
时间:2019-05-14 10:57:32下载本文作者:会员上传




一、填空(每题2分,共22分)1、8500立方厘米=()立方分米 5.07立方分米=()毫升






7、一袋50千克的面粉,先用去它的 做蛋糕,又用了 千克做甜饼,这时一共用去面粉()千克。

8、×()=()× = ×()= 1-()


18÷ ○18×3÷2 12× ○12÷




1、如果a是一个大于零的自然数,下列各式中得数最大的是()。A、a× B、a÷ C、÷a

2、与0.25:0.45比值相等的比是()。A、2.5:45 B、5:0.9 C、1:1

3、甲数是乙数的,乙数是丙数的,甲数是丙数的()。A、B、25倍 C、4、已知a的等于b的(a、b均不为0),那么()。A、a=b B、a 〉b C、b〉a 5、5千克油,用去 ,还剩下多少千克?正确的算式是()。A、5× B、5×(1-)C、5-


A、16 B、60 C、30

7、实际全年超产,是把()看作单位“1”。A、实际产量 B、计划产量 C、超过的产量

8、a的 是多少(b≠0),不正确的算式是()。A、a×b B、a÷b C、a×

9、A是一个()时,它的倒数小于1。A、大于1的整数 B、假分数 C、真分数

10、下列说法中正确的有()。A、1吨棉花的 和3000千克的 一样重 B、乘数比1小,积比被乘数小


11、油漆长方体的通风管道的外侧,只要油漆()个面。A、6 B、5 C、4 D、3













2.下面词语中没有错别字的一项是:()(2分).....A.鹤立鸡群龙吟凤哕混然一体任劳任怨 B.千山万壑相辅相成莫衷一是油嘴滑舌 C.相形见绌沧海桑田深恶痛急美味佳肴 D.慷概大方繁花似锦随机应变一视同仁 3.下列各句中,加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是:()(2分)...










(1)走进古典诗词,走进古典的情怀。“采菊东篱下,”,这是悠游自在的隐居生活; “安得广厦千万间,”这是忧国忧民的情怀。(2)《赤壁》一诗中蕴含机遇造人的哲理,且隐含着诗人对自己生不逢时、怀才不遇的慨叹之情的诗句是:东风不与周郎便。











③; ④。










(二)阅读甲、乙两文,按要求完成10-13题(10分)第二看配料表。食品的营养品质,本质上取决于它的原料及其比例。配料表有三大看点:[甲] 潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依,日光下澈[注],影布石上。怡然不动,俶尔第一大看点,看原料排序。按法规要求,用量最大的原料应当排在第一位,最少的原料应远逝,往来翕忽。似与游者相乐。当排在最后一位。例如,某种产品的配料表上写着“米粉,蔗糖,麦芽糊精,燕麦,核桃等”,潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明灭可见。其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源。说明其中的米粉含量最高,蔗糖次之,其中的燕麦和核桃都很少。这样的产品,营养价值还不坐潭上,四面竹树环合,寂寥无人,凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃。以其境过清,不可久居,乃记如大米饭。如果产品的配料表上写着“燕麦,米粉,核桃,蔗糖,麦芽糊精等”,其品质显然之而去。会好得多。

[注]澈,又作彻。(节选自《小石潭记》)第二大看点,看是否有你不想要的原料。如糖、盐、氢化植物油等不健康配料,还有可能[乙] 水皆缥碧,千丈见底。游鱼细石,直视五碍,急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔。夹岸高山,皆产生过敏或不良反应的配料。比如说,如果一个人对花生过敏,那么买饼干点心等食品的时候生寒树;负势竞上,互相轩邈;争高直指,千百成峰。泉水激石,泠泠作响。好鸟相鸣,嘤嘤一定要非常仔细地看看,配料表中有花生的绝不能买。



一词的 后面。看食品添加剂并不难,看到带颜色的词汇,比如“柠檬黄”、“胭脂红”等,(节选自《与朱元思书》)










签,但如果按照产品重量来算,反而比其他同类产品昂贵。也可能一种产品用手掂一下觉得挺13.下面的句子分别流露出作者怎样的思想感情?(4分)重,但重量都来自包装,或者其中加的水,包的冰,结果真正能吃进去的部分可能没多少分量。(1)坐潭上,四面竹树环合,寂寥无人,凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃。(2分)第五看生产日期、保质期和保质条件,保质期指可以保证产品出厂时具备的应有品质,过期后 品质有所下降,但很可能吃了也没危险;保存期或最后食用期限则表示,过了这个日期便不能保障食用的安全性。在保质期之内,应当选择距离生产日期最近的产品。就算没有过期,(2)鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心;经纶世务者,窥谷忘反。(2分)随着时间的延长,其中的营养成分或保健成分还是会有不同程度的降低。


















2女友说完,好久好久,厨房里寂静无声。我说,原来你的药,就是你的女儿给你的啊。1○ 3女友纠正道,我的药,是我给我自己的,那就是对女儿的爱。1○























10.”乱” 字,不仅生动形象的描绘出繁花密林中传出的鸟鸣声,还表现出黄莺上下飞舞,穿棱林间枝头的动感.(二)






















zào 干()急()()音

xí()击 出()复()lì()声叫骂()()在目

shì 不甘()弱 目不斜()


1.下列词语带点字注音正确的一项是()A.规律(lǜ)腊月(1à)号召(zhāo)... B.均匀(yún)涟漪(qí)脸颊(jiá)... C.资源(zī)鸟瞰(kàn)暂时(zàn)... D.堤岸(tí)惩罚(chénɡ)淘汰(tài)...2.下列词语书写正确的一组是()A.逻辑 洋溢 凝视 应接不遐 B.敏捷 缝隙 智慧 金碧辉煌 c.铿锵 搜索 侍侯 神青气爽 D.谴责 折除 懒惰 腾云架雾

3.下列词语搭配有误的一组是()A.改善生活 改进缺点 改正方法 B.发扬传统 发挥作用 发展生产 C.磨炼意志 坚持真理 提高效率 D.爱惜粮食 珍惜时间 征服自然

4.下面的文章中()组全是安徒生童话。A.《鳄鱼的眼泪》《白雪公主》《睡美人》 B.《渔夫和他的妻子》《小红帽》《穷人和富人》 C.《丑小鸭》《皇帝的新装》《卖火柴的小女孩》 D.《巨人的花园》《稻草人》《去年的树》

5.从说话要文明、得体的角度看,填入下列横线上恰当的一项是()菜场上,一位营业员发现有位顾客买青菜时,把菜叶剥掉许多。于是,她走上前去,和蔼地说:“同志,” A.你怎么搞的,不能再剥了。B.不卖了,把菜放那儿。




(1)古人刻苦学习的成语:(2)形容时间过得快的成语:(3)体现人多热闹情景的成语: 2.读句子填古诗或名言警句。




“。”(4)每逢佳节,我们会给远方的亲人写信或发电子邮件,可以引用“ ”这句诗表达自己的思念之情。












“为中华之崛起而读书!” 1.从文中找出下列词语的反义词。

模糊——()动摇——()2.“崛起”的意思是。“为中华之崛起而读书”的意思是。3.从这段话中可以体会到 4.你读书的目的是:。



夜深了,一位巴格达商人走在黑漆漆的山路上。突然,有个神(秘 密)的声音传来:“弯下腰,请多捡些小石子,明天会有用的!”商人决定执行这一指令,便弯腰捡起几(棵 颗)石子。到了第二天,当商人从袋中掏出“石子”看时,才发现那所谓的“石子”原来是一块块亮晶晶的宝石!自然,也正是这些宝石,使他立(既 即)变得后悔不迭:天!昨晚怎么就没有多捡些呢?



还有个故事更意味深(常 长),是歌德在他的叙事歌谣里讲的。耶稣带着他的门徒彼得远行,途中发现一块破烂的马蹄铁,耶稣就让彼得把它捡起来。不料彼得懒得弯腰假装没听见,耶稣没说什么就自己弯腰捡起马蹄铁,用它从铁匠那儿换来三文钱,用这钱买了十八颗樱桃。出了城,两人继续前进,经过的全是茫茫的荒野。耶稣猜到彼得渴得够呛,就让藏于袖中的樱桃悄悄地掉出一颗,彼得一见,赶紧捡起来吃。耶稣边走边丢,彼得也就狼狈地弯了十八次腰。于是耶稣笑着对他说:“要是你刚才弯一次腰,就不会在后来没完没了地弯腰。小事不干,将来就会在更小的事情上操劳。”




3.文章中提到的“弯腰”指的是()A.做一些小事情 B.谦虚 C.付出劳动 4.读文章填空。




1.平日里,我们享受着学习的快乐,体验着游戏的乐趣,感受着发现的喜悦„„快乐是我们生活的主旋律。请以“快乐的 ”为题写一篇作文。




一、燥 躁 噪; 袭 席习; 厉 历历; 示 视

二、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C

三、1.(1)手不释卷 囊萤映雪 悬梁刺股(2)光阴似箭 日月如梭 稍纵即逝(3)川流不息 车水马龙 摩肩接踵 2.(1)山重水复疑无路 柳暗花明又一村(2)不识庐山真面目 只缘身在此山中(3)劝君更尽一杯酒 西出阳关无故人(4)每逢佳节倍思亲(5)有志者事竟成

(6)尺有所短 寸有所长

四、1.万里长城难道不是我国劳动人民勤劳和智慧的结晶吗? 2.略


五、1.清晰 坚定

2.兴起 为祖国的兴盛和民族的振兴而学习、奋斗 3.周恩来在少年时代就有了远大志向和博大胸怀

六、1.秘 颗 即 长

2.B 3.A 4.(1)科学家巴甫洛夫 以前学的科学知识是珍贵的宝石,我们应该在小时候多学一点

(2)歌德 小事不干,将来就会在更小的事情上操劳



Passage one

When the steam engine was invented in the eighteenth century, it began one of the greatest revolutions that have ever happened in our world.The invention of the petrol engine at the end of the nineteenth century led to another enormous change in our lives.And the computer is almost certainly going to be no less important an invention than these engines were.Just as there was a Stone Age, an Iron Age and so on, we have been living for centuries in a Paper Age, during which almost all information was kept and sent on paper;and so much of it is wasted after it has been used once that enormous number of trees have to be cut down every year to provide us with this paper.But now, with the computer, enormous amounts of information can be stored and sent without any paper at all, using small discs or Internet.Computers have made it possible to do very difficult calculations very much faster than any earlier machine could.Computers also allow one to send information to others anywhere in the world, via the telephone line, and to receive information from them.One can send a very long message more quickly from England to Australia, for example, than from one’s house to someone in the garden.Computers are not only used for writing;they can produce diagrams and pictures, and they can be used for playing games.One now sees them at airports and railway stations, in hotels and restaurants;in fact, almost everywhere where people gather.1, The author seems to say that the invention of the computer is __.A)not so important as that of the steam and petrol engines

B)at least as important as that of the steam and petrol engines

C)less important than that of the steam and petrol engines

D)far more important than that of the steam and petrol engines

2, According to the author the disadvantage of using paper to keep and send information is that __.A)it is hard to get enough paper

B)it wastes our time

C)it damages the environment

D)there is too much paper around

3, We may infer that the fastest way for the computer to send messages is by using __.A)paper


C)the telephone line

D)air mail

4, Which of the following functions of the computer is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A)Handling information

B)Doing office and business work

C)Offering entertainment

D)Making phone calls

5, The title that best expresses the main idea of the passage is __.A)Computer Age

B)Paper Age and Computer Age

C)Computer and Our Daily Life

D)Computer and Our Future

Passage two

For many years, scientists couldn’t figure out how the atoms and molecules on the Earth combined to make living things.Plants, fish, dinosaurs, and people are made of atoms and molecules, but they are put together in a more complicated way than the molecules in the primitive ocean.What’s more, living things have energy and can reproduce, while the chemicals on the Earth 4 billion years ago were lifeless.After years of study, scientists figured out that living things, including human bodies, are basically made of amino acids and nucleotide bases, carbon, nitrogen atoms.How could such complicated molecules have been formed in the primitive soup? Scientists were stumped.Then, in 1953, two scientists named Harold Urey and Stanley L.Miller did a very simple experiment to find out what had happened on the primitive Earth.They set up some tubes and bottles in a closed loop, and put in some of the gases through some water, sent them back for more sparks, and so on.After several days, the water that the gases had been bubbling through turned brown.Some new chemicals were dissolved in it.When Miller and Urey analyzed the liquid, they found that it contained amino acids—the very kind of molecules found in all living things.6, When did scientists come to realize how the atoms and molecules on the Earth combined to make living things?

A)4 billion years ago.B)After several days.C)Many years ago.D)In 1953.7, Scientists figured out that human bodies basically made of __.A)hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms

B)water vapor, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen

C)amino acids


8, Harold Urey and Stanley L.Miller did their experiment in order to __.A)dissolve some new chemicals

B)find out what had happened on the earth 4 billion years ago

C)simulate bolts of lightning on the ancient Earth

D)analyze a liquid

9, At the end of the last paragraph, the word “it” refers to __.A)water B)the liquid C)a closed loop D)an electric spark

10, According to the writer, living things on the Earth include __.A)atoms and molecules


C)plants, fish, dinosaurs and human beings

D)the primitive soup

Passage Three

The man of Many Secrets---Harry Houdini---was one of the greatest American entertainers in the theater this century.He was a man famous for his escapes---from prison cells, from wooden boxes floating in rivers, from locked tanks full of water.He appeared in theaters all over Europe and America.Crowds came to see the great Harry Houdini and his “magic” tricks.Of course, his secret was not magic or supernatural powers.It was simply strength.He had the ability to move his toes as well as his fingers.He could move his body into almost any position he wanted.Harry started working in the entertainment world when he was 17 in 1891.He and his brother Theo performed card tricks in a club in New York.They called themselves the Houdini Brothers.When Harry married in 1894, he and his wife Bess worked together as magician and assistant.But for a long time they were not very successful.Then Harry performed his first prison escape in Chicago in 1898.Harry persuaded a detective to let him try to escape from the prison, and he invited the local newspaper to watch.It was the publicity that came from ’s success.Harry had finger’s trained to escape from handcuffs(手铐)and toes trained to escape from ankle chains.But his biggest secret was how he unlocked the prison doors.Every time he went into the prison cell, Bess gave him a kiss for good luck---and a small skeleton key, which is a key that fits many locks, passed quickly from her mouth to his.Harry used these prison escapes to build his fame.He arranged to escape from the local jail of every town he visited.In the afternoon, the people of the town would read about it in their local newspapers, and in the evening every seat in the local theater would be full.What was the result? World-wide fame and a name remembered today.Choose the correct answer according to the passage

11, Harry’s success in prison escapes depends on __.A)his magic tricks and superman powers

B)his special tricks and a skeleton key

C)his unusual ability and a skeleton key

D)the help of his wife and his food luck

12, In the fourth paragraph, the word “this” refers to __.A)his first prison escape

B)the local newspaper

C)the detective

D)the publicity

13, Harry gave his performance most often __.A)In the local theaters

B)in rivers

C)in the local prisons

D)in clubs

14, It can be inferred from the passage that Harry became famous __.A)when he was about 24

B)when he was about 17

C)after the year 1894

D)before the year 1898

15, From the passage we can learn that Harry __.A)gave his first performance in a prison

B)was first recognized widely in Chicago

C)entered the entertainment world together with his wife

D)owed his great success principally to his small skeleton key

Ⅱ Cloze(1’*20)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D)on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.For the past two years, I have been working on students’ evaluation of classroom teaching.I have kept a record of informal conversations __16__ some 300 students from at __17__ twenty-one colleges and universities.The students were generally __18__ and direct in their comments __19__ how course work could be better __20__.Most of their remarks were kindly ___21___ — with tolerance rather than bitterness—and frequently were softened by the __22__ that the students were speaking __23__ some, not all, instructors.Nevertheless, __24__ the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel __25__ with things-as-they-are in the classroom.Professors should be __26__ from reading lecture notes.“It makes their __27__ monotonous(单调的).”

If they are going to read, why not __28__ out copies of the lecture? Then we __29__ need to go to class.Professors should __30__ repeating in lectures material that is in the text-book.“__31__ we’ve read the material, we want to __32__ it or hear it elaborated on, __33__ repeated.” “A lot of students hate to buy a __34__ text that the professor has written __35__ to have his lectures repeat it.”

16.A)involving B)counting C)covering D)figuring

17.A)best B)least C)length D)large

18.A)reserved B)hard-working C)polite D)frank

19.A)over B)at C)on D)of

20.A)presented B)submitted C)described D)written

21.A)received B)addressed C)made D)taken

22.A)occasion B)truth C)case D)fact

23.A)on B)about C)at D)with

24.A)though B)whether C)as D)if

25.A)dissatisfied B)unsatisfactory C)satisfied D)satisfactory

26.A)interfered B)interrupted C)discouraged D)disturbed

27.A)voices B)sounds C)pronunciation D)gestures

28.A)hold B)leave C)drop D)give

29.A)couldn’t B)wouldn’t C)mustn’t D)shouldn’t

30.A)refuse B)prohibit C)prevent D)avoid

31.A)Once B)Until C)However D)Unless

32.A)remember B)argue C)discuss D)keep

33.A)yet B)not C)and D)or

34.A)desired B)revised C)required D)deserved

35.A)about B)how C)but D)only


1, 除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。(other than)

2, 做任何重要决定之前都要慎重思考。(think twice)

3, 在文化交流中,误解常常是不可避免的。(unavoidable)

4, 在西方国家,向老师赠送圣诞节贺卡,是一种常见的表达敬意的方式。(a common way)

5, 这次事故造成两名乘客死亡。(result in)

6, 修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。(be designed to)

7, 非洲大陆的一大片区域有变成沙漠的危险。(in danger of)

8, 我们都十分清楚,市场竞争是非常残酷的。(be all aware)

9, 饭后散步有助于消化。(promote;digestion)

10,由于开车速度太快而引起的交通事故在不断增加。(due to;on the increase)







二、单项填空(共15分,每题1分)15.一Is this David‟s bag? —Sorry,this is my bag.__________ is over there. A.Mine B.Hers C.He D.His 16.Look!The children _________ kites.

A.fly B.are flying C.flew D.will fly 17.We have a big library __________ a lot of books in our school.

A.for B.about C.with D.of 18.I am really looking forward to __________ on a trip to Hong Kong.

A.going B.go C.goes D.went 19.—How is the weather in Beijing? —Oh,it‟s _________than that in your hometown.

A.hot B.hotter C.hottest D.the hottest 20.—How was the party last night? —Great!Everyone sang and danced ________. A.loudly B.exciting C.happily D.relaxed 21.Could you help me _________ all these pieces of paper? My hands are too dirty.

A.put on B.pick up C.look around D.go back 22.My grandpa is from the northeast of China,so he likes living in a cooler _________.

A.climate B.future C.coast D.pond 23.She looks much _________ without her glasses!A.well B.good C.best D.better 24.Who _________ more housework in your home yesterday,you or your parents? A.does B.do C.did D.will do 25.—_________ is Beijing? 一It has a history of more than 3000 years.

A.How long B.How far C.How old D.How soon 26.一Do you like Shakespeare? 一Yes.He is one of __________ in the world.

A.famous writer B.the most famous writers C.more famous writers

D.the most famous writer 27.—Have you got any plans for the dinner party? —Yeah.You know,I am interested in ________, So I ___________ by myself.

A.cook;am going to cook B.cooker;cook C.cooking;am going to cook D.cooking;cooked 28.—Dad,did you ride a bike to school when you _________ a boy? —No,my family was poor,so I usually _________ to school on foot.

A.are,go B.were,go C.was,went D.were,went 29.— Why not have a picnic at the weekend? —________________.

A.Best wishes to you B.It doesn‟t matter C.That‟s a good idea D.Thanks for your help

三、完形填空(共8分,每题1分)It was Jemima‟s FIRST day at school.When she arrived,Jemima noticed all the other children were __30__ from her. The teacher was very nice and answered all her questions.But her mum looked __31__.She went out to the playground with Jemima,kissed her and then left.

When Jemima came back to the classroom.her __32__ stopped what they were doing and looked at her.“Why are you on wheels(轮子)?”a boy asked.

That noon,Jemima ate her lunch by herself in the toilet.Everybody thought she was strange.

After she got home,she told her mum she didn‟t want to go to school any more.But there was __33__ she could do.Jemima fell asleep with tears.

The next morning Jemima arrived at the school early.She waited in the toilet again until class started because she didn‟t want to see anyone.

__34__ her way to class,there was no one about.__35__ up ahead she could see someone lying on the ground.When she got closer,she found the boy was in pain(疼痛)and twisted(扭曲)his ankle.

“Go away!”shouted the boy.“You can‟t help me.You can‟t even walk!”Jemima wanted to __36__ the boy,but she knew she had to help.

She moved closer.“Here,get in,”she said.The boy stopped for a short time,and then did it“Why did you help me?”the boy asked.“I was rude(粗鲁的)to you.”

“I know how __37__ feels,”said Jemima.“Not being able to(can not)walk.”

30.A.clear B.special C.like D.different 31.A.friendly B.worried C.strict D.comfortable 32.A.roommates B.teachers C.classmates D.friends 33.A.everything


C.anything D.nothing 34.A.On B.In C.At D.By 35.A.But B.And C.Or D.So 36.A.push B.answer C.leave D.destroy 37.A.you B.we C.it D.he


A We have two weeks‟holiday from about December 20th to January 5th.We have two more weeks at the beginning of April.Our longest holidays(6 weeks)are from the end of July to the beginning of September.

We play basketball and other sports every month of the year.You can do winter sports from late December to the middle of March.You must go to Scotland for winter sports.We go swimming in the river only in July and August.The fiver water is very cold.

We have fruit all the year round in Britain.The best months for apples are September,October,November and December.The best months for pears are October and November.The best months for oranges are December,January and February. The coldest months of the year are December,January and February.My favorite months are July and August.

38.In Britain.people have __________ weeks for holiday in a year.

A.2 B.4 C.6 D.10 39.Which of following months is the writer's favorite? A.February B.November C.September D.July 40.According to the passage,which of the following pictures is NOT true?

B Mrs.Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class.The story said:

Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Children‟s Hospital are asking for money for children‟s toys.Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks.Toys can help the children there keep happy and quiet.

After Mrs.Weeks read the story,she said,“This story gave me an idea.”

“You want us to bring some money for the toys.”“We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital,”said the boys and the girls.

“Well,your ideas would be nice,”Mrs.Weeks said,“but mine is different.”

“We could make some toys,”said one of them.

Mrs.Weeks smiled.“Do you think you could make toys?”she asked.

“Yes,yes,”the whole class answered.

“Great!Let‟s begin to make toys tomorrow,”said Mrs.Weeks.

On Saturday afternoon,Mrs.Weeks took the children to the hospital with the toys made by her students.The children in the hospital felt very happy to see the toys.So did the students in the class.

A few days later,Mrs.Weeks read another newspaper story to the class:

Some primary school students brought toys to Children‟s Hospital last week.The toys were made by the students of Grade Three in Park Street School.The doctors said.“We have never had so many wonderful toys.Our children are very happy with them.They say,„THANK YOU,GRADE THREE.‟”

41.In the newspaper.we know that the doctors in Children‟s Hospital wanted _______ for the children in the hospital. A.money B.newspapers C.beds D.ideas 42.Who needed help in the story? A.Mrs.Weeks of Park Street School. B.The students of Grade Three C.Sick children in Children‟s Hospital. D.Parents in Children‟s Hospital 43.Mrs.Weeks‟idea is to _________.

A.give money to the hospital to help the children B.make toys for the children in the hospital C.talk with the doctors in Children‟s Hospital D.buy some toys for the children in the hospital 44.From the passage we can learn that Mrs.Weeks wanted to teach her students how to _______.

A.read the newspaper B.make toys with paper C.save money for toys D.be helpful to others

C Buckingham Palace is in London,England.Buckingham Palace was built around 1705.It is famous because Queen Elizabeth of England lives there.She became queen in 1952 Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful building.A flag flies on the top of the palace when the queen is there.Queen Elizabeth and her family live on the second floor of the palace.The queen also has her office at the palace.Queen Elizabeth often asks important people to eat dinner at the palace.She also has three garden parties in the summer.She invites 9,000 people to each party!A lot of people meet the queen. Buckingham Palace is like a small town.It has a police station,a hospital,two post offices,a movie theater,a swimming pool,two sports clubs,a garden and a lake.The palace has about 600 rooms.About 400 people work there.Two people have very unusual jobs.They take care of the clocks.There are 300 clocks in Buckingham Palace!Queen Elizabeth‟s day starts at 7:00 in the morning.Seven people take care of her.One person prepares(准备)her bath,and another person prepares her clothes.Another person takes care of her dogs.The queen loves dogs.Right now,she has eight dogs.Every day,a man brings food for the dogs to Queen Elizabeth‟s room.The queen puts the food in the bowls.

At 8:30 every morning,the queen has breakfast with her husband,Prince Philip.They drink a special coffee with hot milk.During breakfast,a musician plays Scottish music outside.Then Queen Elizabeth works in her office the rest of the morning.After lunch,she visits hospitals,schools,or new buildings.

It is very interesting to eat dinner at Buckingham Palace.You have to follow rules.Queen Elizabeth starts to eat first,and then everybody eats.When the queen finishes eating,everybody finishes eating.You can‟t leave the table during dinner.The queen never answers a telephone call during dinner.

People visit the rooms in Buckingham Palace in August and September.There are wonderful things to see.Don‟t forget that Queen Elizabeth is one of the richest people in the world. 45.How many rooms does Buckingham Palace have? A.900.B.600.C.400.D.300. 46.What does the queen do after lunch? A.She invites people to her garden for party. B.She asks important people to work at the palace. C.She drinks a special coffee with hot milk. D.She visits hospitals,schools or new buildings.

47.According to the text,everyone has to _________ during dinner at Buckingham Palace? A.stay at the table B.1isten to Scottish music C.finish eating later than the queen D.start eating earlier than the queen 48.Which sentence is NOT true? A.We can guess the clocks in Buckingham Palace are very important B.Buckingham Palace is not only an office,but also a home.

C.People can visit Buckingham Palace all the year round. D.Queen Elizabeth can swim or do some other sports.




Mike _______________ drawing. 5.我们正在为班会做准备。

We ________________ the class meeting 6.历时一年多的时间,世界巧克力梦公园建成了。

It _______________ more than one year ______________ the World Chocolate Dream Park. 7.参观北京四合院最受外国朋友欢迎。

________________ with foreign friends _____________ Beijing siheyuan.

三、阅读短文并回答问题(共8分,每题2分)In 1750 a man named Joseph Merlin lived in Belgium(比利时).

In his free time he liked to play the violin.Joseph Merlin was a man with many ideas and many dreams.People called him a dreamer.

One day Merlin got an invitation to a costume party(化妆舞会).

He was very happy and a little excited.Merlin began to make plans.

He wanted to find a way to make a grand entrance(精彩的入场)at the party.Merlin had an idea.He thought that he would be so different from others if he could roll(滚动)into the party and surprise everyone.

Merlin tried different things to make himself roll into a room.Finally,he decided to put two wheels to each shoe.These were the first roller skates.

He dreamed of arriving at the party and rolling into the room playing the violin.The night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin.Everyone was surprised to see him.There was just one problem.Merlin had no way to*stop his roller skates.He rolled on playing the violin.Then,with all eyes on him.Merlin crashed(轰然撞击)into a big mirror on the wall.The mirror broke into many pieces with a very loud noise.Nobody forgot Merlin‟s entrance for a long time. 8.Did Merlin like playing the piano? 9.How did he feel when he got the invitation? 10.What did he do when arriving at the party? 11.What did people think about his entrance at the party?




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