
时间:2019-05-13 21:40:39下载本文作者:会员上传


Introduction The children have physiological, psychological, cognitive and some other advantages in language learning,which can be confirmed in their native language learning.As we all know, English teaching is not only language teaching, but also different from the English Teaching in high school or universities.So, when the English Teaching objects are the children, we must fully consider characteristics of physical and mental, cognitive level and language development level.According to the research of children's English teaching methods, I have the following summary.1, memory teaching method 1.1 outstanding short-term memory primary children usually learn a few words and two or three simple English sentences each lesson.They often repeat, sing, play games and other different ways to contact and learn about themAnd they can grasp the knowledge easily.This suggests that short-term memory is quite outstanding.The range of memory and retention time also change gradually with age.Psychologists believe that children of 3~5 years old learn best, so the children should begin to learn English earlier.1.2 Although children's cognitive level varies, but the common characteristics of children is, that as long as it is interesting, vivid and intuitive, they will enter into the learning state easily.Curiosity is the trigger, such as car.If the teacher just repeat car over and over again to the children.It is difficult to arouse children's interest in learning.In this case, if the teachers show beautiful pictures of car.then the children will be attracted by these models.Interest will be inspired.Then it is not difficult.The effect is far better than the “abstract memory method” voice teaching method In children's English, phonetics teaching focuses on reading.Put the phonetics teaching into the teaching of the alphabet and vocabulary teaching in key topics.For example,learning the alphabet A, there are many words that begin with the letter A, such as apple any animal.By the study of the letter A and repeating the words beginning with the letter A, students virtually practice the basic sound of the letter A.Pronunciation can also be taught by the game.For example, one of the letters is given or a sound, then let students write the letter or the words, can even let them draw the words.communicative approach is a teaching method of language teaching system originated in Western Europe in 1970s , it has the following characteristics: 1 teaching content focuses on language function.According to the different needs of learning objects to arrange, that is a special English.2communicative teaching activity will let students learn the language contact mainly, so teachers should provide situation and strive to create a language environment and let the students to use the language.3 It is normal to make any mistakes for students, It is a process of language learning.4 Listening Teaching Let the children do a certain amount of dictation, dictation is to write what you hear.It is a comprehensive skill, involving grammar, punctuation, vocabulary knowledge and ability.You can find some suitable material for children's listening and let them listen and write repeatedly, then correct the error, so that they can find the problems in English listening, correct the incorrect pronunciation, and master the continuous weak tone of voice, and then improve the ability of listening.For children, they will feel boring by repeating.In order to improve the students' interest, we can use modern means of science and technology, for example TV, multimedia computer, English movies and so on.5 situational teaching method Children's curiosity mostly cannot do without scene.Therefore, when learning a foreign language, teachers should combine words or sentences in interesting English stories or scenes, so it can effectively arouse the curiosity of children to help children learn English.6 reward teaching method In teaching, teachers often divide the living textbook into a plurality of knowledge teaching, just let the student learn vocabulary and grammar teaching.Children have no enthusiasm.The students become slaves.Teachers are just is to pursue teaching progress.Children need the teacher's praise, studies show that the teachers' praise can increase the enthusiasm of learning.in the English teaching, when the children’s performance is outstanding, the teacher is able to award “flowers”.We can divide it into two parts.One part is the classroom performance, the other part is individual performance.It can arouse a child's interest in learning and improve the enthusiasm of learning English.7 exploratory learning method Exploratory learning is to cultivate the students to have the attitude of the pursuit of excellence and cultivate students' ability to find and solve the problem.Exploratory activities and children's growth and development always coexist.Because of curiosity, very young children will spontaneously do exploratory activity.Exploratory activity is also closely related with children's English language learning.Because personality, gender and the surrounding environment are different, the children's curiosity is different, Studies show that children who have emotional anxiety are lack of interest in the surrounding environment.It is difficult to display a strong curiosity, so it will hinder the development of self concept, on the contrary, the children who have a very strong curiosity will have a strong interest in the surrounding environment.Their performances have obvious differences.Some like asking questions to explore knowledge, some acquire knowledge through their own exploration.Parents and teachers should base on these differences to mobilize all positive factors, to create an appropriate environment for children, encourage them to contact with English and to develop their spirit of exploration.8 vocabulary teaching Vocabulary learning is a problem for most English learners, especially for children.So it “real materials” should be used in teaching.We should adopt the familiar context and let the target vocabulary appear regularly.For example, before we teach the word mother, we can sing the song“three bears” and teach the English words of family members.In order to introduce the target words, we can use visual means, for example PPT pictures and other teaching aids.In abstract concepts, we can use various methods.For example, the English songs.This can create a relaxing learning atmosphere and develop their listening and speaking ability and also help them to practice pronunciation..9 pronunciation teaching method In English Teaching for children, not only relates to the vocabulary teaching, at the same time, there are relatively few parts of the grammar teaching.However, the children cannot understand the grammatical structure, So teachers can use drawing combined with context in teaching to present the grammatical structure to the students.After mastering these grammatical structure, students should be encouraged to use these structures or expressions for communication.First of all, introduce the English sentence structure to the students in meaningful contexts, so that they can learn the grammar in the real life as far as possible and then to learn syntax structure on the blackboard or a teaching aid and then with obvious chalk to mark important part and finally practice the structure.The teacher can use the natural tone of voice to read the sentence clearly.Let the students in the class to repeat after learning the structure words instead of the basic part of the original sentence by using pictures and picture cards.And we should let students pay attention to make positive sentence, negative sentence and so on.10 dialogue teaching method Dialogue teaching to communicate with the students in the process of teaching so that students can learn knowledge.With the deepening of the teaching theory and practice teaching reform, teachers in the classroom has basically abandoned the “What I say goes.” teaching model.This provide a realistic basis for “dialogue teaching”.At the same time, The development of students' physical and mental provide the necessary conditions for the implementation of the “dialogue teaching”.So enough opportunities for oral practice are difficult to overcome for most English teachers,But the child in this area has its own psychological advantage.They can not be afraid of making mistakes, so they can communicate with their classmates and teachers.Teachers can adopt different ways according to the principle of entertaining, 11writing teaching method The teaching method of writing is to cultivate students' ability by copying, dictation,sentence and so on.The National English curriculum standard request that children can imitate the example sentence, write a simple greeting and use correct letters and punctuation.The famous scholar Guo Moruo thinks that the cultivation of students' writing helps students cultivate good ideological and moral quality.Writing is one of the important language skills, we should pay attention.At present, in the children's English education in our country, we often ignore their writing ability.Experts have found that some children can almost read all the words, but can hardly write 40% words.although the children's English learning focuses on students' interest and training basic language communicative ability , but the basic writing is necessary.12 Systemic reaction method Systemic reaction method is proposed by a famous psychology professor James Asher in America in the 60s in last century.And it has been used to teach Spanish, French, German and English and other various foreign languages and have achieved great success, which enjoys the high reputation in the world.The teachers are using various teaching methods and teaching strategies, but the examination model is traditional paper writing.Teachers think that the biggest difficulty of children's English teaching is that students master many simple words, sentences and they cannot communicate.A comprehensive analysis of the results of questionnaire and interview shows that most of the surveyed teachers use the body reaction, but it’s not deep and systematic.It can achieve rapid understanding of the language and no pressure learning.And it especially can help students to maintain a high recall rate.As a kind of effective strategies, the systemic response strategy should be vigorously promoted, so we need strengthen the occupation of teacher training.In addition, the government should take measures to create better English teaching conditions.For example, reducing class sizes or provide more classroom.In the children's English teaching, we should base on continuously pragmatic,use effective teaching methods and improve English teaching efficiency.




Twinkle , twinkle, little star!闪耀闪耀,小星星

How I wonder what you are ,我想知道你身形

Up above the world so high ,高高挂在天空上

Like a diamond in the shy.就象天上的钻石

When the blazing sun is gone ,灿烂太阳已西沉

When he nothing shines upon ,它已不再照万物

Then you show your little light ,你就显露些微光

Twinkle , twinkle all the night.整个晚上眨眼睛

The dark blue shy you keep,留恋漆黑的天空

And often through my curtains peep,穿过窗帘向我望

For you never shut your eye,永不闭上眼睛

Till the sun is in the shy,直到太阳又现形

It is your bright and tiny spark,你这微亮的火星

Lights the traveler in the dark,黑夜照耀着游人

Though I know not what you are,虽我不知你身形

Twinkle twinkle , little star。闪耀,闪耀,小星星!

第三篇:2014少儿英文儿歌精选汇总 2014

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儿歌英语单词翻译 2013-05-31简单的英语儿歌:宾戈 2013-05-31英语儿歌大全精选之朋友们催眠曲 2013-05-30英语儿歌大全歌词精选 2013-05-30英文儿歌:三只小盲鼠 2013-05-30英文儿歌:手指家族 2013-05-30英语儿歌迪斯尼最爱系列:蓝色尾巴的昆虫 2013-05-30好听的英文儿歌迪斯尼最爱系列:山腰上的家 2013-05-30 经典英文儿歌:画一朵睡莲花 2013-05-30简单的英文儿歌:你是我的阳光学习2013-05-30英语单词儿歌:保护小动物 2013-05-30简单英文儿歌:跟我学ABC 2013-05-30儿歌英语单词常见大全 2013-05-30简单的英语儿歌歌谣:祝大家晚安 2013-05-30英语儿歌大全精选之翠鸟 2013-05 英文儿歌大全:我爱我的小猫咪 2013-05-29英语儿歌歌曲:铃儿响叮当 2013-05-29超级好听的英文儿歌:小动物 2013-05-29英文儿歌::朋友们催眠曲 2013-05-28英语儿歌:龟兔赛跑 2013-05-28好听的英文儿歌大全 2013-05-2872首经典英文儿歌歌曲排行榜 2013-05-28简单的英文儿歌整理 2013-05-28洪恩简单英文儿歌:铃儿响叮当 2013-05-28儿歌英语单词水果类大全 2013-05-28简单的英语儿歌学习:我的小狗在哪里 2013-05-28英语儿歌大全歌词 2013-05-27英文儿歌:铃儿响叮当 2013-05-27英文儿歌:绿色的小青蛙 2013-05-27英文儿歌大全100首精选 2013-05-27英文儿歌大全歌词分享 2013-05-27英语儿歌:森林中的小木屋 2013-05-27好听的英文儿歌小兔彼得 2013-05-27经典英文儿歌:噢,苏珊娜 2013-05-27简单的英文儿歌:月份的天数 2013-05-27

                                         幼儿英语儿歌大全之安静,小宝贝经典英文儿歌大全简谱 2013-05-27幼儿英语单词儿歌三首 2013-05-27简单英文儿歌:生日快乐歌 2013-05-27儿歌英语单词:常见水果单词顺口溜儿歌 2013-05-27简单的英语儿歌歌词 2013-05-27经典英语儿歌大全几百首 2013-05-24最爱英语儿歌大全 2013-05-24迪斯尼最爱英文儿歌:扬基歌 2013-05-24英文儿歌大全100首 2013-05-24迪斯尼最爱英语儿歌系列:伦敦大桥 2013-05-24好听的英文儿歌:黑猫白猫 2013-05-24经典英文儿歌:小蜜蜂 2013-05-24超级简单的英文儿歌:大灰狼 2013-05-24幼儿英语儿歌大全汇集 2013-05-24经典英文儿歌大全含歌词 2013-05-24经典英语单词儿歌分类2013年收集 2013-05-24简单英文儿歌:小毛驴 2013-05-24儿歌英语单词分类学习2013-05-24简单的英语儿歌:不要哭 2013-05-24最新英语儿歌大全收藏 2013-05-23经典英语儿歌大全100首 2013-05-23英文儿歌:甜豌豆荚 2013-05-23英文儿歌:老麦当劳 2013-05-23经典英文儿歌大全50首 2013-05-23经典英文儿歌大全附歌词 2013-05-23幼儿英语儿歌歌谣 2013-05-23好听的英文儿歌:雄鹰飞翔推荐 2013-05-23100首经典英文儿歌排行榜 2013-05-23简单的英文儿歌:哥哥弟弟 2013-05-23幼儿英语儿歌大全100首 2013-05-23精选经典英文儿歌大全及歌词 2013-05-23英语单词儿歌:母亲节 2013-05-23简单英文儿歌:蚂蚁行军 2013-05-23最新儿歌英语单词选集 2013-05-23简单的英语儿歌:扬基歌 2013-05-23

                                         2013年少儿英语儿歌学习推荐迪斯尼英语儿歌大全 2013-05-22英语儿歌大全100首 2013-05-22英文儿歌:公车上的轮子 2013-05-22英文儿歌系列:流浪的背包 2013-05-22最新英文儿歌大全推荐 2013-05-22最新经典英文儿歌大全2013 2013-05-22英语儿歌:Old Dan Tucker 2013-05-22超级好听的英文儿歌大全 2013-05-22经典英文儿歌歌词大全欣赏 2013-05-22简单的英文儿歌收集 2013-05-22精编幼儿英语儿歌大全 2013-05-2272首经典英文儿歌大全排行榜 2013-05-22经典英语单词儿歌分类 2013-05-22简单英文儿歌歌词 2013-05-22简单儿歌英语单词 2013-05-22简单的英语儿歌你的彩虹是什么颜色的? 2013-05-22英文儿歌大全附歌词 2013-05-21经典英文儿歌大全汇编 2013-05-21英语儿歌歌词45首 2013-05-21好听的英文儿歌:雪人,你在哪儿 2013-05-21经典英文儿歌及歌词汇编 2013-05-21简单的英文儿歌歌词 2013-05-21幼儿英语儿歌大全带歌词 2013-05-21精选经典英文儿歌大全 2013-05-21英语单词儿歌归纳 2013-05-21精选简单英文儿歌 2013-05-21精选儿歌英语单词 2013-05-21简单的英语儿歌:今天天气如何 2013-05-21英文儿歌歌词45首精编 2013-05-20精选英文儿歌大全 2013-05-202013英文儿歌大全 2013-05-20英语儿歌:我的小毛驴 2013-05-20100多首好听的英文儿歌 2013-05-20经典英文儿歌及歌词收集 2013-05-20

                                         简单的英文儿歌推荐:这是一个小世界幼儿英语儿歌大全学习2013-05-202013年经典英文儿歌大全推荐 2013-05-20英语单词儿歌记忆 2013-05-20幼儿简单英文儿歌 2013-05-20最新儿歌英语单词 2013-05-20简单的英语儿歌:你的彩虹是什么颜色的? 2013-05-20英语儿歌大全精选之去动物园 2013-05-17英语儿歌大全精选之玫瑰花环 2013-05-17迪斯尼最爱英文儿歌系列:蛤蜊哟,淡菜 2013-06-14英文儿歌:感恩节之歌 2013-06-14英文儿歌大全45首精选 2013-06-142013英文儿歌大全 2013-06-14简单的英语儿歌:小动物精选 2013-06-14英文单词儿歌精选 2013-06-14简单英语儿歌:公车上的轮子 2013-06-14最新儿歌英语单词大全 2013-06-14英语儿歌大全之流浪的背包 2013-06-13英语儿歌大全精选 2013-06-13感恩节英文儿歌:五只小火鸡 2013-06-13感恩节英文儿歌:火鸡之歌精选 2013-06-13英文儿歌大全歌词大集合 2013-06-13好听的英语儿歌推荐 2013-06-13英语儿歌水果歌词 2013-06-13幼儿英语儿歌Bingo歌词 2013-06-13英语水果儿歌 2013-06-13经典英语儿歌试听 2013-06-13英文儿歌大全2013 2013-06-09英文儿歌大全附加歌词 2013-06-09简单好听的英文儿歌:不要哭 2013-06-092013英文经典儿歌大全 2013-06-09单词儿歌分类大全 2013-06-09幼儿简单英语儿歌:一闪一闪小星星 2013-06-09少儿英语单词儿歌动物类 2013-06-09英语儿歌大全之摸摸你的眼睛 2013-06-08英语儿歌大全之调皮的猴子 2013-06-08

                          英文儿歌:蛤蜊哟,淡菜英文儿歌:老丹.塔克 2013-06-08英文儿歌大全之我的小狗在哪里 2013-06-08英文儿歌大全集 2013-06-08最新好听的英文儿歌集锦 2013-06-08简单的英文儿歌:洗脸 2013-06-082013幼儿英语儿歌大全集 2013-06-08经典英文儿歌大全附带歌词 2013-06-082013年英语单词儿歌集锦 2013-06-08英语儿歌大全汇编 2013-06-08简单英文儿歌歌词全集 2013-06-08迪斯尼最爱英语儿歌大全 2013-06-07英语儿歌大全之小老鼠和大钟 2013-06-07英文儿歌:雄鹰飞翔 2013-06-07英文儿歌:青蛙跳 2013-06-07英文儿歌大合集 2013-06-07经典英文儿歌大全收藏 2013-06-07简单的英语儿歌带动唱收集 2013-06-07英文单词儿歌大全 2013-06-07英语儿歌大全带歌词 2013-06-05英文儿歌:晚安 2013-06-05英文儿歌 2013-06-05英文儿歌大全蛋头先生学习2013-06-05



Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落,It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢,It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上,And on the ships at sea.又落在航行海上的船只。by R.L.Stevenson, 1850-1894

【2】O Sailor, Come Ashore啊!水手,上岸吧

(Part I)O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧

What have you brought for me? 你给我带来什么? Red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚,Coral from the sea.红的,白的。(Part II)I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我从地下挖的,Nor pluck it from a tree;也不是从树上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴风雨的海裹 In the stormy sea.弱小昆虫做成的。by C.G.Rossetti

【3】THE WIND风(Part I)Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌? Neither I nor you;谁也没见过,不论你或我;

But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际,The wind is passing through.风正从那里吹过。

(Part II)

Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔? Neither you nor I;谁也没见过,不论你或我;

But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际,The wind is passing by.风正从那里经过。

~by C.G.Rossetti


O wind , why do you never rest, 风啊!为何你永不休止

Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸 Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨

From the dim north bringing snow? 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪。

【5】THE CUCKOO布谷鸟 In April, 四月里,Come he will, 它就来了,In May, 五月里,Sing all day, 整天吟唱多逍遥,In June, 六月里,Change his tune, 它在改变曲调,In July, 七月里,Prepare to fly, 准备飞翔,In August, 八月里,Go he must!它就得离去了!

~by Mother Goose's Nursery Rhyme 【6】COLORS颜色

What is pink? A rose is pink 什么是粉红色?

By the fountain's brink.喷泉边的玫瑰就是粉红色。

What is red? A poppy's red 什么是艳红色?

In its barley bed.在大麦床里的罂粟花就是艳红色。

What is blue? The sky is blue 什么是蔚蓝色?天空就是蔚蓝色,Where the clouds float thro'.云朵飘过其间。What is white? A swan is white 什么是白色?

Sailing in the light.阳光下嬉水的天鹅就是白色。

What is yellow? Pears are yellow, 什么是黄色?梨儿就是黄色,Rich and ripe and mellow.熟透且多汁。

What is green? The grass is green, 什么是绿色?草就是绿色,With small flowers between.小花掺杂其间。

What is violet? Clouds are violet 什么是紫色?夏日夕阳里的In the summer twilight.彩霞就是紫色。

What is orange? Why, an orange, 什么是橘色?当然啦!

Just an orange!橘子就是橘色。

by C.G.Rossetti

【7】A House Of Cards 纸牌堆成的房子(1)

A house of cards 纸牌堆成的房子

Is neat and small;洁净及小巧

Shake the table, 摇摇桌子

It must fall.它一定会倒。


Find the court cards 找出绘有人像的纸牌

One by one;一张一张地竖起

Raise it, roof it,----再加上顶盖

Now it's done;----现在房子已经盖好

Shake the table!摇摇桌子

That's the fun.那就是它的乐趣。

by C.G.Rossetti 【8】What Does Little Birdie Say?(1)

What does little birdie say, 小鸟说些什么呢?

In her nest at peep of day? 在这黎明初晓的小巢中?

Let me fly, says little birdie, 小鸟说,让我飞,Mother, let me fly away, 妈妈,让我飞走吧。

Birdie, rest a little longer, 宝贝,稍留久一会儿,Till the little wings are stronger.等到那对小翅膀再长硬些儿。So she rests a little longer, 因此它又多留了一会儿,Then she flies away.然而它还是飞走了。


What does little baby say, 婴儿说些什么,In her bed at peep of day? 在破晓时分的床上?

Baby says, like little birdie, 婴儿像小鸟那样说,Let me rise and fly away.让我起来飞走吧。

Baby, sleep a little longer, 乖乖,稍微多睡一会儿,Till the little limbs are stronger.等你的四肢再长硬点儿。

If she sleeps a little longer, 如果她再多睡一会儿,Baby too shall fly away.婴儿必然也会像鸟儿一样地飞走。

by Alfred Tennyson, 1809-1892 【9】The Star 星星(1)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star!闪耀,闪耀,小星星!

How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形,Up above the world so high, 高高挂在天空中,Like a diamond in the sky.就像天上的钻石。


When the blazing sun is gone, 灿烂太阳已西沉,When he nothing shines upon, 它已不再照万物,Then you show your little light, 你就显露些微光,Twinkle, twinkle all the night.整个晚上眨眼睛。


The dark blue sky you keep 留恋漆黑的天空

And often thro' my curtains peep, 穿过窗帘向我望,For you never shut your eye 永不闭上你眼睛

Till the sun is in the sky.直到太阳又现形。


'Tis your bright and tiny spark 你这微亮的火星,Lights the traveler in the dark;黑夜照耀着游人,Though I know not what you are 虽我不知你身形,Twinkle, twinkle, little star!闪耀,闪耀,小星星!

by Jane Taylor, 1783-1824 【10】At The Seaside 海边(1)

When I was down beside the sea 当我到海边时

A wooden spade they gave to me 他们给了我一把木铲

To dig the sandy shore.好去挖掘沙滩。


The holes were empty like a cup 挖成像杯状般的空洞

In every hole the sea camp up, 让每个洞中的海水涌现

Till it could come no more.直到它不能再涌现。

by R.L.Stevenson

【11】Boats Sail On The Rivers(1)

Boats sail on the rivers, 小舟在河上航行,And ships sail on the seas;大船在海中操轮,But clouds that sail across the sky, 然而白云飘过天空时,Are prettier far than these.比这些更为悦人。


There are bridges on the rivers, 河上有桥,As pretty as you please;如你所愿的那么悦目;

But the bow that bridges heaven, 然而横跨在穹苍的长虹,And overtops the trees, 却比树梢更高,And builds a road from earth to sky, 而能建筑一条通行天际的道路,Is prettier far than these.比这些更为美好。

by C.G.Rossetti

【12】The Swing 秋千(1)

How do you like to go up in a swing, 你喜欢荡一趟秋千,Up in the air so blue? 置身于蓝蓝的晴空吗?

Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing 啊,我认为这是小孩所能做到的 Ever a child can do.最愉快的玩耍。


Up in the air and over the wall, 越过墙外高踞天空,Till I can see so wide, 直到我能望见如此广大的世界,River and trees and cattle and all 河流、树木、牛群,Over the countryside----还有整个的乡村。


Till I look down on the garden green 直到我俯瞰着翠绿的花园

Down on the roof so brown----以及棕色的屋顶

Up in the air I go flying again 我又飞上天去,Up in the air and down!在天地间上下穿梭!

by R.L.Stevenson 【13】The Blossom 花儿(1)

Merry, merry sparrow!愉快,愉快的小麻雀!

Under leaves so green, 在如此翠绿的树叶下,A happy blossom 一朵幸福的花儿

Sees you, swift as arrow, 看着你,如箭般地敏捷,Seek your cradle narrow 在我的胸前寻找

Near my bosom.你那窄小的摇篮。


Pretty, pretty robin!漂亮,漂亮的知更鸟!

Under leaves so green, 在如此翠绿的树叶下,A happy blossom 一朵幸福的花朵

Hears you sobbing, sobbing, 听到你呜咽,呜咽,Pretty, pretty, robin, 漂亮,漂亮的知更鸟!

Near my bosom.在我的胸前盘旋。

Bring It all Back 找回自己

Don't stop, never give up, 不要停顿,永不放弃,Hold your head high高昂起头

Reach the top.到达顶峰。

Let the world see what you have got, 让世界看见你的收获,Bring it all back to you.找回自己。

Hold on what you try to be, 坚持自己想达到的境地,Your individuality.坚持自我。

When the world is on your shoulders, 当世界的重担压到了你的肩头时,Just smile and let it go.笑一笑,让它去。

If people try to put you down, 如果有人打击你,Just walk on by, don't turn around, 走过去,不要回头,You only have to answer to yourself.你只须负责自己。

Don't you know it's true what they say, 难道你不知道他们说的是真的,That life, it isn't easy, 生活,不容易,But your time's coming around, 但你的时机将会来到,So don't you stop trying.千万别停滞不进取。Dream of falling in love, 梦想自己坠入了情网,Anything you've been thinking of, 自己想过的任何事情,When the world seems to get too tough, 当世界仿佛变得太艰难时,Bring it all back to you.找回自己。

Try not to worry 'bout a thing.努力不为任何事担忧,Enjoy the times life can bring.享受生活能带来的好时光。Keep it all inside you, 让这一切留在你心里,Gotta let the feelings show.得让自己的感情流露。Imagination is the key, 幻想就是答案,'Cause you are your own destiny.因为你就是自己的命运。You never should be lonely, 你永远不必孤独,When time is on your side.当时间支持着你。

Don't you know it's true what they say, 难道你不知道他们说的是真的,Things are sent to try you.这些事都是为了考验你。But your time's coming around, 但你的时机将会来到,So don't you stop trying.千万别停滞不进取。

Don't you know it's true what they say, 难道你不知道他们说的是真的,Things happen for a reason.事情发生都有道理。

But your time's coming around, 但你的时机将会来到,So don't you stop trying.千万别停滞不进取。



















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