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湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 第一次


1)Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.翻译:铝直到18世纪才被人们所发现,因为它在自然界并不是游离状态,通常是与其他元素结合的化合物,它通常和氧元素结合,并且与氧有很强的亲和力。

2)The poor are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.翻译:穷人是首先体验到技术进步的危害,旧式的体力劳动是一种用以摆脱贫困的手段,而技术的进步则摧毁了穷人赖以为生的体力劳动。

3)Europeans’ today, like Americans 200 years ago, seek a world where strength does not matter so much, where unilateral action by nations is forbidden and where all nations regardless of their strength are protected by commonly agreed rules of behavior.翻译:现在的欧洲,就如200年前的美国,寻求一个削弱武力在世界的重要性,禁止强国单边活动,并用公众认可的制度来保护各个国家的世界。

4)Flower remedies were developed in the early 1900s by Dr.Edward Bach, an English homeopathic physician, who believed that negative emotional or psychological states underlie physical illnesses.翻译:花疗法是英国的花疗法研究医师Edward Bach在19世纪初所研究出来的,他认为消极的情感或心理状态是导致身体疾病的潜在因素。

5)Unless otherwise noted, oxide folds and suckbacks are acceptable if the thickness in the area is not less than the minimum sheet or plate thickness allowed in the material specification and /or the drawing tolerances for machined or formed sheets or parts, whichever is applicable.翻译:除非另有注明,对于机械加工或成型的板材或零件,若焊缝加强区的厚度不小于材料规范或图纸公差允许的最小板材厚度,则氧化膜起皱和倒缩孔是可以允许的。

6)Many pests and diseases are seed-transmitted;for example, the stem and bulb eelworm may be passed to the progeny via the seed of Allium spp., Many economically important plant viruses – for example, lettuce mosaic virus and tomato mosaic virus-are seed-transmitted.Virus in the seed or in the seed coat can lead to early initial field infection which spreads to other plants within the crop.Many small scale growers in developing countries sow seed saved from their own crops.They are frequently tempted to collect seed from unmarketable plants;this subsequently leads to poor genetic quality n the next generation.Techniques such as progeny testing are not usually practiced by small growers and, in fact, many large-scale producers in some countries do not even use these relatively simple techniques.Therefore, the possibility of improving seed or even maintaining standards in seed stocks is sometimes lost.翻译:许多虫害和病害是通过种子传播的;例如,茎线虫和球线虫可能通过葱属植物的种 1

湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 子传播,而芹菜叶斑病能通过感病的种子传播。从经济角度讲,许多造成很大经济损失的植物病毒,例如莴苣花叶病毒和番茄花叶病毒是通过种子传播的。种子内和种皮内的病毒能导致田间的初期感染,并在同种作物的其他植株间蔓延。




翻译:China will accelerate the construction of connectivity with its neighboring countries, exploring actively to build regional financing platform, promoting regional economic integration, and improving the competitive ability of the region.Actively participate in the Asian regional cooperation process.China will push forward regional cooperation with other regions and countries.China will continue to advocate and promote trade, and investment liberalization and facilitation, strengthen two-way investment with other countries and build new highlight of cooperation.2)调结构是一篇大文章,有很多工作要做,千万不要误解为调结构就是单纯压缩过剩产能,这只是调结构的一个方面。我们的大结构方面还存在着许多问题,比如我们过去讲调结构主攻方向是什么?是扩大内需,这是最大的结构调整,也是稳增长的根本之策。作为一个大国经济,不能主要靠外需,而要立足内需,当然有个逐步的过程,但必须坚持去做,而且要靠新办法、新机制。

翻译:Restructuring is a big article, there are a lot of work to do, don't misunderstand for restructuring is pure compression excess capacity, this is just one aspect of the restructuring.There are many problems in our big structure, such as what is a main direction for we speak restructuring in the past? Is to expand domestic demand, this is he biggest structure adjustment, and is also very steady growth policy.As a big country economy, we cannot be relied on external demand, and we should be based on domestic demand, of course, there is a gradual process, but we must insist to do it, and need to rely on new method and mechanism.湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 第二次


1)Crop and Soil Sciences is a diverse profession that encompasses all aspects of crop production and soil management.翻译:作物与土壤学是一门多样化专业,它包括农作物生产和土壤管理的各个方面。

2)The advantages of the recently developed composite materials are energy saving, performance efficient, corrosion resistant, long service time, and without environmental pollution.翻译:最新开发的复合材料具有节能,性能好,抗腐蚀,寿命长和无污染等五大优势。

3)To improve the bearing capacity in varying ground conditions, soft spots are usually filled with consolidated hardcore or a weak concrete, before the foundation is laid.翻译:为了在不同的地基条件下提高基础的承载力,在浇注基础前,通常用碎石垫层加固或用强度低的混凝土来填充土质松软的地方。

4)Though tiny spiders, flies, and other insects supplement the diet of the bee hummer, it obtains much of its nourishment from red trumpet flowers like this coral plant.翻译:虽然小蜘蛛,苍蝇,蜜蜂和其他昆虫补充饮食的悍马,它获得的营养从红色小号花这样的珊瑚。

5)In this section, a process description and a simplified process flowsheet are given for each DR process to illustrate the types of equipment used and to describe the flow of materials through the plant.The discussion does not mention all the variations of the flowsheet which may exist or the current status of particular plants.In the majority of the DR processes described in this section, natural gas is reformed in a catalyst bed with steam or gaseous reduction products from the reduction reactor.Partial oxidation processes which gasify liquid hydrocarbons heavy residuals and coal are also discussed.The reformer and partial oxidation gasifier are interchargable or several of the DR processes.翻译:本部分将介绍直接还原法的工艺过程及简单的工艺流程,以此来阐述所用的设备和工厂的原料流程。该部分不对可能存在的所用不同的流程或某些钢铁厂的具体流程进行介绍。在本部分介绍的多数直接还原法中,天然气是在催化床内与来自还原反应器的水蒸气或气体还原产物转化而形成的。同时本文也介绍了液态的碳氢化合物、重残渣和煤产生气化的部分氧化过程。转化炉和部分氧化气化炉在这几种直接还原法中是可以互换的。

6)Dear Mrs.Mangum,I was greatly impressed with your remarks at the recent ASCHE convention in Baton Rouge.Certainly, your experience in the TVA project encourages me to suggest that we at Boiling Chemical take a closer look at dry storage.I’m afraid some of our people are not aware of the advantages you described.

Is it possible to obtain a copy of your report and reproduce a dozen copies for our internal use? We’re involved right now in discussions of waste control, and I think your report would provide valuable guidelines in our deliberations.We would not distribute the material outside the company without permission from you.

湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 Perhaps you have plans to publish your paper in one of the trade magazines.If so, you may be reluctant to release it for our use.If that is the case, would you let me know where and when it is to be published? I would like to order reprints as soon as possible.Thank you for your excellent presentation and for your consideration of this request.Yours sincerely 翻译:


我对您这次在巴吞鲁日市所举行的全美化学工程师学会会议上发表的观点十分折服。您参与田纳西河流域水电能量开发计划的一席经验之谈促使我向我们波林化学工业公司提出建议,对干燥式储存法做一个更详实的评估。但我想有些同事还未认识到您所描述的优点。我是否可以向您索取一份论文的复印件,然后再翻印12份供我们公司内部参考使用? 我们目前正在讨论废料的处理问题,您的论文将为我们提供宝贵的指导。未经您的许可,我们决不会在公司以外的任何场合散发您的论文。

您可能计划将论文发表在专业期刊上,因此不方便将它先交由我们使用。那么,您能否通知我们论文将在何时何地出版? 这样我可以尽快订购论文复印本。感谢您精彩的论文和对我的请求的考虑。诚挚问候

汉译英 1)“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。” 世界各国联系紧密、利益交融,要互通有无、优势互补,在追求本国利益时兼顾他国合理关切,在谋求自身发展中促进各国共同发展,不断扩大共同利益汇合点。

翻译:“A single flower does not make a spring, spring flowers garden.” Interconnected world, interests, to exchange, complementary advantages, give attention to both reasonable concerns of other countries in the pursuit of national interests, promote the common development of all countries in seeking their own development, expanding common interests overlap.2)意大利著名旅行家马可.波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:―这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己住在天堂。‖在中国,也流传着这样的话:―上有天堂,下有苏杭。‖杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用―淡妆浓抹总相宜‖的诗句来赞誉西湖。在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可购上几样名特土产。

翻译:The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the world's most beautiful and attractive city, it makes people feel living in paradise.” In China, also with such words: “above there is heaven and below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.” Hangzhou's fame lies mainly in the picturesque west lake.The west lake was beautiful all the year round, the famous song dynasty poet Sudongpo with “c plus always right” words to praise the west lake.The beauty of the landscape in Hangzhou, you can get a good view of the west lake, also might as well walk the streets of downtown, taste famous dishes of Hangzhou, also can buy a few samples of crops.湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 第三次


1)Combine digital technology with advanced software, smaller and more powerful microprocessors, and exponential growth in fiber and wireless bandwidth, and you get something far more powerful-seamless, universal connectivity.翻译:联合数字技术结合先进的软件,更小、功能更强大的芯片,以及指数级别提高材质和无线通讯宽带,使得人们可以更有效得到某样东西,可以与世界紧密相连。

2)Because of its simplicity, economy, and durability, the induction motor is more widely used for industrial purposes than any other type of a.c.motor, especially if a high-speed drive is desired.翻译:与其他型号的交流电动机相比,感应电动机因为其简单、经济和耐用而广泛地用于工业,特别是需要高速驱动。

3)Among the advantages of this system is the almost complete elimination of the need for pesticides and herbicides, as the controlled conditions reduce the possibility of pests and diseases.翻译:这种系统的优点是几乎完全消除需要杀虫剂和除草剂,从控制条件上减少害虫和疾病的可能性。

4)As the science of gene expression grows, we may be able to create genes that can turn themselves off after they have gone through a certain number of cell divisions or after the gene has produced a certain amount of the desired product.翻译:随着基因表达研究的发展,我们或许可以合成一种基因,当他们经过一定次数的细胞分裂后,或者当他们产生一定数量的合乎需要的产品后,这种基因能够自行衰亡。

5)Custody of work: The completed work and the materials, tools, and equipment at site shall be under the custody of Party B after commencement and before completion and delivery of the work.Unless in the event of Force Majeure, Party B shall be fully responsible for any damage of the work under the custody of Party B.In case of Force Majeure, Party B shall give a list of damage according to the actual condition and suggest an expected price and date for recovery from such damage to Party A for checking and payment.Should Party A decide not to continue with the work, this contract shall be terminated according to article l0 hereof.翻译:工程监护:在工程开始后,但在完工移交前,已完工的工程及留在工地的材料、工具、设备等,均由乙方保管。除人力不能抵抗的灾害外,乙方应对保管中的一切,负损害之全责。如遇不可抵抗的天灾人祸,乙方应详列损害实情,向甲方提 出恢复原状的价格及日期。以供甲方核对付款之用。若甲方决定不再继续施工,按合同第 10 条规定结束。

6)Precision forging is normally taken to mean close-to-final form or close tolerance forging.In the final analysis it is not a special technology of its own, but a refinement of existing technologies to a point where the forged part can be used with little or no subsequent machining.The improvements cover not only the forging method proper, but extend to preheating, descaling, lubrication, and temperature control practices.The decision to apply precision forging techniques depends primarily upon the relative economics of additional forging operations and tooling vs.elimination of machining.Because of

湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 higher tooling and development costs, precision forging is usually limited to applications requiring significant quantities.An example of precision forging is the turbine blade which is now produced in stainless steels and other hard-to-forge alloys.The shape of turbine blade is not particularly suitable for forging because the light blade joins onto a relatively heavy base section.Extensive performing is a requisite with various production methods employed for this purpose.Some producers start upsetting a head, other extrude sufficient material to form the blade, but in every case the final impression is used only for the improvement of the surface quality and for assuring close dimensional tolerances.翻译:











(Time Machine)Passenger Information First, the effective of the passenger ticket in children under 1 meter, must be accompanied by adult ticket Second, the passengers boarding at staff guidance do not the body in the process of door closed and open out of doors, in order to avoid damage Third, in the operation of the equipment, please hold your seat in front of the armrest, it is forbidden to stand up and play, it is forbidden to smoke in the boat, eat, and it is strictly prohibited to carry inflammable, explosive, toxic, admission is faulty goods Four, if feeling unwell, in the process of take please click above the red emergency stop button Five, the people with heart disease, high blood pressure, please don't take mental condition and drinkers

湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 第四次


1)The imitation of living systems, be it direct or indirect, is very useful for devising machines, hence the rapid development of bionics.翻译:面临的挑战不仅仅是制造高质量的图片管。它也是设计的方式来处理和传送所有的额外信息,需要添加动画这个扫描行。

2)The atmosphere is a mixture of substances that have such low freezing and boiling points that they exist as gases through a wide range of temperatures.翻译:大气通常存在的较宽的温度范围是很多物质的混合物,具有较低的冰点和沸点。

3)Even if insulating materials are very stable under ordinary circumstances, they may change radically in characteristics under extreme conditions of voltage stress or temperature or under the action of certain chemicals.翻译:即使绝缘材料一般情况下都很稳定,他们可能会在某些化学物质、电压应力、温度、极端的条件下,从根本上改变其特性.4)Natural gas, which is the lighter hydrocarbon fraction, and in particular methane, may range from a small quantity dissolved in the crude oil through a separate gaseous capping over an oil pool to a separate large accumulation not associated with a nearby oil pool.翻译:天然气,这是较轻的烃馏分,特别是甲烷,少量溶解在原油中的甲烷可以通过一个单独的覆盖在油池上的另一个大的油池,来分离这些气体。

5)As behavioral sciences develop, however, researchers find the importance of speech has been overestimated.Although speech is the most obvious form of communication, we do use other forms of which we may be only partially aware or, in some cases, completely unaware.It is possible we are unconsciously sending messages with every action, messages which are unconsciously picked up by others and used in forming opinions.These unconscious actions and reactions to them may in part account for our ―body language‖ they’re using.翻译:然而,随着行为科学的发展,研究者发现语言的重要性被高估了。虽然语言是交流的最明显的形式,但我们也利用其他形式的,我们可能只是部分地意识到,在某些情况下,也完全不知道。我们有可能无意识地用我们的行为发出信息,这是不知不觉拿起别人用于形成的观点。这些无意识的行为和他们的反应可以部分解释我们的“身体语言”。


The Employer’s drawings, specification and other information submitted by the Employer or the Project Manager to the Contractor shall remain the property of the Employer.They shall not, without the consent of the Employer, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Contractor unless necessary for the purposes of the Contract.The Contractor shall be responsible for any errors or omissions in the Contractor’s Drawings unless they are due to incorrect Employer’s Drawings or other written information supplied by the Employer or the Project Manager.Approval by the Project Manager of the Contractor’s drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility under this Sub-Clause.湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 翻译:雇主的图纸,规范和其他信息由雇主或项目经理承包人提交,为了应保护雇主的财产。没有雇主的同意,不得使用,复制或向第三方承包商除透露,非合同目的的必要。




翻译:The rural market is a new theoretical questions raised as to the rural market economy and the deepening understanding and practice exploration of the.Since the reform and opening up, the initial establishment of rural market economy system, great Jiefang District and the development of rural productivity, promote the sustained, rapid, the comprehensive development of the rural economy, but also appeared a cause worth paying attention to outstanding problems' “from where to sell goods, money comes from where, where is”, have been as the three largest the practical difficulties troubling the development of rural economy.2)红领巾公园位于朝阳区朝阳门外后八里庄,建于1958年,占地面积38.9公顷,其中水面16 公顷。该园绿化面积16.4万平方米,实有树木和宿根花卉万余株,草坪6.2万平方米。为青少年提供良好的教育场所和健康成长服务是其主要功能。1999年红领巾公园开始改造,改造的主导思想是突出适宜青少年休闲、娱乐、教育、健身、实践的服务宗旨。改造后扩大规划绿地,设置17个功能区,包括红领巾主题广场、银杏广场、海之梦广场,科普教育区,餐饮服务区,革命传统教育区,青少年培训区,植物观赏区,游船区,水上活动区等,目前已形成多个功能区。改造后的红领巾公园,极富现代文明气息,不乏园林精品,成为青少年理想的乐园。

翻译:Red Scarf Park is located in Chaoyang District Chaoyang outside after eight villages, built in 1958, covers an area of 38.9 hectares, of which 16 hectares of water surface.The park green area of 164000 square meters, real trees and perennial flowers million trees, lawn of 62000 square meters.For young people provide a good place for education and the healthy growth of service is its main function.In 1999 the red scarf Park began to transform the dominant ideological remolding, highlight is suitable for teenagers, entertainment, education, leisure fitness, practice principle of service.After transformation, expansion planning green, set the 17 functional areas, including the red scarf theme square, ginkgo square, sea dream square, the popular science education area, food service area, the revolutionary tradition education area, youth training area, ornamental plants area, cruise area, water sports area, has formed a number of functional areas.After the transformation of the red scarf Park, modern civilized atmosphere, there is no lack of garden products, become the ideal for Young Park.湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 第五次


1)―Fasteners‖ is a general term including such widely separated and varied materials as nails, screws, nuts and bolts, locknuts and washers, retaining rings, rivets and adhesives, etc.翻译:―接合件”是一个通用术语,它包括广泛分离的各种各样的部件,如钉子,螺丝,螺帽和螺栓, 锁紧螺母和垫圈,护环,铆钉和粘着剂等.2)In other plants, particularly monocots, the solid endosperm persists and becomes a part of the seed where it functions to nourish the developing embryo during seed germination.翻译:在其他植物中,特别是单子叶植物,固体胚乳保留并成为种子的一部分。它的功能是在种子发芽过程中为发育的胚提供营养。

3)E-chemmerce is the online service where Chemical Week Associates and e-Chemmerce Editor-in-chief Mike Roberts delivers the exclusive news and indepth analysis.翻译:电子商务是由化学周刊集团和电子商务的执行总裁Mike Roberts提供的独家新闻和对其深入分析的一种在线服务。

4)The absence of pesticides and the emphasis on natural fertilizer are designed not only to keep the experiment as untainted as possible, but also to protect the health of the human consumers;because all the air and water in Biosphere II is continually recycled and regenerated, it is important that no poisons be introduced into the system anywhere.翻译:不使用农药和强调天然肥料的目的不仅是为了使实验尽可能不被污染,也为了保护使用者的健康。因为―第二生物圈‖的空气和水全部都是不断地再循环和再生的,所以不在此生态系统中任何地方引入毒物是很重要的。

5)If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.翻译:如果父母对这种青少年的反应有所准备,而且认为这是一个显示出孩子正在发展珍贵的观察力和独立的判断力的标志,他们就不会感到如此伤心,所以也就不会因此有愤恨和反对的情绪而把孩子推到对立面去。

6)Morphologically and anatomically the leaf is the most variable plant organ.The collective term for all the types of leaves appearing on plants is the phyllome.The different phyllomes of the Spermatophyta are extremely variable both in external and in internal structure and in function.Because of this variability the following types of phyllomes have been classified: foliage leaves, cataphylls, hypsophylls, cotyledons, and others.The foliage leaves are the principal photosynthetic organs.The cataphylls are the scales that appear on buds and on underground stems and their function is protection or the storage of reserve materials.The first, lowermost leaves of a side branch are termed prophylls;in monocotyledons only one prophyll is usually present and in dicotyledons, two, The hypsophylls are the various types of bracts that accompany the flowers and their function is, apparently, protection.Sometimes the hypsophylls are coloured

湖南农业大学英语专业双学位翻译训练材料2015 and then their function is similar to that of petals.The cotyledons are the first leaves of the plant.The floral organs are also considered as leaves.翻译:在形态学上和解剖学上,叶是变化最大的植物器官。所有出现在植物上的叶子的集体名词叫做叶。不同种子植物的叶子在外部的形态、内部的构造和功能上是不同的。因为不同类型的可变性的叶子可分为以下几类:枝叶、芽孢叶、子叶等等。枝叶是光合作用的器官,芽孢叶是出现在蓓蕾和管内干之间的天平,它们的作用是起到保护的作用或者余下原料的保留。首先,一个分支最下面的叶被称为叶子,在单子叶植物中只有一个原叶出现在双子叶植物中。其次,这是各种类型的出现在花上面的苞片,它们的作用是起到明显的保护。有时候苞叶是多彩的,它们的作用和花瓣是相似的。子叶是最先出现在植物上面的叶子,与花相似的器官也经常被称为叶子。




几十年来,我门一直把保护生态环境和发展农村经济有机的结合起来,不但提高了经济效益而且还维护了生态平衡,为我国的生态农业建设起到了积极的示范作用。留民营的生态模式是:以沼气站为能源转换中心,促进各业的良性循环,达到清洁生产,循环利用。具体做法是:种植业生产的粮食和秸秆加工饲料,饲料供养殖业喂养蓄禽,蓄禽的粪便输送到沼气站发酵沼气,沼气供给农户使用,沼渣和沼液做为优质的有机肥再循环到种植业,通过这样的良性循环,形成了各行各业、相互依存、相互促进的有机生态链。几十年来,我们围绕上述所倡导的生态循环模式,遵循生态学原理,进行全方位的产业结构调整、开发利用新能源和大力植树造林,从单一的种植发展成为一种、二养、三加工、产、工、销一条龙的生产格局。翻译:In the south-eastern suburbs of Beijing.There is a famous village — Liu Ming Ying, The First Ecological Agriculture Village in China which enjoy widespread reputation.Liu Ming Ying is the earliest implementation of ecological agriculture pilot unit in China, it has a history of 35 years since 1980,In May 6th,1987,it awarded a name of Global 500 Roll of Honor for outstanding contributions to the protection of the environment by United Nations Environment Program—UNEP.The highest honor, The dazzling aura, which give the common village the wings to take off.For decades, we always combined the protection of the ecological environment and the development of rural economy.The ecological model of Liu Ming Ying is : place the gas station in the center stage, promote the virtuous cycle of all trades and professions, which achieve cleaner production and recycling.The specific way is: using planting grain and straw to process fodder, feeding the fish and poultry raising feeding birds.Birds excrement conveying to biogas station to ferment biogas, biogas supply to farmers to use, Biogas residue and biogas slurry as high quality organic fertilizer and recycled to the planting industry.Through such a virtuous cycle, formatting the organic ecological chain, mutual interdependence, mutual promotion in all walks of life.For decades, we focus on the ecological cycle mode advocated, follow the principle of ecology.A few of the adjustment of industrial structure, the development and utilization of new energy and vigorously afford station a full range of a single planting development become a, two raise, three processing, production, engineering, sales through-train production pattern








本次实训是在巩固翻译的基础理论、翻译方法和技巧的基础上,引导学生进行大量的练习,在实践中证明和巩固所学理论,深化学生的语言能力、百科能力、领悟能力、再现能力、译文对比分析能力、译作鉴赏能力。其内容如下: 实训一商贸函电的翻译

实训目的: 通过实训了解商贸函电的特点;了解商务建交函的主要内容和语篇特点;了解商务信函翻译的主要原则。熟练运用词类转换、语序调整、省词略词、语气转换、分译合译等等,并结合自身的特点,能够对商贸函电进行基本准确的翻译。





实训二 标识语的翻译






实训三 求职信的翻译





实训四 商品说明书的翻译:








2.指导教师应积极主动地搜集相关材料,多方面整理补充,使之能够最大程 度地切合学生日后的工作实际。其次,利用网络手段及时有效地发现、评价并回馈学生在学习过程中出现的问题、总结的经验以及对翻译的感悟。最后,应加强学生翻译的自评和互评环节,真正调动学生的翻译热情,不断提高翻译质量。


























6.《中国翻译》 Chinese Translators Journal.双月刊.中国翻译协会主办

7.《外语教学与研究》 Foreign Language Teaching and Research.双月刊.北京外国语

8.《外国语》 Journal of Foreign Languages.双月刊.海外国语大学学报编辑部

9.《现代外语》 Modern Foreign Languages.季刊.广东外语外贸大学《现代外语》编辑部

10.《外语学刊》 Foreign Languages Research.季刊.黑龙江大学

11.《外语与外语教学》 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching.月刊.大连外国语学院学报编辑部

12.《外语教学》 Foreign Language Education.双月刊.西安外国语学院

13.《中国科技翻译》 Chinese Science & Technology Translation Journal.季刊.14.Babel(《通天塔》).国际翻译家联盟(简称国际译联 , International Federation of Translators, 英文简称 FIT)会刊.介绍口笔译领域的信息、发展和研究的国际翻译季刊.15.ATA Chronicle(《美国译协通讯》).美国翻译协会(American Translators Association, ATA)会刊,月刊,每年 11 期(11、12 月合刊).词典、工具书


《新时代汉英大词典》吴景荣 程镇球.商务印书馆














《国际组织手册》 中国对外翻译出版公司

《英语姓名译名手册》 商务印书馆

《外国地名译名手册》 商务印书馆

《牛津高级双解词典》 商务印书馆




Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English , Longman Group Limited

Sinclair, J.Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary.London & Glasgow : Collins.1988.The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation , Oxford University Press(Hong Kong)

















多句子是进行的重组,如“纳斯达克”第一段中省略了“它建于1971年,是世界上第一个电子化证券市场”,还将与因特尔公司结下了不解之缘提到了前面来翻译。在纳斯达克的文章中有关股票的术语很多,如技术股,原始股,股票期权等,这些都是有固定翻译的,不能凭自己的喜好随意的翻译。自己的翻译还存在语法错误,像“It was not only favorable for raising money needed by the high-tech companies, speeding the developments of computers as well as the relating industries, but also made a foundation for the development of itself.”有的是理解错误,如“警察提出一个个显然该问到的问题”,我翻译成了“„„with a question needed to ask.”这显然是错误的。在翻译“亚声”这篇文章时,我用的通俗的翻译比较多,当时只追求翻译出大体的意思,也是因为前边翻译的头都大了,翻译的有点心烦,忽视了科技文所追求的准确性。总之,我感觉科技文翻译有时说难也简单,因为有些东西是固定的,没有其他文本选择最佳翻译的苦恼。

第二天做的是旅游语篇的翻译。旅游文本强调信息的传达要客观。主要强调把信息传达出去,而不像散文、小说的文学化,科技文、法律文的正式性。“上海”和“草编”两篇文章相比,自己比较喜欢上海那一篇,因为“草编”的文章中存在太多的物体的名称,像小麦秆,玉米皮,芦苇等等,光“草编”和“人字纹编织技术”就花费了我好长一段时间去翻译,通俗来说,感觉自己翻译的快吐了,总之一个词“惨不忍睹”。翻译时,我把所有的文字都译了,而参考译文中省略了好多主观性的语言,如“塑料织物与草编无法相比”等句子,还省略了许多浮夸性的语言,如冬暖夏凉之类。对照参考译文才发现,自己翻译时有好多错误。我把位于黄金海岸和黄金水道的交汇点翻译成了“stay on the golden coast in china and the point of the golden rivers cross”完全忽略了基本的常识。但有的句子我认为我翻译的还是可以的,如“政通人和,百业俱兴”翻译成“with suit policies, peaceful people and prosperous economy”很简洁。总之,还是不太喜欢旅游语篇翻译,因为有一些词语的翻译不确定,很头痛。

第三天做的是法律语篇的翻译。法律语篇注重表达的缜密性,准确性。也就意味着不仅要把意思翻译出来,还要使文章无懈可击,让人找不到漏洞,这就要求我们翻译时,要不断地重复某些名词,不要嫌麻烦。在法律篇章中的各种法律和规章名称要翻译准确,条文要按照固定的格式。整篇法律文稿翻译起来很痛苦,因为要准确的翻译,就要先理解透彻法律条文的意思,这时候才发现,学商务英语翻译还是好的,因为法律中也涉及到经济问题。我在翻译时把所有的合营企业,合营企业者,利润都翻译成了复数,现在想想确实不妥,因为“a + 名词”代表的是一类,比单纯的复数表达的意思要宽泛的多。翻译时还遇到一个问题是,结构问题,因为为了使法律条文更加缜密,一个名词往往会有好多定语做修饰,这就要花时间去弄清它所要限定的范围,才能翻译的更准确。在翻译“工资收入”

时,我只用了一个单词“income”,参考译文中“wages, salaries”非常准确,把所有的工资都考虑在内了,而自己的翻译,就没有考虑这么多。



















第一节 主语的翻译


3.1.1 英汉语言在主语表达方面的差异




可见英汉主语在意义表达上最明显的区别就是抽象与具体、静态与动态等方面的区别。 抽象与具体


1)The highlight of the evening, however, is Joanna.然而,那晚最引人注目的人物是由乔安娜。

2)Tensions could peak within the next few weeks and no one could see light at the end of the tunnel.在未来的几周内,紧张局势可能达到顶点,没有人能看清事态发展的前景。

3)Although he introduced many improvements for this organization, his greatness was not recognized.虽然他为该公司做了多项技术改进工作,但他的卓越才能并未得到赏识。

4)Preparations for the summit meeting continued.首脑会议的准备工作继续进行。 静态与动态


1)The realization of the plan will greatly enhance the welfare of the people.一旦这个计划实现,它将大大提高人民的福利。

2)The reduction of the work force may have caused the dissatisfaction.裁员可能引起了人们的不满。

3)His failure made a mockery of the teacher's great efforts to help him.由于他考试不及格,老师辅导他的一番心血也白费了。

4)The sight of a tailor-shop gave me a sharp longing to shed my rags, and to clothe my self decently once more.我一看到一家服装店,心里就起了一阵强烈的愿望,很想扔掉这身褴褛的衣服,重新穿得像个样子。

5)A very little encouragement would set that worldly woman to talk volubly, and pour out all within her.只要大家稍微助助她的兴,这庸俗的女人便马上滔滔不绝地把一肚子的话和盘托出。



主体主语指的是事物的主干部分作为句子的主语。例如:He had lost his temper and his health in India.属体主语指的是事物的从属部分作为句子的主语。例如:My hand was always the first to be raised.性状主语指的是事物的性质或者行为的方式做主语。例如:Barely did his sense of humor desert this noble man.行为主语指的是事物所发出的行为做主语。例如:His success is out of the question.在翻译过程中,译者要根据语义搭配和行文习惯,进行必要的主语转换。比如上面几个句子的翻译:

1)He had lost his temper and his health in India.在印度,他的脾气和健康状况都变糟了。(主体--属体)

2)My hand was always the first to be raised.我总是第一个举手。(属体--主体)

3)Barely did his sense of humor desert this noble man.这个高尚的人很少发脾气。(性状--主体)

4)His success is out of the question.他决不可能成功。(行为--主体)



1.The doctor's rapid perfection of the operation astonished his colleagues._______________,使同行们大吃一惊。

2.On the average, oceans are two and one third miles deep.______________为二又三分之一英里。

3.Rescue had come just in time.______________来得正是时候。

4.Your illness was very serious this time.The prescribed medicine should be taken for months on end before it worked.____________,给你开的药要连续吃上几个月才能见效。

5.His failure in the exam made him aware of how important it is to review his lessons regularly.________________使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要。


1.The increase in water pressure with depth makes it difficult for a man to go very far below the surface.2.The advantages of the hall are bright, spacious, fashionable and without echo.3.His diligence, earnestness, carefulness and brilliance make him praised by all.4.I felt a thrill of an admiration for her, and fresh stab of terror.5.Most of the fortune is in the possession of capitalists.6.Agreement on control and reduction of weapon between the superpowers is impossible, as it has been for so many years.7.Society's first concern will remain major crime, but a foretaste of the seriousness of incivility is suggested by what has been happening in Houston.8.Books of voyages and travels became my passion, and in devouring their contents, I neglected the regular exercises of the school.9.In country after country, talk of nonsmokers' rights is in the air.10.“Outside the stadium something of a carnival atmosphere prevails,” he said.11.The taste of the English in the cultivation of land, and in what is called landscape-gardening, is unrivalled.12.The samples of soil from various depth are examined for traces of oil.13.The warmth of the summer months, the amount of rainfall and the gentle slops of the land have made settlement and cultivation possible over large parts of the continent.14.The purchase, the health care, the feeding and housing and training of a pet--and I chiefly mean the large, longer-lived pets--cost time and money.15.Whether such a fine literary effort made by a woman writer exists, I can not say;if it does exist, it is unknown to me


























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