第一篇:news word分析
新闻英语分类词汇 1.常用语 the media 新闻界 news media 新闻媒体 source of news 新闻来源 press ethics 新闻道德 element of news 新闻要素 news leads 新闻导语 public opinion 舆论 disclose 披露 play-up 炒作 play-down 轻描淡写 no comment 无可奉告 inaccurate 失实
inaccurate report 失实报道 crib 抄袭
groundless 毫无根据 reliable source 可靠新闻来源official source 官方人士 well-informed 消息灵通 official mouthpiece 官方喉舌 4 / 35
grapevine news 小道消息 must stuff 必登消息 refuse to publish 拒登 kill 不登载 full text 全文 material 素材 data 事实资料 anonymity 匿名 coverage 报道 follow up 追踪新闻 camera-eye 客观报道 news blackout 新闻封锁 angle 新闻报道角度 news briefing 新闻发布会 news release 新闻发布 briefing officer 新闻发布官 newspaper campaign 新闻战 pool 民意调查 spot coverage 现场采访 press party 招待新闻界的聚会 press box 运动会场地的记者席press conference 记者招待会
newsbeat 采访范围 press card 采访证 news sense 记者的敏感 availability 约稿的采用价值 independent source 独立新闻来源
special commentator 特约评论员 staff writer 特约撰稿人 free lancer 自由撰稿人 release date 发稿时间 deadline 截稿日期
the authority concerned 有关当局 truthfulness 真实性 ideological nature 思想性 timeliness 时间性 interesting nature 趣味性 orientation 倾向性
news as a commodity 商品性 informative 知识性 guidance function 指导性 combativeness 战斗性
mass line in journalism 新闻事业的群众性
news wired communication 新闻有线通信
principle of Party spirit in journalism 新闻工作的党性原则 2.新闻体裁 news story 消息 news letter 通讯 editorial 社论 comment 评论
running comment 时事评论 leaderette 短评 monograph 专论 special feature 转载 essay 短文
signed article 署名文章 special column 专栏 news beat 特讯 focus 焦点 editor’s note 编者按 feature story 新闻特写 criticism in the press 报刊批评 in-depth 深度报道
interpretive reporting 分析性报道 7 / 35 news round-up 新闻综述 news summary 新闻摘要 press communiqué 新闻公报 home news 国内新闻 world news 国际新闻 local news 本地新闻 top news 头条新闻 breaking news 突发新闻 front-page news 头版新闻 scoop 独家特快消息 inside story 内幕 highlight 重要新闻 newsflash 短讯 news in brief 新闻简讯 box news 花边新闻 quirks in news 世界新闻 official announcement 官方发布 extra news 号外
dispatches from foreign news
agencies 外电
pony report 每日新闻摘要 stale news 陈旧的新闻 hot news 热门新闻 8 / 35
3.新闻形式,版面,栏目,发行,背景 daily 日报 weekly 周报 morning post 晨报 evening post 晚报
Sunday supplement 星期日增刊 newspaper at municipal level 市级报纸
newspaper at provincial level 省级报纸
national newspaper 全国性报纸 regional newspaper 地区性报纸 school bulletin 校报 gazette 公报
layout of newspaper 版面 nameplate 报头 masthead 报头下的方块 dateline 日期和发稿地行 splash headline 大字标题 subtitle 副标题 subhead 小标题
single-column heading 单栏标题 double-column heading 双栏标题 banner headline 通栏标题 jump head 跳页标题 running headline 栏外标题 top head 栏顶标题
picture caption 新闻照片说明 fat page 空白多的版面 local news column 地方新闻栏 newsmarker 新闻人物 amusement section 娱乐专栏 feuilleton 文艺批评栏
want column 求职或聘请广告栏 lonely hearts’ column 交友栏 matrimonial notice column 征婚栏
agony 启事栏
readers’ letters column 读者来信专栏
question box 答读者问 sports section 体育消息栏 draft 未定稿 first draft 初稿 final version 定稿 used contribution 已用稿件 10 / 35
unused contribution 未用稿件 contribution for next issue 下一期用稿
wordage 来稿字数 rough copy 草稿 original manuscript 底稿 commissioning on article 约稿 special contribution 特约稿 notice to contributors 稿约 distributing news dispatches 发稿 rejection 退稿
soliciting contributions 征稿 examining
approving contributions 审稿 remuneration 稿酬 autograph 作者亲笔原稿 marginal manuscript 有旁注的原稿
daily news release 每日电讯稿 circulation 发行量 issue number 发行号 solicit subscriptions 征订 subscription fee 订费 renewal 续订
editor-in-chief 总编辑
deputy editor-in –chief 副总编辑 managing editor 主编
associate managing editor 副主编 sub-editor 助理编辑
resident correspondent 常驻记者 visiting journalist 采访记者 publicist 时事评论员 editorialist 社论撰写人
keyhole reporter 报道内幕新闻的记者
military correspondent 随军记者 proof reader 校对员 distributor 发行员
Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里。
banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt.“开天窗” body n.新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅)box n.花边新闻 brief n.简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n.署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画
censor vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查
chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家
continued story 连载故事;连载小说
contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿
contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 correspondence column 读者来信专栏
correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者
cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n.封面女郎
covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访
crop vt.剪辑(图片)crusade n.宣传攻势
cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数)13 / 35 cut line n.插图说明
daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间
dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索):“挖”(新闻)digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 editor's notes 编者按 exclusive n.独家新闻 expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光 extra n.号外
eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻 faxed photo 传真照片 feature n.特写;专稿 feedback n.信息反馈 file n.发送消息;发稿 filler n.补白
First Amendment(美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出 版自由等)
five “W's” of news 新闻五要素 flag n.报头;报名
Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称)
freedom of the Press 新闻自由 full position 醒目位置
Good news comes on crutches.好事不出门。
grapevine n.小道消息 gutter n.中缝
hard news 硬新闻;纯消息 headline n.新闻标题;内容提要 hearsay n.小道消息 highlights n.要闻 human interest 人情味 in-depth reporting 深度报道 insert n.& vt.插补段落;插稿 interpretative reporting 解释性报道
invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私(权)
inverted pyramid 倒金字塔(写作结构)
investigative reporting 调查性报道
journalism n.新闻业;新闻学 Journalism is literature in a hurry 新闻是急就文学. journalist n.新闻记者
kill vt.退弃(稿件);枪毙(稿件)
layout n.版面编排;版面设计 lead n.导语 libel n.诽谤(罪)makeup n.版面设计
man of the year 年度新闻人物,年度风云人物
mass communication 大众传播(学)
mass media 大众传播媒介 master head n.报头;报名 media n.媒介,媒体
Mere report is not enough to go upon.仅是传闻不足为凭. morgue n.报刊资料室 news agency 通讯社 news clue 新闻线索
news peg 新闻线索,新闻电头 newsprint n.新闻纸 news value 新闻价值
No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息;不闻凶讯便是吉。nose for news 新闻敏感 obituary n.讣告 objectivity n.客观性 off the record 不宜公开报道 opinion poll 民意浏验 periodical n.期刊 pipeline n.匿名消息来源 popular paper 大众化报纸;通俗报纸
press n.报界;新闻界
press conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台 press law 新闻法
press release 新闻公告;新闻简报 PR man 公关先生
profile n.人物专访;人物特写 proofreader n.校对员 pseudo event 假新闻
quality paper 高级报纸;严肃报纸
quarterly n.季刊 readability n.可读性 reader's interest 读者兴越 reject vt.退弃(稿件)remuneration n.稿费;稿酬 reporter n.记者
rewrite vt.改写(稿件),改稿 round-up n.综合消息 scandal n.丑闻
sensational a.耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的
sex scandal 桃色新闻 sidebar n.花絮新闻 slant n.主观报道;片面报道 slink ink “爬格子” soft news 软新闻
source n.新闻来源;消息灵通人士
spike vt.退弃(稿件):“枪毙”(稿件)stone vt.拼版
story n.消息;稿件;文章 stringer n.特约记者;通讯员 subhead n.小标题;副标题 supplement n.号外;副刊;增刊 suspended interest 悬念 thumbnail n.“豆腐干”(文章)timeliness n.时效性;时新性 tip n.内幕新闻;秘密消息 trim n.删改(稿件)
update n.更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性)
watchdog n.&vt.舆论监督 weekly n.周报 4.广播电视
program block 节目板块 radio play 广播剧
spot news 插播新闻 spot advertisement 插播广告 radio forum 专题座谈节目 actuality 记录性广播节目 chat show 现场访问节目 rebroadcast 重播节目 quiz game 问答比赛 radio show 实况演出会 relay 转播节目 request 听众点播节目 broadcast exchange 节目交换 radio controller 电台台长 program producer 节目安排人 host 主持人
radio announcer 播音员 anchorperson 现场报道员 sound engineer 音响技师 sound mixer 调音员 sound recordist 录音员 recorder cutter 录音剪辑员 broadcasting channel 广播频道rediffusion on wire 有线广播
wireless relay broadcasting 无线广播转播
videocast 电视广播
satellite broadcasting 卫星广播 broadcasting center 摇控中心 live broadcasting 直播 network broadcasting 联播 sign on 开播 sign off 播出终止 cable TV 有线电视 closed circuit 闭路电视 commercial TV 商业电视 high definition TV/ HDTV 高清晰度电视
sustaining program 本台节目 syndicated program 联合节目 morning news 早晨新闻 evening news 晚间新闻 interview show 访问节目 live show 现场节目 house show 自有节目 block 套式节目
cut-in 插播节目
general entertainment program 娱乐性节目 call-in 电话节目
real time program 实时节目 talk show 现场访问 scene live 现场实况 field pickup 现场转播 program channel 电视节目频道 magazine program 电视专题片 audience rating 电视收视率 video theater 电视剧场 TV forum 电视论坛 telecourse 电视教学课程 TV eye 电视眼
TV pick-up station 电视摄像转播车
OB van 电视转播车 mobile unit track 动搜寻装置 prime time slot 黄金档 producer 制作人
anchorman/ anchorwoman 新闻节目主持人
news presenter 新闻播音员 TV commentator 电视评论员 TV reporter 电视记者 TV personality 电视名人 producer director 编导 technician control desk 控制台 5.世界主要通讯社
AAP(American Associated Press)美洲报联社
AAP(Australian Associated Press)澳大利亚联合新闻社
AFP(Agence France-Press)法新社 Agencia
Informativa Latino-Americana 拉丁社 AGERPRES(Agentia Romina de Presa)罗通社
ANSA(Ansa News Agency)安莎通讯社
ATR(Antara News Agency)安塔拉通讯社
AP(Associated Press)美联社 APP(Associated Press of Pakistan)巴联社
Belga News Agency 比利时通讯社
CP(Canada Press)加拿大通讯社 DPA(Deutsche Presse-Agentur)德意志新闻社
IIS(Indian Information Service)印新处
Jiji News Agency 时事通讯社 KCNA(Korean Central News Agency)朝中社 22 / 35
Kyodo News Service 共同社 MEN(Middle East News Agency)中东通讯社
New Zealand Press Association 新西兰报联社
PAP(Polska Agencja Prasowa)波兰通讯社
PTI(Press Trust of India)印报托 Reuter 路透社
UPI(United Press International)合众社
USIS(US Information Service)美新处
VNA(Vietnam News Agency)越南通讯社
Xinhua News Agency 新华社 6.政治新闻词汇
absolute majority 绝对多数 administration party 执政党 agenda 议程
all-embracing agreement 包罗万象的协定
anti-establishment 反政府情绪 arbitration 调停
bipartisan diplomacy 两党一致的对外政策
carrot-and-stick 威胁利诱政策 dead lock 僵局 advisory body 咨询机构 amicable relations 友好关系
behind-the-scene maneuvering 幕后操纵
communiqué公报 memorandum 备忘录 summit conference 首脑会议 nonconfidence motion 不信任案 action policy 行动方针
adopted by consensus 经过协商一致通过
air of tension 紧张气氛 amendment 修正案 apartheid 种族隔离 bare majority 勉强过半数 briefing meeting 简要新闻发布会
congressional bearing(美国)国会意见听证会
ad hoc committee 特别委员会 alien domination 外国统治 apple of discord 引起不和的争端 budget commitee 预算委员会 diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权 shoe-string majority 微弱多数 First Lady 第一夫人(国家元首的夫人)
stalled pace talks 陷入僵局的和谈
accumulated deficit 累计赤字 economic takeoff 经济起飞 dividend 红利 devaluation 贬值
administrative authorities 行政当局
Ambassador-at-large 巡回大使 back number 过时的人或物 closed-door meeting 秘密会议 embargo 禁运
shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交 most-favored-nation treatment 最惠国待遇
unanimous resolution 一致通过的决议
dull market 萧条的市场
wholesale dealer 批发商 American Selling Price 美国销售价格
across-the-board tariff cut talks 全面前减关税会谈
economic sanction 经济制裁 fiscal year 财政年度 cash transaction 现金交易 business slump 生意萧条 broker 经纪人 gold standard 金本位 abstain from voting 弃权 Air Force One 空军一号(美国总统座机)
anti-inflation measures 制止通货膨胀的措施
bluff diplomacy 恐吓外交 diplomatic channel 外交途径 nonaligned country 不结盟国家 diplomatic maneuvers 外交策略 show down 摊牌
active trade balance 贸易顺差 reciprocal trade agreement 互惠贸易政策
economic recession 经济衰退 price index 物价指数
adverse trade balance 贸易逆差 switch trade 转手贸易 balance of trade 贸易平衡 fluctuating salary 附加工资,浮动工资
active armed forces 现役武装部队
blanket bombing 地毯式轰炸 petrodollar 石油美元 mushroom cloud 蘑菇云 airlift troop 空降部队 nuclear weapon 横武器 armoured corps 装甲兵团 belligerent powers 交战国 military expansion 军备扩张 scud missile 飞毛腿导弹 destroyer 驱逐舰
sweeper 扫雷艇
ABM(anti-ballistic missile)反弹道导弹
around-the-clock bombing 日夜不停的轰炸
general armistice 全面停站 price-curbing policy 抑制物价政策
deficiency 亏损 tycoon 巨头
armament race 军备竞赛 scout plane 侦察飞机 submarine 潜水艇
AAM(air-to-air missile)空对空导弹
arms build-up 军备集结 unconditional surrender 无条件投降
beam weapons 激光束武器 aircraft carrier 航空母舰 sweeper 扫雷舰
chemical wepon 化学武器 marine corps 海军陆战队 9.科技、教育、文化、卫生新闻常用词汇 academia 学术界
open classroom 讨论式教学 comet 彗星 hardware 硬件 laboratory 实验室 blood type 血型 chicken pox 水痘 euthanasia 安乐死 brain drain 人才外流 atomic energy 原子能 extraterrestrial 外星的 dispensary 药房 injection 注射 dysentery 痢疾 anemia 贫血
industrial disease 职业病 audio-visual aids 视听教具 AIDS(acquired
immune deficiency syndrome)艾滋病
academic year 学年 astronomer 天文学家 constellation 星座 coeducaton 男女同校 surgical department 外科 disinfectant 消毒剂 plague 鼠疫
genetic engineering 遗传工程学 CAI(computer-assisted instruction)计算机辅助教学
cramming system 填鸭式教学法 chip 晶体篇 galaxy 银河系 ambulance 救护车 inoculate 注射预防针 malaria 疟疾 tumor 肿瘤
transsexual operation 变性手术 10.文体、娱乐新闻常用词汇 athletics 运动
referee(足球、拳击)裁判员 a drawn game 和局 hurdle 跳栏 hamper 因故停赛 columnist 专栏作家 overture 序曲 newsreel 新闻片 relay 传播 sprint 短跑
linesman 边线裁判员 final 决赛 feint 假动作 marathon 马拉松 acrobatics 杂技 philharmonic 爱乐 telecast 电视转播 record-holder 纪录保持者goalkeeper 足球守门员 semifinal 半决赛 elimination 淘汰赛 pentathlon 五项全能 prime time 黄金时间 symphony 交响曲 rehersal 排练
athlete 运动员
umpire(垒球、网球)裁判员 trial 预赛 relay race 接力赛 intermission 中场休息 serenade 小夜曲 film festival 电影节 karaoke 卡拉 OK
11.社会生活、宗教、法律新闻常用词汇 assault 袭击
contempt of court 藐视法庭 bail 保释
criminal case 刑事案件 population explosion 人口爆炸 Hinduism 印度教 31 / 35 hell 地狱 preach 传道 Sanskrit 梵文 treason 叛国 sentence 判刑
barrister 大律师 dropout 逃避显示者 Islamism 伊斯兰教 theology 神学 worship 礼拜 mosque 清真寺 arson 纵火 verdict 判决 accuser 原告
commutation of sentence 减刑Buddhism 佛教 doctrine 教义 missionary 传教士 bishop 主教 hijack 劫机 juror 陪审员 witness 证人 amnesty 大赦 Christianity 基督教 Baptism 浸理会 crucifix 耶稣受难像 Cardinal 红衣主教
embezzlement 挪用公款 jury 陪审团 accused 被告 acquit 宣判无罪 heroin 海洛因 Protestant 新教
Old Testament《旧约全书》Archbishop 大主教 blackmail 敲诈 surrender oneself 自首 supreme court 最高法庭 indictment 起诉 beauty contest 选美比赛 Orthodox 东正教
New Testament《新约全书》Pope 教皇 scandal 丑闻 confess 供认 electrocute 电刑 subpoena 传票 addict 吸毒上瘾者 Catholic 天主教
baptize 洗礼 Easter 复活节 fraud 诈骗 detention 拘留 captial punishment 死刑 civil case 发事案件 feminine liberation 妇女解放 Shinto 神教 Jesus Christ 基督 hymn 赞美诗 Koran 12.句型篇
According to sources concerned 据有关方面报道
According to an anonymous source 据一位不愿透露姓名的消息灵 通人士说„„
A source who asked not to be identified disclosed„ 据一位不愿透
Cited as saying 援引„„的话 Document released by„ 由„„发布的消息
Doreign wire services were quoted/cited as saying„ 援引外国通 讯社的消息说„„
It is understood„ 据了解„„ It was apparent that… It is conceivable that…
It is authoritatively learned„ 自权威方面获悉„„
Somebody is quoted as saying that ………….引用某人的话说道:“。。。。。”Somebody speaks on the condition of anonymity……..某人要求匿名接受采访
Sources close to „ 接近„„(方面)人士
There is good evidence that…很显然。。35 / 35
There is no doubt that…毫无疑问,是。。。。这样的。1.Ace in the hole 王牌 2.Act of God 天意 3.Adam 's apple 喉结 4.Airhead 浅薄无知、愚蠢的 5.All thumbs 手太笨的 6.Baby boomer 生育高峰期出生 7.go bananas 疯狂的,心急如焚,非常激动
8.Best-Seller 畅销书 9.Better half 配偶
10.Bible belt 《圣经》地带 11.Big Apple 纽约 12.Bigwig 要人,大人物 13.the Birds and the Bees 初步的性教育
14.Bite the bullet 忍痛,咬紧牙关 15.Blabber-mouth 饶舌者,碎嘴子
16.Blood money 付给杀手的钱 17.Blow-out 轮胎爆裂
18.Blue moon 几乎不
19.Body snatcher 盗尸者,盗尸犯 20.Bread-winner 赚钱养家的人 21.Butter-ball 肉球,胖墩妹 22.(Piece of)cake 简单易做的事 23.Cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密 24.Clone 几乎一模一样的人或物
25.Cold turkey 突然完全戒毒或戒烟
26.Couch Potato 花大量时间看电视的人,电视迷
27.Cow college 小且不出名的乡间大学
28.Crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪,假悲伤
29.Cup of tea 心爱之物,喜欢的事
30.Dark horse 黑马,爆冷门的运动员
31.Dear john(letter)绝交信 32.Diploma mill 文凭制造工厂,不入流学校
33.Doodle 信手涂画,边想事边乱涂写
34.Down-to-earth 现实的,实际的
35.early bird 早起的人,提前到达的人
36.Put all one's eggs in one basket 太冒险了 37.fall guy 替死鬼 38.Fat cat 有钱人
39.Fifth-wheel 多余的人或物 40.fifty-fifty平均地 41.fish-story 夸张的故事 42.Fox 性感的人
44.Green light 绿灯,认可,准许45.Happy-go-lucky 随遇而安的 46.Hayseed 乡下佬,乡巴佬 47.Heyday 全盛时期,顶峰时期 48.Hippie 嬉皮士
49.(Sell like)Hotcakes 销售很快
50.Ins and outs 详细,细节,全部
51.Hot potato 使人厌恶的事
52.In the doghouse 失宠
53.In the red 赤字
54.Joe Blow 普通人,常人
55.John Henry 罢名,签名
56.Lady-killer 使女人倾倒的男人
57.Left-over 剩饭
58.Legwork 外勤
59.Lemon 伪劣品 60.Letdown 失望,幻灭 61.Lifer 无期徒刑犯
62.Litter-bug 乱扔废物的人 63.Lovey-dover 伤感情的64.(Out to)lunch 疯狂的 65.Man eater 食人的野人 66.Micky mouse 幼稚的67.Midlife Crisis 中年危机 68.(Burn the)midnight oil 开夜车
69.Muscle man 肌肉发达的男人 70.Mr Clean 廉洁奉公的人
71.Neck and neck 并排
72.No-No 被禁止的事 73.Nuke 核武器
74.Pain in the neck 头痛的事 75.Pain killer 止痛药 76.Peanuts 小零碎,微不足道的钱
77.Pee wee 小人物 78.Pen 监狱 79.Pick Pocket 扒手 80.Can 洗手间
81.Pig out 狼吞虎回地吃 82.Pie in the sky 空想的计划 83.Pillow talk 枕边悄悄话 84.Rat race 激烈竞争 85.Red-handed 当场,正在作案
87.Rip-off 诈骗,误传,劣质
88.Roll cut the red carpet(for)铺红地毯;隆重地欢迎
89.Roman holiday 罗马假日,如古罗马人以观看残忍博斗不乐
90.Romeo 罗密;恋人(男人)91.Round-the-clock 夜以继日,24小时地
92.Rubber stamp 橡皮图章;不假思索变签字批准的人,机构 93.Rush hour 高峰时间 94.Scrooge 守财奴
95.Second banana 喜剧演员的配角,搭挡
96.Second childhood 第二童年;老糊涂
97.Second wind 恢复精力 98.Short fuse 脾气暴燥 99.Short-handed 人手不足 100.Sleep walking 梦游 101.Smell the coffee 清醒过
来,认识到事物的本质 102.Smash up 严重的汽车相撞
103.Snow job 骗局 104.Soap box 临时讲台 105.Soap opera 肥皂剧,言情性的连续剧
106.Sob story 伤心的故事 107.Soft touch 软耳根子的人
108.Songbird 女歌手,女歌唱家
109.Sounding board 共鸣板,被征询意见的人 110.Sour grapes 酸葡萄 111.Spring fever 花粉热,春倦症
112.Spotless 无污点的 113.the stork(white stork)鹳(白鹳)象征婴儿的诞生 114.Sugar daddy 在少女身上乱花钱的老色迷
115.Sweet talk 甜言蜜语地劝
116.Sweet tooth 喜吃甜食的人 117.Thriller 恐怖,侦探小说等 118.Top banana 主要人物
119.Top-40 四十张最畅销唱片
120.Tooth fairy 拔牙齿的妖精
新闻网讯(通讯员 袁惠潇 徐建军 郭晶)12月29日晚7点,以“相逢沁湖,共筑明天”为主题的2013年医学院元旦晚会在青春驿站综艺厅隆重举行。在两个小时的晚会中,我院师生尽情施展才艺,带来一场精妙绝伦的试听盛宴。
孔波书记上台献祝福,将现场带入第一个高潮。书记拿起话筒就开始了滔滔不绝的演讲,最后一句“happy new year”更是引发全场雷鸣般的掌声。紧接着一曲《新贵妃醉酒》彻底点燃了大家的热情。“孔书记,再来一曲!”、“孔老师,帅气威武!”尖叫连连,掌声连连。孔书记的精彩表演让许多在场大一新生感到惊诧不已,书记的热情也让同学们感觉很温馨。突然的组合,神秘班助秀
s=Hello Jackson.Fancy meeting you here.J=oh hello sandy.How do you do?
S=do you know there’re a lot of new things happened these days.J=that’s right.I read the newspaper yesterday.I knew that president Xi-Jinping had arrived in America and had a meeting with Obama in Sunny lands.S=yes.That’s a very important point in time.In 1979, china established diplomatic relations with the United States.After that china talked a lot with America, and they had trades with each other.J=I am very happy that our home country can have such a good relations with the strongest country in the world.S=and this is good for both countries.I still remembered the meeting was the first time that the two leaders talked together with wearing a tie.J= It marks the new era between the two countries.Maybe in the future, China and America will bring a new look to the world.I believe if china and America join together, both of them can get benefits.S=yes you are right.And do you know the explosion of a bus in Xia-Men.It is said that a person called Chen-Shuizong who has a negative feeling of life commit arson to the bus.In this accident 47 people were killed and 34 people were injured.J= oh my god.That’s very horrible.And the people who died were very innocent.They were so poor.S= yeah but I cannot understand why that man wanted to revenge on society.J= I also read the news on yesterday’s newspaper.It is said that the man thought the society treated him unfairly.S=so I really want to know how to avoid this kind of feeling.J= I think we should be optimistic toward life
S= and we should have a dream and put all our effort in it.J= you are right.Not only you and I but also everybody in the world should be like that.S= then we can have a peaceful world.J= of course.s= Oh, It’s too late.I have to go home now.Good bye.j= bye
第四篇:2018US News非洲大学排名
2018US News非洲大学排名
10月,US News公布了2018年非洲大学排名,南非开普敦大学排在第一位。本文是关于非洲各国大学在本次排名中的具体表现,由出国留学网整理翻译,供你选校参考。These universities located in African countries, including South Africa, Egypt and Uganda, have been numerically ranked based on their positions in the overall Best Global Universities rankings.Each institution was evaluated based on its research performance and its ratings by members of the academic community around the world and in the region.These are the top global universities in Africa.这些大学来自南非、埃及、乌干达等非洲国家,它们在非洲的排名根据它们在全球最佳大学综合排名中的位置列出,用数字表示。各大学的评估依据了大学的研究表现和大学在世界及非洲学术界的成员评级。这些就是US News本次评出的非洲顶尖大学,共32所。BestUniversitiesinAfrica2018 BasedonUSNewsBestGlobalUniversitiesRankings2018 WorldrankRegionalrankUniversityLocation1131UniversityofCapeTownSouthAfrica2162UniversityofWitwatersrandSouthAfrica336=3UniversityofKwaZuluNatalSouthAfrica359=4StellenboschUniversitySouthAfrica450=5CairoUniversityEgypt453=6UniversityofPretoriaSouthAfrica457=7UniversityofJohannesburgSouthAfrica497=8MakerereUniversityUganda634=9HelwanUniversityEgypt686=10=SuezCanalUniversityEgypt686=10=UniversityofMarrakechCadiAyyadMorocco714=12AinShamsUniversityEgypt731=13UniversityoftheWesternCapeSouthAfrica742=14AlexandriaUniversityEgypt756=15MansouraUniversityEgypt781=16NorthWestUniversity-SouthAfricaSouthAfrica785=17AddisAbabaUniversityEthiopia800=18MohammedVUniversityMorocco835=19AssiutUniversityEgypt919=20UniversitedeTunis-El-ManarTunisia925=21RhodesUniversitySouthAfrica929=22UniversitedeSfaxTunisia977=23AlAzharUniversityEgypt985=24ZagazigUniversityEgypt999=25UniversityofYaoundeICameroon1019=26UniversityoftheFreeStateSouthAfrica1023=27UniversityofIbadanNigeria1034=28UniversityofSouthAfricaSouthAfrica1070=29TantaUniversityEgypt1090=30UniversitedeMonastirTunisia115431MenofiaUniversityEgypt1158=32UniversitedeCarthageTunisia 33BritishUniversityinEgyptEgypt 34NelsonMandelaMetropolitanUniversitySouthAfrica 35UniversiteMohammedPremierMorocco 36UniversityofGhanaGhana 37UniversityofMalawiMalawi 2018非洲最佳大学排名 根据USNews2018全球大学排名
第五篇:英语演讲:Television News Coverage(范文模版)
Spiro Theodore Agnew: Television News Coverage
I think it's obvious from the cameras here that I didn't come to discuss the ban on cyclamates or DDT.I have a subject which I think if of great importance to the American people.Tonight I want to discuss the importance of the television news medium to the American people.No nation depends more on the intelligent judgment of its citizens.No medium has a more profound influence over public opinion.Nowhere in our system are there fewer checks on vast power.So, nowhere should there be more conscientious responsibility exercised than by the news media.The question is, “Are we demanding enough of our television news presentations?” “And are the men of this medium demanding enough of themselves?”
Monday night a week ago, president Nixon delivered the most important address of his Administration, one of the most important of our decade.His subject was
Less than a week before the 1968 election, this same commentator charged that president Nixon’s campaign commitments were no more durable than campaign balloons.He claimed that, were it not for the fear of hostile reaction, Richard Nixon would be giving into, and I quote him exactly, “his natural instinct to smash the enemy with a club or go after him with a meat axe.”
Had this slander been made by one political candidate about another, it would have been dismissed by most commentators as a partisan attack.But this attack emanated from the privileged sanctuary of a network studio and therefore had the apparent dignity of an objective statement.The American people would rightly not tolerate this concentration of power in Government.Is it not fair and relevant to question its concentration in the hands of a tiny, enclosed fraternity of privileged men elected by no one and enjoying a monopoly sanctioned and licensed by Government?
The views of the majority of this fraternity do not--and I repeat, not--represent the views of
Now it’s argued that this power presents no danger in the hands of those who have used it responsibly.But as to whether or not the networks have abused the power they enjoy, let us call as our first witness, former Vice president Humphrey and the city of Chicago.According to Theodore White, television’s intercutting of the film from the streets of Chicago with the “current proceedings on the floor of the convention created the most striking and false political picture of 1968--the nomination of a man for the American presidency by the brutality and violence of merciless police.”
If we are to believe a recent report of the House of Representative Commerce Committee, then television’s presentation of the violence in the streets worked an injustice on the reputation of the Chicago police.According to the committee findings, one network in particular presented, and I quote, “a one-sided picture which in large measure exonerates the demonstrators and protestors.” Film of provocations of police that was available never saw the light of day, while the film of a police response which the protestors provoked was shown to millions.Another network showed virtually the same scene of violence from three separate angles without making clear it was the same scene.And, while the full report is reticent in drawing conclusions, it is not a document to inspire confidence in the fairness of the network news.Our knowledge of the impact of network news on the national mind is far from complete, but some early returns are available.Again, we have enough information to raise serious questions about its effect on a democratic society.Several years ago Fred Friendly, one of the pioneers of network news, wrote that its missing ingredients were conviction, controversy, and a point of view.The networks have compensated with a vengeance.And in the networks' endless pursuit of controversy, we should ask: What is the end value--to enlighten or to profit? What is the end result--to inform or to confuse? How does the ongoing exploration for more action, more excitement, more drama serve our national search for internal peace and stability?
Gresham’s Law seems to be operating in the network news.Bad news drives out good news.The irrational is more controversial than the rational.Concurrence can no longer compete with dissent.One minute of Eldrige Cleaver is worth 10 minutes of Roy Wilkins.The labor crisis settled at the negotiating table is nothing compared to the confrontation that results in a strike--or better yet, violence along the picket lines.Normality has become the nemesis of the network news.Now the upshot of all this controversy is that a narrow and distorted picture of America often emerges from the televised news.A single, dramatic piece of the mosaic becomes in the minds of millions the entire picture.The American who relies upon television for his news might conclude that the majority of American students are embittered radicals;that the majority of black Americans feel no regard for their country;that violence and lawlessness are the rule rather than the exception on the American campus.We know that none of these conclusions is true.perhaps the place to start looking for a credibility gap is not in the offices of the Government in Washington but in the studios of the networks in New York!Television may have destroyed the old stereotypes, but has it not created new ones in their places? What has this “passionate” pursuit of controversy done to the politics of progress through logical compromise essential to the functioning of a democratic society?
The members of Congress or the Senate who follow their principles and philosophy quietly in a spirit of compromise are unknown to many Americans, while the loudest and most extreme dissenters on every issue are known to every man in the street.How many marches and demonstrations would we have if the marchers did not know that the ever-faithful TV cameras would be there to record their antics for the next news show?
We’ve heard demands that Senators and Congressmen and judges make known all their financial connections so that the public will know who and what influences their decisions and their votes.Strong arguments can be made for that view.But when a single commentator or producer, night after night, determines for millions of people how much of each side of a great issue they are going to see and hear, should he not first disclose his personal views on the issue as well?
In this search for excitement and controversy, has more than equal time gone to the minority of Americans who specialize in attacking the United States--its institutions and its citizens?
Tonight I’ve raised questions.I’ve made no attempt to suggest the answers.The answers must come from the media men.They are challenged to turn their critical powers on themselves, to direct their energy, their talent, and their conviction toward improving the quality and objectivity of news presentation.They are challenged to structure their own civic ethics to relate to the great responsibilities they hold.And the people of America are challenged, too--challenged to press for responsible news presentation.The people can let the networks know that they want their news straight and objective.The people can register their complaints on bias through mail to the networks and phone calls to local stations.This is one case where the people must defend themselves, where the citizen, not the Government, must be the reformer;where the consumer can be the most effective crusader.By way of conclusion, let me say that every elected leader in the United States depends on these men of the media.Whether what I’ve said to you tonight will be heard and seen at all by the nation is not my decision, it’s not your decision, it’s their decision.In tomorrow’s edition of the Des Moines Register, you’ll be able to read a news story detailing what I’ve said tonight.Editorial comment will be reserved for the editorial page, where it belongs.Should not the same wall of separation exist between news and comment on the nation’s networks?
Now, my friends, we’d never trust such power, as I’ve described, over public opinion in the hands of an elected Government.It’s time we questioned it in the hands of a small unelected elite.The great networks have dominated America’s airwaves for decades.The people are entitled a full accounting their stewardship.