Group 1, For Side: Advertisements should be controlled.Group 1, Against Side: Advertisements should be encouraged.Group 2, For Side: Junior students should go in for beauty contests.Group 2, Against Side: Junior students should not take part in beauty contests.Group 3, For Side: Mobile phones are necessary for middle school students.Group 3, Against Side: Mobile phones are not necessary for middle school students.Group 4, For Side: Middle school students should go abroad to study.Group 4, Against Side: Middle school students should not go abroad to study.Group 5, For Side: Interest is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 5, Against Side: Progress is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 6, For Side: People and nature are in harmony.Group 6, Against Side: People and nature are not in harmony.Group 7, For Side: More money means more happiness.Group 7, Against Side: More money means more sadness.Group 8, For Side: Internet alienates the relationship among people.Group 8, Against Side: Internet doesn't alienate the relationship among people.Group 9, For Side: Quality is more important for students.Group 9, Against Side: Scores are more important for students.Group 10, For Side: Students should wear their school uniforms.Group 10, Against Side: Students should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Group 11, For Side: Students should learn more from books and their teachers.Group 11, Against Side: Students should learn more from their experience and daily life.Group 12, For Side: Computers are good for studying.Group 12, Against Side: Computers are not good for studying.Group 13, For Side: Opportunity is more important for success.Group 13, Against Side: Hard work is more important for success.Group 14, For Side: It is good for students to attend after-school training classes.Group 14, Against Side: It is bad for students to attend after-school training classes.高中组
Group 1, For Side: Olympic Games are purely commercial operations.Group 1, Against Side: Olympic Games are not purely commercial operations.Group 2, For Side: Government should control the rising price of houses.Group 2, Against Side: Government should not control the rising price of houses.Group 3, For Side: Reading and writing are more important than listening and speaking in the English study.Group 3, Against Side: Listening and speaking are more important than reading and writing in the English study.Group 4, For Side: It's more crucial for students to earn knowledge.Group 4, Against Side: It's more crucial for students to mould character.Group 5, For Side: Blogging has more advantages than disadvantages.Group 5, Against Side: Blogging has more disadvantages than advantages.Group 6, For Side: Money is the source of happiness.Group 6, Against Side: Money is the root of all evil.Group 7, For Side: Shopping online is good.Group 7, Against Side: Shopping online is not good.Group 8, For Side: Going to college is the best future for students.Group 8, Against Side: Going to college is not the best future for students.Group 9, For Side: Students should do as many mock tests as possible.Group 9, Against Side: Students should not do so many mock tests.Group 10, For Side: Modesty is never out of date.Group 10, Against Side: Modesty is out of date now.Group 11, For Side: Senior students should take part in after-school activities.Group 11, Against Side: Senior students should not take part in after-school activities.Group 12, For Side: Fighting against terrorism brings peace to the world.Group 12, Against Side: Fighting against terrorism causes more disasters to the world.Group 13, For Side: Paper reading will be replaced by E-reading.Group 13, Against Side: Paper reading will not be replaced by E-reading.Group 14, For Side: “Golden-Weeks” should be canceled.Group 14, Against Side: “Golden-Weeks” should not be canceled.Group 15, For Side: Pressure is a motivation for students.Group 15, Against Side: Pressure is a killer for students.For Side: We should celebrate western festivals.Against Side: We should not celebrate western festivals.For Side: The government should control rising house prices.Against Side: The government should not control rising house prices.For Side: The generation gap can be bridged.Against Side: The generation gap cannot be bridged.For Side: National identity is important in the age of globalization.Against Side: National identity is not important in the age of globalization.For Side: Work experience is more important than education.Against Side: Education is more important than work experience.For Side: Following fashion is necessary for young people.Against Side: Following fashion is unnecessary for young people.For Side: Sending children to famous schools is essential.Against Side: Sending children to famous schools is not essential.For Side: People are happier living in cities than in the countryside.Against Side: People are happier living in the countryside than in cities.For Side: The car industry should be further developed in China.Against Side: The car industry should not be further developed in China.For Side: College students should be allowed to live off campus.Against Side: College students should not be allowed to live off campus.For Side: Men contribute more to society than women.Against Side: Women contribute more to society than men.For Side: The college entrance examinations should be abolished.Against Side: The college entrance examinations should not be abolished.For Side: It's good for college students to have a part-time job.Against Side: It's not good for college students to have a part-time job.For Side: It's better for a college graduate to find a job than to undertake postgraduate study.Against Side: It's better for a college graduate to undertake postgraduate study than to find a job.
Debate topic: Should college students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not? Positive side: should Negative side: should not
Debate topic: Which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships? Positive side: the personal ability
Negative side: interpersonal relationship
Debate topic: Can money buy happiness? Positive side: can Negative side: cannot
Debate topic: Are pets good or bad for mankind? Positive side: good Negative side: bad
Debate topic: Is it necessary to pass CET4 or CET6 in the university? Positive side: necessary Negative side: unnecessary
Debate topic: Is it good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.Positive side: good Negative side: bad
Debate topic: Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features? Positive side: should Negative side: should not
Debate topic: Is it good to fall in love as a college student? Positive side: good Negative side: bad
Debate topic: What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work? Positive side: work to live Negative side: live to work
Debate topic: Should we learn English well? Positive side: should Negative side: should not
Topics for the Eleventh National English Debate Contest for Secondary
Group 1, For Side: Advertisements should be controlled.Group 1, Against Side: Advertisements should be encouraged.Group 2, For Side: Junior students should go in for beauty contests.Group 2, Against Side: Junior students should not take part in beauty contests.Group 3, For Side: Mobile phones are necessary for middle school students.Group 3, Against Side: Mobile phones are not necessary for middle school students.Group 4, For Side: Middle school students should go abroad to study.Group 4, Against Side: Middle school students should not go abroad to study.Group 5, For Side: Interest is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 5, Against Side: Progress is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 6, For Side: People and nature are in harmony.Group 6, Against Side: People and nature are not in harmony.Group 7, For Side: More money means more happiness.Group 7, Against Side: More money means more sadness.Group 8, For Side: Internet alienates the relationship among people.Group 8, Against Side: Internet doesn't alienate the relationship among people.Group 9, For Side: Quality is more important for students.Group 9, Against Side: Scores are more important for students.Group 10, For Side: Students should wear their school uniforms.Group 10, Against Side: Students should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Group 11, For Side: Students should learn more from books and their teachers.Group 11, Against Side: Students should learn more from their experience and daily life.Group 12, For Side: Computers are good for studying.Group 12, Against Side: Computers are not good for studying.Group 13, For Side: Opportunity is more important for success.Group 13, Against Side: Hard work is more important for success.Group 14, For Side: It is good for students to attend after-school training classes.Group 14, Against Side: It is bad for students to attend after-school training classes.高中组
Group 1, For Side: Olympic Games are purely commercial operations.Group 1, Against Side: Olympic Games are not purely commercial operations.Group 2, For Side: Government should control the rising price of houses.Group 2, Against Side: Government should not control the rising price of houses.Group 3, For Side: Reading and writing are more important than listening and speaking in the English study.Group 3, Against Side: Listening and speaking are more important than reading and writing in the English study.Group 4, For Side: It's more crucial for students to earn knowledge.Group 4, Against Side: It's more crucial for students to mould character.Group 5, For Side: Blogging has more advantages than disadvantages.Group 5, Against Side: Blogging has more disadvantages than advantages.Group 6, For Side: Money is the source of happiness.Group 6, Against Side: Money is the root of all evil.Group 7, For Side: Shopping online is good.Group 7, Against Side: Shopping online is not good.Group 8, For Side: Going to college is the best future for students.Group 8, Against Side: Going to college is not the best future for students.Group 9, For Side: Students should do as many mock tests as possible.Group 9, Against Side: Students should not do so many mock tests.Group 10, For Side: Modesty is never out of date.Group 10, Against Side: Modesty is out of date now.Group 11, For Side: Senior students should take part in after-school activities.Group 11, Against Side: Senior students should not take part in after-school activities.Group 12, For Side: Fighting against terrorism brings peace to the world.Group 12, Against Side: Fighting against terrorism causes more disasters to the world.Group 13, For Side: Paper reading will be replaced by E-reading.Group 13, Against Side: Paper reading will not be replaced by E-reading.Group 14, For Side: “Golden-Weeks” should be canceled.Group 14, Against Side: “Golden-Weeks” should not be canceled.Group 15, For Side: Pressure is a motivation for students.Group 15, Against Side: Pressure is a killer for students.
名人拍商业广告可以虚构 名人拍商业广告不可以虚构 目前的彩票发行方式利大于弊 目前的彩票发行方式弊大于利 男女平等是可能实现的 男女平等是不可能实现的 女性比男性更需要关怀 男性比女性更需要关怀 逆境有利人才成长 逆境不利人才成长
评价行为善恶的标准是效果,不是动机 评价行为善恶的标准是动机,不是效果
人类和平共处是一个可能实现的理想 人类和平共处是一个不可能实现的理想
人类社会应重义轻利 人类社会应重利轻义 人类是环境的保护者 人类是环境的破坏者 人为自己活着快乐 人为别人活着快乐 人性本善 人性本恶
儒家思想可以抵御西方歪风 儒家思想不能抵御西方歪风 社会发展应重利轻义 社会发展应重义轻利 社会发展主要靠法制 社会发展主要靠德制
个人需要对于大学生择业更重要 社会需要对于大学生择业更重要 社会秩序的维系主要靠法律 社会秩序的维系主要靠道德
社会主义市场经济能避免拜金主义 社会主义市场经济不能避免拜金主义 生态危机可能毁灭人类 生态危机不可能毁灭人类 实行学分制利大于弊 实行学分制弊大于利
市场经济有利于道德发展 市场经济不利于道德发展 提倡购买国货有利于经济发展 提倡购买国货不利于经济发展
外来文化对民族文化的发展利大于弊 外来文化对民族文化的发展弊大于利 外行能够管好内行 外行不可能管好内行
网恋能成为婚姻的有效途径 网恋不能成为婚姻的有效途径 网络爱情是真正的爱情 网络爱情不是真正的爱情 网络影响人际关系 网络不影响人际关系
网络对大学生的的影响利大于弊 网络对大学生的的影响弊大于利 温饱是谈道德的必要条件 温饱不是谈道德的必要条件 文凭能够代表知识水平文凭不能够代表知识水平现代社会女人更需要关怀 现代社会男人更需要关怀 效率必然牺牲平等 效率不一定牺牲平等 哭比笑难 笑比哭难
信息高速公路对发展中国家有利 信息高速公路对发展中国家不利 选美活动利大于弊 选美活动弊大于利 烟草业对社会利大于弊 烟草业对社会弊大于利
一所学校的社会地位如何关键在领导 一所学校的社会地位如何关键在学生 医学的发展应有伦理界限 医学的发展不应有伦理界限 应当鼓励“新新人类”作家 应当批判“新新人类”作家 时势造英雄 英雄造时势 愚公应该移山 愚公应该搬家
去向哪里比与谁同行更重要 与谁同行比去向哪里更重要 在人生的道路上,机遇更重要 在人生的道路上,奋斗更重要 在校大学生创业利大于弊 在校大学生创业弊大于利 知难行易 知易行难 治愚比治贫更重要 治贫比治愚更重要
中国发展网络经济应走洋为中用 中国发展网络经济应走洋为中用另辟蹊径 中国社会更需要德治 中国社会更需要法治
中小学封闭式管理有利于学生成才 中小学封闭式管理不利于学生成才 中庸之道应该提倡 中庸之道不应提倡 全才更适应社会竞争 专才更适应社会竞争
自动售套机进入校园利大于弊 自动售套机进入校园弊大于利
正方 反方
在校大学生创业利大于弊 在校大学生创业弊大于利 网络经济是泡沫经济 网络经济不是泡沫经济 个人的命运是由个人掌握 个人的命运是由社会掌握 网络对大学生的影响利大于弊 网络对大学生的影响弊大于利 金钱的追求与道德可以并行 宽松式管理对大学生利大于弊 网络的娱乐性比实用性强 相处容易相爱难 天灾比人祸更可怕 重奖大学新生利大于弊 代沟的主要责任在父母 大学生谈恋爱利大于弊 同性恋是个人问题,不是社会问题在校大学生积累知识更重要 大学生打工利大于弊 大学生勤工俭学弊大于利 女性比男性更需要关怀 人类社会应重义轻利 人为自己活着快乐 网络对大学生的的影响利大于弊 在校大学生创业利大于弊 金钱的追求与道德可以并行 宽松式管理对大学生弊大于利 网络的实用性比娱乐性强 相爱容易相处难 人祸比天灾更可怕 重奖大学新生弊大于利 代沟的主要责任在子女 大学生谈恋爱弊大于利
同性恋是社会问题,不是个人问题在校大学生塑造人格更重要 大学生打工弊大于利 大学生勤工俭利大于弊 男性比女性更需要关怀 人类社会应重利轻义 人为别人活着快乐
网络对大学生的的影响弊大于利 在校大学生创业弊大于利