
时间:2019-05-13 22:34:04下载本文作者:会员上传



第一模块 货物的品质









C、凭等级买卖 D、凭产地名称买卖

3、若合同规定由品质公差条款,则在公差范围内,卖方(A)A、不得拒收货物 B、可以拒收货物 C、可以要求调整价格 D、可以拒收货物也可以要求调整价格



B、上好可销品质 C、质量劣等


5、卖方交货是因采用GMQ标准而发生争议,通常的解决方式是(C)A、根据买方所在国法律解决 B、根据卖方所在国法律解决 C、同业公会一仲裁的方式解决 D、国际法庭解决













第二模块 货物的数量


1、“以毛作净”实际上就是(B)。A、以净重作为毛重作为计价的基础 B、按毛重计算重量作为计价的基础 C、按理论重量作为计价的基础 D、按法定重量作为计价的基础


B、按重量计算 C、按长度计算



B、按长度计算 C、按重量计算



B、按面积计算 C、按体积计算



B、按面积计算 C、按体积计算















9、采用FOB术语成交,数量的机动幅度一般由(A)。A、买方和船方共同协商与以确定 B、卖方和船方共同协商与以确定 C、卖方单独确定 D、船方单独确定

10、采用CIF和CFR术语成交,数量的机动幅度一般由(B)。A、买方和船方共同协商予以确定 B、卖方和船方共同协商予以确定 C、卖方单独确定 D、船方单独确定





12、溢短装数量的计价方法包括(ABC)A、按合同价格结算 B、按装船日的行市计算

C、按货物到目的地时的世界市场价格计算 D、由仲裁机构解决 E、由卖方自行决定




第三模块 货物的包装



A.开证行 B.卖方

C.买方 D.船方









C.易于计数 D.防止错发错运



A.混杂包装 B.单件包装





A.不应包括在货物价格之内,并在合同中列示 B.应包括在货物价格之内,但必须在合同中另外列示 C.包括在货物价格之内,一般不在合同中另外列示 D.不应包括在货物价格之内,也不必在合同中列示 6.运输包装和销售包装的分类,是按(D)。


C.包装所使用的材料来划分的 D.包装在流通过程中的作用来划分的


A.运输标志 B.指示性标志

C.警告性标志 D.识别标志



A.销售包装 B.运输包装

C销售包装和运输包装 D.任何包装 9. 国际货物买卖合同中的包装条款,主要包括(ABCD)。

A.包装材料 B.包装方式

C.包装费用 D.运输标志 10.集合运输包装可以分为(ABCD)。



C集装箱 D.托盘

















第五模块 贸易术语和出口价格核算


1.贸易术语在国际贸易中的主要作用是(ABCD)。A.简化交易手续 B.明确交易双方责任 C.缩短磋商时间 D.节省费用开支


A.运输工具上 B.装运港船边

C.装运港船舷 D.装运港船上

3.根据《2010年通则》的解释,按CFR术语成交,卖方无义务(C)。A.提交货运单据 B.租船订舱 C.办理货运保险 D.取得出口许可证

4.按照《2010年通则》的解释,采用CIF条件成交时,货物装船时从吊钩脱落掉人海里造成的损失由(A)。A.卖方负担 B.买方负担 C.承运人负担 D.买卖双方共同负担

5.按照《2010年通则》的解释,CIF与CFR的主要区别在于(B)。A.办理租船订舱的责任方不同 B.办理货运保险的责任方不同 C.风险划分的界限不同


6.我国出口公司向德国出口核桃3000公吨,一般应采用(D)贸易术语为好。A.FOB汉堡 B.FOB青岛 C.FOB北京机场 D.CIF汉堡

7.在实际业务中,FOB条件下,买方常委托卖方代为租船、订舱,其费用由买方负担。如到期订不到舱,租不到船,(A)。A.卖方不承担责任,其风险由买方承担 B.卖方承担责任,其风险也由卖方承担 C. 买卖双方共同承担责任、风险 D.双方均不承担责任,合同停止履行


B.租船订舱并支付运费 C.货物于装运港越过船舷以前的一切风险 D.办理出口通关手续


B.风险转移均为装运港船舷 C.买卖双方责任划分基本相同

D.交货地点均为装运港 10.价格条款的正确写法是(D)。

A.每件3.50元CIF香港 B.每件3.50美元CIF C.每件3.50元CIFC伦敦

D.每件3.50美元CIF C 2%伦敦



3.以下的价格表示法是否正确:DM75.00CIF Hamburg。





(N)8.价格条款包括计量单位、单位价格金额、计价货币和价格术语。(N)4 9.佣金和折扣都是在收到全部货款之后再支付的。


第六模块 国际货物运输



A.装卸费,不计滞期费、速遣费 B.装卸费,但计滞期费、速遣费 C.卸货费和应计滞期费,不计速遣费 D.卸货费和速遣费,不计滞期费 2.当贸易术语采用CIF时,海运提单对运费的表示应为(A)。A.Freight Prepaid B.Freight Collect C. Freight Prepayable D.Freight Unpaid 3.国际多式联合运输是以至少两种不同的运输方式将货物从一国境内接受货物的地点运至另一国境内指定交付货物的地点的运输,它由(A)。

A.一个联运经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按全程费率一次计收 B.一个联运经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按不同运输方式分别计收 C全程运输方式的经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按全程费率一次计收 D.多种运输方式,分别经营,分别计费 4.班轮运输的特点是(ABCD)。




D.双方权利、义务\责任豁免以船公司签发的提单的有关规定为依据 5.装运期的规定办法通常有(AB)。

A.明确规定具体装运期限 B.规定在收到信用证后若干天

C.规定在某一天装运完毕 D.笼统规定近期装运

6.在定程租船方式下,我国对装卸费的收取采用较为普遍的办法是(A)。A.船方不负担装卸费 B.船方负担装卸费

C.船方只负担装货费,而不负担卸货费 D.船方只负担卸货费,而不负担装货费 7.按提单对货物表面状况有无不良批注,可分为(AB)。A.清洁提单 B.不清洁提单 C.记名提单 D.不记名提单 8.在进出口业务中,能够作为物权凭证的运输单据有(B)。A.铁路运单 B.海运提单 C.航空运单 D.邮包收据 9.在业务中,出口商完成装运后,凭(C)向船公司换取正式提单。A.发货单 B.收货单 C.大副收据 D.商业发票































A、共同海损的危险必须是实际存在的,不是主观臆测的 B、消除船、货共同危险而采取的措施必须是合理的 C、必须是属于非正常性质的损失



B、被保险人的过失 C、市场行情变化

















C、保险标的物不可能归还保险人 D、施救费用和救助费用超过保险价值















C、先接受委付,然后撤回 D、接受委付,不得撤回























1. 某银行签发一张汇票,以另一家银行为受票人,则这张汇票是(BD)A.商业汇票 B.银行汇票 C.商业承兑汇票 D.银行承兑汇票 2. 在信用证结算方式下,汇票的受款人通常的抬头方式是(B)A.限制性抬头 B.指示性抬头 C.持票人抬头 D.来人抬头 3.属于顺汇方法的支付方式是(A)A.汇付 B.托收 C.信用证 D.银行保函

4.所谓信用证“严格相符”的原则,是指受益人必须做到(B)A.单证与合同严格相符 B.单证与信用证严格相符 C.信用证与合同严格相符 D.单证与信用证、合同严格相符 5.属于银行信用的国际贸易支付方式是(C)A.汇付 B.托收 C.信用证 D.票汇

6.在国际贸易中,用以统一解释调和信用证各有关当事人矛盾的国际惯例是(B)A.《托收统一规则》 B.《国际商会第600号出版物》 C.《合约保证书统一规则》 7.一张有效的信用证,必须规定一个(B)A.装运期 B.有效期 C.交单期 D.议付期

8.按照《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定,受益人最后向银行交单议付的期限是不迟于提单签发日的(C)A.11 B.15 C.21 D.25 9.保兑行对保兑信用证承担的付款责任是(A)

A.第一性的 B.第二性的 C.第三性的 D.第四性的 10.受益人开立远期汇票但可通过贴现即期足额收款的信用证是(C)A.即期信用证 B.远期信用证 C.假远期信用证 D.预支信用证 11.信用证的第一付款人是(B)。A.进口商 B.开征行 C.出口商 D.通知行

12.汇票有远期和即期之分,在托收业务中,(C)。A.只使用远期汇票 B.只使用即期汇票 C.有时使用远期汇票,有时使用即期汇票


1.根据国际惯例,凡信用证上未注明可否转让字样,即视为可转让信用证。N 2.不可撤销信用证列有装运期,而未列有效期,按《国际商会500号出版物》,应在最后装运期前向银行交单。Y 3.在保兑信用证下就付款责任而言开证行和保兑行同样负第一性付款的责任。Y 4.在承兑交单情况下,是由代收行对汇票进行承兑后,向进口商交单。N 5.在票汇情况下,买方购买银行汇票径寄卖方,因采用的是银行汇票,故这种付款方式属于银行信用。N 7 6.在一般情况下,汇票一经付款,出票人对汇票的责任即告解除。Y 7.贴现是指远期汇票经承兑后,汇票持有人在汇票尚未到期前在贴现市场上转让,受让人扣除贴现息后将票款付给出票人的行为,或是指银行购买未到期票据的业务。Y 8.电汇收取外汇的时间较短,出口商可尽快收回货款,加速资金周转,节约利息支出,同时由于收汇时间短,一定程度上可减少汇率波动的风险。Y

第九模块 货物的检验


1.若使买方在目的港对所收货物无权提出异议,商品检验应(A)。A.以离岸品质、离岸重量为准 B.以到岸品质、到岸重量为准 C.以离岸品质、到岸数量为准 D.以到岸品质、离岸数量为准

2.在国际货物销售合同的商品检验条款中,关于检验时间与地点,目前使用最多的是(C)。A.在出口国检验 B.在进口国检验 C.在出口国检验在进口国复验

D.出口国检验、进口国复检,再到第三国检验 3.对技术密集型产品,易在(AD)。A.出厂前检验 B.装船前检验 C.目的港检验 D.最终用户所在地检验 4.“离岸数量、到岸品质”多用于(B)。A.小批量零星交易 B。大宗商品交易 C.卖方承担责任较小交易


5.商检部门对进出口商品的质量、规格、等级进行检验后出具的是(A)。A.品质检验证书 B.重量检验证书 C.数量检验证书 D.卫生检验证书


B.出口国装运港(地)检验;进口国目的港(地)检验 C.装船前或装船时在装运港检验 D.在进口国检验


7.我国出口冻禽、冻兔、皮张、毛类、猪鬃、肠衣等货物时,需提供(D)。A.品质检验证书 B.重量检验证书 C.价值检验证书 D.兽医检验证书 E.残损检验证书

8.我国商检机构的基本任务是(ABC)。A.实施法定检验 B.实施监督管理 C.办理公证鉴定业务 D.进行对外索赔 9.商品检验证书在国际贸易中的作用是(ABCDE)。A.证明卖方所交货物是否符合合同规定的依据 B.对外索赔的依据 C.仲裁机构受理案件的依据

D.海关通关放行的有效证件 E.银行付款的主要依据



B.我国《食品卫生法》和《进出境动植物检疫法》规定的商品 C.我国《进出境动植物检疫法》规定的商品 D.我国《食品卫生法》规定的商品








第十模块 货物的索赔


1.交易一方认为对方未能全部或部分履行合同规定责任与义务而引起的纠纷是(A)。A.争议 B.违约 C.索赔 D.理赔

2.双方当事人在合同中明确规定“货物运抵目的港后30天内索赔”。这种索赔期限是(B),A.法定索赔期限 B.约定索赔期限 C.固定索赔期限 D.变动索赔期限


B.货物运抵目的港(地)后卸离海轮后X火天 C.货物运抵最终目的地后XX天户 D.货物装上船后XX天内

4.《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》规定的索赔期限为买方实际收到货物后(D)内。A.半年 B.1年 C.1年半 D.2年

5.我与外商按CIF条件成交某商品1 000打,允许卖方有5%溢短装幅度,我实际装1 000打(提单也载明 000~'1),货抵目的港后,买方即来函反映仅收到948打,并已取得船公司短少证明,向我索赔。我方正确答复应是:(C)。A.同意补装52打 B.同意退2打货款 C.请与海运公司和中国人民保险公司或其代理联系 D.与海运公司联系

6、国际贸易中的索赔案件,多数原因是(ABCD)。A.卖方所交货物品质与合同规定不符 B.卖方所交货物数量与合同规定不符 C.卖方不按期交货 D.买方未及时开证

7.涉及国际货物买卖的索赔,通常包括(ABCD)。A.买卖双方之间的贸易索赔 B.卖方向承运人提出的运输索赔 C.买方向承运人提出的运输索赔 D.卖方向保险人提出的保险索赔 8.索赔期限的规定方法有(ABCD)。A.约定索赔期限 B.货到目的港后XX天索赔 C.货到目的港卸至码头后XX天索赔 D.货到最终目的地后xx天索赔

9.进出口合同中索赔条款有两种规定方式(CD)A.异议条款 B.索赔条款 C.罚金条款 D.异议和索赔条款 10.异议和索赔条款包括(ABD)。A.索赔依据 B.索赔期限 C.索赔处理办法 D.索赔金额

11.合同中的违约金条款应订明(ABD)。A.违约金的金额 B违约金的计算方法 C.违约金的功能 D.违约金的起算日期 12.大陆法系国家认为,违约金的功能是(AC)。A.制裁违约 B保证合同履行 C.赔偿损失 D.预防违约




第十一模块 不可抗力


1.不可抗力免除了遭受意外事故的一方当事人(A)。A.履行合同的责任 B.对损害赔偿的责任 C.交付货物的责任 D.支付货款的责任

2.我与外商按CIF条件成交某商品1 000打,允许卖方有5%溢短装幅度,我实际装1 000打(提单也载明1000~1),货抵目的港后,买方即来函反映仅收到948打,并已取得船公司短少证明,向我索赔。我方正确答复应是:(C)。A.同意补装52打 B.同意退2打货款 C.请与海运公司和中国人民保险公司或其代理联系 D.与海运公司联系




C.不能预见、不能避免、不能克服、可以预防的事件 D.可以预见、不能避免的事件

4.当卖方因不可抗力事故造成履行出口交货困难时,按照法律和惯例(D)。A.只能免除交货责任 B.只能展延交货日期 C.减少交货的数量



A.意外事故的发生是偶然性的,是当事人无法预见或控制克服的 B.意外事故必须发生在合同签订之后

C.由于合同双方当事人自身的过失或疏忽而导致的 D.不是因为合同双方当事人自身的过失或疏忽导致的 6.下列属于不可抗力事故的是(ABCD)。A.水灾 B.地震 C.政府禁令 D.通货膨胀

7.不可抗力引起的后果主要是(BCD)。A.支付违约金 B.解除合同 C.延期履行合同 D.订立新合同 8.合同中不可抗力条款应包括(ABCD)。A.不可抗力事故范围 B.不可抗力事故的处理

C.不可抗力事故发生后通知对方的期限、方式 D.证明文件及出证机构

9.合同中规定不可抗力范围的方式有(BCD)A.分类式 D.概括式 C.综合式 D.列举式


A.要求进口方按期付款 B.要求免除对买方的赔偿责任 C.要求撤销合同 D.要求延期履行合同


1.不可抗力事故是当事人不能预见、不能避免、不能控制或克服的。Y 2.不可抗力事故一定不是因合同当事人自身的过失或疏忽导致的。Y 3.一旦在合同订立后出现不可抗力事故,遭受损害的一方当事人即可解除合同。N 4.在不可抗力范围问题上,易产生分歧的是自然力量事故。Y 5.供货方如果生产机器发生故障,可援引不可抗力条款要求延期交货。N 6.在不可抗力条款中必须订明一方发生不可抗力事故后通知对方的期限和方式。Y 7.如果采用概括式说明不可抗力事故范围,易因双方当事人意见不一致而影响合同效力。Y 8.从欧洲某商进口在当地通常可以买到的某化工产品,在约定交货前,该商所属生产上述产品的工厂之一因爆炸被毁,该商要求援引不可抗力免责条款解除交货责任。对此,我方应予同意。N 9.援引不可抗力条款的法律后果是撤销合同或推迟合同的履行。Y

10、不可抗力属于免责条款。Y 11




1、仲裁协议是仲裁机构受理争议案件的必要依据。仲裁协议(C)达成。A、必须在争议发生之前 B、只能在争议发生之后 C、既可以在争议发生之前,也可以在争议发生之后 D、必须在争议发生的过程中

2、国际贸易中,解决交易双方所发生的争议方式很多,包括(ABCD)。A、协商 B、调解 C、仲裁 D、诉讼

3、关于仲裁地点有以下各种不同的规定,其中对我方最有利的一种是(C)。A、在双方同意的第三国仲裁 B、在被诉人所在国仲裁 C、在我国仲裁 D、在对方国仲裁


A、最终裁决 B、中间裁决 C、部分裁决 D、全部裁决


A、两者审理案件的机构性质相同 B、两者审理制度相同 C、两者均是按照一定程序进行审理 D、两者审理的依据相同

6、以仲裁方式解决交易双方争议的必要条件是(A)。A、交易双方当事人订有仲裁协议 B、交易双方当事人订有合同 C、交易双方当事人订有意向书 D、交易双方当事人订有交易协议

7、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会是我国的(A)。A 官方性常设仲裁机构 B 民间性常设仲裁机构 C 官方性临时仲裁机构 D 民间性临时仲裁机构

8、国际商会国际仲裁院设在(C)。A、德国 B、英国 C、法国 D、意大利


A、终局性的 B、可更改的 C、无约束力 D、不确定的

10、在国际贸易中,仲裁机构有两种,它们是(CD)。A、国际性仲裁机构 B、地方性仲裁机构 C、临时性仲裁机构 D、常设性仲裁机构









8、仲裁协议的核心作用是排除法院对该争议案件的管辖权 Y









Part I: Multiple Choices(Choose the Best Answer for Each of the Following Questions)

1.The one who buy insurance is called()A.an insurance company

C.the insured

B.a broker

D.an insurer 2.What is the name given to the sum of money which a person agrees to pay to an insurance company? A.compensation



3.An insurance agreement is called an()? A.insurance policy

C.insurance cover

B.insurance contract

D.insurance document D.commission 4.Under FOB contract, the()is to arrange insurance.A.seller



D.carrier 5.When the seller contracts for insurance, it is a(n)()contract.A.CFR



6.The one who lodges a claim is known as an().A.insurer

C.insurance broker

B.the insured

D.claimant D.CIF 7.()does not have the normally accepted meaning, but means loss in the insurance business.A.Partial loss


B.Total loss

D.Average8.()is the broadest kind of coverage but does not include all risks.A.Free of Particular Average

C.With particular Average

B.All Risks 9.Risk of breakage is considered to be the()A.Free of Particular Average

C.General additional risks

B.With Average

D.Special additional risks D.TPND 10.The person to whom the goods are shipped is called _______.A.the consignor

C.the shipper

B.the consignee

D.the manufacturer 11.As Swedish arbitrators often are()lawyers, the arbitrators’ fees are usually in line with those of lawyers.A.practice



D.practised 12.The Institute may also decide to discharge an arbitrator on the()of any lawful excuse or failure to perform his duties in an adequate manner.A.basis



D.ground 13.If the institute has requested a party to perform any act within a()time, such time limit may be extended by the Institute.A.specified



D.limited14.If an arbitrator is replaced in the course of the proceedings, the newly()tribunal shall decide whether and to what extent a prior oral hearing shall be repeated.A.comprised



D.built 15.The arbitrators are()to receive remuneration for their work in accordance with the principles stated above and, in addition, to receive reimbursement of their expenses.A.entitled



D.required 16.The international uniform customs practice in written for documentary collection is().A.UCP600


B.ISP98 17.The payer of promissory note is the().A.drawer


B.drawee 18.()needn’t draft generally.A.Open Negotiation L/C

C.Deferred payment L/C

B.Sight Payment L/C 19.The Opening Banks of L/C deal with().A.services



D.performance to which the documents may relate 20.According to UCP600, if there is no indication in the credit of the insurance coverage required, the amount of insurance coverage must be at least()of the CIF or CIP value of the goods.A.110%


D.Restricted Negotiation L/C D.creditor D.URC522 2 C.100%


21.If the cargoes are not discharged from the ship or lighter, then the time of insurance duty under war risks shall be limited to()days counting from the midnight of the day when the vessel arrives at the port of destination.A.15 days

C.60 days

B.30 days

22.WPA is()in Chinese.A.平安险



D.战争险 D.2 years 23.The Ad.V.standard for liner freight is calculated on the basis of().A.CIF price

C.CFR price

B.FCA price

24.Unless the Credit stipulates otherwise,().A.Partial shipments and transshipments are allowed B.Partial shipments and transshipments are not allowed C.transshipments are not allowed, but Partial shipments are allowed D.transshipments are allowed, but Partial shipments are not allowed 25.The net weight and G.W for some goods is 28kgs per piece and 30kgs respectively.Its measurement is 45CMX35CMX22CM per piece.If the calculation standard for liner’s freight tariff is W/M10, the shipping company will calculate the freight()

A.on the basis of net weight

C.on the basis of measurement

B.at the shipper’s option

26.The most frequently used pricing methods is()A.fixed pricing

C.Partial fixed price and partial unfixed price

B.flexible pricing

D.Floating pricing).D.at the carrier’s option D.FOB price 27.In international export practice, in case we conclude a FOB or CFR contract with the buyer abroad, unless otherwise agreed, we must give the buyer notice that the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, so as to enable him to()in time.A.arrange shipment

C.take delivery

B.cover insurance

D.open L/C 28.The CIF contract is a typical “document transaction” or “()”.A.dependent transaction

C.symbolic delivery

B.physical delivery

D.arrival contract 29.The variations of CFR involve only the problem of who is to pay()charges, with nothing to do with the place of delivery or the place of risk separation.A.loading




30.In INCOTERMS 2000, under()trade term, the customs declaration for import is the responsibility of seller.A.EXW



D.FOB 31.Which of the following expressions to quality is right and proper?()A.Chinese Groundnut, Moisture 13%, Admixture 5%, Oil content 44%.B.Cloth Doll Sample No.123, quality to be completely equal to the sample.C.Tetracycline HCL Tablets, Sugar Coated, 250mg, B.P.D.grey duck's down, duck's down content 18%(1% more or 2% less)“.32.If no expiry date for presentation of documents is stipulated in L/C, banks will not accept documents presented to them later than()days after the date of shipment.A.15



D.60 33.In Credit operations all parties concerned deal with().A.goods



D.other performances to which the documents may relate 34.If the cargoes are not discharged from the ship or lighter, then the time of insurance duty under war risks shall be limited to()days counting from the midnight of the day when the vessel arrives at the port of destination.A.15 days

C.60 days

B.30 days

D.2 years 35.Under ICC, the insurer will bear the maximum responsibility if ICC()is adopted.A.A



D.Malicious risks 36.The net weight and G.W.for some goods is 30kgs per piece and 34kgs respectively.Its measurement is 45CMX35CMX20CM per piece.If the calculation standard for liner’s freight tariff is W/M10, the shipping company will calculate the freight()

A.on the basis of net weight

C.on the basis of measurement

B.on the basis of gross weight

D.at the carrier’s option

37.As for the(), the charter will employ the master and take charge of the deployment and management of the ship.A.Voyage Charter

C.Bare-boat Charter

B.Time Charter

D.Liner 38.The Ad.V.standard for liner freight is calculated on the basis of().4 A.CIF price

C.CFR price

B.FCA price

little damaged” on the B/L.This B/L is a/an().A.Clean B/L

C.To order B/L

B.Unclean B/L

D.Shipped B/L D.FOB price 39.The shipping company makes a notation such as “Few carton bottom little wet”、“Some carton 40.When a company negotiates payment through bank, which kind of B/L will the bank accept?().A.Clean on board B/L

C.Unclean B/L

B.Received for shipment B/L 41.COD is the abbreviation of().A.Cash of Delivery

C.Cash of Document

B.Cash on Delivery

D.Cash on Document D.Ante-dated B/L42.It should be stressed that the scope of INCOTERMS is limited to matters relating to the rights and obligations of the parties to the S/C with respect to the delivery of goods sold in the sense of,()A.“merchantable”

C.“tangible” such as stationary


D.“intangible” such as software

43.If the parties to a sales contract do not in advance agree upon whether the quantity of goods is determined by gross weight or net weight, it will be determined by().A.gross weight or net weight

C.tare weight

B.net weight

D.gross weight 44.According to the CISG, if the quantity delivered by the seller is greater than of the contract, the buyer can refuse().A.all the goods

C.the quantity stipulated in S/C

B.the excess part of the whole quantity

D.the quantity stipulated in L/C 45.Suppose you are an export and your business place is in China, which one of the following quotation is correct?()A.USD150 PER BALE FOB NEW YORK


D.HKD50 PER PAIR GUANGZHOU 46.Contracts must renewed one week _____their expiration.A.on

C.the moment of



47.The commodities you offered are _____line with the business scope of our clients.5 A.outside


B.out of


48.We are arranging for an inspection tour of _____the material was processed.A.place


B.the place

D.there 49.We are reconsidering those trade terms _____might be adverse to the interest of our principals.A.what




50.We find that there is no stipulation of transshipment _____in the relative L/C.A.allowing

C.which allowed

B.which allows

D.being allowed 51.After unpacking the case we found that the goods did not ______with the original sample.A.match


B.come up

D.measure 52.If the first shipment ______ , we guarantee that we will send you many repeat orders.A.match


B.come up

D.measure 53.It is necessary that an arbitration clause ________in the contract.A.will be included

C.be included

B.must be included

D.has been included 54.Please see that your written confirmation ________by the end of this month, otherwise we will be free form the obligation for this offer.A.reaches us

C.reach us

B.will reach us

D.reached us 55.That helps to explain ______businesses are setting up Net sites even though profits aren’t yet very big.A.that


B.the reason for

D.why that 56.We wish to stress that shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as a further ______will not be considered by our end-users.A.prolong




57.With computer users linked to the Internet growing _____every year, business is trying to cash in on the worldwide network.A.at million

C.with one million

B.with a million

D.by millions

58.We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still______.A.owned




59.________you fulfill the terms of the L/C, we will accept the drafts drawn under this credit.A.Provided

C.In the case

B.To provide

D.Only if 60.Kindly advise us of the steamers that call _______your port every month.A.at



D.for61.It should be _____if you could immediately ________what quantity you can supply us at present.A.thankful, advise

C.appreciated, advise

B.appreciate, advise

D.appreciating, inform 62.We thank you for your e-mail of November 25__B____your purchase of 10 M/T wild rice.A.confirm

C.to confirm


D.confirmed 63.Subject to satisfactory arrangements ______terms and conditions, we should be pleased to act as your sole agent.A.as

C.as if

B.as per

D.as to 64.Our usual terms of payment are _______L/C and we hope they will be satisfactory ______you.A.by, for

C.for, to

B.by, to

D.for, with 65.That helps to explain why businesses are setting up Net sites ______ profits aren’t yet very big.A.even

C.even though


D.why that 66.The contract between a party who agrees to accept the risk and a party seeking protection from the risk a contract of _________.A.payment



D.insurance 67.The customs duties act _______an essential leverage on regulating import and export behavior.A at



D.to 68.The Chinese word “运单” is translated as________.7 A.invoice



D.Contract 69.When we want to buy something from other countries, we should make ________ first.A.an offer

C.a confirmation

B.a inquiry

70.Swedish Krona is the currency of ________.A.Singapore

C.Sri Lanka


71.Cairo is a city of _______.A.Sri Lanka



D.Indonesia D.Sweden D.an acceptance 72.In the contract, usually there is a ________ clause to protect the buyer against loss from delay of the shipment of the goods.A.payment



D.quality 73.This contract is made _______ Dalian International Economical Trade Co.and Kich Boro International Limited.A.among



D.by 74.In foreign trade business, the trade terms CFR is often used, CFR is the abbreviation for _______.A.cost, insurance and freight

C.cost and freight

B.commercial invoice

D.consular invoice

Keys to multiple choices:


C C A D B B C C 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 B D B B C B B C 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 A A D C D C D B 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 C B A A B A B C 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 D A C A C C C 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 D D A B D C D 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 D A B C B D B 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 B B C D C C C 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 C C D B B A B 10 20 30.40 50 60 70 B A B A D A D

Part II: True or False 1.Exporting gives a manufacturer a large market for his products, while imports have unfavorable effects on the home market.2.Some commodities, like tea and wool, are sold on a tale quail basis and the buyer has to inspect a consignment himself.3.Immediate delivery is known as a future contract.4.Quoting firm prices for many months ahead involves little risk.5.Hedging is an operation adopted by merchants and others in the commodity markets who deal in futures to protect themselves against risk of loss, caused by future changes in price.6.The prices of produce remain unchanged for weeks and months, so buyers can place orders on the basis of printed price lists.7.The manufacturer may appoint a foreign agent who acts as a principal and pays for the goods himself.8.A closed indent is one which names the supplier of the goods required.9.A clearing agent is usually skilled in completing the formalities needed to clear goods through the Customs.10.Advertising aims to make a product or service known to the public in order to sell it.11.An offer may not indicate the terms of payment.12.The price-list and catalogues sent to some companies are also offers with binding effect.13.According to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, an acceptance with non-material alterations or additions can still constitute a valid acceptance..14.According to the CISG, a late acceptance caused by abnormal transmission of the post office is nevertheless effective unless the offeror shows objection without delay.15.Landed quality refers to the quality of the goods re-inspected upon their arrival at the port of destination.16.After issued of the letter of credit, the Issuing Bank may refuse payment if the applicant becomes bankrupt.17.After the negotiating bank negotiates the documents, which are refused by the opening bank later, the negotiating bank may ask the beneficiary for repayment.18.According to the UCP600, a freely negotiable credit must stipulate a place for presentation of documents for negotiation.19.If the L/C prohibits partial shipments and the goods are shipped in full quantity with the price not reduced, a short drawing of 5 percent in the amount is permissible.20.If the Issuing Band appoints the Bank of China as its Advising Bank of L/C, then the Issuing Bank may ask the Bank of Asia to advise amendments to the L/C.21.A bank will only accept a clean transport document.A clean transport document is one bearing no clause or notation expressly declaring a defective condition of the goods or their packaging.The word “clean” need not appear on a transport document, even if a credit has a requirement for that transport document to be “clean on board”.22.The date of the insurance document must be no later than the date of shipment, unless it appears from the insurance document that the cover is effective from a date not later than the date of shipment.23.The war risks both under CIC and ICC are can be covered independently.24.Insurance against F.P.A.means that the insured cannot obtain compensation from the insurer if particular average occurs.25.The insurance endorsement cannot be used as a dependent document.It is only a supplementary document attached to insurance policy or certificate.26.Warsaw-Oxford Rules clearly explain the thirteen kinds of trade terms in current use.27.According to INCOTERMS2000, FCA is suitable for all kinds of transportation.28.The main difference between a CIF contract and a DES contract lies in the fact that the former is a symbolic delivery of goods, whereas the latter is a physical delivery of goods.29.In general, soft currency should be chosen for exports and hard currency for imports.30.The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not limit the forms of contracts.31.The “receipt rule” insists that delaying or missing of an acceptance on the way constitutes an effective contract.32.The conformity of goods with samples refers, according to the CISG, to the conformity of the quantity, quality, description and packing of goods with those of the sample.33.When the goods do not conform to the sales contract, the bank may stop payment immediately even if the documents are correct and complete.34.According to INCOTERMS 2000, FAS is suitable for all kinds of transportation.35.Unless otherwise stated in the Credit, a transferable Credit can be transferred more than once.36.After issued of the letter of credit, the Issuing Bank may refuse payment if the applicant becomes bankrupt.37.According to the UCP500, a freely negotiable credit must stipulate a place for presentation of documents for negotiation.38.When the goods are posted, the latest date of shipment refers to the date of Post Receipt.39.If the Issuing Band appoints the Bank of China as its Advising Bank of L/C, then the Issuing Bank may ask the Bank of Asia to advise amendments to the L/C.40.The instrument of payment used in M/T is cheque.41.According to international trade practice, you cannot have the goods insured if you did not have insurable interest in the goods.42.Under CIC, no additional risk can be purchased to insure goods independently.43.The insurance endorsement cannot be used as a dependent document.It is only a supplementary document attached to insurance policy or certificate.44.Institute Cargo Clause(A)has the widest coverage among all its clauses.10 45.When there are optional ports in the S/C, where the goods are to be unloaded must be decided and confirmed by the buyer at least 48 hours before the ship arrives at the first optional port.46.A letter of indemnity is issued by the seller to the buyer to certify that the goods delivered are in good condition.47.When the ship-owner speeds up his ship and arrives at the destination at an earlier date than is stipulated, he can obtain dispatch money from the shipper.48.According to the interpretation of the Revised American Foreign Trade Definition, FAS is suitable for all kinds of transportation.49.The Neutral packing means the packing without the name of the origin.50.Price terms are mainly applied to determining the prices of commodities in international trade.51.Warsaw-Oxford Rules clearly explain the thirteen kinds of trade terms in current use.52.As an exporter, you concluded a deal with an American on basis of EXW;then your transaction risk is reduced the minimum degree.53.According to the interpretation of the Revised American Foreign Trade Definition, FAS is suitable for all kinds of transportation.54.On CIP terms, the seller must pay the freight rate and insurance premium as well as bear all the risks until the goods have arrived at the destination.55.A letter of indemnity is issued by the seller to the buyer to certify that the goods delivered are in goods condition.56.According to the UCP 500, a bill of lading which is issued subject to a Charter Party must be accepted unless the Credit stipulates otherwise.57.When you transport your goods by a Time Charter, you have to pay for loading and unloading.58.When the ship-owner speeds up his ship and arrives at the destination at an earlier date than is stipulated, he can obtain dispatch money from the shipper.59.When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within the stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to the ship-owner.60.Sometimes when the buyer cannot determine a specific port of discharge, he may require two or three ports to be written on the contract for option.61.When there are optional ports in the contract, the goods may be unloaded at any one of the ports at the shipping company’s disposal.62.When importing on FOB terms, we can generally stipulate the port of discharge.14 An order bill of lading may be negotiable after being endorsed.63.A bill of lading is a transport contract in which the shipping company promises to transport the goods received to the destination.64.In China, insurance companies do not accept insurance based on Institute Cargo Clause.65.Institute Cargo Clause(A)has the widest coverage among all its clauses.66.Almost all the insurance companies provide door-to-door coverage service.67.Insurance against F.P.A.means that the insured cannot obtain compensation from the insurer if particular average occurs.11 68.If you have insured your goods against All Risks, you will get compensated whatever risks occurs to your goods.69.The quantity terms of goods is one the conditions of an effective sales contract.70.In international trade, only the Metric System is allowed to indicate the quantity of goods.71.If the parties to a sales contract do not in advance agree upon whether the quantity of goods is determined by gross weight or net weight, it will be determined by gross weight.72.Net weight refers to the actual tare of all the packing materials.73.Conditioned weight is, in fact, the actual weight of the moisture of a certain commodity.74.The quantity terms of goods is one the conditions of an effective sales contract.75.In international trade, only the Metric System is allowed to indicate the quantity of goods.76.If the parties to a sales contract do not in advance agree upon whether the quantity of goods is determined by gross weight or net weight, it will be determined by gross weight.77.Net weight refers to the actual tare of all the packing materials.78.Conditioned weight is, in fact, the actual weight of the moisture of a certain commodity.79.According to the CISG, if the quantity delivered by the seller is greater than that of the contract, the buyer can refuse all the goods.80.The more or less Clause in a S/C allows the seller to deliver as more or as fewer goods as possible.81.The only weakness of delivering fewer goods than stipulated is that the seller gets less paid.82.The Beneficiary of a letter of credit may indicate his acceptance or rejection of the amendments till when he presents the relevant documents.83.In our country goods for export must go through customs clearance.84.When exporting goods on CFR, CPT or FOB terms, the seller must pay the insurance premium.85.According to UCP500, if documents are in correspondence with L/C’s stipulations, discrepancies between the documents themselves are allowed.86.Banks will refuse to pay if the documents which are not required by the L/C are presented to them.87.When documents are presented to the Opening Bank, they shall be examined carefully within one month.Keys to True or False:


0 2.T







09.T 11.T

12.F 13.F 14.T 15.T 16.F 17.T 18.F 19.T 21.T

22.T 23.F 24.F

25.T 26.F

27.T 28.T 29.F 31.F

32.T 33.F 34.F


36.F 37.F


39.F 41.F


43.T 44.T 45.T

46.F 47.F 48.T 49.T 51.F


53.T 54.F 55.F


57.T 58.F 59.T 61.F


63.T 64.T 65.F

66.T 67.T 68.T


10.T20.F 30.T40.F50.F 60.T 70.T 71.F


73.F 74.T 75.F


77.F 78.F

79.F 80.F 81.F


83.T 84.F


86.F 87.F

Part III: Definitions 1.tariff 23.clean draft 2.surtax 24.TT 3.anti-dumping duty

25.documentary letter of credit

4.specific duty 26.sight L/C 5.ad valorem duty 27.standby L/C 6.quota 28.particular average 7.import license 29.general average 8.foreign exchange control 30.partial loss 9.shipper 31.constructive total loss

10.charter party

32.open policy 11.shipped B/L 33.warranty 12.clean B/L 34.receipt 13.straight B/L 35.acceptance 14.order B/L 36.force majeure event 15.stale B/L 37.private dispute resolution

16.foreign exchange 38.mediation 17.exchange rate 39.consular invoice 18.offer rate(of foreign exchange)

40.Customs invoice 19.definite offer 41.certificate of origin

20.acceptance 42.pro-forma invoice 21.commercial draft 43.packing list 22.usance draft 44.mate’s receipt

Keys to the Definitions:

1.A tariff is duty or fee is levied on goods being imported into(or exported out of)a country.2.Surtax is an additional tax.It may also be temporary and discriminatory.In international trade, import surtax is often collected to cope with international payment difficulties and to prevent dumping.3.Anti-dumping duty is a fee that is collected by the importing country when it believes that the exporting country is selling a significant amount of goods to the importing country at prices much lower than in the exporting country.4.Specific duty is a tax of a certain sum assessed and collected on an article without reference to its value or market.5.Ad valorem duty is a tax which is graded according to the cost, or market value, of the article taxed.6.A quota is a quantitative restriction or an upper limit in terms of physical quantity or value.7.An import license is a permit for import issued by the government to control the import of goods.8.Foreign exchange control means various forms of restriction imposed by a government on the purchase/sale of foreign currencies by residents or on the purchase/sale of local currency by nonresidents.9.Shipper: the person who makes the contract with the carrier and hands over the goods for carriage.10.Charter party: a written contract in charter shipping between the ship operator and the charterer(shipper)11.Shipped B/L: a B/L indicating that the goods have been shipped or loaded on board on a named vessel, as evidenced by the pre-printed wording or the on board notation on the bill of lading 12.Clean B/L: a B/L bearing an indication that the goods are received without damage, irregularities or short shipment 13.Straight B/L: a non-negotiable B/L in which the goods are consigned to a designated party 14.Order B/L: a negotiable bill of lading in which the goods are consigned to the order of a named party, usually the shipper 15.Stale B/L: a B/L that is negotiated when the L/C has expired or one that will reach the consignee after the arrival of the cargo 16.Foreign exchange is the currency of any foreign country which is the authorized instrument of settlement and the basis for record keeping in that country 17.Like any other commodities, a foreign exchange has a price, which is expressed in another currency.Exchange rate is the price relationship between the currencies of two countries or the price of one currency in terms of the other.18.Offer rate is the price at which a bank is willing to sell foreign exchange to its customers.19.A definite offer is one that clearly expresses the offerer’s willingness in concluding a transaction by providing complete and clear information for the deal.Normally it includes all the necessary items for a transaction, specifies the time by which the offer is valid and the time the acceptance must be received, and uses the phrase “offer firm” meaning that the offer is made without reservations.20.An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer.21.A commercial draft is a payment order issued by a firm, not a bank, directing another party to pay a specified sum to the payee.22.A usance draft is an order of payment that will be made in a specified number of days after issue or acceptance of the draft or at a fixed future date.23.A clean draft is one that is paid without the presentation of any other documents attached.24.TT is a method of transferring funds by telecommunication system such as telex and cable.25.Documentary letter of credit is a conditional bank undertaking or guarantee of payment.26.A sight L/C is one by which the beneficiary is paid upon presentation of complying document.27.A standby L/C is an L/C representing an obligation by the issuing bank on a designated third party(the beneficiary)which is contingent on the failure of the bank’s customer to perform under the terms of a contract with the beneficiary.28.Particular average means a loss that is borne solely by the owner of the lost property such as damage of cargo by sea water.29.General average means a partial, deliberate and reasonable sacrifice of the ship, freight, or goods, undertaken for the common safety of the adventure in time of peril and/or extraordinary expenditure with the like object such as the charges for towing a stranded ship.30.Partial loss means: 1)total loss of part of the insured cargo and 2)damage to all or part of the insured cargo.31.Constructive total loss means the subject matter insured is reasonably abandoned on account of its actual total loss appearing to be unavoidable or because it would not be preserved from actual total loss without an expenditure greater than its recovered value.In other words, it is unlikely to recover the subject matter or the cost of recovery will exceed the value of the subject matter.32.Open policy is an arrangement in which terms such as types of risks to be covered, validity of the insurance contract, rate, premium, maximum(but not specific)value of each shipment, geographical limits, etc are worked out when the contract is sighed.Each shipment is covered once the assured declares the details.The assured may be authorized to issue against payment a pre-printed insurance certificate which is valid after completion of shipment details and his signature for documentation purposes.33.A warranty is an assurance by one party to a contract of the existence of a fact upon which the other party may rely.It is intended precisely to relieve the promise of any duty to ascertain the fact for himself, and it amounts to a promise to indemnify the promise for any loss if the fact warranted proves untrue.34.Receipt means that the goods have come into the control of the buyer without regard to ownership or to agreement to any aspect of the goods.35.Acceptance means that the buyer has the control of the goods with consent regarding the goods delivered.36.A force majeure event is one that can generally be neither anticipated nor brought under control.37.Private dispute resolution refers to the settlement of dispute privately instead of by litigation.38.Mediation is informal, voluntary process in which an impartial person, trained in facilitation and negotiation techniques, help the parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution.39.Consular invoice: usually a copy or an original of the commercial invoice and transport document that has been recorded and stamped by a consul of the destination country.A consular invoice is a document prepared by the shipper and certified in the country of origin by a consul of the country of importation, e.g., at the consular section of the embassy.It shows the transaction details such as name of exporting firm, name of consignee, country of origin, place of loading, description of goods, quantity, weight/measurement, etc.It is required by the importing country in order for them to compile statistics, to control import, and to check the origin of goods and the credit of exporter.40.Customs invoice: generally a destination country customs form.Such forms duplicate much of the information on the commercial invoice and packing list, and additionally require information or answers to questions of particular interest to customs in determining the admissibility of the goods and assessing duty and/or tax.Such customs invoices are currently required by relatively few countries, and typically only for higher value shipments or shipments of certain commodities, and/or in cases where the importer may be seeking some type of preferential treatment or admissibility by customs.This invoice is required by the destination country in order to clear the goods through Customs, to compile statistics, to verify country of origin for import duty and tax purpose, to compare export price and domestic price, and to fix anti-dumping duty.41.Certificate of origin: a document issued by a government agency, a chamber of commerce or relevant association.An importing country often asks for such a certificate in order to extend preferential duties to goods form acceptable countries, to apply import controls such as sanction, quota, or anti-dumping duty and to collect statistics.42.Pro-forma invoice: a document created in the format of a commercial invoice, but not actually constituting an invoice(i.e., not a demand for the payment of money).It should contain all or most of the information which will or should appear on a prospective commercial invoice should the described transaction materialize.Pro-forma invoice are commonly used as a format for rendering a quotation for the sale of goods, particularly an export sale where the trade terms and/or shipping and other incremental cost must be specially accounted for if they are included within the total transaction price.It is not a record of sales effected already, but a representation of a sales invoice issued before a transaction has been concluded.43.Packing list: a supplement to a commercial invoice to show the details of a shipment when specifications, quantities, weights or contents of individual units in the shipment vary(e.g., car parts).It is used in order to recognize the goods, to clear the Customs, and to check the goods.44.Mate’s receipt: a document issued by the mate of the carrying vessel when loading is completed.Shipper then exchanges the receipt for a B/L at the shipping company.It has no legal authority regarding processing financial settlement of international consignments but merely confirms cargo is placed on board a ship pending issue of a B/L.Part IV: Answer the Following Questions 1.What is international trade? 2.What are the major motivations for private firm to operate international business? 3.What is the most essential motive to pursue international trade? 4.What measures do most companies usually adopt to avoid wild swings in the sales and profits? 5.Pleas give the four major operation forms chosen by most companies.6.What does balance of payments account mean? 7.What are the basic sources of international revenue and expenditure for most countries? 8.Could you find any difference between Direct Investment and Portofolio Investment? If you can, please tell the main reasons.9.What is MNE? What are its synonyms? 10.Please give examples to explain “Services are earnings other than those from goods.” 11.What influences the international operational forms which a company will choose? 12.What limits a firm’s sales?

13.Why is merchandise exports and imports the firs type of foreign operations in which a firm gets involved? 14.What does “royalties” mean? 15.What is “franchising”?

16.What is the definition for contract? What may happen if any party fails to fulfill his contractual obligations? 17.What are the two parties of business negotiations? And give examples as you can.18.Why do the trading parties usually prefer a written contract? What is the difference between a sales contract and a sales(purchase)confirmation? 19.What does the setting up of a contract generally contain? 20.What does the contract proper usually include? 21.Please explain in English what the meaning of chartering is and its character.22.What is time of delivery and what has to be paid attention to in stipulating the time of shipment? 23.Please tell the functions of a bill of lading.24.What are the main kinds of bill of lading in international trade? 1.简述国际贸易中包装的重要性及约定包装条件的意义。2.国际贸易中商品运输包装的要求有哪些? 3.简述运输包装的分类情况。


5.设计和制作销售包装时,应做好哪些工作? 6.条形码的使用对国际贸易有何促进作用?

7.影响定牌生产产生的原因有哪些?其具体做法是什么? 8.联合国制定标准运输标志的原因是什么?其作用有哪些? 9.买卖双方制定合同中包装条款时应注意哪些问题? 10.各国法律对实际履行作为一种救济方法的规定有何不同? 11.大陆法、英美法和《公约》对损害赔偿责任的成立各有什么规定? 12.各国法律对损害赔偿范围的规定有何不同?

13.各国法律对构成解决合同的条件的规定有何不同?我国又是怎样规定的? 14.处理理赔工作时应该主要哪些问题?

15.按英国法规定,卖方行使停运权有几种方法?行使停运权时应注意拿几个条 件?


Keys to the questions:

1.International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of national borders.It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but also encompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications.It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries.Such business relationship may be private or governmental.2.Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies.3.To gain profit.4.To seek out foreign markets and procurement.5.There are four major forms which are the following: Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports, Investment and Multinational Enterprise.6.It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all international economic and financial transactions between one nation(eg.the United States)and the rest of the world over some period of time, usually one year.7.Merchandise Exporting and Importing.8.Yes.There are great differences between them.1)direct investment takes place when control follows the investment.It usually means high commitment of capital, personnel, and technology abroad.It aims at gaining of foreign resources and foreign markets.Direct investment may often get higher foreign sales than exporting.And sometimes it involves two or more parties.18 2)While portfolio investments are not under control.And they are used primarily for financial purposes.Treasures of companies, for example, routinely more funds from one country to another to get a higher yield on short term investments.9.MNE is the abbreviation of the multinational enterprise.Its synonyms are NNC(the multinational corporation)and TNC(transnational corporation).10.Examples are travel, transport, fee, royalties, dividends and interest.11.The choice of forms is influenced by the objective being pursued and the environments in which the company must operate.12.It is limited by the number of people interested in a firm’s products and services and by customers’ capacity to make purchase.13.This is because at an early stage of international involvement these operations usually take the least commitment and least risk of a firm’s resources.14.Royalties means the payment for use of assets from abroad, such as for trademarks patens, copyrights, or other expertise under contract known as licensing agreements.Royalties are also paid franchising.15.It is a way of doing business in which one party(the franchiser)the use of a trademark that is an essential asset for the franchisers’ business.16.A contract is an agreement which sets forth bind obligations of the relevant parties.And any part that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced to make compensation.17.There are two parties of business contract negotiations: oral and written.The former refers to direct discussions abroad;written negotiations often begin with enquiries made by the buyers.18.A written contract is generally prepared and signed as the proof of the agreement and as the basis for its execution.A sales or purchase confirmation is less detailed than a contract, covering only the essential terms of the transaction.It is usually used for smaller deals or between familiar trade partners.19.The setting up of a contract is similar to that of a trade agreement or any other type of formal agreements.It generally contains: 1)the title.The type of the contract is indicated in the title;2)the contract proper.It is the main part of a contract;3)the signature of the contracting parties indicating their status as the seller or the buyer;4)the stipulations on the back of the contract and are equally binding upon the contracting parties.20.It generally contains the time of shipment, the mode of payment described in addition to an exact description of the goods including the quantity, quality, specifications, packing methods, insurance, commodity inspection, claims, arbitration and force majeure, etc.21.It is also called tramp.A shipping by chartering is a freight-carrying vessel which has no regular route or fixed schedule of sailing.It is first in one trade and then in another, always seeking those ports where there is a demand at the moment for shipping space.The shipper 19 charters the ship from the ship-owner and uses it to carry the goods.It falls into 3 kinds: voyage charter, time charter and demise charter.22.The time of delivery refers to the time limit during which the seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer at the agreed place by the agreed methods.There are the following ways to stipulate the time of delivery in the contract.In stipulate the time of delivery we have to pay attention to the followings:(1)The shipment date should be made in such a manner that it facilitates the seller and enables the seller to effect shipment on time and perform the relevant obligations stipulated in the contract.For instance, the seller should be given a period of reasonable time for arranging the supply of the contracted goods.(2)Different shipment period should be fixed, based on the availability of shipping space, for contracted goods of different nature.An unreasonable short time for shipment shall cause no little inconvenience to the seller.(3)According to the relevant stipulations of(Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits): Expressions such as “prompt”;“immediately”, “as soon as possible” and the like should not be used.If they are used banks will disregard them.(4)Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the expression “shipment” used in stipulating an earliest and/or a latest shipment date will be understood to include the expressions “ loading on board”, “dispatch”, “accepted for carriage”, “flight date”, “date of post receipt”, ”date of pickup“ and in the case of a credit calling for or allowing a multi-modal transport document the expression “taking in charge”.(5)If the expression “on or about” and similar expressions are used, banks will interpret them as a stipulation that shipment is to be made during the period from the five days before to five days after the specified date, both end days included.The words “to”, “until”, “till”, “from” and words of similar expressions applied to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned.The word “after” will be understood to exclude the date mentioned.The term “first half”, “second half” of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th, and the 16th to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive.The terms “beginning”, “middle”, or “end” of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 10th, the 11th to the 20th', and the 21st to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive.23.The Bill of Lading has three important functions.a.It is a receipt for goods signed by the shipping company and given to the shippers;b.It is also evidence of a contract of carriage between the shipping company and shippers.In addition, c.it is a document of title because the legal owner of the Bill of Lading is the owner of the goods.For this reason the Bill of Lading can be used to transfer the goods-from one owner to another.“When the exporters complete it, they can write the buyer’s name in the space, “consignee”.This means the consignee is the legal owner of the goods, 20 as named on Bill of Lading.Otherwise the exporters can write “to other” in the consignee space.Underneath “to order” they write the name and address of the agent.Then the agent in the importing country can endorse the bill to the buyer.In this way the importers can transfer the consignment to their customers.This means that there has to be a separate Bill of Lading for each consignee and several consignments can not be consolidated on to one bill.24.There are several types of Bills of Lading which are categorized in different ways.(1).On board B/L and received for shipment B/L According to whether the goods are loaded or not, the bills of lading can be classified into on board(or shipped)B/L and received(or received for shipment)B/L.A shipped on board B/L is evidence that the goods have been loaded on board a certain steamer.It commences with the wording “Shipped in apparent good order and condition”, According to general foreign trade practices, only the shipped on board B/L is accepted by banks for payment under a L/C.(2).Clean bill and unclean bill According to whether there are notes on the B/L, it falls into 2 kinds: clean B/L and unclean B/L.A clean B/L shows that the goods have been shipped on board a vessel in apparent good order and condition, and there is no modification of the shipowner.This bill of lading is called “clean” or “unclaused”.It confirms that the goods have not suffered apparent or outside damage and there does not seem to be any defect in the packing.By issuing clean bill of lading, the shipowner admits his full liability of the cargo described in the Bill under the law and his contract.This type is much favored by banks for financial settlement purpose.Unclean B/L is generally marked “insufficiently packed”, “covers old and stained”, “wet by rain”, “…packed in damaged condition”, “unclean”, “foul”, etc.There are many recurring types of such clauses including inadequate packaging, unprotected machinery, wet or stained cartons, damaged crates, etc.This type of B/L is usually unacceptable to a bank.But not all B/L(s)which are noted are unclean B/L.(3).A straight B/L, An order B/L and A blank B/L According to whether the B/L is transferable, it is divided into 3 kinds: straight B/L, order B/L and blank B/L.A straight B/L is made out so that only the named consignee at the destination is entitled to take delivery of the goods under the bill.The consignee is designated by the shipper.The carrier has to hand over the cargo to the named consignee, not to any third party in possession of the bill.This kind of B/L is not transferable.The shipper cannot pass the bill to a third party by endorsement.So the bill is of very restricted application.When the goods are shipped on a non-commercial basis, such as samples or exhibits, materials in aid of other countries, or when the goods are extremely valuable, a straight B/L is generally issued.21 An order B/L indicates that the bill is made out to the order of or to order of …any person named in such a bill, which may be transferred /negotiated after endorsement.So it is sometimes called transferable B/L.It is because of this that nowadays, it is commonly used in international practice.A blank B/L is also called open B/L or bearer B/L.It refers to the bill in which the name of a definite consignee is not mentioned.The area in B/L calling for the name of the consignee is left blank, with neither the name of the consignee nor the phraseology of “to order” filled in.This kind of B/L can be transferred/ negotiable without endorsement.There usually appear in the box of consignee words like “to bearer” and holder of the B/L can take delivery of the goods against the surrender of B/L, i.e., ownership of the goods passes when the bill is handed over to anyone.(4).Direct B/L, A transshipment B/L, A through B/L According to the modes of transport, it can be divided into 3 kinds.A direct B/L is referred to the consignment carried to the port of destination directly without transshipment.A transhipment B/L is issued by shipping companies when there is no direct service between the port of loading and port of destination, and the ship owner arranges to tranship the cargo at an intermediate port at his expense.This kind of Bill usually bears such a clause “Transhipment to be made”

A through B/L is issued when the entire voyage involves more than one carrier, where the ocean shipment forms only part of the complete journey and, subsequent thereto, the goods have to be carried by other land or sea carriers.The first carrier issues the bill and collects the freight for the entire voyage, and arranges transshipment and forwarding of the goods at the intermediate port.The shipper prefers this kind of B/L because of the trouble having been saved to deal with other carriers by himself.(5).A long form B/L, A short form B/L According to the contents of the B/L, it can be divided into 2 forms: Long Form B/L and Short Form B/L A long form B/L refers to the B/L on the back of which all the detailed terms and conditions about the rights and obligations of the carrier and the consignor are listed as an integral part of the bill.It is more frequently used.A short form B/L is a document which omits the terms and conditions on the back of B/L.(6).A freight prepaid B/L, A freight to be collected B/L According to the time for payment of freight, it can be divided into 2 types.A freight prepaid B/L means that all the freight is paid by the consignor when B/L is issued by the carrier on which “freight prepaid” is indicated.A freight to be collected B/L refers to the B/L on which “freight payable at destination” is indicated.22(7).A liner B/L, A charter party B/L According to the types of the carrying vessels, it can be classified into a liner B/L and a charter party B/L.(8).Other types of B/L Besides the above-mentioned types of B/L there are some other types such as: container B/L;on Deck B/L;stale B/L;groupage B/L;house B/L;antedated B/L and advanced B/L.1.答:包装重要性体现在以下几个方面:


















(2)有利于提高国际间贸易信息传递的准确性,使交易双方及时了解对方 商品有关资料和本国商品在对方的销售情况。















11.答:(1)大陆法系认为,损害赔偿责任的成立,必须具备以下三个条件: 必须要有A、必须要有损害事实。B、须有归责于债务人的原因。



12.答:(1)《德国民法典》认为,损害赔偿的范围应包括违约所造成的与实际损失和所得利益两方面。法国法关于损失赔偿的范围的原则与德国法是一致的。(2)英美法认为,损失赔偿的范围,是使由于债务人违约而蒙受损害的一方,在经济上能处于该合同得到履行时同等地位。另外还规定,一方违约,另一方有 义务采取一切合理的措施以减少违约造成的损失,否则本来可以合理避免的损 失,不能要求给以赔偿。

(3)我国《涉外经济合同法》对损害赔偿金额的确定,遵循两个原则: A、当事人赔偿责任应相当于另一方所受的损失。

B、赔偿责任不得超过违约方在订立合同时应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的 损失。

(4)《公约》对此也有规定、A、一方当事人违反合同应负的损害赔偿额,应与另一方当事人因他违反合同而 遭受的包括利润在内的损失额相等。



(2)英国法认为,一方违约构成违反要件,对方才可要求解除合同;如果一方 仅仅是违反担保,对方只能请求损害赔偿,而不能要求解除合同。美国法与英国 法的规定有些相似。


(4)我国《涉外经济合同法》认为,一方违约,另一方在下列两种情况下才能 要求解除合同:


B、如果一方在合同规定的期限内没有履行合同义务,而且在被允许的推迟履行 的合理期限内仍未履行,则守约方可要求解除合同义务。



B、把行使停运权的要求通知占有货物的承运人和货物的保管人,但要按卖方的 指示处置货物。

(2)未收货款的卖方在行使停运权时要注意必须符合下列三个条件: A、卖方已经丧失了对货物的占有权。B、卖方必须在买方无力偿付时行使停运权。C、卖方必须在货物处于运输过程中行使其停运权。16.答:(1)卖方所交货物不具备商销品质。(2)卖方所交货物与合同说明不一样。(3)卖方所交货物不适合约定的特殊用途。(4)卖方所交货物与凭样成交时的品种不符。(5)卖方所交货物与合同规定的品种不同。


Part V: Case Study

1.A company concludes a contract under CIF term.It receives a L/C issued abroad on 1 July.The opening date of the L/C is 20 June and the validity of the L/C is 15 August.Suppose that:(1)the L/C stipulates ”Prompt Shipment“,then the latest date of shipment is()。(2)the L/C stipulates ”Shipment on or about 20th July",then the date of shipment is()。(3)the beneficiary starts the shipment on 10 July and finishes it on 12 July.The ship arrives the port of destination on 20 August.The buyer takes delivery of the goods also on 20 August.Then, the date of B/L should be().The date of insurance policy should be().The time of document presentation should be not late than().The time of delivery for the seller is()。

2.Company CH exported to a Nigerian company a consignment of torches totaling about 60000 pounds.The relevant L/C from Nigeria stipulated, “The goods shall be shipped by six installments from June to November” Company CH shipped the goods in compliance with the prescription of the L/C in June, July and August, and obtained the relevant installment payments.However, in September the goods could not be loaded on board because a heavy typhoon was attacking the coastal area.Then, company CH decided to continue with the shipment in October.When the documents were sent to Nigeria, the Issuing Bank was justified in refusing payment? Please refer to relative stipulations in the UCP 600 and explain the reasons.3.A ship started on its voyage after loading, but in the course of the journey a fire broke out during transit in Hold A, which had been loaded with stationary and tea.The captain ordered his crew to pour water on the fire.It was found out, after the fire was extinguished, that part of the stationery had been burned, the remainder and the tea had been soaked through.Then, what risk would you have covered if you had wanted to be compensated for the losses? 4.A Chinese export company concluded a business with a British agent in 2005 metric tons of commodity at DM 345 CFR Antwerp per metric ton.The time of shipment was November 2005 and February 2006.The agent issued the relevant letter of credit on time, stipulating the latest date of shipment as December31, 2005.The original ship the Chinese company booked, however, came to the port of shipment on December 31.Because of unidentified reasons, the goods were actually shipped on the 18th of January 2006.The Chinese export company put the issuing date of the bill of lading back to December 31, 2005, and obtained payment from the bank against the relevant documents.The ship reached Antwerp in early April 2006.This aroused doubt from the client, who, after inviting the court surveyors, went aboard and examined the logbook.When the client found out that the actual date of shipment was January 18, 2006, he refused to take delivery and claimed compensation from the Chinese export company.How would you settle this issue? 5.In 2005, a certain export company of China sent a group of businessmen to the United States for purchase of equipment.In New York both parties reached an oral agreement on such items as specifications, unit price, and quantity.Upon leaving, the group indicated to the other party that, when they got back to Beijing, they would draw a contract, which would become effective after being signed by both parties.After going back to Beijing, the group found that the clients withdrew their import of the equipment, and thus the contract was not signed and the L/C was not opened, either.The US side urged the Chinese side to perform the contract;otherwise they would lodge a claim with the Chinese side in the US.Please analyze the case and give an opinion on how the Chinese export company was to deal with this case and why? 6.A Chinese trading company E concluded a transaction in steel with a Hong Kong company W on the basis of FOB China Port.Company W immediately resold the steel to Company H in Libya on the terms of CFR Liberia.The L/C form W required the price terms to be FOB China Port and the goods to be directly delivered to Liberia.The L/C also required “Freight Prepaid” to be indicated on Bill of Lading.Why did Company W perform so? What should we do about it? 7.A Chinese import and export company concluded a Sales Contract with a Holland firm on August 5, 2000, selling a batch of certain commodity.The contract was based on CIF Rotterdam at USD 2500 per metric ton.The Chinese company delivered the goods in compliance with the contract and obtained a clean-on-board Bill of Lading.During transportation, however, 100 metric tons of the goods got lost because of rough sea.Upon arrival of the goods, the price of the contracted goods went down quickly.The buyer refused to take delivery of the goods and effect payment and claimed damages from the seller.How would you deal with this case? 8.The ABC Company exported a consignment of silk.As the shipping marks in the relevant L/C were not clear, the person in charge thought that the L/C did not stipulate the shipping marks.He, then, made the shipping marks himself.As a result, discrepancies occurred between the made shipping marks and those stated in the L/C.The buyers, therefore, refused to pay for the documents.However, after negotiation, the buyers agreed to pay only when the ABC Company had reduced the original prices by 10 percent.What lesson can we learn from this case? 9.Mr.Smith, an American businessman, sold a batch of IBM computers to a Hong Kong importer, Mr.Chen.The sales contract was concluded in the United States of America on the terms of CIF Hong Kong.During execution of this contract, disputes arose between the seller and the buyer on the form and interpretation of the contract.In such a case, did the law of the U.S.A.or the law of Hong Kong apply to the disputes? Why? 10.我某外贸公司向日本商人以D/P见票即付方式推销某商品,对方答复如我方接受D/P见票后90天付款条件,并通过他指定的A银行代收货款则可接受。请分析日方提出此项要求的出发点。


12.我国某出口公司向法国出口货物一批,合同中的贸易术语是CIF MARSEILLES,卖方在合同规定的时间和装运港装船,货船离港后不久便触礁沉没。次日,当卖方凭提单、保险单 28 以及发票等有关单据通过银行向买方要求付款时,买方以无法收到合同中规定的货物为由,拒绝接受单据和付款。问:我方应该如何处理?





16.我方按CIF 条件进口一批床单,货物抵达我方后发现床单在运输途中部分受潮,而卖方已如期向我方提交了合同规定的全套合格单据并要求我方支付货款。问:我方是否能以所交货物受潮而拒付货款或向卖方提出索赔?

17.英国某公司以CFR 条件进口一批大豆,在约定日期未收到卖方的装船通知,却收到卖方要求该公司支付货款的单据。过后我方接到货物,经检验部分货物在运输途中因海上风险而丢失。


18.我方按CIP 条件进口10 顿化肥,先经上海运输,抵达目的港后转为铁路运输,我方受领货物后,卖方要求我方支付货款和铁路运费,请问卖方行为是否合理?


20.我方某公司从国外进口一批手套,合同上规定每箱60 双,共100 箱。货物运抵大连海关后,经检验发现外商擅自改为每箱50 双,共计120 箱。请问我方若据此提出拒收和索赔是否合理?

Keys to case study:

1.July 1, 15 July-25 July, 12 July, on or before 12 July, 2 August, 12 July 2.The Issuing Bank was justified in refusing payment because it acted in accordance with the relevant stipulations in the UCP 600 stipulates that If drawing and/or shipments by installments within given periods are stipulated in the Credit and any installments is not drawn and/or a shipped within the period allowed for that installment, the credit ceases to be available for that and any subsequent installments„„

In this case, the L/C from Nigeria stipulated installment shipments from June to November, and 29 Company CH shipped the goods from June to August and got paid.However, in September Company CH stopped shipping because of a heavy typhoon.In accordance with article 41, the Credit ceased to be availed for the September installment and the subsequent installments, unless otherwise stipulated in the Credit.In this case, as there no other L/C stipulations, the Issuing Bank was right.3.The loss to the stationary pertained to particular average caused by fortuitous accident while the loss to the tea was a partial one, but general average, the losses of G.A.need to be compensated by the interest parties on the proportion value saved„„The insurance company will have compensated for the losses if the goods had been insured against F.P.A.4.In this case the Chinese company had to accept the claim.According to international business practice, the date of delivery is one of the essential terms in a contract, which means that, if one party breaches the date of delivery, the other party may ask for compensation from that party.In this case, the seller put back the real date of shipment so as to cheat the buyer and get paid from the relevant bank, thus trying to escape the responsibilities for the delay of shipment.This is not allowed in business practice because the prices in international markets are frequently changing;therefore, time is money.If the buyer had received his goods in time, he might have been able to grasp a good opportunity and achieve a good profit.On the contrary, as a result of delay on the part of the seller, the buyer lost the chance.5.According to Article 11 of CISG: “A contract of sale need not be concluded in, or evidenced by, writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form.It may be proved by any means, including witnesses.” Though China and the US are both member countries of the CISG, China declared that it won’t be bound by Article 11 and its related articles.That is to say, any kind of contracts in China must be evidencing by writing.In this case, though both companies agreed orally as to the main terms of the sales contract, there is no writing evidencing the contract.This contract, according to Chinese law, is not effective.6 In this case the contract was concluded between Company E and Company W on FOB term, according to which the seller(Company E)ended his responsibilities when he delivered the goods on board the ship at the port of shipment.He did not need to pay for transportation of the goods or the insurance premium.Therefore, it was not right for W to ask E to pay the freight and indicate “Freight Repaid” on the Bill of Lading.The reason why W asked E to do that might be that he wanted to transfer the freight charges to E.However, in practical dealings, foreign trade companies often come across such situations, especially when a contract is concluded with an agent, who wants to resells the goods.In this case, E might comply with W’s request, but he had to indicated that the freight should be borne by W.7.According to Article 11 of CISG: “A contract of sale need not be concluded in, or evidenced by, writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form.It may be proved by any means, including witnesses.” Though China and the US are both member countries of the CISG, China declared that it won’t be bound by Article 11 and its related articles.That is to say, any kind of 30 contracts in China must be evidencing by writing.In this case, though both companies agreed orally as to the main terms of the sales contract, there is no writing evidencing the contract.This contract, according to Chinese law, is not effective.8.The most important lesson we can learn is that, it is essential for the exporter to present documents in accordance with the stipulations of the relevant LC.In this case, finding the shipping marks illegible on the LC, the export salesman in the ABC Company, instead of asking the buyer for clarification, decided the shipping marks himself.This constituted discrepancy between the documents and the LC.Article 14 of the UCP500 clearly indicates, “When the Issuing Bank authorizes another bank to pay, incur a deferred payment undertaking, accept draft(s), or negotiate against documents which appear on their face to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit…” It is clear that the documents presented must be in conformity with the stipulations in the L/C.9.The law of the United States of America applies to this contract because:(a)this was a CIF contract;(b)the place of conclusion of the contract was in the USA;(c)the place of the execution of the contract was also in the USA.The seller completed these responsibilities after he delivered the goods at the port of the USA.10.(1)提出将D/P即期改D/P90天远期,旨在推迟付款,利其资金周转。



11.(1)案中因触礁造成船底划破,致使海水渗入货舱,造成船货的部分损失以及船舶遇恶劣气候,导致装载的某货主的一部分货物被海水浸湿的损失,属单独海损; 而因修理船只所花费的修理费和各项费用开支共8000美元属共同海损。A舱起火使一部分儿童玩具被烧毁属于单独海损;










(1)采用CIF 术语成交时,属于象征性交货,卖方是凭单交货,买方是凭单付款,只要卖方如期向买方提交了合同规定的全套合格单据,即使货物在运输途中损坏或灭失,买方也必须旅行付款义务。反之,如果卖方提交的单据不符合要求,即使货物完好无损地运达目的地,买方仍有权拒付货款。就此案例而言,卖方提交了全套合格单据,我方应支付货款。(2)在CIF 条件下,买卖双方风险转移界限以船舷为界。货物越过船舷后的风险应由买方负担。就本案例可以看出,货物越过船舷之前是完好的,因此卖方不承担风险。我方据此不能向卖方提出索赔,可依据所投险别向保险公司提出索赔。17.该公司可向卖方提出索赔。理由如下:

按CFR 条件成交时,尽管货物在海运途中的风险已转移给买方,但买方为降低自己的风险可办理货运保险,这取决于卖方是否及时向买方发出装运通知。据惯例解释,如果卖方未及时向买方发出装运通知,导致买方未能及时办理保险手续,由此引起的损失由卖方负担。就本案例而言,该公司货物部分丢失是由于卖方未发出装船通知而公司未办理保险手续而引起的损失,故此,该公司应向卖方提出索赔。

18.按照CIP 条件成交,卖方要承担保险费和运费。因为CIP 条件适合于各种运输方式,风险是在承运人控制货物时转移,所以卖方要负责办理交货地点到指定目的地的全程运输,而不仅仅是水上运输,因此卖方应支付全程运费。就本案例而言,卖方支付了海上运输的费用,但并没有将货物送往指定目的地,因此还需支付铁路运输的费用。由此,我方应支付货款,但不需支付铁路运费,卖方行为不尽合理。


Part VI: Calculation 1.Company A in China exports some goods in carton to UK.They quote: USD50 PER CARTON CFR LONDON.But the businessman in UK requires FOBC2 price.To meet his requirement, how much should we offer then?(Suppose:the measurement of the carton is 45CM x 40CM x 25CM;the gross weight for one carton of goods is 35kgs;the calculation standard for freight tariff is W/M;the basic freight rate is USD120 per freight ton;the BAF is 20% and the port surcharge is10%)。2.We import from Australia 1000 bales of wool.the standard weight is 136.08kg each bale.When the goods reach China, the actual weight of a bale is 137.092kg, the actual moisture measuring 11.84%.Then what is the conditioned weight in total should be?(The acceptable international standard regaining water content of wool and raw silk is 11%.)3.我某公司以CIFC3%条件出口一批货物,外销价为每公吨1000 美元,支付运费80 美元,保险费10 美元。该公司进货成本为每公吨4000 元人民币,国内直接和间接费用加15%。求该商品出口总成本、出口外汇净收入、出口换汇成本。

4.我方某公司对外报价FOB 价每公吨500 美元,外商来电要求改报CIF 纽约含佣金3%,保险费率合计为0.8%,国外运费每公吨60 美元。请计算我方应报价。

5.我方对外报价每公吨1000 美元CIF 新加坡,外商来电要求改报FOB 价中国口岸,已知保险费率为0.85%,国外运费每公吨75 美元,试计算我方应报价。

6.我方某公司对外商报价为CFR 价1000 美元,外商要求改报CFRC4%价,我方应报价多少? 7.某合同规定:CIF 香港,每公吨1000 美元,折扣2%。根据该合同成交的进出口业务中出口方每公吨净收入是多少?

8.买卖双方订立合同,规定整套机械设备初步价款为100 万美元,双方约定原材料、工资、管理费和利润在价格中的比重分别为50%、30%、20%。签订合同时物价指数、工资指数均为100,交货时原材料物价指数、工资指数分别上升至110、112。假设双方约定按物价指数和工资指数调整价款,那么最终价格应为多少?

Keys to calculation:

1.1)measurement ton of the carton:0.45*0.4*0.25=0.045 2)weight ton of the carton:0.035 3)0.045>0.035 Based on the w/m, so choose the measurement ton 4)FREIGHT= Freight ton x Basic Freight per F/T x(1+additional freight rates)= 0.045*120*(1+20%+10%)=7.02


6)FOBC2=FOB/(1-commission rate)=42.98/(1-2%)=43.86(USD)So, we offer USD43.86 PER CARTON FOBC2 CHINA PORTS.33 2.Wa x(1+standard regaining rate of water)Wc =-1 + actual regaining rate of water In which: Wa-Actual Weight Wc-Conditioned Weight

In this case: Wa = 1000 x 137.092 = 137092 KGS standard regaining rate of water = 11% actual regaining rate of water = 11.84% so, Wc = 137092(1+ 11%)/(1+ 11.84%)= 136062.34KGS 3.解:出口总成本=4000×(1+15%)=4600(人民币元)


4.解:CIFC3%纽约价=(500+60)÷(1-1.1×0.8%-3%)≈582.6(美元)5.解:fob 中国岸价=1000×(1-1.1×0.85%)-75=915.65(美元)6.解:CFRC4%价=1000÷(1-4%)≈1041.7(美元)7.解:出口方单位商品净收入=1000×(1-2%)=980(美元)8.解:按题意可知P0=100 万,A=20%,B=50%,C=30%,M=110,M0=100,W=112,W0=100 则最终价格P=100×(20%+50%×110/100+30%×112/100)=108.6(万美元)

































CIF Ex Ship

’ s Hold New York






17、合肥某服装进出口公司与欧洲某进出口商洽谈出口一批针织品,外商要求用CIF Eoropen Main Ports 的价格条件报价,该服装进出口公司认为这样我们在卸货港的选择上有更大的灵活性,便欣然接受。
















































































66、一般情况下,在以FOB贸易术语成交的合同中,货物的价格构成是(1)①货物成本 ②货物成本+运费 ③货物成本+保险费 ④货物成本+运费+保险费



60、下列是对贸易合同中关于商品的数量和机动幅度的规定,其中正确的叙述是(1234)①数量机动幅度一般由履行交货的一方(即卖方)或是合同中规定负责安排船只的一方选择 ②买方可以收取也可以拒绝多卖部分的货物





62、凡货、样不能做到完全一致的商品,一般都不适宜(3)①凭规格买卖 ②凭等级买卖 ③凭样品买卖

63、出口羊毛计算重量的方法通常是按(3)①毛重 ②净重 ③公量

64、商品包装重量的计算方法有(1234)①实际皮重计算 ②平均皮重计算 ③习惯皮重计算 ④约定皮重计算

65、在国际贸易中,使用不同的价格条件成交,货物的灭失和损坏的风险转移的地点不同,在下列价格术语中,以货物在装运港越过船舷为风险转移界限的价格术语是(123)①FOB ②CIF ③CFR ④DES(3)

①货物交承运人保管为界 ②货物交给第一承运人保管为界 ③货物在启运港越过船舷为界

68、《INCOTERMS2000》C组贸易术语与其他组的贸易术语的重要区别之一是(3)①交货地点不同 ②风险划分地点不同 ③风险划分地点与费用划分地点相分离

69、CFR合同由买方投保,运输途中的风险由买方承担,卖方在货物装船后如不及时发装船通知,致使买方没投保,则运输途中的风险(1)①由卖方承担 ②仍按惯例由买方承担

70、根据《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》解释按“C”组贸易术语签订的合同(2)①均属于到达合同 ②均属于装运合同 ③有时属于到达合同,有时属于装运合同,视情况不同而定

71、CIF合同的货物在装船后因火灾被焚,应由(3)①卖方负担损失 ②卖方负责请求保险公司赔偿 ③买方负责请求保险公司赔偿

72、CIF与DES的区别,除前者为凭单交货,后者为实物交货外,(2)①只是风险划分的地点不同 ②不仅风险划分的地点不同,还有费用负担的不同



③既可适用于海洋运输和内河运输,又可适用于其他运输方式的单独运输和联合运输 74、根据有关规定和国际贸易惯例,一笔以EXW(EX-WORKS)成交的合同,买方应承担如下义务(123)①在卖方按合同的规定将货物置于买方的控制之下时,受领货物并按合同规定支付货款 ②承担一切进出口应付的税费

③承担卖方为协助买方取得各种证件所支付的费用 ④按照合同规定提供有关货物凭证

75、就卖方承担的风险而言(3)①CIF比CFR大 ②CFR比CIF ③CIF与CFR相同

76、就卖方承担的风险而言,在CIF与FOB两种贸易术语中(3)①前者较后者大 ②后者较前者大 ③两者相同

77、对于FOB和CIF两种贸易术语,由于买卖双方所承担的风险不同,所以我国把前者称为“离岸价格”,后者称为“到岸价格”。这种说法是(2)①正确的 ②错误的

78、在进口业务中当可以使用FOB、CFR或CIF三种贸易术语中任何一种时,我们一般应争取采用(1)①FOB ②CFR ③CIF

79、在一般海运出口业务中,在CIF、CFR、FOB三种贸易术语中。我们应该争取采用(1)①CIF ②CFR ③FOB

80、在FOB条件下,若采用程租运输,如买方不愿承担装货费及理舱费,则应在合同中规定:(3)①FOB Liner Terms ②FOB under Tackle ③FOB Stowed


(1)①装船费用由谁负担 ②卸货费用由谁负担 ③保险费用由谁负担 ④运费由谁负担 ⑤驳船费用由谁负担

82、就卖方承担的风险而言,DES和CIF两种贸易术语中(2)①后者较前者大 ②前者较后者大 ③两者相同

83、以FOB TRIMMED价格条件成交的货物装货费和平舱费应由(2)①买方负担 ②卖方负担 ③船方负担 ④港务部门负担

84、按CFR条件成交时,货物装船后,卖方应及时向买方发装船通知,这涉及到(2)①卖方的服务态度问题 ②发生损失的法律责任问题 ③今后业务的发展问题

85、在《2000通则》13种贸易术语中,卖方承担责任最小,负担费用最小的是(3)①FCA ②FAS ③EXW

86、“FCA”贸易术语是指(3)①运费付至指定目的地 ②运费、保险费付至指定目的地 ③货交承运人至指定地点

87、CIF Landed London条件是指(3)①出口人承担货物在伦敦码头交货前的一切费用和风险

②出口人承担货物在伦敦码头交货前的一切费用和风险,并包括进口关税 ③出口人承担在伦敦的卸货费用

88、在使用下列何种贸易术语进行交易时,卖方及时向买方发出“已装船通知”至关重要,因为它将直接影响买卖双方对运输途中风险的承担(4)①CIP ②FCA ③DES ④CFR

89、清洁提单是指无任何不良批注的提单。这种认识是(2)①正确的 ②不全面的

90、在国际贸易中,海运提单的签发日期是表示(2)①货物开始装船的日期 ②货物已经装船完毕的日期 ③装船船只到达装运港口的日期


①包括装卸费,但不计滞期、速遣费 ②包括装卸费,但应计滞期、速遣费 ③包括装卸费和应计滞费,不计速遣费

92.海运提单承运人给托运人出具的货物收据;是代表货物所有权的物权凭证;是承运人和托运人订立的运输契约的证明。这种认识(1)①是确切的 ②是不全面的

93.必须经过背书才能进行转让的提单是(3)①记名提单 ②不记名提单 ③指示提单

94.国际铁路运单是铁路与货主之间的运输契约,也是铁路在终点站向收货人核收运杂费用和点交货物的依据(2)①同时又是物权凭证 ②但它不是物权凭证

95.在出口业务中采用“倒签提单”与“预借提单”有利于及时收汇和履行合同,根据这两种做法的性质、国际惯例和法律原则,我们(3)①可以积极推广 ②应视具体情况适可而止地使用 ③原则上不应采用

96.广东某公司出口一批服装到A国,打算以CIF条件对外报价,该公司在考虑运费时应考虑到的因素有(234)①运输途中可能遭遇的海上风险 ②从我国到A国的运输距离

③从我国到A国是否需转船及可能发生的费用 ④国际船运市场价格变动的趋势

97.国际铁路联运所使用的经铁路加盖戳记的运单副本(1)①既是铁路与货主之间缔结的运输契约,也是卖方凭以向买方结算货款的凭证 ②是铁路在终点站向收货人核收运杂费用和点交货物的依据


98.国际多式联合运输是以至少两种不同的运输方式将货物从一国境内接受货物的地点运至另一国境内指定交付货物的地点。它是(1)①由一个联运经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按全程费率一次计收 ②由一个联运经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按不同运输方式分别计收

③由首程运输方式的经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按全程费率一次计收 99.在国际贸易中,运输标志是一般由(2)①买方出具 ②卖方出具 ③运输部门出具。



①符合国际惯例的 ②不符合国际惯例的

101.在海洋运输货物保险业务中,共同海损(3)①是部分损失一种 ②是全部损失的一种 ③有时是全部损失,有时是部分损失

102.在国际贸易运输保险业务中,单独海损仅涉及受损货物所有人单方面的利益,因而仅由受损方单独承担损失。这种损失是(1)①部分损失 ②全部损失 ③有时是全部损失,有时是部分损失




104.某货轮在航行途中,A舱失火,船长误以为B舱也同时失火,命令对两舱同时施救,A舱共有两批货物,甲批货物全部焚毁,乙批货物为棉织被单,全部遭受水浸,B舱货物也全部遭受水浸(3)①A舱乙批货物与B舱货物都属单独海损 ②A舱乙批货物与B舱货物都属共同海损



②保险人承担责任范围最小的险别,不应包括战争险 106.仓至仓条款是(2)①承运人负责运输责任起讫的条款 ②保险人负责保险责任起讫的条款 ③出口人负责交货责任起讫的条款



108.按照中国保险条款的规定,一切险的责任范围是:(1)①水渍险责任范围加上一般外来原因所致的全部和部分损失 ②平安险责任范围加上一般外来原因所致的全部和部分损失


109.信用证是开证银行应进口人的申请向出口人开立的。当出口人按信用证规定向银行要求付款时,开证银行(2)①要先征得进口人的同意 ②不必事先征询进口人的意见

110.信用证的基础是国际货物销售合同,而且又是开证行对出口人的有条件的付款承诺,所以,当信用证条款与销售合同规定不一步致时,受益人可以要求(2)①开证行修改 ②开证人修改 ③通知行修改

111.信用证(L/C)是依据买卖合同开立的,出口商要保证安全收汇,必须做到:(2)①提交的单据,必须与买卖合同规定相符 ②提交的单据,必须与信用证规定相符







114.没有有效到期日的信用证(1)①无效 ②以最后装运日期作为有效到期日

115.所谓信用证“严格相符”的原则,是指受益人必须做到(2)①单证与合同严格相符 ②单据和信用证严格相符 ③信用证和合同严格相符


①应是进口商 ②应是开证银行 ③视信用证的具体规定而定


①金额巨大,需分期付款的成套机械设备进口的公司 ②中间商用于转运他人货物的合同 ③母公司与子公司之间的贸易合同 ④分批交货的长期供货合同



①议付银行应取消议付,并向受益人追索已付的5万英镑货款 ②开证银行对已议付的5万英镑,仍应偿付,但其余5万英镑立即失效 ③因在撤销通知到达前已部分议付,故本证仍然全部有效



①可以B公司倒闭为由拒绝付款 ②仍应承担付款责任


120.按照《跟单信用证统一惯例》(500号出版物),信用证(3)①未规定可否撤销,即为不可撤销信用证;未规定可否转让,即为可转让信用证 ②未规定可否撤销,即可为撤销信用证;未规定可否转让,即为不可转让信用证 ③未规定可否撤销,即为不可撤销信用证;未规定可否转让,即为不可转让信用证 ①开两张汇票,各随附一套等价的货运单据

②开两张汇票,信用证项下的为光票,全套货运单据随附在托收的汇票项下 ③开两张汇票,托收项下的为光票,全套货运单据随附于信用证的汇票项下



①开证申请人 ②开证银行 ③议付银行

122.没有最后装运期的信用证(1)①有效 ②无效

123.使用假远期信用证,实际上是套用(2)①卖方资金 ②付款银行资金 ③买方资金

124.假远期信用证,就出口商的收汇时间来说,等于(1)①即期信用证 ②远期信用证

125.对出口人来说,假远期信用证(3)①等于即期信用证 ②等于远期信用证

③收款时间等于即期信用证,承担风险相似于远期信用证 126.保兑信用证的保兑行,其付款责任是:(2)①在进口人(开证申请人)不履行付款义务时履行付款义务 ②在开证行不履行付款义务时履行付款义务 ③承担第一性的付款义务

127.假远期信用证又称买方远期信用证,其主要特点是(1234 ①由开证行开出延期付款信用证 ②由受益人开出远期汇票 ③由指定的付款行负责贴现汇票 ④由进口人负担贴现息和费用 ⑤由出口人待汇票到期时收取货款



①最易为买方接受,有利扩大出口,所以,在出口业务中,应扩大对承兑交单的使用 ②虽然最易为买方接受,有利扩大出口,但其风险太大,在出口业务中,应严格控制使用

130.托收和信用证两种支付方式使用的汇票都是商业汇票,都是通过银行收款(1)①但是托收属商业信用,信用证属银行信用 ②两者都属商业信用 ③两者都属银行信用

131.在国际贸易支付中,托收是商业信用,信用证是银行信用(2)①托收使用的汇票是商业汇票,信用证使用的汇票是银行汇票 ②两者使用的汇票都是商业汇票 ③两者使用的汇票都是银行汇票

132.汇票有即期和远期之分,在承兑交单(D/A)业务中(1)①只使用远期汇票,不使用即期汇票 ②只使用即期汇票,不使用远期汇票 ③既使用即期汇票,也使用远期汇票


称与公司印章上的名称不一致,合同发票上的是ABC Corporation,而印章则是ABC company,仅一词之差,此时又恰逢国际市场价格有变,在这种情况下(14)①外商有权拒绝付款 ②责任在外商

③外商应按规定如期付款 ④责任在河北某外贸公司



①商业汇票,属于商业信用 ②银行汇票,属于银行信用 ③商业汇票,属于银行信用 ④银行汇票,属于商业信用



(2)①商业汇票 ②银行汇票 ③有时使用商业汇票,有时使用银行汇票

136.买卖双方以D/P远期T/R条件成交签约,货到目的港后,买方凭T/R向代收行借单提货,事后收不回货款(1)①卖方承担 ②买方承担 ③托收行承担 ④代收行承担

137.在货物进出口贸易合同中的商品检验的时间和地点,一般以下三种规定办法,其中何种较为公平合理?(3)①货物装船前在出口国检验 ②在进口国卸货后检验

③在出口国装船前检验,凭其检验凭证议付货款,货到进口国的港后买方有复验权 138.按照国际惯例,索赔都有一定的期限,一般说来,超过期限的索赔(1)①无效 ②有效

139.对欧洲粮食销售合同规定为散装货,卖方交货时采用麻袋包装,净重与同规定相符,价格不变,货到后买方提出索赔,这种索赔是(1)①合理的 ②不合理的

140.请在下列商品检验的作法中,指出哪一种不符目前国际贸易中的习惯做法(2)①装船前检验 ②运输工具上检验 ③工厂检验 ④买方营业处所检验

141.我与外商按CIF条件成交某商品1000打,允许卖方有5%溢短装幅度,我实际装1000打(提单也载明1000打),货抵目的港后,买方即来函反映仅收到948打,并已取得船公司短少证明,向我索赔。我正确答复应是:(3)①同意补装52打 ②同意退2打货款

①视构成不可抗力,予以免责,并解除合同 ②视未构成不可抗力,坚持美方应按合同规定交货



P90 答:在签订合同时,没有具体规定外商提供的设备规格、型号、性能、生产国别和制造日期,当产品与口头协定的不符时,该国内用户无法向供应商要求索赔,起不到很好的法律保护作用; 也没有规定品质保证期、检验机构、检验标准和索赔期,该国内用户显然签订了对自己极为不利的合同条款,购买了没有品质保障的产品。当产品出现质量问题及需要维修时,因为没有相关的规定,该国内用户不能很好地用法律保护自己的利益。我们从中学到,签订买卖合同时,应严格考虑到多方面的问题,明确产品品名条款及质量条款等多方面的问题,充分了解对方的具体信息。在签订品名条款时应注意合理性、正确性及明确性。在签订品质条款时,应对成交商品的质量要求做出全面、确切的规定。订立严格的买卖合同,有利于更好地保护自己的利益。



P160 答:保险公司拒绝是合理的,依照国际贸易术语解释通则2010,CIF买卖双方在海上运输中的风险,是以货在装货港装上船为界限来划分的。即货物装船前的风险由卖方承担,装船后的风险由买方承担,所以货物在装船前对卖方具有的保险利益,装船之后转移到对买方具有保险利益。如上所述,不具备保险利益则得不到保险赔偿,该案中,货物损失发生在装船以前,所以保险利益归卖方,买方无保险利益,所以保险公司拒赔是有道理的。




2、答:.不能。这是因为,与UCP600不同,ISP98明确规定了每次交单均具有独立性,即受益人未能按期交单,并不影响下次交单。P253 答:(1)进口商的索赔无道理。(2)这个安全CFR条件下商品质检索赔问题,根据国际惯例,按CFR条件成交,买卖双方的风险界点在装运港的船舷,货物在越过装运港船舷以前的风险由卖方承担,货物越过船舷之后的风险由买方承担;索赔是有期限的,超过索赔期限的索赔,对方有权拒绝;索赔是要有索赔依据的,索赔的商检证书的开出地点机构应符合合同规定,否则有权拒绝。(3)结合本案例:






Ⅰ FOB 班轮条件

FOB liner term 清关

customs clearance FOB 吊钩下交货

FOB Under Tackle平舱

trim 多式联运

multimodal transport 船舷

ship’s rail 内陆水运

marine navigation on inland waterway 理舱

stowing shipping space 卸货费

discharge expense 投保

cover/procure/ effect/arrange insurance CFR 卸至岸上(含着陆费)

CFR Landed 班轮

liner ships 单据买卖

documentary sales/ buying and selling of documents CFR 舱底交货

CFR Ex-ship’s Hold CFR 班轮条件

CFR liner terms 象征性交货

symbolic delivery Ⅱ

1.Under CFR,buyer should effect insurance.2.Under CIF Ex-Ship’s Hold, the buyer should pay the discharge charges.3.Under CIF,the insured amount should be US $22000 if the contracted price is US$20000.4.Under CIP,seller has to procure insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.5.The FAS term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.6.The DEQ term requires the buyer to proceed with the customs clearance for imports and payment of all customs duty.7.Under DDP,the seller must pay the costs of customs duties as well as all duties,taxes and other official charges payable upon exportation and importation of the goods.8.Under DDU the seller must give the buyer instant notice of the shipping of the goods as well as any other notice required in order to allow the buyer to take measure.Ⅲ

1.The price quoted includes 5% commission on FOB basis.该报价为FOB 的价格并含5%的佣金。

2.Under CPT,CIP,“carrier” means any person who,in a contract of carriage,undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of transport,by rail,road,air,sea,inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.在CPT、CIP 项下,“承运人”指在货物运输合同中承诺通过铁路、公路、航空、海运、内河水运或多式运输等方式完成货物运输的人。

3.Under FCA,the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place.If delivery occurs at the seller’s premise,the seller is responsible for loading.If delivery occurs at any other place,the seller is not responsible for unloading.在FCA 项下,交货地的选择对货物的装船与卸载责任有影响。如果交货地基于卖方,卖方有装载责任。如果交货地在其它地方,卖方对卸载没有责任。

4.Under FOB,the seller must deliver the goods on the date or within the agreed period at the named port of shipment and in the manner customary at the port on board the vessel nominated by the buyer.And the buyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have passed the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment.

在FOB 项下,卖方必须在约定的日期或期限内,在指定的装运港,按照该港习惯方式,将货物交至买方指定的船只上。买方必须自货物在指定的装运港越过船舷之刻起承当货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。

Chapter 6

1.Sales by Seller’s/Buyer’s Sample

凭卖方样品买卖/凭买方样品买卖 2.Reference /Duplicate Sample

参考样品/副样 3.Qulity Tolerance

品质公差 4.Counter Sample


5.More or Less Clauses

溢短装条款 6.Neutral Packing

中性包装 7.Customs Formality


8.Inspection Certificate of Quality

质量检验证书 9.FDA

美国食品及药物检验局 10.Marking of Goods 商品标志 Ⅱ

1.毛重gross weight 2.理论重量theoretical weight 3.净重net weight 4.约定皮重computed tare 5.公量conditioned weight 6.单位重量unit weight 7.含水量moisture content 8.习惯皮重customary tare 9.法定重量legal weight 10.实际皮重actual tare 11.从价税ad valorem duty 12.平均皮重average tare 13.货样不符goods not equal to/in conformity with the sample 14.副产品by-products 15.国家质量监督校验检疫总局General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China Ⅲ(f)mineral ore

A.sample(a)ordinary garments


C.F.A.Q(E)Haier washing machines

D.G.M.Q(b)medical apparatus

E.famous brand(c)wheat

F.specification(g)calligraphic works

G.inspection(h)power plant generator

H.drawing or diagram Chapter 7

Ⅰ油轮Oil tanker 定程租船Voyage Charter 滚装船Ro /Ro vessel 定期租船Time Charter 载驳轮LASH(Light Aboard Ship)光船租船Bare Boat Charter(BBC)船期表sailing schedule 租船合同charter contract 滞期费demurrage charge 班轮运价表liner freight rate schedule 速遣费dispatch money 选卸附加费additional on optional 直航附加费direct additional 转船附加费transshipment surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Port Congestion Surcharge 运输代理freight forwarder 包裹package 拼箱货LCL(Less than container load)结汇settlement 整箱货FCL(Full container load)空运单Air waybill 集装箱货运站container yard 装运通知shipping notice 处置权right of disposal Partial shipment /transshipment 分批装船/转运 Bill of lading 提单 Clean B /L 清洁提单 Order B /L 指示提单

Combined transport B /L 联合运输提单 Blank B/L 空白提单 Straight B/L 记名提单 Through B /L 联运提单 Liner B/L 班轮提单

Ante-dated B /L 倒签提单 Advanced B/L 预借提单

Consignment note 陆运或铁路运输通知 Blank endorsement 空白背书 IATA 国际航空运输协会

Combined transport documents 多式联运单据 FCL /LCL 整箱交/拆箱接 Ⅱ 1.√ 2.√ 3.√ 4.× 5.× 6.√ 7.× Ⅲ




5.集装箱的好处在于: 方便处理货物,减少盗窃,减少暴露,节约装船成本。

Chapter 8

投保人insured 共同海损general average 投保金额insured amount 外来风险extraneous risks 保险单insurance policy 推定全损constructive total lost 海上风险perils of sea 施救费用 sue and labor expenses 救助费用salvage charges 意外事故fortuitous accidents 承保人insurer 单独海损particular average 保险费insurance premium 航空运输货物战争险air transportation war risk 陆运险land transportation risks 陆运一切险land transportation all risks 估损费用risk estimation charges 航空运输一切险air transportation all risks Ocean marine insurance 海运保险 War risks 战争险 Basic risks coverage 基本险种 Insured amount 投保金额

T.P.N.D 偷盗、失窃、提货不着险 Taint of ordr 窜味险

Overland transportation insurance 陆上运输保险 Parcel post insurance 邮寄包裹保险 Free from particular average平安险 Additional risks coverage 附加险别

Fresh water and /or rain damage 淡水雨淋险 With particular average 水渍险 Ⅱ 1.√ 2.√ 3.×

4.×Special additional coverage such as war risks,strikes and so on must be taken out together with FPA,WPA.(and all risks)

5.×In essence,open policy is(not)the same as the insurance certificate.6.√ 7.√

8.×Three(two)types of risks are covered by ocean marine insurance,namely the perils of sea,the extraneous risks(去掉and the force majeure).9.×Ocean marine insurance covers two types of losses,partial loss and total loss →perils of sea and extraneous risks Ⅳ



3.保险应包括水渍险、偷盗失窃及提货不着险和战争险。保险金额为CIF 价的110%。


4.仓至仓保险所承保的风险包括从货物因运输目的而离开仓库起经运输期间以及到达目的地仓库(或者到期日前15 天)为止,这段时间内产生的风险。




credit standard 远期信用证time L /C,usance L /C 通知银行advising bank 信用证有效期the maturity of L /C 交付运单delivery of B /L 支付保障条款confirmation of credit 支付结算payment and settlement 申请人与受益人applicant and beneficiary 国际保理international factoring Ⅱ irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证 confirmed L /C 保兑信用证

revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证 sight draft 即期汇票

commercial bill of exchange 商业汇票 time draft 远期汇票

governmental guarantee 政府保函 drawee 付款人

1.Irrevocable L /C is a letter of credit that cannot be canceled or changed with the consent of all parties involved.2.Time draft is a commercial bill of exchange calling for payment to be made at some time after delivery.3.Drawee is a person or party who is to receive a draft.4.Revocable letter of credit is a letter of credit that can be changed by any of the parties involved.5.Sight draft is a commercial bill of exchange that requires payment to be made as soon as it is presented to the party obligated to pay.6.Confirmed L /C is a letter of credit to which a bank in the exporter’s country adds its guarantee of payment.7.Commercial bill of exchange is an instrument of payment in international business that instructs the importer to forward payment to the exporter.8.Governmental guarantee is an agreement of the government to be responsible for the fulfillment of someone else’s promise.Ⅲ.L /C 的全称是跟单信用证或单证信用证。


既然其正式名称为单证信用证,信用证上所列的条款都涉及在指定时间内出示指定单证。不同的信用证中买方所要求的单证是不同的,但至少会包括一张发票和一张提单。其他的单证包括: 原产地证明、领事发票、保险单证、检验单以及其他单证。



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