【步步高】2017版高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music素材 外研版选修6

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第一篇:【步步高】2017版高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music素材 外研版选修6

Module 4 Music

话题词汇 1.fan n.歌迷 2.idol n.偶像

3.universal adj.共同的;普遍的;全体的;全世界的 4.folk song民歌,民谣 5.classical music古典音乐 6.country music乡村音乐 7.pop music流行音乐 8.rock and roll摇滚乐 9.put on表演

10.gain popularity受欢迎 经典语篇

音乐被公认为全人类共同的语言,是我们生活中必不可少的一部分。请你根据以下提示信息,写一篇关于音乐的英语短文。·音乐的重要性; ·你所知道的音乐类型;



Music is the universal language to all human beings and plays a very important part in our life.First,it can make us feel relaxed both mentally and physically,thus helping reduce our pressure at work and in life.What’s more,it can make our life more colourful and help us to relax ourselves.Without music,our world would be like a wild desert.There are different varieties of music,such as popular music,classical music,country music,jazz music,rap music,and rock music.Of all the music,I like country music best.I listened to it for the first time over the radio.It makes me think about the blue sky,the white cloud,the green grass and also the peaceful life in the country.I am so interested that I have bought many ③

②①tapes about country music.Now I can listen to it freely in my spare time.思维发散


Music is the universal language to all human beings,which plays a very important part in our life.2.用not only...but also...改写第②句

What’s more,it can not only make our life more colourful but also help us to relax ④ourselves.3.用强调句型改写第③句

It was over the radio that I listened to it for the first time.4.用倒装句改写第④句

So interested am I that I have bought many tapes about country music.Ⅰ.重点单词 A.写作单词

1.handle(n.& v.)柄,把手;应付,处理 2.honour(n.)尊敬,敬重

3.present(v.)赠送,颁发(礼物,奖品等);呈现 4.therefore(adv.)因此,所以

5.depress(v.)使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷 depression(n.)抑郁,沮丧 depressed(adj.)抑郁的,沮丧的 6.ambition(n.)志气,抱负,雄心 ambitious(adj.)志向远大的 7.voluntary(adj.)自愿的 voluntarily(adv.)自愿地 volunteer(n.)义务工作者,志愿者 8.relax(v.)使放松,使轻松

relaxation(n.)放松,休息,娱乐活动 relaxed(adj.)轻松的,无拘无束的 relaxing(adj.)使人放松的

9.relief(n.)(痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调剂 relieve(v.)减轻,解除 10.collection(n.)收藏;收藏品 collect(v.)收集,收藏 11.charm(v.)吸引,使陶醉

charming(adj.)可爱的,有魅力的,迷人的 B.阅读单词

12.characteristic(n.)特征,特性,特质 13.regarding(prep.)关于 14.interval(n.)间隔,空隙 15.interpret(v.)诠释,解释;翻译 16.poetry(n.)诗歌

17.regulate(v.)规定,管理,整顿 18.shrink(v.)变小,减少 19.vacant(adj.)空的,空缺的 20.symbolic(adj.)象征的,作为象征的 21.spotted(adj.)有污迹的,有斑点的 22.critic(n.)(文艺)批评家 23.relative(n.)亲戚,亲属 relation(n.)家人,亲戚;关系 24.combine(v.)结合,联合 combination(n.)联合,混合 combined(adj.)联合的,共同的 Ⅱ.重点短语

1.(be)true of/for与„„情况相同 2.give life to赋予„„生命(生命力,活力)3.(be)the same with与„„情况相同

4.share feelings and ideas with...与„„分享感受与想法5.make contact with...与„„进行来往 6.push one’s way推开(路)前进,挤过去 7.all of a sudden突然间

8.dance to the music伴着音乐跳舞 9.draw upon/on利用,凭借,依赖 10.in addition to除此之外 Ⅲ.经典句式

1.It’s the same with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。

2.The moment they start to play,it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world.“女子十二乐坊”一开始演奏,就立刻证明了她们位于世界上最有天赋的音乐家之列。3.However,some people think that the Grammys are not as important as they used to be.然而,一些人认为格莱美奖不像过去那样重要了。Ⅳ.课文语法填空

Liu Fang,1.a famous international music star,had a great talent 2.for music playing at a very early age.As a child she was often taken to performances by her mother,a Dianju actress and learned to play the yueqin and the pipa.She 3.has given(give)concerts since she was eleven,including a performance for the Queen of England during her visit to China.At 15,she went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music,4.where she studied the pipa and the guzheng.5.After she graduated,she worked as a pipa soloist in her hometown—Kunming.If one’s technique is not good enough,it is impossible 6.to play(play)classical Chinese pipa music.As Liu Fang said,7.the biggest challenge in her performance is to respect the traditions but to add her own style when playing the pipa and the guzheng.Under the deep influences of traditional Chinese singing,she can make listeners hear singing in her music.Liu Fang enjoys playing and performing in public.She likes to share feelings and ideas 8.with friends and music lovers.And she wishes to compose 9.her own music,10.using(use)elements from different cultures.1regarding prep.关于

[多词一义] regard...as,look on...as,think of...as,treat...as,consider...as 1regardless of不管;不顾

2regard n.注意,关注;关心;问候;vi.将„„认为;看待 as regards关于;至于 with/in regard to关于

give one’s regards to sb.向某人问候 regard...as...把„„当作„„

(1)She has said nothing regarding your request.关于你的要求,她什么也没说。

(2)Nobody has the right to spit in the street regardless of their social position or age.不管社会地位或年龄如何,没人有权当街吐痰。

(3)In regard to disaster activity,long­term partnerships are ideal.关于抗灾活动,长期合作关系最为理想。多维训练(1)单句语法填空

①Davis had very little to say regarding(regard)the accident.②As regards economic issues,he agreed with our view.③I have something to say with regard to his behavior.④The law requires equal treatment for all,regardless of race,religion,or sex.⑤This is a famous saying from a writer regarded as one of the fathers of environmentalism.(2)单句改错

Please give my regard to your family.regard→regards 2relief n.痛苦、忧虑等的减轻,解除;减轻痛苦的事物 1in relief如释重负;显著地;鲜明地 to one’s relief使某人放心的是 2relieve v.减轻

relieve sb.of...将某人从„„中解脱出来

(1)The pills gave him some relief for the moment.这些药丸暂时给他减轻了一些痛苦。

(2)Much to my relief,my son was eventually admitted to a key university.使我非常欣慰的是,我儿子最终被一所重点大学录取。多维训练 单句语法填空

(1)To his relief,a loud knock on the door spared him from giving an explanation.(2)My assistant relieved me of all the paperwork.(3)The castle stood out in relief against the blue sky.3honour n.尊敬;崇敬;荣幸,光荣;v.尊敬;尊重 1in honour of为了表示对„„的敬意;为了纪念„„ have the honour to do/of doing...有幸做„„ It’s an honour to do...很荣幸做„„

2be/feel honoured to do/of doing...为做„„而感到荣幸 be honoured as...被尊称为„„

(1)Earlier this year I had the honour of meeting President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan.今年早些时候,我有幸见到了习近平主席和他的夫人彭丽媛。(2)I feel highly honoured by your trust.得到您的信任,我感到十分荣幸。多维训练 单句语法填空

(1)I have the honour of performing before you all.(2)It’s an honour for me to perform before you all.(3)I feel greatly honoured(honour)to be invited here.(4)His friends took a party in honour of his promotion.(5)The employee should be honoured for his great help to the manager.(6)She is honoured as a model teacher.4be true of/for sb./sth.与„„情况相同;对„„适用 be true to sth.忠实反映某物;符合某物

true to life电影、戏剧、书等真实的,逼真的 come true愿望、梦想等实现,成真

(1)The same is true of all political parties.所有政党都是这样。

(2)The film is frighteningly true to life and very funny.这部电影拍得非常真实,而且十分搞笑。

(3)All our dreams can come true,if we have the courage to pursue them.我们所有的梦想都能成为现实,只要我们有勇气去追求。多维训练(1)单句语法填空

①We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality.This is especially true of/for food.②Bob is true to his word—you can rely on him.③The movie is not true to the book.(2)单句改错

The music is dull and uninspiring,and the same is true to the acting.to→of/for

5combine v.使结合,使联合;兼有;使融合join...to form a single one 多维训练


(1)These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non­governmental organizations.(2)Each side benefits a lot from combination.(3)Indeed,combining forces with China in Afghanistan might even improve the relationship between Washington and Beijing.(4)Combined with that big company,the small firm becomes more competitive.(5)He carried on the business in combination with his friends.6depress v.使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷 多维训练


①It was depressing to find the house empty.②He suffers from deep depression.③I was very depressed when you phoned.(2)同义句改写

He was depressed at the present job and wanted to find a new one.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Depressed at the present job,he wanted to find a new one.7give life to赋予„„生命生命力、活力 多维训练(1)完成句子 ①He lost his life for drunk driving while she gave/sacrificed her life for saving a child.他因酒后驾车丧了命,而她为救一个孩子献出了生命。②The match finally came to life in the second half.比赛在下半场终于精彩起来。(2)一句多译


①In the story the artist gives life to the statue.(give life to)②In the story the artist brings the statue to life.(bring...to life)

8It’s the same with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。句型公式:It’s the same with....1It’s the same with...=So it is with...„„也一样。该句型既用于肯定句,也用于否定句,陈述以上的两种情况相同。若上句没有统一的谓语动词或者肯定和否定混合时,用It is the same with...或So it is with...。




(1)Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States.So it was with Jane./It was the same with Jane.玛丽在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。简也是。(2)—You forgot your purse when you went out.—Good heavens,so I did.——你出去时忘了带钱包。——天哪,我确实忘了。多维训练

(1)—He works very hard.—So he does(他确实如此),and so do I(我也一样).8(2)She doesn’t like them and nor does Jeff(Jeff也不喜欢他们).(3)—He is a student and he studies hard.—It is the same with me/So it is with me(我也是).Ⅰ.语境填词

1.The three selections presented(呈现)above are typical examples.(2015·江苏)2.I learned that a fish is a cold­blooded animal and therefore(因此)is very sensitive to water temperature.(2015·广东)3.To handle(处理)them,often I have to organize an outdoor activity,like a softball game.(2014·广东)4.The anxious individuals learnt the task by observing others while those who were relaxed(放松的)did not,even though they spent more time watching.(2014·湖北)5.He generally handles these topics thoroughly and equally,except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion regarding(关于)history.(2010·湖北)6.When the post finally became vacant(空缺的),they offered it to Fiona.Ⅱ.单句语法填空

1.His latest book The Social Animal,however,is more ambitious(ambition)and serious than his earlier books.(2015·湖北)2.Some of the collections(collect)are fairly common—records,model houses.(2014·安徽)3.Vacations help us perform better at work,improve our sleep quality and cushion us against depression(depress).(2014·湖南)4.We are a voluntary(volunteer)organization and registered charity without financial links to the National Park Authority.(2011·江苏)5.To our relief,the task was finished on time and we felt the burden relieved.Ⅲ.短语填空

be true of,draw upon,give life to,make contact with,in addition to 1.In addition to being more in touch with the food she’s eating,another joy comes from passing this knowledge and this desire for good food to her children.(2015·湖北)2.The same is true of the young adults going to college.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)3.I made contact with him immediately I received his letter.4.I’ll have to draw upon my savings.5.The success of my course gave life to me.Ⅳ.完成句子

1.Hampton Court used to be the home of royal families.(2015·全国Ⅱ)汉普顿宫曾经是皇室的家。

2.The moment he was about to leave for the hospital,he saw on the desk the still new book.(2009·辽宁)正要离开去医院的时候,他看到了桌子上依然展新的书。

3.Tom enjoys singing,but he doesn’t like dancing.It’s the same with Mary.Tom喜欢唱歌而不喜欢跳舞。Mary也是一样。



提示 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用who引导的定语从句,不定式作表语等。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇70词左右的英语短文)Mary,who is a student of mine,is an ambitious girl.She likes sharing feelings and ideas with others.She is an optimistic girl and never feels depressed about the future.Her dream is to become an excellent interpreter.In her spare time,she often does some voluntary work and I think she is an honour to her parents and teachers.练出高分



Many people underestimate music education in the schools today.A new study showed,however,music education is extremely important.In college,music education is one of the largest programs.Teachers have to learn general education materials and techniques.They must learn to play every instrument;they must learn music history and music theory;they must learn instrument repair and teaching methodologies;they must learn conducting and so much more.At the same time,much of our culture and tradition is absorbed in music.Music plays a very important role in our education.Music helps with math and science.Students learn to count,keep a steady rhythm,and how to multiply and divide.They even learn a little bit of algebra(代数).Students also use science to discover what sounds good together and what does not.Students also need science to understand something called the “overtone series”,which is about how music is produced by vibration(颤动)and why.Students learn a lot about languages through music.Many songs are written in other languages,including ancient ones.Students must learn to translate these works to understand what they are singing about.A song is likely to be a famous short work set to music;so students are exposed to that very often while singing.Students learn a huge amount of cooperation of body parts through music,so parts of the body can work better together.Students must use motor(肌肉运动的)skills in order to play an instrument.Singers and wind(管乐器)players must learn breath control and be in good shape to play.Students learn about art.Some famous pieces were written about important pieces of art,and students learn about the artists and styles as they’re playing the music.Music education also brings higher thinking to our children.It allows them to think about complex patterns.It almost leads to a philosophical environment.Students have to be absolutely aware of what every other musician does at every time.In that way,it develops cooperation,as well.They tend to develop more capability for learning.As one can see,music is very important to education.1.As to the benefits from music,which of the following is NOT included in the passage? A.Relaxation.B.Language study.C.Calculation.D.Cooperation of body parts.答案 A 解析 细节理解题。文章第四段提到C项是音乐的益处;第五段提到B、D两项也是音乐的 益处。文中没有提到音乐能使人放松这一好处。

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A.Science and music are against each other.B.Music is good to our all­round development.C.Only the wisest person can learn music well.D.All of us know the importance of music clearly.答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第四至八段所讲内容可知,音乐对促进人的全面发展有很大帮助。

3.The last paragraph serves to.A.let everyone discuss B.introduce another topic C.summarize the whole passage D.explain the purpose of writing the passage 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。文章开头提出论点,音乐教育尤为重要,接着又提出为什么音乐教育非常重要,最后总结全文,得出论点。

4.What is the best title of the passage? A.Music and Education B.An Introduction to Music Education C.The Importance of Music Education D.Abilities Required for Music Education 答案 C 解析 标题归纳题。该篇文章主要介绍了音乐教育的重要性,故C项作为题目最佳。


There is a world of difference between a horror movie and a comedy—the former scares you to half death while the latter leaves you rolling on the floor with laughter.But try watching them without the background music.You just decide they’re not so different after all.Music and movies have been intertwined since the dawn of motion picture,even before the voices of actors were recorded.In movies,music helps to provide a sense of time and place,convey ideas about the characters and,most importantly,draw emotions out of the audience.Studies have long shown that our heart rates and anxiety levels rise and fall depending on the speeds of the music we hear.Film composers armed with this knowledge will use strong changes in music speed to arouse fear among audiences.Slowing the speed of the music will create the opposite effect,bringing about a sense of inner peace.The use of dissonant(不协调的)tones and noises is another technique that heightens tensions.Humans will naturally become uneasy when we hear dissonant sounds because such noises are typically associated with danger,like those that animals make to warn against predators(捕食者).As a result,countless horror movies soundtracks use instrument combinations like double basses and high,screeching(尖刺的)violins.As vital as it is,the best film music is subtle(巧妙的).All that audiences are supposed to feel is a heightened sense of emotion—they shouldn’t realize what has caused it.Only when the music is taken out of the film should audiences understand its effects.In keeping with this principle,some film makers are even using what’s called “infrasound(次声波)” to bring about fear.While we may not be able to hear it because its frequency is below that range of the human ear,infrasound has been proven to cause anxiety,shivering(颤抖)and even sorrow.For example,infrasound was used in the soundtrack of the 2007 horror movie Paranormal Activity,and audiences reported extremely high fear levels despite the lack of action throughout the movie.“It doesn’t affect everyone equally,” said British science writer Philip Ball,but he predicted that “we all see more of it in movies in the future”. 5.What is the article mainly about? A.The differences between horror movies and comedies.B.The fearful effect of adding infrasound in movies.C.How filmmakers employ music to affect our emotions? D.Why is it important to use background music in a movie? 答案 C 解析 主旨大意题。文章开头总写电影和音乐的密切关系,音乐对电影影响重大,接着用大篇幅描写电影制作者怎样利用音乐来渲染气氛,第四段中的“dissonant(不协调的)tones and noises”以及第六段中的“infrasound”是提示词。所以答案是C。

6.The underlined word in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “ ”. A.well prepared B.partly separated C.changed gradually D.closely linked 答案 D 解析 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“In movies,music helps to provide a sense of time and place,convey ideas about the characters and,most importantly,draw emotions out of the audience.”可知音乐为电影提供时间和地点场景,传达人物感情,最重要是调动观众的情绪。由此判断intertwine 是”紧密联系”的意思。7.To arouse fear among audiences,film soundtracks.A.carry odd and loud music inside B.apply inharmonious sounds and noises C.slow down the speed of music D.use instrument combinations like violins and pianos 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。通过第四段的 “The use of dissonant(不协调的)tones and noises is another technique that heighten tensions.Humans will naturally become uneasy when we hear dissonant sounds...”可知,刺耳的噪音可以引起观众的恐惧。8.According to the article,infrasound.A.is not easy for the audience to notice B.makes the audience at peace C.has the same effect on audiences D.is used to make up for the lack of action in movies 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“While we may not be able to hear it because its frequency is below that range of the human ear,infrasound has been proven to cause anxiety,shivering(颤抖)and even sorrow.”可知,次声波可能不会被听到,因为它的频率低于人的听力范围。Ⅱ.完形填空

Every Saturday and Sunday morning,my father would throw his bike in the trunk of his car and explore new areas to ride.I was always 9 by this.What satisfaction did his bike provide him?It’s 10 a bike,right? That all 11 when I started riding my bike in our garage,which hadn’t been touched for nearly three years.I had been annoying my parents to help me 12 a bike for college.Scared but 13,I decided to try riding it.I mean,wasn’t it supposed to be 14 ?Alas,it was not.15,I spent five or ten minutes riding around,doing small turns or practicing shifting gears(换挡).Then I practised in the street.The greatest moment of it all is 16 my father was there with me,every step of the way.He ran up and down the street making sure my

wasn’t due to a negative result.I’ll never forget those moments.Who says 18 with your parents end before college? Then,college came.The look on my father’s face was 19 when he showed me how to lock my bike.Over various methods of communication,my father 20 ask,“Did you ride your bike today?” 21,for almost two months,my answer was no.Why?I was hesitant(迟疑的). 22 was not on my schedule.But then,with a kick of confidence,I 23 my bike in September.All I kept thinking was that my father and mother would be 24 of me!Even if it was doing something as small as riding my bike!Now,all I want to do is ride my bike!There are 25 no words to describe the rush you get while riding your bike.To

myself,I set goals.It feels unbelievable to know that you hit your goals.The next time you are 27 with emotions,ride a bike.The best part of my cycling experience is that 28 you fall,you pick yourself back up.It’s as simple as that.9.A.inspired B.confused C.embarrassed D.upset 答案 B 解析 根据后文的“What satisfaction did his bike provide him?”可知,此处是指作者对父亲的做法感到疑惑不解。confused adj.困惑的。10.A.merely B.actually C.exactly D.probably 答案 A 解析 它仅仅是辆自行车。merely仅仅,不过,符合语境。11.A.improved B.arose C.worked D.changed 答案 D 解析 当作者自己骑上自行车时,那些对父亲骑自行车的看法完全改变了。12.A.equip B.repair C.purchase D.ride 答案 C 解析 一直缠着父母(让他们)帮“我”买辆自行车,自己可以骑着去上大学。13.A.anxious B.curious C.serious D.cautious 答案 B 解析 根据后面的作者尝试骑自行车,可见尽管作者害怕但还是充满“好奇”。14.A.easy B.boring C.dangerous D.awkward 答案 A 解析 作者用反问句来表示骑自行车是一件很容易的事。15.A.In fact B.At last C.In all D.At first 答案 D 解析 根据下文的then可知此处是指作者“刚开始”骑自行车的经历。16.A.where B.what C.when D.whether 答案 C 解析 骑自行车最棒的时刻就是“当父亲在那里陪着自己的时候”。17.A.screaming B.laughing C.talking D.whispering 答案 A 解析 根据上文可知作者第一次骑车既害怕又好奇,因此在遇到危险时会发出“尖叫声”。18.A.conflicts B.memories C.talks D.holidays 答案 B 解析 根据前文可知这是难忘的时刻,因此此处表示“谁说跟父母共同的回忆在大学前就结束了?”

19.A.annoyed B.strange C.priceless D.determined 答案 C 解析 看见爸爸教“我”锁车的表情很有意思。priceless非常有趣的。20.A.could B.must C.should D.would 答案 D 解析 根据上文的“Over various methods of communication...”可知,经过各种方式的交流,父亲总是问“我”:“今天你骑自行车上学么?” would表示“过去常常„„”。21.A.Unfortunately B.Occasionally C.Generally D.Happily 答案 A 解析 因为作者的回答是no,因此该处是指“不幸地”。22.A.Traveling B.Failing C.Shopping D.Driving 答案 B 解析 根据下文中“我”鼓起勇气骑自行车上学可知,此处指失败不是“我”的性格。23.A.put away B.picked up C.searched for D.got on 答案 D 解析 鼓起勇气,我“骑上”自行车。24.A.ashamed B.tired C.proud D.nervous 答案 C 解析 即使像骑自行车这样的小事,“我”觉得父母也会以“我”而自豪。be proud of以„„而自豪。

25.A.absolutely B.occasionally C.frequently D.eventually 答案 A 解析 现在“我”想做的就是骑自行车,因此绝对没有任何词语来描述自己骑车时的感受。26.A.persuade B.enjoy C.protect D.challenge 答案 D 解析 根据“I set goals.”可知,为了挑战自己,“我”制定了目标。27.A.impressed B.choked C.bored D.moved 答案 B 解析 下次,当情绪不好时,可以骑自行车。be choked with因„„而窒息。28.A.because B.though C.once D.unless 答案 C 解析 从骑自行车的经历中“我”学会:一旦你跌倒,你可以自己站起来。就是这么简单。Ⅲ.语法填空

Today I received a sweet letter from Brianna,one of my “cookies”.It was wonderful to hear 29.from her.You see 30.when I taught kindergarten,I called all 31.my/the sweet children “cookies”.Brianna said that every day she would walk into kindergarten and see a smile 32.on my face.I named them “cookies” because I always feel that children can bring great happiness and 33.excitement(excite)to my life.I still feel that all children are the 34.greatest(great)joy I could ever have.So far I 35.have adopted(adopt)and taught children for over 35 years.All my children were 36.and are now a great joy of my life.37.Hopefully(hope),I feel much fortunate to be able to use my life’s talent to teach children and have fun 38.doing(do)it every day.I am able to spread my wings and help my “cookies” to spread their wings.

第二篇:【步步高】2017版高考英语一轮复习Module 2 No Drugs 外研版必修2

Module 2 No Drugs I.单项填空

1.Those who like to________their failure with bad luck are to be defeated in the end beyond all doubt.A.associate C.combine


D.unite 答案 A [句意:毫无疑问,那些喜欢把自己的失败和坏运气联系在一起的人最后会被打败。associate...with“和„„有联系,与„„交往”;relate和to搭配表示“和„„有联系”;combine with“与„„结合”;unite with“(使)与„„联合”。] 2.He said he wasn’t disappointed at the result of the final exam,but the look on his face_____ himself____.A.gave;up B.gave;off C.gave;out D.gave;away 答案 D [考查动词短语辨析。语意:他说他对期末考试的结果不失望,但是他脸上的表情出卖了他。give away使露马脚,暴露,符合语意。give up放弃;give off发出(气味、光、热、声音等);give out分发;耗尽。] 3.The athletes, especially the winners, should remain modest_____rapid progress they've made.A.however C.whatever

B.how much

D.no matter 答案 C [句意:运动员们,尤其那些获胜者,不论他们取得多么快速的进步,都应该保持谦虚。由于要填词修饰不可数名词progress,所以要用whatever。] 4.Young drivers are always careless and far more________to have accidents than older drivers.A.possible C.likely


D.unlikely 答案 C [possible和probable作表语时,主语一般不能是人,常用于It's possible/probable(for sb)to do sth或It's possible/probable that...句型,可排除A、B两项;根据句意此处表示肯定含义,可排除D项。] 1 5.We always pay attention to the weather because it ________us so directly what we wear,what we do and even how we feel.A.benefits B.affects C.concludes D.attracts 答案 B [考查动词辨析。句意为:我们总是很关注天气的情况,因为它直接影响到我们的着装,我们所做的事情,甚至我们的感觉。在此,affect是动词,意为“影响”。benefit对„„有益;conclude得出结论;attract吸引,均不合句意。] 6.Among the 11 Asian countries and regions________by bird flu in animals, only Vietnam and Thailand have reported human cases.A.to be affected C.affecting

B.affected D.being affected

答案 B [句意:在受到禽流感影响的亚洲的十一个国家和地区中,只有越南和泰国报告了有人受感染的情况。过去分词短语作后置定语,表示被动和完成。] 7.Though he was badly injured, he is now________. A.out of danger C.out of control

B.out of place D.out of date 答案 A [考查介词短语辨析。句意:虽然他受伤严重,但现在已脱离危险。out of danger“脱离危险”,符合句意。out of place“不适合”;out of control“失去控制”;out of date“过期”。] 8.The computer system________suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A.broke up

B.broke away D.broke down C.broke out

答案 D [考查break 组成的动词短语。句意:当他正在网上搜索信息时,电脑系统突然出现故障。break up“分解,分散”;break away“脱离”;break out“(战争、火灾、瘟疫等)爆发”;break down“出故障”。故D项符合句意。] 9.—I think the actress in this film is a pure eye candy.—I'm afraid________.She acted her part well.A.I can't agree more C.I have to admit it

B.I can't agree with you D.I'm not so attracted 2 答案 B [考查情景交际。第一个人认为电影中的那个女演员只是个花瓶。而第二个人却认为她演得很好,说明与第一个人观点不一致,故选B。干扰选项为A,A项意为“我完全同意”。] 10.The film was________from being shown in several countries.A.banned C.canceled


D.ordered 答案 A [考查动词词义辨析。句意:那部电影在好几个国家被禁止放映。ban“禁止”;protect“保护”;cancel“取消”;order“命令”。] 11.—I thought it must have been William that took the dictionary by mistake.—So did I,but he________taking it.A.refused C.admitted

B.denied D.recognised 答案 B [考查动词辨析。refuse拒绝,后跟不定式;deny否认,后常跟动词­ing形式;admit承认,后跟动词­ing形式;recognise认识,认出,后面一般跟名词或从句。由句中but可知“他否认拿了”,故选B。] 12.Although many Americans move a lot, they still________and understand each other's dialects.A.recognize C.remember

B.resign D.request 答案 A [句意:尽管很多美国人经常搬家,但是他们仍然能识别并理解彼此的方言。recognize“认出,认识”;resign“辞职”;remember“记得,牢记”;request“要求,请求”。] 13.No matter how hard it is, the strong­willed mother will never________the hope to find her lost son.A.hold up

B.give up D.give back C.hold back

答案 B [由句意可知妈妈绝对不放弃找儿子的希望。hold up“耽搁;推迟;支撑”;give up“放弃”;hold back“阻挡;抑制”;give back“归还”。] 14.When he returned from his vacation,he found his apartment____and a lot of things____.A.breaking into;stealing

B.broken into;stolen C.breaking in;stolen D.broken in;stealing 答案 B [break into和break in都表示“破门而入”,但后者不能接宾语,不能用于被动语态。此处break into与his apartment以及steal与a lot of things之间都是逻辑上的被动关系,故都用过去分词的形式。broken into与stolen在此处作宾语补足语。] 15.Shanghai is________that we can hardly visit all the beautiful scenery in two or three days.A.so a large city C.so large a city

B.such large a city D.a such large city 答案 C [such a large city=so large a city, so为副词,可修饰名词短语中的形容词,但形容词需放于冠词之前;若形容词在冠词后,则应用such。] II.阅读理解

A More than half of rich Americans have not shown their full wealth to their children,a new survey showed last Tuesday.The survey,published by the Bank of America,studied the rich with $3 million or more in assets.It found that “surprisingly few of those surveyed have well­developed plans to preserve and pass on their assets to their children”.

The majority of the 457 people surveyed are self­made,first­generation rich.Fifty­two percent of parents have chosen not to tell their children just how wealthy they are,and 15 percent have given away nothing about the family wealth.One in three parents said they had never thought to do it.They are worried that their children would become lazy,spend money freely,make bad decisions and even become a target for gold diggers.Only 34 percent strongly agreed that their children would be able to handle any inheritance(遗产)they plan to leave them.“There is an expectation about the wealthy parents that they have a responsibility to pass down their fortune to the next generation,” said Sallie Krawcheck,president of the Global Wealth and Investment Management of the Bank of America.“Our research,however,uncovered changing views of what one generation owes the next.”

The trend is led by the world’s richest man Bill Gates,who promised in 2008 that he would leave his $58 billion fortune to the charity started by him and his wife,the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation(基金会),and not to his children.“We want to give it back to society in the way that it will have the most positive impact,” he said.Of his plans for his children,Gates said:“I will give the kids some money but not a meaningful percentage...they will need to work but they will feel reasonably taken care of.”

1.We can learn from the passage that________.A.rich parents may not know how to manage their inheritance B.rich parents don’t equal rich kids,at least in the US C.American children don’t get to inherit their parents’ wealth D.poor children don’t expect themselves to be as rich as their parents 2.According to the survey,most rich Americans________.A.think they owe their children nothing B.think it best to give their money back to society C.doubt their children’s ability to handle wealth

D.are confident of their children’s ability to handle wealth 3.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 6 refers to________.A.responsible children C.first­generation rich

B.Bill Gates and his wife D.rich parents 4.From the last paragraph,we can see that Bill Gates wants to show________.A.the trend of leaving no inheritance to children B.the positive impact of charity on society C.the way of giving back to society D.the importance of independence for children 【语篇解读】 调查表明,大部分美国富人不愿向孩子炫富,甚至不打算将丰厚的资产传给后代。

1.B [推理判断题。第二段的后半部分提到在被调查的美国富人中,几乎没有人计划为他们的孩子保留资产或者将资产传给孩子,由此可推断在美国,父母富有并不意味着孩子富有。] 2.C [推理判断题。根据第四段内容可推知,大部分美国富人怀疑他们的孩子处理财富的能力。] 3.D [猜测词义题。人们期望富裕的父母把他们的财富传给下一代,此处they指代的是画线词前面的“the wealthy parents”,即“rich parents”。] 4.D [推理判断题。根据本段中比尔·盖茨所说的话可推知,他更强调孩子的个人奋斗,认为培养孩子的自立很重要。]


Cigarette smoking is the most important preventable cause of death in the United States.It accounts_for more than 440,000 of the more than 2.4 million annual deaths.Cigarette smokers have a higher risk of developing several chronic disorders.These include fatty buildups in arteries, several types of cancer and lung problems.Buildup of fatty substances in the arteries is a chief contributor to the high number of deaths from smoking.Many studies detail the evidence that cigarette smoking is a major cause of coronary heart disease, which leads to heart attack.Cigarette smoking is so widespread and significant as a risk factor that the Surgeon General has called it “the leading preventable cause of disease and deaths in the United States.” Cigarette smoking increases the risk of coronary heart disease by itself.When it acts with other factors, it greatly increases risk.Smoking increases blood pressure, decreases exercise tolerance and increases the tendency for boold to clot.Smoking also increases the risk of coronary heart disease after bypass surgery.Cigarette smoking is the most important risk factor for young men and women.It produces a greater relative risk in persons under age 50 than in those over 50.Women who smoke greatly increase their risk of coronary heart disease and stroke compared with nonsmoking women.Cigarette smoking combined with a family history of heart disease also seems to greatly increase the risk.Studies show that cigarette smoking is an important risk factor for stroke.Cigarette smoke produces several effects that damage the cerebrovascular system.Notes:

①chronic adj.慢性的 ②artery n.动脉 ③coronary adj.冠状的 ④clot vi.凝结 ⑤cerebrovascular adj.脑血管的

5.What does the underlined phrase “account for”in the first paragraph mean? A.Have effect on.C.Reduce by.B.Make up.D.Take off.6.Why does smoking cause so many deaths? A.It can cause buildup of fatty substances in the arteries.B.It harms the hearts, which is the main cause of deaths.C.It harms our immune(免疫的)systems.D.It hurts our brains a lot.7.If we have some illnesses in our heart, smoking can________. A.harm the blood B.reduce the beat of the heart C.more likely cause coronary heart disease D.cause blood to clot in our body 8.What does the last three paragraphs mainly tell us? A.Women smoking cigarettes are more likely to suffer heart disease and stroke.B.If their parents smoke, women shouldn't smoke.C.It tells us the effects of smoking that damage the cerebrovascular system.D.If you are under 50, you shouldn't smoke.9.What's the purpose of the writer in writing this passage? A.He wants to tell us how many people in America die of smoking every year.B.He wants to tell us the double effect of family smoking.C.He wants to show us some recent studies on smoking.D.He wants to persuade us to stop smoking.【语篇解读】 最新的研究表明,吸烟可以导致动脉脂肪的堆积,这是目前吸烟导致死亡的主要原因。吸烟者患上心脏病或者中风的几率很高。研究同样发现,家族吸烟,其患病率会更高。

5.B [词义猜测题。联系后面的“of the more than 2.4 million annual deaths”我们知道,在每年死亡的240万人中,吸烟致死的占44万,因此account for在这里是“占据”的意思。] 6.A [细节理解题。从“Buildup of fatty substances in the arteries is a chief contributor to the high number of deaths from smoking.”我们知道,动脉脂肪堆 积是吸烟造成死亡的主要原因。] 7.C [细节理解题。从“Cigarette smoking increases the risk of coronary heart disease by itself.When it acts with other factors, it greatly increases risk.”我们知道,如果本身有心脏方面的疾病,吸烟会增加冠状心脏病的患病几率。] 8.A [主旨大意题。最后三段主要讲述了吸烟对女性的危害。] 9.D [作者意图推断题。作者列举了最新的研究,并列出具体的数字说明吸烟对人们健康的危害,其目的是劝人们戒烟。] III.书面表达

以“Smoking Is Harmful”为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,内容包括以下要点: 1.列举吸烟现状:中国吸烟者达45%,多为年轻人,甚至是中学生。2.分析原因:乐趣,提神(refresh oneself)等。


________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案

Smoking Is Harmful When you are in public places,you will see many smokers.And most of them are young people and even middle school students.It is said that in China smokers cover about 45 percent.Why do so many people enjoy smoking?Some think that it is a pleasure,and some believe that it can refresh themselves.In fact,smoking is a bad habit.It does great harm to our health,not only to the smoker himself,but also to others.For smokers,it is a great waste of money,and causes all kinds of diseases.Besides,many fires are caused by careless smokers.Today,more and more people are beginning to realize the harm of smoking and decide to give it up.If you are not a smoker,don't start.


BOOK 6Module 1 1.for lack of因缺乏......have no lack of不缺乏......lack for nothing一无所缺 be lacking in缺乏 2in advance预先,事先

pay in advance预先付款 stop the enemy's advance阻止敌军前进 make no reply没有回答 in reply to....作为......的答复 12.absence from school/lecture缺课

in/during one's absence在某人不在时 be absent form...缺席......13.make an apology to sb.for sth.为某事向某人道歉

accept an apology接受道歉 owe sb.an apology应向某人道歉 advanced English高级英语 advanced worker先进工人 3.find the opportunity找到机会

get an opportunity得到机会 miss an/the opportunity失去机会 catch/seize/take an opportunity抓住机会 4.for certain肯定地,确凿地

be certain确信,深信 make certain(of/that)把......弄清楚/确实 sb.is certain that...某人一定......It is certain that...........是确定无疑的 5.be / feel nervous about对……感到忐忑不安

be nervous of sth.害怕某事 cf.be anxious about / for对……而焦虑/担心 6.think of想起,记起, 考虑,评价think highly/well of高度评价 think little/badly of认为......不好 think about(doing)考虑 think of sb.as...把某人当作......think over考虑;仔细思考 7.look away from把目光从…移开

look forward to sb./ sth.期望,盼望 look into审查;调查 look out当心,注意 look through浏览,看穿,仔细查看 look up仰视,查阅 8.in addition= as well = besides除此之外;另外

in addition to sth.= as well as = besides除….之外(还)9.apply(oneself)to适用于

apply(to sb.)for sth.向(某人)申请某物 apply...to...将......应用到......10.do sb.a favour

= do a favour for sb.帮某人一个忙 in favour of sb.赞成/支持某人 in sb.'s favour对某人有利 11.a reply(to)(......的)答复

apologize to sb.for(doing)sth.因某事向某人道歉 14.be cautious about对......小心翼翼

with caution小心翼翼,谨慎地 15.in consequenceof由于in consequence结果,因此as a consequence of由于,因为 as a consequence = as a result结果 16.cheer sb.up使某人高兴起来 / 振作起来

cheer sb.on鼓舞或鼓励某人坚持下去 17.leave out省去,略去,漏掉leave behind遗忘,遗留,使落在后面 leave sb./sth.behind把......抛在脑后,超过leave sb./sth.alone让......独自待着,不去动它18.be(well / fully)aware of(清楚地)知道;意识到

be aware that...意识到......19.show off炫耀,卖弄

on show展出,展览 show up暴露,显露;来到,露面 show sb.in / out带某人进来,出去 show sb.around带领某人参观某地 20.Theere is no need for sb.to do sth.某人没必要做某事

There is no doubt that...毫无疑问......There is no possibility that..不可能 20.avoid doing避免干某事 21.have/ get / make sth.ready准备好做某事 22a certain某种的 23.go through经受,经历(苦难,困境等)23.have sth.in common有共同之处have nothing in common没有共同之处

Module 2

1.behave well/badly举止得体/差劲behave oneself注意举止,守规矩 2.hesitate to do sth犹豫不决做… hesitate about/at/in/over(doing)sth 对于做某事犹豫不决 have no hesitaion in something毫不犹豫/情愿做某事 without(a moment's / any)hesitation毫不迟疑

3.in the wrong/right direction走错了/对了方向 in all directions向四面八方 in the direction of朝…方向 under one's direction在某人的指导下

⑤ On + 名词 / 动名词

eg.On his arrival/ On arriving at the airport, he was

arrested by the police

17.(be)stupefied with因(疲劳等)昏昏沉沉 18.(be)invisible to sb.对某人来说是看不见的 19.cast about(for)寻找,搜索,想办法 20.without(any)doubt毫不怀疑 21.make one’s head swim(使)人头晕目眩 22.(be)laden with充满,装满 23.by hand用手,用手工Module 3 1.a small/large amount of 少量/大量的(后跟不可数


a large number of大量的(后跟可数名


amounts of许多的 2.burst out doing突然发生,突然…起来 eg.burst out crying突然哭起来 burst out laughing突然笑起来 burst out singing突然唱起来 burst into + n.突然开始(做某事)eg.burst into tears/laughter/song突然哭起来、笑起


burst into a place突然闯入某地 burst with anger勃然大怒 3.knock sb.over = knock sb.down打倒 / 撞倒某人 knock at敲(门)knock into撞在某人身上;与……不期而遇 knock...against把(头等)磕在……上 4.lose interest in对……失去兴趣 have an interest in对……有兴趣 with interest有兴趣地, 津津有味地 develop an interest in对……产生了兴趣 interest sb.in sth使某人对某事感兴趣 be interested in sth对…..感兴趣 5.turn round = turn around转身 turn to sb.转向某人, 求助于某人 turn in上交 turn on打开(收音机等)turn off关掉(收音机等)turn down关小(音量), 拒绝 turn up调高(音量),出现,露面 turn out结果是,证明是;外出 6.count...as...把……当作

4.5.long for sth渴望得到某物 long(for sb)to do sth渴望(某人)做某事 play an important part in …在…中起重要作用 play...part /role in...在…中起…作用play the part / role of...扮演…角色

6.put down放下,写下 put up建造;张贴;提高 put aside保留;暂不考虑 put away放好,收好 put off推迟,推延;阻止,劝阻

7.hold out伸出,维持,坚持 hold back阻挡,抑制 hold on(打电话用语)等一会,别挂断;握住不放 hold up举起,支持住,阻挡

8.9.keep/ have one’s eye on注视,盯着看 keep an eye on照看,留意 fix on注视,凝视;选定 marry sb.娶/嫁某人 get married to sb.和某人结婚(表动作)be married to sb.和某人已婚(表状态)

10.marry sb.to sb.使(女儿)嫁给某人

11.appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力

appeal to sb.to do sth./for sth.呼吁/请求某人做某事 appeal to sth.诉诸/求助与某物 12.attain one's ideal/aim实现理想/目标 13.be in possession of拥有…

sth.be in the possession of sb.某物为某人所有 14.be associated with与…有联系

associate...with...使…和..有联系 associate(oneself)with...和…交往 15.restrict sb./sth.限制某人/某物

restrict oneself to sth./doing sth.限制某人某事或做某事 without restriction无丝毫限制 There is no restriction on...对…无限制 put a restriction on对...加以限制 16.“一„„就 „„ ” 的表达

①the moment/minute/second/instant...②no sooner...than...③hardly/scarcely...when...④immediately/instantly/directly...count on指望,依靠 7.regret doing sth后悔做了某事 regret to do...很遗憾地要做某事

(不定式动词常用tell, say, inform等少数几个)

8.9.scold sb.for sth./doing sth.因某事责骂某人 forgive sb.for sth.原谅某人某事 forgive and forget过去的事就算了,既往不咎 10.Don't mention it.(别人道谢时回答)不客气

not to mention更不用说,且不说,此外 make mention of提到……;说道…….11.make up和好,和解,编造,虚构,组成 12.keep/stay in touch保持联系

be in touch with与…….有联系 be out of touch with与…….失去/无联系 get in touch with与……取得联系 lose touch with与……失去联系 13.be on good terms with sb.与某人关系很好

in terms of按照…..,依据……,从……方面来说 in the long/short term从长期/短期来看 14.be ashamed of对……感到惭愧

be ashamed to do sth.以做某事为耻 be / feel ashamed that...对……感到惭愧 what a shame!多可惜 It's a shame to do sth.做某事是可耻的 / 遗憾的 It's a shame that...……是可耻的事,遗憾的事 15.bring … to mind使人想起……

bear/keep sth.in mind记住某事 make up one's mind下决心change one's mind改变主意 16.in return作为报答,作为交换

in return for作为对…..的报答(或回报)in turn依次,轮流;相应地;转而 17.be blessed with享有……的福气 18.go through检查,搜查

= an ambition of doing sth.achieve one’s ambition实现某人的夙愿 be ambitious to do sth.有雄心/志向做某事 2.with / in regard to关于{用于点题}

regard...as...将......看作......regardless of不管,不顾 3.feel / be depressed about / at因......而感到沮丧 4.(be)true of / for与......情况相同 5.give life to sth.赋予某物生命(生命力,活力)

give one’s life to为......而献出生命 bring...to life使复活,给......以动力 come to life苏醒过来,变得生动(有趣)lose one’s life丧生,死 live a...life过着......的生活 6.make contact with与......接触,和......通信


be / stay in contact with与......保持联系 get in contact with与......取得联系 make / lose contact with与......取得/失去联系 put sb.in contact with使某人得以与......取得联系 7.It’s the same with...= So it is with...与......情况相同(表示前面的情况也适合后者,尤其是前面说了两种以上的情况)


„„ 也不

9.in relief轻松地

to one’s relief使某人欣慰的是 10.present sb.with sth.向某人颁发某物;给某人造成present sth.to sb.向某人陈述(观点、计划等)present sb.to sb引见某人给某人 at present现在,目前 11.all of a sudden = suddenly突然地 12.draw upon / on利用,凭借,依赖

draw back闪避,后退 draw in(白昼)变短;使(某人)卷入某事 draw up起草,草拟;到达某处停下 draw near(时间、空间的)临近13.in addition to除此之外(还)

in addition = besides此外 14.push one’s way through挤进 15.take … seriously重视,当真 16.on the one hand…, on the other hand…

一方面…, 另一方面……

Module 5

19.go bad变质,变坏

go blind变瞎go hungry饿了go mad疯了 20.belong to …属于……;是……的成员 21.from the bottom of one’s heart 真心诚意的,发自内心的Module4

1.combine against联合起来反对

combine...with...使......与......结合 an ambition to do sth.做某事的雄心壮志

1.be terrified of害怕...be terrified by/at因…而吓了一跳

2.in disgust愤愤地 to one’s disgust=to the disgust of sb使某人厌恶的是 much to one’s disgust使某人非常厌恶的是 3.refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 4.contrast...with...使...与...形成对比 contrast with


in contrast to/with与...对比起来 by contrast相比之下 5.for fear of/that以免,唯恐 fear to do/doing害怕做...6.burn out(火)燃尽;使筋疲力尽

burn away烧毁,烧掉,烧光 burn down烧毁(建筑物等)burn...to the ground把...烧成平地 burn up烧得更旺,烧光,烧掉 7.throw away扔掉,把(机会等)丢掉 throw up举起,抛起;吐出;呕吐 throw oneself on...扑倒在...上 8.be identical in在...方面是相同的 be identical to/with与...一模一样 9.be beneficial to sb.对某人有益 benefit from受益于 be of benefit有益,有好处 10.cure sb of...治愈某人的(病等)a cure for...的疗法 11.resist doing sth忍住做某事(常用于否定句)12.accompany sb.to sp.陪某人去某地 accompany sb.on/at the+乐器用乐器为某人伴奏 keep sb.company陪伴某人 13.be absorbed in全神贯注于,专心致志于 14.knock sth.out将...淘汰掉;击倒 knock sb.out使某人筋疲力尽 15.break down分解;出故障,(健康等)垮掉 break away from逃脱...,逃离; break in插话,非法闯入 break into破门而入;突然开始(笑、欢呼等)break out(战争,火灾)突然爆发 16.up and down上上下下,来来回回 17.rely on / upon = depend on / upon依靠,依赖 18.make sure确保,务必Module 6

1.occupy one’s mind/thought/occupation占据头脑/思维/注意力

2.occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth

=be occupied with sth./in doing sth忙于(做)某事 3.abandon oneself to sth.陷于某事;沉溺于某事 4.drown one’s sorrows/troubles in drink借酒浇愁 5.condemn sb.for sth因某事而谴责某人 condemn sb.to death判处某人死刑 condemned sb.to do sth.判处某人做某事 6.declare war on…向…宣战 declare for/against宣称赞成/反对declare sb.(to be)…宣布某人为…declare…open宣布…开幕 7.pick up救起,用车接某人,学会 8.make a sacrifice for为…做出牺牲sacrifice one’s life/time to do sth牺牲生命/时间做某事sacrifice oneself for/to sth.为某事牺牲 9.in a mess处于混乱/凌乱的状态make a mess of把…搞得一团糟mess up搞乱,陷入混乱 10.It is worthwhile doing sth./to do sth.做某事是值得的Sth.is worth doing.某事值得做Sth.is worthy of being done.=

Sth.is worthy to be done.某事值得做 11.in return作为交换,作为回报,反过来Cf.in turn反过来;结果;转而 12.draw one’s attention引起某人的注意draw/attract/catch/get one’s attention to sth.某事引起某人的注意

pay/give attention to sth.注意,留心focus/fix one’s attention on留心,专心于direct/turn one’s attention to sth.将注意力转向某事devote one’s attention to sth.专心于某事 13.in shape在形状上,在外形上,处于良好状态in the shape of呈…的形状,以..的形式out of shape身体状况不好的;变形的 14.be supposed to do sth.= should do sth.应该做某事 15.owe sth.(to sb.)(for sth.)欠(某人)债(因某物)owe sth.to sb.把…归功于某人; 对某人有义务;感激 16.be situated on / at位于,坐落在 17.be involved in被卷入,陷入 18.drink to sb./ sth.为……干杯Module 71、look through浏览,通读一遍

2、look forward to sth./ doing sth.期待/ 盼望(做)某事

3、be willing to do愿意/欣然做某事


选 做 题

Ⅰ.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Let's look at two psychological experiments which will give you the key to happy interpersonal relations.The first experiment is called the “Hawthorne effect” after Hawthorne, Illinois, where the experiment took place.A group of psychologists examined the work patterns of two groups of workers in the Western Electric Company.psychologists changed the working conditions for one group twice but left the other group alone.They were surprised to find that productivity increase on both occasions and in both groups.They concluded that the increase in productivity came from the attention given to the workers by the management.It had increased their motivation(积极性)and so they had worked harder.In other words, if you take an interest in others,they will want to please you and you will have good relations with them.__3__ After Martin Luther King, Jr was killed in the 1960s, a teacher, Jane Elliott, living in an all-white town decided to help her class of young children understand why the Civil Rights Movement had been necessary in America.She divided the class into two groups: one with blue eyes and the other with brown eyes.Other eye colours such as hazel or green were excluded from his exercise.Then she told the class that brown-eyed people were cleverer than blue-eyed ones because of an agent(化学作用)for brown colour found in their blood.Blue-eyed people were stupid, lazy and not to be trusted.Jane Elliott did not need to say any more.The brown-eyed students quickly got used to their new role as the leaders of the class.The blue-eyed students became quiet and withdrawn.Then she discovered something very interesting.Four poor brown-eyed readers began to read fluently in a in others whether they are your classmates or workmates.Congratulate them on their successes and sympathize(同情)with them in their troubles.__5__.A.Before the experiment the management talked to both groups of workers and explained that they wanted to find the best working environment for them.B.Remember that the way you treat others will decide their attitude and behaviour to you.C.The second experiment shows what happens to personal relations if you are rude to or ignore(忽略)others.D.The ones who have more friends usually are those who care about others.E.Jane Elliott had shown that the way people are treated affects not only their behaviour but also their confidence and their performance.F.You may even imagine that this ability was something they were born with because it seems so effortless to them.G.The second experiment tells us what teachers said has a great effect on the students.答案:1-5 FACEB


Do Dogs Understand Us?

Be careful what you say around your dog.It might understand more than you think.A border collie named Rico recognizes the names of about 200 objects, say researchers in Germany.The dog also appears to be able to learn new words as easily as a 3-year-old child.Its word-learning skills are as good as those of a parrot or chimpanzee(黑猩猩).

In one experiment, the researchers took all 200 items that Rico is supposed to know and divided them into 20 groups of 10 objects.Then the owner told the dog to go and fetch one of the items and bring it back.In four tests, Rico got 37 out of 40 commands right.As the dog couldn't see anyone to get clues, the scientists believe Rico must understand the meanings of certain words.In another experiment, the scientists took one toy that Rico had never seen before and put it in a room with seven toys whose names the dog already knew.The owner then told Rico to fetch the object, using a word the dog had never heard before.The correct object was chosen in seven out of l0 tests, suggesting that the dog had worked out the answer by process of elimination(排除法).A month later, Rico remembered half of the new

names, which is even more impressive.Rico is thought to be smarter than the average dog.For one thing, Rico is a border collie, a breed(品种)known for its mental abilities.In addition, the 9-year-old dog has been trained to fetch toys by their names since the age of nine months.It's hard to know if all dogs understand at least some of the words we say.Even if they do, they can't talk back.Still, it wouldn't hurt to sweet-talk your dog every now and then.You might just get a big, wet kiss in return!

1.What do we know from paragraph 2 ?(No more than 15 words)

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

2.Please explain the underlined “is supposed to” in English.(No more than 5 words)________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

3.How has Rico got a good memory except being a special sort according to the text ?(No more than 15 words)

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

4.What does the writer advise us to do by saying “it wouldn't hurt to sweet-talk„” ?(No more than 10 words)

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

5.Which statement in the passage probably inspires you to like the dog Rico and why?(The reason should be answered within 20 words)

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:

1.The dog, Rico,has very good word-learning skills.2.should/ is thought to /is expected to

3.It has been trained to fetch toys by their names since its early age.4.Be friendly to your dog.5.“A border collie name Rico recognize the names of about 200 objects.” really inspires me.Because the dog also appears to be able to learn new words as easily as a 3-year-old child.Or because the dog can easily be a friend to humans and be used to help humans in many ways.Ⅲ.根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Policeman:Now, Jimmy, did you get a good view(看清)of the accident?

Jimmy:Oh, yes.I was standing outside the bank building and I saw it quite clearly.Policeman:Do you know what time it was?

Jimmy:Yes.__1__It was 2:45 exactly.Policeman:Good.Jimmy:Well, quite slowly—about 10 miles an hour.It was coming up York Road.Policeman:Jimmy:It was coming along Union Street about 30 miles per hour.It was a blue Toyota.Policeman:Did you see what colour his traffic(交通)light was?

Jimmy:Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.A.What about the car?

B.I checked my watch.C.Didn't you see the car?

D.Now, how fast was the truck moving?

E.Was the car going beyond the speed limit?

F.I suppose the truck driver knew the lights were going to change.G.The driver stopped his car when he saw the truck crossing the street.答案:1-5 BDFAG








This is a story told by my father: When I was boy, the most exciting thing was when to celebrate the Spring Festival.My grandma was the best cooker in the world but could make the most delicious dishes.Once, I just couldn't wait for the Spring Festival dinner.As I was about take a piece from a cooked duck, I saw Grandma in the kitchen looking me.Shake her head, she said, “It isn't a good time to do that, dear.” I apologize and controlled me at the best till the dinner started.You know, that was a dinner we had waited for several month.答案:

This is a story told by my father : When I was ∧ boy, the most exciting thing was when to a

celebrate the SpringFestival.My grandma was the best in the world could make the most delicious dishes.Once, I just couldn't wait for the Spring Festival dinner.As I was about ∧ take a piece from a cooked duck, I saw Grandma in the kitchen looking ∧ me.her toathead, she said, “It isn't a good time to do that, dear.”I apologize and controlled meat the best till the dinner started.You know, that was a dinner we had waited for several Ⅴ.短文改错(2010·全国Ⅱ)






Christie was one of my best friend at high school.1.________

At that time, we often spend time together.2.________

Thank to her help.I made greal progress in my3.________

study.Last year, she decided to study abroad.In4.________

other words, we would be separated for long time.5.________

Before her leaving off, I prepared a giftto show6.________

my best wishes to him.She said it was the best7.________

gift she has ever had.From then on.We've8.________

kept touch with each other through e-mails.I9.________

look forward to see her again in the near future.10.________


解析:one of后加可数名词复数形式


解析:由前文的At that time可知应用一般过去时。


解析:固定短语,thanks to幸亏,由于


5.答案:for a long time



解析:leaving 这儿是动名词作宾语





9.答案:kept in touch

解析:固定短语keep in touch 保持联系


解析:look forward to doing sth.to为介词。



Dear Ms.Smith,I appreciate your help very well.On the first day of1.________

camp, you came up to myself while I was sitting alone.After2.________

that, you always gave me specially attention and inspired3.________

to me to join in activities.As a result, I gradually got to know4.________

the other campers.Because the help you gave me that summer,5.________

my life changed.I gained so much confidence that I go back6.________

to school as new person.My grades improved.I became7.________

very active but made new friends.Today, I got a letter that8.________

said I had been admitting to a college.I am proud of it.I just9.________

want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person.10.________



1.well →much very much意为:非常„„。是程度副词,可用以修饰动词。very well意为„„很好(地)„„,与句意不符。

2.myself →me 主语为you所以宾语部分不可能是myself,句意为:你向我走来,喻意是指:你出现在我需要帮助的时候。

3.specially →special 此处需要用形容词修饰attention,所以改为special。

4.去掉第一个to inspire意为:鼓励。是及物动词,inspire sb.to do sth.意为:鼓励某人干某事。

5.because后加of because为连词,其后为原因状语从句。此处后接the help,所以应改为介词短语because of,表示原因。

6.go →went 文章是作者对Ms.Smith过去的帮助表示感谢,所以用一般过去时记叙以前发生的事情。

7.as后加a as a new person作为一位新人。person在此为普通可数名词。

8.but →and 此处用and表并列,并无转折的意思。

9.admitting →admitted 用过去分词构成完成时的被动形式。我被大学录取。

10.becoming →become help sb.do sth.帮助某人干某事。

第五篇:外研版六年级英语Module 6

Module 6

一. 把下列字母重新排列,组成新的单词,并写出汉语意思。

1.o, m, a, d, s, e, y()


3.n, o, s, o()

4.k, r, o, f()

5.n, f, e, k, i()


6.visit China


10.a book about America 三. 单项选择。

()11.Hea kite in the park.A.flyB.flyingC.is flying

()12.Please writeme.A.toB.forC.at

()13.This book is minethat one is yours.A.whenB.orC.and

()14.Have you got a footballa basketball.A.butB.orC.and

()15.Do you like liveShanghai?


四. 连词成句。

16.you, to, I, my, friends, want, be(.)

17.live, New York, they, in(.)

18.want, to, China, someday, I , visit(.)

19.chopsticks, got, have, some, I(.)

20.write, to , he, you, will, soon(.)

五,用have got和has got 填空。

a pet dog.22.Saman email.23.Daminga piano.24.You a new watch.25.They a big house.

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