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1-5 DDACB 6-10 BBDAD 11-15 DBDBD


[解析]细节题。根据第一段第一句可知兰开斯特夫人由于工作带给她的巨大压力而获得 67,000英镑作为补偿。所以答案为A。






[解析]推理判断题。第一段中提到兰开斯特夫人是第一个因巨大的工作压力而拿到补偿金的人,接着作者指出it’s likely to start a flood of other workers' claims,所以法庭会接触到更多的关于工作压力造成精神创伤的案件。所以答案为C。


[解析]推理判断题。根据第二段第五句...with no continual, a constant high workload and little clerical support...”,第三段第一句...Frances Kirkham said she understood the position of troubleshooter was different from Mrs.Lancaster’s precious job.可知因为前后两份工作截然不同,给兰开斯特夫人带来了巨大的精神压力,所以如果伯明翰委员会打算调换员工的工作,必须确保两份工作的衔接性。所以答案为A。




[解析]细节题。文中第二段最后提到...but they haven’t really learnt much at least of the of-ficial curriculum.由此可知,学校模式下的学习忽视了正式课程中的某些部分,所以答案为B。








[解析]推理判断题。文中第一段中提到Kim把银纳米应用于洗衣机中,制造出了新式洗衣机,根据第二段最后一句When he go back to Seoul,Kim applied the principle to washing machines.可知先生是搞产品开发的,所以答案为A。










[解析] 文章主旨题。第一段第一句介绍了Appleyard研究的主要关注点,由A pioneering study by Donald Appleyard made the surprise sudden increase可知答案为A。


[解析] 细节题。由第一段第一句a sudden increase in crime does可知答案为D。


[解析] 段落大意题。第二段里用很大的篇幅描写了heavy traffic会带来的问题,比如 danger,noise,fumes等等,所以第二段的主要目的是指出交通拥挤所带来的问题。


[解析] 段落大意题。第二段里用很大的篇幅描写了heavy traffic会带来的问题,比如 danger,noise,fumes等等,所以第二段的主要目的是指出交通拥挤所带来的问题。


[解析] 细节题。由第二段最后一句Most families with children had already left.这就说明了家长意识到了Franklin Street的文化氛围不适合孩子,这与A选项符合。


[解析] 细节题。由第一段第七句可知不止年轻人在玩游戏,玩游戏的人涉及很广的年龄段。所以答案为C。


[解析] 细节题。第二段第二句可知像Xbox和PlayStation这些类型的游戏机是二十几岁人的领域,他们喜欢把启己想象成体育明星和赛车手。所以答案为C。


[解析] 细节题。第三段谈到The AOL survey suggests some players are in denial about the ex-tent of their habit.随后就说了人们受到游戏对他们不同程度的影响。可知这些人否认受电子游戏影响。所以答案为B。


[解析] 推理判断题。由第三段,作者提问Or is it as harmful as television,pulling people ever further from reality第四段But don’t think we’re all heading into a world with everyone plugged into,if not totally controlled by,his own game.可推测电子游戏没有电视对人的影响大。


[解析] 细节理解题。由最后一段可知他们认为,玩他们游戏的人比不玩游戏的人更乐于参与到现实活动中。故他们认为他们的游戏是健康产品。


[解析] 细节题。根据第一段最后一句可知由于鸵鸟极长而有力的腿和它巨大羽翼张开而产生的浮力的共同作用,鸵鸟可以以很快的速度跑很长的距离。所以答案为C。


[解析] 推理计算题。根据第二段第一句和最后一句可知鸵鸟一个雨季约产20个蛋,它在其他鸟巢产了8、9个蛋后才回自己的巢里产蛋。所以答案为A。


[解析] 细节题。根据第四段第一句可知鸵鸟孵蛋时只能罩住约20个蛋,故它每次孵蛋都要弄几个蛋出巢。所以答案为D。


[解析] 细节题。根据第四段第三句知对于每只雌鸵鸟来说,他们产的蛋有固定的大小和形状,故分辨自己所产的蛋对于他们来说并不难。所以答案为C。


[解析] 推理判断题。文章最后一段最后一、二句可知,有很多鸵鸟巢都会受到袭击,但因为鸵鸟不但把蛋下在自己窝里,还下在其他鸵鸟的窝里,所以当一个鸵鸟巢遭受袭击时,雌鸵鸟在其他鸟巢下的蛋还可能存活下来。故鸵鸟这样做是为了保护它的蛋 4



38.C 39.C 40.B Task 2(每题2分)41.B

42.D 43.C


45.B Task 3(每题1分;填写超过三个词不给分)46.Macmillan Publishers Limited

47.original intended recipient

48.Statements 49.viruses

50.e-mail communication Task 4(每题1分)


Who Wants to Live Forever 1)things that living longer might enable an individual to do? 1)Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the Having more education.2)Which of the following is implied in the sixth paragraph? 2)Marriages in the US today are quite unstable.3)might have All of the following are possible effects living longer be used by employees in payment of their employees.on working life EXCEPT3)More money would 4)long life is that4)it lacks the curiosity to experiment what is An important feature of a society in which people live a new 5)to anti-ageing technology? 5)Reserved.Which of the following best describes Callahan's attitudeSingle-parent Kids Do Best 1)With which of the following statements would the author probably agree? 1)Two-parent families produce less attractive children.2)According to the passage, in what way does family conflict affect the quality of the offspring? 2)The young males get less care.3)paragraph 5? 3)Experiment and result.What is the relationship between paragraph 4 and 4)influenced by sexual conflict? 4)The offspring’s body size.According to Hartley, which of the following is NOT 5)reproductive strategy is influenced by5)Ecological factors.According to the passage, people believe that a female’sDangerous Sunshine to Children 1Why become greater and greater? 1)Because the earth's protective does the risk of developing skin cancers in children ozone layer declines year after year.2How melanoma many

66,000, all over people the die world from every skin year? cancers 2)An average including of 3What People living near the equator.people are more likely to develop eye cataracts? 3)4All unfavorable for the preservation of the ozone layer EXCEPT4)of the following articlesmay use some chemicals medicines 5The replaced by5)permanently phrase “for good” in the last paragraph can be bestHypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke 1)another How many people surviving the first stroke may them.attack during the following five years? 1)20% suffer of 2)_____less risk of secondary strokes than taking only one such Takingtwo blood pressure-lowering drugs may produce drug.2)about one fourteenth

3)Which of the following is NOT a symptom left by strokes? 34))

stroke How Habitual sleeplessness.many strokes may be

recommends? 4patients can be treated reduced in the in way a year as if the most article of 5)benefit greatly from taking blood pressure-lowering drugs?all What patients)500,000 among those who have had a stroke will of thePregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast Cancer Risk 1decline)Which of the following may have NOTHING to do with a morning sickness during the early period of pregnancy.in breast cancer incidence? 1)Experiencing serious 2important role in lowering breast cancer risk? 2)According to the study, what on earth may play an in mother’s body.the levels of hormones and other substances)The changes 3women whose blood pressure _____ may have the least risk)From thein the

fifth paragraph we may infer that pregnant

of breast cancer.34)

4)Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta? increases the most


mechanisms at work.5)Protecting the mother against breast cancer.It seems that Cohn is _____ of finding out the exact)confident

Sauna 1.2.Ceremonial bathing C)has various forms sauna experience?B)What is understood by some people to be the true 3.the following EXCEPT.D)According to the third paragraph, saunas can do all ofSaunas with smoke.4.skin a healthy glow becauseA)According to the fourthcuring asthma paragraph, sauna gives

5.Who are advised not to take a sauna?D)pores are cleaned by sweat the Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like OthersAll of the above.1accept low-salt tasteless food reluctantly)In paragraph 2, John Hayes points out that1)many people 2subjects and what to do in the research.)The fourth paragraph describes briefly2)how to select 3saltiness is their primary flavor.)The article argues that supertasters3)like snack foods as 4bitter taste? 4)Which of the following applies to supertasters in terms of bitter..)They prefer high-salt cheese, which tastes less 5acuity is genetically determined.)What message do the last two paragraphs carry'? 5)TasteKidney Disease and Heart Disease Spur Each Other 1)How simmering kidney disease? 1)By urine and blood tests.can one learn earlier whether he or she suffer

2)How according to an estimation? 2)19,000,000.many Americans suffer chronic kidney disease

3)How and required many Americans suffered end-stagekidney ago according to an estimation? 3)100,000.dialysis or a transplant to survive twenty failure years

4)What did the Archives Of Internal Medicine call for doctors caring for heart patients to do? 4)To start rigorously checking out their patients' kidneys 5)Which of the following is NOT one of the three markers of kidney blood.function? 5)Levels of the white blood cells in theMore about Alzheimer’s Disease1)The newly developed skin tests may be used in the future

is disease.to allow doctors to1)predict who might get Alzheimer’s

2)The easy to be diagnosed.passage indicates that Alzheimer’s is a disease2)not3)Which of the following statements about the Alzheimer’s disease and cure the disease now.is NOT true? 3)There are many ways to deal with 4)Alzheimer’s and dementia is true? 4)Dementia is one of the Which of the following about the relationship between signs of Alzheimer’s5)not be proven valid smoothly.The last paragraphimplies that the diagnostic test5)mayEducation of Students with Vision Impairments 1)Vclearly and read books and so on.arious adaptive aids are used to1)help children see more 2)words in them.Large-print books are those books which2)have large

3)Many blind students like to listen to books because3can save time.)this

4)“Orientation and mobility training” is meant to teach blind and partially sighted children4other people’s help.5)It may be good for children with vision impairments to live)how to move around without in special schools because these schools5trouble of coming from and going back homes.)can save them theWater Pollution 1)statements According to this passage, which of the following water is used for farming.is true of yearly water consumption? 1)Most 2)Paragraph 2 suggests all of the following EXCEPT that2)EPA America.is responsible for causing serious water pollution in 3)fast-growing Water runoff where they live.algae causes have fish used to up die the partly oxygen because3)in the water the 4)too many trees may also cause water pollution.An important idea of paragraph 4 is that4)cutting down 5)The main subject of the last paragraph is5)Oil Spills and Pollution of the Sea.DNA Fingerprinting 1)According to the essay, we can find chromosomes1sheep.)in a 2)evidence in court investigations.DNA fingerprinting is more often used for2)providing 3)When your brother looks exactly like DNA may be34)Some people believe that using a DNA fingerprint)exactly like his.you, your complete may not be so reliable because4researchers explain what have come of their tests.)mistakes are possible when5)This essay talks about DNA fingerprinting concerning the following aspects EXCEPT5)possible danger in drawing aDNA sample from the human body.1Malnutrition.)What is the cause of much of the sickness and death? 1)22)3)What is the writer’s attitude toward the serious situation? nutrition? 3)We should act.How many countrieshave made plans of action for 4)98.4)5)Which of the following is NOT the harm of lacking iron? Traffic accidents.iron deficiency?5)Drinking coffee soon after meals.)Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a remedy forAIDSDrug Resistance1 Fades Quickly in Key Aids Drug1passing)Whatduring delivery.HIV effect infection does nevirapine from mothers have? on 1)to It their may newborns prevent 2quickly)Why Because other drugs are not present to kill the virus particles even does when HIV resistance the drug is against used nevirapine alone just build once? very 2)that survive nevirapine.3she gets the single does of nevirapine at delivery? 3)When may a woman start her nevirapine-based treatment if to wait at least six months after that nevirapine exposure.)She has 4nevirapine_4)We may learn from this passage that HIV resistance against quickly.)lasts only for about a half year and fades 5nevirapine is 5)Generally speaking, the author’s attitude towards the use of)positiveIQ-Gene 1)scientists In the genes.can beginning not agree1)of paragraph How much one of we IQ are comes told from that 2)What does “some “in the second sentence of paragraph one stands for? 2)Genes.3)A gene for chopsticks flexibility is found to be3)Unrelated to the ability to use chopsticks.4)finding in that4)There may not be a causal link between gene Plomin’s IQ-gene study is similar to the chopsticks gene and intelligence.5)findings with a whole box of salt”?5)He doubts the findings What does Feinberg mean by saying “I would take these very much.15 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety1)fear of1)facing social or performance situations.People with social anxiety disorder are known for their 2)What do people with social anxiety disorder think of their fear? 2)They think it's beyond their control.3)Which is NOT true of people with social anxiety disorder? 3)They tend to judge or criticize other people:4)following EXCEPT4)sore throat.The symptoms of social anxiety disorder include all the 5)It can be seen from the last paragraph that treatment of the disorder5)can lead to improvement in the sufferers' lives.A Gay Biologist 1)and character.The first paragraph describes Hamer’s1)looks, hobbies 2)Hamer was a2)biologist.3)What is Hamer doing now? 4)exploring What happened He turned to behavioral genetics.the role of to genes Hamer’s in deciding research one’s interest? personality.3)He 4)is 5)According to Hamer, what was one of the main reasons for him to choose homosexual behavior as his research subject?5)He was curious about it as a scientist.


1B.how2A.in creased3 A.completes b:completed4 C.unless 5D.will have workedD:will have worked for 6 C.on arriving7C.did I leam8B.working 9A.followed10 D.which 填空1 education2

comfortable3 needed4 was considered

5harmful6 carefully7 best8 to keep9 filling10 interested 阅读理解一.1

D.Teamwork skills2 B.Are 旅行文件(O)T 急诊医疗手术(D E 医疗费用(FM 行李损(B)D 租车保险自负额(KR儿童救助(A)C 第三方责任(M)TH 行程延误(N)TR 罢工险(L)S 阅读填空(填空后面句段省略)

1It offers a。personal line

2Up to(美元符号)100,000 cash or twiceyour monthly in come 3You can enjoya。a low interest rate

4It'sflexible repayments 5ThroughOnline Banking

或者是5 How can …? Throngh on line banking 辞职信

learned while working in a teamB.En couraging employees to co-operateB;In....to perate4A.To come to an agreement

A:A came to agtrrment

5A.Team buildingA: team

阅读二.1C.Provides private car hire service C:pravides car zhe bire 战争险(Q)W 另一卷1()旅行文件 Travel bocuments

2()儿童...Child help 3(D)急诊医疗手术Emergenly medi

4(M)第三方...Third dury insurule(F)医疗费用Medicul exp...翻译选择题(英文后面部分省略,中文中间部分省略)1 All of the不可选 A你申请签证时所需要的切证明材料全由我贸易网向你提供 2If you Can't不可选 B如果无法预付租金你可以从两类社会基金中获得贷款 3These products不可选 C你们生产的…都是不合格的…顾客要求退换 4A company's不可选 D董事会决心修改公司的方针B.The latest computer systemsB thlatest computersys tems

3C.Telephone 4 B.Do sightseeing at a lower prile5A.Wedding service 填空 1John Brown2human resource management3educational background 4work experience 注意,work可能是wnrle 5early afternoons

6(N)行程延误 Travel delay 7(B)行李损坏..Damaytd 8(L)罢工..Strike risle 9(K)租车..保险Rentul vehide

10(Q)战争…War risl


六、重点单词及短语 attend your appointment 赴约 conrenient 方便 as soon as possible 尽快 enable 能够 offer 提供 patient 病人 rebook 重新预约 cancel 取消 change 改变 method 方法

表示要辞职 Iam wrieing to inform you about my decision to resign from my….2,辞职的原因Ihave accepted an oiffer by anther firm and have decided to tender my resignation…… 3,说明辞职时间 Effective amonth later, I will be resing my employment with your’s

company…..4,表示感谢 Thank you for your company and consideration in these several years wrking.1-5 CDBBA6-10 ABDCA

11、get the first prize12、a very fine performance

13、Dog Days of Summer

14、The flowers so beautiful15、The machine is broken, doesn't work


26althoug she is only27 Complete 28 Guangzhou Asian Games 29responsibility30to accept

conducted32 had33 to be able34be good at35the weather forecast

36—40 BBCCD41—45 CCABD46—50ABCDA

51—55ACDJEFHIMN56、august 201057、write contact details in your CT58、people to pursue a career in frelds59、is the total value of the contract 60、on the shoulder61—65 BCCAA






Part IListening Comprehension

Section A(每题1分)1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B

Section B(每题1分)6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A

Section C(每题1分,得分为0分、0.5分、1分;答对部分得0.5分;若有拼写错误但 尚能辨认,酌情扣0.5分或不扣分;填写超过三个词不给分)


12.same area(答对部分得0.5分,如有拼写错误,酌情扣分)




Part II Structure

Section A(每题0.5分)

16.B 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C

Section B(每题1分,得分为0分、1分;第26、28、30、34题拼写错误不给分;其余各 题若有拼写错误,但尚能辨认含义,可以酌情不扣分。)

26.quickly 27.less 28.interesting 29.lost

30.performance 31.is equipped 32.writing

33.have become 34.wonderful 35.were / was

Part III Reading Comprehension

Task 1(每题2分)

36.C 37.B 38.B 39.D 40.A

Task 2(每题2分)

41.B 42.B 43.C 44.B 45.B

Task 3(每题1分,得分为0分、0.5分、1分;若有拼写错误但尚能辨认,酌情扣0.5 分或不扣分;名词单复数错误酌情扣分或不扣分;第50题大小写不扣分;填 写超过三个词不给分)

46.college /CBM 47.various activities 48.communication 49.full-time 50.Student Advising Office

Task 4(每题1分)

51.O, F 52.I, L 53.G, B 54.D, C 55.E, A

Task 5(每题1分,得分为0分、0.5分、1分;若有拼写错误但尚能辨认,酌情扣0.5 分或不扣分;名词单复数错误酌情扣分或不扣分;填写超过三个词不给分)

56.account 57.free 58.12(languages)59.close 60.(continue to)use / log in to

Part IV Translation---English into Chinese


65: 从七月开始,中国的电影院常客们每周二花半价就可以去电影院看电影。任何在周二上映的电影,即使是新电影也是半价。周二是一周中观众最少的一天,在这一天实行半价政策,是为了将人们带到影院。这项措施已经在北京和深圳的某些影院提前实行,这些影院周二晚上的观众数量都有所增加。

Part VWriting(25 minutes)(Only for Reference)

Dec.21st, 2008

Dear Manager,I am writing to complain about the SQ200 cell phone I bought last week in your shop, the First Department Store.I guess that something has gone wrong with the information system of the phone.I can’t send or receive any messages with it.Neither can I take any photos even though the users’ guide says that I can do so.I really feel upset about it.Could you please change another one for me or send me the refund? Enclosed please find the receipt.I am returning the cell phone by post.Your early reply will be well appreciated.Yours sincerely,Wang Hua


1.本题按综合方式评分,从格式、表达和语言三方面衡量,只给一个分数,即给印象分(global/impression marking)。

2.评分时应以考生应得(rewarding)分数评定,不要以扣分(penalty)方式评 定。



2)11分:格式基本正确;内容较完整,表达尚清楚;有一些语言错误,可 以有个别句子结构上错误。

3)8分:格式基本正确;内容大体完整,表达可勉强理解;有较多的语言 错误,包括少量严重错误。

4)5分:格式勉强正确;内容不完整,但是没有离题;表达有较大困难; 语言有很多错误,有一些是严重错误。

5)2分:格式不正确;内容表达不清楚;语言支离破碎,仅有个别句子尚 正确。






Once upon a time, there lived a rich man.He had a servant(仆人).He and the servant(仆人)loved wine and good food very much.Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house.The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that.One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “Here are two bottles of poison(毒药)and some nice food in the house.You must take of them.” With these words, he went out.But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue.After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal.Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground.When the rich man came back, he couldn’t find his food and his wine.He became very angry.He woke the servant up.But the servant told his story very well.He said a cat had eaten up everything.He was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself.()1.In the story, _______ liked wine and good food very much.A.the rich man

B.the servant

C.both A and B

D.neither A and B

()2.The rich man knew that it was _______ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food.A.the cat



D.the servant

()3.The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because ________.A.there was in fact poison in the bottles

B.did not want the servant to drink his wine

C.he wanted to kill the cat

D.he wanted to kill the servant

()4.In fact, _______ ate all the nice food and drank the wine.A.the servant


C.the rich man


()5.From the story, we know that the servant is very _______.A.lazy



D.kind 译文:




(二)Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries.Most American

Children in the US will leave their parents’ home when they grow up.They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobs.They often write to their parents or telephone them.And they often go to visit their parents on holiday.Parents usually let their children choose their own jobs.Americans think it important for young people to decide on their lives by themselves.Children are asked to do some work around their house.And in many families, children are paid for doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for their own use.()6.The size of most American families is ________ that of other countries.A.larger than

B.smaller than

C.as big as D.as small as

()7.When children grow up, they leave their parents’ home to _________.A.get married

B.be free

C.find good jobs


()8.They visit their parents ________.A.on weekdays

B.on weekends

C.at any time

D.on holiday

()9.Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A.Children have the freedom to choose their own job.B.Parents don’t ask their children to do the housework.C.Parents think it important for children to make their own decision.D.When children grow up, they usually live far away from their home.()10.Some parents pay their children for doing housework because ___________.A.children can learn how to make money for themselves

B.their children required them to do so

C.they are rich

D.it is required by law 译文:





(三)Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk with words, but they talk with sounds.They show their feelings with sounds.Dolphins travel in a group.We call a group of fish a “school”.They don’t study, but they travel together.Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school.They give information.They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid.They say “welcome”when a dolphin comes back to the school.They

They make a few sounds above water.They make many more sounds under water.People cannot hear these sounds because they are very, very high.Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium(水族馆).People can watch the dolphins in a show.Dolphins don’t like to be away from their school in an aquarium.They are sad and lonely(孤独的).There are many stories about dolphins.They help people.Sometimes they save somebody’s life.Dolphin meat is good, but people don’t like to kill them.They say that dolphins bring good luck.Many people believe this.1.Dolphins show their feelings with ___________.A.pictures




2.People can’t hear the dolphin’s sounds because ________.A.they are above the water

B.they are under the water

C.they are very high

D.they are very low

3.Which one is true according to the passage?

A.Dolphins swim together in a school because they want to study

B.They don’t study, but they travel in a group

C.Dolphins like to be away from their school on an island.D.Dolphins like to kill people 译文:







(四)All my friends at school smoked.My dad smoked;he didn’t want me to smoke but my friends kept saying I was stupid.They asked when I was going to grow up.So I started when I was sixteen and after a month I couldn’t stop.But two years later I could feel what smoking was doing to me.I couldn’t run far, and I coughed every morning.I got very ill and decided to stop.It

w I have money for other things.If you smoke, you are twice as likely to die from a heart attack.And the more you smoke, the earlier the heart attack is likely to be.For example, a 50-year-old who smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day, is four times more likely to have heart disease than a non-smoker of the same age.What does smoking do to the heart? First of all, it makes the heart beat faster and increases the blood pressure.The cigarette smoke also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood.Consequently, the heart has to work harder, with less oxygen.Finally, your arteries will narrow faster if you smoke.So if you want to reduce your chances of getting heart disease, the answer is easy –– not to smoke.Don’t copy your friends and other people who smoke.If you smoke, find out how to stop.Stopping isn’t easy, but you’ll be healthier, and....1.Who is more likely to have heart disease?

A.A smoker

B.A non-smoker

C.A 50-year-old person

2.What does the writer think of smoking?

A.It is good for his health

B.Smoking is bad for him

C.Is it neither good nor bad for his heath

3.What happens after the writer stopped smoking?

A.He becomes rich

B.He has more friends

C.He becomes healthier and has money to do other things.译文:












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