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都是截图的答案 Unit1 Basic listening bdacd Listening in Tesk1

Task 2

Task 3 Bcdad

Further listening and speaking Further listening Task1

Task 2

Task 3 Bacdd Viewing and speaking > Task 1

Unit1 test Abdbd

Cabda Caadcbacbc

-------------------------Unit2 Lead in Task1

Basic listening practice Bdaac Listening in > Task 1

Task2 Dabcd Task3 Ddabc Let's talk > Task 1

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

Task2 dbacc task3

Viewing and speaking > Task 1

Unit2 test ccbcd

Bcdcb Bcdccaddbc


Unit3 Lead in > Task 1

Basic listening Cadba Listening in Task1 Cacbd Tast2

Tast3 Dadac Let's talk > Task 1

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 Cbacd Task2 Ababb Task3 : The Russian hurled the half-full bottle of vodka out of the open window.He answered, “Vodka is plentiful in my country.In fact, we have thousands and thousands of liters of it—far more than we need.” The businessman said, “I thought the Cuban economy was not good this year.Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away.I find your actions quite puzzling.” He replied, “Cigars are a dime a dozen in Cuba.We have more of them than we know what to do with.” The American businessman sat in silence for a moment.Then he got up, grabbed the lawyer, and threw him out of the window.He did that probably because he thought there were too many lawyers in the United States.Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1

Unit 3 test Bcbbd

Cabdd Dbaddcabba


Unit4 Lead in Task1

Basic listening practice Cabcd Listening in  Task 1 

 Task2  Baaba  Task3  Aaadc Let's talk > Task 1

 Further listening and speaking  > Further listening > 

Task 1

 Task2  Bcadc  Task3

Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1

 Unit4 test  Dadcc

    Cabda Adbcadabcd Unit5 Lead in

        Basic listening practice Cabcc Listening in Task1 Dcdab Task2 Ababa Task3

 Let's talk >  Task 1

 Further listening and speaking >  Further listening > 

Task 1  Adcbc  Task2

 Tast3 1

Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1

Unit5 test Cacdd

Dabcd Cabccabdac------ Unit6  Basic listening  Cdacb Listening in > Task 1  Abaabaa  Task2  Bccad  Task3  Caacb  Let's talk >  Task 1

 Task2

Further listening and speaking

Further listening > Task 1

Task2  Baaba  Task3  Ccbad Further listening and speaking  Viewing and speaking >  Task 1

 Unit6 test  Cbcdc

 Cbacd  Dabcbcaadc ----------------------- Unit7  Basic listening practice  Bcabc Listening in > Task 1

Task2  Cbbad  Task3

 Let's talk > 

Task 1

              Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 Dccac Task2 Babba Task3 Cbdca Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1 268(不确定哈)Unit7 test Addcd

           Cbdac Bdbcabdcdd Unit8 Basic listening practice Ccbad Listening in > Task 1 Baccd Task2 Cdcbc Task3

 Let’s talk  Task1

    Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 Bacbc  Task2

Task3     Cdaba Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1

 Unit8 test  Cbadd

       Abcbd Cbacbabcdc-------------------Unit9 Lead in Plane






subway/underground Basic listening  Cbcda  Listening in > Task 1

      Task2 Accdd Task3 Abdda Let's talk > Task 1

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

Task2 Dcdab Task3

Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1

Unit9 test 跳过了,看不到答案了。。。。。


呼呼 Lead in > Task 1 Aaabaabaaa Basic listening practice Cdabc Listening in Task1 Bcdca Task2 Abbab Task3

Let's talk > Task 1

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 Abddc Task2


Viewing and speaking > Task 1

Unit10 test Bcbcd

Bcbad bcacdcbabd



Listening skillsBBDCAListening in Task1FTFTFListening in Task2BBDAC

Listening in Task3 classical,peaceful,relaxing,Jazz,sadness,heavy metal,energy,sporting events,physical labor,road accidents

Let's talkTask 1 Good Morning to All,success,musical talents,without,second part,replaced,legal action,real owners

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 special,joke,talent,proud,loud,joy,honesty,dancer,talk,wondered,capture,fanTask2BAADCTask 3 FFTTT Unit 1 test


1.favorite band,2.Not anymore,3.no longer,4.a big fan,5.collected,6.the ones,7.Going crazy,8.Maybe to you,9.pressure,10.fall in love,11.get it,12.from time to time,13.Go on,14.music video1-5 BCDDA1-5 CDABA6-10 CDCBC


Listening skills: Making inferencesADBCB

Listening in > Task 1director,sound effects,good story,think,sad,violent,light-hearted movies,mystery movie,in the futureTask 2DCDAB

Task 3 film, directors, actors, important, the United Kingdom, viewers, 40 million, Olympic, World Cup, time, artistic value, depth, Best Picture, favor, science fiction

Let's talk > Task 1ABCDD

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1memorizing lines,remember one line,I hear the guns roar,a loud boom,forgot his lineTask 2ACCADTask 3FTFTF Unit 2 test


1.a very good 2.starring 3.best-seller 4.a new classic 5.violent 6.somewhat 7.before 8.the calmness

9.death 10.thought1-5 DBDCA1-5 CCBAB6-10 CCBAC


Listening skills: Identifying people's identityBCDAA

Listening in > Task 1 go out,flaming red,crush,chicken,likes,guts,turn him down,keeping everything,tell herTask 2 early,late teens,Double-dating,Group datin,marry,Adult dating,hardly,Blind date,never

Listening in > Task 3

(3)An announcement about the wedding was published in the newspaper.(2)Wedding invitations were sent out to relatives and friends.(1)The minister greeted the guests in the church.(8)The minister talked about the meaning of marriage.(4)The bride and the bridegroom exchanged vows.(7)The minister prayed for the couple.(6)The minister declared the couple husband and wife.(9)The reception was over.(5)The minister signed the certificate.Let's talk > Task 1 BBCDA

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 BDCA

Task 2the young man's plans,a nice house,God will provide for us,Don't worry, sir,play the

role of GodTask 3 FFTTF

Unit 3 test


1.He's engaged 2.even 3.fell in love with 4.swept him off his feet 5.popped the question 6.getting married 7.lonely 8.divorced 9.different1-5 CADBA1-5 BCADD6-10 CACBD


Listening skills Obey your thirst.,Drivers wanted.,She works while you rest.,Make yourself heard.,We lead.Others copy.,Good to the last drop.,Don't leave home without it.,No business too small, no problem too big.Listening in > Task 1 shoes,funny,a lot of life,ad,extra spring,money,millions of dollars,for nothing,reach the top,hard work,focus on,forgetTask 2 FTFFTTask 3 ABBCC Let's talk > Task 1 TFTFT

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 banned tobacco ads,young people smoking cigarettes,ways around the law,new customers old ones,smoking on campus Task 2 ACBDDTask 3 FTFTF

Unit 4 test


1.We do 2.change the image 3.do some surveys 4.different age groups 5.all the time 6.your users

7.target1-5 CAAAB1-5 CDCDC6-10 CBDBC


Listening skills ABBDC

Listening in > Task 1

(2)The couple was going to celebrate the wife's birthday.(5)The husband put the cat out before the taxi arrived.(3)The cat shot back into the house when the couple was going to the taxi.(1)The husband went back to chase the cat out.(4)The wife told the driver a lie.(6)The husband got into the car.Task 2 ADBCCTask 3 CDBAC

Let's talk > Task 11-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality, barked, finest, money 7-12: own/have, followed, apartment house, third floor, scratched on, door

13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, looked at, his key

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close, interview

6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chickenTask 2 CBCDD

Task 3 1.in the theater2.a ticket3.well-trained, intelligent, human4.any problem, leave the theater, any other dog5.let the dog in, almost empty

Unit 5 test


1.how's 2.they seem to be 3.protects them from 4.all the time 5.scaring away 6.though 7.they're lazy/they are lazy 8.avoid being seen 9.much faster 10.like horses 11.in Greek



Listening skills: Dialog 1: D, The first girl(The girl who wears the short skirt

Dialog 2: B, No, she hasn’t.Listening in > Task 1 1-4: looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion, good on her

5-7: out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonder

Task 2 1-5: fashionable clothes, trends, copied, traditional center, are guarded

6-10: July, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only a part

Task 3 1-5: DACBC

Let's talk > Task 1 1-5: different and daring, Teenagers, their legs, shorter and shorter, five inches 6-10: loose morals, never appear, look childlike, women’s liberation, traditional

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5: TFTFF

Task 2 1-7: nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out, wore

Task 3 1-4: new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition, clothes in fashion

5-7: the Middle Ages, part-time job, not too expensive

Unit 6 test


1.trying on 2.a business suit 3.in a blouse 4.cotton tights 5.a dress 6.a miniskirt 7.to an office

8.catch more eyes 9.suit 10.a typical boy1-5 ACBDC1-5 CBAAD6-10 BCDAC Unit7

Listening skills: 1-5: BAADB

Listening in > Task 11-5: banker, loan, saving, save, spend, mortgage, property, property values, risen/gone up/increased by 30 percentTask 21-5: ABDCCTask 31-5: FTFTF

Let's talk > Task 11-7: money, all his money, promise, in the casket, sitting, next to, close 8-14: box, locked, foolish, all that money, go back on her word, put the money, check

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 11-7: the beggar, needed help, careful, a job, a hard time, waste, good luckTask 2 1-5: DCBDATask 3 1-5: TFFTT Unit 7 test


1.give me a loan 2.What for 3.support 4.are spending 5.hard up myself 6.let him know 7.get nowhere 8.easy-going 9.general manager 10.my luck



Listening skills:1-6: First, not only, but also, Also, Instead, More importantly

7-11: though, Moreover, In fact, Last but not least, for example

Listening in > Task 1 1-5: FTFTFTask 2 1-5: BDCAC

Task 3 1-6: give out, number, online, sites, credit card, low

7-11: outgoing, thieves, offers, mailbox, front door

Let's talk > Task 14-5-6-7-3-2-1

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 11.freeze 2.tall, shorter, red jacket,3.his gun, open, the rest of the people,4.key, safe,5.calm, a medal

Task 2 1-5: ADCDBTask 3 1-5: FTTFF

Unit 8 test


1.in prison 2.the greater part of 3.small office 4.things 5.3 meals 6.get a break 7.play games 8.get fired 9.all ears 10.allow 11.on the phone 12.change places 13.In spite of



Listening skills:1-6: crashing into, at least three, dozens more, big hole, danger, 32

7-12: 68, 5:48, 18 minutes, terrorism, four, the pilot

Listening in > Task 11-5: TFTFFTask 2 1-5: DABCC

Task 3 1-7: candle, couple, six, 190 people, 1,500, 15 percent, nearly 5 percent

8-13: about 1 percent, 700 percent, burning candle, away, at least a foot, children and pets

Let's talk > Task 1 1-5: lost it for drunk driving, stole the car and killed the owner, in the trunk, horrified, calls for backup, I was speeding, too

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

1-5: 120°, burns, candles, blow them out, electrical appliances

6-10: flickering lights, smoke alarm, floor plan, exits

Task 2 1-5: ACCBD

Task 3 1-5: emergency 911, had broken down, woman passenger, No.15, 15 miles

6-9: ambulance, the operator, calm and warm, a boy

Unit 9 test


1.driven through 2.right away 3.smells of 4.run into 5.going 6.Look out 7.hit it 8.the opposite way1-5 BDACC1-5 ABDAC6-10 BBDAD


Listening skills:1-8: take off, land, representative, how a plane flies, stays on the ground, short flight, increase, another city

Listening in > Task 1 1-5: go camping, planning to go, the mountains, the most beautiful, drive 6-11: heights, wonderful views, skip the climbing, clean up, fun, overcome

Task 2 1-5: TFFTFTask 3 1-5: CDBAA

Let's talk > Task 1 1-5: a school examination, the basement, shopping, steps, frightened 6-10: come in, the window, toy gun, upstairs, take the dog

11-14: have heard, the window, her parents, dial the number

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

1-6: first prize, software competition, a trip to, fly, turns, goes pale, a cold sweat, some medicines, cause, a lot of troubleTask 2 1-5: ACDBATask 3 1-5: TTFFT

Unit 10 test


1.2 people 2.What's up 3.camping 4.Care to 5.snakes 6.scared stiff 7.in the mountains 8.care for

9.Poisonous ones 10.like 11.can you 12.or not 13.how loud 14.scream



Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven!

II Listening skills

1-5: B B D C A

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: F T F T F

Task 2: 1-5: B B D A C

Task 3: 1-5: classical, peaceful, relaxing, Jazz, sadness

6-10: heavy metal, energy, sporting events, physical labor, road accidents

V Let’s talk

1-8: Good Morning to All, success, musical talents, without, second part, replaced, legal action, real owners

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-6: special, joke, talent, proud, loud, joy

7-12: honesty, dancer, talk, wondered, capture, fan

Task 2: 1-5: B A A D C

Task 3: 1-5: F F T T T

Unit 2 What’s on at the cinema?

II Listening skills

1-5: A D B C B

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: director, sound effects, good story, think, sad 6-9: violent, light-hearted movies, mystery movie, in the future Task 2: 1-5: D C D A B

Task 3: 1-5: film, directors, actors, important, the United Kingdom 6-10: viewers, 40 million, Olympic, World Cup, time

11-15: artistic value, depth, Best Picture, favor, science fiction V Let’s talk

1-5: A B C D D

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: memorizing lines, remember one line, I hear the guns roar, a loud boom, forgot his line

Task 2: 1-5: A C C A D

Task 3: 1-5: F T F T F

Unit 3 Every Jack has his Jill!

II Listening skills

1-5: B A A A A

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: go out, flaming red, crush, chicken, likes

6-9: guts, turn him down, keeping everything, tell her

Task 2: 1-5: early, late teens, Double-dating, Group dating, marry 6-9: Adult dating, hardly, Blind date, never

Task 3: 3-2-1-5-9-7-6-4-8

V Let’s talk

1-5: B B C D A

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-4: B D C A

Task 2: 1-5: the young man’s plans, a nice house, God will provide for us, Don’t worry, sir, play the role of God

Task 3: 1-5: F F T T F

Unit 4 Beware of ads

II Listening skills

Good to the last drop.—Maxwell coffee

Make yourself heard.—Ericsson mobile phone

Obey your thirst.—Sprite soda drink

We lead.Others copy.—Ricoh photocopier

No business to small, no problem too big.—IBM company

Drivers wanted.—Volkswagen car

Don’t leave home without it.—American Express credit card

She works while you rest.—A washing machine

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-7: shoes, funny, a lot of life, ad, extra spring, money, tall man

8-13: millions of dollars, for nothing, reach the top, hard work, focus on, forget

Task 2: 1-5: F T F F T

Task 3: 1-5: A B B C C

V Let’s talk

1-5: T F T F T

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: banned tobacco/cigarette ads, young people smoking

cigarettes, ways around the law, new customers, old ones, smoking on campus

Task 2: 1-5: A C B D D

Task 3: 1-5: F T F T F

Unit 5 Does your best friend have four legs?

II Listening skills

1-5: A B B D C

III Listening in

Task 1: 4-1-3-5-2-6

Task 2: 1-5: A D B C C

Task 3: 1-5: C D B A C

V Let’s talk

1-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality, barked, finest, money

7-12: own/have, followed, apartment house, third floor, scratched on, door

13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, looked at, his key

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close, interview

6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chicken

Task 2: 1-5: C B C D D

Task 3: 1.in the theater

2.a ticket

3.well-trained, intelligent, human

4.any problem, leave the theater, any other dog

5.let the dog in, almost empty

Unit 6 What’s in fashion?

II Listening skills

Dialog 1: D, The first girl(The girl who wears the short skirt)Dialog 2: B, No, she hasn’t.III Listening in

Task 1: 1-4: looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion, good on her 5-7: out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonder

Task 2: 1-5: fashionable clothes, trends, copied, traditional center, are guarded

6-10: July, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only a part Task 3: 1-5: D A C B C

V Let’s talk

1-5: different and daring, Teenagers, their legs, shorter and shorter, five inches

6-10: loose morals, never appear, look childlike, women’s liberation, traditional

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: T F T F F

Task 2: 1-7: nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out, wore Task 3: 1-4: new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition, clothes in fashion

5-7: the Middle Ages, part-time job, not too expensive

Unit 7 Does money talk?

II Listening skills

1-5: B A A D B

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: banker, loan, saving, save, spend, mortgage, property, property values, risen/gone up/increased by 30 percent

Task 2: 1-5: A B D C C

Task 3: 1-5: F T F T F

V Let’s talk

1-7: money, all his money, promise, in the casket, sitting, next to, close 8-14: box, locked, foolish, all that money, go back on her word, put the money, check

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-7: the beggar, needed help, careful, a job, a hard time, waste, good luck

Task 2: 1-5: D C B D A

Task 3: 1-5: T F F T T

Unit 8 Crime does pay!

II Listening skills

1-6: First, not only, but also, Also, Instead, More importantly 7-11: though, Moreover, In fact, Last but not least, for example III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: F T F T F

Task 2: 1-5: B D C A C

Task 3: 1-6: give out, number, online, sites, credit card, low 7-11: outgoing, thieves, offers, mailbox, front door

V Let’s talk


VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1.freeze

2.tall, shorter, red jacket

3.his gun, open, the rest of the people

4.key, safe

5.calm, a medal

Task 2: 1-5: A D C D B

Task 3: 1-5: F T T F F

Unit 9 Are you safe today?

II Listening skills

1-6: crashing into, at least three, dozens more, big hole, danger, 32 7-12: 68, 5:48, 18 minutes, terrorism, four, the pilot

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: T F T F F

Task 2: 1-5: D A B C C

Task 3: 1-7: candle, couple, six, 190 people, 1,500, 15 percent, nearly 5 percent

8-13: about 1 percent, 700 percent, burning candle, away, at least a foot, children and pets

V Let’s talk

1-5: lost it for drunk driving, stole the car and killed the owner, in the trunk, horrified, calls for backup, I was speeding, too

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: 120°, burns, candles, blow them out, electrical appliances 6-10: flickering lights, smoke alarm, floor plan, exits

Task 2: 1-5: A C C B D

Task 3: 1-5: emergency 911, had broken down, woman passenger, No.15, 15 miles

6-9: ambulance, the operator, calm and warm, a boy

Unit 10 Want freedom from fear?

II Listening skills

1-8: take off, land, representative, how a plane flies, stays on the ground, short flight, increase, another city

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: go camping, planning to go, the mountains, the most beautiful, drive

6-11: heights, wonderful views, skip the climbing, clean up, fun, overcome Task 2: 1-5: T F F T F

Task 3: 1-5: C D B A A

V Let’s talk

1-5: a school examination, the basement, shopping, steps, frightened 6-10: come in, the window, toy gun, upstairs, take the dog

11-14: have heard, the window, her parents, dial the number

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-6: first prize, software competition, a trip to, fly, turns, goes pale, a cold sweat, some medicines, cause, a lot of trouble Task 2: 1-5: A C D B A

Task 3: 1-5: T T F F T


Conversation 1

W: Hello, Mr.Williams.This is John Barrett's secretary.I'm calling to cancel his appointment with you at 10 today as he is not feeling well.你好,威廉姆斯先生。这是John Barrett的秘书。我打电话是想取消他今天10点的约会,因为他身体不好.。

M: Thanks for calling.It's quite all right.We'll arrange some other time to meet.谢谢你的电话。这是完全正确的。我们会安排其他时间见面。Q: What is the man going to do?آ

Conversation 2

M: I need to use more than just my math skills for these questions but I don't have a calculator.Shall I go and buy one? M:对于这些问题我需要用的不仅仅是我的数学技能,但我没有计算器.。我去买一个吗? W: Actually, I've got two.And I'll let you have one for the price of a coffee.女:事实上,我有两个。我会给你一杯咖啡的价格。

Q: What do we learn about the woman from this conversation?آ

Conversation 3

M: Professor Smith, I'd like to have your advice as to my career development in the future.男:史米斯教授,我想知道你对我未来职业发展的建议.。

W: It's my pleasure.I think you are good at abstract thinking.I am sure you'll make it if you pursue your graduate work in theoretical physics.这是我的荣幸。我认为你擅长抽象思维。我相信,如果你继续你的研究生在理论物理学,你会成功的.。

Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?آ

Conversation 4

W: I can't believe Ken missed such an important lecture even though I reminded him the day before yesterday.我真不敢相信肯竟然错过了这么重要的演讲,尽管我前天就提醒过他.。

M: You should know him better by now.He's known for taking everything in one ear and straight out the other.男:现在你应该了解他了。他是众所周知的采取一切在一个耳朵和直出其他。Q: What does the man imply?آ

Conversation 5

W: I hear you're working as a market surveyor this summer.It's got to be awfully difficult going to so many places in such hot summer days.听说今年夏天你在做市场测量师.。在这么炎热的夏天里去这么多地方真是太难了.。

M: Well, it is challenging, but I get to meet lots of new people and the pay is decent enough.男:这很有挑战性,但是我结识了很多新人,薪水也很不错.。Q: What does the man think of his job?آ


Conversation 1

W:What's up? You look so upset and tired.怎么了?你看起来很沮丧和疲倦。

M: To be frank, I am getting a little tired of my sister's vanishing without any explanation, especially when there is a lot of work to do around the house.男:老实说,我对我妹妹的消失没有任何解释,尤其是在家里有很多事情要做的时候,我有点累了。

Q: How does the man feel about his sister?

Conversation 2 W: What's wrong with Professor Smith? I can't imagine that he lost his temper this morning.When I first met him, he looked so gentle and kind.史米斯教授怎么了?我无法想象他今天早上发脾气了.。当我第一次见到他时,他显得那么温柔和蔼。

M: Oh, don't make a fuss about it.If you know him, then you'll also know it'll pass very soon.男:哦,不要大惊小怪的。如果你认识他,那么你也会知道这会很快过去。Q: What does the man say about Professor Smith?

Conversation 3 W: You mean Horace is still angry about that joke you made about his name? 你是说贺拉斯还在为你的名字开玩笑吗?

M: Yes.But I couldn't help it.It just occurred to me at that moment.I didn't mean to offend him at all!

对.但我忍不住了。它只是发生在我的那一刻。我根本不想冒犯他!Q: What do we know about the man?

Conversation 4

W: By the way, did you hear that Jack failed his mid-term exam? It's too bad because it will disqualify him for next year's scholarship, and his parents will be really disappointed with him.女:顺便问一下,你听说杰克期中考试不及格了吗?这是因为它会剥夺他下一年的奖学金,他的父母会真的对他很失望。

M: He deserved it.He's never really studied since last semester.他应得的。他从上学期就没有真正学习过。

Q: How does the man feel about Jack's failing the exam?


Conversation 5

W: I have been thinking about the interview all week.I'm so desperate for this job, I can't afford any mistakes.我整个星期都在考虑面试的事。我非常渴望这份工作,我不能承担任何错误。

M: Take it easy.You've made enough preparations.What you really need is a little bit of confidence.I'm sure you'll get the job.男:很容易。你已经做了足够的准备。你真正需要的是一点点自信。我相信你会得到这份工作的。

Q: What do we learn about the woman?


Conversation 1

M: It's considerate of the community to offer us old people so many chances.As you can see from my curriculum schedule, I have one music theory class and one piano lesson in the afternoon.男:考虑到社区给我们这么多人机会,真是考虑周到.。从我的课程安排可以看出,我有一堂音乐理论课,下午上了一堂钢琴课.。

W: I still have no idea which class I should choose.I think I may take music theory class with you.女:我还是不知道我该选哪个班。我想我可以和你一起上音乐理论课。Q: What are the speakers doing?

Conversation 2

W: Let's talk about the preparations for the coming Christmas party.让我们谈谈即将到来的圣诞晚会的准备工作.。

M: I think we really need a good plan and to arrange everything well in advance this time.Do you remember what a mess it was last year? M:我认为我们真的需要一个好的计划,并且提前做好一切安排。你还记得去年有多乱吗? Q: What do we know about the Christmas party last year?

问:我们对去年的圣诞晚会了解多少? Conversation 3

W: John, could you look after the children for me while I go to the doctor? The only appointment I could get is at 11:00.约翰,我去看医生的时候,你能帮我照看一下孩子吗?唯一我能得到的是约11:00。

M: All right.But I have to leave at 1 p.m.I'm going to a party in the afternoon.男:好吗。但是我必须在下午1点离开,下午我要去参加一个聚会.。

Q: What is the man supposed to do now according to the conversation?


Conversation 4

M: It's said that you have a new handsome neighbor from Australia.How are you getting along with him, Mary? 据说你有一个来自澳大利亚的英俊邻居。你和他相处的怎么样,玛丽?

W: Oh, quite well.He is a person who always speaks his mind, and I guess he gets along well with the entire neighborhood.哦,很好。他是个经常说话的人,我想他和周围的人相处得很好。Q: What does the woman think of her new neighbor?


Conversation 5

W: I've heard that Mr.Smith is moving to a new apartment house at the end of this month.我听说史米斯先生将在本月底搬到一所新公寓楼.。

M: That's wonderful.He's been looking forward to moving to a new house for a long time.Let's give him a hand this weekend.男:那太好了。他一直盼望着很长一段时间搬到一所新房子.。这个周末让我们给他一只手。Q: What is the man going to do this weekend?



Conversation 1

M: Ted said he'd made up his mind to quit school and set up his own computer company.男:特德说他下定决心要退学,成立自己的电脑公司.。

W: He's told many people about his plan but I wonder where he could get so much money.Besides, he never showed any real curiosity in our computer class.He is a complete layman as far as the computer is concerned.他告诉很多人关于他的计划,但我不知道他能得到这么多钱。此外,他从来没有表现出任何真正的好奇心在我们的计算机类。就计算机而言,他是个完全外行的人.关注的是。

Q: What does the woman mean?آ


Conversation 2

W: It is reported that researchers have developed tiny engines which are able to break down the pollutants in wastewater to create clean water.I think that'll be great news to people in areas lacking water.据报道,研究人员研制出能分解废水中的污染物以制造洁净水的微型发动机.。我想这对那些缺乏地域的人来说是个好消息水。

M: Well, I am thinking that whether people in those areas can afford the engines.M:我在想,那些地区的人是否能买得起发动机。Q: What is the man worried about?آ


Conversation 3

W: Driving all the way to work and back every day really makes me exhausted.If only the cars could drive automatically.每天开车去上班和回来真的让我筋疲力尽。要是汽车能自动驾驶就好了。

M: Well, haven't you heard that some engineers are working on intelligent cars? I suppose that you will soon be able to purchase one as long as you can afford it.男:嗯,你没听说有些工程师正在开发智能车吗?我想只要你买得起,你很快就能买的.。Q: What can we infer from the conversation?آ


Conversation 4

M: A Dutch airline rolled out a new program recently.It enables travelers to choose their seat partners based on the online profiles of those sharing the flight.Passengers can make a match by offering their Facebook data, depending on whether they're looking for a potential personal or business relationship.最近,一家荷兰航空公司推出了一个新项目.。它使旅客可以选择他们的座位合作伙伴的基础上共享航班的在线概况。乘客可以通过要进行比赛他们的脸谱网数据,取决于他们是否正在寻找一个潜在的个人或业务关系。

W: Aha, that's really a fantastic idea.I'd like to have a try as early as possible.啊哈,真是个好主意。我想尽早尝试一下.。

Q: What are they talking about?آ 问:他们在说什么?آ

Conversation 5

M: I am thinking of starting my own business.But I haven't got any idea of what to do.It seems that many young people are pouring into the online business.男:我想开始自己的事业。但我还不知道该怎么办。看来许多年轻人正在涌入网上业务.。W: If I were you, I'd like to offer the online video editing service.Many people shoot videos but don't know how to edit.Maybe this is the online business opportunity for you!如果我是你,我想提供在线视频编辑服务.。许多人拍摄视频,但不知道如何编辑。也许这是你的网上商机!

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? آ 问:女人建议男人做什么?آ


Conversation 1

W: I just want to burst into my boss' office and tell him that I quit.He promised to give me a promotion, but he went against his word.我只是想冲进老板的办公室,告诉他我辞职了.。他答应给我升职,但他食言了.。

M: Well, if I were you, I'd bite my tongue and wait until I get a better job.男:好吧,如果我是你,我会咬舌头等我找到一份更好的工作.。Q: What is the man's advice for the woman?


Conversation 2

M: Now suppose I was to stay at home and do all the housework and look after the children while my wife went out to work.What would you think about that? 男:现在假设我是呆在家里做所有的家务和照顾孩子,而我的妻子出去工作。你会怎么想? W: Well, you know...I'd rather do it the other way round.嗯,你知道„我宁愿这样做的另一轮轮。Q: What does the woman imply?


Conversation 3

M: I am really sorry for this, but I hope that you can understand my reason for deciding to leave, Mrs.Smith.男:我真的很抱歉,但是我希望你能理解我决定离开的原因,史米斯太太.。W: Well, do I have to remind you that we have invested a lot of time and money in your career here?

女:好吧,我必须提醒你,我们在你的职业生涯中投入了大量的时间和金钱吗? Q: What does Mrs.Smith imply?


Conversation 4

W: It looks that you are a bit tired.I've noticed that you've been sitting in front of the computer for an hour.Why don't you stop and have a coffee break?


M: I've got to finish this report and I can't leave it until the deadline.我必须完成这份报告,我不能把它留到最后期限.。Q: What does the man mean?


Conversation 5

M: When Jane told me that she was going to quit her job, I just thought she was kidding.You know, it's a good job and she is well paid.当简告诉我她要辞职时,我以为她是在开玩笑.。你知道,这是份好工作,薪水很高。W: I see your point, but she said she was tired of counting other people's money.我明白你的意思,但她说她已经厌倦了数别人的钱.。Q: 问:从对话中我们可以了解简的什么?What can we learn about Jane from the conversation?


Conversation 1

M: That's a big assignment we got for the English class this week, and for the European History course, we still have a presentation about artists in the Renaissance to prepare.男:这是一个大的任务,我们得到了英语课本周,和欧洲历史课程,我们仍然有一个介绍文艺复兴时期的艺术家准备。

W: Well, it's not as bad as it looks.The assignment isn't due until Friday morning.嗯,这并不像看起来的那样糟糕。任务直到星期五早上才到期。Q: What does the woman imply?آ 问:女人是什么意思?آ

Conversation 2

W: Are you coming with me to the history museum, Jack? The TV program I saw last night reminded me of some important historical figures I like.女:你和我一起去历史博物馆吗,杰克?我昨晚看的电视节目使我想起了一些我喜欢的重要历史人物.。

M: I saw that, too.Maybe next time, because I already have my hands full with this book report.我也看到了。也许下一次,因为我已经有我的手满了这本书的报告。Q: What is the man's reply to the woman's suggestion?آ


Conversation 3

W:آ Today on Historyآ says that Ford Model T which was introduced in 1908 was regarded as the first affordable American automobile.女:آ历史上的今天آ说,福特T型车被介绍在1908被认为是第一个负担得起的美国汽车。M: Yeah.The country has become “a nation on wheels” since the last century.I was reading that there are about four million miles of roads and highways in this country now.It seems as if we were married with cars.男:是的。自上个世纪以来,这个国家已经成为“车轮上的国家”.。我读到现在这个国家大约有四百万英里的公路和公路.。好像我们是火星人里德汽车。Q: What does the man mean?آ

Conversation 4

W: We usually think of history as the story of important people and events, but some historians in the 20th century are also interested in the daily lives of ordinary people.我们通常把历史看作重要人物和事件的故事,但第二十世纪的一些历史学家也对普通人的日常生活很感兴趣.。

M: That's true.They can even learn a lot from studying old family pictures.For example, the number of children in a picture indicates the size of the family;the clothes they wore suggest the popular fashions of the ti男:这是真的。他们甚至可以学到很多东西,研究旧的家庭图片。例如,图片中的儿童数量表明,家庭规模的大小;他们穿的衣服建议人群时间的时尚。me.Q: What does the man think of historians?آ


Conversation 5

W: Hi, Sam.Are you ready for the history test this Friday? I see you are still playing games.女:嗨,Sam.,你准备历史考试这星期五?我看你还在玩游戏。

M: Well, that's my way of dealing with stress.You know, I'm afraid of memorizing all those odd names and dates.I shouldn't have taken this course, to be frank.男:那是我处理压力的方法。你知道,我害怕记住那些奇怪的名字和日期。坦白说,我本不该学这门课。

Q: What does Sam imply?آ


第五篇:新视野大学英语视听说教程2(第二版)答案(带unit test)


Listening skillsBBDCAListening in Task1FTFTF Listening in Task2BBDAC

Listening in Task3classical,peaceful,relaxing,Jazz,sadness,heavy metal,energy,sporting events,physical labor,road accidents

Let's talkTask 1 Good Morning to All,success,musical talents,without,second part,replaced,legal action,real owners

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 special,joke,talent,proud,loud,joy,honesty,dancer,talk,wondered,capture,fan Task2BAADC Task 3 TFTTT Unit 1 test


1.favorite band,2.Not anymore,3.no longer,4.a big fan,5.collected,6.the ones,7.Going crazy,8.Maybe to you,9.pressure,10.fall in love,11.get it,12.from time to time,13.Go on,14.music video 1-5BCDDA1-5CDABA6-10 CDCBC


Listening skills: Making inferencesADBCB

Listening in > Task 1director,sound effects,good story,think,sad,violent,light-hearted movies,mystery movie,in the futureTask 2DCDAB

Task3film,directors,actors,important,the United Kingdom,viewers,40 million,Olympic,World Cup,time,artistic value,depth,Best Picture,favor,science fiction

Let's talk > Task 1ABCDD

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1memorizing lines,remember one line,I hear the guns roar,a loud boom,forgot his lineTask 2ACCADTask 3FTFTF Unit 2 test


1.a very good 2.starring 3.best-seller 4.a new classic 5.violent 6.somewhat 7.before 8.the calmness

9.death 10.thought 1-5 DBDCA1-5 CCBAB6-10 CCBAC


Listening skills: Identifying people's identityBCDAA

Listening in > Task 1 go out,flaming red,crush,chicken,likes,guts,turn him down,keeping everything,tell herTask 2early,late teens,Double-dating,Group datin,marry,Adult dating,hardly,Blind date,never

Listening in > Task 3

(3)An announcement about the wedding was published in the newspaper.(2)Wedding invitations were sent out to relatives and friends.(1)The minister greeted the guests in the church.(8)The minister talked about the meaning of marriage.(4)The bride and the bridegroom exchanged vows.(7)The minister prayed for the couple.(6)The minister declared the couple husband and wife.(9)The reception was over.(5)The minister signed the certificate.Let's talk > Task 1 BBCDA

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 BDCA

Task 2the young man's plans,a nice house,God will provide for us,Don't worry, sir,play the

role of GodTask 3FFTTF

Unit 3 test


1.He's engaged 2.even 3.fell in love with 4.swept him off his feet 5.popped the question 6.getting married 7.lonely 8.divorced 9.different 1-5CADBA1-5BCADD6-10CACBD


Listening skills Obey your thirst.,Drivers wanted.,She works while you rest.,Make yourself heard.,We lead.Others copy.,Good to the last drop.,Don't leave home without it.,No business too small, no problem too big.Listening in > Task 1 shoes,funny,a lot of life,ad,extra spring,money,millions of dollars,for nothing,reach the top,hard work,focus on,forgetTask 2FTFFTTask 3ABBCC Let's talk > Task 1 TFTFT

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 banned tobacco ads,young people smoking cigarettes,ways around the law,new customers old ones,smoking on campus Task 2 ACBDDTask 3 FTFTF

Unit 4 test


1.We do 2.change the image 3.do some surveys 4.different age groups 5.all the time 6.your users

7.target 1-5CAAAB1-5CDCDC6-10CBDBC


Listening skills ABBDC

Listening in > Task 1

(2)The couple was going to celebrate the wife's birthday.(5)The husband put the cat out before the taxi arrived.(3)The cat shot back into the house when the couple was going to the taxi.(1)The husband went back to chase the cat out.(4)The wife told the driver a lie.(6)The husband got into the car.Task 2ADBCCTask 3CDBAC

Let's talk > Task 11-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality, barked, finest, money 7-12: own/have, followed, apartment house, third floor, scratched on, door

13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, looked at, his key

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close, interview

6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chickenTask 2CBCDD

Task 3 1.in the theater2.a ticket3.well-trained, intelligent, human4.any problem, leave the theater, any other dog5.let the dog in, almost empty

Unit 5 test


1.how's 2.they seem to be 3.protects them from 4.all the time 5.scaring away 6.though 7.they're lazy/they are lazy 8.avoid being seen 9.much faster 10.like horses 11.in Greek



Listening skills:Dialog 1: D, The first girl(The girl who wears the short skirt

Dialog 2: B, No, she hasn’t.Listening in > Task 11-4: looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion, good on her

5-7: out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonder

Task 21-5: fashionable clothes, trends, copied, traditional center, are guarded

6-10: July, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only a part

Task 3 1-5: DACBC

Let's talk > Task 11-5: different and daring, Teenagers, their legs, shorter and shorter, five inches 6-10: loose morals, never appear, look childlike, women’s liberation, traditional

Further listening and speaking >Further listening > Task 1 1-5: TFTFF

Task 2 1-7: nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out, wore

Task 3 1-4: new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition, clothes in fashion

5-7: the Middle Ages, part-time job, not too expensive

Unit 6 test


1.trying on 2.a business suit 3.in a blouse 4.cotton tights 5.a dress 6.a miniskirt 7.to an office

8.catch more eyes 9.suit 10.a typical boy 1-5ACBDC1-5CBAAD 6-10BCDAC


Listening skills:1-5: BAADB

Listening in > Task 11-5: banker, loan, saving, save, spend, mortgage, property, property values, risen/gone up/increased by 30 percentTask 21-5: ABDCCTask 31-5: FTFTF

Let's talk > Task 11-7: money, all his money, promise, in the casket, sitting, next to, close 8-14: box, locked, foolish, all that money, go back on her word, put the money, check

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 11-7: the beggar, needed help, careful, a job, a hard time, waste, good luckTask 21-5: DCBDATask 31-5: TFFTT

Unit 7 test


1.give me a loan 2.What for 3.support 4.are spending 5.hard up myself 6.let him know 7.get nowhere 8.easy-going 9.general manager 10.my luck



Listening skills:1-6: First, not only, but also, Also, Instead, More importantly

7-11: though, Moreover, In fact, Last but not least, for example

Listening in > Task 1 1-5: FTFTFTask 21-5: BDCAC

Task 31-6: give out, number, online, sites, credit card, low

7-11: outgoing, thieves, offers, mailbox, front door

Let's talk > Task 14-5-6-7-3-2-1

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 11.freeze2.tall, shorter, red jacket,3.his gun, open, the rest of the people,4.key, safe,5.calm, a medal

Task 21-5: ADCDBTask 31-5: FTTFF

Unit 8 test


1.in prison 2.the greater part of 3.small office 4.things 5.3 meals 6.get a break 7.play games 8.get fired 9.all ears 10.allow 11.on the phone 12.change places 13.In spite of



Listening skills:1-6: crashing into, at least three, dozens more, big hole, danger, 32

7-12: 68, 5:48, 18 minutes, terrorism, four, the pilot

Listening in > Task 11-5: TFTFFTask 21-5: DABCC

Task 3 1-7: candle, couple, six, 190 people, 1,500, 15 percent, nearly 5 percent

8-13: about 1 percent, 700 percent, burning candle, away, at least a foot, children and pets

Let's talk > Task 11-5: lost it for drunk driving, stole the car and killed the owner, in the trunk, horrified, calls for backup, I was speeding, too

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

1-5: 120°, burns, candles, blow them out, electrical appliances

6-10: flickering lights, smoke alarm, floor plan, exits

Task 2 1-5: ACCBD

Task 3 1-5: emergency 911, had broken down, woman passenger, No.15, 15miles

6-9: ambulance, the operator, calm and warm, a boy

Unit 9 test


1.driven through 2.right away 3.smells of 4.run into 5.going 6.Look out 7.hit it 8.the opposite way1-5 BDACC1-5 ABDAC 6-10 BBDAD


Listening skills:1-8: take off, land, representative, how a plane flies, stays on the ground, short flight, increase, another city

Listening in > Task 11-5: go camping, planning to go, the mountains, the most beautiful, drive 6-11: heights, wonderful views, skip the climbing, clean up, fun, overcome

Task 21-5: TFFTFTask 31-5: CDBAA

Let's talk > Task 11-5: a school examination, the basement, shopping, steps, frightened 6-10: come in, the window, toy gun, upstairs, take the dog

11-14: have heard, the window, her parents, dial the number

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1

1-6: first prize, software competition, a trip to, fly, turns, goes pale, a cold sweat, some medicines, cause, a lot of troubleTask 21-5: ACDBATask 31-5: TTFFT

Unit 10 test


1.2 people 2.What's up 3.camping 4.Care to 5.snakes 6.scared stiff 7.in the mountains 8.care for

9.Poisonous ones 10.like 11.can you 12.or not 13.how loud 14.scream




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