综合英语2 课后习题 答案

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第一篇:综合英语2 课后习题 答案

Unit1 1.2.1.I chose the car for its speed, comfort and, most important, for its reliability.2.A good teacher should help his / her students earnestly instead of pretentiously displaying how knowledgeable he / she is.3.Examinations are a nightmare to some students, for they could not apply themselves seriously to revision.4.The boy quarrelled bitterly with his girlfriend, and I am afraid they will end their relationship sooner or later.5.Why won't that telephone ring? He promised to call me and he would not disappoint me.6.She is a very sociable girl and is on good terms with her colleagues.7.Soon after the satellite was launched into space, it was lost to the scientists on the earth.8.Doctors tell us that a good-tempered person is less likely to get ulcers.3.我的父亲

—— 一位著名演员女儿的自述






我从不看他演的电视节目,不怎么想看。何况他还常忘了告诉我播出的时间。4.1.她似乎与新同学相处不好。(get along with)2.我与玛丽失去联系多年,但昨天我与她在电话里联系上了。(out of touch, get in touch)3.那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章。(show off)4.她丈夫似乎非常反对她出国。(opposed to)5.因为托马斯不安心工作,他的父母非常担忧。(settle down)6.我口袋里总装着各种各样的小东西。(bits and pieces)7.她母亲通过一些私人关系使她进入商界。(pull strings)8.我希望这些菜合你的胃口。(to somebody's liking)9.那些男孩太吵闹,我把他们骂了一顿。(tell off)

Unit2 1.2.retrace one's steps retire from rip from grope knock over resolve to do something in search for rise to one's feet bring oneself to do something mount on

1.The girl was crossing the street when she was hit by a car and fell to the ground.2.The police were determined to take action to save the hostages after the unsuccessful negotiations with the terrorists.3.Mr.Bennett could not make himself approve of his daughter's marriage.4.The visiting Prime Minister stood up to deliver his speech.5.It was getting dark and we went around the town to look for a missing child.6.When the violent wind swept the area, it tore the roof off the newly-built house.7.Since his assistant has taken over all the work, the old manager will soon stop doing his job.8.To provide clear information on the bus service, the tourism office has a city map put on a billboard.9.She lost her key somewhere on the way to the station, so she had to go back to look for it.10.As the light suddenly went out, the audience had to feel their way out of the theatre.3.叔公辞去牧师职务之谜

下面讲述的是一个有关我叔公的伤感而真实的故事。他是一个极好的、快活的、受人爱戴的人,身高超过6英尺4英寸,体重近300磅。他受过良好的教育,在20世纪初成为一个全职的牧师。尽管身躯庞大,但他温文尔雅,心地善良。叔公阿尔登 · 本特利唯一的缺点就是行动笨拙。年轻的时候,有一次,他去南卡罗林纳州的底谷给一个女教友布道。在落座时,一不留神把女主人椅子上的宠物狗 “叮吱” 给压死了。当女主人满屋子找狗时,阿尔登才意识到他臀部底下坐着的是什么。他手忙脚乱地把那条狗塞入大衣,尽管心虚害怕,但他始终没能鼓起勇气告诉那个女人真相。

五年后,他旧地重游,要在那位女教友家逗留一夜。叔公下定决心要一吐为快,告诉女主人的 “叮吱” 的死因。女主人刚刚为他准备了一个客房,并换上了崭新的窗帘。为了表示对他的欢迎,她还在他床边的桌子上摆上一大罐冰水和杯子,还有笔和墨水,以便他休息之前准备布道的文稿。



“伤着您了吗?” 女主人叫着跑到他身边。

“还好,” 阿尔登叔公边说边挣扎着站了起来,“只是我弄乱了你的房间。” 边说他边飞快地向门外逃去,但到了尽头他停下来,回过头,怀着深深的敬意,对女主人说:“你的狗 „叮吱‟ 是像基督徒一样被埋葬的。”


4.1.他决定立即着手这项复杂的工程。(resolve, work on)2.他们看见一位老人被对面驶来的汽车撞倒。(knock over)3.他在黑暗中摇摇晃晃,摸索着寻找电灯开关。(grope)4.病了3个月之后,他几乎站也站不稳了。(rise to one's feet)5.由于人手不足,无法按期完成任务。(a shortage of)6.在经济萧条期间,公司遭遇到财政困难。(run into)7.那盲女上了拥挤的公共汽车,乘客们给她让出了地方。(make room for)8.他终于抓住了悬崖上的岩石,止住了下滑。(hold on to)

Unit3 1.2.in the end set out out of reach be / get level with intend to do something run out of something roar with laughter slow up / down send somebody for something

1.Food production in this nation has increased in proportion to the population growth.2.My great-uncle planned to take up teaching in a private school when he resigned from the ministry.3.Early in the morning, the father got on his way to visit his daughter on a farm.4.To his disappointment, the boy found that he was too short to reach the bird nest up in the tree.5.My nephew always uses up his pocket money before the end of each month.6.At first, he refused to accept any suggestions but eventually he gave in.7.The driver got lost in the mountains.He had to drive slowly to look for road signs.8.In a slip of the tongue, the speaker said in his opening remarks “Good ladies, morning and gentlemen.” The audience laughed hilariously.9.The editor was not satisfied with the news story and asked the journalist to get more information.3.因错得救

那是一个阴霾的下午,杰瑞 · 克莱姆动身去猎浣熊。随他同行的有他的老牧羊狗和两只猎兔犬幼仔。至少他说它们是小猎兔犬。一个月以前,当杰瑞告诉他哥哥鲍勃说自己花了五美元买了那两只小狗时,鲍勃吼笑道:“你又犯傻了,杰瑞!”因而,鲍勃称呼两只幼仔为“错误1号”和“错误2号”。









他们把他拖上来后,杰瑞反复唠叨:“哎,天哪,我一直在想我会死在这儿,这是杰瑞的最后一次错误。但是幼仔没有放弃希望!牧羊狗去求助,幼仔自始至终陪着我!错误1号和错误2号---他们救了我的命。” 4.


2.由于糖用完了,她没做成蛋糕。(run out of)


4.汤姆说错了话,惹得全班学生哄堂大笑。(roar with)

5.针、剪刀这类东西必须放在小孩够不着的地方。(out of...reach)

6.战士站在烈日底下,被晒得大汗淋漓。(drench)7.他最后终于回到了他的祖国。(in the end)


assign all in all come up have(no)knack for in the process an alternative to experiment with in sorry shape be(not)meant for

1.It is believed that news reporters have special skills at creating sensational stories.2.Auto-manufacturers suggest that solar energy could be used instead of petrol.3.Ernest Hemingway tried a new literary style even when he was a very young writer.4.My father enjoys publicity, and loves to be recognised and asked for his autograph.He likes to show off his awards to visitors.In general, he is a little bit vain.5.All the boys were directed to work on the farm.6.If our footballers fail to keep up vigorous training, they will be in a bad state during the World Cup qualifying competitions.7.A teacher is different from an actor in that he must be ready to handle any unexpected problems which might arise in the classroom.8.My great-uncle was groping along the wall in search for the light switch.As he did so, he knocked over a bottle of ink.9.I always prefer classical music.Pop music is not my cup of tea.3.


我们大多数人在用胶时所遇到的问题不能归咎于制胶商。这并不是他们的错。我们只是对胶要求过多罢了,无可否认,他们所展示的几张用一滴胶提起一头大象的图片,使我们过高地估计了胶的性能。用这种胶,我连一个盘子都粘不起来,他们却可以提起大象,连足球队员艾德 · 怀德都掰不开用这种胶粘起来的两片木块。









1.我显然是高估了自己的方向感,下次我一定记着带地图。(overestimate)2.母亲对她那个自私不孝的儿子彻底失望了。(be disillusioned)3.她很不善于见什么人说什么话。(have no knack for)4.从一开始他就和足球结下了不解之缘。(be meant for)5.老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书工作。(assign)6.驾驶员违反交通规则,除了罚款之外,还有别的处罚办法吗?(alternative to)7.他老是笨手笨脚,因而常常遭人嘲笑。(subject to)

Unit5 1.

2.embark on variety of bits and pieces after all in question to the extent that collide with in contact with

1.The government hopes to gain enough support for the project under consideration.2.The rescue party set about the job of freeing the boy trapped in the hollow tree.3.The expedition travelling in outer-space has kept communicating with the scientists on the earth.4.I had had many different experiences with glue.But glue and I are simply not meant for each other.5.Dad and I differ completely and don't see much of each other.Despite all this, I still love him, for he is my father.6.With restrictive bindings applied to my knees, I was clumsy to such a degree that I could only hobble along.7.The carpenter could only find some small things to do in the basement.8.It often happens in many families that the value system of the older generation is in conflict with that of the younger generation.3.学一门语言



关于语言的第二种常见误解是单词意思固定清楚。这种想法---无论不幸还是有幸---是远远不正确的。举个十分简单和具体的英语单词“man”为例。似乎足够清楚,指的是“成年男子”。当然的确如此,但是考虑一下下列句子: 1)There are several men missing in that chess set.那副象棋缺了几颗棋子。

2)The boat was manned entirely by women and children.这艘船全由妇女和小孩掌舵。



4.1.那天晚上詹姆斯(James)和你一起吃晚饭了吗?(in question)2.教练对比赛的最终结果表示满意。(untimate)3.为了排除各国人民交往中的语言障碍,许多语言学家都在研究新的世界语。(embark on)4.合资企业的出现使我们有了更多接触外国人的机会。(contact with)5.妈妈嘱咐他收拾起桌上的零碎东西,把它们放进抽屉里。(bits and pieces)6.因为一句小小的玩笑,他们之间发生了一场争吵。(arise out of)7.照片不清楚,我认不出其中的女孩。(identify)8.如果有人说他自己能和鬼神交流,你会信吗?(claim)

Unit61、2、fall for might as well in bulk serve somebody right regard...as for the sake of provided that accuse somebody of all the same make a living out of

1.Though the couple could only make a marginal profit, they could depend on the small business for a living.2.In some supermarkets, goods can be made very cheap if they are bought in large quantities.3.Since you have to pass the exam, you had better do some revision.4.With many safety devices missing, my bike would have flunked an inspection.But, nevertheless, I could ride it very fast.5.Some women are the victims of the businessmen's trick that cosmetics can make them look younger and prettier.6.The boy was punished by the man because he often kicked down his mailbox.I think that he deserved the punishment.7.As long as water is found on Mars, humans can establish settlements there.8.The Customs officers charged the traveller with drug-trafficking.9.Automobiles are subjected to an annual inspection for the purpose of traffic safety.10.Many teenagers think of exams as a nightmare.3、甩卖


我从未参加过任何一家大型公司的董事会议,但可以肯定这样的会总是围绕以下事宜展开。以牙膏为例,生产一种新产品的成本费使得80便士为其合理价格,而我们将其市场价格定为1英镑20便士。这种牙膏不算很差(尽管不是很好,但也不坏),加之人们乐于尝试新事物的心理,因此起初它销量会很可观。但是新鲜的吸引力一过, 销量自会下跌,于是我们将价格降到1英镑15便士,还打着甩货的幌子贴出“买一盒牙膏省五便士”的海报,人们则争先恐后地抢购,尽管抢购价比合理价位高出大约43%。

有时不是省5便士,而只是省1便士而已。“只要您购买香皂、洗衣粉、狗食或其他商品均可享受1便士的优惠。” 这样的广告是一种让人难以忍受的屈辱。即使是最穷困的高龄养老金领取者也应当认为这是一种侮辱行为,然而却没有人这样想。甩货是不能错过的嘛!而这1便士的礼物就像你应邀去参加一场丰盛的晚宴却只提供一粒烹饪考究的豌豆。即使1便士真实地反映了产品的降价,可它仍然是一种侮辱。然而,人们会说,反正我们不能没有洗衣粉这样的东西,还是买那个能省1便士的好了。记得当我在匈牙利时,还是个孩子,有一个人就因为1 pengo(等值于1先令)而被指控谋杀,并且他认了罪。法官义愤填膺:“就为了1先令去杀人……你还要为自己辩护什么?”凶手答道:“这儿1先令……那儿1先令。”这也正是今天的商家所说:这儿1便士……那儿1便士。





4、1.毕业后,他先是做工程师,然后当了厂长。(to start with)

2.我想我还是接收他的邀请为好,因为你不能老是拒绝别人。(may as well)

3.为了安全起见,车上每个人都必须系上安全带。(for the sake of)4.把温度降到摄氏零度,水就会变成冰。(reduce to)5.他被指控犯盗窃罪。事实上,他是无辜的。(be accused of)6.除了女主角的表演有点过火外,这是一部优秀的影片。(otherwise)7.有时大人也会上小孩的当。(fall for)8.如果她和你分手,那是你活该,谁让你老对她撒谎呢?(serve somebody right)

Unit7 1.

2.be deprived of be frightened of be wrapped in in the wrong be unknown to get into a temper be up to to pieces have a...job to do...refuse to do...1.He didn't listen to his father's advice because he thought it was not practical.2.“We won't take the necessities of life from you.” I explained.3.The book had brown paper around it.4.She suddenly got very angry and left the room.5.The man, whose name I didn't know, came into the office and said he had an appointment.6.It was so difficult for us to find George yesterday.7.I'm sorry.I realise that it is my fault.8.Our annual steel production has reached 2 million tons now and is still rising.9.“Are you afraid of the dark?” I asked the little boy.10.In a rage the girl destroyed the new jacket with a pair of scissors.3.走出迷雾




4.1.我没按父亲的意思去学做生意,他非常生气。(cross)2.这些孩子虽然现在很调皮,但他们长大后会明白,做坏事是逃不了惩罚的。(with impunity)3.她请人把东西用一块蓝布包好,装进箱子。(have...wrapped)4.我下个月回家度假。(on leave)5.我们费了九牛二虎之力将门弄开。(have...job to do)6.他们不知道,其实她就在附近。(unknown)7.这个罪犯被剥夺了一切政治权利。(deprive)8.对不起,是我错了。(in the wrong)

Unit81、2、take one's toll warn of / about prefer...to...hinge on turn to cry out for fear of at one's own expense in conflict with 1.The problem of the ageing population is an urgent warning to society that certain products and services in future must meet the needs of the elderly.2.My father is a little vain and he loves publicity more than a quiet life at home.3.The girl is waiting for her boyfriend's call in such anxiety that it seems as if her fate depended totally on the ringing.4.Having failed to make a living out of the small business, he changed his occupation and began to work as a taxi driver.5.Years of political upheaval in this country were beginning to have a serious effect: the nation's economy was on the verge of bankruptcy.6.The explorer used his own money to travel across the great desert.7.His suggestion was novel to us.And it was completely the opposite of the conventional idea.8.Yes, you are free to choose whether to do cosmetic surgery or not.But I have to caution you against the dangers involved.9.I did not have enough courage to say what was on my mind, fearing this would start trouble.3、天赋为失败而献祭

我年轻时去过美国的阿巴拉契亚山,从那儿我了解到农民们都重男轻女。这主要是因为男孩子们更适合做繁重的农活。在当今的美国仅有3% 的人口从事农业,脑力劳动取代了体力劳动。然而,人们的文化偏见就像恶习,易立难破。但历史教训时刻警示着世人们不要随意否定那些所谓的性别上的弱者的能力,否则将会付出悲剧性的代价。




多年来他无私的姐妹们一如既往地支持着他,为了支援她们债台高筑的兄弟,她们努力压抑自己的追求,劳累奔波, 做着老师和家庭女教师。她们深信总有一天兄弟的才华会为世人瞩目。然而她们的兄弟在经过一次又一次的失败打击后,开始酗酒,吸毒,自暴自弃,最终由于不得志抑郁而死。他的去世带走了家人深厚的期望,但那同样出类拔萃的三姐妹后来怎样了呢?






4、1.春天和秋天我都喜欢,但是我更喜欢春天。(prefer over)2.我相信电子汽车总有一天会取代汽油汽车。(supplant)3.他们提醒他攀登喜马拉雅山很危险,可他偏不听。(warn of)4.老师告诉学生,他们的前途取决于这次考试成绩。(hinge on)5.她获得了最佳演员奖,大家都觉得她当之无愧。(deserve)6.这个孩子每次碰到困难都去找妈妈,而不是自己想办法。(turn to)7.丈夫去世后,她一如既往地培养3个女儿。(nurture)8.现在人们学英语,似乎不是在学习一门有实用价值的语言,而是在学一种语法。(less...than...)


Lesson 5 First Principles P173 2)Use the “using expressions”

1.附近有没有什么地方能买到本市的街道图(road map)?-Is there a place a road map is available near at hand? 2.那位著名的科学家从巴黎远道来到上海看望他最敬爱的导师。

-That famous scientist went all the way from Paris to Shanghai to visit his most respected teacher.3.为了是公司度过难关,这家人决定出售他们几个世纪以来一直珍藏着的名画

-To make the company tide over, the family decided to sell parts of famous pictures, which they have kept for several centuries.4.第一次去迪斯尼乐园时,孩子们充满了好奇。

-The first time when the children went to Disney land /world, they were bursting with surprise.5.女孩子们输了球感到很难过。她们觉得辜负了学校的期望。

-The girls felt bad when they lost the ball.They thought that they let their school down.6.伽利略毫不在乎同事们对他的议论,继续做他的试验。

-Galileo didn’t care a thing about what his colleagues were saying about him, and went on With his experiments.7.那家工厂决定压缩非生产性开支,集中资金开发高科技产品。(high-tech)

-That factory decided to cut the non-production to the bone, and concentrate to developing

High-tech production.8.在国外的这些年里,他牢记母亲的临别赠言(parting words);无论在和除,你的祖国都在 你的后面。

-During the years in foreign countries, he kept in mind his mother’s parting words: No matter where you are, your country is behind you.P174

Use miss, cut and charge.3).Use miss, cut and charge 1.这个小男孩把苹果切成两半,给了妈妈一半。

-This little boy cut the apple in half and gave one to his mother.2.我告诉他我没有听懂他的笑话时,他看起来感到惊讶。-When I told him that I missed his joke, he looked surprised.3.如果你付现金,我们就免费送货。

-If you pay cash, we’ll deliver the goods free of charge.4.警察指控那位司机酒后驾车。

-The policeman charged that driver with driving after drinking.5.星期天他经常不吃早餐,而是来一顿早午合餐

-On Sunday, he usually misses the breakfast and has brunch..。6.我想念家乡的一切-风景,食物甚至夏日的炎热。

-I miss everything in my hometown-scenery food and even hot summer.7.我一路跑到车站,还是没赶上最后一班公共汽车-I run all the way to the station.But I missed the last bus.8.冬天的寒风像刀一样刺骨。

-The cold wind in winter cut like a knife to the bones.9.他们剪一次发要收10美元

-They charged $10 foe cutting hair.。


-If you want to make cucumber salad, you have to cut the cucumber into slices.P182.Translate the following sentences into English(revision: the subjunctive mood)


-If George’s tyre hadn’t burst, he would have attended the meeting on time.2)如果那个女推销员坚持的话,约翰肯定会多付5%的钱买那个冰箱,因为他很喜欢它。-If the saleswoman had insisted, John would have overpaid 5% to buy that fridge, for he liked it very much.3)如果说这个世界上有一样东西对于他来说是不可缺少的话(do without).那就是咖啡。

-If there was one thing in the world that he could do without, that should be coffee.4)要是这个男孩再晚一天被人们发现,他肯定就会饿死。

-If that boy had been found one day late, he would have hungered to death.5)有人对她说假如她是一个男孩,或者她的家更有钱,她的机遇可能会更好。

-Someone says to her if she was a boy or her family was richer, she would have better chance.6)我真希望我没有答应给他买那本书,它已绝版(out of print),我上哪儿才能弄到一本呢?-I wish I didn’t promise him that book.It is out of print.Where can I get it? 7)在别的社会制度下,那样大的洪水一定会使许多人无家可归。

-Under other social systems, big flood like that would have caused many people homeless.8)如果我们早一点来的话,肯定能找到更好一点的座位。-If we had come earlier, we would have found/ got better seats.




Many people take God’s name in vain.2.我代表中国人民向你表示热烈欢迎。

I extend you a warm welcome in the name of the Chinese people.3.工厂的生产突飞猛进。

Production in the factory has been increasing by leaps and bounds.4.让我护送你到家。

Let me escort you to your home.5.暴风雨终于平息了。

The storm quieted down at last.6.他的演讲不断被一阵阵掌声所打断。

His speech was punctuated by bursts of applause.7.你在这个句子中漏掉了一个词。You have left out a word in the sentence.8.如果你每天阅读英语报纸,你的英文水平就会很快提高。If you read English newspapers everyday, your English will improve by leaps and bounds.9.该货将依法充公。

The goods will be confisticated in the name of the law.10.四辆警察的摩托车一路护卫着总统的汽车。

Four police motorcycles escorted the president’s car all along the route.1.那位电影明星走下飞机时,立刻就被欢呼的影迷们围住了。

When the movie star stepped off the plane, he was immediately surrounded by cheering fans.2.这个村子和它周围的景色非常美丽。

The village and its surrounding scenery are very beautiful.3.学生们在这样优美的环境中过的很愉快

The students live happily amid such beautiful surroundings.4.这个可怕的消息使我们都惊呆了。The terrible news struck us all dumb.5.她总是穿着引人注目的衣服。She always wears striking clothes.6.政府组织遭受水灾地区的人民重建家园。

The government organized the people in the floodstricken area to rebuild their homes.7.工人们把电缆深埋地下。

The workers buried the cable deep under the ground.8.她用枕头把面孔遮盖住。She buried her face in the pillow.9.他专心读着报纸。

He buried himself in the newspaper.10.冰太薄,承受不了你的重量。The ice is too thin to bear your weight.11.他忍受着失望,毫无怨言。

He bore his disappointment without complaining.12.这植物生有许多小小的白花。

The plant bears a great many white flowers.1.猫有一条尾巴。A cat has a tail.2.作为《人民日报》的记者,他到过许多地方,包括泰山、天山、珠江以及大运河。As a correspondent of the Peoples Daily,he has been to many places,including Mount Tai and the Tianshan Mountaints,the Pearl River as well as the Great Wall.3.铁是一种金属。Iron is a metal.4.知识是力量。Knowledge is power.5.我们是二班的学生。We are students of class two.6.德国人正在讨论两个德国之间的问题。

The Germans were discussing some problems between the two Germanies.7.她是个极为温和的姑娘。She is a most gentle girl.8.南非人民决心为见了一个崭新的自由的南非而奋斗。The South African people are determinded to fight for a free new South Africa.9.每人面前有一副刀叉。

There is a knife and fork in front of each person.10.中国的春节是一个像基督教国家的圣诞节那样盛大的节日。

The Spring Festival in China is as big a festival as Christmas in the Christian countries.Unit2


In what way do the Chinese and American greeting rituals differ? 2.他们再次向我们表示了他们的友谊。They reassured us of their friendship.3.穿着节日盛装的村民们聚集在广场上,等待着庆祝活动的开始。

The villagers in their holiday attire gathered in the square,waiting for the celebrations to begin.4.当他不能证明自己的身份时,银行暂时停止了付款。

When he was unable to prove his identity, the bank suspended payment.5.他在宗教环境里感到极不自在。

He felt uncomfortable in the religious setting.6.虽然我和他认识已经半年多了,但我们还是以姓氏相称。

Though I have known him for more than half a year, we are still on the TLN basis.7.这种老式的电话机已经不再使用了。

This kind of old-fashioned telephone is no longer in use.8.他机敏地提出不同看法,以致没有触怒任何人。

He put forth his own opinion so adroitly that no one was offended.9.你应该对长着更尊敬一点。

You should show more respect to your elders.10.你们校队获得头奖,这件事值得庆祝一番。

Your school team has won the first prize, which calls for a celebration.1.我揣想他已经收到了我的电报。I assume that he has received my telegram.2.她显出吃惊的深情。She assumed an air of surprise 3.你必须避免把科学结论建筑在推断上的危险。You must avoid the danger of basing scientific conclusions on the basic of assumptions.4.专家们感到有必要对这一事件进行调查。Experts felt obliged to look into the matter.5.要是你能在工作上多花些时间,那将使我非常高兴。You would oblige me if you spend more time in your work.6.选举是所有公民的义务。

It is the obligation of all citizens to vote.7.我的意见和他的完全一致。My opinion identifies with his.8.警察从指纹上认定了罪犯。

The police identified the criminal by his fingerprint.9.他拒绝透漏他的身份。He refused to reveal his identity.10.灯悬吊在天花板上。

The light is suspended from the ceiling.11.货运几乎完全中断了。

Transportation of goods has been virtually suspended.12.我们心中十分焦急地等待着比赛的结果。We waited in suspense for the result of the game.Unit3


I hope you will confine your talk to the topics under disscussion.2.小汽车突然转了个弯,撞在人行道上的一棵树上。The car tunrned suddenly,bumping into a tree on the sidewalk.3.由于约翰把举行晚会的事忘了,他的朋友都责怪他。

John forgot all about the evening party and his friend all turned on him.4.他把这个问题考虑了一整天才决定怎么办。

He turned over this problem in his mind for a whole day before he decided what to do.5.她代开手提包,开始寻找手帕。

She opened her handbag and began to fishing for the handkerchief.6.这项工作需要勇气和坚忍不拔的精神。The job entails courage and perseverance.7.他看完了所有能找到的参考书后才着手写论文

He finished reading all the reference books he could find before seting about his dissertation.8.在困难面前,他从不畏缩。He never cringes before difficulty.9.校长说我们应该认真考虑他提出的建议。

The headmaster said that we should go into the suggestion very carefully.10.演出的前一天玛丽病了。吉恩挺身而出,接过了她的角色。

Mary fell ill the day before the performance, Jane rose to the occasion by taking her part.11.千里之行,始于足下。

A thousand-Li journey starts with the first step.12.他一会儿发热,一会儿发冷。He went hot and cold in turn.1.你受的教育使你能找到一个好工作。Your education will equip you to find a good job.2.她的厨房里装配了节省劳力的器件。

Her kitchen is equipped with labor-saving devices 3.这个机修工因为没有恰当的设备,无法修理这辆汽车。

This mechanic could not repair the car because he did not have the right equipment.4.他们这样做是搬起石头砸自己的脚。

In doing so they are lifting a rock only to drop it on their own feet.5.这一切原来都是猜疑,因此他们停止了武装冲突

As all this turned out to be suspicion, they dropped armed conflicts.6.随着生产和定货的下降,大量的企业破产了。

With the drop in production and orders, large numbers of businesses went bankrupt.7.他在香蕉皮上滑了一下,把退摔断了。He slipped on a banana peel and broke his leg 8.又一个月不知不觉地过去了。Another month slipped by 9.在这种情况下,出些小差错是不可避免的。In such cases, a few slips are unavoidable.10.他们最后就合同的条文达成了协议。

They finally agreed upon the terms of the contract.11.他不同意她担任这项工作。

He didn’t agree to her taking up the job.12.我们不同意他的意见。

We are in agreement with his opinion.Unit4


Doctor Cooper is in charge of the ward.2.兔子在和乌龟的赛跑中竟输给了乌龟,不是因为他跑不快而是因为他太骄傲了。

The hare lost the race to the tortoise not because he could not run quickly ,but because he was too conceited.3.他们在雕像下放了一个花圈。

We placed a wreath at the foot of the statue.4.他报出了一连串他所访问过的城市的名字

He rattled off a string of names of the cities he had visited.5.我们用无线电话和搜索组保持联系。

We kept in touch with the search party by radiophone.6.医生对于病人能回复健康不抱很大希望。

The doctor did not hold out much hope of the patient’s recovery.7.厨房位于房子的后面。

The kitchen is in the rear of the house.8.当特德生气时,别去惹他。

When Ted gets mad, just let him alone.9.现在把这首诗再朗读一遍,这次不要像放连珠炮似第把它一口气读完。Now read the poem again, and this time don’t rattle it off like a machine gun.10.他一直步行到了市政厅。

We walked on foot as far as the City Hall.1.我们的目的是寻求友谊和合作。

Our purpose is to seek friendship and cooperation.2.这些叛乱分子企图推翻政府。

The rebels are seeking to overthrow the government.3.我们找了个老乡来了解情况。

We sought out a local villager to find out about the situation.4.一个行动谨慎的人通常要考虑各方面情况之后才行动。

A deliberate person usually acts after weighing all the aspects of a situation.5.我相信这座房子是有人故意放火烧的。

I believe that the house was deliberately set fire to.6.他仔细考虑了几天才做出决定。

He deliberated about his decision for several days.7.他胃口好了,除了偶而想到自己时隔病弱者之外,他的心情保持愉快。

His eats better and is more cheerful except when occasionally he recollects that he is an invalid.8.这个语法规则有一条例外。

There is an exception to this grammatical rule.9.教师把乔奇排除在应试者的名单之外。

The teacher excepted George from the examination list.10.他深深地陷入债务之中。He is deeply involved in debt.11.这项工作需要大量的额外劳动。The jobinvolves a lot of extra work.12.有些作家的文体晦涊难懂。

Some writers write in an involved style.Unit5 1.他们为使这种虾适应淡水环境而进行了实验。They made experiment to adapt this variety of shrimp to fresh water.2.木屑可以压缩成木板。

Sawdust can be compressed into boards 3.这条河朝哪个方向流?

In which direction does the river run? 4.要是你去而不是我去将会怎么样? What if you go instead of me? 5.我正要碰机器,但是这个人突然喊到,“不要碰!”

I was going to touch the machine ,but the man cried “Hands off!”


Thoughts are expressed by means of words 7.相比之下,詹姆士就心直口快的多了。By contrast, James is much more straightforward 8.教师当着全班的面责备了那个男孩。

The teacher blamed the boy in the presence of the whole class 9.要是我们请你母亲下星期来,你觉得怎么样? what if we invite you mother next week? 10.渔夫借助一根漂浮的圆木救了自己。

The fisherman saved himself by means of a floating log.1.飞机驾驶员告诉乘客系好座位上的安全带,因为飞机很快就要接近跑道了。

The plot told the passengers to fasten their seat belt for they would soon be approaching the runway.2.让我们去找总工程师,看他怎么说。

Let's approach the chief engineer and see what he thinks.3.在他的书里,他以一种崭新的观点处理了这个有争议的问题。In his book,he deals with the controversial point with a totally new approach.4.我们可以在这里面画一条箭头来指出正确的路。We can point an arrow here to indicate the right path.5.打喷嚏并不一定表明感冒。

A sneeze doesn’t always indicate a cold..6.有明显的迹象表明战争马上就要结束。

There are clear indications that the war will soon be over 7.珍妮控制了整个谈话。

Jenny dominated the conversation.8.对他一生最有影响的就是他父亲。It was her father who exercised the dominant influence on her life.9.这个岛屿在英国的控制之下。

The island was under the domination of Britain 10.他们马上听出是她的声音。

They immediately recognized her voice.11.国际上承认他是这方面的一个权威。

He is recognized by the world as an authority in this field.12.他对科学事业的贡献赢得了公众的承认

He won public recognition of his services to science.Unit6


It is little wonder that the children love to visit the farm.2.那人手持大棍向我打来。

The man came at me with a big stick in his hand.3.邮政局靠近银行。

The post office is closed to the bank


Keeping other people's possessions for one's own use amounts to theft.5.他们扯下墙纸后,开始给房间上漆。

They tripped off the wallpaper before painting the room.6.他们谈判购买一批微电脑。

They bargained for a supply stock of minicomputers.7.他病倒了是不奇怪的,这几年他一直劳累过度。

It is little wonder his health has broken down,for he has been overworked in recent years.8.这场事故造成三人死亡。

The accident resulted in three death.1.这封信表扬了这位丹麦青年的勇敢以及他冒着生命危险帮助中国人民的国际主义精神。The letter commended this young Danish man’s for his bravery and his international spirit of endangering himself to help the Chinese people.2.这些教科书现在在全国范围内被采用。

These textbooks are now in use throughout the country.3.该企业在稳固的基础上经营着。The business is operated on a secure basis.4.这个剧的发生地点是一个西班牙的村庄。The setting for the play is a Spanish village.5.济慈和雪莱是同时代的人。

Keats was a contemporary of Shellay′s.1.我真不知道是走好还是不走好。

I have been wondering whether to go or to stay.2.就这样他最后离开了她吗?我对此一点也不感到吃惊。Is that the way he at last left her ? I don’t wonder at it.3.他从窗口跳出去而没有受伤,真是个奇迹。

It’s a wonder that he jumped out of the window unhurt.4.别人要安静,而他却讲个不停

He persisted in taking when others wanted to be quiet.5.雨整夜下个不停。

The rain persisted throughout the night.6.这么坚持不懈的努力,我们会按时完成任务的。

With the persistent efforts we will be able to finish the job an time.7.他把他们带领到办公室。He conducted them to his office.8.招待会上,他的举止很文雅。

He conducted himself in a refined manner at the reception.9.他的企业经营得很成功。

He conducted the business very successfully.10.他供给儿子念完大学。

She maintained her son through college.11.那时候,他们简直不能维持最低的生活水平。

In those days they could hardly maintain the minimum standard of living 12.维修这座房子的费用是很贵的

The maintenance of the house is very expensive


Task 1

Unit One

1.provinces b.2.woke a.3.haunt b.4.trouble a.5.weathers d.6.wakeb.7.coined c.8.trouble b.9.weather c.10.province c.11.coin a.12.value a.13.haunts a.14.has promised a.15.trouble c.16.coin b.17.promise d, 18.Values c.19.Refrain b.20.valued e.Task 2

1.tranquil 2.ultimately 3.aftermath 4.cancel out 5.ordeal 6.drastic 7.legacy 8.deprivations

9.suicidal 10.anticipated 11.preoccupied 12.Adversities 13.aspires 14.nostalgia 15, retrospect

Task 3

1.a mind-blowing experience 2.built-in storage space 3.self-protection measures 4.short-term employment

5.distorted and negative self-perception 6.life-changing events 7.all-encompassing details 8.a good self-image


Unit Two

I.A.entertainmentB.entertaining2.A.attached B.attachment3.A.historically B.historic4.A.innovativeB.Innovations5.A.flawed B.flawless

6.A.controversy B.controversial 7.A.revise B.revisions

8.A.commentary B.commentator9.A.restrictive B.restrictions10.Task 2


1.ethnic 2.corporate 3.tragic 4.athletic 5.underlie

6.stack 7.intrinsic 8.revenue 9.engrossed10.award

Task 3

1)revenues 2)receipts 3)economic 4)rewards 5)athletes 6)sponsor 7)spectators 8)maintain 9)availability10)stadiums11)anticipated12)publicity

Task 1 Unit Three

B Task2

1.B 2, D 1 A 4, C 5, A 6.B 7,C 8.A 9.10.C LA.discrete B.discreet C.discretion

2.A.auditors B.auditorium C.audit D.auditoryE.auditedA.conception B.contrivance C.contrive D.conceive

4.A.giggling B.gasped C.gargling D.gossip 5.A.affectionate B.passion C.affectionD.passionate

6.A.reluctant B.relentless C.relevant 7.A.reverence B.reverent C.revere

8.A.peeping/peep B.peered C.perceive D.poring


1)gain 2)similarities 3)diverse 4)enrich 5)perspective 6)discover 7)challenging 8)specific 9)adventure 10)enlightens)opportunities 12)memories 13)joyful 14)outweighs 15)span)

Task 1

Unit Four

1)uncomfortable 2)reading 3)immerse 4)deep 5)access 6)concentration 7)stopped 8)altered 9)change 10)different 11)decoders12)disengaged 13)variations 14)words 15)tighter

Task 2 Task 1

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.C

Step 1

l)i 2)f 3)a 4)b 5)h 6)j 7)c 8)e 9)d 10)g Step 2

1)fidgety2)crushing3)pithy4)foraging5)definitive , 6)propelled7)applauded8)ubiquity9)duly10)curtail

Task 2 1.above 2.on 3.to 4.on 5.on/about 6.to 7.with 8.at 9.Task 3


1.may have a subtle effect on 2.provide free access toe-books 3.isinthe midst ofa sea change

4.has been onthe faculty ofHarvard University 5.a voracious book reader 6.you'll stay focused onit 7.the conduit for information

8.your check came asanabsolute godsend 9.lost the thread ofthe story 10.stroll through elegant prose

Task 1 Unit Five







2.我已经决定竞争这个新岗位。你也可以竞争。你自己决5.His writing is similar in style to Oscar Wilde’s.他定吧。

post.You can compete for it, It’s up to you.3.医生来后不久就设法把我父亲的病控制住了。my father’s illness under control.活会是怎样的,但是我们都知道我们必须把学习搞好。的写作风格相似于奥斯卡怀尔德的。

replaced by anything else.我不认为一个母亲的爱可以取代的mouth full of food.满嘴食物的时候说话是被认为不礼貌

when planning a picnic.天气永远是不确定的,尤其是当计划一次野餐。

for us, so it’s a bit confusing.我们有三个叫保罗·杰姆斯为我们工作,所以这有点混乱。在演讲前,学生感到很焦虑。

10.Her family was generally supportive of her

二、1.She would have died if the doctor hadn’t 立即手术。

2.I was/an faced with the terrible job of breaking the 息告诉了女孩的家人。

3.Because of our general’s good strategy, we won the war.因为我们一般是很好的策略,我们赢得战争。meeting.这是为时过早预测会议的结果。

5.We’ll go there next Saturday unless it’s raining 6.The drug will inhibit the progress of the disease.这种药物会抑制疾病的进展。

7.The Government has promised to take action on the energy crisis.政府已答应采取措施解决能源危机。8.He sent the wrong reports because he confused them with other ones.他发错了报告,因为混淆了它和9.The television company has lost a large part of its audience since it changed its programming.电视公司已经失去了大部分观众因为它改变了它的编程。

10.His work created/has created enormous interest in England.在英国他的作品创造了巨大的利益。


2.You’re confusing me with my sister—it was her who was sick on your sofa.你把我和我的妹妹弄混淆了—在你沙发上生病的是她。

3.Tom broke the computer by throwing a brick at the screen.汤姆投掷砖块打破了电脑屏幕。

4.She was frightened by/at the way he spoke.她被他说话的方式吓坏了。

5.You can have some tea instead of coffee, if you want.你可以喝点茶,而不是咖啡,如果你想。

6.In less than ten years it develops from a seed into a full-grown tree.在不到十年,它的发展从一个种子成参天大树。

7.Can we be certain about/of the truth of what she said? 我们可以肯定她说的真相?

8.You are acting like a complete fool.你表现得像个十足的傻瓜。


We’re considering selling the house.2.我建议他先等一会儿,然后在作决定。

I suggest he wait a while before be makes any decision.3.明天约翰很可能会来参加聚会。

John is very likely to come to the party tomorrow.4.我们想知道她不接受这份工作的原因。

We’d like to know the reason why she didn’t accept the job.5.你本不应该在回到那幢还在燃烧的大楼,你有 可能会被严重烧伤的。

You shouldn’t have gone back to the burning building, you might have been seriously burnt.6.我从来没有想过会有问题。

It/The thought had never crossed my mind that there might be a problem.Unit 1

一、1.George is a very smart boy;he is the best students in his class.乔治是一个非常聪明的孩子;他是他班里最好的学生。

2.You have to work hard if you want to succeed in your course.你必须努力工作,如果你想成功你的课程。3.Shortly after you left, a girl came into our office looking for you.在你离开后不久,一个女孩走进我的办公室找你。

4.At first, the course was a bit difficult for me but I managed to pass the final exam with a fairly good grade.首先,当然是有点困难,但我设法通过了考试一个相当好的成绩。

5.Mary is my best friend and I always share my secrets with her.玛丽是我最好的朋友和我总是把我的秘密告诉她。

6.The lost traveler was filled with fear when he saw a bear running toward him.迷路的旅行者充满恐惧的时候,他看到一只熊跑向他。

I have made the decision to compete for the new 6.I don’t think that a mother’s love can be 8.We’re got three people called Paul James working

Shortly after the doctor come, he managed to have 7.It is considered bad manners to talk with your 9.Before the speech, the student felt a lot of anxiety.4.作为新生,我们大部分人都不知道等待着我们的大学生的。

As freshman, most of us don’t know what college to appreciate serious music.我们希望更多的人能够严life has in store for us, but we all know that we must 肃欣赏音乐。do well in our studies.定一个适合我们需要的常规。

5.要在大学里取得成功,我们必须跟上其他的学生并且制well-mannered and the ill-mannered.在好的与不好的之间有明显的标志。

8.We hope that more and more people will be able decision.她的家庭普遍支持她的决定。

9.There is a marked difference between the operated immediately.她可能已经死了,如果医生没有

To succeed in college, we must keep up with the 10.Their dinner usually consists of three courses: news to the girl’s family.我面对可怕的工作,把这个消other students and set up a routine that meets out soup, meat or fish, and cake or pie.晚餐通常包括三门needs.课程:汤,肉或鱼,和蛋糕或派。


二、more difficult that I though, I handed them it on time.right side of the road.它花了一些时间去习惯驾驶在道

Though the assignments last week turned and to be 1.It took him some time to get used to driving on the 4.It’s too early to predict the outcome of the

Unit 2

through self-learning.他通过自学精通拉丁语和希腊语


doesn’t do so any more.玛丽常犯语法错误,但她并不做任何更多。

3.I am not used to speaking in public.我不习惯于当众讲话。

4.I used to smoke thirty cigarettes a day.我过去每天抽三十支烟。

translating it from French.你必须习惯于说英语没有翻译从法国。

6.Did you used to live in the North? 你原来住在北边?

7.I’m not used to being told what to do.我不习惯被告知要做什么。

woods, and you always used to hide from me.当我们还是孩子的时候,我们习惯于在那片小树林里,你总是躲着我。

2.Mary used to make mistakes in grammar, but she of course.我们将在下星期六去那儿当然除非下雨。

7.When you’re away from your family, you have to

一、be responsible for yourself.当你远离你的家,你必须对1.He had an excellent command of Latin and Greek 自己负责。

8.At first, he was afraid of being off by himself.2.Some electric food-mixers are really handy, but it Shortly, however, he became used to living alone.起takes time to clean them.一些电动食物搅拌器确实很有初,他害怕自己。不久,然而,他习惯一个人生活。


9.Children in China entered school at the age of 6 or 3.Your idea on the subject , as far as I can see, seems 7 and must study there for at least nine years.中国的somewhat abstract.你的想法的问题,据我看来,似乎有儿童入学年龄在6或7,必须有至少九年。atmosphere.地球被空气包围着,制造出大气。


workers all her life.她保持了友好的态度对待她的同事10.The earth is surrounded by air, which makes up its 4.She has kept a friendly attitude towards her fellow 11.If you can’t handle the job, I’ll get someone 在她的生活中。

else to do it.如果你应付不了这个工作,我就让别人来做。5.Through regular and extensive reading, he has 12.John was so comfortable and warm in bed that he built up a large vocabulary.通过定期的和广泛的阅读didn’t want to get up.约翰在床上又舒服又暖和,他不他建立了一个庞大的词汇。想起床。

二、to you.你可以向他征求意见,但最终的选择是你的。

6.They made some attempts to solve the problem of heavy traffic but failed.他们试图解决交通拥挤的问题7.Two well-known drug manufactures cooperating in

5.You must get used to speaking English without 其他的报告

8.When we were children, we used to play in that 1.He woke up in the morning with a bad headache.1.You can ask him for advice but the final choice is up 但失败了。

Unit 4


2.Everything is developing so quickly in today’s an attempt to develop a new medicine.两家知名药品

一、world that I am afraid I can’t keep up with all the 生产企业合作开发一种新药。能跟上所有的变化。

changes.一切发展如此之快,在今天的世界上,恐怕我不8.The suggestion sounds wonderful, but we should 布。

take all aspects into account.这个建议听起来不错,但The topic of the speech has been announced a week

in advance, but the name of the speaker is not.3.The brave sailors managed to keep their boat 是我们应该把所有的方面考虑。持他们的船在风暴下控制。成功,努力勿懈怠.under control during the storm.勇敢的水手们设法保9.Last month we stripped the old paint from the 2.居然还有学生在考试之前踢足球,这似乎令人难以置信。

door and windows and had them repainted.上个月我It seemed incredible that some students still played

football before the exams.10.If you go out on such a snowy day, you’d better 3.Auden先生是一个快乐的人,他从帮助别人之中获得乐

Mr Auden is a happy man who derives pleasure from helping others.4.两位美国人共同获得了去年的诺贝尔医学奖。Two Americans shared last year Nobel Prize for medicine.5.首先,我欢迎你参加此次会议。

First of all, I’d like to welcome you to the meeting.6.我不习惯于这样的奢侈,这是在浪费金钱。

I‘m not accustomed to such luxury.It’s a waste of money.7.考试结果将在星期五下午张贴出来。

4.If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.初试不们将旧的油漆从门窗,让他们重新粉刷。

5.The boy said that he wanted to be a computer put on a thick coat, which is a good defense.如果你趣。scientist when he grew up.男孩说他想成为一名计算机走在这样的雪天,你最好穿上一件厚的,这是一个很好的科学家,当他长大的时候。


6.Today young people from different counties can

二、easily make friends with one another through email.1.Nothing can separate Taiwan from the mainland of 今天的年轻人从不同的国家可以很容易交朋友,彼此通过China.什么也不能把台湾和中国大陆分开。电子邮件。

2.One should learn how to tell true friends from false

7.Mark wanted to finish his homework in two hours, ones.一个人应该学会辨别真假朋友。

but it turned out to be harder than he thought.马克3.Hard work can to a certain extent make up for a 想完成作业用了两个小时,但结果比他想象的难。

lack of intelligence.努力工作,在某种程度上可以弥补智

8.Tom fell and broke his leg.As a result, he would 力的不足。

have to be away from school for a month or two.汤4.Nowadays it is not easy to get rid of used washers 姆跌断了腿。结果,他不得不离开学校两个月。在那里。


三、and TV sets.如今,我们不容易摆脱使用洗衣机和电视机 The results of the exam will be put up on Friday the Nobel Prize.我们不能排除的可能性,他赢得诺贝尔

8.一些残酷的动物实验是以科学的名义进行的。Some cruel experiment on animals are carried out in

9.A new school has been set up there.一所新学校建5.We cannot rule out the possibility of his winning afternoon.10.In addition, I have something else to do this 奖。

replaced it with new paper.他们把旧墙纸脱落的墙壁,6.They stripped the old wallpaper off the walls and the name of science.1.My friend told me how to play the game long ago, 取而代之的是新的纸。

but I have forgotten it now.很久以前我的朋友告诉我如7.He decided to hold onto those shares and sell 何玩这个游戏,但是我现在忘记了。

2.The taxi driver asked me where I wanted to go.司机问我想去哪里。

or not.他们会不会接受他。

4.Tom always tells others what to do, how to do, but seldom does it himself.汤姆总是告诉别人怎么做,如何做,但很少有它自己。

5.As a college student now, you have to know whom to love, and whom not.作为一个大学生,你必须知道爱什么人不爱什么人。

6.I am not certain when he made that decision.我不能确定他什么时候做出那个决定的。

四、1.约翰既聪明又有责任心。他喜欢跟别人交朋友。John is both smart and responsible.He likes to make friends with other people.them only when the prices were higher.他决定抓住那些股份卖出只有当价格上涨。

8.A few people in that region claimed to have come 区声称已经接触到来自外部空间。

Unit 5

一、1.Without warning, the soldiers started firing into the crowd.没有警告,士兵们开始向人群开枪。2.There have been great computer developments during the last few years.在过去几年中计算机得到了巨大的发展。

3.“Have you decided what to do?””No, I’m still considering the various possibilities.” “你决定做什么了?“没有,我还在考虑各种可能性。”

medical care.数目惊人的儿童得不到医疗保健。mistaken.我想我看到她在看电影,但我错了。asked the doctor.“你感到任何疼痛或不适在手上?医生7.The weather is always an uncertainty, especially

3.Henry was not sure whether they would accept him in contact with being from outer space.一些人在该地

Unit 3


behave well.我们首先要教育孩子们行为得体。

1.I agree with you to a certain extent, but not totally.4.A(n)alarming number of children do not get 2.Temperatures vary with the time of the year.每年温5.I thought I saw her at the movies, but I was 3.They all tried to avoid mentioning that name.他们6.“Did you feel any pain or discomfort in the hand? 4.We should educate our children, above all, to 问。

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