hello everybody, today ,my presentation is about film review.the graduate is an attractive and affecting film.it has a very important place in the america film history,because it reflected the people’s life at that time,1960s.it also a ground-breaking film,had taken a new film type in american film market.mike nichols,is the the director.he is a famous and fruitful director in america,has many movie works ,helped him receive a lot of honors and awards,including the graduate ,which helped him get the oscar awards,the best director.the main stars including dustin hoffman,anne bancroft,katharine ross and others.dustin hoffman plays a graduate ,named benjamin,who is worried about his future,his eyes are confused.anne bancroft,plays mrs.robinson ,a middle-aged woman,although has a rich husband,she dose’t like her husband.katharine ross plays elaine,she is mrs.robinson daughter.ben is a graduate,his father held a party for him and give a beautiful red car as graduate gift.but he had no interested it.at the party,mrs.robinson seduced him.at first,he refused.however ,after several days,he had sex with her in a local hotel.all is going well until mrs.robinson insisted that ben must leave from her daughter elaine.but he didnt follow what she said and finally fell in love with elaine.others found the truth and elaine decide to leave ben.this time,he was not confused again,finally,he and elaine ran away from elaine’s wedding.i like the film ,because nobody is perfect, and people do improper things at the improper time.the point is whether you are willing to amend it or not.ben should be a good example.when his affair with mrs.robinson,found by others, he was brave enough to face it, courageous enough to purse his true love.from the movie ,we can see ben’s transformation from a confused graduate to a mature man;from the fall to the persistence for true love;well, this is our graduate, it’s a part of life, it’s the process of growth.the theme music is very popular.let’s enjoin it.thank you!篇二:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿
(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片)the contribution of films to human civilization good morning, ladies and gentlemen!can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared , and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then? don’t be afraid.this is a hypothesis.in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.second, let’s discuss the aspect of economy.setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent.what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience.therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier.the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value.it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.thank you, thank you so much.speaking outline ⅰ.introduction the film industry has made a huge contribution to human civilization.can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared,(停顿)and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then?(停顿,扫视全场)don’t be afraid.(停顿)this is a hypothesis.(过渡)in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.ⅱ.main points a.let’s look at the side of politics.b.let’s discuss the aspect of economy.setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent.(眼神交流)what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience.therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.c.i’d like to talk about the field of culture.ⅲ.conclusion(眼神交流)ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier.the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value.it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.(眼神交流)in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main points topic: the contribution of films to human civilization.general purpose: to inform specific purpose: to inform my audience about the contribution of films in aspects of the politics, economy and culture.main points: introduce the contributions from three aspects.篇三:英语演讲稿 start with yourself 改变
hello, everyone!do you like the fairy tale or romantic story? do you like the prince and princess’s story? so, the theme of my speech is the british castles.ill introduce you to the three british castles: windsor castle, the tower of london and edinburgh castle.the first one is windsor castle.windsor castle is the world inhabited castle in the largest one.the 11th century, king william i the conqueror in order to prevent peoples next is the tower of london, the tower of london is a castle not london bridge.it is a big royal prison and a palace, is the famous british sites , also the heart of the palace in uk.the tower of london has a very long history, firstly it is a simple castle, and then it became a great palace , of course it’s a big treasure.however with the war,it became a powder magazine, next ~prison, and the zoo, finally the london tourist areas.now i want to talk you some anecdotes in this castle.as a terrible prison, a lot of people at here were killed.today, so many people claimed that they saw some ghosts in the castle ,and they think this ghosts is the dead people.look this ghost.administrative center.the castle stands in edinburgh city highs-135 meters high castle hill, and this castle hill is a dead volcano.so this castle is the most strong, the most dangerous and most difficult conquer.because of this, it has gone through a lot of pain and vicissitudes of life, political and military struggle, make it always in central role position.this scottish castle has the unique culture, the castle stands in people’s free spirit and their unyielding history however, do you know which castle is my favorite?not windsor castle,not the tower of london,not edinburgh castle,can you guess ?my favorite castle it is a real fairy tale world, it is the disney castle’s prototype, it is a veritable fairyland on the earth.it is the new swan castle , this the symbol of germany, there buried a period of sisis love affairs, and there hide a young kings romantic tragedy.if you want to know more, you can ask me.thank you!篇三:走进高三演讲稿
各位领导、老师、同学们: 上午好。虽然时值期末,但对我们来说,今天是高2015级的航船走向高三启航的日子。此时,我想起了当年拿破仑远征意大利,率领大军翻越阿尔卑斯山时对士兵们说的话,他说:“在山的这边,是枪炮和泥泞;在山的那边,有鲜花和美酒!”
世界文化史演讲 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:
大家好!我是来自,今天由我带大家走近德国,感受德国的历史与文化。德意志联邦共和国在德语中为“bundesrepublik deutschland”,通称deutschland,英语中对德国的称呼“germany”则是来源于日耳曼人。
在十月节期间,各帐篷里都由身穿巴伐利亚民族服装的女服务员给顾客送酒。虽然看上去她们都很苗条,但却力大无比,双手可拿10只装满啤酒的大酒杯。游乐项目 科隆狂欢节
霍亨索伦桥 这座桥不仅是科隆市景的重要组成,更有着浪漫的爱情传说——人们相信在桥上挂上锁,钥匙抛下莱茵河,爱情便能天长地久。霍亨索伦桥和它旁边的科隆主火车站是德国和欧洲铁路网最重要的枢纽之一,是一座规模非常壮大的建筑物,是科隆市容和科隆大教堂的景致不可缺少的一部分。
科隆大教堂是欧洲北部最大的教堂,全名是“查格特 ?彼得?玛丽亚大教堂”,它以轻盈、雅致著称于世,是中世纪欧洲哥特式建筑艺术的代表作,也可以说是世界上最完美的哥特式教堂建筑。它与巴黎圣母院大教堂和罗马圣彼得大教堂并称为欧洲三大宗教建筑。科隆大教堂是科隆的骄傲,也是科隆的标志。
整个建造工程前后跨越六个多世纪,它是德国中世纪哥特式宗教建筑艺术的典范。如今的科隆大教堂始建于1248年,1880年竣工,若非19世纪的复古风席卷欧洲,那么这栋(转载于:走进欧洲英语演讲稿)哥特式的经典之作恐怕永无完工之日。经过了七个世纪,它先后的建筑者都持有同样的信仰,而且绝对忠诚于原定计划。大教堂工程规模浩大,至今仍保存着成千上万张设计图。其建筑期长达632年,堪称世界之最。教堂四壁窗户总面积达1 万多方米,全装有描绘圣经人物的彩色玻璃,被称为法兰西火焰式,使教堂显得更为庄严。据说,画面如此漂亮,却只有用4种颜色,而且很有讲究:金色——代表人类共有一个天堂,寓意光明和永恒;红色——代表爱;蓝色——代表信仰:绿色——代表希望和未来。在阳光反射下,这些玻璃金光闪烁,绚丽多彩。是教堂的一道独特的风景。法兰克福
当我伴着走向海洋这本书走进海底世界时,那种类繁多,色彩不一的鱼儿们便像磁石那样牢牢地将我吸引住。看,中华鲟一身雪白,悠闲地在水中转着圈圈,不时地把头伸出水面,仿佛是向游人们点头致意;瞧,大海龟托着沉重的身体划来划去,从上面看就好像是一片片绿得发黑的荷叶在水中漂动;还有那银灰色的大鲨鱼,穿梭似地来来往往,那样子,还好像是威风凛凛的将军„„ 这一切是多么美好啊!然而,可谁又曾想到过它们的悲惨命运呢?据统计,目前地球上每年有近200万头野生动物死在枪口下,其中海洋动物也不例外。一些环境保护意识差的人竟将那黑如墨水,臭气冲天的废水排进海洋。你说这样的环境,海洋动物们能生存吗?因此,我要呼吁全世界的人们:保护海洋动物就是保护海洋环境,保护海洋环境就是保护人类自己,请还海洋野生动物一个绿色和平的家园。
走向海洋 共创辉煌
在中国的海洋史上,既有精卫填海,也有禺疆的传说;既有哪吒闹海,也有孙悟空大闹龙宫;既有林则徐虎门硝烟的壮举,也有甲午战争的惨败„„ 现在,地球陆地上的资源日益开始枯竭,海洋成了人类持续发展的最后空间。渤海、黄海、东海和南海,这蓝色的土地下,资源丰富,开发潜力巨大。其中,海洋生物2万多种,海洋鱼类3000多种;海洋石油资源量约240亿吨,天然气量14万亿立方米。可以说,海洋就是一个巨大的宝库,这个宝库的大门,正在向我们徐徐敞开。而日本、越南、菲律宾、印度尼西亚等几个小国,为了扩大自己的海域,竟把魔爪探向了中国!伸向了我们宝贵的海域!面对这些周边国家的无礼要求和无耻行径,我们怎能不愤慨?追溯历史,我国在西汉时期就已经把南海纳入自己的国土。对此,我们有充分的历史和法律依据,南海是我们的,中国的海域是不容侵犯的!
海洋与人类之间密不可分的联系海洋,是生命的摇篮,是文明的起源,是蓝色的宝藏,也是人类最终的归宿„„ “海事兴”,便“万事兴,民族兴”。全世界的人们当海洋世纪的钟声敲响之际,我们应该携起手来,共同高歌,与海洋同行!我从未如此认真地思考过我们与海洋之间的关系。只记得语文老师曾告诉过我们大海,是无边无际的,她包罗万象,与地平齐,连接着天地;科学老师说海洋是地球表面被陆地分隔为彼此相通的广大水域,在她的体内蕴含着大量资源能源,是天然的宝藏,但她对我们人类的生产生活有利亦有弊;音乐老师曾教我们唱过一首歌“小时候 妈妈对我讲 大海是我故乡„„”这一切的一切都在说明了海洋是我们人类生产生活中不可缺失的一部分,海洋与我们,密不可分。
hello, everyone.today, my topic is beijing international film festival.on the evening of april 16, the opening ceremony of beijing international film festival had been held in the temple of heaven.the director of the opening ceremony integrate chinese long history since beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi.next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival.the best film is back to 1942.now you can watch the trailer.back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang.zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film.it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war.at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive.this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles.they are government, international reporter, priest and drought victims.the government should have taken measures to save the victims.but they do nothing, because they don’t have enough time, money and resources.japan has put heavy pressure on them.international reporter and priest try to save the victims on their own way.however, the strength of a person is always small.maybe they can save some people, they can’t save all people.as for the victims, they can’t protect their property, dignity and even life.however, when no one can help them, they show to us their great wisdom and courage, solve the problems, and then get themselves out of the crisis again and again.next winner is cate shortland.she got best director with the film lore.cate shortland was born in australia in 1968.since directing the film called bad cop, bad cop, she has directed many outstanding films, including somersault in 2004 and the silence in 2006.in addition, best actor is terence stamp because of his wonderful performance in the film song for marion.chinese actress yan bingyan gets best actress with the film wanjianchuanxin.sorry i don’t know how to translate.that is all i want to say.thanks for listening.篇二:日本影片《情书》英文演讲稿
王猛 love letter--to one girl ,love is untrue, but to the other girl is unknown.in the last of the movie, female itsuki fujii shouted again and again towards the snow-covered mountains male itsuki fujii ever crashed, ‘mr.itsuki fujii , how are you doing? i miss you--i miss you--i miss you.’ in the meantime, the remote female itsuki fujii with serious sickness seems to receive the shouting.i think this kind of response is a happy relief to hiroko watanabe, a pleasant memory to female itsuki fujii and the true emotion that two girls convey to male itsuki fujii.the secret love is waiting for the girl to find.even if she finds nothing, she loses nothing.thanks for your listening.篇三:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿
(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片)the contribution of films to human civilization good morning, ladies and gentlemen!can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared , and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then? don’t be afraid.this is a hypothesis.in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.second, let’s discuss the aspect of economy.setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent.what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience.therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier.the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value.it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.thank you, thank you so much.speaking outline ⅰ.introduction the film industry has made a huge contribution to human civilization.can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared,(停顿)and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then?(停顿,扫视全场)don’t be afraid.(停顿)this is a hypothesis.(过渡)in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.ⅱ.main points a.let’s look at the side of politics.b.let’s discuss the aspect of economy.setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent.(眼神交流)what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience.therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.c.i’d like to talk about the field of culture.ⅲ.conclusion(眼神交流)ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier.the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value.it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.(眼神交流)in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main points topic: the contribution of films to human civilization.general purpose: to inform specific purpose: to inform my audience about the contribution of films in aspects of the politics, economy and culture.central idea: the film has already made a huge contribution to human beings.and it will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main points: introduce the contributions from three aspects.篇四:英语演讲 电影
today, i bring you the movie named “three idiots”,in my opinion, this is the most wonderful film i have ever seen.the next thing i want to share with you is a story ,i guess you will like it.法兰(马德哈万 r madhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔
希 sharman joshi 饰)与兰乔(阿米尔·汗 aamir khan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”(波曼·伊拉尼 boman irani 饰),质疑他的教学方法。他不仅鼓动法兰与拉杜去勇敢追寻理想,还劝说校长的二女儿碧雅(卡琳娜·卡普 kareena kapoor 饰)离开满眼铜臭的未婚夫。兰乔的特立独行引起了模范学生“消音器”(奥米·维 嘉 omi vaidya 饰)的不满,他约定十年后再与兰乔一决高下,看哪种生活方式更能取得成功。十年后他拥有100多项专利,拥有数百万资产,而兰乔只成为了其中一项专利的合作伙伴,兰乔认输了。rancho, raju and farhan are students in the royal college of engineering.in the same room, three people make friends.in the school, where is famous for its strict, rancho is a very different student, he is not learning by rote, and even openly against the principal called virus, and questions his teaching method.not only did he courage farhan and raju to catch their dreams bravely, but also persuades the principals 该电影告诉我们,学习不只是一味的死记硬背,而更多的是能与我们的日常生活相联系,将所学知识应用到我们的生活中,提高生活质量,总而言之,我们应该学以致用,知识是为了生活能变得更好而存在的。
my presentation actually one actor did perform as several characters.you can see they are women,but later they’re not;maybe you see he is hero now,but later he just appears in a photo.however,you can’t understand this movie just from what i said,so i got a video about this movie.ps:maybe there’s something a little naked and gay for you guys,but i think you guys can handle it.that’s all.thanks篇二:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节)hello, everyone.today, my topic is beijing international film festival.on the evening of april 16, the opening ceremony of beijing international film festival had been held in the temple of heaven.the director of the opening ceremony integrate chinese long history since beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi.next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival.the best film is back to 1942.now you can watch the trailer.back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang.zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film.it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war.at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive.this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles.they are government, international reporter, priest and drought victims.the government should have taken measures to save the victims.but they do nothing, because they don’t have enough time, money and resources.japan has put heavy pressure on them.international reporter and priest try to save the victims on their own way.however, the strength of a person is always small.maybe they can save some people, they can’t save all people.as for the victims, they can’t protect their property, dignity and even life.however, when no one can help them, they show to us their great wisdom and courage, solve the problems, and then get themselves out of the crisis again and again.next winner is cate shortland.she got best director with the film lore.cate shortland was born in australia in 1968.since directing the film called bad cop, bad cop, she has directed many outstanding films, including somersault in 2004 and the silence in 2006.in addition, best actor is terence stamp because of his wonderful performance in the film song for marion.chinese actress yan bingyan gets best actress with the film wanjianchuanxin.sorry i don’t know how to translate.that is all i want to say.thanks for listening.篇三:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿
(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片)the contribution of films to human civilization good morning, ladies and gentlemen!can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared , and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then? don’t be afraid.this is a hypothesis.in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.second, let’s discuss the aspect of economy.setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent.what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience.therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier.the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value.it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.thank you, thank you so much.speaking outline ⅰ.introduction the film industry has made a huge contribution to human civilization.can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared,(停顿)and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then?(停顿,扫视全场)don’t be afraid.(停顿)this is a hypothesis.(过渡)in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.ⅱ.main points a.let’s look at the side of politics.b.let’s discuss the aspect of economy.setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent.(眼神交流)what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience.therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.c.i’d like to talk about the field of culture.ⅲ.conclusion(眼神交流)ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier.the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value.it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.(眼神交流)in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main points topic: the contribution of films to human civilization.general purpose: to inform specific purpose: to inform my audience about the contribution of films in aspects of the politics, economy and culture.central idea: the film has already made a huge contribution to human beings.and it will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main points: introduce the contributions from three aspects.篇四:英语演讲 电影
today, i bring you the movie named “three idiots”,in my opinion, this is the most wonderful film i have ever seen.the next thing i want to share with you is a story ,i guess you will like it.法兰(马德哈万 r madhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔
希 sharman joshi 饰)与兰乔(阿米尔·汗 aamir khan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”(波曼·伊拉尼 boman irani 饰),质疑他的教学方法。他不仅鼓动法兰与拉杜去勇敢追寻理想,还劝说校长的二女儿碧雅(卡琳娜·卡普 kareena kapoor 饰)离开满眼铜臭的未婚夫。兰乔的特立独行引起了模范学生“消音器”(奥米·维 嘉 omi vaidya 饰)的不满,他约定十年后再与兰乔一决高下,看哪种生活方式更能取得成功。十年后他拥有100多项专利,拥有数百万资产,而兰乔只成为了其中一项专利的合作伙伴,兰乔认输了。rancho, raju and farhan are students in the royal college of engineering.in the same room, three people make friends.in the school, where is famous for its strict, rancho is a very different student, he is not learning by rote, and even openly against the principal called virus, and questions his teaching method.not only did he courage farhan and raju to catch their dreams bravely, but also persuades the principals 该电影告诉我们,学习不只是一味的死记硬背,而更多的是能与我们的日常生活相联系,将所学知识应用到我们的生活中,提高生活质量,总而言之,我们应该学以致用,知识是为了生活能变得更好而存在的。
The story is based on the life of John Forbes Nash, Jr., a mathematician and Nobel laureate who suffered from schizophrenia.The film drawing us into his world and allowing us to see what Nash sees.Nash in a very early age showed remarkable
mathematical talent.1947 Little JohnNashto enter and study at Princeton University to study mathematics.He spent his indulgence in one thing: to find a truly innovative theories.He was convinced that this is something he should be doing.Nash, 21 years old, one of his article on game theory doctoral dissertation and other related articles, establish the status of his master of the game theory.In the late 1950 , he is a famous scientist in the world.He began to enjoy international reputation.When Nash work at the Massachusetts institute of technology.He met theradiant Alicia.she introduced Nash to his never seriously considered the idea----love.Soon, Nash and Alicia were married, But unfortunately, he got a paranoid schizophrenia.Alicia is terrified, she struggled in the weight of the destruction.As each day seems to bring themnew terror, But Alicia still loves the man she found him charismatic, it is also a source of support her commitment to him.By her undying devotion of love and loyalty, Nash final decision struggle to that is consideredcan only get better, incurable disease.Nash's goal is very simple, but it is difficult to
achieve these goals.Under the weight of illness, he was still the exciting mathematical theory of driving,and he determined to find his own way to restore normalcy.Through unremitting efforts, in the end he by force of will, in the late 1980, Nash convalesce, awakening from the madness.and he regained consciousness seems to be in order to meet a great event in his life: in 1994, he
received the Nobel Prize in economics.At the same time,his game theorybecome the most influential 20th century theory, Nash has become one not only has good feelings, and has a beautiful soul people.Now, Nash still continue to study and seek