Industrial robots There are variety of definitions of the term robot.Depending on the definition used, the number of robot installations worldwide varies widely.Numerous single-purpose machines are used in manufacturing plants that might appear to be robots.These machines are hardwried to perform a single function and cannot be reprogrammed to preform a different function.Such single-purpose machines do not fit the definition for industrial robots that is becoming widely accepted.this definition was developed by the Robot Institute of America.A robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional mainipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.Note that this definition contains the words reprogrammable and multifunctional.It is these two characteristics that separate the ture industrial robot from the various single-purpose machines used in modern manufacturing firms.The term “reprogrammable” implies two things: The robot operates according to a written program, and this program can be rewritten to accommodate a variety of manufactureing tasks.The term “multifunctional” means that the robot can, through reprogramming and the use of different end-effectors, perform a number of different manufacturing tasks.Definitions written around these two critical characteristics are becoming the accpted definitions among manufacturing professionals.The first articulated arm came about in 1951 and was used by the U.S.Atomic Energy Commission.In 1954, the first programmable robot was designed by George Devol.It was based on two important technologies:(1)Numerical control(NC)technology.(2)Romote manipulator technology.Numerical contorl technology provided a form of machine control ideally suited to robots.It allowed for the control of motion by stored programs.These programs contain date points to which the sequentially moves, timing signals initiate action and to stop movement, and logic staements to allow for decision making.Remote manipulator technology allowed a machine to be more than just another NC machine.It allowed such machines to become robots that can perform a variety of manufacturing tasks in both inaccessible and unsafe environments.By merging these two technologies, Devol developed the first industrial robot, an unsophisticated programmable materials handling machine.The first commerically produced robot was developed in 1959.In 1962, General Motors Corporation.This robot was produced by Unimation.A major step forword in robot control occurred in 1973 with the development of the T-3 industrial robot by Cincinnati Milacron.The T-3 robot was the first commercially produced industrial robot controlled by a minicomputer.Numerical control and remote manipulator technology prompted the wide-scale development and use of industrial robots.But major technological developments do not take place simply because of such new capabilities.Something must provide the impetus for taking advantage of these capabilities.In the case of industrial robots, the impetus was economics.The rapid inflation of wages experienced in the 1970s tremendously increased the personnel costs of manufacturing firms.At the same time, foreign competition became a serious problem for U.S.manufacturers.Foreign manufacturers who had undertaken automation on a wide-scale basis, such as those in Japan, began to gain an increasingly large share of the U.S.and world market for manufactured goods, particularly automobiles.Through a variety of automation techniques including robots, Japanese manufacturers, beginning in the 1970s, were able to produce better automobiles more cheaply than nonautomated U.S.manufacturers.Consequently, in order to survive, U.S.manufacturers were forced to consider any technological developments that could help improve productivity.It became imperative to produce better products at lower costs in order to be competitive with foreign manufacturers.Other factors such as the need to find better ways of performing dangerous manufacturing tasks contributed to the development of industial robots.However, the principal rationale has always been, and is still, improved productivity.One of the principal advantages of robots is that they can be used in settings that are dangerous to humans.Welding and parting are examples of applications where robots can be used more safely than humans.Even though robots are closely associated with safety in the workplace, they can, in themselves, be dangerous.Robots and robot cells must be carefully designed and configured so that they do not endanger human workers and other machines.Robot work envelops should be accurately calculated and a danger zone surrounding the envelope clearly marked off.Red flooring strips and barries can be used to keep human workers out of a robot’s work envelope.Even with such precautions it is a good idea to have an automatic shutdown system in situations where robots are used.Such a system should have the capacity to sense the need for an automatic shutdown of operations.Fault-tolerant computers and redundant systems can be installed to ensure proper shutdown of robotics systems to ensure a safe enviroment.About componets of a robot system, the componets of a robot system could be discussed either from a systems point of view.Physically, we could divide the system, and controller(computer).Likewise, the robot itself could be partitioned anthropomorphically into base, shoulder, elbow, wrist, gripper, and tool.Most of these terms require little explanation.Consequently, we will describe the components of a robot system from the point of view of information transfer.That is, what information or signal enters the component;what logical or arithmetic operation does the component perform;and what information or signal does the component produce? It is important to note that the same physical component may performs many different information processing operations(e.g., a central computer performs many different calculations on different data).Likewise, two physically separate components many perform identical informations(e.g., the shoulder and elbow actuators both convert signals to motion in very similar ways).中文:
有许多关于机器人这个术语的定义。采用不同的定义,全世界各地机器人的数量就会发生很大的改变。在制造工厂中使用的许多但用途机器可能会看起来像机器人。这些机器是硬连线的,用来完成单一的工作,不能通过重新编程的方法去完成不同的工作。这种单用途的机器不能满足被人们日益广泛接受的关于工业机器人的定义。这个定义是由美国机器人协会提出的: 机器人是一个可以改编程序的多功能操作器,被设计用来按预先编制的,能够完成多种作业的运动程序运送材料,零件,工具或者专用设备。
机器人 工业机器人是在生产环境中用以提高生产效率的工具,它能做常规的装配线工作,或能做那些对于工人来说是危险的工作,例如,第一代工业机器人是用来在核电站中更换核燃料棒,如果人去做这项工作,将会遭受有害放射线的辐射。工业机器人亦能工作在装配线上将小元件装配到一起,如将电子元件安装在电路印刷板,这样,工人就能从这项乏味的常规工作中解放出来。机器人也能按程序要求用来拆除炸弹,辅助残疾人,在社会的很多应用场合履行职能。机器人可以认为是将手臂末端的工具、传感器和(或)手爪移到程序指定位置的一种机器。当机器人到达位置后,他将执行某种任务。这些任务可以是焊接、密封、机器装料、拆卸以及装配工作。除了编程以及系统的开停之外,这些工作可以在无人干预下完成。如下叙述的是机器人系统基本术语: 机器人是一个可编程、多功能的机器手,通过给要完成的不同任务编制各种动作,它可以移动零件、材料、工具以及特殊装置。这个基本定义引导出后续段落的其他定义,从而描绘出一个完整的机器人系统。预编程位置点是机器人为完成工作而必须跟踪的轨迹。在某些位置点上机器人将停下来做某写操作,如装配零件、喷涂油漆或焊接。这些预编程点贮存在机器人的贮存器中,并为后续的连续操作所调用,而且这些预编程点像其他程序数据一样,可在日后随工作需要而变化。因而,正是这种可编程的特征,一个工业机器人很像一台计算机,数据可在这里储存、后续调用与编辑。机械手上机器人的手臂,它使机器人能弯曲、延伸、和旋转,提供这些运动的是机器手的轴,亦是所谓的机器人的自由度。一个机器人能有 3—16 轴,自由度一词总是与机器人轴数相关。工具和手爪不是机器人自身组成部分,但它们安装在机器人手臂末端的附件。这些连在机器人手臂末端的附件可使机器人抬起工件、点焊、刷漆、电弧焊、钻孔、打毛刺以及根据机器人的要求去做各种各样的工作。机器人系统还可以控制机器人的工作单元,工作单元是机器人执行任务所处的整体环境,包括控制器、机械手、工作平台、安全保护装置或者传输装置。所有这些为保证机器人完成自己任务而必需的装置都包括在这一工作单元中。另外,来自外设的信号与机器人通讯,通知机器人何时装配工件、取工件或放工件到传输装置上。机器人系统有三个基本部件:机械手、控制器和动力源。A.机械手 机械手做机器人系统中粗重工作,它包括两个部分:机构和附件,机械手也有联接附件基座,图 1 表示了一机器人基座与附件之间的联接情况。图 1 机械手基座通常在工作区域的地基上,有时基座也可以移动,在这种情况下基座安装在导轨或轨道上,允许机械手从一个位置移动到另外一个位置。正如前面所提到的那样,附件从机器人基座上延伸出来,附件就是机器人的手臂,它可以是直接型,也可以是轴节型手臂,轴节型手臂也是大家所知的关节型手臂。机械臂使机械手产生各轴的运动。这些轴连在一个安装基座上,然后再连到托架上,托架确保机械手停留在某一位置。在手臂的末端上,连接着手腕(图 1),手腕由辅助轴和手腕凸缘组成,手腕是让机器人用户在手腕凸缘上安装不同工具来做不同种工作。机械手的轴使机械手在某一区域内执行任务,我们将这个区域为机器人的工作单元,该区域的大小与机器手的尺寸相对应,(图 2)列举了一个典型装配机器人的工作单元。随着机器人机械结构尺寸的增加。工作单元的范围也必须相应增加。图 2 机械手的运动由执行元件或驱动系统来控制。执行元件或驱动系统允许个轴在工作单元内运动。驱动系统可用电气、液压和气压动力,驱动系统所产生的动力经机构转变为机械能,驱动系统与机械传动链相匹配。有链、齿轮和滚珠丝杠组成的机械传动链驱动着机器人的各轴。B.控制器 机器人控制器是工作单元的核心。控制器储存着预编程序供调用、控制外设,及与厂内计算进行通讯以满足产品经常更新的需要。控制器用于控制机器手运动和在工作单元内控制机器人外设。用户可通过手持的示教盒将机械手运动的程序编入控制器。这些信息储存在控制器的存储器中以备后续调用,控制器储存了机器人系统的所有编程数据,它能储存几个不同的程序,并且所有这些程序均能编辑。控制器要求能够在工作单元内外设进行通信。例如控制器有一个输入端,它能标识某个机加工操作何时完成。当该加工循环完成后,输入端接通,告诉控制器定位机械手以便能抓取已加工工件,随后,机械手抓取一未加工件,将其放置在机床上。接着,控制器给机床发出开始加工的信号。控制器可以由根据事件顺序而步进的机械式轮鼓组成,这种类型的控制器可用在非常简单的机械系统中。用于大多数人系统中的控制器代表现代电子学的水平,是更复杂的装置,即它们是由微处理器操纵的。这些微处理器可以是 8 位,16 位或 32 位处理器。它们可以使得控制器在操纵工程中显非常柔性。控制器能通过通信线发送信号,使它能与机械手各轴交流信息,在机器人的机械手和控制器之间的双向交流信息可以保持操作和位置经常更新,控制器亦能控制安装在机器人手腕上的任何工具。控制器也有与厂内各计算机进行通信的任务,这种通信联系使机器人成为计算机辅助制造(CAM)系统的一个组成部分。存储器。基于微处理器的系统运行时要与固态的存储装置相连,这些存储装置可以是磁泡,随机存储器、软盘、磁带等。每种记忆存储装置均能贮存、编辑信息以备后续调用和编辑。C.动力源 动力源是给机器人和机器手提供动力的单元。传给机器人系统的动力源有两种,一种是用于控制器的交流电,另一种是用于驱动机械手各轴的动力源,例如,如果机器人的机械手是有液压和气动驱动的,控制信号便传送到这些装置中,驱动机器人运动。对于每一个机器人系统,动力是用来操纵机械手的。这些动力可来源与液压动力源、气压动力源或电源,这些能源是机器人工作单元整体的一部分。
robot The industr ial robot is a tool t hat is used in t he manufact ur ing environment to increase product ivit y.It can be used to do rout ine and tedious assembly line jobs, or it can per form jobs t hat might be hazardous to t he human worker.For example ,one of t he first indust r ial robot was used to replace t he nuclear fuel rods in nuclear power plant s.A human doing t his job might be exposed to har mful amount s of radiat ion.The indust r ial robot can also operat e on t he assembly line, putt ing toget her small component s, such as placing electronic component s on a pr int ed circuit board.Thus, t he human worker can be relieved of t he rout ine operat ion of t his t edious t ask.Robot s can also be programmed to defuse bombs, to serve t he handicapped, and to per for m funct ions in numerous applicat ions in our societ y.The robot can be t hought of as a machine t hat will move an endoperat ed.t hese microprocessors are eit her 8-bit , 16-bit ,or 32-bit processors.t his power allows t he controller to be ver y flexible in it s operat ion.The cont roller can send elect ric signals over communicat ion lines t hat allow it to t alk wit h t he var ious axes of t he manipulator.This t wo-way communicat ion bet ween t he robot manipulator and t he cont roller maint ains a const ant updat e of t he end t he operat ion of t he syst em.The cont roller also controls any tooling placed on t he end of t he robot ’s wr ist.The cont roller also has t he job of communicat ing wit h t he different plant comput ers.The communicat ion link est ablishes t he robot as part a comput er-assist ed manufact ur ing(CAM)syst em.As t he basic definit ion st at ed, t he robot is a reprogrammable, mult ifunct ional manipulator.Therefore, t he controller must contain some of memor y stot age.The microprocessor-based syst ems operates in conjunct ion wit h solid-st at e divices.These memor y devices may be magnet ic bubbles, random-access memony, floppy disks,or magnet ic tape.Each memor y storage device stores program infor mat ion fir or for edit ing.C.power suppy The power supply is t he unit t hat supplies power to t he controller and t he manipulator.The t ype of power are delivered to t he robot ic syst em.One t ype of power is t he AC power for operat ion of t he cont roller.The ot her t ype of power is used for dr iving t he var ious axes of t he manipulator.For example, if t he robot manipulator is cont rolled by hydraulic or pneumat ic drives, cont rol singals are sent to t hese devices causing mot ion of t he robot.For each robot ic syst em, power is required to operat e t he manipulator.This power can be developed from eit her a hydraulic power source, a pneumat ic power source,or an elect ric power source.There power sources are part of t he total component s of t he robot ic work cell.
外 文 翻 译
Introduction to Robotics
Mechanics and Control
别: 机械与汽车工程系 专学业生
称: 机械设计制造及其自动化 名: 郭仕杰
06101315 指导教师姓名、职称: 贺秋伟 副教授
完成日期 2014 年2 月28日 Introduction to Robotics
Mechanics and Control
Abstract This book introduces the science and engineering of mechanical manipulation.This branch of the robot has been in several classical field based.The main related fields such as mechanics, control theory, computer science.In this book, Chapter 1 through 8 topics ranging from mechanical engineering and mathematics, Chapter 9 through 11 cover control theory of material, and twelfth and 13 may be classified as computer science materials.In addition, this book emphasizes the computational aspects of the problem;for example, each chapter it mainly mechanical has a brief section calculation.This book is used to teach the class notes introduction to robotics, Stanford University in the fall of 1983 to 1985.The first and second versions have been through 2002 in use from 1986 institutions.Using the third version can also benefit from the revised and improved due to feedback from many sources.Thanks to all those who modified the author's friends.This book is suitable for advanced undergraduates the first grade curriculum.If students have contributed to the dynamics and linear algebra course in advanced language program in a basic course of statics.In addition, it is helpful, but not absolutely necessary, let the students finish the course control theory.The purpose of this book is a simple introduction to the material, intuitive way.Specifically, does not need the audience mechanical engineer strict, although much of the material is from the field.At the Stanford University, many electrical engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians find this book very readable.Here we only on the important part to extract.The main content
The historical characteristics of industrial automation is popular during the period of rapid change.Either as a cause or an effect of automation technology, period of this change is closely linked to the world economy.Use of industrial robots, can be identified in a unique device 1960's, with the development of computer aided design(CAD)system and computer aided manufacturing(CAM)system, the latest trends, automated manufacturing process.The technology is the leading industrial automation through another transition, its scope is still unknown.In the northern America, machinery and equipment used in early 80's of the 20th century, the late 80's of the 20th century a short pull.Since then, the market more and more(Figure 1.1), although it is affected by economic fluctuations, all the market.Figure 1.2 shows the robots were installed in a large number of annual world industrial zone.Notably, the number of Japan's report is different from other areas: they count the number of machine of robot in other parts of the world are not considered robot(instead, they would simply be considered “factory machines”).Therefore, the reported figures for the Japanese exaggerated.One of the main reason for the growth in the use of industrial robots is that they are falling costs.Fig.1.3 shows that, in the last century 90's ten years, robot prices dropped although human labor costs.At the same time, the robot is not only cheaper, they become more effective and faster, more accurate, more flexible.If we factor these quality adjusted to the number, the use of robots to decrease the cost of even than their price tag faster.More cost-effective in the robot they become, as human labor to become more expensive, more and more industrial work become robot automation candidate.This is the most important trend to promote the industrial robot market growth.The second trend is, in addition to the economic, as robots become more can become more tasks they can do, may have on human workers engaged in dangerous or impossible.Industrial robots perform gradually get more complex, but it is still, in 2000, about 78% installation welding or material handling robot in USA robot.A more challenging field, industrial robots, accounted for 10% unit.This book focuses on the dynamics and control of the most important forms of industrial robot, manipulator.What is the industrial robot is sometimes debate.Equipment, as shown in Figure 1.4 is always included, and CNC milling machine(NC)is usually not.The difference lies in the programmable complex place if a mechanical device can be programmed to perform a variety of applications, it may be an industrial robot.This is the part of a limited class of tasks are considered fixed automation.For the purpose of this difference, do not need to be discussed;the basic properties of most materials suitable for various programmable machine.In general, the mechanical and control research of the mechanical hand is not a new science, but a collection of the theme from the “classic” field.Mechanical engineering helps to machine learning methods for static and dynamic conditions.The mathematical description of movement of the tool manipulator space supply and other attributes.Provide design evaluation tool to realize the motion and force the desired algorithm control theory.Electrical engineering technology applied in the design of electrical engineering technology for sensor applied in design and industrial robot interface sensor, are programmed to perform the required task of basic computer science and the equipment.Figures:
FIGURE 1.1: Shipments of industrial robots in North America in millions of US
FIGURE 1.2: Yearly installations of multipurpose industrial robots for 1995-2000 and
forecasts for 2001-2004
FIGURE 1.3: Robot prices compared with human labor costs in the 1990s
FIGURE 1.4:The Adept 6 manipulator has six rotational joints and is popular in many applications.Courtesy of Adept Technology, Inc.2、Control of mechanical arm In the study of robots, 3D spatial position we constantly to the object of interest.These objects are all manipulator links, parts and tools, it deals, and other objects in the robot's environment.In a coarse and important level, these objects are described by two attributes: the position and direction.Of course, a direct interest in the topic is the attitude in which we represent these quantities and manipulate their mathematics.In order to describe the human body position in space and direction, we will always highly coordinate system, or frame, rigid object.Then we continue to describe the position and orientation of the reference frame of the coordinate system.Any framework can be used as a reference system in the expression of a body position and direction, so we often think of conversion or transformation of the body of these properties from one frame to another description.The 2 chapter discusses the Convention methods of dealing with job descriptions discussed method of treating and post convention described positioning and manipulation of coordinate system the quantity and mathematics different.Well developed skills relevant to the position and rotation of the description and is very useful in the field of rigid robot.Kinematics is the science of sports, the movement does not consider the force which resulted in it.In the scientific research of kinematics, a position, velocity, acceleration, and the location variable high order derivative(with respect to time of all or any of the other variables(S)).Therefore, the kinematics of manipulator is refers to the geometric and temporal characteristics of all movement.The manipulator comprises nearly rigid connection, which is the relative movement of the joint connection of adjacent links.These nodes are usually instrument position sensor, so that adjacent link is a relative position measurement.In the case of rotating or rotary joint, the displacement is called the joint angle.Some robots including sliding(or prism)connection, in which the connection between the relative displacement is a translation, sometimes called the joint offset.The manipulator has a number of independent position variables are specified as the mechanism to all parts of the.This is a very general term, any mechanism.For example, a four connecting rod mechanism has only one degree of freedom(even with three members of the movement).In the case of the typical industrial robots, because the robots is usually an open kinematic chain, because each joint position usually define a variable, the node is equal to the number of degrees of freedom.The free end of the link chain consisting of the manipulator end effector.According to the application of robot, the end effector can be a starting point, the torch, electromagnet, or other device.We usually by mechanical hand position description framework description tool, which is connected to the end effector, relative to the base, the base of the mobile manipulator.In the study of mechanical operation of a very basic problem is the kinematics.This is to compute the position of mechanical static geometric problems in hand terminal positioning.Specifically, given a set of joint angles, the forward kinematics problem is to compute the position and orientation relative to the base of the tool holder.Sometimes, we think this is a change from the joint space is described as a manipulator position that Cartesian space description.“This problem will be discussed in the 3 chapter.In the 4 chapter, we will consider the inverse kinematics problem.The problems are as follows: the end effector position and direction of the manipulator, computing all possible joint angle, can be used to achieve the position and direction of a given.(see Figure 1.7.)This is a practical problem of manipulator is fundamental.This is quite a complex geometry problem, the conventional solution in tens of thousands of humans and other biological systems time every day.In a case like a robot simulation system, we need to create computer control algorithm can make the calculation.In some ways, the solution to this problem is the most important element in the operating system.This is quite a complex geometry problem, the conventional solution in tens of thousands of humans and other biological systems time every day.In a case like a robot simulation system, we need to create computer control algorithm can make the calculation.In some ways, the solution to this problem is the most important element in the operating system.We can use this problem as a mapping on 3D Descartes ”position“ space ”position“ in the robot joint space.This need will occur when the 3D spatial objects outside the specified coordinates.Lack of this kind of algorithm some early robot, they just transfer(sometimes by hand)required for the position, and then be recorded as a common set of values(i.e., as a position in joint space for later playback).Obviously, if the playback position and motion pattern recording and joint of the purely robot in Cartesian space, no algorithm for the joint space is necessary.However, the industrial robot is rare, the lack of basic inverse kinematics algorithm.The inverse kinematics problem is not a simple forward kinematics of A.The equation of motion is nonlinear, their solution is not always easy(or even possible in a closed form).At the same time, the existing problems of solutions and multiple solutions occur.The study of these problems provides an appreciation of what the human mind nervous system is achieved when we, there seems to be no conscious thought, object movement and our arms and hands operation.Manipulator is a solution of the presence or absence of a given definition of work area.A solution for the lack of means of mechanical hands can not reach the desired position and orientation, because it is in the manipulator working area.In addition to static positioning problem, we can analyze the robot motion.Usually, the analysis in the actuator velocity, it is convenient to define a matrix called the Jacobi matrix of the manipulator.The speed of Jacobi matrix specified in Descartes from the velocity mapping space and joint space.(see Figure 1.8.)This mapping configuration of the manipulator changes the natural changes.At some point, called a singularity, this mapping is not to make the transformation.This phenomenon are important to the understanding of the mechanical hand designers and users.Figures:
FIGURE 1.5: Coordinate systems or ”frames“ are attached to the manipulator and to
objects in the environment.FIGURE 1.6: Kinematic equations describe the tool frame relative to the base frame
as a function of the joint variables.FIGURE 1.7: For a given position and orientation of the tool frame, values for the joint variables can be calculated via the inverse kinematics.FIGURE 1.8: The geometrical relationship between joint rates and velocity of the end-effector can be described in a matrix called the Jacobian.3、Symbol Symbol is always the problems in science and engineering.In this book, we use the following convention: First: Usually, uppercase variables vector or matrix.Scalar lowercase variables.Second:Tail buoy use(such as the widely accepted)indicating inverse or transposed matrix.Third:Tail buoy not subject to strict conventions, but may be that the vector components(for example, X, Y, Z)or can be used to describe the PBO / P in a position of the bolt.Fourth:We will use a lot of trigonometric function, we as a cosine symbol angle E1 can adopt the following methods: because the E1 = CE1 = C1.In the vector sign note general: many mechanics textbook treatment number of vector at a very abstract level and often used vector is defined relative to expression in different coordinate systems.The most obvious example is, in addition to vector is relative to a given or known a different frame of reference.This is usually very convenient, resulting in compact structure, elegant formula.For example, consider the angular velocity, connected in series with the last body ° W4 'four rigid body(such as the manipulator links)relative to the fixed seat chain.Due to the angular velocity vector addition, angular velocity equation at last link we can write a very simple vector:
However, unless the information is relative to a common coordinate system, they cannot be concluded, therefore, although elegant, equation(1.1)calculation.Most of the ”work“.A case study of the manipulator, such statements,(1.1)work coordinate system hidden bookkeeping, which is often we need to practice.Therefore, in this book, we put the symbol reference frame vectors, we don't and carrier, unless they are in the same coordinate system.In this way, we derive expressions for computing numerical solution, ”bookkeeping" problem can be directly applied to the actual.Summary The robot is a typical electromechanical integration device, it uses the latest research results of machinery and precision machinery, microelectronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and information processing and artificial intelligence and other disciplines, with the development of economy and all walks of life to the automation degree requirements increase, the robot technology has been developing rapidly, the emergence of a variety of robotic products.The utility of robot products, not only can solve many practical problems difficult to solve by manpower, and the promotion of industrial automation process.At present, the research and development of robot relates to many aspects of the technology, the complexity of system structure, development and development cost is generally high, limiting the application of the technology, to some extent, therefore, the development of economic, practical, high reliability of robot system with a wide range of social significance and economic value.Based on the design of mechanical structure and drive system, the kinematics and dynamics of the cleaning robot is analyzed.Kinematics analysis is the basis of path planning and trajectory control of the manipulator, the kinematics analysis, inverse problem can complete the operation of space position and velocity mapping to drive space, using the homogeneous coordinate transformation method has been the end of manipulator position and arthrosis transform relations between the angle, geometric analysis method to solve the inverse kinematics problem of manipulator, provides a theoretical basis for control system design.The robot dynamics is to study the relationship between the motion and force of science, the purpose of the study is to meet the need of real-time control, this paper use straightaway language introduced the related mechanical industrial robots and control knowledge for us, pointing the way for our future research direction.Robot is a very complicated learning, in order to go into it, you need to constantly learn, the road ahead is long, I shall search.机器人学入门
工业自动化的历史特点是快速变化的时期流行的方法。无论是作为一个原因或一个效果,这种变化的时期自动化技术是紧密联系在一起的世界经济。利用工业机器人,成为可识别在1960年代的一个独特的装置,随着计算机辅助设计(CAD)系统和计算机辅助制造(CAM)系统的特点,最新的趋势,制造业的自动化过程。这些技术是领先的工业自动化 通过另一个过渡,其范围仍然是未知的。在美国北部,在早期有机器设备多采用世纪80年代,其次是上世纪80年代后期一个简短的拉。自那时起,市场越来越多的(图1.1),虽然它是受经济波动,是所有市场。图1.2显示的机器人被安装在大数每年世界各国的工业区。值得注意的是,日本的报告数量有所不同从其他地区一样:他们算一些机器的机器人在世界的其他地方都没有考虑机器人(而不是,他们会简单地认为是“工厂的机器”)。因此,该报告的数字为日本有些夸大。
图1.2 年安装的多用途的工业机器人1995-2000年和2001年至2004年预测
图1.3 机器人的价格与上世纪90年代的人类劳动成本的比较
图1.4 娴熟的6臂有六个转动关节(流行于众多制造行业)
为了描述人体在空间中的位置和方向,我们将始终高度坐标系统,或框架,严格的对 象。然后我们继续相对于一些参考描述该帧的位置和方向坐标系统。任何框架可以作为一个参考系统内的表达一个身体的位置和方向,所以我们经常认为转化或改变身体的这些属性从一帧到另一个的描述。2章讨论了公约的方法处理与职位描述讨论了公约的方法处理与职位描述定位和操纵这些量与数学不同的坐标系统。发展良好的技能有关的位置和旋转的描述甚至在刚体机器人领域是非常有用的。
我们可以把这个问题作为一个映射在三维笛卡尔的“位置”空间的“位置”在机器人的关节内的空间。这需要自然会出现每当目标外部三维空间指定的坐标。一些早期的机器人缺乏这种算法,他们只是转移(有时用手)所需的的位置,然后被记录为一组共同的值(即,作为一个位置关节空间)用于以后回放。显然,如果机器人用纯粹的模式记录和关节的位置和运动的播放,没有算法有关的关节空间的笛卡尔空间是必要的。然而,是罕见的工业机器人,缺乏基本的逆运动学算法。逆运动学问题不是简单的正向运动学一个。由 于运动方程是非线性的,他们的解决方案并不总是容易(甚至可能在一个封闭的形式)。同时,对存在的问题解和多解的出现。这些问题的研究提供了一个欣赏什么人的心灵神经系统是实现当我们,似乎没有有意识的思考,移动和我们的双臂和双手操作的对象。一个解的存在或不存在的定义工作区一个给定的机械手。一个解决方案的缺乏意味着机械手不能达到所需的位置和方向,因为它在机械手的外工作区。
图1.5 坐标系统或“帧”连接到机械手环境中的物体
图1.7 对于一个给定的位置和方向的工具框架,值为关节变量可以通过逆运动学计算
图1.8 联合率和速度之间几何关系端部执行器可以在一个矩阵描述了所谓的雅可比矩阵
符号一直是科学和工程问题。在这本书中,我们使用以下公约: 第一、通常,大写变量表示的向量或矩阵。小写的变量的标量。第二、尾标使用(如被广泛接受的)指示逆或转置矩阵。
第三、尾标不受严格的公约,但可能表明向量的组件(例如,X,Y,Z)或可用于述在PBO / P一个螺栓的位置。
为E1 = CE1 = C1。
在一般的矢量符号注:许多力学教材处理矢量在一个非常抽象的层次上的数量和经常使用向量定义相对于在表达不同的坐标系统。最明显的例子是,除了向量是给定的或已知的相对于不同的参考系。这是通常很方便,导致结构紧凑,有优雅的公式。为例如,考虑角速度,在串联连接的最后一次身体°W4 '四刚体(如机械手的链接)相对的固定座链。由于角速度矢量相加,我们可以写一个非常简单的向量的最后环节的角速度方程:
Robots First, I explain the background robots, robot technology development.It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results, for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology.It attributed the development of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the country's economic development.But they also demand the development of the productive forces the inevitable result of human development itself is the inevitable result then with the development of humanity, people constantly discuss the natural process, in understanding and reconstructing the natural process, people need to be able to liberate a slave.So this is the slave people to be able to replace the complex and engaged in heavy manual labor, People do not realize right up to the world's understanding and transformation of this technology as well as people in the development process of an objective need.Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustomed to regarding robots are divided into three categories.is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is through a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then issued a directive so the robot can repeat according to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement again, For example, the car spot welding robots, only to put this spot welding process, after teaching, and it is always a repeat of a work It has the external environment is no perception that the force manipulation of the size of the work piece there does not exist, welding 0S It does not know, then this fact from the first generation robot, it will exist this shortcoming, it in the 20th century, the late 1970s, people started to study the second-generation robot, called Robot with the feeling that This feeling with the robot is similar in function of a certain feeling, for instance, force and touch, slipping, visual, hearing and who is analogous to that with all kinds of feelings, say in a robot grasping objects, In fact, it can be the size of feeling out, it can through visual, to be able to feel and identify its shape, size, color Grasping an egg, it adopted a acumen, aware of its power and the size of the slide.Third-generation robots, we were a robotics ideal pursued by the most advanced stage, called intelligent robots, So long as tell it what to do, not how to tell it to do, it will be able to complete the campaign, thinking and perception of this man-machine communication function and function Well, this current development or relative is in a smart part of the concept and meaning But the real significance of the integrity of this intelligent robot did not actually exist, but as we continued the development of science and technology, the concept of intelligent increasingly rich, it grows ever wider connotations.Now, I would like to briefly outline some of the industrial robot situation.So far, the industrial robot is the most mature and widely used category of a robot, now the world's total sales of 1.1 million Taiwan, which is the 1999 statistics, however, 1.1 million in Taiwan have been using the equipment is 75 million, this volume is not small.Overall, the Japanese industrial robots in this one, is the first of the robots to become the Kingdom, the United States have developed rapidly.Newly installed in several areas of Taiwan, which already exceeds Japan, China has only just begun to enter the stage of industrialization, has developed a variety of industrial robot prototype and small batch has been used in production.Spot welding robot is the auto production line, improve production efficiency and raise the quality of welding car, reduce the labor intensity of a robot.It is characterized by two pairs of robots for spot welding of steel plate, bearing a great need for the welding tongs, general in dozens of kilograms or more, then its speed in meters per second a 5-2 meter of such high-speed movement.So it is generally five to six degrees of freedom, load 30 to 120 kilograms, the great space, probably expected that the work of a spherical space, a high velocity, the concept of freedom, that is to say, Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom.We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedom.Have more than six degrees of freedom robot, in different occasions the need to configure.The second category of service robots, with the development of industrialization, especially in the past decade, Robot development in the areas of application are continuously expanding, and now a very important characteristic, as we all know, Robot has gradually shifted from manufacturing to non-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc.These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference.It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc.It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the basic characteristics.For example, domestic robot is mainly embodied in the example of some of the carpets and flooring it to the regular cleaning and vacuuming.The robot it is very meaningful, it has sensors, it can furniture and people can identify, It automatically according to a law put to the ground under the road all cleaned up.This is also the home of some robot performance.The medical robots, nearly five years of relatively rapid development of new application areas.If people in the course of an operation, doctors surgery, is a fatigue, and the other manually operated accuracy is limited.Some universities in Germany, which, facing the spine, lumbar disc disease, the identification, can automatically use the robot-aided positioning, operation and surgery Like the United States have been more than 1,000 cases of human eyeball robot surgery, the robot, also including remote-controlled approach, the right of such gastrointestinal surgery, we see on the television inside.a manipulator, about the thickness fingers such a manipulator, inserted through the abdominal viscera, people on the screen operating the machines hand, it also used the method of laser lesion laser treatment, this is the case, people would not have a very big damage to the human body.In reality, this right as a human liberation is a very good robots, medical robots it is very complex, while it is fully automated to complete all the work, there are difficulties, and generally are people to participate.This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the exhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery.This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.Robot is mankind's right-hand man;friendly coexistence can be a reliable friend.In future, we will see and there will be a robot space inside, as a mutual aide and friend.Robots will create the jobs issue.We believe that there would not be a “robot appointment of workers being laid off” situation, because people with the development of society, In fact the people from the heavy physical and dangerous environment liberated, so that people have a better position to work, to create a better spiritual wealth and cultural wealth.译文资料:
苏 州 市 职 业 大 学
名 称
戴 亮
①直角坐标机器人 ②圆柱坐标机器人 ③球坐标机器人 ④关节机器人(2)按驱动方式分类
①气压传动机器人 ②液压传动机器人 ③电气传动机器人(3)按系统功能分类
①专用机器人 ②通用机器人 ③示教再现式机器人 ④智能机器人
① 根本原因是日本的基本国情,人口少,劳动力严重短缺。日本每年的人口增长率在1.1%左右,而日本人都想接受高等教育导致其劳动力的增长速度却始终停留在0.7%。为了满足国民经济3%的增长要求,必须提高生产效率。
② 1973年十月爆发的第一次石油危机提高了劳动力成本,日本政府不得不鼓励私营企业向自动化领域投资,提高生产效率,以抑制由石油危机带来的成本型通货膨胀。
③ 工业机器人可以代替劳动者从事可能危害身体健康的劳动,避免了大量 的工伤事故和职业病,受到了人们的欢迎。
④ 日本自80年代起就采用推动工业机器人的普及和促进研究与发展的政策。
美国是工业机器人的诞生地,基础雄厚,技术先进。现今美国有着一批具有国际影响力的工业机器人供应商,像Adept Technologe、American Robot、Emersom Industrial Automation 等。
德国的KUKA Roboter Gmbh公司是世界上几家顶级工业机器人制造商之一。1973年研制开发了KUKA的第一台工业机器人。年产量达到一万台左右。所生产的机器人广泛应用在仪器、汽车、航天、食品、制药、医学、铸造、塑料等工业,主要用于材料处理、机床装备、包装、堆垛、焊接、表面休整等领域。
所谓工业机器人,就是具有简单记忆和可变控制程序的自动机械。它是在机械手的基础上发展起来的,国外称为industrial robot。工业机器人的出现将人类从繁重单一的劳动中解放出来,而且它还能够从事一些不适合人类甚至超越人类的劳动,实现生产的自动化,避免工伤事故和提高生产效率。随着世界生产力的发展,必然促进相应科学技术的发展。工业机器人能够极大地提高生产效率,已经广泛地进入人们的生活生产领域。
1.提高自动化生产效率和自动化程度:据美国J.B Day通过大量的定后发现:在生产过程中,机器人在机床或其它设备上做上下料工作,以及在设备之间做短途搬运工作所花时间占了整个生产时间的80%以上,搬运费占了加工费的30%-40%,而且有85%的生产事故发生在搬运上,因此工业机器人的使用解决了很多难题。2.直接从事广泛的生产劳动:例如喷漆、焊接、热处理、冶炼、电镀、冲压、注塑成型、砂型铸造以及锻造等。比如我国滩坊砖厂制造了一只有260个指头的机械手。
【1】 王握文.世界机器人发展历程[J].国防科技, 2001,(01)【2】 陈爱珍.日本工业机器人的发展历史及现状[J].机械工程师, 2008,(07)【3】 陈爱珍.国内外机器人的发展现状[J].机械工程师, 2008,(07)【4】 陈佩云.日本振兴工业机器人的政策[J].机器人技术与应用, 1994,(01)【5】 陈佩云.与应用, 1994 我国工业机器人技术发展的历史_现状与展望[J].机器人技术