
时间:2019-05-14 11:16:34下载本文作者:会员上传


71.“这是个新学期,也是新的一天。我希望我能尽快适应新环境,”15岁的李明阳说。“It’s a new term and a new day.I wish I _____________________________________ as soon as possible,”15-year-old Li Mingyang said.(adapt)72.正如刘谦说,不是魔法起作用,而是我们工作方式使它有魔法。

As Liu Qian









work, __________________________________that makes it magic.(way)73.尽管他的想法听起奇怪,却被到会的所朋人接受了。

____________________________________, it was accepted by all the people at the meeting.(as)74.看《泰坦尼克号》时,当看到杰克为了救女孩自己却冻死在冰冷的水中这个场景时,大多数人都禁不住哭了起来。

While watching Titanic, most people __________________________________________ when it came to the scene in which Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself.(help)7 5.比尔伤势很有可能及时康复参加比赛。

There is much chance _________________________his injury in time for the race.(recover)76.我认为,与我们的朋友联系是很重要的。

I think it important ________________________________________.(touch)77.她生病的原因是她吃了些变质的东西。

________________________________ was that she ate something that had gone bad.(why)78.如果牛顿活到今天的话,他会为科技领域所发生的一切感到惊讶。

If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _____________________________ in science and technology.(discover)79.当回忆在海里被吃掉的场景,人们都害怕去海里游泳。

Many people were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes _______________________________________ by the shark.(which)80.随着时间推移,我们会变老,但更加明智。

_________________________________________, we become older but wiser.(with,go)

71.could adapt to the new environment 72.the way we work 73.Strange as his idea sounded 74.couldn’t help crying 75.that Bill will recover from

76.to keep / stay in touch with our friends 77.The reason why / Why she fell ill / sick 78.has been discovered 79.in which people were eaten 80.With time going by


He fell onto the ground, and had his legs broken, _______________________again.(unable)32.当被询问时,目击者被指控向法庭提供假信息。

The witness ___________________________false information to the court when questioned.(accuse)


The driver was fined 200 yuan for speeding ________________________________.(as)34.根据调查,一份关于濒临危险动物生活的详细报告已完成。

________________the survey, a detailed report on the lives of the endangered animals was accomplished.(base)


It is 7 p.m.now and they ___________________________________supper.(have)


Everyone is concerned about _______________________________.(state)37.广告只有大规模进行,才能达到目标。

Only on a large scale __________________________________its target.(reach)38.这个女官员根本没把你当会事儿。你应该跟她理论她为什么无视你。

The office lady paid no attention to you.You should reason with her to ask ___________________________.(ignore)39.供语言实验室使用的一系列录音带已经准备好了。

A series of pre-recorded tapes __________________________for language laboratory use.(prepare)


The kids are not interested in this subject, __________________________________.(lie)

31.unable to stand/rise(up)

32.was accused of giving/offering


34.Based on

35.may have had

36.The state of his health

37.can an advertisement/ad reach

38.why she ignored you

39.has been prepared

40.which is where the problem lies




31.They sat together around the table, with 门关着),(shut)

32.I haven’t the slightest idea 他正在说什么).(talk)

34.Last night, John was answering the letters that 寄给他的)during the past two weeks.(arrive)

35.He believes that children 应允许……学习)at their own pace.(allow)

36.She has an excellent 对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her

work.(memory)他是否出过国)doesn’t make much difference.(he, abroad)

38.The factory’s output of cars this year is 大约是去年的三倍).(as, great)

39.Not only_______(要帮助)the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)(可能参与)in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the



31.__________(最长的三条河流)in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River.(long)

32.Seldom __________(他们玩)video games ever since they entered college.(Play)

33.The City __________(我成长的)is very hot and damp in summer.(grow)

34.__________(我花了)one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week.(cost)

35.I feel sick.I wish Mum __________(没有逼我)to eat so much.(force)

36.----You’d better go and __________(把你的轿车洗洗).----No, I’ll do it myself.(wash)

37.With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’timagine __________(我的家乡会是什么样子)in ten years.(what)

38.It is your efforts, not your intelligence, __________(决定)your success.(determine)

39.He looks sleepy.He must __________(熬夜了)last night, writing the essay.(stay)

40.At present, lots of food, water, tents and medicine __________(正在运往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas in Sichuan.(transport)


例:We______(起床)before dawn, It was still dark outside.(get)

答案:got up

71.______(多亏了)her assistance ,we succeeded in starting the engine.(turn)

72.When you are finished with the electric iron, don’t forget_____(关掉它).(turn)

73.During his last lecture, the scientist______(觉得)easier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge.(find)

74._____(获得奖学金)gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.(win)

75.If times______(变了),have our ways of thinking changed too?(change)

76.At the award ceremony, Mr.Jackson said,”for me ,there has been______(没有更大的回报)than your support.”(great)

77.______(任何计划了的事)is sure to change as one puts it into practice.(whatever)

78.Such knowledge is still useful ______(当应用)to similar situations in other countries.(when)

79.After circling around the earth for three days, Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that _____(它着陆)as scheduled the next day.(land)

80.Learning strategies, to _________(老师们认为)importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students.(attach)


71.Only if people of all the countries are united ________(我们才能解决)the existing problems in the world.(solve)

72.________(油漆成)red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very


73.________(不会用)a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research.(use)

74.The news ________(房价将要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices.(fall)

75.After she completes the project, she’ll have ________(没什么要担心的).(worry)

76.Mr.Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention ________(讨论)at the meeting.(discuss)

77.My mother was so proud of all ________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)

78.Last night’s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ________(未证实)yet.(prove)

79.It’s said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they ________(不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide.(do)

80.________(正如我们强调的那样)many times, “serve the people ”is our first policy.(stress)


71.Not until two days after the earthquake________(她发现)her mother alive.(find)

72.________call net when you arrive.Just come up to me house.I’ll be at home all day.(there)

73.It was cold and dumpty the man pulled up his collar and put his hands to his_____(冻僵了的脸).(freeze)

74.________(把钥匙握在手上),he looked for them everywhere.(hold)

75.If_________(我没有喝)alcohol last night.I could have driven my car home.(drink)

76.____________(令球迷欣喜的)was that the young player performed exteriorly well in the table tennis tournament.(delight)

77.A number of paintings in this castle are believed________(被毁掉)in a fire in 2009.(destroy)

78.________(他突然想到)that he had an important conference to attend the next morning.(occur)

79.Be careful!The machine starts ________________(你一按)the button.(moment)

80._____________(比较这两把牙刷)and you’ll find the purple one is softer.(compare)


71.With ________, some animals are facing the danger of dying out.(cut)


72.Popularly ________ American films ever made, The Godfather is a milestone of cinema.(regard)


73.I don’t know ________ in the novel that made him burst into tears.(what)


74.Little ________ what she looks like;all she cares about is her job performance.(care)她不在乎外表,她在乎的是自己的工作表现。

75.Had we not used an out-of-date train schedule, we ________ the train.(miss)


76.However ________, I could not read his handwriting.(try)不论我怎样努力,还是没法看清他写的字。

77.In response to the audience’s great demand, the play ________ in the theatre twice a week.(put)


78.The soldier was absent from his camp for three days without ________.(ask)


79.Our understanding of education, work and society is ________ of the earlier generation.(different)


80.Things aren’t always ________.(appear)



31.the door shut

32.(of)what he’s talking about

33.that he has failed(for)several times

34.had arrived for him

35.should(ought to/must)be allowed to learn(study)

36.memory for names

37.Whether he has been abroad or not

38.about three times as great as that of last year

39.will help be given to

40.may(might / could)have had a hand


31.The three longest rivers

32.have they played

33.in which/where I grew up

34.It cost me

35.hadn’t forced me

36.have/get your car washed

37.what my hometown will be/look like

38.that determine 39.have stayed up

40.are being transported.2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试卷(湖北卷)答案

71.Owing to

72.to turn it off

73.found it/ found(that)it was

74.Winning a scholarship

75.have changed

76.no greater reward/ no reward greater

77.Whatever one has planned/ Whatever has been planned

78.when(it is)applied


80.which(the)teachers attach/ have attached


71.will we be able to solve/can we solve.72.painted。

73.Not being able to use/ Being unable to use/ Not being capable of using/ Being incapable of using

74.that the housing price will fall

75.nothing to worry about

76.(should)be discussed

77.that I had done

78.had not been proved

79.can’t/ couldn’t have done it

As we have stressed


71.did she find

72.There is / will be no need to

73.frozen face

74.Holding the / his keys in the / his hand

With the keys held in the / his hand

The keys held in the / his hand

75.I had not / hadn’t drunk

76.What delighted the fans / made the fans delighted

77.to have been destroyed

78.It(suddenly)occurred to him

79.the moment you press

80.Compared these / the two toothbrushes


71.more and more forests/trees(being)cut down

72.regarded as one of the best

73.what it was

74.does she care(about)

75.would not have missed

76.hard/much I(had)tried

77.will/would be put on

78.asking for leave(first)

79.different from/than that

80.what they appear(to be)




(以下是作者按人教版课本顺序整理的从高一到高二课本中出现的内容,所有内容都是原创,既可以对新题型进行强化训练,又把课本内容在大脑里像放电影一样地过了一遍。我相信亲爱的同学们一定会在轻松、愉快的心情中做完这些题目并且有所收获的!Good luck!)


1.It's wrong to 取笑)disabled persons.(fun)

2.A good friend is someone(使我快乐的人)(make)


4.In the movie Cast Away(扮演了一个名叫查克·诺兰的人)(play)

5.He realizes that he hasn'因为他总是考虑他自己)(think)



(被看做是)loyal friends to people(regard)


10.Sure,we flew 一路上)direct from Seattle to London(all)


(大多数人)speak English(majority)

(发展成为)the language most widely

spoken and used in the world.(develop)

14.Y(通过无线电广播)or use English to communicate with people around the world through the Internet.(radio)

15.For a long time the language in America(保持不变),while the language in England changed.(stay)

(没有任何困难听懂)each other.(带进来了)some words from their own languages.(bring)

18.I first(想写信给你),but then I decided to come to see you.(consider)

(非常受女孩子欢迎).He is amusing.(popular)

(注意)dangers, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants.(watch),you should always think about your safety And wear good clothes.(as)


23.She(环顾四周)and saw Jeff running



26.Jeff and Flora looked into each other's face(露出惊恐的神色)(fright)

27.Finally(傍晚时)we were on the way back to Chengdu.(evening)

28.This was the moment when Spielberg'(真正起步)(take)

29.Hehis wife(把他的成功归功与妻子)(owe)

30.The village leader asks W(代高老师的课)until he comes back.(place)

31.Knowing them will help you(给人留下好印象)(impression)

32.When 喝酒祝某人健康时),you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch.(drink)

33.You have made a mistake--(把一个字母漏掉了)(leave)

(几乎是一片废墟);fires burned everywhere.(ruin)

the city he built.(look)

(拆掉)the city wall and to replace it with a stone building(pull).(每四年)athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.(year)

38.She bought a new coat(以备冬天穿)(prepare)

39.Now, as one of the stars in the NBA, Y(实现自己的梦想)and show the world that

Chinese basketball players love this game too!(live)


41.Whether he comes or not(一点关系都没有)to me(difference)


43.He and I and get on well.(common)

44.His parents were dead and he lives with a family that 对他很坏)(treat)

(已发展成为)a town.(grow)

46.Everyone had something to say,(包括我在内)(include)

three times a day, You will be all right soon.(medicine)

(发展起他的生意)with years of hard work.(business)

what they believe.(base)

总共达)1,000 tons.(amount)

many people, she was indeed lucky.(compare)

(两天的旅行)to Qingdao.(trip)

53.A child brings great joy to a family赠送)red eggs.(因为)hard work----ten years of hard work.(because)

you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.(call)

56.You 试戴了一下)and it looked wonderful on you.(try)

57.The string(开始带电).(charge)

系一条细线到)the cross so you can control the kite.(tie)

59.…(陷落)from under my skis.(drop)

(把她撞翻)and hurt her leg.(knock)

61.He wrote a book 涉及)cattle breeding.(refer)

取得一致)with things that bother them and that they could not

talk about with others.(term)

63.When she praised a book, it will become(畅销书)(sell)

64.Some of this heat near the earth'发电).(electricity)

(占领)the island in 1769.(possession)


67.Y(充分利用)of your time.(use)

68.This saves time and allows farmers to(多种一茬庄稼)in each season(extra)

69.“M代表)“modified”,which means“changed.”.(stand)

70.If you give up your studies, you will(违背你父母的意愿)(go)

(表演出)a situation during their shows.(act)

72.What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is the way of(玩弄词藻)(play)

追朔到)the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk, or Xiangsheng have

Madepeople all over China roar with laughter for centuries.(date)

(喜欢有时间)to play football with you.(appreciate)

75.A smile can help us(度过)difficult situation and find friends in a world of strangers.(get)


切断)the electricity quickly and prevented an accident.(cut)


79.Y(过去了)and I was not that much worse.(go)


81.We(正在寻找)a solution to the problem.(seek)

82.(要是„怎么办?)aliens should invade the earth?(what)

面临)a new problem.(face)



(迷恋)computer games.(addict)

housewives who were interviewed about the product said they liked it.(out)


89.A nest is to a bird(what)

(把书放在一边)and turned off the light.(set)

91.Your letter the days when we worked together in the countryside 20 years ago.(call)

(为„创造了条件)a better job and better living conditions.(door)



(践踏)by the French(run),the upper classes don't have a clear idea of the common people'slives.(speak)


98.One way to the future is to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society.(glimpse)

99.We now have e-friends to help us and(company)

整理)his desk after school.(clean)

101.Jim didn't pass the exam, he(help)


103.He didn'(回答)my answer.(respond)

difficult points in the study of English.(deal)

(参加)the strike.(part)

through the storm night.(awake)


108.I had nothing 与„融洽)my classmates.(harmony)

109.He 建议穿)safety equipment.(recommend)

刚一到),my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage.(upon)

(被冲击)by the storm.(knock)

112.W(存有大量的食物)for the bad weather.(store)

113.Let'(竖立起来)the tent first.(set)


(有积极的影响)on business and science.(effect)

116.He(提出)a better plan at the meeting.(put)

117.To(谋生),Verne had to write and sell stories.(live)

使我想起)my schoolday.(remind)

119.In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which 结果是)a submarine.(turn)120.He couldn'(想出)an answer when I asked him why he was late.(come)

(可用的)other living creatures.(available)

122.I(专心致志地看书)and didn't hear your call.(absorb)

死于)cancer in Washington.(die)

(决不)will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.(time)

125.They came to visit our school(第一次)(time)

看了一眼)of the parcel, so I can't guess what was inside it.(glimpse)

127.I(因„而劳累)running as fast as I can.(tired)128.(尽管很想再见到他),she refused to reply to his letters.(despite)129.All our work was(白费了)(vain)130.I was caught in the rain on my way home.(结果)I had a bad cold.(result)131.We know we can't let(身体缺陷)limit a person's life.(disability)

132.Today there more opportunities for disabled people to develop their potential, live a richer life and(为„作贡献)society.(contribution)133.We should(对„有同情心)the poor people.(sympathy)134.The body quickly(适应)changes in temperature.(adjust)135.She actively(参加)local politics.(participate)136.The coat doesn't(钱花得值得)(value)137.He(考虑到她年纪大)and was patient.(allow)138.The government(向他们提供金钱和衣物).(provide)139.He(否认告诉过我)(deny)140.The enemy(在我们的控制之中)(power)141.She(对„有怜悯之心)little animals.(mercy)

142.(眼中流着泪),she begs him not to go.(tear)143.Don't(对„好奇的)things you are not supposed to know.(curious)144.(就„而言)technical development, people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.(term)145.Jhon and Jim(意见不一致)this.(conflict)146.()is a noble thing.(serve)147.Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always(更愿意步行)(prefer)148.The film is worth(看两次).(see)149.We(决定不)have a trip to the seaside.(conclude)150.A tall man(显眼)in a crowd.(stand)


1.make fun of2.who makes me happy3.have survived the war

4.plays a man named Chuck Noland5.because he has always been thinking about himself

6.becomes fond of him7.share happiness and sorrow8.are regards as

9.drop me a line10.all the way11.all around the world

12.the majority of the people13.developed into14.on the radio

15.stayed the same16.do not have any difficulty in understanding17brought in

18.considered writing to you19.is popular with girls20.Watch out for

21.As with hiking22.was caught in the earthquake23.looked around

24.Advancing towards her25.grew against the wall26.with a look of fright

27.towards evening28.really took off29.owed his success to

30.take Mr.Gao's place31.make a good impression 32.drinking to someone's health

33.you've left out a letter34.was almost in ruins35.look out over

36.pull down37.Every four years38.in preparation for

39.live his dream40.surf the Internet41..makes no difference

42.he had in mind43.have much in common /have a lot in common

44.treats him badly45.has grown into46.me included

47.Take the medicine48.built his business49.based on

50.amounted to51.Compared to/with52.a two-day trip

53.giving away54.because of55.called on

56.tried it on57.was getting charged58.tie a long string to

59.dropped out60.knocked her over61.referring to

62.come to terms with63.a best seller64.make electricity

65.took possession of66.has a population of67.make full use of

68.grow an extra crop69.stands for70.go against your parents' will

71.act out72.playing with words73.Dating back to

74.appreciate having time75.get through76.tear down

77.cut off78.has a genius for79.had gong by

80.was engaged in doing her homework81.are seeking for

82.what if83.was faced with84.robbed her of all her money

85.well-informed86.are addicted to87.Nine out of ten

88.look up to89.what a house is to a man90.set aside

91.call up92.opens the door to93.contributes to

94.throughout the night95.run over96.Generally speaking

97.on a diet98.catch a glimpse of99.keep us company

100.clean up101.couldn't help crying102.in a panic

103.respond to104.deals with105.take part in

106.stayed awake107.can we save the earth108.in harmony with

109.recommends wearing110.Upon arrival111.has been badly knocked about

112.have a lot of food in store113.set up114.runs a small company

115.has a positive effect116.put forward117.make a living

118.remind me of119.turns out to be120.come up with 121.become available to122.was absorbed in a book123.died of

124.At no time125.for the first time126.caught a glimpse of 127.am tired with128.Despite wanting to see him again129.in vain

130As a result131physical disabilities132.make a contribution to 133.have sympathy for134.adjusts to135.participates in 136.value for the money137.allowed for

138.provided them with money and clothes139.denied telling me/that he had told me 140.is in our power141.has mercy on/shows mercy to142.With tears in her eyes 143.be too curious about144.In terms of145.are in conflict with 146.To serve the people147.prefers to walk148.seeing twice 149.concluded not to150.stands out




1.__________(据报道)a lot of people lost their jobs in the city last month.(report)2.__________(据报道), a lot of people lost their jobs in the city last month.(report)3.__________(毫无疑问)he will be admitted to the key university.(doubt)4.He has made some great movies.__________(这一点是毫无疑问的).(doubt)5.__________(没必要)for you to get up early tomorrow.(need)6.__________(碰巧)I had been away when he called.(happen)7.__________(看来)nobody knows what has happened.(seem)8.__________(看起来似乎)it's going to rain.(look)9.__________(很可能)the thieves don’t know how much it is worth.(likely)10.__________(我也许可以)to leave a message for her.(possible)11.It’s no use __________(为打翻的牛奶而哭泣).(cry)12.__________(抱怨是毫无用处的), they never listen.(use)13.__________(难怪)you’ve achieved so much success.(wonder)14.__________(很明确)most of the farmers have brought in more money by all means.(certain)15.__________(据说)the professor has already succeeded in carrying out this experiment.(say)16.The professor is said __________(已成功)in carrying out this experiment.(succeed)(比较句型15)17.__________(感到遗憾)I haven’t been to the get-together.(pity)18 __________(使之成为一种惯例)that I get up at six every day in the morning.(rule)19.I __________(认为有必要)to take plenty of hot water every day.(think)20.It’s high time that we __________(采取措施)to stop pollution.(take)21.__________(要花费她很长时间)to recover from the illness.(take)22.This/It is the third time that I __________(看那部电影).(see)23.It was the first time that she __________(到长城).(be)24.It is / has been two years __________(自从他出国).(go)

25.__________(对你没什么差别)whether I like it or not,because you never listen to me.(make)26.__________(用不了多久)before we know the result of the experiment.(be)

27.Measures have been taken to solve the problem,but __________(可能要过段时间)before the situation improves.(some)28.__________(没关系)the weather was bad.(matter)

29.__________(是否要紧)whether we go together or separately?(matter)30.__________(我突然想起)that he might have forgotten our date.(occur)31.__________(可能性不大)he will change his mind.(chance)32.__________(很可能)we will go to Beijing.(chance)

33.__________(似乎有)hundreds of people in the field;it was quite full.(seem)34.__________(曾经有)a church at the corner of the street.(be)

35.She__________(阐明清楚)she had nothing to do with the decision.(make)36.I__________(确定)everything is ready.(see)

37.What a pity my new computer doesn’t work.__________(一定有什么问题)with it.(wrong)38.__________(结果)she was a friend of my sister.(turn)

39.Come and see me when__________(你方便的时候).(convenient)

40.__________(没多大意义)complaining.It doesn’t make difference.(point)


1.__________(是他们)who/that went to the cinema with me yesterday.(be)2.It was__________(当她正要离开时)that the telephone rang.(about)


(是因为坏天气)that the football match had to be put off?(because of)4.__________(究竟是什么)you wanted to tell her?(be)

5.I just wonder __________(究竟是什么)makes him so excited.(be)

6.I really don’t know __________(究竟在哪儿)he bought the cell phone.(be)7.It was __________(直到昨天下午)that I knew the truth.(until)

8.It was __________(直到他来到中国)that he knew what kind of a country she was(until)9.__________(直到她进入教室)that she realized she had forgotten her book?(enter)

10.It was in this very lab that was in the charge of John __________(他们做了实验).(experiment)


1.— My room gets very cold at night.—__________(我的也是).(so)2.— I don’t think I can walk any further.—__________(我也是)(neither)3.— He is a maths teacher but he likes English.—__________(他的妹妹也是)(same)4.Little __________(他关心自己的安全)though he was in great danger himself.(care)

5.I finally got the job I dreamed about.Never in all my life __________(我感觉如此高兴).(feel)6.Seldom __________(他们彼此吵架)since they got married.(quarrel)

7.Not until __________(我向他解释了所有的事情)did he realize that he was wrong.(explain)8.Not until I began to work __________(我才意识到)how much time I had wasted.(realize)9.So __________(他讲得清楚)that even beginners understand most of what he says.(speak)10.So __________(考试如此难)that only a few students passed it.(difficult)11.Such __________(他取得很大进步)that he was praised.(make)

12.__________(只有通过采取行动)can we improve the situation.(action)

13.Only when your identity has been checked __________

(你才允许进入).(allow)14.Not only __________(要帮助)the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)15.__________(我一到达)at the station than the train left.(sooner)

16.Hardly / Scarcely __________

(他转过身)when everybody burst out laughing.(turn)

17.__________(尽管听起来可能很奇怪), his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.(as)18.__________(尽管我很喜欢它), I won’t buy it.(as)

19.__________(尽管他是个孩子), he knows a lot of things.(as)

20.Neither has he called on her, __________(将来他也不会那样做).(nor)21.The more you explain, __________(我愈糊涂).(confuse)

22.__________(无论他多么晚), his mother would wait for him to have dinner together.(however)23.__________(万一明天下雨), we would have to put off the visit to Beijing.(rain)24.__________(要是那个男孩更努力一些),he might have got through the exam.(work)

25.A better understanding of the environment is necessary, __________(行动的愿望也是必要的).(as)



(会发生什么事)if the earth suddenly stopped turning?(happen)2.If __________(明天天气好),I would go on a trip.(be)


(若她知道)that Mary would come to see her, she would never have gone to the party.(know)4.If you hadn’t seen that film last night, you __________(不会如此疲倦)now.(be)

5.I didn’t know his telephone number otherwise I __________(会给他打电话).(telephone)6.But for the help of my teachers, I __________(不可能取得如此大的进步).(make)7.Without your help, I __________(不会成功)anyway.(succeed)

8.I suggested not only __________(他出席会议)but also give a speech there.(attend)9.Mike’s father, as well as his mother insisted that he __________(该呆在家里).(stay)10.—Guess what!I have got A for my term paper.—Great!You __________(一定阅读广泛)and put a lot of work into it.(read)

11.It’s possible that the king of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he __________(可能参与)in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones.(hand)

12.He __________(本来可以给更多帮助)even though he was very busy.(give)

13.I didn’t see her in the meeting-room this morning, she __________(不可能发言)at the meeting.(speak)14.My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared.Who __________(可能拿了)?(take)15.I __________(本来能借给你自行车),why didn’t you ask me?(lend)

16.The careless man received a ticket for speeding, he __________(本不应该开那么快).(drive)17.There was plenty of time, she __________(本不必匆忙).(hurry)18.Frank called me yesterday, but I __________(宁愿他没有).(rather)

19.I am afraid I am busy tonight, so I would rather you __________(你不来).(come)20.Jim is a good boy;we __________(怎么表扬他也不过分).(too)


1.They sat together around the table, with __________(门关着).(shut)2.They pretended to be working all night, with __________(灯亮着).(burn)3.I can’t go out to play, with __________(如此多作业要做).(do)4.The children came running toward us, with__________(手里拿着花)(hand)5.With __________(考试结束), we had a long time to rest.(over)6.With __________(这么多人来到现场), I felt nervous.(present)


1.Staying in a hotel for a day costs __________(两倍)renting a house in the country for a week.(as)2.Paper produced every year is __________(是……三倍重)the world’s population of vehicles.(weight)3.—How did you find your visit to the museum? —I really enjoyed it.It was __________(比我预料的有趣多了).(than)

4.We have produced __________(两倍多的棉花)this year as we did last year.(twice)


1.—Have you got anything __________(要做)this evening?(do)

—I would like you to go shopping with me.2.I’m going to Wuhan.Do you have anything __________(要带过去)there?(take)3.He seems __________(陷入深思), without noticing me passing him.(think)4.He is said __________(派往)London already.(send)

5.She is said __________(一直在写)the novel about New York for years.(write)6.For a fresh man of society, the question is __________(怎样开始工作)(start)7.The news reporters hurried to the airport, __________(结果被告知)the film stars had left.(tell)8.I had nothing to do but __________(呆在家里)for another year, waiting for a chance.(stay)9.__________(锻炼)early in the morning has become part of her retired life.(exercise)10.__________(居住)in New York for years, I know each part of it very well.(live)

11.__________(一直没有收到)any letter from him for so long, I gave him a call.(receive)12.__________(住得离公司远), I have to get up early every morning.(live)

13.The fire lasted nearly a month, __________(没留下任何有价值的东西).(leave)

14.If you want to __________(使自己受尊重), you are above all to respect others.(make)

15.__________(陷入沉思), he got knocked over by a bike, unable to stand up for the moment.(lose)

16.__________(下定决心改变), he entered a hospital-based diet program and dropped over 70 pounds.(determine)17.__________(所有的票都卖出去了), we had to wait for the next week’s show.(sell)18.The river looks more beautiful, __________(两岸长满了鲜花和绿草).(grow)

19.Then last night, I followed him here, and climbed in, __________(手里拿着剑).(sword)20.Could you show me the computer you want __________(要修理的).(have)21.She’ll __________(让你一直站)if you don’t listen to her.(have)

22.He realized that he did not want __________(让她与他一起去).(have)


1.When you phoned yesterday, I __________(在下象棋)with my daughter.(play)2.Frank was about to leave __________(这时他注意到地板上有封信).(lie)3.Great changes in every field __________(发生)in the last ten years.(take)4.My hands are dirty, I __________(一直在漆门).(paint)5.I __________(自学完数学)by the age of fourteen.(learn)6.By next week, we __________(将学完2000个生词).(learn)

7.I __________(遭遇大雪)in the course of climbing Mount Tai.(get)8.His work __________

(得到高度评价)by the experts.(think)

9.I went to school on foot this morning, because my bike __________(正在修理).(repair)

10.By the time the fire men arrived at the building, the fire __________(已被扑灭了)by the nearby citizens.(put)


1.When I saw a lot of people gathering over there, I went over to see __________(怎么回事).(matter)2.I doubt __________(他是否会来)soon.(come)

3.Can you tell me __________(怎样到达)the railway station?(get)4.__________(你认为谁)is the best football player in your city?(think)5.Where do you think __________(我们应见面)?(meet)

6.__________(他们所拥有的共同之处)is that they are all independent.(common)7.Shanghai is no longer __________(它过去的样子).(be)

8.We are talking about __________(是否该让学生加入我们的俱乐部).(admit)

9.I am just wondering __________(是否再等一小时)or just start off right away.(admit)10.The question is __________(我们是否降低)the cost of the product.(reduce)11.It was uncertain __________


12.__________(他是否出过国)doesn’t make much difference.(abroad)

13.The question __________(我们是否应召请)a specialist was answered by the family doctor.(call)14.The reason why she couldn’t come to meeting __________(是她没有被邀请)(invite)15.The reason for such a serious accident is that __________(司机喝酒太多).(drink)16.He didn’t tell the teacher the reason __________

(可以解释他的缺席)(explain)17.Is this the reason __________


18.You are saying that everyone should be equal and this is __________(我不同意的方面).(disagree)

19.A modern city has been set up in __________(十年前是一片荒地的地方)ten years ago.(be, wasteland)20.We wrote a letter of thanks to __________(凡是帮助过我们的).(whoever)21.There was a time __________(他讨厌上学).(hate)

22.I borrowed three books from the library, __________(其中的两本)are really worth reading.(two)

23.The boys, __________(其中较高的一个)could not reach the shelf, went to look for something to stand on.(tall)24.It was the gate __________(在那儿他告诉了我好消息).(tell)25.I don’t like __________(他对他母亲讲话的方式).(way)26.Is this museum __________(他们上个月参观过的)?(visit)27.This is the only way __________(你能想出作此事的).(think)

28.This is the very one of the most interesting films __________(上周放映的).(show)29.It’s one of the most interesting films __________(上演)since last year.(put)30.He still lives in the room, __________(房间的窗户)faces to the east.(which)31.The fact __________(他失败了数次)makes him very upset.(he ,fail)32.Would you please put the book __________(它该放的地方)?(belong)33.__________(随着时间的流逝), you’ll have a better understanding of it.(go)34.Shylock __________(对钱如此贪婪)that all his friends left him.(greedy)35.__________(最使我惊讶)was that they had finished it so quickly.(surprise)

36.We won’t be able to reach the top of the mountain __________(除非天气改变).(unless)37.__________(无论别人说什么), I won’t give up.(matter)38.__________(地球绕着太阳转)is known to us all.(turn)

39.__________(尽管他很富有), he worked to make a career in science.(despite)40.__________(尽管他年事已高), he still leads an active life.(spite)41.He __________(才起床)until his mother came in.(get)42.You’d better take more clothes __________(以防天气变冷)(case)43.It is __________(如此重的箱子)that nobody can move it.(such)

44.You can’t expect to play tennis __________(像他打得一样好)at your age.(as)

45.She was always speaking highly of her role in the play, __________(这使得其他人不高兴)(make)


1.It’s reported that

2.As is reported

3.There is no doubt that 4.There is no doubt about it

5.There is no need

6.It happened that

7.It seems that

8.It looks as if

9.It’s likely that

10.It’s possible for me

11.crying over spilt milk

12.It’s/There is no use complaining

13.It’s no wonder that

14.It’s certain that

15.It’s said that

16.to have succeeded

17.I feel it a pity that 18.I have made it a rule

19.think it(is)necessary

20.took/should take measures 21.It will take her a long time

22.have seen the film

23.had been to the Great wall 24.since he went abroad

25.It makes no difference to you

26.It won’t be long

27.it may be some time

28.It didn’t matter that

29.Does it matter 30.It occurred to me 31.There is little chance that

32.There is a good/high chance that/There are chances that/Chances are that 33.There seemed to be

34.There used to be

35.made it clear that

36.will see(to it)that

37.There must be something wrong

38.It turned out that 39.it’s convenient to/for you

40.There is not much point(in)


1.It was they

2.when she was about to leave

3.Was it because of the bad weather

4.What was it that

5.what it is that

6.where it was that

7.not until yesterday afternoon

8.not until he came to China

9.Was is not until she entered the classroom

10.that they did the experiment.三 倒装

1.So does mine.2.Neither can I

3.It’s the same with his sister/The same is true of his sister.4.did he care about his own safety

5.had I felt so happy.6.have they quarreled with each other

7.I had explained all to him 8.did I realize

9.clearly does he speak

10.difficult was the exam 11.great progress had he made

12.Only by taking action

13.will you be allowed in

14.will help be given to

15.No sooner had I arrived / I had no sooner arrived

16.had he turned around

17.Strange as it might sound

18.Much as I like it 19.Child as he is

20.nor will he do so

21.the more confused I am /get 22.However late he was

23.Should it rain/ Were it to rain tomorrow

24.Had the boy worked harder

25.as is the willingness to act


1.What would happen

2.it should be / were fine tomorrow 3.If she had known / Had she known 4.wouldn’t be so sleepy 5.would have telephoned him

6.couldn’t have made such progress

7.wouldn’t have succeeded 8.should he attend the meeting 9.(should)stay(at)home

10.must have read widely 11.may/might have had a hand

12.might have given you more help 13.can’t / couldn’t have spoken

14.could / can have taken it

15.could have lent you my bike

16.shouldn’t / oughtn’t to have driven so fast 17.needn’t have hurried

18.would rather he hadn’t 19.didn’t come

20.can’t praise him too much


1.the door shut

2.their(the)light burning

3.so much homework to do 4.flowers in their hands.5.the examinations over

6.so many people present


1.twice as much as 2.three times the weight of

3.far more interesting than I had expected

4.twice as much cotton


1.to do 2 to be taken 3..to be thinking deeply

4.to have been sent to 5.to have been writing

6.how to start work.7.only to be told

8.stay(at)home 9.Taking exercise

10.Having lived 11.Not having received

12.Living far from my company 13.leaving nothing valuable

14.make yourself respected

15.Lost in thought 16.Determined to change

17.All/With all the tickets(having been)sold out 18.(with)flowers and grass growing on both sides 19.sword in hand / with a sword in my hand 20.to have repaired

21.have you standing all the time

22.to have her go with him


1.was playing chess 2.when he noticed a letter lying on the floor 3 have taken place 4.have been painting the door

5.had learned maths(all)by myself

6.will have learned 2000 new words

7.got caught in the heavy snow

8.was thought highly of

9.was being repaired 10.had been put out


1.what was the matter

2.whether/if he will come

3.how I can get to 4.Who do you think

5.we should meet

6.What they have in common

7.what it used to be

8.whether we should admit students into our club

9.whether to wait for another hour

10.whether we can reduce 11.whether he would come

12.Whether he has been abroad or not 13.whether we ought to / should call in

14.was that she hadn’t been invited 15.the driver drank too much


could explain his absence

17.why/ for which you are in favor of my opinion

18.where I disagree

19.what was a wasteland

20.whoever had helped us

21.when he hated to go to school

22.two of which/of which two

23.the taller of whom/of whom the taller

24.where he told me the good news 25.the way he speaks to his mother

26.the one they visited last month 27.(that)you can think of to do it

28.that was shown last week

29.that have been put on

30.of which the window/the window of which

31.that he has failed for several times

32.where it belongs

33.As time goes by/With time going by

34.was so greedy for money 35.What surprised me most

36.unless the weather changes

37.No matter what others say

38.That the earth turns around the sun

39.Despite his wealth/Despite the fact that he was wealthy

40.In spite of his old age

41.didn’t get up 42.in case the weather gets cold

43.such a heavy box

44.as well as him / he does

45.which made the others unhappy.一、it及there句型

四、虚拟语气及情态动词三 倒装








1.___________(多亏了)her assistance ,we succeeded in starting the engine.(owe)

2.When you are finished with the electric iron, don’t forget___________(关掉它).(turn)

3.During his last lecture, the scientist_________(觉得)easier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge.(find)

4._________(获得奖学金)gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.(win)

5.If times_________(变了),have our ways of thinking changed too?(change)

6.At the award ceremony, Mr.Jackson said, “For me, there has been______(没有更大的回报)than your support.”(great)

7.___________________(任何计划好了的事)is sure to change as one puts it into practice.(whatever)

8.Such knowledge is still useful ______________(当应用)to similar situations in other countries.(when)

9.After circling around the earth for three days, Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that _____________(它着陆)as scheduled the next day.(land)

10.Learning strategies, to _____________(老师师们认为)importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students.(attach)

1.Only if people of a11 the countries are united ________________(我们才能解决)the existing problems in the world.(solve)

2.________________(油漆成)red,the building stands out among the rest and looks veryattractive.(paint)

3.________________(不会用)a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academicresearch.(use)

4.The news _________________(房价将要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices.(fall)

5.After she completes the project,she'll have______________(没什么要担心的).(worry)

6.Mr Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention_________________(讨论)at the meeting.(discuss)

7.My mother was so proud of all_____________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip toBeijing.(do)

8.Last night's 9 TV news said that by then the death of the missing people_______________(未证实)yet.(prove)

9.It's said that they have swum to the island from the continent,but they________________(不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide.(do)

10._____________(正如我们强调的那样)many times,“serve the people”is our first policy.(stress)

1.Not until two days after the earthquake____________(她发现)her mother alive.(find)

2.____________ call net when you arrive.Just come up to me house.I’ll be at home all day.(there)

3.It was cold and dump the man pulled up his collat and put his hands to his_____(冻僵了的脸).(freeze)

4.________________(把钥匙握在手上),he looked for them everywhere.(hold)

5.If_____________(我没有喝)alcohol last night.I could have driven my car home.(drink)

6.______________________(令球迷欣喜的)was that the young player performed exteriorly well in the table tennis tournament.(delight)

7.A number of paintings in this castle are believed____________(被毁掉)in a fire in 2009.(destroy)

8.____________(他突然想到)that he had an important conference to attend the next morning.(occur)

9.Be careful!The machine starts______________(你一按)the button.(moment)

10.___________________(比较这两把牙刷)and you’ll find the purple one is softer.(compare)

1.With ________, some animals are facing the danger of dying out.(cut)


2.Popularly ________ American films ever made, The Godfather is a milestone of cinema.(regard)


3.I don’t know ________ in the novel that made him burst into tears.(what)我不知道是小说中的什么东西使他突然泪如泉涌。

4.Little ________ what she looks like;all she cares about is her job performance.(care)


5.Had we not used an out-of-date train schedule, we ________ the train.(miss)要不是用了一张过期的列车时刻表,我们就不会误了火车。

6.However ____________, I could not read his handwriting.(try)


7.In response to the audience’s great demand, the play ________ in the theatre twice a week.(put)


8.The soldier was absent from his camp for three days without ________.(ask)这个士兵没有请假就离开营地三天。

9.Our understanding of education, work and society is ____________ of the earlier generation.(different)


10.Things aren’t always ________.(appear)事情往往不是它们看上去的那样。

1.Knowing __________ reduces the risks of failure and it works like an insurance policy for your own ability.(do)


2.Not __________ my parents, I failed to go to a drama school, where my interest lay.(persuade)


3.The chief engineer together with his colleagues __________ new scientific methods of farming since five years ago.(look)


4.When I work on the farmland in the daytime, I always __________ to a tree on the riverbank.(keep)


5.As time is pressing, I think ______________ is the best way to get from here to the conference centre.(take)


6.So fast ______ that we can hardly imagine its speed.(travel)光传播的速度快到我们难以想象。

7.Through the course of my schooling, I met many teachers, two __________ me greatly.(influence)


8.I don’t often lose things, so I was quite surprised ___________ my wallet and found it wasn’t there.(reach)


9.It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines __________ in Wuhan.(build)据报纸报道,武汉正在建设几条新的地铁线路。

10.Most believe he ___________for England last week, but for a serious injury

which put him out of football.(play)


71.The community college has to cut down on staff ____________.(save)


72.So far the well-known journalist __________ more than 4,000 interviews with famous people.(accumulate)


73.Sometimes ___________ to use examples to explain abstract concepts.(helpful)


74.The police will reward ___________ useful information to catch the robber.(provide)


75.He’s the only student in the class ___________ to take part in the Model United Nations



76.No other technological development has had ___________ as the growth of electronics on so

many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development.(impact)



77.You ___________ the meeting to tell me that;you could have come to tell me afterwards.(interrupt)


78.This novel was once the ___________ book in high schools in the United States.(read)


79.The Public Square is an eye-catching sight of the city.___________ many stone sculptures of

famous historical figures.(stand)


80.It was several minutes ___________ what he was saying.(take)




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    【时态语态】 回归课本 1. [B1U2] At first the English _________________ the English spoken today. (different)起初的英语跟当今所说的英语很不一样。 2. [B1U3] Ever......


    绝密☆启用前 试卷类型:B 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖北卷) 英语试题参考答案 第一部分:听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C......


    1 abandon oneself to sth. 完全屈从于(某种感情或冲动) 2 have a (the )ability to do sth. ( have the ability in doing sth.)有能力做某事 3 to the best of one's abi......