
时间:2019-05-14 10:35:10下载本文作者:会员上传




(一)、从下列各组中,找出与前面的单词的划线部分读音相同的单词(每小题1分,共计10分):()1.salt A.half B.almost C.alcoholic D.postal()2.receive A.recent B.rebuild C.recovery D.recitation()3.maps A.meals B.hands C.desks D.eyes()4.says A.say B.saying C.said D.pays()5.brought A.thought B.though C.through D.enough

(二)从下列各题的A、B、C、D中选出一个划线部分发音与其他三个不同的选项:()6.A.earn B.early C.heard D.heart()7.A.think B.with C.thirsty D.worth()8.A.climb B.expensive C.arrive D.lifetime()9.A.is B.his C.this D.these()10.A.Christmas B.church C.French D.charge

第二节:词语解释 从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与句子中划线部分意思相近的选项(每小题1分,共计15分)

()11.We have a lot of things to consider before we can decide.A.remember B.think about C.do D.discuss()12.I shall call on my English teacher this Saturday morning.A.need B.telephone C.visit D.write a letter to()13.Students are required to go home and ask their fathers to give up smoking.A.stop B.offer C.keep doing D.let on()14.Don’t worry.The doctor will be here in no time.A.in a little time B.no longer C.in some time D.at once()15.It’s too cold to go swimming today;in addition, it’s beginning to rain.A.beside B.besides C.except D.expect()16.Thanks to the help of our teacher, we have made great progress in maths.A.For B.As C.Because D.Because of()17.My younger brother is no more than seven years old.A.not more than B.not older than C.only D.over()18.The last class will be over before long.A.long before B.soon C.not longer D.long ago()19.Do you care for black tea, Mr.Smith? A.fond of B.take care of C.look after D.like()20.There are a number of students on the playground.A.a lot of B.lots C.much D.the number of()21.Mr.Smith left his office so late that he couldn’t catch the last bus.A.lost B.missed C.did not see D.did not hear()22.How much did you spend on these books? A.pay on B.pay C.take on D.pay for()23.The teacher tries her best to do well in everything.A.be well at B.do good in C.be good at D.be good in()24.Look out!Don’t stay there.The train is coming.A.Be careful B.Look out of C.Look round D.Look at()25.We saw her on the way to the library just now.A.right now B.just a moment C.already D.a moment ago

第三节:语法知识 从下列各题的A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(每小题1分,共计25分)

()26.---Can I borrow your dictionary?---.A.Yes, help yourself B.No, you can’t

C.Yes, you can borrow D.Yes, go on()27.His mother didn’t him to go to the party, but he still went out.A.let B.get C.agree D.allow()28.He will die the doctors operate at once.A.if B.but C.because D.unless()29.---Have you ever been to Guangzhou?---Yes, I there once when I was a child.A.went B.have been C.would go D.allow()30.I found speaking really in English though I can do a lot of reading.A.easy B.hard C.well D.good()31.I will him about it as soon as he comes back.A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk()32.---I don’t have much knowledge about country music for my paper.---Why not get some from Internet? A.instruction B.information C.message D.advice()33.We have had the TV set for ten years.Shall we change it a new one? A.to B.into C.for D.with()34.Is there a shop near here I can buy some postcards? A.where B.which C.when D.if()35.---Why don’t we go out for a drive this weekend?---.A.Yes, please B.I think so C.Yes, that’s all right D.That’s a good idea()36.He was sure that Mathilde lost her necklace in the palace on her way home.A.both, and B.not only, but also C.whether, or D.either, or()37.I’m sure he will come to see me before he abroad.A.go B.goes C.is going to D.will go()38.We together when we were young.A.were used to swim B.are used to swimming C.have been used to swim D.used to swim()39.---“ does Mr.Lee go to Shanghai on business?”---“At least twice a year.”

A.When B.How soon C.How often D.How long()40.Excuse me, Mrs.Jones.Would you mind me a favour? A.making B.doing C.to make D.to do()41.It is difficult to carry on the discussion with all this around us.A.voice B.noise C.sound D.nonsense()42.Some meat got rotten easily, ? A.didn’t they B.didn’t it C.wasn’t it D.weren’t they

()43.Every clerk finds pleasant to work under such a great and wise manager.A.that B.it C.this D.to be()44.You’d better.A.to have cut your hair B.to have your hair cut C.have your hair cut D.had cut your hair()45.She spoke too quickly.A.to understand B.to be understood C.not to understand D.not to be understood()46.“ I be home before supper?” “No, you needn’t.”

A.May B.Can C.Must D.Ought to()47.Yu must hand in your report tomorrow.A.two-thousand-word B.two-thousand-words C.two-thousands-word D.two-thousands word()48.He decided to visit the family Friday night.A.at B.on C.in D.over()49.Father gave him on how to choose his favorite specialty.A.an advice B.some advice C.advices D.the advice()50.Looking about the classroom, Petty was surprised to find she didn’t know of the students there.A.some B.any C.none D.every


第一节:完形填空 阅读下面的短文,并从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(每小题1分,共20分)

Once you have reached London , you can go 51 in taxis, buses, or by 52.I myself like the 53 , as it is rapid, easy and cheap.There are so many cars and buses in London that one 54 drive along the roads quickly 55 many stops.The underground is therefore usually quicker than taxis or buses.If you do not know London 56 , it is very difficult to find the bus you 57.You can take a taxi, but it is much more expensive 58 the underground or a bus.59 the underground you find good maps 60 tell you the names of the stations and 61 you how to get to them, so that it is easy to find your 62.Let us 63 that I have just arrived 64 London from France.My train stops at Cambridge.I, therefore, have to get from Victoria Station to Liverpool Street Station.If I have a lot of things to carry, I have to take a taxi, 65 , as I have already said, is much more expensive than a bus or the underground.If I have not many things to 66 , I can go 67 some stairs from Victoria Station to the underground station, 68 an electric train there and go 69 under the ground to Liverpool Street Station, where I will again come out 70 the light of day to continue my trip.()51.A.forward B.on C.ahead D.about()52.A.underground B.a underground C.an underground D.the underground()53.A.former B.earlier C.later D.latter()54.A.can B.cannot C.doesn’t enable to D.is able to()55.A.have B.haven’t C.with D.without()56.A.very good B.very well C.very little D.very many()57.A.take B.get C.want D.like()58.A.rather than B.to C.then D.than()59.A.On B.At C.Onto D.Into()50.A.which B.on which they C.in which they D.from which they()61.A.answer B.show C.teach D.explain to()62.A.street B.road C.way D.address()63.A.think B.suggest C.propose D.suppose()64.A.for B.to C.on D.in()65.A.what B.which C.that D.where()66.A.carry B.carrying C.be carrying D.carried()67.A.down B.downward C.down in D.down on()68.A.enter B.enter in C.enter on D.enter onto()69.A.to B.at C.along D.from()70.A.for B.onto C.at D.into 第二节:阅读理解 认真阅读以下五篇短文,阅读后,请选出各篇短文后试题的正确答案(每题2分,共50分)

(1)In the United States, 30 percent of the grown-up population has a “weight problem”.To many people the cause is clear: we eat too much.But scientific

experiments do little to support this idea.Going back to the America of 1910, we find that people were thinner than today, yet they ate more food.In those days people worked harder physically, walked more, used machine much less, and didn’t watch television.Several modern studies, besides, have shown that fatter people do not eat more on average than thinner people.In fact, some research work, such as 1979 study of 3,545 London office workers, reports that fat people eat less than thinner people on the average.Studies show that thin people are more active than fat people.A study by the research group at Standford University School of Medicine found the following interesting fact;The more the man ran, the greater body fat he lost.The more he ran, the greater was his need for food.Thus, those who ran the most ate the most, yet lost the greatest amount of body fat.()71.What kind of physical problem do many grown –up Americans have? A.They are too thin.B.They work too hard.C.They are too fat.D.They lose too much body fat.()72.Based on the information given in this article, suppose there are 500 Americans, about how many of them will have a weight problem? A.30 B.50 C.100 D.150()73.Are there scientific facts to support that eating too much is the cause of the “weight problem”?

A.Yes, there are plenty of them.B.Of course, there are facts to show this is true.C.There are hardly any scientific facts to support this.D.We don’t know because the information is not given.()74.Compared with the grown-up Americans today, the Americans of 1910 A.ate more food and had more physical activities.B.ate less food but had more activities.C.ate less food and had less physical exercise.D.had more weight problems.()75.What have modern medical and scientific researchers reported to us? A.Fat people eat less food and are less active.B.Fat people eat more food and are more active.C.Fat people eat more food but are less active.D.Thin people run less, but eat more food.(2)Geriatrics is a new branch of medicine that studies diseases of older people.In the past one hundred years medical science has become successful in conquering many diseases that used to kill large numbers of people.As a result many more people are living today in the older age groups.These large groups of older people have

their own medical problems, and the study and treatment of these is called geriatrics(老年病学).The doctor who specializes in them is a geriatrician.Of course older people have many of the same diseases as younger people, but they are more likely to get some diseases and less likely to get others;so the geriatrician specializes in the diseases that older people are most likely to have trouble with.These are diseases that have something to do with parts, or organs(器官), of the body which may gradually wear out.Mainly it is the veins(静脉)and arteries(动脉),or blood vessels(血管), that wear out in such places as the heart(causing heart trouble), or the brain(causing cerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding within the brain).Cancer(癌)is another disease studied by geriatrics because it is often caused by long wear and irritation in different parts of the body.Also, there is mental disease that can be caused by the wearing out of blood vessels of the brain in older people.It is like mental disease in younger people except that they usually cannot remember things, or think clearly.In all disease of geriatrics older people need much care and attention.()76.Geriatrics is.A.the study of the illnesses that affect old people and the methods of treating them B.the medical problems of old age C.a kind of diseases of old people D.a kind of new medicine()77.In the second sentence, “conquering” means.A.getting control of B.studying C.discovering D.fighting against()78.Cerebral hemorrhage is.A.serous bleeding from broken blood vessels inside a person’s brain B.a disease caused by bleeding within the brain C.a mental disease D.a cancer()79.who get mental illness usually cannot remember things.A.Younger people B.Older people C.Women D.Men()80.From this article we can know that.A.organs of older people may wear out easily B.the wearing out of the organs can be easily broken C.the wearing out of the organs can cause a lot of diseases D.diseases of older people are mainly caused by organs of the boby.(3)One cold afternoon is 1937 a football game was taking place.The players were students at Harard University, near Boston, in the United States of America.American football is a rough game in which it is easy to get hurt.The players are usually strong, solid young men, but on this occasion one player was tall and thin.He wasn’t really strong enough for football.But he was keen to succeed in spite

of that.He loved outdoor games and played most of them well.Whatever he did, he did with all his heart.He was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.Twenty-three years later he would become President of the United States.()81.The players are easy to get hurt in American football game because.A.the game is very rough B.the players are young C.the weather is cold D.some players are not strong()82.The following statements are true about Kennedy except.A.he was interested in outdoor games B.he once studied at Harward university C.he was tall and strong enough to be a football player D.he was once elected president of the U.S.()83.According to the passage, and young men seemed to be more fit to be football players.A.tall, thin B.strong, solid C.short, fat D.heavy, keen()84.The sentence “he was keen to succeed in spite of that” means.A.he was sharp and quick to succeed though he was tall B.he was brave and strong to succeed though he was thin C.he was important and clever to succeed though he was not strong D.he was active and eager to succeed though he was not heavy()85.When the author says “Whatever he did, he did with all his heart.” He wants to imply(暗示)Kennedy was a man.A.warm-hearted B.serious C.active D.quiet

(4)Jack Hawkins was the football coach at an American college, and he was always trying to find good players, but they weren’t always accepted by the college.One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the dean(教务长)of the college and asked for admission(可以进入)without taking an examination.“Well,” the dean said after thinking for a while, “I’d better ask him a few questions first.”

Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn’t know any of the answer.At last he said, “Well, what’s five times seven?”

The student thought for a long time and then answered, “Thirty-six.” The dean who was very serious and strict in his work, threw up his hands and looked at the coach hopelessly, but the coach said earnestly(认真地)“Oh, please let him in, sir!He was only wrong by two.”

()86.In this passage the writer told us that.A.none of the sportsmen is not good at arithmetic B.though the player was good at sports, he was too poor at arithmetic C.it was always difficult for best sportsmen to enter colleges

D.the coach was very strict in his work()87.It is true that.A.the college would accept all the students who came out at the top in sports B.the coach didn’t think the player made a great mistake C.the dean completely agreed to the coach’s suggestion

D.the coach hoped the player could graduate from the college without an exam()88.“The dean threw up his hands….” suggests that.A.he wanted to stop the talk B.he could not help the coach any more C.the player had already passed the examination D.the player’s answer made the dean unhappy()89.What do we know about the coach? A.He had little knowledge of arithmetic.B.He was an excellent football coach.C.He was strict with his players.D.He was satisfied with the player’s answer.()90.Which of the following might have happened after that? A.The coach succeeded in accepting the player.B.The player was thankful to the coach for his help.C.The dean could do nothing but give in.D.The student failed to enter the college.(5)My father, at the death of his father, was six years old, and he grew up without education.He moved from Kentucky to Indiana when I was seven.We reached our new home about the time the state came into the Union.It was a wild area, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods.I grew up there.There were some so-called schools.but what was required of a teacher never went beyond “reading, writing, and adding.” If a stranger supposed to understand Latin happened to.Live for a time in the area, he was looked on as a wizard.There was simply nothing to excite a desire for education.Of course, when I grew up, I did not know much.Still, somehow, I could read, write, and add, but that was all.The advance I have now made is upon this store of education, which I have picked up under the pressure of necessity.()91.When the writer was a child,.A.his grandfather died in the state of Kentucky B.his family settled down in the country of Indiana C.Kentucky joined the Union as a member state D.his family had to move from place to place()92.When the writer was seven , his family moved to an area where.A.educated people were greatly respected B.only a few had a knowledge of Latin

C.people were often attacked by wild animals D.the land had yet to be farmed()93.The schools in the area.A.were of poor quality B.offered many kinds of subjects C.respected those who knew Latin

D.hired teachers good at reading, writing, and adding()94.How did the writer look at his early education? A.He believed he met the school requirement.B.He thought he was well-educated.C.He thought it was not satisfactory D.He believed he was poorly educated.()95.At the time he wrote, the writer.A.had to learn to read , write and add.B.found it necessary to receive advanced education C.was probably fairly well-educated.D.was dissatisfied with his level of education

第二篇:高三英语 复习资料2


一 根据下图所示写一篇作文,字数: 100字至120字左右 注意:开头语已为你写好

Do you know anything about my family? 【范文精选】

One possible version: Do you know anything about my family? Believe it or not, my father is simply like the sun, while my mother is like the moon.You may be puzzled at my words,.As you know, I have a lot of homework to do as a pupil.But what surprises you most is that my father is always standing behind me with a duster, which is frightening.In the evening, my father goes to bed to have a sound sleep, while my mother comes to stay with me, watching me working as hard as in the day.But the difference between them is that she is tend to me with many fruits to reward me.They relax themselves by turns but I have to work from morning till night.It is unfair.二、看对照表格写调查报告(孩子出国利弊)

[调查内容] A survey is taken on public opinions of the fact that many parents spend a large amount of money sending their children to study abroad, some of whom are middle school students.[调查结果]From it we can see that 38 percent of those surveyed think it is worth the money letting children study abroad to get a better education so that they can get pay in return in the future.However, not all are for it / some are against it.62% of them hold the view that it is difficult for young people to live and study in a foreign country.It’s easy for them to fall / get into some bad habits and the cost of education in another country is ten times as much as that at home.[解决措施]The survey shows that the government should set up different kinds of schools to meet the demands of different children.(句型do something /take measures / steps about sth.to do sth)

三近日你所在的学校开展了“为建设节约型社会献一计”主题活动,同学们提出了许多建议。请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇短文向English Horizons杂志编辑部投稿: 有人建议

1.不浪费粮食和纸张 2.尽量不使用方便筷、塑料袋 3.毕业生将书赠给低年级同学循环使用?

注意:1.不要逐字翻译,可适当增加细节;2.词数:120字左右,开头已经为你写好,不计入总词数;3.参考词汇:方便筷disposable chopsticks Recently,there has been an activity of “doing your bit for an energy-saving society in our school.Our schoolmates are highly concerned about the increasing lack of energy and provide their own suggestions.Some students suggest that we shouldn’t waste any food or paper, though they appear very easy to get.Meanwhile, some other students think it advisable to refuse to use disposable chopsticks and plastic bags.Besides, it is also strongly recommended that those used textbooks as well as reference books of graduates, which are still in good condition, not be thrown but recycled Actually, there are still quite a lot that we can easily do: say, try to take buses or ride bicycles instead of driving cars, etc.All of these will definitely help to build an energy-saving society.


第一章 冠词

1._____ useful book is helpful to _____ artist.A.An,an B.A,a C.A,an D.An,a 译文:一本有用的书对艺术家很有帮助。

2.She likes to play ____ piano, but he likes to play _____ basketball.A.the,the B.a,/ C./,the D.the,/ 译文:她喜欢弹钢琴,但是他喜欢打篮球。

3.He often has _____ breakfast at 7:00 in _____ hurry.A.a,a B.a,/ C./,a D./,/ 译文:他经常在早上7:00钟匆匆忙忙地吃早饭。

4._____ United Kingdom is in _____ Europe.A.The,/ B.The,the C./,/ D./,the 译文:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国在欧洲。

5.The brave old woman seized a thief by _____ hand.A.a B.the C./ D.some 译文:那位勇敢的老妇人抓住了小偷的手。

6.By ____ way, when do you plan to go to _____ bed? A./,the B.the,/ C./,/ D.the ,the 译文:顺便问一下,你打算什么时候上床睡觉? 7.Last summer, we spent our holiday by ______ sea.We went there by _____ sea.A.the,/ B.the,the C./,the D./,/ 译文:上个夏天,我们在海边度假,我们是坐船去的。

8.Comrade Li is _____ chairman of the trade union of our department.A.the B.a C./ D.one 译文:李同志是我们系的工会主席。

9._____ from London to Liverpool!A.How long there is B.What a long way it is C.What distance is there D.How long is 译文:从伦敦到利物浦可真远呀!10.People dream of walking in _____ like astronauts one day.A.space B.spaces C.a space D.the space 译文:人们梦想有一天能像宇航员那样在太空中行走。

11._____ singer and _____ dancer has accepted the invitation.A.A, a B.The, the C.A, the D.The, / 译文:这位既是歌唱家又是舞蹈家的人接受了邀请。

12.They are learning _____ chemistry, _____ physics, but he likes learning _____ history of China.A./, the, / B.the, /, / C.the, /, / D./,/ ,the 译文:他们正在学习物理和化学,但是他喜欢学习中国历史。

13.Electricity is _____ most important energy.I think it is _____ most useful energy in the world.A.a,the B.the, a C.the, the D.a, a 译文:电力是一种重要的能源。我认为它是世界上最有用的能源。

答案:1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.A

第二章 名词

1.What wonderful _____ we live in!A.time B.times C.the time D.a time 译文:我们生活在一个多么精彩的年代呀!2._____ is a branch of _____ ,and it treats of lights.A.Optics(光学), physical B.Optic, physics C.Optics, physics D.Optic, physical 译文:光学是物理学的一个分支,它是讨论光的科学。

3.He gave us much good _____.Some _____ has already been made.A.advices, progress B.advice, progresses C.advice, progress D.advices, progresses 译文: 他给了我们许多建议,我们已经取得了一些进步。

4.His _____ dark blue.A.trousers is B.trousers are C.trouser is D.trouser are 译文:他的裤子是深蓝色的。

5.The Chinese _____ friendly to every foreign friend.A.are B.is C.has D.have 译文:中国人民对每一位外国朋友都很友好。

6.She has a few white _____.A.hairs B.hair C.any hair D.some hair 译文:她有几根白头发。

7.The _____ are dressed in variety of ways.A.audiences B.audience C.any audience D.some audiences 译文:观众穿着各式各样的服装。

8.How many _____ is it from here to there? A.foot B.feet C.foots D.mile 译文:从这里到那里有多少英尺? 9.She broke a _____ while she was washing up.A.glass wine B.wine glass C.glass of wine D.glass for wine 译文:当她洗东西的时候,打碎了一个酒杯。

10.The discovery ______ Columbus was quite an event in the world.A.in B.for C.of D.to 译文:哥伦布的发现是世界上一件相当有影响力的一件事。

11.That is ______.A.James and Mary father B.James and Mary's father C.James's and Mary's father D.James's and Mary father 译文:那是吉姆斯和玛丽的父亲。

12.Only last week I called at _____.A.my aunt B.my aunts' C.my aunt's D.mine aunt 译文:只有上个星期,我去了我姑姑家。

13.This post card is sent by _____.A.a friend of my father B.a friend of my father's C.my father friend D.my father friend's 译文:这张卡片是我父亲的一个朋友寄的。

14.The guard fired by _____.A.a hair's breadth B.a short head C.a long nose D.a long shot 译文:千钧一发之际,警卫开火了。

答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.A

第三章 代词

1.We found _____ very difficult for the children to understand what the chairman said at the meeting.A.that B.this C.it D.its 译文:我们发现,对孩子们来说,要理解主席在会上的发言是非常困难的。

2.They invited the three of us,_____.A.Bob, Joe, and I B.I, Bob, and Joe C.Bob, Joe, and me D.me, Bob, and Joe 译文:他们邀请了我们中的三个人,我,鲍勃和乔。

3.I took him to be _____.A.her B.she C.they D.them 译文:我把他当成她了。

4.My sister is three years younger than _____.A.me B.I C.my D.myself 译文:我妹妹比我小三岁。

5.The police hid _____ behind the building.A.himself B.themselves C.herself D.themself 译文:警察们藏身在那栋建筑之后。

6.Of the three men, one is from Paris, and _____ are from London.A.other two B.the other two C.two others D.others 译文:这三个人中一个来自巴黎,另两个来自伦敦。

7.Neither the boy nor his brother _____ what _____ talked about before.A.got…they B.gets…he C.got…he D.gets…they


8.Each boy and girl in the class _____ very hard.A.had studied B.study C.studying D.studies 译文:这个班上每个男生和女生学习都非常努力。

9.The moon has risen._____ looks very beautiful.A.She B.He C.It D.They 译文:月亮升起来了,它看上去很美。

10.Did he finish the homework all _____.A.by himself B.by him C.by his D.itself 译文:他是自己独立完成作业的吗? 11.The days in summer are longer than _____ in winter.A.that B.one C.those D.these 译文:夏天的白天比冬天的长。

12._____ of them can help you.A.Some B.Any C.Much D.Something 译文:他们中任一个人都能帮你。

13.All is well _____ ends well.A.this B.that C.which D.what 译文:结果好就一切都好。

14._____ is the house _____ I love very much.A.It…what B.It…that C.That…what D.That…that


15.Who is the man _____ is sitting by her side? A.who B.that C.which D.what 译文:坐在她身边的人是谁? 16.There are 3000 workers in the factory , most of _____ are women.A.who B.whom C.whose D.that 译文:厂里有3000名工人,其中大多数是女生。

17.She was beside _____ with joy.A.her B.herself C.she D.hers 译文:她欣喜若狂。

18.Such houses _____ he saw are both dirty and expensive.A.that B.this C.it D.as 译文:他见到的那种房子又脏又贵。

19.All ____ possibilities must be considered.A.so B.such C.this D.its 译文:所有种种可能性都必须考虑到。

20._____ men have rooms.A.Every B.All C.Both D.Each 译文:大家都有房子。

21.There're two apples here.You and Jack _____ won one.A.each B.both C.every D.all 译文:这儿有两个苹果。你和杰克一人一个。

22.“Did you go on many of the club's ski trips this year?” “No, _____.” A.little at all B.not much C.quite less D.very few 译文:“今年你参加了很多次俱乐部的滑雪活动吗?”“不,基本上没有。”

23._____ must try one's best to serve the people.A.One B.That C.It D.What 译文:一个人要尽全力来为人民服务。

24.Have _____ cup of tea? A.other B.another C.others D.the other 译文:再来一杯吗? 25.Everybody _____ they have a right to be here.A.thinks B.thinking C.think D.thought 译文:每个人都认为他们有权待在这里。26.He thought he was _____, but really he was _____.A.somebody…anybody B.somebody…nobody C.anybody…nobody D.anybody…somebody


27.It is shaped _____ like a ball.A.something B.anything C.some D.as 译文:那东西有些像球。

答案:1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.B 21.A 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.A 第四章 数词

1.There are about _____ people in the park on National Day.A.three hundred B.three hundreds C.three hundred of D.three hundred more 译文: 国庆节有大约三百人去了公园。

2.Flight Nineteen from New York is now arriving at _____.A.Gate two B.the gate two C.the two gate D.second gate 译文: 从纽约飞来的19次航班现在到达第二门。

3.This big steel plant has _____ workers.A.a thousand of B.thousand C.thousands D.thousands of 译文:这家大型钢铁厂有成千上万的工人。

4.The homework for today is to write _____ about your hometown.A.a five-hundred-word composition B.a five-hundred-words composition C.a five-hundreds-word composition D.a five-hundreds-words composition 译文:今天的家庭作业是写一篇500字左右介绍你家乡的作文。

5.Some _____ the population of the town are peasants.A.seventy percent B.seventy percent of C.percent seventy D.seventy percents of 译文:这个小城百分之七十的人都是农民。

6.He has spent a large _____ of money in his new house.A.deal B.amount C.number D.piece 译文:他在新家上花了不少钱。

7._____ teachers came to our party.A.A number of B.The number C.An amount D.The amount 译文:许多老师参加了我们的晚会。

8.I visited Shengli Oil Field _____.A.in the spring 1991 B.spring 1991 C.the spring , 1991 D.in the spring of 1991 译文:我是1991年春天参观的胜利油田。

答案:1.A 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D

第五章 介词

1.He wants to know something _____ the training machine.A.at B.by C.about D.to 译文:他想知道一些有关培训机器的事情。

2.Swimmers from time to time keep their heads _____ the water.A.on B.above C.below D.down 译文:游泳的人不时地把头露出水面。

3.A bridge was laid _____ the river.A.through B.over C.across D.cross 译文:河上修了一座大桥。

4.We will discuss the lecture _____ lunch.A.for B.after C.in D.with 译文:我们将要在午饭后讨论报告的问题。

5.She was dozing with her back _____ the chair.A.against B.on C.at D.near 译文:她背靠在椅子上打盹。

6.The road runs _____ the river.A.around B.through C.at D.along 译文:这条路沿着这条河。

7.We will be _____ home tomorrow if you'd like to call.A.in B.in the C.at D.at the 译文:你如果想打电话的话,我们明天在家。

8.I will meet you again _____ the weekend.A.by B.on C.for D.at 译文:我这个周末还能见到你。

9.John may win the first prize.He has started _____ the speed of 80 miles.A.at B.of C.on D.in 译文:约翰可能会得第一名,他的速度已经是80里了。

10._____ its cost, the plan is a good one.A.Aside B.Apart C.Apart from D.For 译文:除了成本之外,这个计划还是很好的。

11.The term ends _____ July.A.on B.before C.between D.at 译文:学期七月之前结束。

12._____ English, he knows French and German.A.Beside B.Besides C.Except D.Except that 译文:除了英语,他还会说法语和德语。

13.We usually have sports _____ 4 o'clock and 5 o'clock in the afternoon.A.among B.in C.for D.between 译文:我们通常在下午四点到五点进行体育锻炼。

14.The house lies _____ the woods.A.beyond B.at C.besides D.on 译文:这栋房子在森林的那一边。15.I came here _____ Tom's car, not _____ sea.A.by, by B.in, on C.in, by D.in, at 译文:我是坐汤姆的车来的,不是坐船来的。

16.He has not been teaching here _____ ten years.A.in B.for C.with D.beyond 译文:他已经十年没有教过书了。

17.“I haven't seen Mary these days.” “She has been absent _____ school for two weeks.” A.to B.in C.at D.from 译文:“我好几天没见到玛丽了。”“她已经两个礼拜没来上学了。”

18.Come and see me _____ two day's time.A.for B.after C.in D.during 译文:两天后来看我吧。

19.Should typing be introduced _____ the curriculum? A.into B.for C.by D.with 译文:打字课能加到课程里去吗? 20.Spending the money, he felt _____.A.as if a wealthy man B.as though a wealthy man C.as a man of wealthy D.like a wealthy man 译文:花着这些钱,他感觉好像一个富人。

21.“Will Eddie use his brother's bicycle?” “No, he wants one _____.” A.for him B.of his own C.his alone D.only of himself 译文:“埃迪用他哥哥的自行车吗?”“不,他想有一辆自己的。”

22.She got _____ the bus when it reached the stop.A.off B.of C.in D.at 译文:当汽车到站的时候,她下车了。

23.It happened _____ the morning of the 4th.A.at B.on C.in D.from 译文:这件事发生在4号的早上。

24.It has been _____ a year since we last heard from him.A.for B.before C.over D.after 译文:距离上次我们收到他的来信已经一年多了。

25.The teacher is very good _____ the children A.to B.at C.for D.with 译文:老师对孩子们特别的好。

26.She is _____ treatment at the hospital.A.to B.as C.for D.under 译文:她正在医院接受治疗。

27.The children are gazing at the squirrel _____ the tree.A.on B.at C.from D.up 译文:这个孩子盯着树上一只向上爬的松鼠。

28._____ all the representatives still not there, the meeting was postponed for several months.A.Without B.With C.By D.Because 译文:因为有代表缺席,所以会议被延后几个月举行。

29.She left the classroom _____ saying a word.A.that B.not C.for D.without 译文:她没说一句话离开了教室。

30.His death was _____ heart disease.A.for B.due to C.in D.on 译文:他死于心脏病。

31.He improved his spoken English _____.A.by the way B.on the way C.by the means D.in a way 译文:他通过这种方式提高了他的口语水平。

32.The judge set out together with them _____ the lost animal.A.in search for B.in a search of C.in search of D.looked for 译文:那个法官跟他们一起出发去找那头失踪的骆驼了。

答案:1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.D 21.B 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.A 26.D 27.D 28.B 29.D 30.B 31.C 32.C

第六章 形容词和副词

1.There is a _____ cup on the table.A.nice new big B.new big nice C.nice big new D.new nice big 译文: 桌上有一只又大又漂亮的新杯子。

2.______ can get it.A.Intelligent anyone B.Anyone intelligent C.Someone intelligent D.Intelligent someone 译文: 任何一个聪明人都能明白。

3.You often study _____.A.very hard this term here B.here very hard this term C.very hard here this term D.this term very hard here 译文: 这学期你在这里常常很用功。

4.He is _____ to do this job.A.so young B.too young C.such young D.very young 译文: 他太年轻了,做不了这项工作。

5.They _____.A.a little helped me B.helped me a little C.helped a little me D.helped me little 译文: 他们帮了我一把。

6.He has never again written _____ as his first one.A.so good a book B.so a good book C.a good book so D.a so good book 译文: 他再也没有写过一本像第一本那样的好书。

7.You can not praise the play _____ highly.A.so B.such C.too D.rather 译文: 这出戏你无论怎么赞扬都不过分。8.He is rich,_____ he is not happy.A.still B.so C.that D.and 译文: 他很富有,可是他并不快乐。

9.I'm afraid that your shoes _____ traveling..A.unfit for B.was unfitted for C.are unfit for D.are unfit 译文: 他们声称这所房屋不宜居住。

10._____ no one took a rest.A.Nearly B.Hardly C.Scarcely D.Almost 译文: 几乎没有人休息。

11.His father is very busy, so he is _____ not at home on Sundays.A.hardly B.mostly C.almost D.most 译文: 他的父亲很忙,所以星期天几乎都不在家。

12.American is an _____ country.A.speaking-English B.English-speaking C.spoken-English D.English-spoken 译文: 美国是个说英语的国家。

13.“How do you feel this film?” “Oh, I've never seen a _____ film as wonderful as that.” A.more moved B.most moving C.more moving D.most moved 译文: “你觉得这部电影怎么样?”“哦,我从没看过这么精彩的电影。”

14.They moved away from Beijing.They don't live there _____.A.again B.any longer C.once more D.either 译文: 他们搬离北京了。他们现在不住在那里了。

15.He is very clever.And he is _____ that girl.A.no more than B.not more than C.no less than D.not less than 译文: 他很聪明。他不像那个女孩那么笨。

16.We are _____ glad to hear the good news.A.no more than B.more than C.not more than D.less than 译文: 我们听到这一好消息,感到非常高兴。

17.He came all the way to China for promoting friendship _____ for making money A.other than B.more than C.better than D.rather than 译文: 他千方百计的去了中国,更多的是为了升级友谊而不是为了赚钱。

18._____ in Form 3 is the cleverest.A.Smallest boy B.Smallest of boy C.The smallest boy D.The smallest of the boys 译文: 第三组中那个最小的男孩是最聪明的。

19._____ in the class is very naughty.A.The biggest of the boys B.Biggest of the boy C.The biggest in the boys D.Biggest in the boys 译文: 这些男孩中最大的那个很顽皮。

20.Kansas is _____ states in America's mid-west.A.one of the flattest B.the flattest C.as flatter as D.flattest of the 译文: Kansas州是美国最平坦的州之一。21.My _____ sister is a college student.She is two years _____ than I.A.older…elder B.elder…older C.elder…elder D.older…older

译文: 我姐姐是个大学生。她比我大两岁。

22.The sky was overcast, it looked _____.A.liked rain B.like raining C.liked raining D.like rain 译文: 天气很阴暗,看上去像是要下雨了。

23.China will be a _____ country in the middle of this century.A.high-developing B.high-developed C.highly-develop D.highly-developed 译文: 中国在这个世纪的中叶将成为高度发达的国家。

24.“_____ to deliver this letter to the secretary?” A.Would you be so kind B.Would you be as kind C.Would you be as kind as D.Would you be so kind as 译文: 你能把这封信交给秘书吗? 25.How long ago _____ in London? A.did he arrive B.does he arrive C.could he arrive D.has he arrive 译文: 你多久前来过伦敦? 26.The dog is still wet.It _____ out of the rain.A.only just comes B.has only just coming C.was only just come D.has only just come 译文: 这只狗的全身都湿了。它刚刚从雨中跑回来。

27._____ never cared much for Dickens.A.It is strangely enough that I have B.Strange enough, I had C.Strangely enough, I have D.Strangely enough, I had 译文: 很奇怪的是,我从来没有留意过狄更斯。

28.Many people cannot swim, I _____.A.can either B.can't either C.can not too D.can too 译文: 很多人不会游泳,我也不会。

29.Are you _____ tired? A.none B.very C.much D.many 译文: 你很累了吗? 30.This is _____ opportunity to be lost.A.too good B.too a good C.too good an D.a too good 译文: 这是一个不容错过的良机。

31._____ he was only an hour late;don't be so upset.A.All after B.Always after C.Afterward D.After all 译文: 毕竟他只晚了一个小时,别那么不耐烦。

答案:1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.A 21.A 22.B 23.B 24.D 25.A 26.D 27.C 28.B 29.B 30.C 31.D

第七章 简单句 1.“_____ is your brother?” “He is a teacher.” A.Who B.Which C.How D.What 译文:“你哥哥是干什么工作的?”“他是一名教师。”

2.“_____ is the weather like today?” “It is cloudy.” A.What B.How C.Which D.Why 译文:“今天天气怎么样?”“多云。”

3.“_____ shoes do you take?” “Size 42.” A.How many B.What color C.What number D.What size 译文:“你穿多大号的鞋?”“42号。”

4._____ is the population of this country? A.How much B.How many C.What D.How 译文:这个国家的人口是多少? 5._____ is the distance between Beijing and Shanghai? A.How far B.How C.What D.What about 译文:北京到上海之间有多远? 6._____ is your pencil-box? A.What color B.How color C.It's color D.Which color 译文:你的文具盒是什么颜色的? 7.“How _____ do you go to your aunt's?” “Once a month.” A.long B.far C.often D.soon 译文:“你多长时间去探望你的姑妈一次?”“一个月一次。”

8.“Would you rather go there by train or by bus?” “_____.” A.Yes, I would B.No, I wouldn't C.Yes, by bus D.By bus 译文:“你是想坐火车还是公共汽车?”“坐公共汽车。”

答案:1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D

第八章 祈使句

1._____ your eyes before you enter the room.A.Close B.Closed C.To close D.Closing 译文:进入这间房间前闭上眼睛。

2._____ sit so near to the TV set.A.Not B.Not to C.Don't D.Be not 译文:别坐在离电视机那么近的地方。

3.Let's _____ out for a walk.A.not to go B.not go C.don't go D.go not 译文:我们别出去散步了。

答案:1.A 2.C 3.B

第九章 感叹句 1._____ difficult problem they have solved!A.What an B.What a C.How a D.How an 译文:他们解决了一个多么难的问题呀!2._____ the city is!A.Beautiful B.Beautifully C.How beautiful D.A beautiful 译文:这座城市真漂亮!3._____ city Harbin is!A.How beautiful a B.What beautiful C.What beautiful a D.How a beautiful 译文:哈尔滨是多漂亮的一座城市呀!答案:1.B 2.C 3.A

第十章 反意问句

1.Comrade Li is a Party member, _____? A.is he B.isn't he C.is not he D.doesn't he 译文:李同志是一名党员,不是吗? 2.It seldom snows in Kunming, _____? A.isn't it B.does it C.doesn't D.is it 译文:昆明很少下雪,是吗? 3.“They aren't reading now, are they?” “_____.” A.Yes, they are not B.No, they were C.Yes, they are D.They aren't 译文:“他们没有在读书,是吗?”“不,他们在读书。”

4.You haven't forgotten what the teacher asked us to do for homework, _____? A.didn't you B.have you C.did he D.haven't you 译文:你没有忘记老师告诉我们怎么做家庭作业,是吗? 5.He had a wonderful supper last night, _____? A.did he B.had he C.hadn't he D.didn't he 译文:他昨晚吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐,不是吗? 6.Nothing has gone wrong, _____? A.has this B.has it C.did it D.does it 译文:没有什么出错,是吗? 7.The girl dare not stay in this room alone, ____? A.dare she B.dare not she C.does she D.doesn't he 译文:这个女孩不敢一个人呆在屋子里,是吗? 8.I ought to post these letters now, _____? A.ought I B.oughtn't I C.shall I D.can I 译文:我现在应该把这些信寄了,不是吗? 9.We'd better get doing, _____? A.wouldn't we B.hadn't we C.shouldn't we D.shan't we 译文:我们最好开始干了,不是吗? 10.I wish to come tomorrow, _____? A.may I B.would I C.can I D.have I 译文:我希望明天来,好吗? 11.What a fine day, _____? A.isn't it B.is it C.isn't she D.is she 译文:天气真好呀,不是吗? 12.Carry this heavy box for me, _____? A.can't you B.shan't you C.wont' you D.don't you 译文:帮我抬一下这个重盒子,好吗? 13.She can't be a college student, _____? A.can she B.is she C.can't she D.isn't she 译文:她不可能是一名大学生,是吗? 14.What you said is very important, _____? A.don't you B.doesn't you C.are you D.isn't it 译文:你说的话非常重要,对吧? 答案:1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D

第十二章 It 句型

1.Our team won the match.Have you heard about _____? A.this B.that C.it D.them 译文:我们队赢得了比赛。你听说这个消息了吗? 2._____ will take you a long time to do this job.A.That B.This C.It D.Its 译文:做这项工作要花费很长的一段时间。

3.I found ____ to know her.A.that difficult B.it difficult C.that difficulty D.it difficulty 译文:我发现很难去了解她。

4.What _____ you want me to do? A.it is B.that C.is this D.is it that 译文:你到底想要我做些什么? 答案:1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D

第十三章 并列连词

1.He made a mistake _____ a big one.A.or B.and C.but D.nor 译文:他犯了个错误,而且是个大错误。

2.We must get rid of carelessness, _____ it often leads to errors.A.and B.for C.but D.thus 译文:我们一定要克服粗心大意,因为粗心常常导致出错。

3.The elephant isn't like a wall, _____ a spear.A.and B.so C.or D.nor 译文:大象既不像一堵墙,也不像一支矛。

4.It looked like rain yesterday._____, it is clear this morning.A.Otherwise B.Or C.But D.However 译文:昨天看上去好像要下雨。然而今天早上天晴了。

5.I was wandering through the streets _____ I caught sight of a tailor's shop.A.when B.while C.as D.as soon as 译文:我正在街上闲逛,突然看见一家裁缝店。

6.You like sports _____ I'd like to read.A.when B.while C.but D.yet 译文:你喜欢运动,而我喜欢读书。

7.He _____ his students went to visit the Great Wall.A.as well B.as well as C.altogether D.together 译文:他和学生们一起参观了长城。

8.Don't stand by the gate, _____ you come in _____ you go out to play.A.either…or B.neither…nor C.not only…but also D.not…but


9._____ does he write well, _____ he speaks well.A.Not…but B.Neither…nor C.Either…or D.Not only…but also


10._____ many times, but he still made the same mistake.A.Having been told B.He had been told C.Being told D.Though he had been told 译文:大家已经说过他好多次了,他还是犯同样的错误。

11.We want _____ high speed _____ good quality.A.both…and B.either…or C.neither…nor D.not only…but also


答案:1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A

第十四章 主谓一致

1.Every _____ been tried but without much result.A.means have B.means has C.mean has D.mean have 译文:各种办法都试过了,可是没有多大的效果。

2.All that can be eaten _____ eaten up.A.have been B.had been C.has been D.are being 译文:所有能吃的东西都吃光了。

3.Many a student _____ that mistake before.A.had made B.has been made C.have made D.has made 译文:不止一个学生犯过这个错误。

4.The students in our school each _____ an English dictionary.A.are having B.had C.has D.have 译文:我们学校的学生人手一本英语字典。

5.Neither he nor I _____ for the plan.A.were B.is C.are D.am 译文:他没有这个打算,我也没有。6.A singer and dancer _____ our evening.A.attends B.attend C.attending D.had attended 译文:一位歌手兼舞蹈家参加了我们的晚会。

7.Between the two buildings _____ a monument.A.is standing B.standing C.stands D.stand 译文:两楼之间耸立着一座纪念碑。

8.The police _____ a prisoner.A.is searching for B.are searching for C.is searching D.has searching for 译文:警察正在搜寻逃犯。

9.Much of this data _____ conclusive.A.are B.is C.have been D.has been 译文:这个数据中的大部分是决定性的。

10.Half of the apples _____ bad.A.go B.goes C.is gone D.has gone 译文:有一半的苹果坏了。

11.No one except Jack and Tom _____ the answer.A.know B.knows C.is knowing D.are known 译文:除了杰克和汤姆,没有人知道答案。

12.The number of the people who _____ cars _____ increasing.A.owns…are B.owns…is C.own…is D.own…are


13.The rest of the novel _____ very interesting.A.were B.are C.is D.seem 译文:这本小说的余下部分非常有趣。

14.The sick _____ good care of in the hospital.A.is taken B.are being taken C.are taking D.is being taken 译文:病人在这家医院得到了很好的照顾。

15.The pair of shoes _____ worn out A.was B.were C.have been D.had been 译文:这双鞋破了。

16.Fifteen minus three ____ twelve.A.makes B.make C.is making D.are making 译文:15减3等于12。

17.Laying eggs _____ the ant queen's full-time job.A.is B.are C.has D.have 译文:产卵是蚁后的全职工作。

18.Ten thousands dollars ______ a large sum of money.A.are B.is C.were D.seem 译文:两千美元是一笔很大的数目。

19.When and where to build the new factory _____ yet.A.has not decided B.is not decided C.are not decided D.have not decided 译文:何时何地修建这座新工厂还没有决定下来。

20.There _____ two different forms of the same thing.A.is B.have C.are D.has 译文:这些是同一事物的两种不同的形式。

21.The tales of Shakespeare ______ written by Charles Lamb.A.has B.have C.were D.was 译文:莎士比亚故事是由查尔斯·兰姆所写。

22.No teacher and no student ____ admitted.A.are B.were C.is D.has 译文:没有老师也没有学生允许进入。

答案:1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C 21.D 22.C

第十六章 复合句


1.It doesn't matter _____ I rest or not.A.if B.whether C.that D.when 译文:我是否休息了并不要紧。

2._____ the scientist will give us a lecture next week is true.A.Where B.When C.That D.Who 译文:科学家将给我们作报告的事是真的。

3._____ nothing to do with us.A.What he did is B.What he has done C.What did he do D.What he has done has 译文:他做了什么与我们无关。

4.It is unknown _____ did the job.A.whoever B.who C.whether D.how 译文:不清楚这活是谁干的。

5._____ the little baby goes or stays at home is nothing to do with me.A.If B.When C.That D.Whether 译文:这个小婴孩是去还是留在家里与我无关。

答案:1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 宾语从句

1.She wanted to know _____.A.whether I knew her and where she worked B.if I knew her and the factory she worked there C.whether I knew her and the factory she worked D.if I knew her and the factory where she worked 译文:她想知道我是否认识她和她工作的工厂。

2.Finding _____ it was written in Chinese, which Tom didn't understand at all, he put it in his pocket.A.how B.what C.for D.that 译文:汤姆发现那本书是用中文写的,中文他一点不懂,他把它放进了口袋里。

3.I'm sure _____ he has gone to Beijing.A.for B.as C.that D.since 译文:我确信他去了北京。

4.Can you tell me _____ the railway station? A.how I can get to B.how can I get to C.where I can get to D.what is she getting along 译文:你能告诉我该怎么去火车站吗? 5.Computers can only give out _____ has been stored in them.A.that B.which C.what D.anything 译文:计算机只能提供贮存在里面的信息。

6.He always thinks _____ he can do more for the people.A.of how B.how C.of that D.why 译文:他总在考虑怎样为人民做的更多。

7.I wonder _____ these shoes cost.A.how much B.how many C.how long D.how often 译文:我想知道这些鞋子值多少钱。

8.Everything depends on _____ we have enough money.A.whether B.if C.that D.why 译文:一切都取决于我们是否有足够的钱。

9.We think it certain _____ he will pass the exam.A.whether B.what C.that D.which 译文:我们确信他能通过考试。

答案:1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.C 同位语从句

1.The fact _____ he is an orphan is well know.A.what B.that C.when D./ 译文:他是孤儿的事实众所周知。

2.They just discussed the question _____ he would go or not.A.that B.whether C.if D.which 译文:他们刚刚讨论了他应不应该去的问题。

答案:1.B 2.B 表语从句

1.The problem is _____ will go.A.that B.that who C.who D.whoever 译文:问题是谁去呢。

2.He raised his hand _____ he would take off his hat.A.like B.appear C.as if D.even though 译文:他举起他的手,仿佛要摘掉他的帽子。

3.The reason I plan to go is _____ if I don't.A.because she will be disappointed B.that she will be disappointed C.because she will have a disappointment D.on account of she will be disappointed 译文:我打算去是因为如果我不去,她会失望的。

答案:1.C 2.C 3.B what从句 1.We found _____ difficult to understand.A.what he said B.which he said C.that he said D.where he said 译文:我发现他的话很难理解。

2.I am pleased with ____ you have given me and _____ you have told me.A.all what…that B.which…about whatever C.what…all that D.what…that


3.Mather asked _____.A.what was the wrong B.what the matter was C.what matte was D.what was the matter 译文:妈妈问我出什么事了。

4.Do you know _____ medicine he has just taken? A.which B.what C.that D.whose 译文:你知道他刚才吃的是什么药吗? 5._____ I have will be yours sooner or later.A.No matter what B.No matter whatever C.Whatever D.That 译文:我所有的东西迟早都是你的。

答案:1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C

第十七章 定语从句

1.The boy _____ told you the news just now is our monitor.A.who B.whose C.which D.he 译文:刚才告诉你这条新闻的男孩是我们的班长。

2.There are a lot of poor babies _____ the students plan to help.A.who B.whose C.whom D.which 译文:这里有许多学生们打算援助的穷孩子。

3.The old man _____ was found by the police.A.you were looking for him B.who you were looking for C.you were looking for D.whom you were looking 译文:你们要找的那位老人被警察找到了。

4.The boy didn't know the pronunciation of the word _____ the teacher asked him.A./ B.who C.in which D.which 译文:那个男孩根本就不知道老师问他的那个单词的发音。

5.The factory _____ I visited is a radio factory.A.in which B.to which C.which D.where 译文:我参观的那家工厂是一座收音机厂。

6.I'll remember those days _____ we spent together.A.when B.in which C.in that D.which 译文:我会永远记住我们在一起的这段日子。

7.Mrs.Nolan will move into her new house next Monday, _____ it will be completely furnished.A.by which time B.by that time C.by this time D.by the time 译文:罗兰夫人下星期一要搬到她的新家去了,在那个时间之前,装修已经完成了。

8.There is no dictionary _____ you can find this word.A.in it B.in which C.in that D.where 译文:没有字典能找到这个词。

9.The citizens, _____, welcomed the new mayor.A.most of them were workers B.most of whom were workers C.most of whose were workers D.most of who were workers 译文:市民们,大多数是工人,欢迎新市长。

10.You can read any book _____ is in the book shop.A.which B.where C.that D.in which 译文:你可以在这间书店里随便读书。

11.He wants to know the exact time _____ the train starts.A.that B.where C.which D.what 译文:他想知道火车开动的具体时间。

12.Don't talk about such things _____ you do not understand.A.that B.which C.as D.those 译文:不要谈论你根本不懂的事情。

13.She is reading the same book _____ she read in the book shop yesterday.A.that B.what C.which D.where 译文:她现在读的那本书正是昨天她在书店里看的那本书。

14.She finished the work, _____ we expected.A.that B.when C.as D.which 译文:正如我们所料的那样,她完成了这项工作。

15._____ we know, there is less of rain in Beijing in spring.A.As well as B.So long as C.So far as D.So far 译文:正如我们知道的那样,北京的春天少雨。

16._____, Taiwan is a part of China.A.As is well known B.It is well known C.As we all know that D.We all know 译文:众所周知,台湾是中国领土的一部分。

17.Tom is very lucky _____ girlfriend is very beautiful.A.which B.of which C.whose D.that 译文:汤姆非常幸运,他的女朋友很漂亮。

18.Bamboo grows well _____ it is warm and wet all the year A.in the place B.in the place where C.the place where D.in which 译文:竹子在一年四季温暖、潮湿的地方生长的很好。

19.I often remember the days _____ I lived in the countryside.A.which B.when C.where D.that 译文:我经常想起住在农村的那段时光。

20.The reason _____ she became mad is that she failed in business.A.that B.which C.why D.in which 译文:她发疯的原因是因为她生意失败。

21.You should change the way _____ you talk to your father.A.which B.by which C.in that D./ 译文:你应该改变跟你父亲说话的方式。

22.Is this book _____ he borrowed from you the other day? A.that B.one C.which D.the one 译文:这本书是那天他从你这里借走的那本吗? 23.The young people who _____ my neighbors usually help me to do some physical labors.A.is B.am C.are D.will be 译文:这些年轻小伙子是我的邻居,他们经常帮助我干一些体力活。

24.Mr.Zhang gave the textbook to all the pupils, except _____ who had already taken them.A.these B.ones C.the ones D.the others 译文:除了那些已经拿了课本的学生,张老师把课本发给了所有的学生。

25.The sun heats the earth, _____ is very important to living things.A.that B.what C.where D.which 译文:太阳使大地热起来,这对于生物很重要。

26._____ gets the job will have a lot of work to do.A.Who B.Someone C.Whoever D.Anyone 译文:无论是谁接受了这项工作,都会有很多工作去做。

27.He has made another wonderful discovery, _____ of great use.A.which I suppose are B.that I suppose it is C.I suppose which is D.which I suppose is 译文:他又有了一项重大的发现,我认为它一定很有用。

答案:1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.D 26.C 27.D

第十八章 倒装句

1._____ a bridge across the river.A.Stands there B.There stands C.Here stands D.Stand here 译文:河上有一座桥。

2.Now _____your turn to keep guard.A.there is B.is going C.comes D.has come 译文:现在轮到你来值班了。

3.Often _____ I heard it said that he is diligent and honest.A.did B.have C.does D.has 译文:我经常听说他很聪明和诚实。

4.Not a moment _____.A.she wasted B.has she waste C.does she wasted D.did she waste 译文:她从不浪费时间。

5.Little _____ expect such enthusiasm from so many many.A.I did B.I have C.did I D.I 译文:我从未想到那么多人有热情。

6._____, he often helps his classmates with their studies.A.As he is busy B.Busy as he is C.As busy is he D.Busy although he is 译文:尽管他很忙,但他还是经常在学习上帮助同学。

7.“I am not going to buy that book.” “_____.It is too expensive.” A.I don't either B.So am I C.Neither am I D.I am not too 译文:“我不打算去买书了。”“我也不去了。太贵了。”

8.Anna asked him to complete the experiment before five, _____.A.so did he B.so does he C.so he did D.so he does 译文:安娜让他在五点之前完成试验,他完成了。

9.His uncle is a worker and has been working in the factory for more than ten years._____.A.So is his aunt B.So has his aunt C.So his aunt does D.So it is with his aunt 译文:他的叔叔是一个工人,在这间工厂里工作十多年了。他的婶婶也是这样。

10.So unreasonable _____ that everybody was startled.A.his price was B.was his price C.his price has D.has his price 译文:他要价如此之高,每个人都瞠目结舌。

11.In no case _____ waste time.A.we B.do we C.are we D.we do 译文:我们决不能浪费时间。

12._____ when we were in the countryside.A.Forever gone are the days B.Gone forever are the days C.Are the days gone forever D.The days gone are forever 译文:我们在农村的那段日子一去不复返了。

13.However _____, he always goes swimming.A.it is cold B.cold it is C.cold was it D.it was cold 译文:无论多冷,他都坚持去游泳。

14._____ a good student, but he also proved himself a good athlete.A.He showed himself not only B.He showed not only himself C.He did not show himself only D.Not only did he show himself 译文:他不仅展示了他是一名好学生的风采,他也证明了自己是一名好运动员。

15.No sooner had the robbers disappeared into a side-street _____.A.when the police arrived B.and the police arrived C.than the police arrived D.then the police arrived 译文:劫匪刚消失在小巷里,警察就出现了。

16.Not until the early years in the 19th century _____ what heat is.A.man did know B.man knew C.didn't man know D.did man know 译文:直到19世纪早期,人类才知道热是什么东西。

17._____ Tom would have been a rich man.A.Had he entered business B.Were he enter business C.Was he to enter business D.If he was to enter business 译文:如果他进入商界的话,也许就是一个富人了。

18._____ Chairman Mao!A.Long live B.Live long C.Do long live D.Will long live 译文:毛主席万岁!答案:1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.A 第十九章 日常用语

1.Would you mind my opening the door? _____.A.Yes, please B.No, please don't C.Yes, as you please D.No, not at all 译文:我开门你不介意吧? 不,我不介意。

2.Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend? A.I don't believe B.I don't believe it C.I believe not so D.I believe not 译文:你是不是认为周末要下雨? 我想不会吧。

3._____? Very well, thank you, and you? A.How do you do B.Good morning C.How do you like these days D.How are you these days 译文:这几天你过得怎么样? 很好,谢谢你,你呢? 4.Would you like some tea? _____.A.Thanks.That would be nice B.If you like C.Thank you for asking me D.You should give me some 译文:来点茶吗? 谢谢,这太好了。

5.Happy birthday to you, Kate!_____.A.Birthday pleasant B.Thank you C.The same to you D.And you too 译文:祝你生日快乐,凯特!多谢。

6.Thank you for helping me._____.A.All right B.You're welcome C.That's right D.Never mind 译文:谢谢你帮助我。不用谢。

答案:1.D 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B

第二十章 动词时态


1.Mr.Brown _____ to work by bus every day.A.is traveled B.has been travelling C.travels D.has traveled 译文:布朗先生每天都坐公共汽车去上班。

2.She _____ by nature a kind-hearted woman.A.has B.is C.does D.were 译文:她天生就是一个有善心的女人。

3.Kepler proved that the sun _____ the center of the solar system.A.has B.has been C.had been D.is 译文:开普勒证明了太阳是太阳系的中心。

4.It seldom _____ in Kunming in winter A.snow B.is snowing C.snowed D.snows 译文:冬天的昆明很少下雪。

5.Out _____ the cat from the bottom of the box suddenly.A.has ran B.is running C.runs D.run 译文:猫突然从盒子里跑了出来。

6.A mother who _____ her son will do anything for his happiness.A.is loving B.loves C.loved D.has loved 译文:一位疼爱儿子的母亲会为了他的幸福做任何事情。

7.The No.8 bus _____ to the station, and not to our school.A.has gone B.has been going C.is gone D.goes 译文:8路公共汽车是去火车站的,不是去我们学校的。

8.I _____ her the news that our country will explore the west.A.will tell B.told C.is telling D.tell 译文:我把我们国家将要开发西部的这条消息告诉给她。

9.When you _____ an object, you will want to know the size of the object.A.will examine B.examine C.examined D.examines 译文:当你检查一件物品的时候,你一定想知道这个物品的尺寸。

10.If it _____, the match will be postponed.A.is raining B.has been raining C.has rained D.rains 译文:如果下雨的话,比赛就推迟举行。

11.Although he _____ busy tomorrow, he will still go to the hospital to visit his wife.A.will be B.is going to be C.was D.is 译文:尽管明天他会很忙,但他仍然会来医院去看他的妻子。

12.In an electrical formula, the capital letter “I” _____ for current.A.stand B.will stand C.is going to stand D.stands 译文:在电学公式中,大写字母“I”代表电流。

答案:1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.D 现在进行时

1.Now plastics materials _____ many other materials in our daily life.A.replace B.are replacing C.will replace D.replaces 译文:现在塑料材料正在取代我们日常生活中的好多其它材料。

2.Listen, the man _____ with his wife!A.quarreling B.is quarreling C.quarreled D.quarrels 译文:听,那个人正在跟他的妻子吵架。

3.Miss Lin _____ about the food she has at lunch.A.complaining always B.has always been complained C.has always complained D.is always complaining 译文:林小姐一直在抱怨午餐时她吃的食物。

4.He _____ at home these days.A.is staying B.stays C.stayed D.has stayed 译文:这些天他一直呆在家里。

5.How _____ on with your new job these days? A.have you been getting B.are you getting C.did you get D.have you got 译文:这些天你的新工作进展如何? 6.The professor _____ his own letters when his secretary is ill.A.typed B.has typed C.typing D.is typing 译文:教授的秘书生病的时候,他自己打信。

答案:1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 一般将来时

1.I _____ you a gift next week.A.shall be giving B.shall have given C.shall give D.would give 译文:我下个星期给你一份礼物。

2.I promise you that I _____ an answer tomorrow.A.shall be giving B.shall have given C.shall give D.will give 译文:我答应你明天给你一个答复。

3.They _____ Beijing in spring every year.A.shall visit B.will visit C.have visited D.visited 译文:他们今后将在每年的春天去北京。

4.If water is distilled(蒸馏), it _____ quite tasteless.A.become B.will become C.became D.becomes 译文:如果水蒸馏了,那么就会变得没有味道。

5.They _____ the computer design problem this afternoon.A.will have discussed B.are going to discuss C.shall discuss D.will be discussing 译文:他们打算下午讨论计算机设计问题

6.Ann _____ the first party in her life tomorrow night.A.gives B.is giving C.is given D.has given 译文:安要在明天晚上开她生命中的第一个晚会。

7.Before the end of this year, air pollution _____ a serious problem that jeopardizes the health of human race.A.will be become B.will have been become C.will become D.will have become 译文:今年年底之前,空气污染就会变成一个危害人类健康的大问题。

8.The manager _____ all the applicants tomorrow afternoon.A.will be seeing B.has been seeing C.will be seen D.sees 译文:明天下午,经理会见所有的申请者。

答案:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.A 一般过去时

1.I _____ half the way to school yesterday.A.had run B.had run C.ran D.had been running 译文:我昨天上学的时候有一半路是跑着去的。

2.When I was young, I _____ to school every day.A.walked B.was walking C.had walked D.did walk 译文:当我年轻的时候,我每天都是步行去学校的。

3.He was ____ when I walked into the room.A.ready for leaving B.about to leave C.in the point of leaving D.most ready to leave 译文:我进房间的时候,他正准备离开。

4.She said that she would visit us when we _____.A.are back B.had back C.were back D.will be back 译文:她说我们回来的时候她会来看望我们。

5.Hello!I _____ you _____ here.A.don't know, were B.hadn't known, are C.haven't known, are D.didn't know, were 译文:你好!我还不知道你在这呢。

答案:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 现在完成时

1.I _____ much of the book but I don't find it interesting.A.read B.am reading C.have read D.have been reading 译文:我已经读了这本书的大部分,但我没发现有什么有趣的。

2.Stephen _____ tennis for five years but he doesn't play now.A.played B.plays C.has played D.had played 译文:史蒂芬已经玩了五年网球,但是他现在不玩了。

3.I _____ her four times in the last four days.A.have met B.met C.meet D.had met 译文:在过去的四天中我已经遇到她四次了。

4.He _____ for three years.A.has joined B.has been in the army C.joined D.has served in the army 译文:他已经在军队中服役三年了。

5.It is two years since he _____ his hometown.A.has been away from B.left C.has left D.had left 译文:他离开家乡已经两年多了。

6.Hand in your papers when you _____ the test.A.are finishing B.will finish C.will have finish D.have finished 译文:等你结束考试的时候别忘了把试卷交上来。

7.Is this the first time you _____ Beijing? A.had been to B.has been to C.have been to D.are to 译文:这是你第一次去北京吗? 8.“Where is your brother?” “He _____.” A.is just going B.is just gone C.has just gone D.has already 译文:“你的哥哥在哪里?” “他刚刚走。”

9.Her grandfather _____ ill for many years.A.has been B.has fallen C.got D.has got 译文:她的祖父已经病了好多年了。

10.“Why haven't John arrived?” “He _____ return this book.” A.has been to B.has gone to C.is coming to D.had been 译文:“约翰怎么还没到呢?”“他去还书了。”

答案:1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.B 现在完成进行时

1.We _____ on it for many hours but we have not yet already any conclusion.A.work B.are working C.have been working D.have been worked 译文:我们已经一起工作好多小时了,但是仍然没能得出结论。

2.Every evening since last Christmas, I _____ my dog out for a walk in the park.A.am taken B.am taking C.take D.have been taking 译文:自从去年圣诞节以来,我每个晚上都要带上我的狗到公园散步。

3.Mr.Lee _____ here six years next July.A.shall live B.will be living C.will have been living D.will have lived 译文:李先生到明年六月就在这住满六年了。

答案:1.C 2.D 3.C 过去完成时态

1.I wondered if she _____.A.has arrived B.arrived C.had arrived D.was arriving 译文:我想知道她是否到了。

2.He said that he _____ here for two hours.A.has stayed B.stayed C.stay D.had stayed 译文:他说他已经在这呆了两个小时了。

3.Scarcely _____ the lightening when I heard a clap of thunder.A.had I seen B.have I seen C.I had seen D.I have seen 译文:我刚一看见闪电就听到了一声雷响。

4.He left the laboratory after he _____ the experiment.A.finishes B.would finish C.had finished D.finished 译文:等到做完实验他才离开实验室。

5.By the end of last term, we _____ English for two years.A.have studied B.have been studied C.would studied D.had studied 译文:到上学期末,我们已经学习两年英语了。

6.It _____ cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places.A.rained B.had rained C.was raining D.had been raining 译文:过去的一个礼拜中一直在下倾盆大雨,大雨已经导致了许多地方山体滑坡。

7.The teacher told us that we _____ two experimental lessons by the end of this term.A.had had B.have had C.shall have had D.should have had 译文:老师告诉我们这学期期末之前我们要上两堂实验课。

答案:1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 过去进行时

1.I shall tell you what he _____ at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.A.had done B.has done C.has been doing D.was doing 译文:我会告诉你昨天下午三点他在做什么。

2.She _____ English broadcast when I came in.A.listens to B.listened to C.is listening to D.was listening to 译文:我走进去的时候她正在听英语广播。

3.He was always _____ fault with other people though he didn't do his own work properly.A.finding B.seeking C.looking for D.putting 译文:尽管他自己做的工作不怎么样,但是他总是挑别人的毛病。

4.“What is the matter?” “Nothing, I _____ about my problem in homework.” A.just thought B.have just been thinking C.was just thinking D.have just thought 译文:“怎么了?” “没什么,我刚才在思考一道作业中的问题。”

5.He told her yesterday that he _____ for her at home at seven the next evening.A.is waiting B.has waiting C.has been waiting D.would be waiting 译文:他昨天告诉她他要在第二天的晚上七点在家等她。

答案:1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 时态的呼应

1.You look very unhappy.I _____ you _____ the examination.A.suppose, haven't pass B.am supposing, hadn't pass C.am supposing, don't pass D.suppose, didn't pass 译文:你看起来很不高兴,我猜你没通过考试。

2.He asked me whether I _____ the final examination.A.has passed B.had passed C.passed D.pass 译文:他问我是否通过了期末考试。

3.My father told me that the earth _____ around the sun.A.goes B.went C.go D.had gone 译文:爸爸告诉我地球围绕太阳转动。

答案:1.D 2.B 3.A

第二十一章 被动语态

1.Our school _____ in 1911.A.was set up B.has been set up C.has set up D.had been set up 译文:我们学校是1911年建校的。

2.Radio is _____ in everyday life.A.use B.using C.used D.useful 译文:收音机在每天的生活中都会被用到。

3.According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree, _____.A.my education will be employed by the university B.employment will be given to me by the university C.the university will employ me D.I will be employed by the university 译文:根据我的学位,在我结束学习之后,我将被这所大学雇用。

4.The little girl _____ well.A.is taking care of B.takes care of C.is taken care D.is being taken care of 译文:这个小女孩现在得到很好的照顾。

5.When we returned from the ball, we found that our home _____ and many things _____ A.has broken into, has been stolen B.had broken into, had been stolen C.had been broken into, stolen D.had been broken, stolen 译文:我们从舞会上回来的时候,发现我们的家被人破门而入而且许多东西被盗了。

6.Your books _____ away six days ago.A.have been taken B.were taken C.have being taken D.took 译文:你的书六天前就被拿走了。

7._____ our chairman.A.Her position was made B.Her position is C.She made D.She was made 译文:我们选她作了我们的主席。

8.The poor boy _____ a cruel family to be a servant.A.sold B.was sold to C.was sold D.had been sold to 译文:这个可怜的孩子被卖到一个残忍的家庭作仆人。

9.He was observed _____ the girl yesterday so he was put into prison.A.to steal B.stealing C.stolen D.steal 译文:他昨天被人看到偷那个女孩东西,所以被关进了监狱。

10.I _____ two plans to decide where our family would spend our holiday.A.gave B.was given C.was giving D.had given 译文:有两个计划供我考虑,我们家到底去哪度假。

11.A scientist, together with some assistants, _____ to help in the work.A.send B.sends C.was sent D.were sent 译文:一位科学家和一些助手被派去帮助完成这项工作。

12.The medicine _____ before dinner.A.should have took B.should be took C.should have been took D.should have been taken 译文:这种药应该饭前服用。

13.The clothes _____ again.A.had better not wash B.had better not be washed C.had not better be washed D.had better not washing 译文:这衣服最好不要再洗了。

14.I _____ in the football match yesterday.A.hurt B.is hurt C.got hurt D.turns hurt 译文:我在昨天的足球比赛中受伤了。

15.He _____ the heavy rain when he was on the way to the railway station.A.had caught in B.was catching C.caught by D.was caught in 译文:当他去火车站的时候被这场大雨淋了。

16.I can't open the door;it _____ and I don't have the key.A.locks B.locked C.has been locked D.lock 译文:我打不开门,锁上了,我又没有钥匙。

17._____ that Taiwan is one part of China.A.People are known B.It is well known C.People are well knowing D.People are know 译文:众所周知,台湾是中国领土的一部分。

18.The meeting will _____ three days.A.be lasted B.lasted C.be last D.last 译文:会议将要持续三天。

19.The food _____.A.taste well B.has been tasted well C.is tasted well D.tastes good 译文:这种食物很好吃。

答案:1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.D

第二十二章 情态动词

1.I will _____ speak English.A.can B.could C.are able to D.be able to 译文:我能讲英语。

2.He _____ harder if he expects to pass the examination.A.can work B.need work C.must work D.ought work 译文:如果他希望通过考试的话就必须努力学习了。

3.To travel from England to Scotland you _____ a passport.A.mustn't have B.don't need C.haven't got D.needn't 译文:从英格兰到苏格兰旅游,你不需要护照。

4.Since she is angry, we _____ her alone.A.had better to leave B.had rather to C.might as well leave D.should as well leave 译文:既然她生气了,我们还是让她一个人静一静吧。

5.He asked me if he _____ open the window.A.shall B.would C.will D.should 译文:我问他是否能开开窗子。

6.The construction of the stadium _____ by the end of next month.A.must have completed B.must have been completed C.must be completed D.must complete 译文:体育馆的工程必须在月底之前完工。

7.We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday.He _____ it.A.mustn't attend B.can't have attended C.wouldn't have not attend D.needn't have attended 译文:我们昨天在报告会上没有见到他,他不可能去了。

8.She is studying medical science now but she _____ a lawyer.A.will be B.used to be C.formerly were D.had been 译文:她正在学医,但她曾经是一名律师。

9._____ to eat your breakfast with me this morning? A.Would you like B.Will you like C.Are you liking D.Do you like 译文:你愿意今天跟我一起吃早饭吗? 答案:1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A

第二十三章 虚拟语气 1.I would ask Tom to lend us the money if I _____ him.A.had known B.knew C.have known D.know 译文:如果我认识汤姆的话,我就会向他借钱了。

2.If it _____ tomorrow, what shall we do? A.rains B.would rain C.rained D.should rain 译文:如果明天下雨,我们怎么办呀? 3.If he _____ come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him.A.would B.should C./ D.had 译文:如果他早来几分钟,你就能遇到他了。

4.If he were to come tomorrow, things _____ easier.A.should be B.would be C.are D.can be 译文:要是他明天能来的话,事情就会简单多了。

5.If you _____ that late movie last night, you wouldn't be sleepy.A.haven't watched B.didn't watch C.hadn't watched D.wouldn't have watched 译文:如果你昨晚不看那场晚场电影的话,你现在就不会这么困了。

6._____ difficulties, we would be successful.A.Should we overcome B.Would we overcome C.Might we overcome D.Could we overcome 译文:我们要是能克服困难的话,就一定能成功。

7.If only everything _____ out as we wanted it to in life!A.is working B.worked C.works D.has worked 译文:要是生活中的每一件事都能同我所想的一样该多好呀。

8.Mary _____ to college last year.Unfortunately, she couldn't take the examinations because of a sudden illness.A.could go B.did go C.could have gone D.must have gone 译文:玛丽去年本可以上大学,不幸的是,因为一场突发的疾病,他未能参加考试。

9.I wish it _____ not so cold outside.A.shall be B.be C.were D.is 译文:我希望外面别那么冷就好了。

10.He insisted that we all _____ in his office at one o'clock.A.be B.to be C.would be D.shall be 译文:他坚持我们应该在一点钟的时候到他的办公室。

11.He insisted that he _____ our car.A.should steal B.would steal C.hadn't stolen D.steal 译文:他坚持说他没有偷我们的车。

12.Their suggestion is that we _____ go out for a walk A.can B.have C.shall D./ 译文:他们的建议是我们应该出去走走。

13.It is necessary that he _____ in time to attend the meeting.A.come B.came C.would come D.need come 译文:他及时来参加会议很重要。

14.I _____ that she had left her home yesterday.A.have thought B.think C.had thought D.should think 译文:我原以为她昨天就离开家了呢。

15.We have been sitting doing nothing about it for days.It's time we _____ the problem.A.shook hands with B.got to brass tacks with C.got to solve D.reached the bottom of 译文:我们呆在这里什么都不干已经好几天了,现在是时候我们着手解决问题的时候了。

16.He has just arrived, but he talks as if he _____ all about that.A.know B.knows C.known D.knew 译文:他刚刚到,但他说的话好像他全了解一样。

17.In case I _____, I would try again.A.will fail B.would miss C.should fail D.shall fail 译文:为了防止失败,我愿意再试一次。

18._____ I'll marry him all the same.A.Were he rich or poor B.Be he rich or poor C.Whether rich or poor D.Being rich or poor 译文:无论他富有还是贫穷,我都会嫁给他。

19.Without gravity, we _____ able to walk.A.were B.should be C.can be D.should not be 译文:没有地球引力,我们都不能行走。

答案:1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.D

第二十四章 非谓语动词

动词不定式: 1.It is often difficult to _____ what to do.A.decide yourself B.decide C.decide oneself D.decide himself 译文:经常很难决定自己要做什么。

2.“We just saw John at the bookstore.” “That's strange;I didn't think he _____ back until tomorrow.” A.will come B.was to come C.is coming D.is to come 译文:“我们刚刚在书店看到了约翰。”“这就怪了,我原以为他明天才会回来。”

3.“Did you have trouble with your car this morning?” “Yes, but I finally managed _____.” A.to get staring it B.it to get started C.to get it started D.getting started it 译文:“今天早上你的车出故障了吗?”“是的,但是我最后终于设法启动了它。”

4.I found ________ to answer all the question within the time given.A.no possibility B.there was impossibility C.impossible D.it impossible 译文:我发现在限定的时间内回答所有的问题是不可能的。

5.If you don't like to swim, you ______ stay at home.A.may well B.may be as well C.may just as well D.may be well 译文:如果你不爱游泳,那你还是呆在家里好。

6.John wanted me to ask you ____ with me.A.coming B.to have come C.to come D.to be coming 译文:约翰想我要求你来跟着我。

7.You _______ that building after dark.A.have no business for entrance B.have no reason entering C.have no reason to enter D.do not have business to entering 译文:天黑之后,你没有任何理由进入那栋建筑。

8.I'm hungry.Get me something ____.A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.for eating 译文:我饿了,给我点吃的东西。

9.My brother is here ______ study English.A.for B.ago C.to D.by 译文:我弟弟在这里学习英语。

10.Tom _____ when they spoke ill of him.A.happened to be passed B.happened to be passing by C.happened passing by D.happened to passed 译文:当他们正在说汤姆的坏话时,他正好走过那里。

11.We all hope ____ scientists.A.become B.to become C.becoming D.became 译文:我们都希望成为科学家。

12.The boy refused ______ for climbing the tall tree.A.to pay B.to be paid C.being paid D.paying 译文:这个男孩拒绝为爬上这棵高树而付钱。

13.I happened ____ the article when he asked me about it.A.having read B.to have read C.to be read D.reading 译文:当他问我关于这篇文章的情况,我碰巧已经读过。

14.______ is to struggle.A.Living B.Live C.To live D.To be lived 译文:生存就是斗争。

15.At last the enemy soldiers had no choice but _____ their guns.A.to lay down B.lie down C.laying down D.lay down 译文:最终,敌人没有别的选择只好放下他们的抢。

16.They would do everything except ______ a moon landing.A.to make B.made C.making D.make 译文:除了在月球降落之外,他们什么都要做。

17.Last summer I took a course on ___________.A.how to make dresses B.how dresses be made C.how to be made dresses D.how dresses to be made 译文:去年夏天我上了如何做衣服的课。

18.Tell us _____ next.A.how to do B.what to do C.how do D.what do 译文:请告诉我们下一步该做什么? 19.He wants to know ___ to help her when she is in trouble.A.what will do B.what he should do C.how to do D.what will he do 译文:他想知道当她在困难时,他应该帮她做些什么。

20.Don't stop trying.We'll be sure _____.A.succeed B.succeeding C.of succeeding D.to succeed 译文:不要停止试验,我们一定会成功的。

21.With my father ______ I wanted to try it again.A.helping B.help C.helped D.to help 译文:在我父亲的帮助下,我想再试一次。

22.In the film, the battle is made ______ in the winter.A.to take place B.take place C.took place D.had took place 译文:在电影中,这场战争安排在冬天发生。

23.He is the first _____ at the meeting.A.spoke B.had spoken C.to speak D.speaking 译文:他是第一个在会上发言的人。

24.He was too young _____ with a family.A.being burdened B.burdened C.to be burdened D.burdening 译文:他太年轻而不能养活一个家庭。

25.I am ______ willing _____something for the old living around here.A.very;doing B.very;to do C.enough;do D.too;to do 译文:我非常愿意为住在这里的老人做点儿事情。

26._______ the room temperature, he added some coal into the stove.A.Keep up B.In order keep up C.So as to keep up D.To keep up 译文:为了保持房间的温度,他往炉子里加了些煤。

27.It is very kind ____ the machine for us.A.for you to repair B.for you repairing C.of you to repair D.of you repairing 译文:谢谢你为我们修理车床。

28.The machine is rather difficult _______.A.to repair B.to be repaired C.repairing D.being repaired 译文:这种机器很难修理。

29.The table is hard _____.It is too heavy.A.move away B.to move away C.to be moved D.to move them away 译文:这张桌子太重了,很难移动。

30.She likes ______ in public.A.praised B.to praise C.to be praised D.praising 译文:她喜欢在公众面前受到表扬。

31.She was said ____ a fairy one day.A.to meet B.meeting C.to have met D.having meeting 译文:据说她有一天遇到了神仙。

32.He is said ______ his work in his own room now.A.he is doing B.to be doing C.doing D.be doing 译文:据说他正在他自己的房子里做工作。33.I won't have you _____ up and down all day.A.ran B.running C.run D.to run 译文:我没有让你整天都跑上跑下的。

34.I wish to finish my work and _____away.A.get B.getting C.to get D.got 译文:我希望完成工作,并且离开这里。

答案:1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.D 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.D 26.D 27.C 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.C 32.B 33.B 34.A 动名词: 1._____ is not easy.A.For cook B.To cooking C.Cooking D.Cook 译文:烹调并不简单。

2.There's no use _____ over spilt milk.A.to cry B.crying C.cry D.cried 译文:覆水难收。

3.I would appreciate _______ me know as soon as possible.A.your letting B.you to let C.your allowing D.you to allow 译文:我很高兴你会尽快让我知道这件事情。

4.“Is John sick?” “Yes.______ all night in the rain caused him to catch a cold.A.He worked B.To have worked C.working D.His working 译文:“约翰生病了吗?”“是呀,他整夜在雨中干活使他感冒了。”

5.His favorite sport is ________ football.A.to play the B.playing the C.playing D.play 译文:他最喜爱的运动是踢足球。

6.Yesterday I was busy______ things ready for trial production.Otherwise I would have taken part in that discussion.A.to get B.get C.having got D.getting 译文:昨天我忙于为产品试制做准备,另外,我还要参加那个讨论。

7.The book is not worthy of ____.A.to translate B.to be translated C.translating D.being translated 译文:这本书不值得翻译。

8.The old professor wanted a quiet room for the night because he just couldn't stand _______ in a noisy room.A.having slept B.sleep C.being slept D.sleeping 译文:这位老教授想要一个安静的房间过夜,因为他无法忍受睡在这样吵闹的一个房间里。

9.She had no difficulty ____ the problem.A.working out B.having worked out C.to have worked out D.to work out 译文:她解出这道题没有遇到困难。

10.Though the meeting about to end and everybody was in a hurry to leave, Richard _________ several questions.A.insisted to ask B.insisted asking C.insisted on asking D.insisted to asking 译文: 尽管会议即将结束,大家都忙着要离开,理查德却执意要问几个问题。

11.The way he talks simply intolerable.I object to ______ like a child.A.treat B.treated C.being treated D.treating 译文:他说话的那种方式简直叫人难以忍受,我反对把我当成孩子对待。

12.What about ___ a film this evening? A.see B.to see C.seeing D.seen 译文:今晚去看场电影如何? 13.I hope you don't mind ______ you all this.A.to tell B.to have told C.to be telling D.my telling 译文:我希望你不介意我告诉你关于这件事情的所有一切。

14.The students were interested in _____ a field trip to the National History Museum, but they were not able to raise enough money.A.take B.to take C.taking D.took 译文:学生们对到国家历史博物馆作一次野外旅游很感兴趣,但他们没能凑到足够的钱。

15.The dog was lucky that it just missed _____.A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch 译文:这只狗没有被捉住真幸运。

16.Sometimes new ideas have to be tested many times before _____.A.accepting fully B.being fully accepted C.fully accepting D.fully being accepted 译文:有时一个新的想法在被完全接受之前要测试许多次。

17.The bill is a measure necessary to afford ______ labor.A.to protect B.protect C.protecting D.being protected 译文:这条法案是提供保护劳工所必要的措施。

18.The child deserves ________.A.punishing B.punished C.having punishing D./ 译文:这孩子该受惩罚。

19.I hate _____ in public.A.smoking B.to be smoke C.for smoking D./ 译文:我讨厌在大庭广众面前吸烟。

20.Don't you remember ______? A.seeing the man before B.to see the man before C.saw the man before D.to have seen the man before 译文:你记得从前曾经见到过这个吗? 21.I shall never forget _____ late Premier Zhou during his inspection of our factory.A.meet B.to meet C.meeting D.have meeting 译文:我永远也不会忘记,在已故的周总理视察我们厂时,我见到他的情景。

22.I bitterly regret ________ him he story yesterday.A.to tell B.to have told C.to be telling D.having told 译文:我非常后悔昨天给他讲了那个故事。

23.Let's ________ about our examination results.A.to stop to worry B.stop to worry C.stop worry D.stop worrying 译文:我们不要再为考试的成绩担忧了。

24.I prefer _____ rather than sit idle.A.to work B.working C.for working D.work 译文:我宁愿工作而不愿意闲坐着。

25.Please go on _____ the same exercise.A.do B.done C.to do D.doing 译文:请接着做这同一个练习。

26.My transistor radio isn't working.It _____.A.need repairing B.needs repairing C.needs to repair D.need to repair 译文:我的半导体收音机不能用了,它需要修理。

27.These plants want ______.A.to water B.to be watered C.watered D.being watered 译文:这些植物需要浇水。

28.These children require ______.A.to be looking after B.to be looked C.looking after D.to looked after 译文:这些孩子需要人们照顾。

答案:1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.A 21.C 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.B 27.B 28.C 分词: 1.He's _______ because he has won the prize.A.nervous B.satisfying C.excited D.exciting 译文:他感到很激动,因为他得了奖。

2.I'm _____ at your success.A.pleasing B.pleasant C.pleased D.please 译文:我对你的成功感到非常高兴。

3.Mr.Brown is _____ respected by his colleague.A.very B.much C.rather D.extremely 译文:布朗先生很受他的同事们尊敬。

4.His explanation made the problem _______.A.even more complicated B.to be even more complicated C.that is became even more complicated D.be even more complicated 译文:他的一番解释使问题变得更加复杂了。

5.What he said made me ______.A.to surprise B.surprising C.surprised D.surprise 译文:他说的话使我感到很吃惊。

6.My sister got a new suit ______ for me.A.making B.made C.to make D.make 译文:我姐姐为我定制了一套新衣服。

7.These students are quick at learning.We'll have them _____ in new methods.A.to train B.for training C.train D.trained 译文:这些学生学得很快,我们将用新方法来训练他们。

8.When she returned home, she found the window open and something ______.A.stolen B.missed C.to be stolen D.to steal 译文:当他回家时他发现窗户开着,有些东西被偷了。

9.He read a book _______ for the bus.A.to wait B.to be waiting C.waiting D.waited 译文:他看书来等汽车。

10.Night _____ , we hurried home.A.fall B.fallen C.falling D./ 译文:夜幕降临,我们匆匆回家。

11.She is writing a letter to a friend of hers, _____ him to attend the party.A.having invited B.inviting C.to invite D.invited 译文:她写信给她的朋友邀请他出席这次晚会。

12.______ his work, he went to play basketball.A.Having done B.Doing C.Done D.He has done 译文:做完了工作,他去打篮球。

13.______ into many languages, the book is well known all over the world.A.Having been translated B.To be translated C.Having translated D.Being translated 译文:这本书被译成许多种语言,这本书已闻名于世界。

14._____ a shy man, Einstein did not attend the public celebration on his fiftieth birthday.A.Was B.He is C.Being D.He was 译文:由于爱因斯坦是个害羞的人,他没有出席五十岁的生日庆祝会。

15._____ and _____, they ran out of the room.A.Being excited;happily B.Exciting;happy C.Excited;happy D.Exciting;happily 译文:由于激动和高兴,他们跑出了房间。

16.______ what you said, you should be praised.A.To judge from B.Being judged C.Judge from D.Judging from 译文:从你说的话来判断,你应该受表扬。

17.The bridge _____, the people _____ by both sides of the river were wild with joy.A.having completed;living B.completed;living C.completed;lived D.had completed;living 译文:桥修好时住在河两岸的人们非常高兴。

18._____ several times, they need some encouragement.A.Fail B.Failed C.Being failed D.Having failed 译文:由于已经失败了好几次,他们需要得到一些鼓励。

答案:1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.D

第二十五章 词语辨析 1.Einstein accepted the invitation and asked for a small _____.A.wage B.pay C.salary D.income 译文:爱因斯坦接受了邀请并要了一份很低的薪水。

2.Is there any _____ why we should stay here for two days more? A.reason B.course C.excuse D.case 译文:有没有什么可以解释多呆两天的理由。

3.He came back home after years of foreign _____.A.journey B.trip C.visit D.travel 译文:在多年的国外旅行后他回到了家。

4.She looks pretty in her pink summer _____.A.clothes B.cloth C.clothing D.dress 译文:她穿着那件粉红色的夏季连衣裙显得很漂亮。

5._____ speaking, our coldest weather comes in January.A.Total B.Generally C.Popular D.Common 译文:总的来说,一月份的天气最冷。

6.What he told us _____ surprised us.A.very B.much C.greatly D.so 译文:他对我们说的让我感到非常惊讶。

7.Is this kind of cloth made of _____ silk or rayon(人造丝)? A.real B.true C.right D.exact 译文:这件衣服是用真丝做的还是用人造丝做的? 8.After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his _____.A.state B.country C.nation D.space 译文:在国外待了多年之后,他想回到自己的祖国去。

9.We don't have any shoes in your _____.A.kind B.number C.size D.sort 译文:我们没有你要的码数的鞋。

10.All is _____with us.A.good B.fine C.well D.nice 译文:我们一切都很顺利。

11.A police car is running on the _____.A.route B.road C.way D.path 译文:一辆警车正在公路上奔驰。

12.It is an important _____.A.position B.direction C.station D.situation 译文:这是一种不可能的形势。

13._____ he promised to read the first chapter of the book.A.Too B.Neither C.Either D.Only 译文:只是他答应读这本书的第一章。

14.Jack is a _____ runner.A.fast B.quick C.soon D.rapid 译文:杰克是个跑得很快的人。

15.She ______ to be a brilliant musician.A.agrees B.refuses C.promises D.allows 译文:她有希望成为一个前途无限的音乐家。

16.Every boy is here _____ Henry.A.accept B.expect C.appear D.except 译文:这里所有的男孩子都接受了亨利。

17.I _____ him more than ten questions, but he did not ____ a single one.A.ask;reply to B.asked;replied C.asked;reply D.asked;reply to 译文:我问了他十多个问题,但是他一个也没有回答我。

18.This straw hat _____ me.A.doesn't fit for B.isn't fit C.doesn't fit D.fits to 译文:这顶草帽不适合我戴。

19.Students are expected to _____ their classes regularly.A.present B.go C.attend D.follow 译文:要求学生按期上课。

20.Mrs.Walker has returned ____.A.a wallet back to its original owner B.to its original owner the wallet C.the wallet to its originally owner D.the wallet to its original owner 译文:沃克太太已经把那个钱包还给了失主。

21.We ______ him ”Fatty".A.call B.to call C.called D.is calling 译文:我们叫他“胖子”。

22.Our guest ______ yesterday morning.A.leaves B.left C.leave D.are leaving 译文:我们的贵宾昨天早上离开的。

23.That shed protects the animals ________ the rain.A.from B.of C.out of D.without 译文:牲畜棚使牲畜免遭鱼淋。

24.She _____ the children during the day.A.look after B.looks after C.look for D.looks for 译文:白天她照看孩子们。

答案:1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.C 20.D 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.B

第二十六章 短语动词辨析

1.Plastics is very useful.It can be _____ a lot of things.A.made from B.made into C.made of D.made up of 译文:塑料很有用。它可以做成许多东西。

2.It's getting warmer.It's time to _____your fur coat.A.put down B.put away C.put up D.put aside 译文:天气变热了。是脱下毛衣的时候了。

3.The play _____ by the first year student was very good.A.put on B.put out C.put forward D.put back 译文:一年级学生演的戏很好。

4.Last night a quarrel _____ between two brothers in our neighborhood.A.broke out B.broke up C.broke away D.broke in 译文:我们邻居家两兄弟间昨晚上发生了争吵。

5.You have done well in your studies, I hope you can _____.A.keep it up B.keep it out C.keep it down D.keep it off 译文:你学得很好,我希望你能继续保持。

6.After a long discussion, they _____ an agreement.A.came into B.came up C.came to D.came across 译文:经过长时间的讨论,他们达成了一致意见。

7.The film will begin at eight tomorrow, I will _____ you at 7:30 at your home.A.call up B.call out C.call on D.call for 译文:电影明天早上8点钟开始,我7:30的时候到你家喊你。

8.I _____ my old friend Hill on the morning of Sunday.A.ran up to B.ran across C.ran about D.ran away 译文:我偶然在星期天早晨碰到了老朋友希尔。

9.I really don't want to go to the party, but I don't see how I can _____ it.A.get back from B.get out of C.get away D.get off 译文:我真的不想去这场晚会,但我又不知道怎样摆脱它。

10.In order to pass the graduation exams,he began to _____ his lessons every day.A.look through B.look up C.go over D.read over 译文:为了通过毕业考试,他开始每天复习功课。

11._____!There's a train coming.A.Look up B.Look out C.Look around D.Look on 译文:注意!有辆火车过来了。

12.Do you believe that they _____ the monument in only two months? A.set off B.set out C.set up D.set about 译文:你能相信他们在仅仅两个月的时间里建成了这座纪念碑吗? 13.Our monitor was asked to _____ the new textbooks.A.give off B.give in C.give out D.give up 译文:我们班长要分发这些新的教科书。

14.I'll never tell you another secret if you _____ this one _____.A.let,down B.let,in C.let,ou D.let,off 译文:如果你把这件事泄露出去,我再也不告诉你别的事了。

15._____, everything will be all right.A.Hold off B.Hold on C.Hold out D.Hold up 译文:坚持下去,一切都会好起来的。

16.My study of biology has _____ much of my spare time.A.taken off B.taken down C.taken up D.taken away 译文:学习生物占用了我许多业余时间,但也给我带来相当大的乐趣。

17.Don't hesitate to _____ me if you are in trouble.A.turn up B.turn to C.turn in D.turn out 译文:当你遇到困难时,不要犹豫,来找我。答案:1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.B


13.(2013苏州检测)儒家思想是中国传统文化的主要组成部分。阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一 夫儒者以“六艺”(《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《春秋》《乐》)为法。“六艺”经传以千万数,累世不能通其学,当年不能究其礼,故曰:“博而少要,劳而少功。”若夫列君臣父子之礼,序夫妇长幼之别,虽百家弗能易也。


材料二 北宋开始,门第已不存在,和尚寺也衰落了,搜罗不到人才。禅宗的新宗教,不啻叫人回头,由真返俗。而进士轻薄,终于担当不了天下大事。在这一情形下,须待北宋知识分子再来打开新风气,寻觅新生命。书院讲学,由此酝酿。他们要把和尚寺里的宗教精神,正式转移到现实社会。要把清净寂灭究竟涅槃的最高出世观念,正式转变成修身、齐家、治国、平天下的中国传统人文精神的旧理想。


材料三 浙东学派,从南宋到明清,经过永嘉学派、永康学派、金华学派,从叶适,到王阳明,到黄宗羲,一脉相承,形成了一整套的经济思想和经济伦理。比如“永康学派”的代表人物陈亮提出的“义利兼顾”的思想„„余姚人王阳明进一步提出“四民异业而同道”的经济伦理,到了黄宗羲更是明确地提出了著名的“经世致用”“工商皆本”的思想。






13.(2013桐庐模拟)阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一 “道(治理)千乘之国,敬事而信,节用而爱人,使民以时。”“足食,足兵,民信之矣。”“为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之。”


材料二 城邦以正义为原则。由正义衍生的礼法,可凭以判断(人间的)是非曲直,正义恰恰正是树立社会秩序的基础。要使事物合于正义(公平),须有毫无偏私的权衡;法律恰恰正是这样一个中道的权衡。法治应该包含两重含义:已成立的法律获得普遍的服从,而大家所服从的法律又应该本身是制订良好的法律。







14.阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一 “中国的人文主义者认为自己找到了人生的真谛,并时时意识到这一点。在中国人看来,人生在世并非为了死后的来生,对于基督教所谓此生为来世的观点,他们大惑不解。„„中国人明确认为:人生的真谛在于享受淳朴的生活,尤其是家庭生活的欢乐和社会诸关系的和睦”。



材料二 “„„这解释了文艺复兴时期现世主义和人文主义存在的原因——文艺复兴关心的是今世而不是来世;它关注的是非宗教的古典文化而不是基督教神学。”

































由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。作者:警言 布袍草履耐风寒。作者:谚语














江苏省盐城市景山中学 李惠









1. 我国是人民民主专政的社会主义国家,人民是国家的主人。2. 我国政府是国家权力机关的执行机关,必须切实履行好政府的职能。

3. 我国政府是人民意旨的执行者和利益的捍卫者,必须坚持对人民负责的原则和为人民服务的宗旨。

4. 国家这样做的意义。


②是政府某种职能(政治、经济、文化、社 会公共服务)的内在要求。

③是政府贯彻落实科学发展观、践行“三个代表”的 需要。[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K] ④是推进社会主义政治文明建设的需要。

5. 政府及其工作人员的权力由法律授予,必须依法行政。6. 我国政府的权力是人 民赋予的,必须接受人民的监督。


1.政府必须履行保障人民民主和维护国家长治久安的职能(政治职能);履行组织社会主义经济建设的职能(经济职能),主要是进行经济调节、市场监管、社会管理和公共服务;履行组织社会主 义文化建设的职能(文化职能);履行社会公共服务职能。


















1. 我国是人民民主专政的社会主义国家,这决定了党……

2. 这是由党的性质和宗旨决定的。党的性质是中国共产党是中国工人阶级、中国人民和中华民族的先锋队;党的宗旨是全心全意为人民服务。中国共产党代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。3. 这是由党的地位决定的(领导 地位和执政地位)。中国共产党是执政党,是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心。

4. 中国共产党坚持立党为公、执政为民、以人为本的执政理念。

5. 中国共产党坚持从实现好、维护好、发展好广大人民的根本利益出发,激发群众的积极性与创造性。

(二)中国共产党应该如何做某事? 1. 坚持立党为公、执政为民。

2. 坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政,不断完善党的领导方式和执政方式。

3. 贯彻落实科学发展观,贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想,坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系。

4. 充分发挥共产党员的先锋模范作用。

5. 实现最广大人民的根本利益。(“三好”)实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益

6. 加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设。
































(2)只有坚持中国共产党的领导,才能始终坚持 中国特色社会主义道路;才能维护国家的统一、民族的团结,为社会主义现代化建设创造稳定、和谐的社会环境;才能最广泛、最充分地调动一切积极因素,实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。











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