
时间:2019-05-14 10:27:30下载本文作者:会员上传


Section B 1.concentrate

2.experience 3.rules 4.learn 5.present 1.volunteering 2.noisy 3.changed 4.studying 5.to keep 1.it seems 2.how would 3.whose house 4.should be allowed 5.don’t;is 1.is strict with 2.is good for

3.concentrates more on 4.at present 5.the other day 6.failed the exam Self Check and Reading

1.uniforms 2.sleepy 3.replied 4.practice 5.importance 1.comfortable 2.much 3.success 4.decisions 5.suggestions 1.tall enough 2.achieving your dream

3.design our own uniforms

4.had;opportunity to study 5.aren’t allowed;wear earrings


Dear Ms Li ,I’m very glad to write to you.I have a lot of troubles these days.Every day I have a lot of homework to do at school.I don’t have enough time to sleep.I nearly have no time to do sports.My friends and I can hardly find time to talk , or play together.When I get back home from school , I’m not allowed to watch TV , surf the Internet or listen to my favorite music.I feel worried about them.I don’t know what I should do.Could you please give me suggestions ?

Best wishes.Zhang some Meng


【Unit 4】

Section A

一、1.million 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous

二、1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work

三、1~5 DFBGA

四、1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.What if someone else 4.would give;to charity

Section B

一、1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener

二、1~5 BCDBA

三、1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have

四、1.What if 2.doesn't;in the slightest 3.rather than/instead of 4.to get along;with 5.what to say 6.so that

五、1~5 ACDEB

Self Check and Reading

一、knowledge 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers

二、1~5 CBDAD

三、1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of 6.comes top 7.right away 8.plenty of

四、1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable 3.come up with 4.come out 5.stop working

五、1~5 DFEAB

六、1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give 7.would set

七、1.If I becameill rich/had lots of money, I would give you 1,000,000 dollars.2.He fell seriously and couldn't afford to go to hospital.3.肯鼓励他不要放弃希望。4.Because he knew about Tony’s illness from one of his classmates.5.1,000,000 dollars.【Unit 5】

Section A

一、1.picnic 2.author 3.appointment 4.final 5.anxious

二、1.Alice's 2.possibly 3.dropped 4.worried 5.owner

三、1.The hair band must belong to Linda.2.This shirt is much too small for John.3.We need one more player to make up a soccer ball team.4.They put off the meeting because of the heavy rain.5.What do you think “crucial” means?

四、1.Whose T-shirt 2.belong to 3.author 4.author 4.could he 5.Why is

五、1~5 DECAB

Section B

一、1.sky 2.catch 3.noise 4.wind 5.interviewed

二、1.monkeys 2.escaped 3.neighbors 4.unhappy 5.director

三、1.for exercise 2.to catch 3.what is happening 4.In;swimming 5.be afraid making

四、1.Did;use to 2.doesn't think;could 3.isn't he 4.There;something wrong 5.What are

五、1~5 EBCAD

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 BCDAA 6~10 CCBDA 11~12 DD

二、1.possibly 2.noise 3.final 4.catch 5.smells 6.fingers 7.lift 8.ocean 9.stone 10.pretended

三、1.hers 2.worried 3.visiting 4.unhappy 5.footsteps 6.watching 7.to work 8.careful 9.dishonest 10.pretending

四、1.belong to 2.don't think 3.Did;use to 4.because of 5.Who must

五、1~5 BAACD 6~10 BAABD

六、1~5 ACABB

七、1~5 BAECD Unit 6 I like music that l can dance to

Section A

I.1.prefer 2.gentle 3.lyrics 4.remind 5.favorite

II.1.dance to 2.remind;of 3.along with 4.Heart Strings 5.What;dislike;clearly III.1.prefer 2.makes 3.reminds 4.wearing 5.interest


Section B

I.1.fisherman 2.latest 3.features 4.display 5.energy;miss

II.1.suggests 2.Whatever 3.photographer 3.does have 4.have to 5.What kind of

III.1.music that l love 2.as successful as 3.does have 4.what to 5.what kind of


Self Cheak and reading

I.1.lyrics 2.reminds 3.honest 4.cancer 5.laboratory

II.1.musicians 2.dislike 3.clearly 4.latest 5.mainly

III.1.bad for;stay away form 2.in agreement 3.suits;just fine 4.Be sure to 5.sing along with IV.1~5 DBDBA 6~10 BBCCD V.1~5 BDABC 6~10 ACADC

Unit 7 WHere would you like to visit

Section A

I。1.educational 2.thrilling 3.to trek through the jungle 4.too stressed out 5.consider asking

II。1.thrillers;thrilling 2.to tour;touristy;tourists;tourist 3.relaxing;relaxes;relaxed 4.tired;tiring 5.lively;lived;alive;liveliest

III。1.where there are;with 2.are supposed to 3.who can 4.is supposed to be 5.would like to

Section B

I.1.provide 2.easy 3.light 4.including 5.vacation

II.1.provide us with some useful information 2.In general;junk food 3.Traveling around;by taxi convenientto take;to most places 4.Unless you speak;you self;it'best;someone who can teanslate 5.which is best to travel by

6.give her some suggestions 7.is the most expensive;is 8.get a room with a kitchen



Self Cheak and Reading

I.1.in which thousands of;take part in 2.find out;answers to;as soon as possible 3.According to;the most popular choice of job 4.continue singing;so that;provide berrer lives for 5.It seems;work as 6.Quite a few;are willing to 7.hold on to;come true 8.On the one hand;onthe other hand 9.volunteer translators;translated;for

II.1.as soon as they can 2.provied;with 3.less realistic than 4.were ready to 5.in order that

III.1~5 CDBAC 6~10 CADDB IUnit8 l'll help clean up the city parks.Secion


I.1.homeless 2.hunger 3.established 4.coach 5.sign

II.1.set up 2.think up 3.cheer;up 4.clean up 5.put off 6.put up

III.1.makes;happier 2.establish;learn 3.thinks up 4.to do 5.Do you




I.1.deaf 2.fix 3.pleasure 4.coach 5.sign

II.1.ran out of 2.takes after 3.put up 4.call

III.1.takes after 2.spent on 3.similar to 4.repair 5.What did


V.1~5 FGADC 6~7 EB

Self Check and Reading

I.1.fetch 2.pleasure 3.blind 4.imaging 5.specially 6.filled 7.carried 8.deaf 9.to shut 10.worked out

II.1.homeless 2.latei 3.easiest 4.hunger 5.pleasure 6.holding 7.clean 8.cheered 9.to set 10.interviewer


IV.1.yes,he was 2.by taking a little rubber.3.Three 4.On december22,1988 5.He protected the forest and changed the world's ideas V.1~5 BCBAD 6~10 ACD期中综合练习

I.1~5 BDBCB 6~10 BDCBD 11~15 BDDCC 16~20 BACDD

II.1.owner 2.importance 3.were 4.helpful 5.funny 6.worride 7.younger 8.youself 9.friendship 10.chatting

III.1.Dong't laugh at the old people 2.His parents are very strict with him 3.Children have plenty of time to do their home work now 4.l'm getting along/on well with my classmates 5.Have you come up with a good idea?

IV.1.to do 2.to get 3.was allowed to 4.didn't use 5.can she



AB V.(One possible version 期末综合练习

(一)I.1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BCCCB II.1.to learn 2.really 3.to watch 4.healthy 5.pronunciation 6.musicians 7.were 8.used 9.preferred 10.has been

III.1.home to 2.what else 3.stay away 4.head of 5.interstted in

IV.1.doesn't need 2.where would 3.has he 4.easy enough 5.not to



VII.1~5 ADBDD 6.Yes 7.we can talk to them,play and go to the cinema with them 8.Because we can 't live alone in the world 9.some people always expect to make use of their friedns 10.Having a real good friend is better than having many friends 11.plant 12.across 13.banks 14.destroyed 15.changing


(二)I.1~5 BADBB 6~10 AABCA 11~15 CBACA 16~20 CBBDA

II.1 winner 2.relaxed 3.careful 4.fifth 5.peaceful 6.tired 7.himself 8.advertisements 9.quickly 10.lucky

III.1.camp up 2.came ture 3.no matter 4.so that 5.stay up IV.1.doesn't;or 2.How much 3.didn't it 4.prefer;to 5.be cleaned



VII.1~5 FFTFT 6~10 DABBA 11~15 ACBCD 16.trees change a lot when they grow 17.catch enough sunlight 18.face challenges in life 19.15 20.becoming real adults(略)


I.问句应答。(听五个问句,选出最佳的应答句。每个句子读两遍。共5分 6.A.Comedies.I think they’re funny.B.Let’s go to a movie tonight C.This play is very interesting.7.A.I like both of them B.Shanghai is a big city C.I live in Beijing 8.A.Yes, I want to join the music clu b B.The sports club doesn’t need new balls.C Yes, and I’m in the running club.9.A.My favorite subject is history B.Our history teacher is very strict C.I don’t like history at all.10.A.I want to buy a strawberry cake.B.Sure, I’m good at making cakes.C.This birthday cake looks good.III.对话理解,(听五组小对话,根据你所听到的对话内容选择能回答 下列问题的最佳答案。每组对话读两遍。共5分。)11.Who likes Jet Li best?

A.The girl.B.The boy’s mother.C.The boy.12.Why does the boy need some new shirts?

A.He needs a new shirt for a party.B.He doesn’t like his old shirts any more.C.His old shirts are too small for him.13.What does Henry usually eat for lunch? A.Hamburgers and French fries.B.French fries and fruit.C.Fruit and vegetables.14.How many hours does the woman work a day? A.Eight hours.B.Nine hours.C.Thirteen hours.15.What does the girl usually do in the morning?

A.She plays basketball.B.She goes running.C.She cooks breakfast.IV.短文理解(听短文,根据你所听到的内容补全下面的卡片,每空一词,短文读两遍。FOOTBALL GAME

(16)_____________ VS America

共5分)DATE: November 29th PLACE: The(17)TIME:(18)_______ ____ BUS: No.17 TICKECOST:(19)


Stadium(体育场))1.There is _____ “u” in the word “computer”.A.a B.an

C.the C.going

D./ D.to go

D.aunt D.helping()2.Kate with her parents often __________ to a movie on weekends.A.go B.goes A.uncle A.help()3.John is my son, but I’m not his father.I’m his ______.B.mother B.helps

C.brother C.to help()4.Thanks for ________ me.()5.The pants ____ nice, I’ll take______.A.look;them B.looks;it C.look;it A.twelve;twelve B.twelfth;twelfth C.twelfth;twelve D.twelve;twelfth()7._____ your father like bananas? A.Has B.Is C.Does


()8.These green shorts are ____sale ____ $10.A.on;at B.on;for

C.for;of D.in;at

C.Saturday D.Friday()9.______ is the first day of a w eek.A.Monday B.Sunday()10.______ your father _____ with you?

A.Does;strict B.Do;strict C.Is;strict D.Are;strict

()11.— Let’s play ping-pong.—_______.A.Yes, please B.Thank you C.No, I don’t D.That sounds good()12.-________he paint ?-No, he can't A.Does A.a B.Is C.Do B.an C.the

D.can D./()13.Bob is ____ eleven-year-old boy.()14.-----How much are the shoes?------________ 100 dollars.A.It’s B.These are C.They are D.This is


()6.My son is ____.Today is his _____birthday.()15.The books are very _______.They sell very ______.A.good;good B.well;well C.well;good D.good;well()16.Can I join the ______ club? A.swims B.swimming C.swim


()17.He _______ breakfast at home.A.hasn’t B.haven’t

C.doesn’t have D.don’t have

()18.----Jane, your dress is beautiful(美丽的).------________.A.No, it isn’t.B.Really? C.Thank you.D.Yes, it is.A.at B.on C.around A./;a B.a;/ C.the;The

D.to D.a;The()19.-----What time is it?-------I think it’s ______ 6:00.()20.I have _____ soccer ball._______ soccer ball is on the floor.II.完型填空(10分)Jim 1 from America.Now he is 2 China.He 3 at about 6:30 and eats his breakfast at 7:0 0 in the morning.After breakfast, he says “goodbye” 4 his parents and leaves(离开)home at 7:30.He usually walks to school.He gets there at 7:55.He 5 his first class at eight.Morning classes are over at 12:10, and he eats lunch ten minutes later at about 12:20.After lunch he plays 6 his friends.Afternoon classes begin at 1:30.Usually there are two classes in the 7.School is over at 3:30.Usually he plays games or do 8 things and gets home at about 5:15.He eats supper at 6:00 and then 9 , then he watches TV.He www.xiexiebang.come B.is)2.A.in)4.A.with B.at B.for

C.are C.on C.and C.start C.to D.or

C.evening D.night


D.does his homework


D.be D.of D.to D.begin)3.A.plays B.gets up C.goes home D.goes to school)5.A.have B.has)6.A.with B.and)7.A.afternoon B.morning)9.A.swim B.goes to bed)8.A.another B.an other C.other)10.A.goes to school B.goes to bed C.goes home D.goes to the room



One day,a little boy came to a shop and said to the shop assistant(店员): “I want to buy twelve exercise-books of 10 cents(美分)(1 00美分=1美元)and nine pencils of 15 cents, four erasers of 20 cents.How much shall I pay(付款)?”

“If I give you 5 dollars, how much shall I get back?”

“You'll get back 1.65 dollars.Shall I pack(打包)these things for you?”

“No, I don't buy anything” the boy looked at the piece of paper and said politely(礼貌地).“This is my math homework.Can I take the answer away?” 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(5分)

()1._______ kinds of things are mentioned by(被提到)the boy.A.One B.Two

C.Three D.Four

B.to buy something for his home()2.The boy went to the shop _______.A.to buy something for his school()3.Nine pencils of 15 cents is ______.A.$ 1.35 B.$ 1.65

C.$ 0.15 D.2.15

()4.The shop assistant asked(要求)the boy to pay _________ after she answered boy.A.no thing B.$ 3.35

C.$ 1.65 D.$ 5 C.to see how many things the shop has D.to get an answer

()5.The boy bought(买)________ at last(最后).A.nothing B.nine pencils C.twelve exercise-books D.four erasers B

Dear Mr.Wang, Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out.He comes here at 10am.Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later.He tells me that he is your classmate at college(大学).Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中)in this city and he lives near the No.6 Middle School.He is a very tall man with short hair.He wears a pair of glasses.He tells me his telephone number is 33426685.He is often at home at 7:00 pm.So you can call him in the evening.()1.The author(作者)writes this note(便条)to ______.A.Mr.Wang B.Mr.Wang’s wife C.Mr.Wang’s classmate D.me()2.Mr.Wang’s cl assmate is __________.A.a teacher B.a worker C.a farmer D.an actor()3.When is Mr.Wang’s classmate often at home? A.In the morning B.In the afternoon.C.At 7:00 pm.D.We don’t know.()4.How long does Mr.Wang’s classmate stay in the office? A.Ten hours.B.An hour.C.Two hours.D.Half an hour.()5.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Mr.Wang and his wife are classmates.B.Mr.Wang’s classmate is short.C.Mr.Wang goes out with Mrs.Wang in the morning.D.Mr.Wang’s classmate meets Mr.Wang in the morning C

Joan is an American girl.She lives in China now.She is in my class.Her parents work in us English well.We all like his class.On Sundays, Joan goes to the People's Park with her father and mother.Sometimes she goes shopping with her mot her.They like the Chinese food very much.It's a happy family.()1.Joan is from ________.A.China B.Japan

C.the U.S.A.D.Canada

C.Five.D.Six.()2.How many people are there in Joan’s family?

A.Three.B.Four.()3.Joan's ________ is an English teacher.A.father A.Often.B.mother C.brother B.Never.D.father and mother

()4.How often does Joan go to the shop?

C.Every Sunday.D.Sometimes.()5.What can we know from the passage(段落)? A.Joan's mother is a good doctor.B.There are three people in her family.C.They like to eat the Chinese food a lot.D.The family are all in China.D

根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)Old Henry lived on a clean street in Green C ity.Every weekend, Alan and his friends played soccer in the street.The children were too noisy(吵闹的)for the old man to have a good rest.One day, Old Henry told the children that he would give them $ 10 each weekend to watch them play soccer in the street.He said, “I am so glad when seeing you play soccer happily.” Alan and his friends were surprised to hear Old Henry’s words.The first weekend after that, the boys went to play soccer near the old man’s house, and went away happily with 10 dollars.The second weekend they also got 10 dollars.The third weekend, Old Henry said he spent his money on his grandson’s school things.So he only gave the children 4 dollars.The next weekend, Old Henry said he had a cold and he spent his money on medicine(药).He only gave them 1 dollar.After that, Alan and his friends didn’t play soccer in that street any more.()1.Alan likes playing soccer.()2.Alan and his friends cleaned the street every weekend.()3.Old Henry’s grandson is a student.()4.Old Henry gave 26 dollars in all(总共)to the children.()5.In fact, Old Henry didn’t want the children to play soccer near his house.E

It’s April 13th.It’s Mary’s birthday.(A)She and her mother go to a big city by bus.They see many clothes stor es and hotels there.They come to a clothes store first.(B)Mary’s mother buys a red skirt for Mary.Then they go to a food store.(C)There they buy some chicken hamburgers.Then they go to Green Hotel.They go to see Mary’s uncle.(D)他在这个旅馆工作。Green Hotel is a big hotel with 120 rooms.Each room is very nice.Mary has a good time in the hotel.按下列任务要求完成各项。(共10分,每小题2分。)1.写出划线部分(A)处的同义句

She and her mother _____________________________to a big city.2.将划线部分(B)处译为汉语

_________________________________________________ 3.将划线部分(C)处改为否定句

There they __________ buy ___________ chicken hamburgers.4.将划线部分(D)处译为英语

________________________________________________ 5.根据短文内容回答问题

How many ro oms are there in Green Hotel?

________________________________________________ F

I usually wake up(醒来)early in the morning.Then I get up and get dressed(穿衣).I eat my breakfast at seven.I have bread and milk for breakfast.I leave the house at around seven thirty.I don’t like to be late for school.I have many classes in the morning.At around twelve, I come home for lunch.In the afternoon, I’m not so busy.After school, I do my homework and play with other children.At five thirty, my father and mother come back from work.We have supper.After that, we read newspapers(报纸)or listen to the radio for a little while(一会儿).Sometimes we watch TV.I go to bed at nine.But my father often works late at night.He goes to bed at midnight.根据短文内容回答问题(共10分,每题2分)1.What do you have for breakfast?

_____________________________________________ 2.Are you often late for school?

_____________________________________________ 3.What time do you come home for lunch?

_____________________________________________ 4.What do you do after school?

_______________________________________________ 5.What time does your father go to bed?

_______________________________________________ IV.补全对话(15分)

A)从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。(5分)Tom: Lin Tao.___1___

Lin Tao: Well, ___2___So I get up at 6:45.I never(从未)go to school late.Tom: Do you have breakfast at home? Lin Tao: Yes, ___3___.Tom: And when do you go to school?

Lin Tao: Class begins at 8:00, so I go to school at 7:45, _4_____ Tom:___5___ Lin Ta o: I leave school at five and I get home at 5:15.答案:1.____ ____2._______ 3.________ 4._________ 5.__________

B)填入适当的词语或句子完成对话(10分)(每空2分)A: 1¬¬¬¬________________________________?

B: Yes, please.2_____________________ a pair of shoes.A: 3________________________ do you want? B: Black.A: What about this pair?www.xiexiebang.com

B: They look nice.4____________________________________? A: They are thirty dollars.B: I’ll 5____________________.Thank you.A: You are welcome.V.用括号内单词的适当形式填空。(10分)(每空1分)1.I don’t like ___ _______________(comedy).2.Do you want _____________(go)to a movie?

3.Mary _____________________(not do)homework today.4.Thursday is the ____________________(five)day of a week.5.They often go out _________________(eat)with Mr.Green.6.Can you help kids with _____________________(swim)? 7.We want two good ________________________(music).8.Liu Xiang is a great _____________________(run)star.9.____________ your friend _______________(like)soccer? 10.________________(she)favorite color is white.Ⅵ.翻译句子(15分,1—7题每题1分,8—11题每题2分。)1.我的姑姑喜欢看电视。

My aunt _____________________________ TV.2.你想了解中国历史吗?

Do you want to learn about ____________________________? 3.你会下棋吗?

Can you __________________________________? 4.我喜欢健康食品。I like __________________________________.5.我最喜爱的水果是苹果._______________________________________ is apples.6.你几点上学?

__________________________ do you go to school? 7.这是我的全家福.This is ____________________________ ____________.8.这裤子多少钱?

_______________________________________________? 9.谢谢你的来信。



____________________________________________________________? Ⅶ.书面表达(20分)

A)某校要举办一届艺术节,需要唱歌、舞蹈、弹钢琴,打鼓的音乐人,请你写一个招聘海报。联系人:Miss Zhang,电话号码:88324733。(5分)

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B)假设Sally是你的好朋友,请根据下面表格提示,以My good friend为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍一下Sally,可适当发挥。(15分)Name Age Birthday club Likes Family members Sally 14 November,29th music;English books;tennis;

strawberries;hamburgers father(doctor)mother(English teacher)brother,(student)

___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

2012—2013学第一学期期末考试 英语七年级试题答案


4.He works in the hotel.5.There are 120 room s.F).1.I have bread and milk for breakfast.2.No, I’m not.3.At around twelve, I come home for lunch.4.After school, I do my homework and play with other children.5.He goes to bed at midnight.IV.补全对话新 A)E F G B C

B)1.Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?

2.I want/ I’d like 4.How much are they?

3.What color 5.take them

V.用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1.comedies 2.to go VI.翻译句子。

8.How much are the pants? /What’s the price of the pants? 9.Thanks for your letter./ Thanks for writing to me.10.My birthday is August 31st.11.What kind of movies do you like?

2012—2013学第一学期期末考试 英语听力试题(七年级)参考答案 听力部分(共四大题,计20分)I.Sentences(句子理解)

3.doesn’t do 4.fifth

5.to eat

6.swimming 7.musicians 8.running 9.Does;like 10.Her 1—5 BCCCA

II.Responses(问句应答)6—10 ACCBB

III.Dialogues(对话理解)11—15 BCACB


16.England 17.People/ People’s 18.4:00 pm 19.20 20.867-1543


Section A 1.million 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous 1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work 1~5 DFBGA 1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.what if someone else 4.would give;to charity Section B 1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener 1~5 BCDBA 1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have

1.what if 2.doesn’t;in the slightest 3.rather that/instead of 4.to get along;with 5.what to say;6.so;that 1~5ACDEB Self Check and Reading

1.knowledgeable 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers 1~5CBDAD 1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of 6.comes top 7.right away 8.plenty of

1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable 3.come up with

4.come out 5.stop working 1~5DFEAB 1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give 7.would set


I’m glad to receive your letter.I know you have some problems.I have some advice that may help you.First of all,I think you should learn English by studying grammar because it’s very important.Then you had better do more exercise to improve your English.As for watching TV,I think your is right,and you should spend more time on study instead of watching TV.If I were you ,I would get good grade.You are getting heavier and heavier.Why not eat more fruit and vegetables ? Don’t eat junk food.If you have time,you should do more exercise.I hope my advice may help you.Send you my best wishes!

Yours,Zhang Ming




Unit 9

when was it invented ?

Section A 一: 1.invented 2.invention 3.adjustable 4.heat 5.slippers 二: 1~5 CBCCC 三: 1.What, used for

2.Who , invented 3.is , cleaned

4.must be repaired 5.to see

Section B 一: 1.notice 2.salty 3.produced 4.remain 5.pleasant 二: 2.too thin 2.by accident 3.According to, was discovered 4.by mistake 5.in this way ,in the end 6.fell into 三: 1~5:AADCD 6~10:BDBDC 11~12 :AC 四:

for, on, Who , think, are, inwentions, is , most Self Check and Reading 一: 1.century 2.knock 3.below 4.wooden 5.towards 6.developing 7.divided 8.active 9.aim 10.create 二: 1.helpful 2.invention 3.salt 4.the most popular 5.safety 6.wood 三: 1.It is believed 2.named 3.to learn 4.was sent

5.was handed in 6.Was ,cleaned 7.found him 8.When was, invented 四: 1~5:BADBA 6~10:CADAB 五: 1~5:ABCAC

6.He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them.With the money he set up a chemical lab.7.Yes.Because he was awarded 1368 separate and distinct patents during his lifetime.8.February 11th,1847

9.October 18th ,1931

10.America 11.Built a lab 12.1368

13.His first patented invention was an electrical vote recorder in 1868.14.1876~1877,invented the phonograph.15.1900~1910, invented and perfected and steel alkaline storage battery.Unit10 By the time I got outside ,the bus

had already left

Section A 一: 1.lock 2.verslept 3.rush 4.relative 5.broke 二: 1.had left 2.had left 3.to come 4.had cooked

5.doesn’t rain 6.had had 7.finishing 8.had learnt


1~5:CBBAB 四:

1.walking, on time 2.been late for ,came ,close 3.go off ,overslept 4.broke down 5.ran off

Section B 一 : 1.exhausted 2.costume 3.ending 4.thrilled

5.empty 6.reveal 7.panic 8.describe 9.fooled 10.married 二:


6~10BAACD 三:

1.set off 2.get married 3.invited ,to watch

4.showed up 5.as much ,as 6.stay up 7.happened to 8.Hundreds of

9.so ,that

四: 1~5:BEDCA

Self Check and Reading 一:

1.met,hadn’t seen 2.crying 3.to go 4.have learnt/learned 5.will be showed /shown

二: 1.too,to 2.as much as possible 3.had seen 4.has he

5.weren’t allowed 三:


6~10 BABDC 四:


6~10 CDBAC Unit 11 could you please tell me where the

restrooms are? Section A 一: 1.shampoo 2.fresh 3.restrooms 4.department

5.escalator 二: 1.in the middle of 2.across from 3.In front of

4.between 5.past 三: 1~6 CBCDCD 四: 1.to get to 2.if/whether there is 3.when,leaves

4.where,is 5.to talk,they went 6.Take ,to ,Go past ,next t to 五:

Excuse me , Sure, second , How , escalator/elevator, turn , past , between , and

Section B 一: 1.slides 2.organized 3.dresses 4.cheap /inexpensive

5.uncrowded 二: 1~5 BCDAB

6~10 DCCBD 三: 1.where there is 2.if /whether there are 3,shall we

4.not get 5.took , to mend

Self check and reading 一: 1.lend 2.park 3.trouble 4.wonder 5,hand 二: 1~5 CACBB 6~10 BDBAC 三: 1.lend ,to 2.where ,is 3.spend on /buying

4.if/whether , goes 5.Could you tell me how I can get to the library? 6.ask for information politely 7.What ,sounds 8.Speaking ,enough 9.too many, depend on 10.talking, chang ,speak 四: 1~5 CACCD

6~10 ADBCA 五: 1~5TTFFF 6.They will die 7.On his farm 8.600 mils(away)9.Two weeks 10.Yes,they did Unit 12 You’are supposed to shake hands.Section A 一: 1.bow 2.shake 3.relaxed 4.customs 5.greet 二: 1~5:BBADB 三: 1.to bring ,left 2.have asked 3.relaxed 4.Spending

5.to be 6.calling 7.to do 四: 1.Are you supposed , Yes ,are 2.are supposed to greet

3.What are ,supposed to do 4.don’t, have

5.are supposed to bow 6.supposed to arrive ,arrived 7.have asked ,were supposed 8.make plans to

Section B 一: 1.forks 2.wipe,napkin 3.noise 4.full 5.point 二: 1.inviting 2.am having 3.study 4.get ,getting 5.to say 三: 1~5 BACBC

6~10 BAABD 四:

1.pick up 2.rude ,stick ,into 3.out of ,make ,feel

4.it difficult to 5.to be ,to doing

五: nervous, use, behave ,manners ,good/great /nice , polite ,supposed ,rules , point, walking Self check and reading 一:1.unfamiliar 2.knife ,spoon 3.experiment 4.beside

5.Whose 二: 1.way ,to save /for saving 2.seem,familiar to

3.alone ,bored




5.easier ,faster ,working 三: 1~5BADBB 四: 1~5DBDBD 6~10DBCAD 五: 1~5BBBDC 6~10FFTFT 六: 1.hardly 2.lost 3.right 4.show 5.comfortable

6.towards 7.matter 8.other 9.called 10.healthy Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Saction A 一: 1.design 2.hard 3.served 4.pink 5.fair

6.uncomfortable 7.poiiution 8.scientific 9.stressed 10.owners




14.playing 15.walk 二: 1~5BCAAD

6~10 BCBBB 三: 1.takes them,to do

2.doesn’t make 3.What does ,make ,feel 4.so,that 5.What ,think 四: 1~5 ECDAB

Section B 一: 1.shiny 2.truth 3.products 4.tastes 5.led

6.(to)compare 7.annoyed 8.keep out 9.schoolbag 10.designed 二:


6~8 BDB 三:1.working





3.confusing ,misleading 4.For instance /For example

5.the quality of the product Self check and reading

一: 1.schoolbag 2.purple 3.purses/wallets 4.taste

5.thought 二: 1.To be honest ,kind 2.not to see 3.felt embarrassed

4.has been on 5.decided to 四:1~5 CAAAD

6.The father was really sad ,shutting himself away from his friends and refusing to do any activity.7.So

8.Because he hoped his daughter’s candle would no longer be put out by his useless tears.9.亲爱的,为什么只有你的蜡烛不点燃(不燃烧)呢?

10.The father was no longer sad.Unit 14 have you packed yet.Sction A 一: 1.farm 2.water 3.wood 4.towel 5.light

二: 1.Have,finished, finished 2.haven’t heard 3.has worked 4.been 5.have been 6.lent ,hasn’t

7.Have ,bougt 8.have lost 9.have taken 10.to lock 三: 1~5BCBBC 6~10 ADBCA 四: 1.haven’t stadyed 2.has taught 3.Has ,done ,yet

4.How ofen 5.doesn’t have 五:1~5 EDCBA

Section B

一: 1.appear 2.award 3.scene 4.poems 5.chop 二: 1.be sure 2.some day 3.say goodbye to 4.been on

5.used to 三: 1~5 BBDAB 四: 1.Have you bought a street map?

2.I haven’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.3.I have so many chores to do today.4.They’ve been on TV lots of times.5.Have you got the mail from the mail box? 五:1.have been 2.is 3.snowed 4.will have 5.to believe 6.have got 7.came 8.will send 9.will like 10.come Self check and reading

一: 1.strongly 2.Southern 3.government 4.purpose 5.step 二:1.eating




5.experiencing 三: 1.Thinks to 2.looking forward to learning 3.do the/their daily activities 4.have never been 5.where your ancestors lived 四: 1~5 CADBB 6~10CDABD 五: 1~5ABCAB

6~9ACC Unit 15 We’re trying to save the

manatees!Section A 一: 1.aggressive 2.gentle 3.weigh 4.faster 5.playful

6.feet 7.polluted 8.her 9.surprised 10.stronger 11.believes 12.to be 13.was found 14.living 15.provides 二: 1~5CBACD 6~10 CCBBB 三: 1.care for ,because 2.a suitable place for 3.to smoke in public 4.surprised to find hardly ,arrived at /got to 5.trying to save endangered

Sction B

一: 1.planet 2.society 3.spare/free 4.built 5.model 二: 1.stop 2.Recycling,to protect 3.agree 4.putting 5.riding ,riding/to ride 三: 1~5BDBAD 6~7BA 四: 1.Have ,heard of ,the best player 2.is only used for

3.raising money for 4.disagree with 5.was built out of 五: 1~5 FGBEC Self check and reading

一: 1.educate 2.against 3.save 4.supposed 5.award

6.endangered 7.recycle 8.Underwater 9.living 10.spare 二: 1.You’d better turn off 2.feel about , won/got 3.need our support 4.fifty kilometers long ,thirty meters wide 5.Is ,anyone else 6.suitable for teaching 7.so /as clean as ,used to be 8.hardly move 9.agree with ,I side 10.take care of ,care for 三: 1~5DCBDD

6~10 CBABA 四: 1~5 BCBCD 五: 1.to play 2.are 3.building 4.find 5.seems

6.cutting 7.be made 8.fell 9.to do 10.have written


一: 1.ancient 2.century 3.towards 4.lock 5.broke 6.oversleep 7.park 8.lent 9.greeted 10.relaxed 11.discovery 12.invention 13.really 14.exhausted 15.Hundreds 16.the most popular 17.unfamiliar 18.different 19.interested,interesting 20.heroes 21.had gone





24.used,cutting 25.goes 26.invented 27.had been 28.seeing 29.to come 30.was designed 二: 1~5BBDAB 6~10DADCC 11~15BBCAA

16~20BCBAA 三:

1.is,used 2.have sent 3.What was it used for 4.a ride 5.such a clever ,liked him 6.How many times 7.if you will go 8.when he should go 9.said to ,Are you afraid of 10.are supposed to

四:1.old enough 2.According to what 3.dreams /dreamed of becoming ,like 4.overslept ,go off 5.nothing bad ,happen to 6.By the time ,had learned /learnt 7.got married ,much furniture 8.where the escalator is 9.used to getting up 10.went out of his way 五: 1~5 EBAFD 六: 1~5ADABD

6~10ABBCA 七: 1~5DCCDA

6~10ABDCC 11~15CDCDB

16.A three-bedroom house./A house.17.At websites./On the Internet./On the web./On line.18.Because they don’t have to worry about who is going to pay for the delivery.19.By trading./Through trades./She can trade again and again./She can go on trading.20.Because everyone in the trade activities gets things that are useful to them./Because the traders can get things that are useful to them.八: 1.to 2.wrong 3.with 4.few 5.what 6.themselves

7.choose 8.than 9.use 10.example 期末综合练习

(一)一: 1.fresh 2.sights 3.fix 4.shake 5.ancient




9.drugstores 10.proud 11.leaves 12.twelfth 13.energetic 14.itself 15.liveliest

16.easily 17.married 18.reporter 19.strongly 20.pleasure

二: 1~5BDACB 16~20CDBAC 三:

1.was invented by accident 2.dressed up ,gave up ,gave out 3.give you a ride 4.after all 5.in your spare/free time 6.in search of 7.was pulled down 8.looking forward to


11~15DCBDC 四: 1.Where would 2.Do,need 3.are used 4.she liked



6.was there


8.Had,begun 五: 1~5EGBFC 六:`1~5BDACA 6~10CDBAB 七: 1~5BCBAB

6.Inventions/The most important inventions 7.The printing 8.Glasses 9.in big cities 10.not enough food 11.The history of computers.12.The abacus 13.In 1946.14.Five kinds of work.15.I think it will make our life better.八: 1.pet 2.why 3.with 4.them 5.idea 6.feeding

7.suitable 8.once 9.too 10.eat

九: 1.to get 2.was snowing 3.saw 4.must /may /might be 5.will take 6.running 7.was hurt 8.have heard /can hear 9.Cover 10.are telling


(二)一: 1.afford 2.forks 3.provide 4.pleasure 5.teenagers 6.terrified 7.flage 8.proud 9.rubbish 10.strongly 11.Unfortunately



14.homeless 15.scientific 16.shiny 17.villagers 18.first 19.playful ,aggressive 20.exhausted 二: 1~5 DADCB 6~10ABBAD 11~15DCABC

16~20BACDB 三:

1.has been /has got used to 2.broke down 3.In order not to offend 4.dropped by 5.keep out 6.confusing or misleading 7.hang out 8.would rather take 四: 1.How many ,had, learned 2.Do you know if there is a hotel near here ? 3.are being taken good care of 4.made a decision 5.What are ,to do 6.has she 7.agree to 8.take pride in 五: 1~5DCAGE 六: 1~5DACBA 6~10CDBCA 七: 1~5BDBCD 6~10CBCDD 八: 1.care 2.with 3.deal 4.proper 5.who 6.so 7.succeed 8.Finally 9.instead 10.refuse


1.was asked 2.was trying 3.am considering 4.punishing 5.haven’t /have never seen 6.to play 7.can /will 8.make 9.failed 10.can discover



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