃毛? To inform university people of important schedule changes 为了通知人民大学重要日程变化? It will be open both weekends and weekdays 这将是打开这两个周末和平日? Accommodation 住宿?

听力13 I've been studying hard for my examination 我一直在努力学习为我的考试? That's a very good idea 这是一个非常好的主意? It's made of wool 它制成的羊毛? sure, I'd love to 当然,我很喜欢? Yes.I'd like a cup of onion soup 想要一杯羹的洋葱? Cooked something sweet 熟甜的东西?

He tries to be of assistance 他力求援助? The woman feels discouraged 该名女子感到沮丧? His friends are going to help him relocate 他的朋友要帮他重新定位? some of the swimmers looked pretty good 为泳客一些看起来相当不错? she didn't feel well 她不舒服? It sound's like noise 听起来像是噪音? He caught his leg on some furniture 他抓住了他的腿在一些家具? He is the son of Jeff's aunt or uncle 他是杰夫的阿姨或叔叔的儿子? They need to compose an essay about the show they will view 他们需要撰写一篇有关文章表明他们会认为? There are no commercial interruptions 有没有商业? situation comedies 情景喜剧? Private school 私立学校? National exam 国家考试? single-sex in Britain 事务所性别在英国?

听力14 It does not matter 不要紧? It's quite dull 这是十分迟钝? I have learned English for about 12 years 我已经学英语12年? It was rainy where I left 这是我离开那里下雨? It's made in France 这是在法国? Wait fifty minutes 等待五十分钟? she would like the food to be as the surroundings 她希望作为食物环境? she needs to eat before school 她需要上学前吃? they can give Bob a ride 他们可以给乙一个骑? Take care of the dog's veterinarian visits in the future 会在将来的狗的兽医照顾访问? Regular potatoes定期? very hard 很辛苦? student-student 学生与学生? watch TV 看电视? camera store 照相机商店? To learn the proper behavior at an American dinner 要了解美国在晚宴上正确的行为? when the hostess asks him to leave the table 当女主人问他离开餐桌? make sure their students understand 确保他们的学生了解? Do the reading assignments 做阅读? Through involving students in discussions 学生通过参与讨论? 听力15 Finance 财经? I prefer city life because it is more convenient 我更喜欢城市生活,因为它更方便? I am busy with my term paper because the deadline is approaching 我跟我的学期论文忙碌,因为最后期限日

益临近? It is good that he is leaving 这是他离开? No, I'll see to it 不,我会看到它? she has recently returned from abroad 最近,她从国外回来,? There is little interest in the course 本课程有兴趣不大? Dave thought he would be slow 戴夫以为他会很慢? It looks like it will be a good month 看来这将是一个好月份? she doesn't like that kind of book 她不喜欢那样的书?? Almost half the class has arrived 几乎一半的阶级已经来临? The book are left on the left side of the bookrack 这本书留在了左边的书架? Because the man's briefcase has a lock 由于该男子的公文包里有一个锁? she finished her thesis quickly 她完成论文迅速? the sign says it is going up 符号表示,它正在上升? Mail a package 邮件一包? Return address 返回地址? Taxes which are too many to list 税收是举不胜举? That varies according to how much money a person earns 这视乎多少钱一个人赚? Because they find their knowledge about taxes is to limited that they are unable to write tax report all by themselves.因为他们发现他们的有关税收的知识是有限的,?他们自己不能写所有的报告。




16.大学英语四级考试听力MP3 100篇











Conversation A : At a Beach?

SUE: Daddy, when are you going to come in the water?? MARTIN: Not now.Maybe later.SUE: May I go in the water?? MARTIN: Where is Alan? Is he in the water?? SUE: No, he's talking to that girl.? MARTIN: Which one?? SUE: The tall girl.? MARTIN: They are all tall.Which one?? SUE: She's the one with black hair.? MARTIN: Who is that girl?? SUE: She's in Alan's class at school.? MARTIN: Do we know her?? SUE: I know her.? MARTIN: Do I know her parents? What's her name?? SUE: I don't know her name.? MARTIN: Where is your mother?? SUE: She's talking to those women.? MARTIN: Where?? SUE: Over there.See? She's talking to that short woman.? MARTIN: I see.Yes, that woman is very short.I don't know her.? SUE: Mama works with her.? MARTIN: Oh.Where are your friends?? SUE: They're not here.? MARTIN: When are they coming?? SUE: They're coming this morning.But they're not here yet.See that man? He's my teacher.? MARTIN: Which man?? SUE: He's the tall one.He has blue eyes.? MARTIN: I can’t see his eyes.What color is his hair?? SUE: His hair is brown.? MARTIN: I see two men with brown hair.Is he thin?? SUE: No, he's very big.He's big and tall.? MARTIN: And he has brown hair.I see him.What color is his swim suit? ? SUE: It's red.? EILEEN: Hello.You aren't swimming, Sue.? SUE: Daddy doesn't want to swim.? EILEEN: Can't you watch, Martin?? MARTIN: I don't want to move.? SUE: Mama, you come in the water.? EILEEN: Wait a minute.Who is that girl?? MARTIN: Which girl?? EILEEN: The girl is talking to Alan.? MARTIN: Which girl is talking to Alan? EILEEN: The tall one.? MARTIN: Does she have black hair?? EILEEN: Yes.? MARTIN: She's a girl in Alan's school.? EILEEN: She's very pretty.? SUE: She's beautiful.I want black hair.? EILEEN: Your hair is very pretty.? MARTIN: Yes, your hair is nice.? SUE: When can we go in the water?? EILEEN: Let's go now.? Practice 1:依照会话A回答下列问题:? 1.What is Alan doing?? 2.What does the girl with Alan look like?? 3.What is Sue's mother doing?? 4.How do you describ the woman Sue's mother is talking about?? 5.How does Sue' mother know her?? 6.When are Sue' friends coming?? 7.What does Sue's teacher look like?? 8.What color is Sue’s teacher’s swim suit? Practice 2:用形容词来描述人的外表。? Examples: SUE: The tall girl.? MARTIN: They are all tall.SUE: She's the one with black hair.? She's talking to that short woman.? MARTIN: Yes, that woman is very short.? SUE: He's the tall one.He has blue eyes.? MARTIN: What color is his hair?? SUE: His hair is brown.? MARTIN: Tall.Tall girl.Black.Black hair.? Short.Very short.Very short woman.? Tall.Tall one.Blue.Blue eyes.? Brown.Brown hair.? 会话A : 在沙滩上? 苏 :爸爸,你什么时候下水啊?? 马 丁:现在不下,也许过一会儿下。? 苏 :我可以下水吗?? 马 丁:艾伦在哪儿?他在水里吗?? 苏 :不,他在跟那个女孩说话。? 马 丁:哪个?? 苏 :那个高个儿的女孩。? 马 丁:她们个儿都高。哪一个?? 苏 :就是那个黑头发的。? 马 丁:那个女孩是谁?? 苏 :她和艾伦同班。? 马 丁:我们认识她吗?? 苏 :我认识她。? 马 丁:我认识她父母吗?她叫什么名?? 苏 :我不知道她的名字。? 马 丁:你妈在哪儿?? 苏 :她在跟那些女人说话。? 马 丁:哪儿?? 苏 :那边儿。看见了?她在跟那个矮个子的女人说话。? 马 丁:看见了。对,那个女的很矮,我不认识她。? 苏 :妈妈跟她在一块儿工作。? 马 丁:哦。你的朋友们在哪儿?? 苏 :他们不在这儿。? 马 丁:他们什么时候来?? 苏 :他们今天上午来,不过他们还没到。看见那个男的没有?他是我的老师。马 丁:哪个男的?? 苏 :那个高个儿的,他长着蓝眼睛。? 马 丁:我看不见他的眼睛,他的头发是什么颜色的?? 苏 :他的头发是棕色的。? 马 丁:我看见两个人长棕色头发。他长得瘦吗?? 苏 :不,他块头儿很大,他又高又大。? 马 丁:他还长着棕色头发,我看见他了。他的游泳裤是什么颜色的?? 苏 :是红色的。? 艾 琳:嘿,苏,你没有游泳。? 苏 :爸爸不想游。? 艾 琳:你不能只看吧,马丁?? 马 丁:我不想动。? 苏 :妈妈,你下水来。? 艾 琳:等一会儿。那个女孩是谁?? 马 丁:哪个女孩?? 艾 琳:跟艾伦讲话那个女孩。? 马 丁:哪个女孩在跟艾伦讲话?? 艾 琳:那个高个子的。? 马 丁:她长着黑头发吗?? 艾 琳:是的。? 马 丁:她和艾伦同校。? 艾 琳:她很漂亮。? 苏 :她很美。我想要黑头发。? 艾 琳:你的头发很漂亮。? 马 丁:是的,你的头发不错。? 苏 :咱们什么时候下水?? 艾 琳:现在就下。?

Conversation B?

ALAN: Hi, Dad.Where is Sue?? MARTIN: She's with your mother.They went swimming.ALAN: I'm too late.? MARTIN: Yes, you are.? ALAN: Where you they?? MARTIN: Look out there.Can you see them?? ALAN: Where?? MARTIN: Can you see two people there?? ALAN: Maybe.Oh, yes.I see Sue's blonde hair.? MARTIN: Sue's a good swimmer.? ALAN: And mother is, too.? MARTIN: Who were those girls?? ALAN: Which girls?? MARTIN: The girls over there.You were talking to them.? ALAN: They're friends.? MARTIN: Are they from your school?? ALAN: Some are from school.? MARTIN: Which ones?? ALAN: Do you see the tall girl? She has black hair.She has a small head and big brown eyes.? MARTIN: Were you talking to her?? ALAN: Yes, I was.? MARTIN: Yes, I see her.? ALAN: She's in my class at school.Do you see that woman behind the girls?? MARTIN: Is she sitting?? ALAN: Yes, she is.She's sitting with a little boy.She's that girl's mother.And the boy is her brother.? MARTIN: Where is the father?? ALAN: He's bringing food.Do you see that short girl?? MARTIN: The one with brown hair?? ALAN: No, the one with blonde hair.? MARTIN: Yes.She's standing beside the tall girl.? ALAN: She's in my school, too.She's not in my class.Her mother and father are here too.Do you know them?? MARTIN: I don't know.who are they?? ALAN: Mr.and Mrs Kovisar.? MARTIN: I know the name.Where are they?? ALAN: Mr.Kovisar is that fat man.? MARTIN: He's not very fat!He's only big.? ALAN: He's fat.He's short and fat.? MARTIN: Which woman is Mrs.Kovisar?? ALAN: I don't see her.? MARTIN: Who are the other girls?? ALAN: They're not from my school.I only met them today.Do you want to swim? MARTIN: Maybe later.You go.Sue likes swimming with you.? ALAN: OK.See you later.? Practice 3:依照对话B回答下列问题:? 1.Where is Sue?? 2.What are Sue and her mother doing?? 3.Who were those girls Alan was talking to?? 4.How does Alan describe one of the girls?? 5.What does Alan say about her family?? 6.How is Martin's opinion different from his son's about Mr.Kovisar's phsical characteristics?? 7.Who are the other girls?? 8.Does Martin want to swim this time?? Practice 4:用形容词描述人的整体或部位。? Examples: ? ALAN: I see Sue's blonde hair.? Do you see the tall girl? She has black hair.She has a small head amd big brown eyes.? She's sitting with a little boy.? Do you see that short girl? The one with blonde hair.? Mr Kovisar is that fat man.He's short and fat.? MARTIN: Blonde.Blonde hair.? Tall.Tall girl.Black.Black hair.? Small.Small head.? Big.Brown.Big brown eyes.?

会话B? 艾 伦:嘿,爸。苏在哪儿?? 马 丁:她和你妈在一起,她们去游泳了。? 艾 伦:我来得太晚了。? 马 丁:是啊,你来得太晚了。? 艾 伦:他们在哪儿?? 马 丁:看那边,你能看见他们吗?? 艾 伦:哪儿?? 马 丁:你能看见那边两个人吗?? 艾 伦:好像能。啊,是的。我看见苏的金黄色头发了。? 马 丁:苏游得很好。? 艾 伦:妈妈游得也很好。? 马 丁:那些女孩是谁?? 艾 伦:哪些女孩?? 马 丁:那边那些女孩,你刚才在和她们说话。? 艾 伦:她们是朋友。? 马 丁:她们和你同校吗?? 艾 伦:有一些是。? 马 丁:哪一些?? 艾 伦:你看见那个高个儿女孩了吗?她留着黑发,头很小,一双棕色大眼睛。马 丁:你刚才是和她交谈吗?? 艾 伦:是的。? 马 丁:是的,我看见她了。? 艾 伦:她在学校和我同班。你看见那些女孩后面的那个女的了吗?? 马 丁:她坐着吗?? 艾 伦:是的,她坐着。她和一个小男孩坐在一起,她是那个女孩的母亲。还有那个男孩是她的弟弟。? 马 丁:她父亲在哪儿?? 艾 伦:他在拿吃的过来。你看见那个矮个儿的女孩了吗?? 马 丁:棕色头发的那个?? 艾 伦:不,金黄色头发的那个。? 马 丁:对了,她站在那个高个儿女孩旁边。? 艾 伦:她也在我那个学校,她不在我班上。她的父母也在这儿,你认识他们吗? 马 丁:我不认识。他们叫什么?? 艾 伦:科维萨夫妇。? 马 丁:我知道这个姓。他们在哪儿?? 艾 伦:科维萨先生长得很胖。? 马 丁:他并不是很胖!他只是长得壮。? 艾 伦:他胖,他又矮又胖。? 马 丁:哪一个女的是科维萨太太?? 艾 伦:我没看到她。? 马 丁:其他女孩是谁?? 艾 伦:她们不是我那个学校的,我今天才见到她们。你想游泳吗?? 马 丁:也许过一会儿吧,你去吧,苏喜欢和你游泳。? 艾 伦:好吧,一会儿见。

New Words Expressions 生词和短语 ? brown adj.棕色的? swim suit n.游泳衣/裤? pretty adj.漂亮的? beautiful adj.美丽的? nice adj.好看的? blonde adj.金黄色的? Language Points 语言要点?

1.She's the one with black hair.她是那个黑头发的。? 由 with 所引导的短语形容人的自然特征,例如:? a girl with blonde hair 金发女郎? a boy with blue eyes 蓝眼睛小男孩? a man with a big nose 大鼻子男人? 由 in 引导的短语一般形容人的穿戴,例如:? a girl in a white dress 白衣少女? a man in blue jeans 穿牛仔裤的男子? a woman in a brown sweater 穿棕色毛衣的妇女? 2.I can't see his eyes.我看不见他的眼睛。? see 表示“看见”,强调能否看得见这一结果,例如:? Can you see two people there? 你能看见那边两个人吗?? I see Sue's blonde hair.我看见苏的金黄色头发。? Can't you watch, Martin? 马丁,你难道不能看(我们游)吗?? watch 表示很关注地“看”,或是“注意”,例如:? They watched the children dancing.他们观看孩子们跳舞。? Watch your step, please.请注意走好。? Look out there.Can you see them? 往那儿看。你看见他们了吗?? look 强调“看”的动作,例如:? I look inside the wallet, but saw nothing in it.? 我看了钱包里面,但什么也没看见。? Look at the map.Did you see the location of the city?? 看一下地图,你看见这个城市的位置了吗?? ? Cultural Notes 文化注释

美国人特别喜欢户外活动(outdoor activities),常见的有各种球类、游泳、野餐(picnic)、烧烤(barbecue)、野外宿营(camping)、日光浴(sun-bathing),等等。



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