
时间:2019-05-14 11:22:12下载本文作者:会员上传




班级 姓名 得分

一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共 34 分)

1、进入初中对同学们来说意味着一个新的起点,这“新起点”主要指()A、新同学 B、新老师 C、学生自身成长的新起点 D、新环境


①学会自主学习②提高学习效率 ③科学安排时间 ④多花时间死记硬背





3、我们往往有这的情感体验:当自己对某件事情感兴趣时,就会很投入,很忘我,不怕苦,不怕难,而且做成之后,印象特别深,这说明:()A.情趣源于兴趣 B.情趣与兴趣无关 C.兴趣就是情趣 D.兴趣是从情趣中产生的



B、知、情、意、行 C、悲、欢、离、合 D、喜、怒、哀、惧


① 吸毒 ②赌博 ③邪教 ④“电子海洛因” ⑤吸烟 ⑥电子游戏 ⑦获奖

A、①②③④ ⑤ B、①②③④⑥⑦ C、①②③④

D、①②③④ ⑤⑥⑦





6、人的生命独特性突出表现在,与其他动物、植物、微生物等生命相比,人类的生命最具有()A、持久性 B、曲折性 C、启发性 D、智慧性


A、情绪随时可以发生变化 B、情绪对人有积极影响

C、情绪对人有消极影响 D、情绪对人既有积极影响,又有消极影响


A、向他人倾诉 B、改变环境 C、自我激励 D、自我暗示

9、地球上最珍贵的财富是()A、金钱 B、生命 C、人类 D、资源


A、乐观、幽默的生活态度 B、强烈的好奇心 C、丰富的文化生活 D、广泛的兴趣爱好



B、学习是快乐的过程 C、学习是甘苦交织的过程






④ 等待机会,从大事做起








C、世界上没有十全十美的人,要全面的认识自己,看待他人 D、每个人都有缺点和不足,所以不需要认识自己的缺点

14、当我们得到老师与父母的赞扬时,会非常高兴;当成绩下降时,会感到忧愁;当面临紧急情况时,会惊恐;当看到令人气愤的事时,会愤怒。这种高兴、忧愁、惊恐、愤怒的感受,我们称之为()A、人的情绪 B、人的情趣 C、人的性格 D、人的心理



B、《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》 C、《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》



A.胆量与志气 B.社会保护 C.学校保护 D.智慧和方法


使人感到难受,抑制人的活动能力,降低人的自控能力和活动效率,这说明:()A.情绪对人有积极影响 B.情绪对人有消极影响 C.情绪对人有积极影响和消极影响 D.情绪对人没有影响



A、个性品质 B、人生道路 C、实现人生价值的方式和途径 D、实现人生价值的结果


A、下棋、书法、音乐 B、养花、赏鱼、作画 C、打牌、玩游戏、染发 D、写作、登山、摄影













A、有益于个人身心健康 B、符合现代文明的要求 C、符合科学精神和科学生活的要求 D、只追求暂时的快乐


A、自然灾害 B、意外事故 C、社会不良行为 D、家庭、学校、社会














一、先来测试一下你的听力水平,可得先认真看题喔!(每小题1分,共20分)A)根据所听到的句子将正确的序号填到相应的横线上(听两遍,5分)()1.A.B.C.B.根据所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。(听两遍)()6.A.You can.B.I’d like a shirt.C.Thank you.()7.A.In a bookshop.B.In a sports shop.C.In a flower shop.()8.A.Thank you.B.The same to you.C.Happy Christmas.()9.A.Yes, I like.B.It’s big and beautiful.C.I like reading.()10.A.Less than 10 hours.B.Seldom.C.5 yuan each day.C)根据对话内容,选择问题的正确答案。(听两遍)()11.How does Betty keep healthy? A.Eat healthy food.B.Do some exercise.D A and B()12.What’s the blouse made of?

A.Cotton.B.Silk.C.Leather.()13.What does the woman think of the coat? A.It’s too long.B.It’s too short.C.It’s too expensive.()14.Who buys Daniel the sports clothes ? A.Daniel’s mother.B.Daniel’s father.C.Daniel’s brother.()15.How much is the red T-shirt? A.¥15 B.¥20 C.¥25.D.听录音短文,选择正确的答案.(听两遍)()16.What is the writer talking about? A.A healthy diet.B.A shopping mall.C.His fashion design.()17.How many clothes does he design ? A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.()18.What are the trousers made of ? A.They are made of wool.B.They are made of leather.C.They are made of cotton.()19.Is the shirt white? A.No, it’s black.B.No, it’s red.C.Yes, it is.()20.What does the writer think of his design? A.It’s very bad.B.It’s very great.C.He doesn’t like it.二.单项选择是你的拿手好戏,试试吧!(每题1分,共15分)

()21.---It takes me half hour to play volleyball every day.---Me too.A.a , a B.an, a C.the, the D.an, /()22.He'll arrive at Shanghai _______ the afternoon May 10th A.on, on B.in, in C.on,of D.at, in()23.The shop isn’t ________now.It ________ at 9.00 every morning.A.opened, open B.open, opens C.opening, opens D.opened, opens()24.It's important for us __________ English well.A.to learn B.learning C.learn D.learns()25.Uncle John __________ exercises.It's not good for his health.A.sometimes B.seldom C.often D.always()26.——__________are these trousers? ——They're ¥200.A.How B.How many C.What D.How much()27.Look, our English teacher so beautiful in her new dress.A.look B.is looking C.looks D.is singing()28.— Can I have ________cakes, please? — Sorry, I don’t have ________cakes in my fridge.A.some, any B.any, any C.any, some D.some, some()29---__________ does your father play computer games at night?---Once a week.A.How often B.How much C.How long D.How many()30.This pair of jeans 300 yuan.She can’t pay for them.A.pays B.spends C.cost D.costs()31.The Shopping mall is a wonderful place ________friends.A.meet B.to meet C.meeting D.meets()32.I like this pair of football boots.Can I _________ ,please? A.try on them B.try on it C.try it on D.try them on()33.My brother spends half an hour ________ computer games every day.A.to play B.play C.playing D.plays()34.The shop is small but there are ________ people in it.A.too much B.many too C.too many D.much too()35.---Would you like something to drink?---_______.I’d like a cup of tea.A.Yes, please.B.No, thanks.C.I don’t want anything.D.Don’t give me any tea.三.完形填空(每题1分,共10分)下列各题都有代号为A、B、C、D的四个答案供选择,请选出最佳答案。

The Green family usually go to the park on Sunday.36 take some bread, meat and 37 cola with them.They are now in the 38.The sun is shining and the birds are singing.It’s a 39 day.Mr.Green is wearing a blue T-shirt.He is 40 by the river.Mrs Green is 41 under the tree.She is wearing a green dress and a pair of 42.She is drinking some 43.Peter and Alice are flying a kite.Jack is playing football.He is good at 44.The Green family are very 45 today.()36.A.She B.he C.They D.Them()37.A.a pair of B.a C.a cup of D.a bottle of()38.A.hill B.room C.park D.shop()39.A.sunny B.cold C.rainy D.snowy()40.A.skating B.swimming C.boating D.fishing()41.A.flying B.doing C.kicking D.sitting()42.A.hat B.sunglasses C.suit D.shoe()43.A.oranges B.cakes C.cola D.meat()44.A.it B.them C.this D.one()45.A.happy B.funny C.sad D.hungry 四.试试自己的阅读理解能力吧!(每题1分,共15分)(A)Sunny English Club For students 16:00 ~ 18:00 Every Saturday 200 yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel: 3786290 Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!Ocean Museum 9:00~17:00 From Thursday to Sunday ticket: 50 yuan 132 Xue Yuan Street Tel: 5439871 Show you a full picture of sea lives!Health Centre 9:00 ~ 17:00 16 Yong Le Street Tel: 3801451 Free examinations(检查)for those over 70 Give you good advice to keep healthy!()46.You will pay _____ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.A.300 yuan B.600 yuan C.1,200 yuan D.2,400 yuan()47.You can visit Ocean Museum ______.A.on Saturday B.on Wednesday C.on Monday D.any time()48.One can get free(免费)examinations in Health Centre if he is ______.A.9 B.17 C.67 D.73(B)Shopkeeper: Welcome to Angie’s.Can I help you?

Maria: I’m looking for some clothes.Is there a discount(打折)now? Shopkeeper: Everything on these two shelves is on sale(销售).Maria: Thanks.The sweater is nice, but it looks a little large.Do you have a smaller one? Shopkeeper: Let me see.Oh, here’s one.Would you like to try it on in the fitting room.Maria: Sure, thanks.A moment later Shopkeeper: How do you like it? Maria: Not too bad and I like its colour.I’ll take it.How much is it? Shopkeeper: It’s twenty-four dollars.Maria: Here is the money.Shopkeeper: Thanks.Have a nice day.Maria: Thanks.Bye.()49.What is Maria doing? A.She is buying some food.B.She is shopping.C.She is watching TV.D.She is visiting the park.()50.What is on sale? A.Shoes on the second shelf.B.Nothing is on sale.C.Clothes on those two shelves.D.All the shoes in the shop.()51.The underlined phrase ‘fitting room’ means _________ in Chinese.A.适合的房间 B.洗衣房 C.试衣间 D.大卖场()52.How much is the smaller sweater? A.¥15.B.¥24.C.$ 42 D.$ 24.(C)Mr.Reece is a farmer(农民).He and his wife grow a lot of things.They work very hard.One day, Mr.Reece says to his wife, “Let’s go to the city next Sunday.We can have a good lunch there, and then we’ll go to the cinema.”

His wife is very happy when she hears this, because she and her husband always eat a lot.She doesn’t like cooking three times a day.They go to the city by train the next Sunday.They walk about for an hour.When it is twelve o’clock, they want to have a meal.They look at some restaurants.Out of one of them is a notice(布告), “Lunch12:30 to 2:30 , 1.5 dollars(美元).”

“Well, that’s good,” says Mr.Reece, “we can eat for two hours for 1.5 dollars here.That’s too cheap.This is the place for us.”()53.Mr.Reece usually work ____________.A.on the farm B.in the city C.in the restaurant D.in the park()54.Mr.Reece and his wife go to the city_____________.A.to have a good lunch B.to see a film C.to do some shopping D.A and B()55.When do Mr.And Mrs.Reece want to have lunch? A.At about 11:00 B.At about 12:00 C.At about 12:30 D.At about 2:30()56.We can see that Mr.Reece ________________.A.is very short B.is very tall C.understand(理解)the notice D.doesn’t understand the notice

(D)All students need to have good habits(好习惯): When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly.You also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy.You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom.A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk.A good desk light(台灯)is important, too.You’ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light(光线).()57.When you have good study habits, you will.A.learn things quickly B.remember things easily C.think about one thing D.both A and B()58.The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too.A.quiet B.noisy C.good D.clean()59.You should remember to before you study.A.clean the desk B.tidy the room C.turn on the light D.go to the bedroom()60.The best title(标题)for this passage is.A.Study in the bedroom B.Good study habits C.How to study D.Desk light is important

第二部分 主观题(40分)五.词汇运用(共15分)

A)根据首字母、中文或英文提示,写出下列单词(每题1分,共5分)61.How many _______ are there in an hour? There are 60.62.He likes sports.He needs a lot of__________(能量).63.Why do you like fishing?(因为)it’s very interesting.64.He _______(not often)exercises, so he is not very healthy.65.Her pink hair clip _________(go well with)her white blouse.B)用括号中词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共5分)

66.Today is __________(child)Day.I will have a good time today.67.My mother buys two kilos of(potato)from the market.68.There are all kinds of things on those _________(shelf)at the supermarket.69.We play football ________(two)a week on the playground after school.70.If you want to keep ________(health), you must do some exercise.C)用括号内的动词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共5分)

71.Look!Your mother(chat)with her friends on the phone.72.___________(not open)the window.It’s too cold outside.73.Mary_______(not go)to the supermarket with her mother on Sundays.74.---Where is your brother?---He _______(eat)a cake in the dinning room.75.Do you enjoy_________(sit)in the sun to chat with friends in winter ?

六、句型转换,根据要求在括号中填入所缺的单词。(每格0.5分共5分)76.There are some toys in the box.(改为一般疑问句)_________ there _________ toys in the box? 77.Millie spends half an hour reading English every morning.(改为同义句).It takes Millie half an hour ______ English every morning.78.My brother often lies on the bed after dinner.(用now 改写句子)My brother _______ _________ on the bed now.79.The students do morning exercises for twenty minutes.(划线提问)_________ _________ do the students do morning exercises? 80.Mum is cooking some fish in the kitchen.(划线提问)_________ is Mum _________ in the kitchen? 七.补全对话,根据首字母提示写出单词,使对话完整。(每格1分,共5分)Shopkeeper: What can I do for you? Boy: I(81)w like a teddy bear for my friend Jack.Today is his birthday.Shopkeeper: The teddy bears are cool!Would you like the small one or the big one? Boy: How(82)m is the small one? Shopkeeper: It is only 28 yuan.Boy: I'd like the big one.Shopkeeper: Oh, that's very good, but it is(83)e..Boy: What is the(84)p of it? Shopkeeper: 50 yuan.There is a discount(打折)on it.I can give you a 10% discount.Boy: OK.I will(85)t it.八、任务型阅读 阅读下列短文,完成所给的问题。(每题1分,共5分)Most girls care(关心)about what clothes they wear, but my 11-year-old cousin Betty does not care much about it.Her parents often take her to clothes shops, but she never asks them to buy any new clothes for her.Betty's sister Sally is two years older than Betty.She has old clothes, and Betty likes to wear them.She says this can help save(节省)lots of money for her parents.However, when Betty's parents buy books for her, she is always very happy.She likes reading a lot.She has a lot of books, but she still wants more.Some of her friends say she is a girl of books.Maybe they are right.But some peole say Betty is out of fashion(不时尚)and her life is not happy.What do you think of it? Is Betty really a girl out of fashion? 86.Betty does not care much about 87.take Betty to clothes shop.88.Sally is years old.89.Betty likes best.90.Betty likes wearing old clothes because she wants to save





注意:1.字数70字左右,书面材料的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。My name is Wang Li and old.___________________________________


years ______________________________________________________________________

南通市通州区平潮实验初中2012—2013学(上)期末模拟测试卷 初一英语


A.根据所听句子内容选择相应的图片(听两遍)1.I like eating vegetables.They are good for my health.(B)2.I like dancing very much.I often go to the dancing lessons.(A)3.There is a flower shop over there.Let’s buy some for my mother.(C)4.I have a new car.Its number is 36463.(C)5.We usually play ping pong on the playground after class.(A))B.根据所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。(听两遍)6.What can I help you?(B)7.Where can I buy a basketball?(B)8.Happy New Year, Betty!(B)9.What do you think of your new school?(B)10.How often do you eat snacks?(B)C.根据对话内容,选择问题的正确答案。听两遍。11.M:Are you healthy, Betty? W:Yes,of course.I am a healthy person.M:How can you stay healthy? W:I usually eat healthy food and do some exercise every day.(C)12.A: Our English teacher looks beautiful in the new blouse.B: Yes, I think so.A: Is it made of cotton? B: No, it’s made of silk.It feels every cool in summer.(B)13.M: What about this red coat, Madam? W:Oh, it’s too expensive.Do you have a cheaper one?(C)14.A: Daniel, you look smart in the sports clothes today.B: Thank you very much.A: Who buys them for you? B: My father buys them for me as a birthday present.(B)15.M: Excuse me, how much is the T-shirt? W: The red T-shirt is 25 yuan for each.The blue one is 15 yuan each.(C)D. 听录音短文,选择正确的答案(读两遍)Hello, everyone!Today I will talk about my fashion design.Today I designed some clothes.They are jacket, trousers, shirt and trainers.First, I design the jacket.It is short and black.It’s made of wool.Then, I design the trousers.They are long and black.They are made of cotton.Next, I design the shirt.It’s red.It’s made of silk.Afterwards, I design the trainers.They are white and blue.They are made of leather.Finally, I put them together and look carefully.I am very happy.I like my design.(CBCBB)参考答案:





五、A、minutes, energy , Because, seldom , matches B、Children’s, potatoes, shelves, twice, healthy C、is chatting, Don’t open, doesn’t go.is eating, sitting 六, 76.Are, any, 77.to read 78.is lying 79.How long 80.What, doing

七、81, would 82.much 83.expensive 84.price 85.take

八、86.clothes 87.Betty’s/her parents 88.13 89.reading/books 90.money

九、My name is Wang Li and I’m 13 years old.I am good at Maths and English.I like to help my classmates.I enjoy listening to music and playing basketball.I like having healthy food such as /like fruit vegetables, fish and milk.It’s good for my health.I like doing some shopping in the shopping mall with my classmates.I love wearing jeans and trainers because they are light and comfortable.文 章来 源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.cO m




①广东 ②广西 ③云南 ④台湾

A.①②③④ B.③①②④ C.③②①④ D.④①②③


A.新、青、鲁、蜀 B.青、鲁、新、蜀 C.鲁、蜀、新、青 D.蜀、鲁、青、新 3.我国纬度最低的省区是(D)A.台湾 B.广东 C.广西 D.海南

4.全运会期间小明在济南街头看到一辆车牌为“豫A—56778”的车,这辆车来自我国哪个省份:(D)A.贵州省 B.云南省 C.安徽省 D.河南省 5.以下省会在非季风区的是(B)①乌鲁木齐 ②杭州 ③西宁 ④洛阳 A.① B.①③ C.①② D.都不是 6.我国少数民族集中分布的地区是(B)

A.东北、东南、西北B.西南、西北、东北 C.西南、西北、东南D.东北、西南、东南 7.下列河流中,冬季有结冰现象的是(D)A.长江 B.淮河 C.珠江 D.黑龙江 8.长江上游自西向东依次接纳的大支流是(A)A.雅砻江、岷江、嘉陵江、乌江 B.雅砻江、岷江、乌江、嘉陵江 C.雅砻江、嘉陵江、岷江、乌江 D.雅砻江、嘉陵江、乌江、岷江 9.下列山脉既是我国地势第二级和第三级阶梯的界线,又是季风区和非季风区界线的是:(B)A.太行山脉 B.大兴安岭 C.秦岭 D.贺兰山 10.长江、黄河都流经的地形区是:(C)A.黄土高原 B.云贵高原 C.青藏高原 D.内蒙古高原 11.我国地势总的特征是(B)

A.西高东低,呈四级阶梯状 B.西高东低,呈三级阶梯状 C.南高北低,呈三级阶梯状 D.北高南低,呈四级阶梯状 12.因利用黄河水灌溉,被誉为“塞上江南”的平原是(D)A.长江中下游平原 B.成都平原 C.珠江三角洲 D.宁夏平原

二、1、材料一 2013年9月和10月,总书记在访问中亚、东盟期间,先后提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(简称“一带一路”)的战略倡议,强调相关各国要打造互利共赢的“利益共同体”和共同发展繁荣的“命运共同体”。









()1.The teacher with a girl ______ into the classroom.A.come



D.to come

()2.The music teacher teaches ______.A.we to sing

B.us to sing

C.our sing

D.our singing

()3.There are

people here.A.too much

B.much too

C.too many D.many too

()4.There are _______ birds

.the tree.A.some, on

B.some, in

C.a, on

D.any, in

()5.It’s a ______ day ______.A.well, for walk

B.nice, for walk

C.fine, for walking

D.fine, to walking

()6.It ______ me ten minutes ______ there.A.take, get to

B.takes, to get

C.takes, to get to

D.takes, get

()7.You are a good _____.Do you like ________?

A.cooker, cooking

B.cook, cooking

C.cooker, to cook

D.cooks, cooking

()8.The parents know their children _______.A.very good

B.very well

C.very nice


()9.I don’t like it _______.A.at all

B.a little

C.a lot

D.very much

()10.Li Lei gets ____ E-mail _____ Jack.He must write ___ to him soon.A.an, from, to

B.an, to, to

C.a, from, to

D.an, to, from

()11.He _____ to the teacher _____ now.A.listens to carefull

B.listening, carefully

C.is listening , carefully

D.is listen, carefully

()12.There is something wrong ______ my computer.A.of




()13.Could I _____ some money ______ you?

A.borrow, from

B.borrow, to C.borrows, from

D.give, from

()14.The shop ______ early on Fridays.A.close


C.is closed

D.is opens

()15.Uncle wang likes _____ things.He is good at ______ this kind of boat.A.make, doing

B.makes, to make

C.making, making

D.making, doing



A: Good morning, can I help you?

B: Yes, please.___1__

A: I think this is a nice one.B: ____2____

A: it’s 100 yuan.B: 100 yuan? _____3____

A: It’s a Japanese football.Japanese footballs are expensive, ___4___

B: Do you have Chinese footballs?

A: Yes.we do.____5___

B: well, this football looks good.How much is it?

A: 50 yuan.B: That’s ok.I’ll take it.a.These are all footballs made in china.b.That’s a lot of money

c.I want to buy a football.d.How about this one?

e.But they’re very good.f.Let me try it.g.How much is it?



Near my home there is big __1___.It is __2___ Price-Low(低价).It has a lot of things.You can buy school things, __3___ exercise books, rulers, pens and maps.You can buy drinks, vegetables, fruit and __4__ food.Some of them are __5__, Some of them are expensive.The supermarket__6___ every day from 9 a.m to 9 p.m.The workers in the supermarket are very __7_.They work hard __8___.They are glad __9__ to your questions.They help you find __10__ you want.()1.A.school



D.supermarket(超市).()2.A.calling B.call









C.all kinds of

D.a kind of






B.is open


D.is closed





()8.A.all day

B.one day

C.all the day

D.on one day


B.answering C.to answer

D.to ask

()10.A.where B.what





Mr Black has two cats.One is big and the other is small.He likes them much.One day his friend Mr Green comes to see him.He is very surprise(惊奇的).He finds(发现)there are two holes(洞)in the door, a big hole and a small one.He says , “My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?” “To let them in and out ,” Mr.Black answers.“But why are there two holes? ” asked his friend.“How can the big cat go through(通过)the small hole?” he says.()1.Mr Black has ___________.A.two small cats

B.two big cats

C.a big cat and a small one

D.two birds

()2.Mr Green comes to see _______.A.Mr Black

B.Mrs Black

C.the cats

D.the holes

()3.Mr Black wants the ______ to go through the two holes.A.the big cat B.the small cat

C.a dog

D.two cats

()4.Mr Black thinks the big hole is only for _______.A.the small cat B.the big cat C.the two cats D.Mr Green

()5.______ is not necessary(必要的).A.The big hole B.The small hole C.The big door D.The small door(B)

Billy and Sandy go to school.Billy opens his schoolbag.“Look, Sandy.” Sandy looks into Billy’s schoolbag.There is s small white cat in it.“Oh, it’s very nice.What’s its name?” “Its name is Kitty.”

In the school, Billy puts the cat in his desk, but the cat can’t stay there long.It jumps on Billy’s desk.All the students see it.They all come to Billy’s desk to see the cat.Miss Gao comes, too.“Where do you get the cat, Billy?” “Near my home.” “Ok, put it in your desk and don’t let it jump out.We must have our lesson.Don’t take it to school next time.” “Yes, Miss Gao.”

()6.Who gives the name to the cat?




D.Miss Gao

()7.Billy puts the cat in his desk because(因为)______

A.the cat likes to stay there

B.Sandy thinks it’s a good place(地方)for a cat

C.Billy doesn’t want others to see it.D.the cat can jump on the desk.()8.The cat jumps out because ______

A.it wants to see the classroom

B.Billy wants it to come out

C.the students want to see it

D.it doesn’t like to stay in the desk

()9.Miss Gao may think ________

A.Billy is right to help the small cat

B.Billy is not a good student

C.Billy takes the cat from his home

D.Billy doesn’t want her to give them the lesson

()10.What do you think Billy will(将)do after school?

A.Throw the cat into a river.B.Make a cake for the cat.C.Play games with the cat.D.Help the cat find its home.五、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)。

1.It’s 7:00 in the morning.The Greens _____(have)breakfast.2.Sometimes Betty ______(read)a book in her bedroom.3.Do they _____(like)Chinese food?

4.Kate _______(study)Chinese in Shanghai.5.Where do Lucy and Lili ______(come)from?

6.He ______(speak)a little English?

7.Uncle Wang ______(watch)TV in the room now.8.There are some boys _____(swim)in the river.9.It’s a fine day for _____.(fly a kite)

10.What time _____(do)Li Ping get up?


1.expensive ________(反义词)

2.study _______(同义词)

3.do some reading __________(写汉语意思)

4.put _________(现在分词)

5.用汉语 _____________

6.在值日 ______________

7.在工作 ____________

8.在星期六 ______________

9.关于英语 ____________

10.乘飞机 ______________




get up,breakfast,homework

watch TV,go to bed 0 | 评论

after school, do one’s have a class,


笔试部分(共80分)I II.词汇。(10分)

A)在下列句子的空白处填上适当的单词,使句意完整与通顺。(5分)6.There are ________ days in a week.7.My father's brother is my ________.8.Her favorite ________ is English.9.________ is the second month of a year.10.What's this ________ English? B)根据英文释义及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。11.p________(father or mother)12.l________(the second meal of a day)13.A________(the eighth month of a year)14.s________(let sb.see)15.s________(any)


16.________ are good friends.________ often play together.A.I, he and you B.You, she and I C.She, I and you D.You, I and he 17.Jimmy is very tall(高)________ his father is very short.(矮)A.but B.and C.or D.so 18.Thank you ________ the letters and photos.A.on B.in C.for D.to 19.John's parents ________ to work ________ 7:00 _______ the morning.A.goes;at;in B.go;in;in C.go;in;at D.go;at;in 20.-________-It's six o'clock.A.How much is the book? B.What can you do? C.What day is it today? D.What time is it now?

IV.按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。(10分)21.There are some apples on the tree.(改为否定句)There ________ ________ oranges on the tree.22.The shoes under the bed are black.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ are the shoes under the bed? 23.It's Sunday today.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ is it today?

24.John comes home after school.(改为一般疑问句)________ John ________ home after school?


They ________ _______join the baseball club.27.吉姆的生日在六月。Jim's ________ is ________ June.28.杰克通常星期六打鼓。

Jack usually plays the drum ________ ______


Please ________ the desk ________ the classroom.VI.从(II)栏中找出与(I)栏相对应的答语。(10分)I II 31.Can I help you? A.It's forty dollars.32.What can Li Hong do? B.535-3456.33.What time do they get up(起床)? C.They're bookcases.34.How are you? D.B-A-G.35.How do you spell bag? E.It's March 21st.36.What are these?.F.That sounds good.37.Let's play volleyball.G.At six thirty.38.How much is that watch? H.Yes, I want to buy a shirt.39.What's the date today? I.She can play the piano.40.What's your telephone number? J.I'm fine, thank you.VII.完形填空。(10分)

There are four people in my family.__41__my father, my mother, my sister and I.My father, Mr Green,__42__books a lot.My mother likes__43__ TV.She likes cooking, __44__.They two like tea very much, but they__45__like milk __46__.My name's Jim Green.I __47__playing football.__48__I like playing basketball? No, I don't.My sister Alice likes dolls__49__.But she __50__like eating.41.A.There B.They're C.Who D.Their 42.A.like B.likes C.liking D.has 43.A.see B.watch C.watching D.seeing 44.A.and B.but C.too D.at all 45.A.aren't B.don't C.doesn't D.not 46.A.a little B.a lot C.at all D.not at all 47.A.like B.likes C.liking D.am like 48.A.Am B.Do C.Does D.Would 49.A.a lot of B.many C.very D.very much 50.A.isn't B.don't C.not D.doesn't


There is a supermarket(超市)near my home.The people in the supermarket are friendly.On Saturday afternoons, we often go and buy things there.It opens early in the morning.It closes(关闭)late in the evening.You can buy lots of things in the supermarket.You can buy food, clothes, school things and many other things.But there are no English books there.Now my mother and I are in the supermarket.My mother wants to buy a shirt for my father and a blouse for me.Then we want to have a drink of orange.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

51.We often go to the supermarket and buy things____________.A.on Sundays B.on Saturday afternoons C.on weekdays D.on Sunday afternoons

52.The supermarket opens __________ in the morning and closes __________ in the evening.A.early;early B.late;late C.early;late D.late;early 53.My mother wants to buy __________ for my father and me.A.food B.books C.school things D.clothes 54.There __________ no English books in the supermarket.A.are B.is C.have D.has

55.__________ want to have a drink of orange.A.My father and mother B.My father and I

C.My mother and I D.The people in the supermarket



提示:我叫赵星,是一名中学生。每天早晨我六点半起床,七点上学。我最喜欢的科目是音乐,因为音乐很有趣。要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确; 2.要将提示内容全部体现在短文中; 3.不少于40词。



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