


“The Sound of Music” is one of the best musicals ever filmed. It deservedly won the Best Picture Oscar for 1965 along with a number of other awards. Filmed largely on location in Austria, the scenery is simply breathtaking. Who can ever forget the beautiful opening sequence where the camera pans over the mountains before zooming in on star Julie Andrews singing the title song. And there's that unforgettable Rodgers and Hammerstein score.

The story line is simple. A novice nun Maria, (Andrews at the peak of her career) is sent to be governess for a family of seven children ranging in age from 5 to 16. The family is that of Captain Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer) a former naval hero. The story takes place during the 30s just prior to WWII. The Nazi influence is felt more or less as a background to the story until the final minutes of the movie.

“The Sound of Music” has stood the test of time as evidenced by the recent release of a sing-a-long version to theaters. It is a true classic of family entertainment.

这部电影主要讲述了一位名叫玛丽亚的修女在修道院表现过于反常而受到其他修女的一些双重评价,说她有时很好笑,但有时会时常惹麻烦。最后,院长还是把她派到了一位名叫特拉普的海军舰长家作一名家庭教师。女主角玛莉娅生性活泼率真,走出修道院 投身世俗生活,大胆追求真爱,以童心,爱心去照料七个过早失去母亲的孩子,尽显生活之真;电影里面流传最广的几首经 典音乐:表达玛利亚对大自然热爱的主题曲《音乐之声》;轻松愉快的《孤独的牧羊人》;比托普演唱的深情无限的著名《雪绒花》;欢乐大方的《哆来咪》;以及可爱的孩子们在比赛和客厅里演唱的《晚安,再见!》等,都成为了最值得珍惜和细细回味的艺术佳作。

The film tells the story of a major named maria nun in the monastery performance too abnormal by other nuns of some of the double evaluation, said she sometimes funny, but sometimes can often get into trouble.Finally, dean or put her sent to a man named trapp navy captain home as a tutor.Actress maria natural disposition is lively forthright and sincere, out of the monastery in secular life, bold pursuit true love, to the childlike innocence, love to take care of seven children, who lost her mother's early life all show the true;The most popular movie of some of the music: the Canon of nature of expression maria love theme song “the sound of music”;Relaxing the lonely shepherds “;Orchis singing of deep feeling unlimited than the famous ”edelweiss“;Joy and easy ”DuoLaiMi“;And lovely children in the game and singing in the sitting room of ”good night, goodbye!" And so on, has become the most cherished and a fine paintings.



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