【人教版】 英语配套练习册(九年级上册1---8单元)答案(定稿)

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第一篇:【人教版】 英语配套练习册(九年级上册1---8单元)答案(定稿)

【人教版】 英语配套练习册(九年级上册1---8单元)答案

Section A

一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar

二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited

三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group

四、1.How does;learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet

五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9.at 10.welcome

一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges

二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right

三、1.First of all 2.Later on 3.laugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring

四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does

五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves 9.pronunciation 10.dictionary

一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC

二、1.wactching 2.playing 3.making 4.singing 5.developing 6.would come 7.read 8.truly 9.speaking 10.(to)carry

三、1.Where to buy 2.pronunciation right 3.How often 4.How long 5.instead of 6.What was

四、1.worrying about 2.regard their pets as 3.goes by 4.try our best to 5.with the help of 6.look up 7.make up

五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC

六、1~5 BCADD

Ⅶ.(One possible version)

As a student, you may know the importance of English.I believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano;by practicing every day.We must use English every day.I not only answer the teacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can after class.I often practice conversations with my friends.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.I’ve learned a lot by working with a group.Watching English-language TV programs can help a lot.The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes”.一、1.dark 2.interested 3.used 4.terrified 5.outgoing

二、1.friendly 2.watching 3.terrified 4.speak 5.being

三、1.Did you use to play the piano? 2.I didn't use to like English 3.You used to have long hair, didn’t’ you? 4.What did his father use to look like?

四、What did;use to do 2.didn't she 3.What did;use;wear 4.am interested in 5.by himself

五、1.lot 2.used 3.was 4.interested 5.changed

一、1.Chew 2.Comics 3.anymore 4.chat 5.candy

二、1.watching 2.has changed 3.used 4.learning 5.get 6.to dance 7.like

三、1.all day 2.chat with 3.take to 4.has changed;past few years 5.play basketball;on 6.Are;afraid/terrified of;in front of

四、1.afraid of 2.Did;use 3.are able to 4.What an 5.with;open 6.didn't use;like

一、1~5 ACABB 6~9 CBBD

二、1.patient 2.afford 3.necessary 4.himself 5.attention

三、1.death 2.surprise 3.decision 4.patience 5.proud

四、1.an eight-year-old 2.caused some trouble 3.any more;try to 4.chew gum 5.pay attention to;pronunciation 6.afford to pay for

五、1.seem to 2.In the end 3.good at 4.no more 5.used to be 6.is on

六、1~5 DEBFC

七、1~5 BCAAC 6~10 BACCA 11~15 CABBB

八、1~5 FFTFF

Ⅸ.(One possible version)

Lily is my good friend.She has changed a lot in the past few years.She used to like table tennis, watch TV and chat, but now she likes plying the piano, reading books and walking.She used to be outgoing and she made many friends, but now she is shy and quiet.She used to be short and have short hair, but now she is tall and has long hair.一、1.instead 2.allowed 3.licence 4.teenagers 5.silly

二、1.drive 2.doing 3.to swim 4.to think 5.pierced 6.wearing

三、1.should be asked 2.should be allowed 3.should be finished 4.can be used

四、1.should be allowed 2.don't think;aren’t’t serious enough 3.seemed to 4.allow me to 5.spend time with

一、1.concentrate 2.experience 3.rules 4.learn 5.present

二、1.volunteering 2.noisy 3.changed 4.studying 5.to keep

三、1.It seems 2.How would 3.Whose house 4.should be allowed 5.don't;is

四、1.is strict with 2.is good for 3.concentrates more on 4.at present 5.the other day 6.failed the exam

五、1~5 CDAEB

六、1~5 BCDCC 6~10 DBACB

一、1.uniforms 2.sleepy 3.replied 4.practice 5.importance

二、1.comfortable 2.much 3.success 4.decisions 5.suggestions

三、1.tall enough 2.achieving your dream 3.design our school uniforms 4.had opportunity to study 5.aren't allowed;wear earrings

四、1~5 CBBCB 6~10 CADAD

五、1~5 DAECG

六、1~5 BCABD 6~10 BCDBA

七、1.Get/Have;pierced 2.dirty and untidy 3.Use bad language 4.a lot of noise 5.be strict with

Ⅷ.(One possible version)

Dear Ms Li,I’m very glad to write to you.I have lot of homework to do at school.I don’t have enough time to sleep.I nearly have no time to do sports.My friend and I can hardly find time to talk, or play together.When I get back home from school, I’m not allowed to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to my favorite music.I feel worried about them.I don’t know what I

should do.Could you please give me some suggestions?

Best wishes.Zhang Meng

一、1.million 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous

二、1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work

三、1~5 DFBGA

四、1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.What if someone else 4.would give;to charity

一、1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener

二、1~5 BCDBA

三、1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have

四、1.What if 2.doesn't;in the slightest 3.rather than/instead of 4.to get along;with 5.what to say 6.so that

五、1~5 ACDEB

一、knowledge 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers

二、1~5 CBDAD

三、1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of 6.comes top 7.right away 8.plenty of

四、1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable 3.come up with 4.come out 5.stop working

五、1~5 DFEAB

六、1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give 7.would set

七、1.If I became rich/had lots of money, I would give you 1,000,000 dollars.2.He fell seriously ill and couldn't afford to go to hospital.3.肯鼓励他不要放弃希望。4.Because he knew about Tony’s

illness from one of his classmates.5.1,000,000 dollars.一、1.picnic 2.author 3.appointment 4.final 5.anxious

二、1.Alice's 2.possibly 3.dropped 4.worried 5.owner

三、1.The hair band must belong to Linda.2.This shirt is much too small for John.3.We need one more player to make up a soccer ball team.4.They put off the meeting because of the heavy rain.5.What do you think “crucial” means?

四、1.Whose T-shirt 2.belong to 3.author 4.author 4.could he 5.Why is

五、1~5 DECAB

一、1.sky 2.catch 3.noise 4.wind 5.interviewed

二、1.monkeys 2.escaped 3.neighbors 4.unhappy 5.director

三、1.for exercise 2.to catch 3.what is happening 4.In;swimming 5.be afraid making

四、1.Did;use to 2.doesn't think;could 3.isn't he 4.There;something wrong 5.What are

五、1~5 EBCAD

一、1~5 BCDAA 6~10 CCBDA 11~12 DD

二、1.possibly 2.noise 3.final 4.catch 5.smells 6.fingers 7.lift 8.ocean 9.stone 10.pretended

三、1.hers 2.worried 3.visiting 4.unhappy 5.footsteps 6.watching 7.to work 8.careful 9.dishonest 10.pretending

四、1.belong to 2.don't think 3.Did;use to 4.because of 5.Who must

五、1~5 BAACD 6~10 BAABD

六、1~5 ACABB

七、1~5 BAECD Unit 6 I like music that l can dance to

Section A

I.1.prefer 2.gentle 3.lyrics 4.remind 5.favorite

II.1.dance to 2.remind;of 3.along with 4.Heart Strings 5.What;dislike;clearly

III.1.prefer 2.makes 3.reminds 4.wearing 5.interest

IV.1~5 GABCF Section B

I.1.fisherman 2.latest 3.features 4.display 5.energy;miss

II.1.suggests 2.Whatever 3.photographer 3.does have 4.have to 5.What kind of

III.1.music that l love 2.as successful as 3.does have 4.what to 5.what kind of

IV.1~5 DAGCE Self Cheak and reading

I.1.lyrics 2.reminds 3.honest 4.cancer 5.laboratory

II.1.musicians 2.dislike 3.clearly 4.latest 5.mainly

III.1.bad for;stay away form 2.in agreement 3.suits;just fine 4.Be sure to 5.sing along with


V.1~5 BDABC 6~10 ACADC

VI.(One possible version)略

。1.educational 2.thrilling 3.to trek through the jungle 4.too stressed out 5.consider asking

II。1.thrillers;thrilling 2.to tour;touristy;tourists;tourist 3.relaxing;relaxes;relaxed 4.tired;tiring


III。1.where there are;with 2.are supposed to 3.who can 4.is supposed to be 5.would like to Section B

I.1.provide 2.easy 3.light 4.including 5.vacation

II.1.provide us with some useful information

2.In general;junk food

3.Traveling around;by taxi convenientto take;to most places

4.Unless you speak;you self;it'best;someone who can teanslate

5.which is best to travel by

6.give her some suggestions

7.is the most expensive;is

8.get a room with a kitchen


IV.1~5 DFCBE Self Cheak and Reading

I.1.in which thousands of;take part in

2.find out;answers to;as soon as possible

3.According to;the most popular choice of job

4.continue singing;so that;provide berrer lives for

5.It seems;work as

6.Quite a few;are willing to

7.hold on to;come true

8.On the one hand;onthe other hand

9.volunteer translators;translated;for

II.1.as soon as they can 2.provied;with 3.less realistic than 4.were ready to 5.in order that



V.(One possible version)Unit8 l'll help clean up the city parks.Secion


I.1.homeless 2.hunger 3.established 4.coach 5.sign

II.1.set up 2.think up 3.cheer;up 4.clean up 5.put off 6.put up

III.1.makes;happier 2.establish;learn 3.thinks up 4.to do 5.Do you




I.1.deaf 2.fix 3.pleasure 4.coach 5.sign

II.1.ran out of 2.takes after 3.put up 4.call

III.1.takes after 2.spent on 3.similar to 4.repair 5.What did


V.1~5 FGADC 6~7 EB Self Check and Reading

I.1.fetch 2.pleasure 3.blind 4.imaging 5.specially 6.filled 7.carried 8.deaf 9.to shut 10.worked out

II.1.homeless 2.latei 3.easiest 4.hunger 5.pleasure 6.holding 7.clean 8.cheered 9.to set 10.interviewer III.1~5 BDACC 6~10 BACAB

IV.1.yes,he was 2.by taking a little rubber.3.Three 4.On december22,1988 5.He protected the forest and

changed the world's ideas

I.1~5 BDBCB 6~10 BDCBD 11~15 BDDCC 16~20 BACDD

II.1.owner 2.importance 3.were 4.helpful 5.funny 6.worride 7.younger 8.youself

9.friendship 10.chatting

III.1.Dong't laugh at the old people

2.His parents are very strict with him

3.Children have plenty of time to do their home work now

4.l'm getting along/on well with my classmates

5.Have you come up with a good idea?

IV.1.to do 2.to get 3.was allowed to 4.didn't use 5.can she



VII.1~5 BDBDC 6~10 CCBAD 期末综合练习

(一)I.1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BCCCB

II.1.to learn 2.really 3.to watch 4.healthy 5.pronunciation 6.musicians 7.were 8.used

9.preferred 10.has been

III.1.home to 2.what else 3.stay away 4.head of 5.interstted in

IV.1.doesn't need 2.where would 3.has he 4.easy enough 5.not to



VII.1~5 ADBDD 6.Yes

7.we can talk to them,play and go to the cinema with them

8.Because we can 't live alone in the world

9.some people always expect to make use of their friedns

10.Having a real good friend is better than having many friends

11.plant 12.across 13.banks 14.destroyed 15.changing


(二)I.1~5 BADBB 6~10 AABCA 11~15 CBACA 16~20 CBBDA

II.1 winner 2.relaxed 3.careful 4.fifth 5.peaceful 6.tired 7.himself 8.advertisements

9.quickly 10.lucky

III.1.camp up 2.came ture 3.no matter 4.so that 5.stay up

IV.1.doesn't;or 2.How much 3.didn't it 4.prefer;to 5.be cleaned



VII.1~5 FFTFT 6~10 DABBA 11~15 ACBCD 16.trees change a lot when they grow

17.catch enough sunlight

18.face challenges in life 19.15

20.becoming real adults


【人教版】 英语配套练习册(上册)答案

【Statement】 Unit1---Unit5(Not including essay)

【Unit 1】 Section A

一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar

二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited

三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group

四、1.How does;learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet

五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9.at


Section B

一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges

二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right

三、1.First of all 2.Later on 3.laugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring

四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does

五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves

9.pronunciation 10.dictionary

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC

二、1.wactching 2.playing 3.making 4.singing 5.developing 6.would come 7.read

8.truly 9.speaking 10.(to)carry

三、1.Where to buy 2.pronunciation right 3.How often 4.How long 5.instead of 6.What


四、1.worrying about 2.regard their pets as 3.goes by 4.try our best to 5.with the

help of 6.look up 7.make up

五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC

六、1~5 BCADD

Ⅶ.(One possible version)

As a student, you may know the importance of English.I believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano;by practicing every day.We must use English every day.I not only answer the teacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can after class.I often practice conversations with my friends.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.I’ve learned a lot by working with a group.Watching English-language TV programs can help a lot.The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes”.【Unit 2】

Section A

一、1.dark 2.interested 3.used 4.terrified 5.outgoing

二、1.friendly 2.watching 3.terrified 4.speak 5.being

三、1.Did you use to play the piano? 2.I didn't use to like English 3.You used to have long hair, didn’t’ you? 4.What did his father use to look like?

四、What did;use to do 2.didn't she 3.What did;use;wear 4.am interested in 5.by


五、1.lot 2.used 3.was 4.interested 5.changed

Section B

一、1.Chew 2.Comics 3.anymore 4.chat 5.candy

二、1.watching 2.has changed 3.used 4.learning 5.get 6.to dance 7.like

三、1.all day 2.chat with 3.take to 4.has changed;past few years 5.play basketball;on 6.Are;afraid/terrified of;in front of

四、1.afraid of 2.Did;use 3.are able to 4.What an 5.with;open 6.didn't use;like

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 ACABB 6~9 CBBD

二、1.patient 2.afford 3.necessary 4.himself 5.attention

三、1.death 2.surprise 3.decision 4.patience 5.proud

四、1.an eight-year-old 2.caused some trouble 3.any more;try to 4.chew gum 5.pay attention to;pronunciation 6.afford to pay for

五、1.seem to 2.In the end 3.good at 4.no more 5.used to be 6.is on

六、1~5 DEBFC

七、1~5 BCAAC 6~10 BACCA 11~15 CABBB

八、1~5 FFTFF

Ⅸ.(One possible version)

Lily is my good friend.She has changed a lot in the past few years.She used to like table tennis, watch TV and chat, but now she likes plying the piano, reading books and walking.She used to be outgoing and she made many friends, but now she is shy and quiet.She used to be short and have short hair, but now she is tall and

has long hair.【Unit 3】

Section A

一、1.instead 2.allowed 3.licence 4.teenagers 5.silly

二、1.drive 2.doing 3.to swim 4.to think 5.pierced 6.wearing

三、1.should be asked 2.should be allowed 3.should be finished 4.can be used

四、1.should be allowed 2.don't think;aren’t’t serious enough 3.seemed to 4.allow

me to 5.spend time with

Section B

一、1.concentrate 2.experience 3.rules 4.learn 5.present

二、1.volunteering 2.noisy 3.changed 4.studying 5.to keep

三、1.It seems 2.How would 3.Whose house 4.should be allowed 5.don't;is

四、1.is strict with 2.is good for 3.concentrates more on 4.at present 5.the other

day 6.failed the exam

五、1~5 CDAEB

六、1~5 BCDCC 6~10 DBACB

Self Check and Reading

一、1.uniforms 2.sleepy 3.replied 4.practice 5.importance

二、1.comfortable 2.much 3.success 4.decisions 5.suggestions

三、1.tall enough 2.achieving your dream 3.design our school uniforms 4.had opportunity to study 5.aren't allowed;wear earrings

四、1~5 CBBCB 6~10 CADAD

五、1~5 DAECG

六、1~5 BCABD 6~10 BCDBA

七、1.Get/Have;pierced 2.dirty and untidy 3.Use bad language 4.a lot of noise 5.be

strict with Ⅷ.(One possible version)

Dear Ms Li,I’m very glad to write to you.I have lot of homework to do at school.I don’t have enough time to sleep.I nearly have no time to do sports.My friend and I can hardly find time to talk, or play together.When I get back home from school, I’m not allowed to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to my favorite music.I feel worried about them.I don’t know what I should do.Could you please give me some


Best wishes.Zhang Meng

【Unit 4】 Section A

一、1.million 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous

二、1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work

三、1~5 DFBGA

四、1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.What if someone else 4.would give;to charity

Section B

一、1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener

二、1~5 BCDBA

三、1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have

四、1.What if 2.doesn't;in the slightest 3.rather than/instead of 4.to get along;

with 5.what to say 6.so that

五、1~5 ACDEB

Self Check and Reading

一、knowledge 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers

二、1~5 CBDAD

三、1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of 6.comes top 7.right

away 8.plenty of

四、1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable 3.come up with 4.come out 5.stop


五、1~5 DFEAB

六、1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give 7.would


七、1.If I became rich/had lots of money, I would give you 1,000,000 dollars.2.He fell seriously ill and couldn't afford to go to hospital.3.肯鼓励他不要放弃希望。4.Because he knew about Tony’s illness from one of his classmates.5.1,000,000 dollars.【Unit 5】

Section A

一、1.picnic 2.author 3.appointment 4.final 5.anxious

二、1.Alice's 2.possibly 3.dropped 4.worried 5.owner

三、1.The hair band must belong to Linda.2.This shirt is much too small for John.3.We need one more player to make up a soccer ball team.4.They put off the meeting because of the heavy rain.5.What do you think “crucial” means?

四、1.Whose T-shirt 2.belong to 3.author 4.author 4.could he 5.Why is

五、1~5 DECAB

Section B

一、1.sky 2.catch 3.noise 4.wind 5.interviewed

二、1.monkeys 2.escaped 3.neighbors 4.unhappy 5.director

三、1.for exercise 2.to catch 3.what is happening 4.In;swimming 5.be afraid making

四、1.Did;use to 2.doesn't think;could 3.isn't he 4.There;something wrong 5.What


五、1~5 EBCAD

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 BCDAA 6~10 CCBDA 11~12 DD

二、1.possibly 2.noise 3.final 4.catch 5.smells 6.fingers 7.lift 8.ocean 9.stone


三、1.hers 2.worried 3.visiting 4.unhappy 5.footsteps 6.watching 7.to work 8.careful

9.dishonest 10.pretending

四、1.belong to 2.don't think 3.Did;use to 4.because of 5.Who must

五、1~5 BAACD 6~10 BAABD

六、1~5 ACABB

七、1~5 BAECD


Unit 6 I like music that l can dance to

Section A I.1.prefer 2.gentle 3.lyrics 4.remind 5.favorite II.1.dance to 2.remind;of 3.along with 4.Heart Strings 5.What;dislike;clearly III.1.prefer 2.makes 3.reminds 4.wearing 5.interest


Section B I.1.fisherman 2.latest 3.features 4.display 5.energy;miss II.1.suggests 2.Whatever 3.photographer 3.does have 4.have to 5.What kind of III.1.music that l love 2.as successful as 3.does have 4.what to 5.what kind of


Self Cheak and reading I.1.lyrics 2.reminds 3.honest 4.cancer 5.laboratory II.1.musicians 2.dislike 3.clearly 4.latest 5.mainly III.1.bad for;stay away form 2.in agreement 3.suits;just fine 4.Be sure to 5.sing

along with

IV.1~5 DBDBA 6~10 BBCCD V.1~5 BDABC 6~10 ACADC VI.(One possible version)略

Unit 7 WHere would you like to visit

Section A I。1.educational 2.thrilling 3.to trek through the jungle 4.too stressed out

5.consider asking II。1.thrillers;thrilling 2.to tour;touristy;tourists;tourist 3.relaxing;relaxes;relaxed 4.tired;tiring

5.lively;lived;alive;liveliest III。1.where there are;with 2.are supposed to 3.who can 4.is supposed to be 5.would

like to

Section B I.1.provide 2.easy 3.light 4.including 5.vacation II.1.provide us with some useful information

2.In general;junk food 3.Traveling around;by taxi convenientto take;to most places 4.Unless you speak;you self;it'best;someone who can teanslate

5.which is best to travel by

6.give her some suggestions 7.is the most expensive;is 8.get a room with a kitchen


Self Cheak and Reading I.1.in which thousands of;take part in 2.find out;answers to;as soon as possible 3.According to;the most popular choice of job 4.continue singing;so that;provide berrer lives for

5.It seems;work as 6.Quite a few;are willing to

7.hold on to;come true 8.On the one hand;onthe other hand 9.volunteer translators;translated;for II.1.as soon as they can 2.provied;with 3.less realistic than 4.were ready to 5.in

order that


IV.1~5 BCBAD 6~10 ACDAB V.(One possible version)

Unit8 l'll help clean up the city parks.Secion A I.1.homeless 2.hunger 3.established 4.coach 5.sign II.1.set up 2.think up 3.cheer;up 4.clean up 5.put off 6.put up III.1.makes;happier 2.establish;learn 3.thinks up 4.to do 5.Do you


Section B I.1.deaf 2.fix 3.pleasure 4.coach 5.sign II.1.ran out of 2.takes after 3.put up 4.call III.1.takes after 2.spent on 3.similar to 4.repair 5.What did


V.1~5 FGADC 6~7 EB

Self Check and Reading I.1.fetch 2.pleasure 3.blind 4.imaging 5.specially 6.filled 7.carried 8.deaf 9.to

shut 10.worked out II.1.homeless 2.latei 3.easiest 4.hunger 5.pleasure 6.holding 7.clean 8.cheered

9.to set 10.interviewer III.1~5 BDACC 6~10 BACAB IV.1.yes,he was 2.by taking a little rubber.3.Three 4.On december22,1988 5.He

protected the forest and

changed the world's ideas


I.1~5 BDBCB 6~10 BDCBD 11~15 BDDCC 16~20 BACDD II.1.owner 2.importance 3.were 4.helpful 5.funny 6.worride 7.younger 8.youself

9.friendship 10.chatting

III.1.Dong't laugh at the old people 2.His parents are very strict with him 3.Children have plenty of time to do their home work now 4.l'm getting along/on well with my classmates

5.Have you come up with a good idea? IV.1.to do 2.to get 3.was allowed to 4.didn't use 5.can she




(一)I.1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BCCCB II.1.to learn 2.really 3.to watch 4.healthy 5.pronunciation 6.musicians 7.were


9.preferred 10.has been III.1.home to 2.what else 3.stay away 4.head of 5.interstted in IV.1.doesn't need 2.where would 3.has he 4.easy enough 5.not to




6.Yes 7.we can talk to them,play and go to the cinema with them 8.Because we can 't live alone in the world 9.some people always expect to make use of their friedns 10.Having a real good friend is better than having many friends 11.plant 12.across 13.banks 14.destroyed 15.changing


(二)I.1~5 BADBB 6~10 AABCA 11~15 CBACA 16~20 CBBDA II.1 winner 2.relaxed 3.careful 4.fifth 5.peaceful 6.tired 7.himself

8.advertisements 9.quickly 10.lucky III.1.camp up 2.came ture 3.no matter 4.so that 5.stay up IV.1.doesn't;or 2.How much 3.didn't it 4.prefer;to 5.be cleaned



VII.1~5 FFTFT 6~10 DABBA 11~15 ACBCD

16.trees change a lot when they grow

17.catch enough sunlight 18.face challenges in life


20.becoming real adults



【人教版】 英语配套练习册(上册)答案

【Statement】 Unit1---Unit5(Not including essay)is made by.╰ Jamie.【Unit 1】 Section A

一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud


二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating


三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working

with a group

四、1.How does;learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask


五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long

8.skills 9.at 10.welcome

Section B

一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed


二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried


三、1.First of all 2.Later on 3.laugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions


四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does

五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves 9.pronunciation 10.dictionary

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC

二、1.wactching 2.playing 3.making 4.singing 5.developing 6.would come 7.read 8.truly 9.speaking 10.(to)carry

三、1.Where to buy 2.pronunciation right 3.How often 4.How long 5.instead

of 6.What was

四、1.worrying about 2.regard their pets as 3.goes by 4.try our best to 5.with the help of 6.look up 7.make up

五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC

六、1~5 BCADD

Ⅶ.(One possible version)

As a student, you may know the importance of English.I believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano;by practicing every day.We must use English every day.I not only answer the teacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can after class.I often practice conversations with my friends.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.I’ve learned a lot by working with a group.Watching English-language TV programs can help a lot.The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes”.【Unit 2】 Section A

一、1.dark 2.interested 3.used 4.terrified 5.outgoing

二、1.friendly 2.watching 3.terrified 4.speak 5.being

三、1.Did you use to play the piano? 2.I didn't use to like English 3.You used to have long hair, didn’t’ you? 4.What did his father use to look


四、What did;use to do 2.didn't she 3.What did;use;wear 4.am interested

in 5.by himself

五、1.lot 2.used 3.was 4.interested 5.changed

Section B

一、1.Chew 2.Comics 3.anymore 4.chat 5.candy

二、1.watching 2.has changed 3.used 4.learning 5.get 6.to dance 7.like

三、1.all day 2.chat with 3.take to 4.has changed;past few years 5.play basketball;on 6.Are;afraid/terrified of;in front of

四、1.afraid of 2.Did;use 3.are able to 4.What an 5.with;open 6.didn't


Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 ACABB 6~9 CBBD

二、1.patient 2.afford 3.necessary 4.himself 5.attention

三、1.death 2.surprise 3.decision 4.patience 5.proud

四、1.an eight-year-old 2.caused some trouble 3.any more;try to 4.chew gum 5.pay attention to;pronunciation 6.afford to pay for

五、1.seem to 2.In the end 3.good at 4.no more 5.used to be 6.is on

六、1~5 DEBFC

七、1~5 BCAAC 6~10 BACCA 11~15 CABBB

八、1~5 FFTFF

Ⅸ.(One possible version)

Lily is my good friend.She has changed a lot in the past few years.She used to like table tennis, watch TV and chat, but now she likes plying the piano, reading books and walking.She used to be outgoing and she made many friends, but now she is shy and quiet.She used to be short and have short hair, but now she is tall and has long hair.【Unit 3】 Section A

一、1.instead 2.allowed 3.licence 4.teenagers 5.silly

二、1.drive 2.doing 3.to swim 4.to think 5.pierced 6.wearing

三、1.should be asked 2.should be allowed 3.should be finished 4.can be


四、1.should be allowed 2.don't think;aren’t’t serious enough 3.seemed to 4.allow me to 5.spend time with

Section B

一、1.concentrate 2.experience 3.rules 4.learn 5.present

二、1.volunteering 2.noisy 3.changed 4.studying 5.to keep

三、1.It seems 2.How would 3.Whose house 4.should be allowed 5.don't;is

四、1.is strict with 2.is good for 3.concentrates more on 4.at present 5.the other day 6.failed the exam

五、1~5 CDAEB

六、1~5 BCDCC 6~10 DBACB

Self Check and Reading

一、1.uniforms 2.sleepy 3.replied 4.practice 5.importance

二、1.comfortable 2.much 3.success 4.decisions 5.suggestions

三、1.tall enough 2.achieving your dream 3.design our school uniforms 4.had opportunity to study 5.aren't allowed;wear earrings

四、1~5 CBBCB 6~10 CADAD

五、1~5 DAECG

六、1~5 BCABD 6~10 BCDBA

七、1.Get/Have;pierced 2.dirty and untidy 3.Use bad language 4.a lot of

noise 5.be strict with Ⅷ.(One possible version)

Dear Ms Li,I’m very glad to write to you.I have lot of homework to do at school.I don’t have enough time to sleep.I nearly have no time to do sports.My friend and I can hardly find time to talk, or play together.When I get back home from school, I’m not allowed to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to my favorite music.I feel worried about them.I don’t know what I should do.Could you please give me some suggestions?

Best wishes.Z

hang Meng

【Unit 4】 Section A

一、1.million 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous

二、1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work

三、1~5 DFBGA

四、1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.What if someone else 4.would give;

to charity

Section B

一、1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener

二、1~5 BCDBA

三、1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have

四、1.What if 2.doesn't;in the slightest 3.rather than/instead of 4.to get along;with 5.what to say 6.so that

五、1~5 ACDEB

Self Check and Reading

一、knowledge 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers

二、1~5 CBDAD

三、1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of 6.comes

top 7.right away 8.plenty of

四、1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable 3.come up with 4.come

out 5.stop working

五、1~5 DFEAB

六、1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give

7.would set

七、1.If I became rich/had lots of money, I would give you 1,000,000 dollars.2.He fell seriously ill and couldn't afford to go to hospital.3.肯鼓励他不要放弃希望。4.Because he knew about Tony’s illness from one of his classmates.5.1,000,000 dollars.【Unit 5】 Section A

一、1.picnic 2.author 3.appointment 4.final 5.anxious

二、1.Alice's 2.possibly 3.dropped 4.worried 5.owner

三、1.The hair band must belong to Linda.2.This shirt is much too small for John.3.We need one more player to make up a soccer ball team.4.They put off the meeting because of the heavy rain.5.What do you think

“crucial” means?

四、1.Whose T-shirt 2.belong to 3.author 4.author 4.could he 5.Why is

五、1~5 DECAB

Section B

一、1.sky 2.catch 3.noise 4.wind 5.interviewed

二、1.monkeys 2.escaped 3.neighbors 4.unhappy 5.director

三、1.for exercise 2.to catch 3.what is happening 4.In;swimming 5.be

afraid making

四、1.Did;use to 2.doesn't think;could 3.isn't he 4.There;something wrong

5.What are

五、1~5 EBCAD

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 BCDAA 6~10 CCBDA 11~12 DD

二、1.possibly 2.noise 3.final 4.catch 5.smells 6.fingers 7.lift 8.ocean

9.stone 10.pretended

三、1.hers 2.worried 3.visiting 4.unhappy 5.footsteps 6.watching 7.to work 8.careful 9.dishonest 10.pretending

四、1.belong to 2.don't think 3.Did;use to 4.because of 5.Who must

五、1~5 BAACD 6~10 BAABD

六、1~5 ACABB

七、1~5 BAECD


By:【.╰ Jamie】&【J`小懶】

-------------以上是【.╰ Jamie】和【J`小懶】两位同学整理的答案--------

Unit 6 I like music that l can dance to

Section A I.1.prefer 2.gentle 3.lyrics 4.remind 5.favorite II.1.dance to 2.remind;of 3.along with 4.Heart Strings

5.What;dislike;clearly III.1.prefer 2.makes 3.reminds 4.wearing 5.interest


Section B I.1.fisherman 2.latest 3.features 4.display 5.energy;miss II.1.suggests 2.Whatever 3.photographer 3.does have 4.have to 5.What kind

of III.1.music that l love 2.as successful as 3.does have 4.what to 5.what

kind of IV.1~5 DAGCE

Self Cheak and reading I.1.lyrics 2.reminds 3.honest 4.cancer 5.laboratory II.1.musicians 2.dislike 3.clearly 4.latest 5.mainly III.1.bad for;stay away form 2.in agreement 3.suits;just fine 4.Be sure

to 5.sing along with IV.1~5 DBDBA 6~10 BBCCD V.1~5 BDABC 6~10 ACADC VI.(One possible version)略

Unit 7 WHere would you like to visit

Section A I。1.educational 2.thrilling 3.to trek through the jungle 4.too stressed

out 5.consider asking II。1.thrillers;thrilling 2.to tour;touristy;tourists;tourist 3.relaxing;relaxes;relaxed 4.tired;tiring

5.lively;lived;alive;liveliest III。1.where there are;with 2.are supposed to 3.who can 4.is supposed to

be 5.would like to

Section B I.1.provide 2.easy 3.light 4.including 5.vacation II.1.provide us with some useful information

2.In general;junk food 3.Traveling around;by taxi convenientto take;to most places 4.Unless you speak;you self;it'best;someone who can teanslate

5.which is best to travel by 6.give her some suggestions 7.is the most expensive;is 8.get a room with a kitchen


Self Cheak and Reading I.1.in which thousands of;take part in 2.find out;answers to;as soon as possible 3.According to;the most popular choice of job 4.continue singing;so that;provide berrer lives for

5.It seems;work as

6.Quite a few;are willing to 7.hold on to;come true 8.On the one hand;onthe other hand 9.volunteer translators;translated;for II.1.as soon as they can 2.provied;with 3.less realistic than 4.were ready

to 5.in order that III.1~5 CDBAC 6~10 CADDB

IV.1~5 BCBAD 6~10 ACDAB V.(One possible version)

Unit8 l'll help clean up the city parks.Secion A I.1.homeless 2.hunger 3.established 4.coach 5.sign II.1.set up 2.think up 3.cheer;up 4.clean up 5.put off 6.put up III.1.makes;happier 2.establish;learn 3.thinks up 4.to do 5.Do you


Section B I.1.deaf 2.fix 3.pleasure 4.coach 5.sign II.1.ran out of 2.takes after 3.put up 4.call III.1.takes after 2.spent on 3.similar to 4.repair 5.What did

IV.1~6 BAAABC V.1~5 FGADC 6~7 EB

Self Check and Reading I.1.fetch 2.pleasure 3.blind 4.imaging 5.specially 6.filled 7.carried

8.deaf 9.to shut 10.worked out II.1.homeless 2.latei 3.easiest 4.hunger 5.pleasure 6.holding 7.clean 8.cheered 9.to set 10.interviewer

III.1~5 BDACC 6~10 BACAB IV.1.yes,he was 2.by taking a little rubber.3.Three 4.On december22,1988

5.He protected the forest and changed the world's ideas


I.1~5 BDBCB 6~10 BDCBD 11~15 BDDCC 16~20 BACDD II.1.owner 2.importance 3.were 4.helpful 5.funny 6.worride 7.younger


9.friendship 10.chatting III.1.Dong't laugh at the old people 2.His parents are very strict with him 3.Children have plenty of time to do their home work now 4.l'm getting along/on well with my classmates 5.Have you come up with a good idea? IV.1.to do 2.to get 3.was allowed to 4.didn't use 5.can she




(一)I.1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BCCCB II.1.to learn 2.really 3.to watch 4.healthy 5.pronunciation 6.musicians

7.were 8.used

9.preferred 10.has been III.1.home to 2.what else 3.stay away 4.head of 5.interstted in IV.1.doesn't need 2.where would 3.has he 4.easy enough 5.not to




6.Yes 7.we can talk to them,play and go to the cinema with them 8.Because we can 't live alone in the world 9.some people always expect to make use of their friedns 10.Having a real good friend is better than having many friends 11.plant 12.across 13.banks 14.destroyed 15.changing


(二)I.1~5 BADBB 6~10 AABCA 11~15 CBACA 16~20 CBBDA II.1 winner 2.relaxed 3.careful 4.fifth 5.peaceful 6.tired 7.himself

8.advertisements 9.quickly 10.lucky III.1.camp up 2.came ture 3.no matter 4.so that 5.stay up IV.1.doesn't;or 2.How much 3.didn't it 4.prefer;to 5.be cleaned


VI.1~5 DADCB 6~10 ABCDA VII.1~5 FFTFT 6~10 DABBA 11~15 ACBCD 16.trees change a lot when they grow

17.catch enough sunlight 18.face challenges in life


20.becoming real adults




一.1A 2B 3(1)羌管悠悠霜满地 将军白发征夫泪。(2)只恐双溪舴艋舟,载不动许多愁(3)嗟乎!燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉(4)若士必怒伏尸二人 流血五步 天下缟素(5)亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉所以倾颓也(6)八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声(7)千嶂里,长烟落日孤城闭(8)持节云中何日遣冯唐。





三、7略 《陈涉世家》第4题答案








(3)舆论准备:①将写有“陈胜王”的布条放入鱼腹中,使戍卒得到; ②吴广躲到驻地旁的丛祠中,狐呜呼曰:“大楚兴,陈胜王。”发动起义:第一步是“忿恚尉”并将两尉杀死;第二步是召令徒属晓以利害,并以“王侯将相宁有种乎”激励众人的反抗决心;第三步是提出策略口号。(4)①“嗟乎!燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉!” ②“王侯将相宁有种乎!”









《唐雎不辱使命》第5题答案略 《唐雎不辱使命》第6题答案西汉;刘向 《唐雎不辱使命》第7题答案







(6)①你最好是将你们的土地奉送给我,不然的话我将 发怒,那后果将不堪设想。②我将效法他们三人,与你同归于尽。《唐雎不辱使命》第8题答案

(1)①隐瞒 ②夺取 ③嫉妒 ④供给 ⑤同“悦” ⑥同“擒”,擒获(2)①在大帐内出谋划策,在千里以外决定胜负。




《隆中对》第5题答案略 《隆中对》第6题答案










cú;yí;zhì;pǐ; wěi;nú;zī;zōu 《出师表》第2题答案











(6)告诫刘禅创业的艰难,以引起刘禅的深思。先帝之意,告诫后主要亲贤远佞。(7)这句话表达了作者希望刘禅亲贤的恳切感情,作者把亲贤和“汉室之隆”联系在一起,是意味深长的,因为能亲贤才能纳谏,能亲贤才能远小人,这样才能贯彻执行正确的政策,使国家兴旺发达起来。(8)要点:①积极献言,提出三条建议; ②积极荐贤,安排政事,内政人才; ③平定南方,为北伐清除障碍等。(9)略。(10)妄自菲薄,作奸犯科。






《出师表》第7题答案略 《词五首》第1题答案

mò;pín;yān;qiāng; jì;zé;měng;huī




A;B 《词五首》第5~6题答案

略 《词五首》第7题答案








Unit 9

when was it invented ?

Section A 一: 1.invented 2.invention 3.adjustable 4.heat 5.slippers 二: 1~5 CBCCC 三: 1.What, used for

2.Who , invented 3.is , cleaned

4.must be repaired 5.to see

Section B 一: 1.notice 2.salty 3.produced 4.remain 5.pleasant 二: 2.too thin 2.by accident 3.According to, was discovered 4.by mistake 5.in this way ,in the end 6.fell into 三: 1~5:AADCD 6~10:BDBDC 11~12 :AC 四:

for, on, Who , think, are, inwentions, is , most Self Check and Reading 一: 1.century 2.knock 3.below 4.wooden 5.towards 6.developing 7.divided 8.active 9.aim 10.create 二: 1.helpful 2.invention 3.salt 4.the most popular 5.safety 6.wood 三: 1.It is believed 2.named 3.to learn 4.was sent

5.was handed in 6.Was ,cleaned 7.found him 8.When was, invented 四: 1~5:BADBA 6~10:CADAB 五: 1~5:ABCAC

6.He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them.With the money he set up a chemical lab.7.Yes.Because he was awarded 1368 separate and distinct patents during his lifetime.8.February 11th,1847

9.October 18th ,1931

10.America 11.Built a lab 12.1368

13.His first patented invention was an electrical vote recorder in 1868.14.1876~1877,invented the phonograph.15.1900~1910, invented and perfected and steel alkaline storage battery.Unit10 By the time I got outside ,the bus

had already left

Section A 一: 1.lock 2.verslept 3.rush 4.relative 5.broke 二: 1.had left 2.had left 3.to come 4.had cooked

5.doesn’t rain 6.had had 7.finishing 8.had learnt


1~5:CBBAB 四:

1.walking, on time 2.been late for ,came ,close 3.go off ,overslept 4.broke down 5.ran off

Section B 一 : 1.exhausted 2.costume 3.ending 4.thrilled

5.empty 6.reveal 7.panic 8.describe 9.fooled 10.married 二:


6~10BAACD 三:

1.set off 2.get married 3.invited ,to watch

4.showed up 5.as much ,as 6.stay up 7.happened to 8.Hundreds of

9.so ,that

四: 1~5:BEDCA

Self Check and Reading 一:

1.met,hadn’t seen 2.crying 3.to go 4.have learnt/learned 5.will be showed /shown

二: 1.too,to 2.as much as possible 3.had seen 4.has he

5.weren’t allowed 三:


6~10 BABDC 四:


6~10 CDBAC Unit 11 could you please tell me where the

restrooms are? Section A 一: 1.shampoo 2.fresh 3.restrooms 4.department

5.escalator 二: 1.in the middle of 2.across from 3.In front of

4.between 5.past 三: 1~6 CBCDCD 四: 1.to get to 2.if/whether there is 3.when,leaves

4.where,is 5.to talk,they went 6.Take ,to ,Go past ,next t to 五:

Excuse me , Sure, second , How , escalator/elevator, turn , past , between , and

Section B 一: 1.slides 2.organized 3.dresses 4.cheap /inexpensive

5.uncrowded 二: 1~5 BCDAB

6~10 DCCBD 三: 1.where there is 2.if /whether there are 3,shall we

4.not get 5.took , to mend

Self check and reading 一: 1.lend 2.park 3.trouble 4.wonder 5,hand 二: 1~5 CACBB 6~10 BDBAC 三: 1.lend ,to 2.where ,is 3.spend on /buying

4.if/whether , goes 5.Could you tell me how I can get to the library? 6.ask for information politely 7.What ,sounds 8.Speaking ,enough 9.too many, depend on 10.talking, chang ,speak 四: 1~5 CACCD

6~10 ADBCA 五: 1~5TTFFF 6.They will die 7.On his farm 8.600 mils(away)9.Two weeks 10.Yes,they did Unit 12 You’are supposed to shake hands.Section A 一: 1.bow 2.shake 3.relaxed 4.customs 5.greet 二: 1~5:BBADB 三: 1.to bring ,left 2.have asked 3.relaxed 4.Spending

5.to be 6.calling 7.to do 四: 1.Are you supposed , Yes ,are 2.are supposed to greet

3.What are ,supposed to do 4.don’t, have

5.are supposed to bow 6.supposed to arrive ,arrived 7.have asked ,were supposed 8.make plans to

Section B 一: 1.forks 2.wipe,napkin 3.noise 4.full 5.point 二: 1.inviting 2.am having 3.study 4.get ,getting 5.to say 三: 1~5 BACBC

6~10 BAABD 四:

1.pick up 2.rude ,stick ,into 3.out of ,make ,feel

4.it difficult to 5.to be ,to doing

五: nervous, use, behave ,manners ,good/great /nice , polite ,supposed ,rules , point, walking Self check and reading 一:1.unfamiliar 2.knife ,spoon 3.experiment 4.beside

5.Whose 二: 1.way ,to save /for saving 2.seem,familiar to

3.alone ,bored




5.easier ,faster ,working 三: 1~5BADBB 四: 1~5DBDBD 6~10DBCAD 五: 1~5BBBDC 6~10FFTFT 六: 1.hardly 2.lost 3.right 4.show 5.comfortable

6.towards 7.matter 8.other 9.called 10.healthy Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Saction A 一: 1.design 2.hard 3.served 4.pink 5.fair

6.uncomfortable 7.poiiution 8.scientific 9.stressed 10.owners




14.playing 15.walk 二: 1~5BCAAD

6~10 BCBBB 三: 1.takes them,to do

2.doesn’t make 3.What does ,make ,feel 4.so,that 5.What ,think 四: 1~5 ECDAB

Section B 一: 1.shiny 2.truth 3.products 4.tastes 5.led

6.(to)compare 7.annoyed 8.keep out 9.schoolbag 10.designed 二:


6~8 BDB 三:1.working





3.confusing ,misleading 4.For instance /For example

5.the quality of the product Self check and reading

一: 1.schoolbag 2.purple 3.purses/wallets 4.taste

5.thought 二: 1.To be honest ,kind 2.not to see 3.felt embarrassed

4.has been on 5.decided to 四:1~5 CAAAD

6.The father was really sad ,shutting himself away from his friends and refusing to do any activity.7.So

8.Because he hoped his daughter’s candle would no longer be put out by his useless tears.9.亲爱的,为什么只有你的蜡烛不点燃(不燃烧)呢?

10.The father was no longer sad.Unit 14 have you packed yet.Sction A 一: 1.farm 2.water 3.wood 4.towel 5.light

二: 1.Have,finished, finished 2.haven’t heard 3.has worked 4.been 5.have been 6.lent ,hasn’t

7.Have ,bougt 8.have lost 9.have taken 10.to lock 三: 1~5BCBBC 6~10 ADBCA 四: 1.haven’t stadyed 2.has taught 3.Has ,done ,yet

4.How ofen 5.doesn’t have 五:1~5 EDCBA

Section B

一: 1.appear 2.award 3.scene 4.poems 5.chop 二: 1.be sure 2.some day 3.say goodbye to 4.been on

5.used to 三: 1~5 BBDAB 四: 1.Have you bought a street map?

2.I haven’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.3.I have so many chores to do today.4.They’ve been on TV lots of times.5.Have you got the mail from the mail box? 五:1.have been 2.is 3.snowed 4.will have 5.to believe 6.have got 7.came 8.will send 9.will like 10.come Self check and reading

一: 1.strongly 2.Southern 3.government 4.purpose 5.step 二:1.eating




5.experiencing 三: 1.Thinks to 2.looking forward to learning 3.do the/their daily activities 4.have never been 5.where your ancestors lived 四: 1~5 CADBB 6~10CDABD 五: 1~5ABCAB

6~9ACC Unit 15 We’re trying to save the

manatees!Section A 一: 1.aggressive 2.gentle 3.weigh 4.faster 5.playful

6.feet 7.polluted 8.her 9.surprised 10.stronger 11.believes 12.to be 13.was found 14.living 15.provides 二: 1~5CBACD 6~10 CCBBB 三: 1.care for ,because 2.a suitable place for 3.to smoke in public 4.surprised to find hardly ,arrived at /got to 5.trying to save endangered

Sction B

一: 1.planet 2.society 3.spare/free 4.built 5.model 二: 1.stop 2.Recycling,to protect 3.agree 4.putting 5.riding ,riding/to ride 三: 1~5BDBAD 6~7BA 四: 1.Have ,heard of ,the best player 2.is only used for

3.raising money for 4.disagree with 5.was built out of 五: 1~5 FGBEC Self check and reading

一: 1.educate 2.against 3.save 4.supposed 5.award

6.endangered 7.recycle 8.Underwater 9.living 10.spare 二: 1.You’d better turn off 2.feel about , won/got 3.need our support 4.fifty kilometers long ,thirty meters wide 5.Is ,anyone else 6.suitable for teaching 7.so /as clean as ,used to be 8.hardly move 9.agree with ,I side 10.take care of ,care for 三: 1~5DCBDD

6~10 CBABA 四: 1~5 BCBCD 五: 1.to play 2.are 3.building 4.find 5.seems

6.cutting 7.be made 8.fell 9.to do 10.have written


一: 1.ancient 2.century 3.towards 4.lock 5.broke 6.oversleep 7.park 8.lent 9.greeted 10.relaxed 11.discovery 12.invention 13.really 14.exhausted 15.Hundreds 16.the most popular 17.unfamiliar 18.different 19.interested,interesting 20.heroes 21.had gone





24.used,cutting 25.goes 26.invented 27.had been 28.seeing 29.to come 30.was designed 二: 1~5BBDAB 6~10DADCC 11~15BBCAA

16~20BCBAA 三:

1.is,used 2.have sent 3.What was it used for 4.a ride 5.such a clever ,liked him 6.How many times 7.if you will go 8.when he should go 9.said to ,Are you afraid of 10.are supposed to

四:1.old enough 2.According to what 3.dreams /dreamed of becoming ,like 4.overslept ,go off 5.nothing bad ,happen to 6.By the time ,had learned /learnt 7.got married ,much furniture 8.where the escalator is 9.used to getting up 10.went out of his way 五: 1~5 EBAFD 六: 1~5ADABD

6~10ABBCA 七: 1~5DCCDA

6~10ABDCC 11~15CDCDB

16.A three-bedroom house./A house.17.At websites./On the Internet./On the web./On line.18.Because they don’t have to worry about who is going to pay for the delivery.19.By trading./Through trades./She can trade again and again./She can go on trading.20.Because everyone in the trade activities gets things that are useful to them./Because the traders can get things that are useful to them.八: 1.to 2.wrong 3.with 4.few 5.what 6.themselves

7.choose 8.than 9.use 10.example 期末综合练习

(一)一: 1.fresh 2.sights 3.fix 4.shake 5.ancient




9.drugstores 10.proud 11.leaves 12.twelfth 13.energetic 14.itself 15.liveliest

16.easily 17.married 18.reporter 19.strongly 20.pleasure

二: 1~5BDACB 16~20CDBAC 三:

1.was invented by accident 2.dressed up ,gave up ,gave out 3.give you a ride 4.after all 5.in your spare/free time 6.in search of 7.was pulled down 8.looking forward to


11~15DCBDC 四: 1.Where would 2.Do,need 3.are used 4.she liked



6.was there


8.Had,begun 五: 1~5EGBFC 六:`1~5BDACA 6~10CDBAB 七: 1~5BCBAB

6.Inventions/The most important inventions 7.The printing 8.Glasses 9.in big cities 10.not enough food 11.The history of computers.12.The abacus 13.In 1946.14.Five kinds of work.15.I think it will make our life better.八: 1.pet 2.why 3.with 4.them 5.idea 6.feeding

7.suitable 8.once 9.too 10.eat

九: 1.to get 2.was snowing 3.saw 4.must /may /might be 5.will take 6.running 7.was hurt 8.have heard /can hear 9.Cover 10.are telling


(二)一: 1.afford 2.forks 3.provide 4.pleasure 5.teenagers 6.terrified 7.flage 8.proud 9.rubbish 10.strongly 11.Unfortunately



14.homeless 15.scientific 16.shiny 17.villagers 18.first 19.playful ,aggressive 20.exhausted 二: 1~5 DADCB 6~10ABBAD 11~15DCABC

16~20BACDB 三:

1.has been /has got used to 2.broke down 3.In order not to offend 4.dropped by 5.keep out 6.confusing or misleading 7.hang out 8.would rather take 四: 1.How many ,had, learned 2.Do you know if there is a hotel near here ? 3.are being taken good care of 4.made a decision 5.What are ,to do 6.has she 7.agree to 8.take pride in 五: 1~5DCAGE 六: 1~5DACBA 6~10CDBCA 七: 1~5BDBCD 6~10CBCDD 八: 1.care 2.with 3.deal 4.proper 5.who 6.so 7.succeed 8.Finally 9.instead 10.refuse


1.was asked 2.was trying 3.am considering 4.punishing 5.haven’t /have never seen 6.to play 7.can /will 8.make 9.failed 10.can discover

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