
时间:2019-05-14 04:48:46下载本文作者:会员上传



This week, President Obama released a progress report on the Afghan war, now in its tenth year.The five-page summary of the Afghanistan and Pakistan Annual Review says “there are notable operational gains.” 本周,奥巴马发表了一份关于阿富汗战争的进展报告,目前已进入战争的第十个年头。这份只有5页的阿富汗和巴基斯坦年度回顾的摘要称,“取得了显著的成效。”

For example, the president welcomed major Pakistani offensives in the tribal areas.But he said progress has not come fast enough.例如,奥巴马对巴基斯坦在部落地区的强大攻势表示了欢迎。但他称,进展速度不够快。

BARACK OBAMA: “So we will continue to insist to Pakistani leaders that terrorist safe havens within their borders must be dealt with.” 奥巴马:“因此,我们将继续坚决向巴基斯坦领导人主张,必须摧毁恐怖分子在巴基斯坦边境的藏身地。”

Afghan Interior Minister Rehman Malik dismissed criticism of his country.巴基斯坦内政部长拉赫曼·马利克(Rehman Malik)驳斥了对巴基斯坦的批评。注:此处为VOA官方失误,拉赫曼·马利克是巴基斯坦内政部长,而不是阿富汗。

REHMAN MALIK: “If you see the statistics in terms of the casualties and injuries, it is Pakistan which has suffered the most in the world.We have done a lot.We are suffering in terms of our economy and obviously it is affecting our common man in the country.” 马利克说:“如果你看到人员伤亡方面的统计,巴基斯坦损失最严重。我们做了很多工作,我们在经济方面也承受诸多,而且显然这影响到了我们国家的普通民众。”

Most suspected American missile strikes in Pakistan have taken place in North Waziristan.The United States believes the Haqqani network of the Afghan Taliban has established bases there.巴基斯坦大部分疑似美国导弹袭击发生在北瓦济里斯坦。美国认为,阿富汗塔利班哈卡尼网络在该地区建立了基地。

The American ambassador in Islamabad said Friday that the United States has been talking closely with Pakistan about launching an offensive in North Waziristan.But Ambassador Cameron Munter says Pakistani forces are stretched too thin to launch it now.美国驻伊斯兰堡大使卡梅隆·蒙特称,美国一直就在北瓦济里斯坦地区发动一次攻势与巴基斯坦密切交谈。但他称巴基斯坦军队目前战线拉得太长,无法发动这类攻势。

President Obama said the review shows that the United States and its partners are “on track” to reach their goals.He said the goal is not to defeat every single threat to Afghan security.奥巴马称这份年度回顾显示,美国及其合作伙伴正在实现目标的轨道上。他称,其目的并非打击每个威胁阿富汗安全的目标。

BARACK OBAMA: “We are focused on disrupting, dismantling and defeating al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and preventing its capacity to threaten America and our allies in the future.” 奥巴马:“我们聚焦于瓦解、分散和打败位于阿富汗和巴基斯坦的基地组织,并防范未来其威胁美国和我们的盟友的能力。”

The Taliban said the review was propaganda designed to create “baseless hope.” 塔利班称这份年度回顾旨在为创建一种“毫无基础的希望”宣传。

The United States currently has about one hundred thousand troops in Afghanistan.The plan is for American troops to begin leaving in July and for Afghans to control their own security by the end of twenty-fourteen.美国当前在阿富汗部署了大约10万军队。这项计划是为了美国军队7月份开始撤离,以及阿富汗在2014年底完全控制自身安全局势。

Mr.Obama said for “security gains to be sustained over time, there is an urgent need for political and economic progress in Afghanistan.” 奥巴马称,为了“稳固安全成果,阿富汗政治和经济发展存在迫切需求。”

A new survey by the Washington Post and ABC News found that sixty percent of Americans now think the war is not worth fighting.一份由华盛顿邮报和美国广播公司发起的最新调查显示,60%的美国人现在认为这场战争不值得打。

On Monday, the president lost his special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, appointed in January of last year.Richard Holbrooke died at the age of sixty-nine.Last Friday he suffered a torn aorta, a large artery that carries blood from the heart to the body.周一,奥巴马失去了去年1月任命的驻阿富汗和巴基斯坦特使理查德.霍尔布鲁克(Richard Holbrooke),霍尔布鲁克享年69岁。上周五他一条心脏供血的大动脉破裂。

President Obama called Richard Holbrooke “one of the giants of American foreign policy.” 奥巴马称霍尔布鲁克是美国外交政策的巨人之一。

Anthony Dworkin is an analyst for the European Council on Foreign Relations.安东尼·德沃金(Anthony Dworkin)是欧洲对外关系委员会的分析师。

ANTHONY DWORKIN: “He made enemies but he also got things done and in that sense he was a very effective negotiator.” 德沃金:“他树立了敌人,但他也解决了问题。从这种意义上来说,他是一名高效的谈判家。”

Mr.Holbrooke began as a foreign service officer in Vietnam in nineteen sixty-two.He may be remembered most for negotiating the peace deals that ended the wars in the former Yugoslavia.霍尔布鲁克1962年开始在越南担任外交官员。他最为人称道的是通过谈判促成和平协议,结束了前南斯拉夫战争。

Those deals included the nineteen ninety-five peace agreement for Bosnia.The talks took place at an Air Force base near the American city of Dayton, Ohio.该协议还包括1995年波黑和平协议。该次会谈在美国俄亥俄州德顿市附近的美国空军基地举行。

Haris Silajdzic, a member of Bosnia's three-member presidency, took part in those talks and praised Richard Holbrooke's diplomatic skill.哈里斯·西拉伊季奇(Haris Silajdzi)是波黑三人主席团成员,他参加了这些谈判,并赞扬了霍尔布鲁克的外交技巧。

HARIS SILAJDZIC: “The world has lost a very able diplomat.We need good people all over the world to prevent wars and to make peace.He was one of the best.” 西拉伊季奇:“世界失去了一位非常能干的外交官,我们需要世界各地的优秀人才来防止战争,实现和平,他是其中的佼佼者。”

Mr.Holbrooke's deputy, Frank Ruggiero, is now acting in his place.霍尔布鲁克的副手弗兰克·鲁杰罗(Frank Ruggiero)目前接替了他的位置。


Ending the War in Afghanistan and Rebuilding America(January 12, 2013)结束阿富汗战争,重建美国(2013年1月12日)

Hi, everybody.大家好.This week, I welcomed President Hamid Karzai to the White House to discuss the way ahead in Afghanistan.And today, I want to update you on how we will end this war, bring our troops home, and continue the work of rebuilding America.本周,我欢迎哈米德·卡尔扎伊总统来白宫讨论阿富汗的前途.今天,我要告诉你们,我们怎么结束这场战争,让我们的部队回家,继续为重建美国而工作.Over the past four years, thanks to our brave men and women in uniform, we’ve dealt devastating blows to al Qaeda.We’ve pushed the Taliban out of their strongholds.And our core objective – the reason we went to war in the first place – is now within reach: ensuring that al Qaeda can never again use Afghanistan to launch attacks against America.在过去4年里,多亏了我们英勇的军人,我们已经对基地组织进行了毁灭性打击.我们已经把塔利班赶出了他们的据点.我们的核心目标--我们进行战争的原因—伸手可及:让基地组织永远不能再利用阿富汗来发动对美国的攻击.The 33,000 additional forces that I ordered to Afghanistan served with honor, completed their mission, and – as promised – returned home last fall.This week, we agreed that this spring, Afghan forces will take the lead for security across the entire country, and our troops will shift to a support role.In the coming months, I’ll announce the next phase of our drawdown.And by the end of next year, America’s war in Afghanistan will be over.我命令前往阿富汗的另外33,000军队,为荣誉而战,完成了他们的使命,在去年秋天如期回国.本周,我们一致同意,今年春天,阿富汗的武装力量将担负起整个国家的安全责任.我们的军队将只充当一个援助的角色.在未来的几个月,我将宣布下一阶段的撤军.在明年年底,美国在阿富汗的战争将彻底结束.This progress has only been possible because of the heroic sacrifices of our troops and diplomats, alongside forces from many other nations.More than a half million Americans – military and civilian – have served in Afghanistan.Thousands have been wounded.More than 2,000 have given their lives.这一进程将因为我们军队和外交官比许多其他国家更加英勇无畏而成为可能.50多万的美国人--包括军人和百姓—曾在阿富汗服役.数以千计的人曾受伤.2000多人牺牲了.This remains a very difficult mission.The work ahead will not be easy.Our forces are still in harm’s way.But make no mistake – our path is clear, and we are moving forward.Because after more than a decade of war, the nation we need to rebuild is our own.这仍是一件非常艰巨的任务.前进的道路并不平坦.我们的军队仍面临危机.但不会犯错--我们的路线明确,我们正在前进.因为在10多年的战争后,我们需要重建的是我们自己的国家.As we do, we have to care for our troops and veterans who fought in our name.We have to grow our economy and shrink our deficits.Create new jobs and boost family incomes.We have to fix our infrastructure and our immigration system.We have to protect our planet from the destructive effects of climate change – and protect our children from the horrors of gun violence.正像我们做的,我们要关心我们的部队和为我们而战斗的退伍军人.我们要发展我们的经济,减少我们的赤字.创造就业,增加家庭收入.我们要修复我们的基础设施和我们的移民体系.我们要保护我们的星球不受气候变化的影响--保护我们的孩子免受枪支暴力的恐惧.These, too, will be difficult missions for America.But they must be met.And if we can summon just a fraction of the determination of our men and women in uniform, I know we can meet them.And I intend to work as hard as I know how to make sure we do.这些,同样也是美国艰巨的任务.但是这些一定要实现.我们只要能够召集一部分我们军人的决心,我坚信我们能够实现这些目标.我愿意尽我所能努力工作,确保我们实现目标.Thank you.谢谢大家.








1.把盖达高层成员交给美国 2.释放所有被监禁的外国人




























U.S.Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says the dream of an independent and sovereign Iraq is now a reality, as the United States marked the end of its military mission in Iraq.Panetta spoke Thursday at a ceremony in Baghdad, calling it a “historic occasion” for both the Iraqi and American people.It comes weeks ahead of a December 31 deadline for the remaining U.S.soldiers to withdraw from Iraq.There were about 4,000 U.S.troops remaining in Iraq Thursday, down from as many as 170,000 at the height of the war.Panetta said those soldiers will leave Iraq knowing they helped the Iraqi people begin a new chapter in their history that is “free from tyranny” and full of hope for prosperity and peace.Nearly 4,500 U.S.troops and tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed since the war began in March 2003.Panetta said Iraq is now responsible for directing its own future, but that the U.S.will remain a partner with a “significant” diplomatic presence in Iraq.美国国防部长帕内塔说,随着美国纪念在伊拉克军事使命的结束,一个独立自主的伊拉克之梦已经变成实现。








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