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我们可以称这类单词为“转义词”,称这种记忆方法为“转义法”。给普通的英语单词加以计算机科学的含义,于是旧词有了新释义。被赋上了新义的词汇由于拼写不变,只是扩充了词义,所以方便人们标识,使用也容易。而且这 类词汇在计算机英语中占的比例比较大。例如:












所谓裁合词,则是另一种构词方式,对两个词汇中的一个或两个进行裁剪,取舍其首部或尾部,再连接而产生新的单词,像这样的单词有: e-mail(电子邮件)==electronic(电子)+mail(邮件)取electronic的首字母与mail结合而形成新词,类似以“e”开头的单词都可以称为裁合词,如:e-book(电子书);e-








IT(信息技术)==Information Technology www.xiexiebang.computer

LCD(液晶显示器)==Liquid Crystal Display











当然坚信一条古老的英语谚语:No pains,No gains!只要付出汗水就一定会有所收获的。







QQ13周年庆典 活动“回报全民QQ欢乐送”


------------------------腾讯公司庆祝腾讯QQ成立13周年为了回报广大QQ用户多年以来的支持与厚爱.特此!举办“腾讯13周年有礼QQ欢乐送庆典”感谢三星公司赞助此次活动奖品,回馈一直以来支持腾讯的广大忠实用户!不论您是新用户/老用户,凡是在线的用户都有机会被系统抽选中,获取惊喜大奖.可以说是无私 的用于用户们之间,在活动期间每天给用户们的支持送出一份鼓励和惊喜!


【一等奖】:由腾讯公司送出惊喜奖金¥98000 RMB(现金)及三星Q30时尚笔记本电脑一部.活动奖项类型:【二等奖】:由腾讯公司送出惊喜奖金¥68000 RMB(现金)及三星

【三等奖】:由腾讯公司送出惊喜奖金¥38000 RMB(现金)及三星Q30时尚笔记本电脑一部.Q30时尚笔记本电脑一部.关于腾讯 | About Tencent | 服务条款 | 开放平台 | 广告服务 | 商务洽谈 | 腾讯招聘 | 腾讯公益 | 客

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第一,短期内社会需求仍然很大,计算机专业毕业生的就业市场前景广阔。从全球IT行业的发展看,经过几年的低迷发展,IT行业已经走出低谷、大有卷土重 来之势,IT行业在国民经济发展中日益显现出蓬勃生机。从中国情况看,从事计算机软件开发的人才远远低于发达国家。美国从事计算机软件开发的人才达到 180多万,印度达到90万,而中国从事计算机软件开发的人才不足40万。这就说明,中国计算机软件人才短缺,这将严重束缚中国IT行业的发展,特别是直接影响到中国经济的发展和社会的进步。与此同时,由于中国经济社会发展的不平衡,导致中国东部与西部之间,城乡之间出现很大的差距,特别是中国经济发展比 较落后的地区,急需计算机方面的专业人才。因此,随着中国经济的不断发展,社会在一定时间内对计算机专业人才的需求仍将很大。

第二,随着计算机专业毕业生的增多,就业竞争将更为激烈。有关资料显示,截止2003年,中国普通高校总数为1683所,本科学校679所,其中505所开设有“计算机 科学与技术”专业,是全国专业点数之首;2003年,计算机专业在校学生人数27万,占理工科在校生总数的14.6%,加上信息技术相关专业的在校生达到 63万人。也就是说,信息技术和计算机专业的学生数量占全国所有理工科学生总数的1/3。这样势必导致计算机学科专业毕业生的就业竞争将更加激烈。

第三,用人单位对毕业生选择余地增加,导致对毕业生的要求将越来越高。由于今后一段时间内,由于中国经济发展的不平衡,中国计算机专业毕业生的就业仍将存在结构性的矛盾,最终导致计算机专业毕业生在职业选择时会出现“冷热”不均的现象。经济发达地区或工资待遇高的地区,仍将成为学生职业的首选,致使毕业 生的需求显得相对过剩。用人单位在选择毕业生时有充分的选择余地,致使用人单位对毕业生的要求会越来越高,不仅要求毕业生具有一定的专业素养和综合素质,而且还要具备一定的职业能力,包括核心技能、行业通用技能和职业专门技能。因此,提升计算机专业学生的综合素质、培养职业能力日显突出和必要。



2.软件工程方向 就业前景十分广阔,学生毕业后可以到国内外众多软件企业、国家机关以及各个大、中型企、事业单位的信息技术部门、教育部门等单位从事软件工程领域的技术开发、教学、科研及管理等工作。也可以继续攻读计算机科学与技术类专业研究生和软件工程硕士。

3.通信方向 学生毕业后可到信息产业、财政、金融、邮电、交通、国防、大专院校和科研机构从事通信技术和电子技术的科研、教学和工程技术工作。



截至2005年底,全国电子信息产品制造业平均就业人数 322.8万人,其中工人约占6 0%,工程技术人员和管理人员比例较低,远不能满足电子信息产业发展的需要。软件业人才供需矛盾尤为突出。2002年,全国软件产业从业人员59.2万人,其中软件研发人员为15.7万人,占26.52%。而当前电子信息产业发达国家技术人员的平均比例都在30%以上。中国电子信息产业技术人员总量稍显不足。


1.全国计算机应用专业人才的需求每年将增加100万人左右 按照人事部的有关统计,中国今后几年内急需人才主要有以下 8大类:以电子技术、生物工程、航天技术、海洋利用、新能源新材料为代表的高新技术人才;信息技术人才;机电一体化专业技术人才;农业科技人才;环境保护技术人才;生物工程研究与开发人才;国际贸易人才;律师人才。教育部、信息产业部、国防科工委、交通部、卫生部目前联合调查的专业领域人才需求状况表明,随着中国软件业规模不断扩大,软件人才结构性矛盾日益显得突出,人才结构呈两头小、中间大的橄榄型,不仅缺乏高层次的系统分析员、项目总设计师,也缺少大量从事基础性开发的人员。按照合理的人才结构比例进行测算,到2005年,中国需要软件高级人才6万人、中级人才28万人、初级人才46万人,再加上企业、社区、机关、学校等领域,初步测算,全国计算机应用专业人才的需求每年将增加100万人左右。2,数控人才需求增加 蓝领层数控技术人才是指承担数控机床具体操作的技术工人,在企业数控技术岗位中占70.2%,是目前需求量最大的数控技术工人;而承担数控编程的工艺人员和数控机床维护、维修人员在企业数控技术岗位中占25%,其中数控编程技术工艺人员占12.6%,数控机床维护维修人员占12.4%,随着企业进口大量的设备,数控人才需求将明显增加。

3.软件人才看好 教育部门的统计资料和各地的人才招聘会都传出这样的信息计算机、微电子、通讯等电子信息专业人才需求巨大,毕业生供不应求。从总体上看,电子信息类毕业生的就业行情十分看好,10年内将持续走俏。网络人才逐渐吃香,其中最走俏的是下列3类人才:软件工程师、游戏设计师、网络安全师。

4.电信业人才需求持续增长 电信企业对于通信技术人才的需求,尤



哥泣血力作。。如何成为计算机高手高手高高手,年薪10W等你拿 来源: 李庆源的日志





当年 肯.汤普森 为了在PDP-7上玩star-trek,奋笔急书用汇编编写了unix,同时也为他赢取了图灵奖。(汤普森评论UNIX:只有懂得艺术的程序员才能看懂UNIX代码)

幸好Ritchie童鞋把unix用C语言重写了一遍。从而为UNIX的风靡凡间铺平了道路。《C语言程序设计》Brian W.Kernighan,Dennis M.RitchieK&R C从此诞生 《C专家编程》LinDen




《programming the 80x86》crawford学习操作系统前的必备知识



《高级unix环境编程》Richard Stevens

《UNIX网络编程1-2》Richard Stevens



《数据结构 C语言版》严蔚敏

认真读完之后,计算机基本算法算是没问题了。这是基石。后面的东东全靠这个来搭建。《算法导论》Thomas H.Cormen,Charles E.Leiserson Ronald L.RivestMIT用的这本书

《编程珠玑1-2》Jon Bentley算法实践的最好读物







虽然是入门读物,但是和《数据结构》一样,国内少有的非抄袭,非常严谨的著作。《TCP/IP详解1-3》Richard Stevens


2卷实现了unix tcp/ip 套接字


《用TCP/IP进行网际互联1-3》 Douglas E.Comer



3卷实现了常用的网络协议理论实践相结合,国内教授只会弹吉他啊。。《深入理解LINUX网络技术内幕》Christian Benvenuti




《编译原理-龙书》Alfred V.Aho此人获过冯诺依曼奖介绍如何实现一个编译器 《linkers & loaders》 John R.Levine介绍如何实现一个链接器








《MINIX操作系统设计与实现》 塔嫩鲍姆linus(还是芬兰人)学习本书写出了linux雏形




《LINUX内核设计与实现》Robert Love


《深入理解LINUX内核》博韦,西斯特学习LINUX内核最权威的书籍 《LINUX内核情景分析1-2》毛德操,胡希明浙大的教授


《LINUX设备驱动详解》Jonahan Corbet






各类电子器件的datasheet此时你也许懊恼当初电子电路课全部逃掉了。。当然你也可以选择 MIPS、PowerPC 以及龙芯来研究。。


《编码——隐匿在计算机软硬件背后的语言》Charles Petzold

此人编写了著名的《windows programming》,是最好的图形编程的书籍,让MFC的书都见鬼去吧。

再介绍一本WINDOWS书籍吧 《windows 高级编程5》 话说windows编程相关的就这两本好书。还有一点GARBAGE BOOKS都有MS PRESS字样。



你说指的数据库是用SQL增删查找么?额。。还包括建表、链接数据库。。--||| 软件工程?没写过几行代码就提软件工程?设计模式、OOP、复用、重构、敏捷开发方法、XP、RUP、UML建模全来了。。还是写不出程序。。
















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工程师?科学家? 那就看你数学学的怎么样了。。


比尔.盖茨:从西雅图电脑公司买下了DOS,并借助IBM PC销往全球 乔布斯:创业初期拉拢沃兹帮他写了APPLE-2计算机打开了市场 艾迪逊:从IBM买下了关系型数据库并发展为ORALCE


(1 A large main memory can be used for storing a,b,c.a.data b.operating system c.applications d.interface(2 Early computer solved c,d problems.a.control b.business applications c.engineering d.mathematical(3 The system manager used by a fast processor can a,b,c.a.reset a system b.monitor processor’s core temperature c.monito r processor’s supply voltages d.connect a network(4 We can say a bus is simply a,c,d.a.a group of wires

b.a wire c.a 8-bit bus d.a 16-bit bus(5 A computer system user generally more cares for b,c,d.a.physical size of the computer b.storage size c.speed of computation d.efficiency of the computer(6 According to the physical size of computers we can classify the computers into a,b,c,d.a.microcomputer b.minicomputer c.mainframe d.supercomputer(7 The basic hardware components of any computer include a,b,c,d.a.CPU b.main memory c.input devices

d.output devices(8 The following devices are belong to the mass storages a,b,d.a.DVD b.CD-ROM c.mouse d.disk(1 Cache is a,c,d.a.fast b.slow c.relatively small d.high cost(2 Information stored in semiconductor RAM is b,c.a.permanent b.nonpermanent c.volatile d.non volatile(3 We use paged virtual memory to a,b,c,d.a.extend the size of memory b.increase bandwidth of the disk c.reduce latency of the disk d.store large program and data set(4We read data on the disk by a,d.(5 The three desiderata of memory system are b,c.a.independent b.exclusive c.closely approximated today d.Less approximated tomorrow(6 The processor performance would be high as we reference instructions and data from b,d.a.hard disk b.cache c.floppy disk d.memory(7 Page frame is used in a.a.real memory

b.virtual memory c.disk d.cache(8 In order to increase our computer’s performance we need to a,b,c , a.have a L2 cache b.buy a L2 cache c.have a much larger main memory d.buy a L1 cache(1 RISC is b,c,d.a.abbreviation of complex instruction set computer b.abbreviation of reduced instruction set computer c.guided to be built from studying the execution behavior of high-level language programs d.used for many computer manufacturers nowadays(2 To enhance performance of a computer system we should a,b,d.a.improve the pattern of referencing operand

b.optimize the simple movement of data c.use IF and LOOP instructions as many as possible d.optimize the basic sequence control mechanism(5 Register storage has b,d.a.a large capacity b.a small capacity c.the slower speed d.the faster speed(6 Instruction format in RISC has a,c,d.a.one kind b.many kinds c.a few kinds d.one or a few kinds(7 CISC machine instructions compared with RISC machine are a,d.a.more complicated b.more simple c.more faster to be executed

d.more slower to be executed(8 Functions of the compiler used in RISC are b,c,d.a.to compile a high level language program b.to optimize register usage c.to maximize register usage d.to allocate registers to those variables that will be used the most in a given time period(9 One machine cycle in RISC has c.a.two machine instructions b.three machine instructions c.one machine instruction d.four machine instructions(10 The register file is a,c,d.a.physically small b.physically large

c.one the same chip as the CPU d.addressed by much shorter addresses Operating systems and middleware b,c,d a.have less in common b.both can support other software c.have much in common d.both can support application programs 2.An operating system provides the services in its API by a,c,d a.using the features of the hardware b.offering database accessibility c.using disk drive’s ability

d.offering fixed-length blocks of data 4.Middleware lies in b,c,d a.the top of the layering vertical stack b.the middle of the layering vertical stack c.the top of an operating system d.the middle of interactions between different application programs

5.The following products of software are belong to middleware a,b,c a.IBM’s Web Sphere MQ b.Java 2 Platform c.J2EE d.Oracle 6.A mechanism for translating Internet hostnames into IP addresses is a,c,d a.typically outside of operating system kernel b.typically inside of operating system kernel c.equipped into the general-purpose operating system d.as a middleware by author’s definition 7.With middleware we can b,c,d a.run programs on a centralized computer system only b.keep computations largely isolated from undesirable interactions c.run programs on different computer system

d.allow computations to communicate with one another 8.Middleware has mechanisms to support controlled interaction through a,b,c,d a.communication b.naming c.persistent storage d.coordination 1.Before you turn the power on with a new computer, you should make sure a,b,c,d.a.the computer is already out of the box b.appropriate cables are correctly connected c.the computer system has been set up d.appropriate software have been installed 2.An asleep state is a,c,d.a.a low power standby mode b.indicated by the indicator light putting out c.used for saving energy

d.used to lessen wear-and tear on the computer 4.During the boot procedure we can see a,b,c on the screen.a.amount of memory b.the number of attached devices c.the operating system being used d.beeps and whirling noises 5.A user interface we said here is a,b,d.a.an interaction between an operating system and a user b.an interaction between an application program and a user c.an interface between a computer and its peripheral device d.a text-based user interface or GUI 6.Today Microsoft’s ope rating system Windows has a variety of versions, they are a,b,c,d.a.Windows 2007 b.Windows 2003 c.Windows XP d.Windows vista 7.The Windows desktop contains common elements, such as.a.desktop icons b.taskbar c.Start button d.task button 9.With the window of the GUI we can use.a.menus b.dialog boxes c.icons d.documents 10.Main menu category in some Microsoft programs.a.is a menu bar at the top of many windows

b.can display a pull-down menus c.can’t display a drop-down menus d.can display personalized menus 1.Upgrading a computer system means.a.buying new hardware b.buying new software c.extending the life of your current system d.keeping your computer in present situation 2.To formulate an upgrade strategy, you should consider.a.the PC adheres to a well-supported standard b.you anticipate all your future needs c.there is room for additional expansion cards d.there is room for memory 3.Some common hardware upgrades nclude.a.adding more RAM b.installing ADSL

c.adding an image scanner d.installing a color printer 4.The ways to seriously upgrade an Intel 80486-based PC include.a.installing the most modern software b.replacing the motherboard c.replacing other items inside the system unit d.just purchasing a new PC 5.Relationship between version and release in a software is.a.version has major number b.release has minor number c.version typically increase its number in increments of 1 d.release typically increase its number in increments of 0.1 or 0.01 6.Compatible mode of the software products can be categorized into.a.upward

b.downward c.cross d.above all 1.A Wide Area Network can..a.cover a wide geographical area b.link two or more LANs c.link two LANs only d.be created by individual users 2.According to the flow of information on a transmission facility we can categorize WAN into network.a.circuit switched b.packet switched c.local area d.Lease d.line 3.In packet switched networks data send in..a.byte

b.pieces c.frame d.packet 4.The most important items contained in a packet should be.a.data to be transmitted b.header of the packet c.tail of the packet d.date 5.The popular approaches we used in the packet switched network are.a.circuit switching b.datagram c.virtual circuit d.real circuit 6.In the datagram mode when datagrams arrive at their destination, the datagrams.a.may be out of order b.must be in order

c.should be reordered d.may lose 7.In the virtual circuit mode all packets sent by a user at a time belong to.a.a message b.a session c.different messages d.different sessions 8.Main characteristics of the leased line networks are.a.the line is private for the user b.the user has himself inter-exchange c.very short response time d.the user computer is always physically connected to the line 8.Main characteristics of the leased line networks are.a.the line is private for the user b.the user has himself inter-exchange

c.very short response time d.the user computer is always physically connected to the line 9.A typical frame relay network has.a.seven components b.five components c.six components d.five major physical components and one “virtual” components 10.Router has the following name.a.ARPANET b.IMP(Interface Message Processor c.gateway d.IS(Intermediate System 11.In Fig.4-6 a router creates a logical path between networks, these networks include.a.FDDI b.Token Bus

c.Token Ring d.Ethernet 12.Encapsulation is used here for data delivering on.a.the circuit switching b.the physical path c.the analog circuit d.the logical path 1.Connecting to the Internet usually includes the following decisions type of.a.device b.connection c.user d.Internet service provider 2.Which device can be used to access the Internet ?.a.PC b.DVD c.notebook computer d.Internet appliance 3.Following device belongs to the one of dial-up connection.a.HFC b.modem c.dedicate line deviced d.ADSL 4.Using a PC we can retrieve much contents from the Web, they are.a.Web pages b.multimedia contents c.video clips d.music files 5.Mobile Web is used for usually.a.notebook computers b.mobile phones

c.handheld computers d.pagers 6.When we use a dial-up connection to access the Internet, we need.a.a TV cable b.a regular telephone line c.a modem d.a temporary IP address 7.ADSL works at a rate of.a.asymmetric transmission b.symmetric transmission c.asymmetric transmission with 9Mb/s downstream d.asymmetric transmission with 16K-64Kb/s upstream 8.We can find the following facilities in an HFC system.a.optical fiber b.coaxial cable c.cable modem d.head end 9.With the dedicated connection to connect the Internet we should.a.use dial-up connection b.keep a continual connection c.use a static IP address d.keep a temporary connection 10.If some one wants to use mobile wireless connection, he or her should have.a.mobile device b.a fixed radio connection c.Web-enable cell phone d.a mobile transceiver(1 The true goal of ERP is.a.to integrate all departments b.to integrate all functions c.to work across a company d.d.to work on a single computer system(2 To do ERP right the ways should change.a.people do their jobs b.you do business with ERP c.you do business without ERP d.people do their jobs with ERP(3 ERP can serve the needs of people in.a.finance b.human resources c.warehouse d.all above(4 Real transformational ERP efforts usually run.a.five years b.three years c.two years d.one year(5 A business process should include.a.order fulfillment b.shipping goods c.billing for the order d.understanding the customer’s credit rating(6 Companies that measure their products by flow rather than individual units are companies.a.utility b.oil c.chemical d.mechanical parts(7 With ERP, the customer service representatives.a.are just typists b.are no longer just typists c.should be business people d.should not be business people(8 With the manufacturing companies can save time, increase productivity and reduce headcount.a.standardizing manufacturing processes b.using a single, integrated computer system c.using ERP d.in-basket mode 1.Internet telephony system are systems.a.synchronous distributed b.asynchronous distributed c.so called as IP telephony d.synchronous centralized 2.The operating platforms that are currently

supported by the various Internet telephony system include.a.QoS b.UNIX c.Windows d.Mac 3.With an Internet telephone system developed by using Java applet users should.a.have a standard web browser with Java support b.install the telephony system every time they want to talk c.worry about the underlying workings of a telephony system d.have a network connection 4.The following components are the basic ones of an Internet telephony system.a.host computer b.modem c.local area network

d.router 5.The communication process that the caller’s telephony system handled includes.a.acquiring the real-time voice data b.digitizing the analogue signals c.compressing the digitized data d.decrypting the digitized data 6.The communication process that the recipient’s telephony system handled includes.a.encrypting the digitized data b.receiving incoming data c.decompressing incoming data d.playing back on the audio output device 7.The major problems encountered in the current Internet telephone are.a.the working model of the best-effort Internet b.transmitting delay c.transmitting delay jitters d.packet loss

8.We can find the following voice recovery methods.a.silence substitution b.waveform substitution c.sample interpolation d.embedded speech coding 9.When we make a distance telephony call such as from Beijing to Guangzhou with Internet telephony system, we should pay communication fees that include.a.transcontinental telephone calls b.local telephone calls c.ISP’s fees

d.nominal standard Internet connectivity charges 10.The current Internet telephony systems.a.are launched as stand-alone applications b.must be downloaded prior to operation c.must purchase a new version of the

software of the system for upgrading d.must be installed prior to operation 1.The Web took a bold step forward, it.a.was spurred by little-known technologies b.was spurred by well-known technologies c.shattered the traditional usage model of the Web d.kept the traditional usage model of the Web 2.In order to develop a new web application model we should use some technologies, such as.a.traditional web browsers b.JavaScript remoting c.web remote procedure calls d.dynamic updating 3.Using Ajax we can.a.perform the web interaction b.transmit only a small amount of information

to and from the server c.give the user the most responsive experience possible d.substitute the traditional web application model 4.In the traditional web application model the browser.a.has an Ajax engine b.is responsible for initiating requests to the Web server c.is responsible for processing requests from the Web server d.sends a HTML request to the Web server 5.Ajax engine is.a.a JavaScript object b.a JavaScript function c.responsible for linking to another resource d.responsible for executing the request from the Web server

6.The traditional Web server would serve up.a.JavaScript b.CSS c.HTML d.images 7.After receiving a server response the Ajax engine.a.goes into action b.provides a link to another Web page c.often parses the data d.makes several changes to the user interface 8.To make an Ajax solution we must use the following technologies:.a.CSS b.HTML/XHTML c.DOM d.JavaScript 9.With Ajax engine we can.a.transfer less information than the traditional Web application model b.update user interface more faster c.work more quickly d.transfer more information than the traditional web application model 10.The data that the Ajax engine can use should be.a.plain text b.understood by the Ajax engine c.XML d.any other data format



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