
时间:2019-05-14 01:15:27下载本文作者:会员上传



()1.--------__________ do you like doing?-------I like_______ pictures.A.What, drawing B.What, draw C.Who, drawing()2.It’s very hot today.You can__________ the coat.A.take off B.put on C.try on()3.They _______ a good time at the party.A.are B.has C.have()4.He ______ every house.A.visit B.visits C.visits to()5.It’s nine o’clock.I ______ go to bed now.A.can B.do C.have to()6.— Why are you in bed now? — ________.A.I want to play football B.Because I am ill C.After I have supper()7.Let’s _______ the metro now.A.to take B.takes C.take()8.---Where's Mr Black---He's______the traffic lights.A.in B.on C.at()9.----What _______ Tom like doing?----He likes watching cartoons.A.do B.does C.doing()10.You can take bus No.4 and get _______at the Zoo Station.A.on B.off C.down


1.She likes growing flowers.(改为否定句)She _______ _______ growing flowers.2.What’s wrong with you?(改写同义句)

What’s ________ ________ with you?

3.I’m taking some medicine now.(改一般疑问句)you taking medicine now? 4.Today is Wednesday.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ is it today ? 5.every, lessons, have, I, seven, day(.)


1.Turn left at the(two)traffic light.2.The boxes ___________(be)too full.3.There are many traffic _____ _____(light)in the street.4.Let her ____ _____(take)the bus to the park.5.I like(sing), but my sister doesn’t like.6.Su Yang(live)near the City Library.7.We want(have)a picnic.8.Can you(draw)a picture for me? 9.Mike(not do)his homework on Saturday.10.I don’t have____________(some)new skirts.11.The old woman____________(go)to work by bus every day.12.She _________(come)and ___________(visit)every house.四、从左栏目中选出与右栏相应的答句。

I II()1.Why are you so sad ? A.He has a bike.()2.Where are my gloves ? B.Yes, I do.()3.Do you have any cakes ? C.Because I can’t go to the party.()4.How does Sam go to school? D.They are on the bed.()5.What does Mike have? E.He goes to school on foot.()6.Would you like some coffee? F.Eight.()7.How many lessons do you have? G.Yes, please.()8 Where do you live? H.Su Hai’s()9 When does David go to the zoo? I..I live near City Library.()10 Whose clothes are these? J.At the weekends.五、根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1.你必须在12点之前回来。

You ________ _______ come back _________12 o’clock.2.为什么刘涛打开窗户?---因为他热。

---Why ______ Liu Tao _______ the window?---________ he is very ________.3.你可以在医院的前面上车,在动物园门口下车。

You can ______ _______ the bus in front of the ______ and ________ ________ at the gate(大门)of the zoo.4.她怎么了?她得了头痛。

What’s wrong with ________? She has a ________.六.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)

Helen has a happy family.She lives in Suzhou with her parents.Helen is a student.She gets up at 6:30 every morning and goes to school on foot.Her father is a policeman.He goes to work by bus.And her mother is a doctor.She goes work by bike.What do they usually do on Sundays? Helen usually goes shopping with her mother.But her father doesn’t like going shopping.He usually reads books at home.()1.Helen lives in Suzhou with her parents.()2.Helen isn’t a student.()3.Helen’s father is a policeman.()4.Helen’s mother likes reading books at home.()5.Helen’s father doesn’t like going shopping.七、小作文。

请以 “My Day ”为题写一段小短文,说说你通常是怎样安排一天的活动的,要求:






()1.Our new teacher is China.A.from B.to C.of D.near()2.______ your new art teacher ? A.Who B.Whose’s C.Who's D.Whose()3.Sunday is fun ______ us.A.to B.for C.at()4.He isn't quiet,he's ______.A.quiet B.active C.tall D.strong()5.I can play ________ you.A.to B.with C.for()6.We have Math __________ Thursdays.A.in B.on C.to()7.He isn't an old teacher,he's ______.A.slowly B.new C.tall D.funny()8.What ______ you like for lunch ? A.do B.are C.would()9.Is she _______ university student? A.a B. the C.an D./

第 1 页()10.I don’t like grapes, they’re _____.A.sour B.sweet C.tasty


1.My father is(和蔼可亲的). 2.What is he(像)? 3.Mr Carter is an(英语)teacher. 4.My English teacher is(活泼的). 5.My math teacher is(聪明的). 6.What’s you favourite _________(食物)? 7.We have math and PE.on ___________(星期一)8.I often _______________(看电视)on Sundays.三、连词成句(每小题3分,共15分)。1.would,like,what,for,you,lunch ? 2.three, we, new, teachers, have.3.today, what it day is ? 4.like,and,I,cabbage,chicken. 5.is, what, like, she ?

四、按要求给下列单词分类 pork mutton tall cabbage potato English

第 2 页 smart art strict science beef cucumber onions chicken music thin 蔬菜类 : ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 肉类 : ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 人物特征: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 课程 : ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________


1.Miss Chen is my math teacher.(变为一般疑问句)2.Are they sour?(作否定回答)____________________.3.I don’t like grapes and oranges.(变为肯定句)________________________________.4.She is active.(变为一般疑问句)5. Do you have computer and P.E.on Tuesday ?(作肯定回答)_______________________________.六.读短文,判断正误。(用T表示正确,F表示错误)

Hello, my name is John.I have P.E ,art and English on Tuesday(星期二).It's my favourite day.I like English.Look,that is my math teacher.第 3 页 He's very kind.His name is Li Hai.I like beef very much, but I don't like apples.I like bananas, too.1()John has P.E and computer on Tuesday.2()John's favourite day is Monday.3()Mr Li is John's English teacher.4()John likes apple very much.5().John's math teacher is short and kind.七、作文


第 4 页




()1.______are you going to do this afternoon? A.How B.What C.Where()2.I usually go to school ______bus.A.on B.at C.by()3.What _____you going to do? A.are B.is C.am()4.A:How are you? B:_____________ A.How do you do? B.Thank you.C.I’m fine.()5.I’m going to ____my uncle.A.visit B.visits C.visiting()6.It’s a _____day.A.sun B.wind C.windy()7.Let’s listen ______the weather report______the radio.A.to , in B.on ,to C.to , on()8.Here’s the weather report_____tomorrow.A.in B.for C.to()9.I’m_____food because I am hungry.A.looking for B.looking out C.looking at()10.It’s going to _____fine this afternoon.A.is B.are C.be







三、将下列句子排序,重新构成对话。1.Yes , we are.2.We are going to ride horses.And you? 3.Are you free tomorrow? 4.What are you going to do? 5.I’m going to play football.____________________

四、将下列句子中的一处错误找出来并改正。1.It’s a sun day.2.It’s going to sunny tomorrow.3.I’m going to stays at home.4.They are go to ride horses.五、句型转换。

1.Do you have enough money?(作肯定回答)2.He is reading a book at home.(对划线部分提问)3.It’s time for breakfast.(变为同义句)4.The movie starts at three o’clock.(对划线部分提问)



I’m __________ ____________ _____________ grandparents this weekend.2、我周末起床很晚。

I usually ____________ ____________late on weekends.3、看那些黑云!天要下雨了。

Look at the ________ ________!It is __________ ___________ ____________.4、明天你打算呆在家里吗?

________you_________ _________ __________ ____________home tomorrow?


It’s going to _________ __________ _________ _____________.七、连词成句。

1.going , are , to , watch , they , TV , at , home(.)2.are , going , we , visit , to , my , uncle(.)3.the , at , clouds , look , black(.)4.are , what , going , to , you , do(?)

八、写作 你家住哪儿?你是怎样上学的?你爸爸妈妈是怎样上班的?请以“My family”为题写一篇英语作文,重点从如何上学和上班入手。不少于5句话。





()1.A.parent B.present C.father()2.A.clean B.cook C.cinema()3.A.wash B.watch C.water()4.A.sleep B.sleeping C.sleepy()5.A.cook B.book C.look()6.A.bus B.busy C.but()7.A.sweet B.sweater C.swing()8.A.clean the table B.clean the bed C.clean the door()9.A.cook breakfast B.cook dinner C.cook lunch()10.A.She is helping her mother.B.She is making the bed.C.She is washing clothes.二、听录音,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。()1.She is eating some chicken in the kitchen.()2.My brother is doing housework.()3.Tim is in his bedroom.()4.Helen is cleaning the table.()5.They are watching TV in the sitting room.三、听录音,选出合适的答句。

第 1 页()1.A.Yes, I do.B.No, I can’t.C.Yes, I am.()2.A.He is jumping.B.She is singing.C.They are dancing.()3.A.We like singing.B.We are singing.C.We usually sing.()4.A.I need a cup.B.We need some candles.C.No, thank you.()5.A.No, he isn’t.B.They are cleaning the library.C.Yes, they are.四、听录音,完成下面的句子。

1.It’s Sunday__________.My mother is in the___________.She is ___________ the ___________.My father is ___________ the floor in the sitting-room.2.What is your uncle doing? He is ___________ flowers.How ___ your aunt? She is___________ ___________.They are very ___________.笔试部分


1.做早餐____ 2.整理床铺 3.看电视 4.洗碗 _ 5.吃水果 6.grow grapes 7.a busy day 8.help his parents 9.big and sweet _________ 10.go away

第 2 页


()1.—_______ are you going? —I’m going to the cinema.A.What B.Where C.Who D.When()2.Look, the pests _______ the grapes.A.is to eat B.is eating C.eat D.are eating()3.— ______ is your sister doing ? — She is dancing.A.What B.Where C.Why D.How()4.He wants _______ a film on Sunday.A.seeing B.see C.sees D.to see()5.Tim’s mother always nice breakfast for _______.A.cook;him B.cook;he C.cooks;him D.cooks;he()6.They often their housework in the evening.A.did B.do C.does D.to do()7.Listen, the bird _______ in the tree.A.sing B.sings C.singing D.is singing()8.Mr Green every day.But he now.A.swim;is swimming B.swim;swims C.swims;isn’t swimming D.swims;doesn’t swim()9.Mike’s friend playing basketball.A.are B.is C.am D.be()10.—What Nancy and Mike doing?

第 3 页 —They are.A.are;watching TV B.are;watch TV C.is;watching TV D.is;watch TV


1.Tom usually ________(brush)his teeth in the morning.2.I like _______(skate).3.—What _______ he _________(do)in the playground ? —He is running.4.Listen!Some girls ____________(sing)in the classroom.5.It’s two o’clock in the afternoon.The students ____________(have)a PE lesson.6.There aren’t ___________(some)pictures on the wall.7.____________(not put)the pencil on your mouth.8.How many _____________(child)are there in your class? 9.Helen can _____________(swim)now.10.My parents _________(be)both workers.四、按要求完成下列句子

1.They often do their homework in the evening.(用she替换they)___________________________________________________ 2.He is sleeping in the bedroom.(对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________

第 4 页 3.He is sleeping in the bedroom.(对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________ 4.My sister listens to music every day.(把every day 改为now)____________________________________________________ 5.are, my, sister, the, dinner, I, cooking, in ,kitchen, and(.)(连词成句)____________________________________________________.五、根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1.看。苏海正在上车。

Look!Su Hai is ___________ __________ the bus.2.—他们在干什么? —他们在吃午饭。

— What __________ they __________? — They ________ _________ lunch.3.我姐姐现在很忙。她正在花园里打扫。

My sister ______ _______ now.She is _________ in the _________.4.放学后她常常做回家作业。

She usually __________ her homework after school.5.波比想要看电影。

Bobby __________ ___________ see a film.6.他正闭眼休息。

He is _________ his eyes and ___________ a rest.第 5 页

六、阅读理解。(A)It’s Saturday afternoon.Mr and Mrs Alberts go to the park.There are lots of people there.Some men are drinking coffee under a big umbrella.Some girls are playing under a big tree.A boy is sitting on a boat.He is fishing.There are many birds in the trees.They are singing.A cat is rushing(冲)up the tree.It would like to eat the birds, but the birds fly away.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

()1.Mr and Mrs Alberts are in the park on Saturday morning.()2.Some men are drinking tea under a big umbrella.()3.Some girls are running near a big tree.()4.A boy is fishing on a boat.()5.The cat wants to eat the birds in the trees.(B)It is four o’clock in the afternoon.The students are in the classroom.What are they doing? Bobo is reading a picture book with John.Coco is sweeping the floor.Lucy is cleaning the blackboard.Cathy is doing her homework.Emma is helping her.Miss Zhang is their teacher.She is in the classroom too.What is she doing? She is talking with Jack.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

()1.The students are in the ________.A.playground B.library C.classroom

第 6 页()2._________ are reading a picture book.A.Bobo and John B.Bobo and Coco C.Coco and John()3.Lucy is __________.A.sweeping the floor B.cleaning the blackboard C.doing her homework()4.Emma is helping ________ with her homework.A.Jack B.Coco C.Cathy()5.Which sentence(句子)is not right? A.Miss Zhang is a teacher.B.Miss Zhang is in the classroom.C.Miss Zhang is talking with Mike.七. 小作文。

请以 “My Day ”为题写一段小短文,说说你通常是怎样安排一天的活动的,要求:



第 7 页




()1.A.uncle B.children C.grandpa()2.A.putting B.pudding C.sitting()3.A.put B.card C.book()4.A.happy B.sad C.tree()5.A.him B.our C.them


1.玩得很开心_______________ 2.wake up early__________________ 3.等待礼物_________________ 4.Merry Christmas________________ 5.买些东西_____________ 6.look great________________ 7.去看圣诞老人_____________ 8.write your message _____________ 9.不要吃我们_______________ 10.send them to my friends_________


()1.He ___________ like his father.A.looks B.look C.is look()2.The students are dancing ___________ Children’s Day..A.at B.on C.in()3.---Does your father often ___________ a Christmas tree?---Yes he ___________.A.buying;doesn’t B.buys;does C.buy;does()4.Teachers’ Day is___________.A.coming B.come C.came()5.---What’s wrong ___________ you?---I’m tired.A.with B.about C.of()6.Children often ___________ their grandparents ___________ weekends.A.visits;at B.visit;on C.visit;at()7.I play the piano ___________ four o’clock ___________ the afternoon.A.at;at B.at;in C.on;in()8.---Merry Christmas, Helen!---___________ A.Thank you!B.Merry Christmas!C.Yes, it is.()9.---What ___________ you do during summer holidays?---I often read books.___________ I play chess with my father.A.are;Sometimes B.does;Sometimes C.do;Sometimes()10.---Can she ___________ a picture on the card?---Yes, she ___________.A.draws;can B.draw;can C.draw;can’t()11.Here’s a present ___________ you.A.at B.for C.to()12.I can make a New Year card.___________, I fold a card.A.Next B.Then C.First()13.The child ___________ a book in his desk.A.put B.puts C.putting()14.Christmas is a lot of ___________!A.funny B.fun C.funs()15.We ___________ some nice food ___________ Sunday evening.A.eat;on B.eat;in C.eating;at


1.kind, a, old, Father, Christmas, is, man(.)_________________________________________________________ 2.some, we, next, put, things, pretty, tree, the, on(,.)_________________________________________________________ 3.also, Christmas, my, tree, buys, a, father(.)_________________________________________________________ 4.family, what, do, at, do, your, Christmas(?)_________________________________________________________ 5.do, big, lunch, people, have, a, Christmas, on, Day(?)_________________________________________________________

五、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.___________(final), they go home together.2.___________(not)jump up, little dog.3.Ben likes these ___________(card)very much.4.Mr White ___________(go)to work on foot every day.5.Show ___________(they)the map of England.六、完型填空

I want to tell you something about Mike.Mike is 1 London.But he is in China 2 his parents now.He is 12 years old.He is a student of Grade 6.Mike is a clever(聪明的)student.He works very 3.He’s good at all his lessons.He says he likes 4 best.He can 5 a little Chinese now.His teacher and classmates are all nice to him.Mike usually gets up at 6:30.And then he has his 6 at home.His school is near his home.So he 7 to school.After school, Mike plays ball game in the playground.He is good at 8 volleyball.In the evening, he does his homework and watches TV.And he goes to bed at 9:00.“I like 9 in Chinese very much.People here are friendly and the food 10 very nice,” he says to his parents.()1.A.in B.of C.from()2.A.with B.and C.or()3.A.good B.better C.hard()4.A.football B.basketball C.Chinese()5.A.say B.speak C.tell()6.A.lunch B.supper C.breakfast()7.A.drives B.walks C.goes()8.A.play B.plays C.playing()9.A.living B.working C.teaching()10.A.are B.is C.am

七、阅读理解。(A)It’s 10th May today.It’s my birthday.At twenty to seven, my mother wakes me up.I get up and my parents say to me, “Happy birthday to you!” I say, “Thank you, Mum and Dad.” I get a lot of presents from my friends and my family.They are all in the nice boxes.My father gives me a yellow box and there is a book in it.My mother says, “It’s our present for you.There are a lot of stories in it.You can read them and they’re good for you.”

Jack, one of my friends, gives me a long box.What’s in it? It’s an umbrella.My sister gives me a round box.I think it is a big cake in it, but it is a basketball.I like playing basketball very much, so I’m happy to have it.My brother gives me a red box.This one is blue.In this box I find a little white envelope(信封).There is a piece of paper in it.It says, “Go to your bedroom.You can see three boxes there: a black one, a grey one and a white one.Your birthday present is in one of them.” I go to my bedroom and find the boxes on the desk in my room.Then I open the black one.I’m very happy to see a radio in it.根据短文,选择正确的答案。

()1.My birthday is on________.A.May the tenth B.May the eleventh C.Sunday()2.________ of my birthday presents are in the boxes.A.Some B.All C.Many()3.________ give(s)me a storybook.A.My father B.My mother C.A and B()4.My sister and my brother give me ________.A.a basketball B.a radio C.A and B()5.My brother’s present is in ________.A.the green box B.the blue box C.the black box(B)

My friend and I often go to the zoo on Sunday because it’s near my home.We like to see animals.We like to have a walk in the zoo.Sometimes the weather is very good, so we play games in the zoo.If the weather is not good, we just watch the animals inside.Monkeys are lovely.When they see us, they often make faces.Sometimes we also make faces at them.Monkeys like to eat bananas.That’s why we often bring bananas to the zoo and give them to monkeys.Every time they see us, they are happy.根据短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。

()1.My friends and I don’t like to go to the zoo.()2.The zoo is far away from my home.()3.We just watch the animals in the zoo.()4.Monkeys like to make faces.()5.We often give bananas to monkeys.八、写作

请以“My good friend”为题,介绍一下你的一位好朋友。可以介绍他或她的外貌、年龄、爱好、周末活动以及喜欢的学科等。要求:条理清楚,标点正确,意思连贯,语句通顺,语法规范。不少于5句。




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