宣誓就职 take the oath of office
选举人团 Electoral College
赢者通吃 winner-take-all
航天强国 major power in space
航天大国 major player in space
闺蜜 close confidante
尖端技术 cutting-edge technologies
戒毒康复中心 drug rehabilitation center
商业化运作 commercialized operations
社交软件 social networking software
食源性疾病 food-borne disease
心理健康干预 mental health intervention
排污费 pollutant discharge fee
无污染燃料 pollution-free fuel
海洋权益 maritime interests and rights
维护海洋安全 safeguard maritime security
自知者英,自胜者雄。Heroes are those who know themselves and can overcome their own difficulties.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。Water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it.廉洁奉公 fulfill duties honestly
全方位发展 full-range development
有利于商业交流的配套设施和服务 business-friendly supporting facilities and services
贫困县全部摘帽 eliminate poverty in all poverty-stricken counties
加大对困难群众的精准帮扶力度 provide stronger and more-targeted support to those living in difficulty
普惠金融 financial inclusion
公司治理结构 corporate governance structure
国有资产保值增值 preserve or increase the value of state assets
政治上高度互信,经济上互利双赢 deep political trust and win-win economic cooperation
两国风雨同舟、守望相助。Our two countries have stood together and supported each other.长征精神 the Long March spirit
坦诚的交流 candid exchanges
永久载人空间站 permanent manned space station
家财险 family property insurance
货币市场基金 money market fund
电商小额信贷 E-commerce micro credit
股权众筹 equity-based crowdfunding
P2P网络借贷 peer-to-peer online lending
神舟十一号飞船 the Shenzhou XI manned spacecraft
就业优先战略 jobs first strategy
男女平等基本国策 basic state policy of gender equality
人人参与、人人尽力、人人享有 Everyone participates, makes a contribution, and shares in the benefits.货到付款 cash on delivery
购物车 shopping cart
统计造假 fake statistics/fraudulent data/manufactured statistics
脱贫工作责任制 poverty alleviation responsibility system
资产收益扶持制度 support through returns on asset investments
综合和分类相结合的个人所得税制 personal income tax based on a combination of adjusted gross income and specific types of income
深入交换意见 exchange in-depth views
电视真人秀明星 reality TV star
职工养老保险个人账户制度 personal pension accounts for workers
渐进式延迟退休年龄政策 policy of gradually raising the retirement age
个人学习账号和学分累计制度 personal learning accounts and credit accumulation system
企业新型学徒制 new apprenticeship
就业失业统计指标体系 statistical indicators for employment and unemployment
普惠性幼儿园 public interest kindergarten
电子签名 electronic signature
农村土地流转 rural land transfer
积分落户制度 points system for/merit-based household registration system
做到短期政策和中长期政策并重,需求侧管理和供给侧改革并重 place equal importance on both short-term and mid-to-long term policies, on both demand-side management and supply-side reform
面对当前挑战,我们应该创新发展方式,挖掘增长动能。In the face of these challenges, we should break a new path for growth and generate new growth momentum.500米口径球面射电望远镜 Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope(FAST)
射电望远镜 radio telescope
光学望远镜 optical telescope
求同存异、聚同化异seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences
知行合一honor commitment and take practical actions
行胜于言Actions speak louder than words.基因信息数据库 genetic information database
多人在线竞技游戏 multiplayer online battle arena/MOBA game
对话伙伴国 dialogue partner
通过创新、结构性改革、新工业革命、数字经济等新方式,为世界经济开辟新道路,拓展新边界 break a new path and expand new frontier for world economy to innovation, structural reform, new industrial revolution and the development of the digital economy 做到短期政策和中长期政策并重 place equal importance on both short-term and mid-to-long-term policies
摩拜单车 Mobike
公租自行车服务 public bike rental service
消费性电子产品 consumer electronics
联勤保障部队 joint logistics support force
10+3机制 ASEAN+3 mechanism
电子竞技 electronic sports/e-sports
宏观审慎政策 macro-prudential policy
好莱坞星光大道 Hollywood Walk of Fame
机动车排放标准 vehicle emissions standards
跨境电子贸易规则 cross-border electronic trade(e-trade)rules
全球价值链 global value chains(GVCs)
实施连贯一致的税收政策,促进包容性增长 adopt consistent and aligned tax policies to drive inclusive growth 二十国集团是全球经济治理的主要平台。G20 is a major platform for global economic governance.电动滑板车 electric scooter
绿色金融 green finance
生态环境损害赔偿制度 environmental damage compensation system
事业单位改革 reform of public institutions
公共文化设施 public cultural facilities
聚焦发展 Focus on development
集众智、聚合力 Pool wisdom, form synergy
谋大势、做实事 Act with a broad vision, deliver concrete outcomes
投资诈骗 investment fraud
诊断试验 diagnostic test
全民健身活动 public fitness activities
民间借贷 private lending
抗震能力 earthquake resistance capacity
“港人治港”The people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong.通关一体化 customs integration
统筹国内国际两个大局 keep in mind both the domestic and international situations
国际产能和装备制造合作 international cooperation on production capacity and equipment manufacturing
共商共建共享原则 the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration
海外利益保护体系 protection of Chinese interests overseas
开放型经济新体制 new systems for developing an open economy
“两岸一家亲”。People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all of one family.国内漫游费 domestic roaming charges
量子卫星 quantum satellite
国务资政 state counselor
量子卫星 quantum satellite
国务资政 state counselor
房产税 housing property tax
僵尸企业 zombie companies/firms/businesses
化解房地产库存 de-stocking inventories
去产能 deal with overcapacities
资金支持 financial backing
敏锐头脑 a keen mind
经商头脑 a business brain
载人宇宙飞船 manned spaceship
奥运会徽 Olympic Emblem
出租车份子钱 taxi franchise fees
东道主 host country
旗手 flag-bearer
奥运代表团 Olympic delegation
奥林匹克休战 Olympic Truce
主播实名制 real-name system for live streaming hosts
网络视频直播 live video streaming
全面二孩政策 universal/overall two-child policy
下岗潮 layoff wave
亏损企业 enterprise running at a loss/money-losing firm/loss-making company
网络约车 online car-hailing services
专车 tailored taxi service
耕地轮作休耕制度 crop rotation and fallow system
近零碳排放区示范工程 initiative to demonstrate near-zero carbon emissions zones
领导干部自然资源资产离任审计 audit outgoing officials’ natural resource asset management
省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度 system whereby environmental protection agencies below the provincial level come directly under the supervision of their respective provincial-level agencies in terms of environmental inspection and monitoring 工业污染源全面达标排放计划 initiative to ensure that all industrial polluters comply with discharge standards
用能权、用水权、排污权、碳排放权初始分配制度 initial allocation system for energy, water, pollution, and carbon permits
全民节能行动计划 Nation of Energy Savers Initiative
循环发展引领计划 initiative to guide the shift toward circular development
绿色金融 green finance
绿色低碳循环发展产业体系 industrial system geared toward green, low-carbon, and circular development
重点生态功能区 important ecological area(IEA)
国家生态文明试验区 national ecological conservation pilot zone
资源节约型、环境友好型社会resource-conserving, environmentally friendly society
美丽中国建设Beautiful China Initiative
人与自然和谐共生 harmony between humankind and nature
“大水漫灌”式的强刺激 indiscriminate strong stimulus
增长友好型政策 growth-friendly policies
引领性、颠覆性新技术、新工具、新材料 new technologies, new tools and new materials, which are of pace-setting and transformational significance
解决世界经济深层次矛盾和问题,既要加强需求管理,又要着力推进结构性改革,以消除“病灶”。To address the deep-seated problems in the world economy, we need to both strengthen demand management and advance structural reform to eliminate the root causes that trigger problems.极简主义 minimalism
学术不端 academic misconduct
全科医生 general practitioner
常设仲裁法院 Permanent Court of Arbitration(PCA)
山寨应用 fake app
争端解决程序 dispute settlement procedures
游戏瘾 game addiction
南海问题 the South China Sea issue
仲裁庭 arbitral tribunal
溯本清源,以正视听 get to the root of the issue and set the record straight.海洋划界 maritime delimitation
国际社会广泛承认 widely acknowledged in the international community
海洋权益 maritime rights and interests
历史和法理依据 historical or legal basis
年度新闻人物 newsmaker of the year
标题党 sensational headline writer
网络虚假新闻online fake news
定向调控 targeted regulation and control
背离或放弃马克思主义,我们党就会失去灵魂、迷失方向。If we deviated from or abandoned Marxism,our Party would lose its soul and direction.不忘初心 stay true to the mission taken up by the CPC 95 years ago
No matter how far we will travel and to whatever bright future, we should not forget what we have done and why we set out to do it.走得再远、走到再光辉的未来,也不能忘记走过的过去,不能忘记为什么出发。
One who wants to stride ahead should not forget the path that was trodden.一切向前走,都不能忘记走过的路。
Only by marching forward with history will there be a bright future.只有与历史同步伐、与时代共命运的人,才能赢得光明的未来。
History will march forward and will not wait for the hesitant, bystanders, slackers or the weak.历史总是要前进的,历史从不等待一切犹豫者、观望者、懈怠者、软弱者。
CPC members and the Chinese people are fully confident of providing a Chinese solution to mankind's exploration of better social systems.中国共产党人和中国人民完全有信心为人类对更好社会制度的探索提供中国方案。
脱欧公投 Brexit referendum
审判流程 trial procedures
法律程序 legal procedures 行政诉讼 administrative proceedings
动画电影animated movie
集成芯片 integrated chip
浮点运算速度 flop operating speed, flops
互联网金融产品 Internet financial products
双创人才 innovative and entrepreneurial talent
积分落户指标体系 merit-based household registration system
毕业论文Graduation Thesis/Dissertation
毕业信物Graduation Keepsakes
毕业宴/派对Graduation Dinner/Party
commencement/graduation speech 毕业演讲
毕业典礼Commencement/Graduation Ceremony
学位服Cap and Gown
强降雨(torrential rain/heavy rainfall)、冰雹(hailstorm)
高温热浪(heat wave)、寒潮(cold wave/cold snap)
实际控球时间 actual playing time, 控球率 possession percentage
实际控球时间 actual playing time, 控球率 possession percentage
乌龙球 own goals
黄牌 yellow card, 红牌 red card
越位 offside
点球 penalty kick 任意球 free kick
角球 corner kick
犯规 fouls committed
进球数 goals scored
射门 shots, 球门范围内射门 shots on goal
相知无远近,万里尚为邻。Good friends feel close even when they are thousands of miles apart.患难见真情。True friendship stands out in difficult times.相知无远近,万里尚为邻。Good friends feel close even when they are thousands of miles apart.患难见真情。True friendship stands out in difficult times.同舟共济、携手合作、共同应对 work together through intensified cooperation.法外之地 a lawless frontier
药检 doping test
讨债人 debt collector
住房补贴 housing allowance
街头斗殴 street fight
个人对个人借贷 P2P(peer-to-peer)lending
做空者 short-seller
救市政策 measures to shore up the markets
停牌 suspend share trading
国家自主创新示范区 national innovation demonstration zone
创业创新服务业 innovation and business startup service industry 创新驱动、质量为先、绿色发展、结构优化、人才为本 be innovation-driven, emphasize quality over quantity, achieve green development, optimize the structure of Chinese industry, and nurture human talent
云计算 cloud computing
智能制造 intelligent manufacturing
枪击事件 mass shooting
国家新兴产业创业投资引导基金 National Venture Capital Guide Fund for Emerging Industries
投贷联动试点 trial of debt-equity combination financing
人民币汇率市场化形成机制 market-based RMB exchange rate regime
全口径外债宏观审慎管理 unified macroprudential management of external debt
激励机制和容错纠错机制 mechanisms to provide incentives and allow for and rectify errors “双随机、一公开”监管 oversight through inspections by randomly selected inspectors of randomly selected entities and the public release of inspection results 医疗、医保、医药联动改革 coordinated healthcare, health insurance, and pharmaceutical reforms
机关事业单位养老保险制度改革 reform of the pension system for government and public institution employees
综合经济竞争力 comprehensive economic competitiveness
非处方药 over-the-counter(OTC)medicines
自驾游 self-driving tour
“互联网+政务服务” Internet Plus government services
国家基本公共服务项目清单 national list of basic public services
全面战略伙伴 a comprehensive strategic partner
人杰地灵,山川秀美,人文历史底蕴深厚 be known for picturesque landscape, rich cultural heritage and talented people
等额选举 single-candidate election
差额选举 competitive election
城市快速公交 Bus Rapid Transit(BRT)
快速高架公交 Transit Elevated Bus(TEB)
数字经济 the digital economy
人工智能、物联网和3D打印 artificial intelligence, IOT and three-dimensional printing
网络空间不是“法外之地“。Cyberspace is by no means a lawless frontier.当今世界,网络和现实紧密联结。The world today, whether online or offline, is a network of both visual and physical reality.反家暴 anti-domestic violence
”中国制造“的产品 ”made-in-China“ products
输出消费 outbound consumption
时尚达人 fashionista
磁悬浮列车 maglev train
市郊往返列车/通勤列车 commuter train
品牌效应 brand effect
精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation
知识产权强国IPR powerhouse
与地方事权和支出责任划分define the respective powers and spending responsibilities of the central and local governments
司法救助 judicial aid
“一站式”诉讼服务 one-stop litigation service 区间调控、定向调控、相机调控 range-based, targeted, and well-timed regulation
稳中求进工作总基调 seeking progress while working to keep performance stable
准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度 the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list system
摩天轮 ferris wheel
政府法律顾问制度 system of government legal advisors
过山车 roller coaster
游乐园 amusement park
旋转木马 merry-go-round
主题公园 theme park
商标许可 trademark license
商标权人 trademark owner
应急物资 emergency supplies
政府储备粮 government grain reserve
定价机制 pricing mechanism
上下同欲者胜。Success comes to those who share in one purpose.为政之道,民生为本。That government is best which gives prime place to the wellbeing of the people.L型走势 L-shaped growth
竞价排名 paid listing
中国特色大国外交理念 the philosophy underpinning China’s diplomacy as a major country
工匠精神 spirit of craftsmanship
发展新动能 new driver of growth
去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板 address overcapacity, reduce inventory, deleverage, lower costs, and bolster areas of weakness
娱乐活动直播 live entertainment
在线游戏直播 online games
购物欺诈 shopping scams
网络诈骗 internet fraud
信用卡诈骗 credit card fraud
快车 fast ride
顺风车 ride sharing
专车 tailored taxi service
本土物种 indigenous/native species
非营利组织 nonprofit organization
宏观经济走向 macro-economic trend
经济犯罪侦查警察 police of economic crime investigation;公共信息网络安全监察专业警察Internet police;禁毒警察 anti-drug police;警务督察 police supervisor
巡逻警察 patrol police;.外事警察 foreign affairs police;
境外非政府组织 overseas non-governmental organizations
治安警察 public security police;户籍警察 household registration police;刑事犯罪侦查警察 criminal police;交通警察 traffic police
1Election anxiety:大选焦虑
2Locker room talk:更衣室谈话
3Man date:男男约会 4Manplaining:男人说教
5Slipery slop:滑坡效应
7Smiling depression:微笑抑郁
1Tofurkey :豆腐火鸡
2Hangover bar:宿醉酒吧
5Silver splitter :银发离婚者
6House Money Effect:赌场盈利效应
2Office creeper:办公室窃贼
3Civic journalism/public journalism:公民新闻/公众新闻
4Sleep camels:睡眠骆驼
6Domestic blindness:寻物眼盲症
7HOV lane/carpool lane/diamond lane/ transit lane:拼车专用道
1Glocalization :全球本土化
2Relationship sabbaticals:恋情休假 3Mystery shopping:神秘购物
4Baby hunger:要娃狂
5Face bra :脸部内衣
6Pet hubby:宠物男
7Friends with possibilities:可以成为朋友的关系
1high five selfie:击掌自拍
2volunteer tourism/voluntourism:公益旅行
5Sponsored weddings :赞助婚礼
3Overtime dogs:加班狗
4Toxic friendship: 有毒朋友
5Zombie cars:僵尸车
6Leisure guilt:休假愧疚心理
7Hidden hunger : 隐性饥饿
2time famine:时间饥荒/time affluence:时间富裕
3Kitchen pass:外出许可
4New guy gene: 新人基因
5Cringe attack:羞愧综合症
6Parisian pass:巴黎式借过法
7Hump day:驼峰日
1behave British:作人太英国人
2glass floor:职场地板
3productive procrastination:有效拖延
4Arrow to the knee:膝盖中枪
6transition friend:(两朋友的)中间人
7sudden wealth syndrome :暴富综合征
1Phantom offer:幽灵出价
2wallet-neuropathy: 钱包神经病变
3cobra effect:眼镜蛇效应
4architectural myopia: 建筑短视
5dumpster fire:垃圾箱着火,没得救
6computer-induced agraphia:电脑失写症
1success diaster:成功灾难
2shampaign: 虚假宣传
3elimination diet:食物排除疗法
5alien abductions:外星人绑架
6bachelor wash:单身汉清洗法
1planned obsolescence/built-in obsolescence:计划性淘汰
2Pokémon paranoia: 口袋精灵妄想症
3blind liker:盲目点赞党
4stupid O'clock:愚蠢时段
5toilet mummy:马桶木乃伊
7weekend lag:周末时差
1Lunch phobia:午饭恐惧症/meat pal:饭友
2Reset generation:重启一代/IPOD(Insecure, Pressured, Over-taxed and Debt-ridden(负债累累))generation: IPOD一代
3Dad jokes:老爸的笑话
4life hack:生活妙招
5Alta man:阿尔塔男/暖男
1the funemployed:失业快乐族
2party promise:派对诺言/聚会上的约定
3freshman 15:学生上大学体重增加;holiday pounds: 假期胖子;Generation XL: 超重的一代/超大码的
4clockless worker: 过劳族; clock-watcher:看表族
5juniorzation: 年轻化
1Naysayer: 摇头族;Yaysayer: 点头族;Meh-sayer: 随便族
2set-jetting:影视主题游;screen tourism: 屏幕游
3game face: 比赛脸; death stare: 死亡瞪
4stress puppy: 压力汪; stresscalation: 压力延伸
5parkour: 跑酷;freerunning: 自由飞跃
1prequaintance: 没见过面的熟人/acquaintance: 熟人/framily: 亲如家人的朋友
3Duvet day:偷懒假/Heartache leave: 失恋假
4Alpha wife: 阿尔法老婆/ Trophy wife: 花瓶老婆/Lever women:杠杆女
6JOMO(joy of missing out):错失的乐趣
7Bar-code hairstyle: 条形码发型
1Weekend effect:周末效应
2Biological clock divorce:生物钟离婚 3Arsenic hour:砒霜时间
4Yo-yo dieting: 溜溜球节食法
5Hotness hypnosis:辣妹催眠
6boytox period:爱情空窗休整期
7squeezed middle : 受挤压的中产阶级
1gender fluid:流性人
2Mizu Shingen Mochi:雨滴饼/信玄水麻糬
3choice anxiety: 选择焦虑症
5corpse hotel: 遗体旅馆
6street score:街边偶得
7cold finger:冷手指
2silver surfer:银发上网族
3professional wardrone organizer:“懒人衣柜”整理师
5jump value:跳槽价值
6Paris syndrome:哈巴黎症
7(homework)cheat chain:抄作业链
9drum driving:打鼓式驾驶
1economics of running: 跑步经济
2soap grafting:肥皂嫁接
3percussive maintenance:敲打式维护
4kippers(kids in parents' pockets eroding retirement savings):“奇葩族”(蚕食父母退休金的孩子)
5vulgarity gap:粗俗代沟
6Little black dress:小黑裙
7eye candy:养眼花瓶
1anti-social networking: 反社交网络
2baby lag: 宝贝时差
3Desk staging:桌面装忙
6Digital dementia:数码痴呆症
1boyfriend/girlfriend drop:扔男/女朋友
2LOL theory: LOL理论
3Low Battery Anxiety:低电量焦虑症
4serial returner:连环退货族
5girlfriend voice:女友专用调
6travel itch:旅游痒
6wardrobe malfunction:走光
1cubicle etiquette(cubiquette):工位礼仪
2decision fatique: 决策疲劳
3wardrobe rage:衣橱怒
4gift-giving anxiety: 送礼焦虑症
5time poverty(money-rich, time-poor):有钱无闲/time-rich, money poor: 有闲无钱
7desk psychology:办公桌心理
8sympathy seeker:求安慰帖
/praise seeker:求赞帖
9designated drunk:代喝酒人
/designated driver: 派对司机
/beer compass: 断片指南针
1重型运载火箭:heavy-lifet carrier rocket 资产泡沫:asset bubble/债务风险:debt risks
3个人信息:personal information
4歼-20隐形战机:J-20 stealth fighter jet
5医疗机构和人力资源服务:medical institutes and human-resource services
6理财型保险:wealth management insurance 远光灯:full-beam headlights/high beams/近光灯:dipped beams/low beams
8卵子黑市:underground market for human eggs
9闺蜜干政:confidante suspected of intervening into state affairs
1党内监督:intra-Party supervision 永远在路上:Corruption Fight Is Always Underway
3国产航母:domestically manufactured aircraft carrier
4第二次污染源普查:second national census of pollution sources
5高收入人群:high-income group
6金融科技:financial technology/fintech
7爬树课程 tree-climbing course
8滑稽表情抱枕:”Funny“ emoji-based bolsters
1用意志和勇气谱写的人类史诗:human epic composed of will and courage/人类为追求真理和光明而不懈努力的伟大史诗:an epic of mankind's unremitting efforts to pursue truth and brightness 自动对接:automatic docking
3流动人口:migrant population
4互联网保险:online insurance
5冰雪项目:ice and snow sports
6拐骗儿童:to traffick children/致人残疾:maiming/毁容:disfiguring/囚禁:keep sb.captive
7雾霾净化塔: smog free tower
8双边关系的全面改善:full improvement of bilateral ties
1统计造假:Fake statistics/fraudulent data/manufactured statistics P2P网络借贷:peer-to-peer online lending/股权众筹:equity-based crowdfunding/通过互联网开展资产管理及跨界从事金融业务:cross-border financial and asset-management services on the Internet/第三方支付:third-party payment/互联网金融领域广告:Internet finance advertising
3亿万富豪财富代际移交:inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer
4涂鸦:graffiti,具体的行为可能包括:scribble/ scrawl(乱写)、scratch(乱刻)、doodle(乱画)
5分享冰箱:share fridge/食物银行:food bank
6下一任联合国秘书长:next Secretary-General of the UN
7电池爆炸 :exploding batteries/召回:recall/全面停售: stop all sales
8闪崩:flash crash
1中央全面深化改革领导小组:a central leading team for ”comprehensively deepening reform,l879y7bvh 500米口径球面射电望远镜: Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope(FAST)
3故宫:Palace Museum/紫禁城:the Forbidden City/断虹桥:the Broken Rainbow Bridge/十八槐古迹:the Eighteen Ancient Pagoda Trees 4鸽子房/鸽笼房/蜗居: pigeonhole/胶囊公寓:capsule apartment/柜族:cupboard tribe/蛋屋:egg house
5网购退货办法草案:draft refund policy for online shopping
6俄罗斯冰激凌热:Russian ice cream craze
7免费退货政策:free-of-charge return policy/free refunding policy
1联合国大会:theUN General Assembly/联大一般性辩论:the general debate of the UNGA/联合国难移民和持续发展问题会议:the UN conferences on refugees, immigration and on sustainable development.农业户口:rural hukou/宅基地:homestead
3“海上联合防卫行动”:joint maritime defense operation
4电信诈骗:telecom fraud/scam/受难群众:fraud victim
5电子证据:electronic evidence
6冲绿灯:running the green light/冲黄灯:running the yellow light
7免费退货政策:free-of-charge return policy/free refunding policy
8幽灵车:ghost ride/幽灵司机:ghost driver
8和平分手:peaceful divorce/不可调和分歧irreconcilable differences
1联勤保障部队:joint logistic unit “天宫二号”空间实验室:Tiangong-2 space lab
3国家基因库:national gene bank/pool
4空铁列车:sky train
5提取服务费:service fees for cash withdrawals
6超强台风:super typhoon
7自行车出租服务:bike rental service/bike-lending service
8放生:life-releasing/life release
1《杭州共识》:Hangzhou Consensus 东盟10+3机制/ASEAN 10+3 mechanism/务实合作:practical cooperation
3隐性饥饿:hidden hunger
4机遇之都:cities of opportunities
5寨卡风险:Zika risk
6电子竞技运动与管理:electronic competitive sports and management
1狂人按照时间表路线图推进改革:established timetable and road map
2G20机制:the G20 framework
3自贸试验区:pilot free trade zone
4环境保护税法:environmental protection tax law
5电动滑板车:electric scooter
6电信诈骗:telecom fraud
7奥斯卡终身成就奖:lifetime-achievement Oscars
8CEO培训班:CEO course
9罢黜总统:removal from office/removed from office
1奥林匹克精神(the Olympic spirit):相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的精神(mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play)
2量子实验卫星:quantum experiment satellite
3国内漫游费:domestic roaming charges
4补发工资:backdated salary/丧葬抚恤金:consolation payment/医疗费:medical fees/抚恤金:relief money
5北京镑:Beijing pound/中国购物狂:Chinsumer/行走的钱包:walking wallets
6铁榔头:iron hammer
7国务资政:state counselor
1升错国旗:raise flawed national flag
2重跑:re-run/get a second shot
3取消资格:be disqualified
4倒票:ticket scalping/票务垄断:form a cartel)/非法营销:illicit marketing
5奥运网红:Olympic Internet sensation
6比赛脸:game face
1局点:game point;赛点:match point
2蚊帐:bed net;拔罐:cupping
3种子选手:seeded player;头号种子选手:top seed;种子队伍:seeded team
4洪荒之力:prehistorical power
5破纪录:break/smash/rewrite/shatter the world record;平纪录:equal the world record
6民用航空安全:civil aviation safety
7首金:first gold medal, first medal
1海上司法主权:martime jurisdiction
2奥林匹克休战:Olympic Truce
3新增:include, add 极限运动:extreme sports
4热带气旋:tropical cyclone
5二维码:QR code
6巡游揽客: cruise on the street for customers
7停止工作:cease operation
1叫车应用:car-hailing app/出租车叫车服务:taxi-hailing service/专车:tailored taxi service/顺风车:ride sharing/快车:fast ride
2基因编辑技术:gene-editing technique/规律成簇的间隔短回文重复:Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats(CRISPR)
3“高烤”天气:barbecue heat
4酷热:sizzling/severe heat/烈日、骄阳:scorching sun/炎炎夏日:blistering summer day/灼热的太阳:torrid sun
5二孩经济:second-child economy/婴儿市场:baby-care market
6女总统候选人: femail presidential candidate
7核心互联网业务:core Internet business
1积水路段(“积水潭”):waterlogged road sections
2学术不端行为:academic misconduct
3人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗:Human papillomavirus(HPV)
4电影版权:film right/现实增强游戏:augmented reality game, AR game
5中式数学教育:Chinese method of maths teaching/英式数学教育:British method of maths teaching
6意向性投票: straw poll/不记名投票:secret ballot
7田径禁赛:athletics ban
1《中国坚持通过谈判解决中国与菲律宾在南海的有关争议》白皮书:white paper of China Adheres to the Position of Settling Through Negotiation the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea
2一专多能:versatile teacher
3断奶:be weaned from milk
4同胞竞争障碍症:sibling rivalry disorder
5北京瘫:Beijing repose
6恐怖袭击:terror attack/紧急状态:state of emergency
1不忘初心:stay true to the mission
2国内生产总值核算:GDP calculation
3抢险救灾任务:perform flood relief work
4打击网络虚假新闻:crack down on online fake news
5冻酸奶:frozen yogurt/fro-yo
6blind date lie:相亲谎言
7ROM brain:死脑筋
1中国共产党建党95周年:the 95th anniversary of the founding of CPC
2民法典: civil code
3南海仲裁案裁决:an award on the South China Sea case
4长征七号运载火箭:the Long March 7 carrier rocket
5双创人才:innovative and entrepreneurial talent
7冻胚胎移植:frozen embryo transfer
8(梅西)退出国家队:quit/retired from national team
1(经济)L型走势:L-shaped growth
2上海迪士尼乐园:Shanghai Disneyland
3业务转型:business model shift
4在线视频直播:live video streaming/主播:hostee
5门票:charge admission fee
6导游自由执业:freelance tour guide
7校园欺凌:school bullying
8单间隔断: partition
9弹劾:impeachment/停职:suspension or suspend
1龙卷风/冰雹:tornado and hailstorm
2塑胶跑道: synthetic racetracks/有毒操场:toxic sport ground
3A股纳入MSCI:China A-shares inclusion proposal to MSCI/金融改革:financial reform
4公务接待:official banquets/酒桌文化: drinking culture
5校园贷:campus loan/无担保、无抵押,当日放款:no guarantee, no collateral, loan granted on the day of application
6G20蓝:G20 blue/防治空气污染规划:plans to restrict air pollution
8(产品)大卖:smash hit
1宏观经济政策:macroeconomic policy/投资协议:investment treaty/工业产能过剩: industrial overcapacity/贸易纠纷: trade disputes
2中国制造2015: Made in China 2015/工业4.0: Industry 4.0
3困境儿童:children in difficulty
4无人机紧急救援队:unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)emergency rescue team
5宜居城市: livable city
6大规模枪击案: Mass shooting
7严重暴力冲突: mayhem
1G20峰会倒计时100天: 100-day coutdown to the G20 summit
2价格改革:pricing reform
3不文明行为: inappropriate public manners
5种族歧视:racial discrimination
6家庭暴力: domestic violence/spousal support:配偶赡养费
6管教孩子:child discipline
1快速高架公交: Transit Elevated Bus
2防止作弊: fight cheating
3地面臭氧:ground-level ozone
4行邮税:postal article tax
5付费网络直播:live webcast
1安珀警戒:AMBER Alert
2铁路运行图:railway operating plan
3诉讼调解中心:mediation and litigation center
4驾照考试改革:reform of issuing driving license
5空难:plane crash/aviation accident
1(经济)L型走势:L-shaped growth
2上海迪士尼乐园:Shanghai Disneyland
3业务转型:business model shift
4在线视频直播:live video streaming/主播:hostee
5门票:charge admission fee
6导游自由执业:freelance tour guide
7校园欺凌:school bullying
8单间隔断: partition
9弹劾:impeachment/停职:suspension or suspend
1盐业体制改革方案:reform plan for the salt industry system
2竞价排名:paid list practice
3窄带物联网:Narrow Band Internet of Things, NB-IoT
4购物欺诈:shopping scam
6奇葩公司名:bizarre company name
7退选:exit/drop out of/pull out of
预约券 reservation ticket
下午茶 high tea
微博 Microblog/ Tweets
裸婚 naked wedding
亚健康 sub-health
平角裤 boxers
愤青 young cynic
灵魂伴侣 soul mate
小白脸 toy boy
精神出轨 soul infidelity
人肉搜索 flesh search
剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls
山寨 copycat
异地恋 long-distance relationship
性感妈妈 yummy mummy 钻石王老五 diamond bachelor 时尚达人 fashion icon
上相的,上镜头的 photogenic 学术界 academic circle 哈证族 certificate maniac 偶像派 idol type
住房公积金 housing funds
熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)
挑食者 picky-eater 伪球迷 fake fans 紧身服 straitjacket 团购 group buying
奉子成婚 shotgun marriage 婚前性行为 premarital sex 炫富 flaunt wealth
决堤 breaching of the dike 上市 list share
赌球 soccer gambling 桑拿天 sauna weather 自杀 Dutch act
假发票 fake invoice
金砖四国 BRIC countries 笑料 laughing stock
泰国香米 Thai fragrant rice
学历造假 fabricate academic credentials 泄洪 release flood waters
狂热的 gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy
暗淡前景 bleak prospects
文艺爱情片 chick flick
惊悚电影 slasher flick
房奴车奴 mortgage slave
上课开小差 zone out
万事通 know-it-all
毕业典礼 commencement
散伙饭 farewell dinner
毕业旅行 after-graduation trip
节能高效的 fuel-efficient
具有时效性的 time-efficient
死记硬背 cramming
很想赢 be hungry for success
面子工程 face job
指甲油 nail varnish
射手榜 top-scorer list
学历门槛 academic threshold 王牌主播 mainstay TV host 招牌菜 signature dishes 非正常死亡 excess death 影视翻拍 plays reshooting
四大文学名著 the four masterpieces of literature 城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect
逃学 play hooky, 装病不上班 play hooky from work 一线城市 first-tier cities
高考 the National College Entrance Examines 录取分数线 admission scores 小型警车 panda car 老爷车 vintage car
保障性住房 indemnificatory housing 一决高下 Duke it out
差别电价 differential power prices 囤积居奇 hoarding and profiteering 灰色市场 Grey market 反倾销 anti-dumping 经济二次探底 double dip 吃白食的人 freeloader
橙色预警 orange signal warning 公关 public relation
不幸的日子,不吉利的日子 black-letter day 吉利的日子 saints' days 人肉搜索 flesh search 廉租房 low rent housing
限价房 capped-price housing 经适房 affordable housing 替罪羔羊 whipping boy
对口支援 partner assistance 扫把星 jinx
资本货物 capital goods
最终消费品 final consumption goods 原材料 raw material
制成品 manufactured goods 重工业 heavy industry 贸易顺差 trade surplus
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve 潮人:trendsetter 发烧友: fancier
骨感美女:boney beauty 卡奴:card slave 蹦迪:disco dancing
小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man
二奶:kept woman
麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen
型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)
新新人类:new-new generation
驴友:tour pal
全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom
80后:80's generation
肚皮舞:belly dance
情侣装:couples dress
胎教:fetal education
限时抢购:flash sale
期房:forward delivery housing 荧光纹身:glow tattoo 团购:group purchase 健商:HQ
扎啤:jug beer
八卦,丑闻:kiss and tell 低腰牛仔裤:low-rise jeans 泡泡袜:loose socks 裸妆:nude look 黄牛票:scalped ticket 透视装:see-through dress 扫货:shopping spree
烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up 水货:smuggled goods 热裤:tight pants 舌钉:tongue pin
纳米技术:nanotechnology 通灵:psychic
文凭热 degree craze 反腐败 anti-corruption 联合军演 joint military drill 财政赤字 budget deficit
拜倒在某人的石榴裙下 throw oneself at sb's feet 打破记录 break a record
创造新纪录 create a new record 终生学习lifelong learning 天气保险 weather insurance 正妹 hotty
对某人念念不忘 get the hots for 希望把好运带来给自己 touch wood 婚外恋 extramarital love;extramarital affair 职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse 赞助费 sponsorship fee
抚恤金 financial compensation,compensation payment 草莓族 Strawberry generation 草根总统 grassroots president 点唱机 juke box
笨手笨脚 have two left feet 演艺圈 Showbiz
试点,试运行 on a trial basis 精疲力竭 be dead on one's feet 软禁 be under house arrest 拼车 car-pooling
解除好友关系 unfriend v.发送色情短信 sexting
暴走 go ballistic
婚检 premarital check-up
天书 mumbo-jumbo
情意绵绵的 lovey-dovey
漂亮女人 tomato(俚语);妖娆女子 cheese cake
懦夫 quitter(俚语)
母校 alma mater
黑马 dark horse
挥金如土 spend money like water
意外怀孕 unplanned pregnancy
人流 abortion
避孕措施 contraceptives
生殖健康 reproductive health
海外代购 overseas purchasing
试镜 screen test
访谈节目 chat show
智力竞赛节目 quiz show
武侠片 martial arts film
封面报道 cover story
跳槽 jump ship
闪婚 flash marriage
闪电约会 speeddating
闪电恋爱 whirlwind romance
刻不容缓,紧要关头 crunch time
健身 bodybuilding
遮阳伞 parasol
人渣 scouring
头等舱 first-class cabin
世界遗产名录 the world heritage list
乐活族 LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)
安乐死 euthanasia
私生子 an illegitimate child;a love child
一夜情 one-night stand 专业课复习
2)推荐一本杂志,《Beijing Weekly》,北京周报。内容涉及当前的时事政治、热点问题,内容不难,话题也不枯燥,我比较喜欢,生词也不是特多,但是看人家的表述方法,一件事都是用我们认识的单词,而我们就不会排列组合。这本杂志喜欢写缩略语,比如联合国千年发展计划等,反复出现,慢慢就熟悉了。而且,对于南开的百科的名词解释也有一定帮助。G20,存款准备金率,亚运会,世博会,钓鱼岛等等,这类的热点事件杂志都有相关报道,所以看这本杂志能够提高英语阅读,还有利于翻译基础和南开百科名词。
大作文方面,除日常积累外,对翻译方面一些基本的概念 和百科上一些有关名词或是专题你得多看看,因为好多学校大作文的题目会从中选题,百科上或是翻译教程上的每个名词,都可以拿来做作文题目,比如:直译好还是意译好,说说通俗文化,这都是有些学校的曾经出的作文题目。在写作的过程中,一定要言之有物,措辞真诚。只要言之有理,即可酌情给分,而且一般划分只在5至15分之间,拉分差距很小。
所以,对于关于汉语写作与百科知识, 如果能真的认认真真读完那些书,对于百科考察的名词解释和选择题会有很大帮助,对于应用文的写作套路也能掌握的更加熟练。还有大作文,除日常积累外,对翻译方面一些基本的概念,和百科上一些有关名词或是专题你得多看看,因为好多学校大作文的题目会出类似的,百科上或是翻译教程上的每个名词,都可以拿来做作文题目 比如:直译好还是意译好,说说通俗文化,这都是有些学校的原题,平常积累对于百科这门科目的考察有很大帮助,平常多看多想多练很重要,其实都是议论文,用高考的文笔就能搞定的。
名词解释,其实就是熟知一些事物,大体知道意思,自己再用通顺合理的语言表达出来即可。其实要想练习名词解释,《中国文学与中国文化知识应试指南》这本书比较好 比《中国文化读本》更有针对性。
至于阅读部分,笔者认为传统选择题的难度大致为专八水平,但也可能出现GRE水平的理解题,而对于一些非传统的阅读题型,比如paraphrase, answer questions等,考察的不仅是同学们的阅读能力和理解能力,也在一定程度上反应了考生的表达能力。所以,笔者建议,同学们在平时做阅读理解题的过程中,要有意识地强化自己的语言”输出”功力,不可辞不达意。
cross-border online shopping
China is tightening its grip on cross-border e-commerce, imposing a new tax system on cross-border online shopping that forms a growing business catering to Chinese consumers with an appetite for foreign goods starting April 8.我国正收紧对跨境电子商务的管控。对于海淘这个为迎合中国消费者对海外产品的青睐而生、且日益壮大的商业领域,从4月8日起开始实行一套新的税收政策。
根据商务部公布的新政,通过电商公司从海外直邮到国内的商品(overseas retail products that e-commerce firms ship into China)将不再归为邮递物品(will no longer be classified as “parcels”),享受比其他进口商品税率更低的行邮税(“parcel tax” rate),而将被视作进口商品,进而征收关税、增值税和消费税(be treated as imports and will be subject to tariffs, value-added and consumption taxes),具体税率将视产品类型和价值而定(whose rates vary depending on the type and value of goods)。
不同类别的商品税率不同,因此很难计算政策调整给商品带来的影响(calculating the impact of the changes on merchandise is difficult given that different categories of goods carry different rates)。根据新政策,对于专门销售婴幼儿配方奶粉(infant formula milk)的公司来说,如果单笔销售额不足500元,就需要多缴付将近12%的税(pay nearly 12% more in taxes if the sale is under RMB500)。珠宝等奢侈品将额外征收9%-17%不等的税款(luxury goods like jewelry will see extra taxes between 9% and 17%)。针对个人护理产品和化妆品的税款则可能有所降低(levies on personal-hygiene and cosmetic products could fall)。
商务部表示,政策调整意在赋予国内外产品同等地位(be intended to put foreign and domestic products on an equal footing)。但分析人士表示,尽管税收政策有变,他们预期中国消费者对海外产品的强烈需求仍将持续(they expect robust demand from Chinese consumers for overseas products to continue)。
电商公司 e-commerce player
压低需求 dampen demand
输出消费 outbound consumption
母婴产品 baby and maternal products
营养补充剂 nutritional supplement
“中国制造”的产品 “made-in-China” products
2、EMBA,高级管理人员工商管理硕士 Executive Master of Business Administration
The China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee announced over the weekend that, from next year, a nationwide exam will be the only way to apply for an EMBA course.全国工商管理硕士教育指导委员会上周末宣布,从明年起,申请就读高级管理人员工商管理硕士课程必须经过全国统考。
我们都知道MBA代表的是Master of Business Administration(工商管理硕士),而这里提到的EMBA则是Executive Master of Business Administration(高级管理人员工商管理硕士),最早诞生于美国芝加哥大学管理学院,设立的目的就是为高级管理人员服务,通常称为在职MBA。
EMBA院校目前采取的是自主举办笔试(written test)、面试(interview)的方式,现行录取标准是两封企业雇主或业内名人的推荐信(recommendation letter)和一篇企业管理相关论文,学员再参加院校组织的面试,合格后方可入学。
根据教育部6日发布的《关于进一步规范工商管理硕士专业学位研究生教育的意见》,2017年起,EMBA的入学资格考试将纳入全国统一的硕士研究生入学考试(national entrance examination for postgraduate studies),录取分数线(enrollment cut-off point)将由教育部门统一划定并向社会公开。
意见还提出,加强研究生课堂考勤(class attendance)、课程考核(course assessments)、论文开题(thesis proposal)和学位论文答辩(oral defense of thesis)过程的监督检查,严禁降低标准授予学位(lower standards for conferring degrees)、“花钱买学位”等行为,严肃查处教学评价中的权力寻租(rent-seeking)和不正之风。规范境内外游学、访学、考察等实践教学活动,不得以游学、访学等名义前往景点观光旅游(sightseeing in the name of study tours or visiting scholar programs)。
[相关词汇] 考生 examinee, exam-taker, candidate
替考者 surrogate exam-taker
考前焦虑 pre-exam nerves
高考 college entrance examination
(考试的)突击准备 cramming
死记硬背 rote memorization
3、钓鱼执法sting/entrapment operation
A fake university established as part of a sting operation to expose student visa scams has netted 21 suspects in mass arrests carried out by American immigration authorities.在一次钓鱼执法行动中,美国移民部门建立了一所假冒大学,最终破获一起学生签证造假案并进行大规模逮捕,21名嫌疑人被捕。
这所北新泽西大学2013年成立,工作人员是卧底探员,不设课程,没有讲师(be staffed by undercover agents, but without classes or instructors)。嫌疑人知道这是一所野鸡大学(bogus/phony university),但不知道这是美国移民海关执法局密探设下的圈套的一部分(part of a sting by undercover agents from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement)。他们帮助外国客户办理入学,从而骗取留学签证,自己则收取回扣(enroll their foreign clients to fraudulently maintain their student visa status in exchange for kickbacks)。被告人面临共谋实施签证欺诈(conspiracy to commit visa fraud)和共谋庇护外国人获利(conspiracy to harbor aliens for profit)两项罪名指控。
“钓鱼执法”(sting/entrapment operation)指在掌握一定证据的同时,为了抓获已知犯罪嫌疑人,而通过“诱惑”(entrap/snare)的方式使其落网。钓鱼执法因在某种程度上有诱导嫌疑人犯罪的倾向一直以来饱受争议(has always been controversial as it in some way lures suspects to commit crimes)。但对于此案,美当局辩解称,签证骗取者从一开始就知道大学是假的,提供的服务是非法的,却仍然寻求服务(visa fraudsters sought the services from day one knowing that the university was fake and the services were not legitimate),他们是这次行动的“自愿行事者”(they were “willing participants” in the scheme)。
非移民身份 nonimmigrant status
学校行政人员 school administrator
欺诈手段 fraudulent tactic
付钱即可留下 pay to stay
合法永久居民 legal permanent resident
4、过度包装excessive packaging
“过度包装”产生大量“快递垃圾” 请看《中国日报》的报道:
The rapid growth of online shopping and express delivery services has given rise to huge amounts of rubbish in China, says a recent report.最近一份报告显示,网络购物和快递运输行业的快速发展使中国产生了大量的快递垃圾。
Last year alone, 16.95 billion meters of adhesive tape and 9.9 billion boxes were used to deliver the purchases of online shoppers.仅在去年,网购快递中就使用了169.5亿米胶带和99亿个包装箱。
Experts say excessive packaging for products dispatched through courier agencies to meet online shoppers' demand is generating increasing amounts of trash and the existing recycling system cannot cope with them.专家表示,为满足网购用户需求,快递公司在派送商品时“过度包装”,因而快递垃圾量越来越大,现有的回收利用系统也无法应对。
e-tailer 网络零售商
plastic bags 塑料袋
foam and cartons 泡沫和纸箱
express parcels 快递包裹
packaging materials 包装材料
dissolve 分解
bricks-and-mortar stores 实体店
5、创新战略伙伴关系(innovative strategic partnership)
China and Switzerland will establish an innovative strategic partnership to promote common development and prosperity, a joint statement issued on Friday said.中瑞一份联合声明指出,中瑞将建立创新战略伙伴关系,以促进两国共同发展和繁荣。
创新战略伙伴关系(innovative strategic partnership)是对中瑞双边关系具有丰富而深刻内涵以及重要意义的肯定,开拓创新精神是中瑞关系发展的突出特点(The pioneering and innovative spirit is a distinct feature of China-Switzerland relations)。
瑞士成为中国首个创新战略伙伴关系国,也是我国首个以五大发展理念(five development concept of innovation, harmonization, green, openness and sharing)定位和命名的外交关系国。
习近平指出,瑞士是最早同新中国建交的西方国家之一(Switzerland was one of the very first Western countries to establish diplomatic ties with China),两国共同培育了平等、创新、共赢的中瑞合作精神(the two countries have jointly cultivated a cooperative spirit featuring equality, innovation and win-win),合作之路越走越宽。
习近平强调,坚持平等互尊、交流互鉴是今后发展中瑞创新战略伙伴关系的政治基础(the political foundation of the two countries' innovative strategic partnership lies in adherence to equality, mutual respect, exchanges and mutual learning)。
双方应建立和加强战略磋商等各类对话机制(enhance strategic consultations),增进相互理解和信任(increase mutual understanding and trust),统筹规划重点合作领域(outline major cooperative areas),将两国关系新定位落到实处(effectively implement the new partnership)。
双方应该在巩固扩大自由贸易和金融合作基础上,把中国实施创新驱动战略同瑞士的创新优势相结合,支持两国搭建创新合作平台(support the establishment of innovation cooperation platforms),开展企业、高校、科研机构间创新合作(encourage innovative cooperation between businesses, colleges and research institutes),深化在可再生能源、现代生态农业、节能环保、医药等领域互利合作(deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in renewable energy, modern eco-agriculture, energy saving and environmental protection, as well as medicine)。
中英全面战略伙伴关系(comprehensive strategic partnership between Britain and China):2015年10月,习近平主席访问英国时,双方就双边关系(bilateral relations)及重大国际和地区热点问题深入交换意见,并达成重要共识(important consensus),决定开启持久(enduring)、开放(inclusive)、共赢(win-win)的中英关系“黄金时代”(a golden era)。
中美新型大国关系(new type of major-power relationship between the US and China):以相互尊重(mutual respect)、互利共赢(mutual benefit and win-win)的合作伙伴关系为核心特征的大国关系,是崛起国(developing country)和既成大国(developed country)之间处理冲突和矛盾的新方式。
中巴全天候战略合作伙伴关系(all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation between Pakistan and China):无论国际局势如何变化,无论巴基斯坦国内局势如何变化,中巴之间的友谊不变。
6、《中国足球中长期规划(2016-2050年)》(The Mid-and Long-Term Development Plan for Chinese Soccer)
With China still struggling to qualify for the 2018 World Cup, the country has set a goal of becoming a world-leading soccer power by 2050 through youth promotion and league development.在为进入2018年世界杯而努力的同时,中国近日提出了在2050年建成“足球一流强国”的目标,期望通过鼓励青少年,发展联赛来实现这一目标。
国家发改委、国家体育总局等部门11日联合发布了《中国足球中长期规划(2016-2050年)》(The Mid-and Long-Term Development Plan for Chinese Soccer),表示将建设足球一流强国(world-leading soccer power/world football superpower)。
《规划》包括近期、中期和长期三个时间段,内容涉及足球体制改革(soccer reform)、校园足球普及(popularization of campus soccer)、人才培养(talents training)、场地建设等多个方面。
近期目标(short-term goals,2016—2020年)主要是发展校园足球、社会足球,以及建立体制机制和政策法规。
至2020年,全国特色足球学校达到2万所(the number of schools with a specialty in soccer will reach 20,000);
中小学生经常参加足球运动人数超过3000万人(there will be over 30 million primary and middle school students who often play soccer);
中期目标(mid-term goals,2021—2030年),要求国家男足跻身亚洲前列,女足重返世界一流强队行列(national men's team stand out in Asia and women's team return to the leading powers in the world)。
远期目标(long-term goals,2013-2050年),要求达到足球一流强国的目标,中国足球实现全面发展(realize the goals of being the top class soccer nation and all-round development of Chinese soccer)。
2015年3月,国务院办公厅印发了《中国足球改革发展总体方案》(overall reform plan to boost the development of soccer in China),要求半行政化的中国足协(semi-administrative China Football Association)与国家体育总局(General Administration of Sport of China)分离,使足协成为一个成熟的非政府组织(a full-fledged nongovernmental organization)。体育彩票(sports lottery)将用来增加投资促进足球业发展,增设两个国家级足球训练中心(soccer training centers)。
7、区域电商发展指数(regional e-commerce development index)
China has introduced its first regional e-commerce development index named after the famed small commodity production center of Yiwu in Zhejiang Province.中国发布了首个区域电商发展指数,该指数以位于浙江省的小商品批发市场义乌命名。
全球首个区域电商发展指数(regional e-commerce development index)—— 义乌电子商务发展指数(Yiwu E-commerce Development Index)在2016世界电子商务大会上正式对外发布,这是国家统计局批复的首个国家级县域电子商务大数据应用统计试点的主要内容之一(a pilot program for big data in the county-level city)。
该指数属于月度综合评价指数(comprehensive monthly evaluation index),由一个总指数和五个分类指数构成。总指数按月度综合反映义乌市电子商务整体发展的变动情况(overall e-commerce in Yiwu),电商环境指数(statistics on the online trade environment)、诚信指数(trust ratings)、活跃指数(rankings on activity)、成长指数(rankings on growth)和贡献指数(the degree of contribution to economic and social development)这五个分类指数则分别从五个维度反映义乌市电子商务发展的内外部环境、电商经营主体的诚信守信状况、交易规模与频次、成长速度与结构以及对经济和社会发展的贡献程度。
义乌电子商务发展指数的发布,有利于推动与指导义乌市电子商务市场的健康繁荣发展(advance prosperity and healthy development of e-commerce in Yiwu),有利于加快实现义乌市贸易发展方式的转变(accelerate the transformation of trade),有利于进一步集聚全球电子商务资源,提高电商标准和规则制定的话语权(further gather global e-commerce to bolster its negotiating position in improving e-commerce standards and rule-making)。
8、电信诈骗Telemarketing scams
准确来说是“电话营销诈骗”,也称作“电信诈骗”,英文也叫telemarketing fraud,指犯罪分子通过电话和短信方式,编造虚假信息,设置骗局,对受害人实施远程、非接触式诈骗,诱使受害人给犯罪分子打款或转账的犯罪行为。
Scam和fraud两个词都表示“诈骗、欺骗”,从具体用法来说,scam多指以诈财或逃税为目的设的骗局,比如recruitment scam(招聘诈骗),auction scam(拍卖诈骗)等;fraud则多指个人通过谎言或欺骗手段获取金钱收益的行为,如credit card fraud(信用卡诈骗),internet fraud(网络诈骗)等。
Somebody be conned out of something就表示“被骗走了某物”,类似的用法还有be swindled out of something,比如,A businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds(一个商人骗走了投资者们数百万英镑)。
网上银行Online banking
USIM卡是Universal Subscriber Identity Module(全球用户识别卡)的缩写
spam message
伪基站 pseudo base stations
验证码 verification code
9、气候协议 climate agreement
China will sign a historic climate agreement on Friday in New York City with the US and about 160 other nations.当地时间22日,中国将与美国和其他约160个国家在纽约市签署一项具有历史意义的气候协议。
联合国秘书长发言人迪雅里克21日表示,目前,超过165个国家已表示将在22日签署《巴黎协定》(Paris Agreement)。约60位国家元首(state leader)和政府首脑(head of government)预计将出席签署仪式(the signing ceremony)。
据称,这是历史上首次有这么多国家在同一天签署一份国际协议(international agreement),此前的最高纪录是119个国家在1982年签署《联合国海洋法公约》(the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea)。
2015年12月12日,《联合国气候变化框架公约》(the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)近200个缔约方(contracting parties)在巴黎气候变化大会上一致同意通过《巴黎协定》,为2020年后全球应对气候变化(climate chance)行动作出安排。《巴黎协定》共29条,包括目标、减缓、适应、损失损害(loss and damage)、资金(money)、技术、能力建设、透明度(transparency)、全球盘点等内容。2020年后,各国将以“国家自定贡献”(nationally determined contribution)的方式参与全球应对气候变化行动。
联合国秘书长潘基文表示,《巴黎协定》具有历史意义,不过这还只是个开始(it's only the beginning),要达到在本世纪末将全球平均升温控制在2摄氏度以下(limit average global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius)还是任重道远。
联合国方面称,《巴黎协定》的签署只是确保其尽快生效的第一步,协议签署后,各国还需要尽快采取相应国内程序对协议进行认可(ratify the agreement through domestic procedures)。只有当至少55国签署并加入该协定,且其温室气体排放量至少占全球总量的55%(at least 55 countries, whose emissions together represent at least 55% of global emissions, sign the pact and then rectify it),《巴黎协定》才会在30天后生效(the agreement will enter into force 30 days later)。
气候变化 climate change
减排目标 emissions target
人均碳排放水平emission levels per capita
可再生能源 renewable energy
碳排放 carbon emission
能耗 energy consumption
碳足迹 carbon footprint
10、奥运圣火the Olympic flame
The Olympic flame that will burn during the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games was lit at the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.将在2016年里约夏季奥运会上燃烧的奥运圣火在古代奥运会的诞生地被点燃。
21日,2016年里约奥运会的奥运圣火(the Olympic flame)在希腊古奥林匹亚(Ancient Olympia in Greece)采集成功。希腊著名女演员卡特里林娜·勒侯扮演最高女祭司(famous Greek actress Katerina Lechou dressed as an Ancient Greek High Priestess),她站在赫拉神庙废墟(the ruins of the Temple of Hera)前,用一个凹面镜聚焦太阳光线成功点燃火炬(use a concave mirror to focus the sun's rays and light the torch)。
希腊总统帕夫洛普洛斯、国际奥委会主席(the president of the International Olympic Committee)巴赫、里约奥组委主席(the president of the Organizing Committee of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games)努兹曼等约3000名代表出席了奥运圣火采集仪式(the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame)。
接下来,圣火将在希腊境内进行为期6天、全程2235公里的传递,450名火炬手将参与火炬接力(450 torchbearers will participate in the torch relay),其中包括一名叙利亚难民(including a Syrian refugee)。27日,神圣的火种将被正式移交给里约的奥运会组织者(the sacred flame will be delivered to the Rio Games organizers)。圣火离开希腊后,将先在位于瑞士洛桑的奥林匹克博物馆展示到5月2日,之后运到巴西。巴西的奥运火炬传递将于5月3日从巴西首都巴西利亚开始。
奥运火炬 the Olympic torch
奥运会开幕式 opening ceremony of the Olympic Games
国际奥委会 International Olympic Committee(IOC)
奥组委 Olympic Organizing Committee
五环旗 the Olympic flag
The latest results from experiments aboard China's SJ-10 recoverable satellite prove for the first time that early-stage mammal embryos can develop in space.中国实践十号返回式科学实验卫星上的最新实验结果首次证明,哺乳动物早期胚胎可在太空发育。
我国于6日发射首枚微重力卫星(microgravity satellite)实践十号。这枚返回式卫星(return capsule/recoverable satellite)将在轨道运行数天后返回地球。卫星的其中一个轨道舱(orbital module)用来进行科学实验。
实践十号传回的高清照片(high-resolution photographs)显示,在96小时的实验期间,小鼠早期胚胎(early-stage mouse embryos)在太空中顺利完成从2细胞到囊胚的全程发育。实践十号卫星小鼠胚胎实验取得重要突破(the most crucial step)。这是世界上首次实现哺乳动物胚胎在太空发育。
outer space 外太空
embryonic development 胚胎发育
blastocyst 囊胚
space experiments 空间实验
four-cell embryos 4细胞胚胎
ground tests 地面测试
human reproduction 人类繁殖
reproductive biology 生殖生物学
12司法解释judicial interpretation/explanation
The maximum penalty for convicts found guilty of embezzling or accepting bribes worth RMB3m or more in an “extremely serious case” with “extremely vile impact” will be the death penalty, according to a new judicial explanation issued on Monday.根据18日发布的一项新的司法解释,贪污、受贿数额在300万元(含)以上的,犯罪情节特别严重、社会影响特别恶劣的,这类犯罪分子最高可被判处死刑。
司法解释(judicial interpretation/explanation)是司法机关(judiciary authorities)对法律、法规(法令)的进一步明确界限或作的补充规定。
2015年11月施行的《刑法修正案(九)》取消了贪污罪、受贿罪的定罪量刑的具体数额标准(standards of the exact amount of money involved),代之以“数额较大(large amount)”、“数额巨大(huge amount)”、“数额特别巨大(extremely huge amount)”,以及“较重情节(relatively serious case)”、“严重情节(serious case)”、“特别严重情节(extremely serious case)”。
该司法解释将两罪“数额较大”的一般标准由1997年刑法(the 1997 version of the Criminal Law)确定的5000元调至3万元,“数额巨大”的一般标准定为20万元以上不满300万元,“数额特别巨大”的一般标准定为300万元以上。北京师范大学法学院院长赵秉志认为,人均GDP自1997年至2014年增长了约6.25倍,将5000元的起刑点(the minimum standard for criminal prosecution)进行适度的提升也是势在必行的。
该司法解释还规定,特定关系人(person of interest)索取、收受他人财物,国家工作人员知道后未退还或者上交的,应当认定国家工作人员具有受贿故意;将赃款用于单位公务支出或者社会捐赠的,不影响贪污罪、受贿罪的认定(donating dirty money to charity groups or using it for a public cause will not reduce the severity of the crime),但量刑时可以酌情考虑。
在死刑(death penalty)适用方面,该司法解释明确规定,死刑立即执行(immediate execution)适用于犯罪数额特别巨大,犯罪情节特别严重,社会影响特别恶劣,造成损失特别重大的贪污、受贿犯罪分子。对于不是必须立即执行的,可以判处死刑缓期二年执行(death sentence with a two-year reprieve)。根据犯罪情节等情况可以判处死刑缓期二年执行,同时裁判决定在其死刑缓期执行二年期满依法减为无期徒刑(life sentence)后,终身监禁,不得减刑、假释(parole)。
1.佛教四大名山:五台山 峨眉山 普陀山 九华山 2.中国四大发明:指南针 造纸术 印刷术 火药 3.中医四诊:望 闻 问 切 4.戏曲四行当:生 旦 净 丑
5.道教四大名山:湖北武当山 江西龙虎山 四川青城山 安徽齐云山 6.四大石窟:云冈石窟 龙门石窟 麦积山石窟 敦煌莫高窟 7.黄山四绝:奇松 怪石 云海 温泉
8.泰山四大奇观:旭日东升 晚霞反照 黄河金带 云海玉盘 9.中国四大名楼;岳阳楼 黄鹤楼 腾王阁 太白楼
10.四大古典小说:《三国演义》 水浒传 西游记 红楼梦
11.四大谴责小说:官场现形记(李宝嘉)二年目睹之怪现状(吴研人)老残游记(刘鄂)孽海花(曾朴)12.民间四大传说:牛郎织女 孟姜女寻夫 梁山伯与祝英台 白蛇与许仙 13.古代四美女:西施(沉鱼)王昭君(落雁)貂禅(闭月)杨玉环(羞花)14.古代四美:音乐 珍味 文章 言谈/ / 良晨 美景 赏心 乐事 15.苏门四学士:黄庭坚 秦观 曾补之 张来 16.四史:史记 汉书 君汉书 三国志
17.历史上四大书院:庐山白鹿洞 长沙岳麓 衡阳石鼓 18.商丘应天府
19.古代祥瑞四灵:龙 凤 麒麟 龟
20.宋中兴四诗人:陆游 杨万里 范大成 尤袤
21.科考四级及录取者称谓:院试-秀才 乡试-举人 会试-贡生 殿士-进士 22.千古文章四大家:韩愈 柳宗元 欧阳修 苏洵 苏轼 23.有很高史学和文学价值的三史:史记 汉书 后汉书 24.三班父子:班彪 班固 班昭
25.三书指:魏书 蜀书 吴书 后人将其合为一本称三国志。26.左思的三都赋指:蜀都赋(成都)吴都赋(南京)魏都赋(邺)27.南朝三谢:谢灵运 谢惠连 谢眺 28.三瘦词人指:李清照 三个名句是: 29.莫道不销魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。30.知否,知否?应是肥红瘦。
32.旧书塾使用的三种教本简称为三百千指:三字经 百家姓 千字文 33.郑板桥(郑燮)的三绝指:绘画 诗作 书法
34.鲁迅的三部短篇小说集:《呐喊》 《彷徨》 《故事新编》 35.我国当代文学史上的三大散文作家是:刘白羽 杨朔 秦牧
36.高尔其的自传体三部曲是:《童年》 《在人间》 《我的大学》 37.世界作品中三大吝啬鬼指:老葛朗台 夏洛克 泼留希金
38.老舍小说《四世同堂》也是三部曲指:《惶惑》 《偷生》 《饥荒》
39.我国古代有四个大城市称四京:东京-汴梁 西京-长安 南京-金陵 北京-顺天
40.汉字的字音的四种音调叫四声指:平上 去 入 现代则分为:阴平阳平上声 去声 41.元末明初吴中四杰:高启 杨基 张羽 徐贲
42.元杂剧的四大爱情剧:《荆钗记》 《白兔记》 《拜月亭》 《杀狗记》
凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;
使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;
Dear Sir or Madam,I am interested in graduate study in Physics, with the ultimate goal of teaching at the college level, and would like to talk with you about the requirements of your department。
After my graduation from Peking University in 2000, I worked for several years before my marriage as a teacher in Open College.During that time I completed three graduate courses at Zhe Jiang University, but did not finish my master’s degree.A resume of my background and experience is enclosed。
I could probably manage almost a full schedule if necessary.However, I would prefer to begin on a more limited basis if this could be arranged。
I will call your office in a few days for an appointment。
Yours sincerely,Li Ming
Dear Sir or Madam,I am a graduate from Sichuan University of Foreign Language Institute.As a student of English for Business, I hope to work in a foreign company after graduation.So I want to apply for the position of assistant of your Public Relationship Department manager。
In the past four academic years, I have proved myself to be a straight A student, awarded a succession of scholarships.My English is particularly good and French happens to be my second foreign language, which will reach the requirements set by a wholly-owned foreign company like yours.I am a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn.I believe I deserve your consideration.凯程2016年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员30多人,成功率85%以上!
I should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me.I am expecting your early reply!
Yours sincerely,Li Ming
Dear Sir or Madam,It is my pleasure to recommend Wang Xin for his application to graduate studies in your school。
Mr.Wang has been my research assistant since September 1997.He is an enthusiastic and ambitious young man with extremely high potentiality.All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily.With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper.I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable assistant。
I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits.I strongly recommend his admission without any reservation。
Yours sincerely,Li Ming
Dear John,I am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi.If it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious。
The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well.In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills.Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome。
Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and to help others, we 凯程2016年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员30多人,成功率85%以上!
see very few people practicing what they preach.But you showed by your actions that you are an exception。
Yours sincerely,Li Ming
Dear John,You asked for advice concerning whether you should study history or computer science at university.I will try making some suggestions。
University is preparation for your career.You should consider studying a subject which will best equip you to earn a living.Computer science offers more job opportunities than history.We are now in a high-tech age.For the foreseeable future, it would be necessary for everyone to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living!
Of course, you don't have to devote all your time at university to studying computers and nothing else.I would recommend that you continue reading of history in your spare time.That way, you will find that your leisure hours are enriched while you prepare yourself for a worthwhile career in computer science。
Whatever you decide to do, I wish you everything goes well!
Yours sincerely,Li Ming
Dear Sir or Madam,I am a regular customer of your store and I am writing to show my great anger about the bad service I encountered in your department store last Sunday。
The saleswoman(No.411)was by no means patient enough to answer my questions about the products.She was so eagerly talking with her friend that she just turned a deaf ear to my questions.I felt disappointed that such bad service could have happened in a so-called five-star department store。
I hope you do something to stop such things happening any more, just to save your store’s 凯程2016年集训营考取北京地区翻译硕士学员30多人,成功率85%以上!
fame.I am looking forward to your earliest response to this matter。
Yours truly,Li Ming
凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿
使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上