爷爷一定有办法 & 妈妈的红沙发 英文故事内容(打印整理版)

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第一篇:爷爷一定有办法 & 妈妈的红沙发 英文故事内容(打印整理版)

Something From Nothing

by Phoebe Gilman

01...to keep him warm and cozy and to chase away bad dreams.But as Joseph grew older, the wonderful blanket grew older too.03“Grandpa can fix it,” Joseph said.Joseph's grandfather took the blanket and turned it round and round.05...a wonderful jacket.Joseph put on the wonderful jacket and went outside to play.But as Joseph grew older, the wonderful jacket grew older too.07“Grandpa can fix it,” Joseph said.Joseph's grandfather took the jacket and turned it round and round.09...a wonderful vest.Joseph wore the wonderful vest to school the very next day.But as Joseph grew older, the wonderful vest grew older too.11“Grandpa can fix it,” Joseph said.Joseph's grandfather took the vest and turned it round and round.13...a wonderful tie.Joseph wore the wonderful tie to his grandparents' house every Friday.But as Joseph grew older, the wonderful tie grew older too.15“Grandpa can fix it,” Joseph said.Joseph's grandfather took the tie and turned it round and round.17...a wonderful handkerchief.Joseph used the wonderful handkerchief to keep his pebble collection safe.But as Joseph grew older, the wonderful handkerchief grew older too.19“Grandpa can fix it,” Joseph said.Joseph's grandfather took the handkerchief and turned it round and round.21...a wonderful button.Joseph wore the wonderful button on his suspenders to hold his pants up.23He searched everywhere but he could not find it.Joseph ran down to his grandfather's house.25“The button is gone, finished, kaput.Even your grandfather can't make something from nothing.” Joseph's grandfather shook his head sadly.“I'm afraid that your mother is right,” he said.27...a wonderful story.A Chair for My Mother

1.My mother works as a waitress in the Blue Tile Diner.After school sometimes I go to meet her there.Then her boss Josephine gives me a job too.I wash the salts and peppers and fill the ketchups.One time I peeled all the onions for the onion soup.When I finish, Josephine says, “Good work, honey,” and pays me.And every time, I put half of my money into the jar.I take a long time to fill a jar this big.Every day when my mother comes home from work, I take down the jar.2.My mama empties all her change from tips out of her purse for me to

count.Then we push all of the coins into the jar.Sometimes my mama is laughing when she comes home from work.Sometimes she's so tired she falls asleep while I count the money out into piles.Some days she has lots of tips.Some days she has only a little.Then she looks worried.But each evening every single shiny coin goes into the jar.3.We sit in the kitchen to count the tips.Usually Grandma sits with us too.While we count, she likes to hum.Often she has money in her old leather wallet for us.Whenever she gets a good bargain on tomatoes or bananas or something she buys, she puts by the savings and they go into the jar.4.When we can't get a single other coin into the jar,we are going to take out all the money and go and buy a chair.Yes, a chair.A wonderful, beautiful, fat, soft armchair.We will get one covered in velvet with roses all over it.We are going to get the best chair in the whole world.That is because our old chairs burned up.There was a big fire in our other house.All our chairs burned.So did our sofa and so did everything else.That wasn't such a long time ago.5.My mother and I were coming home from buying new shoes.I had new sandals.She had new pumps.We were walking to our house from the bus.We were looking at everyone's tulips.She was saying she liked red tulipsand I was saying I liked yellow ones.Then we came to our block.6.Right outside our house stood two big fire engines.I could see lots of smoke.Tall orange flames came out of the roof.All the neighbors stood in a bunch across the street.Mama grabbed my hand and we ran.My uncle Sandy saw us and ran to us.Mama yelled, “Where's Mother?” I yelled, “Where's my grandma?”

My aunt Ida waved and shouted ,“She's here, she's here.She's O.K.Don't worry.”

Grandma was all right.Our cat was safe too, though it took a while to find her.But everything else in our whole house was spoiled.7.What was left of the house was turned to charcoal and ashes.We went to stay with my mother's sister Aunt Ida and Uncle Sandy.Then we were able to move into the apartment downstairs.We painted the walls yellow.The floors were all shiny.But the rooms were very empty.8.The first day we moved in, the neighbors brought pizza and cake and ice cream.And they brought a lot of other things too.The family across the street brought a table and three kitchen chairs.The very old man next door gave us a bed from when his children were little.My other grandpa brought us his beautiful rug.My mother's other sister, Sally, had made us red and white curtains.Mama's boss, Josephine, brought pots and pans, silverware and dishes.My cousin brought me her own stuffed bear.Everyone clapped when my grandma made a speech.“You are all the kindest people,” she said, “and we thank you very, very much.It's lucky we're young and can start all over.”

9.That was last year, but we still have no sofa and no big chairs.When Mama comes home, her feet hurt.“There's no good place for me to take a load off my feet,” she says.When Grandma wants to sit back and hum and cut up potatoes,she has to get as comfortable as she can on a hard kitchen chair.So that is how come Mama brought home the biggest jar she could find at the diner and all the coins started to go into the jar.Now the jar is too heavy for me to lift down.Uncle Sandy gave me a quarter.He had to boost me up so I could put it in.10.After supper Mama and Grandma and I stood in front of the jar.“Well, I never would have believed it, but I guess it's full,” Mama said.My mother brought home little paper wrappers for the nickels and the dimes and the quarters.I counted them all out and wrapped them all up.On my mother's day off, we took all the coins to the bank.The bank exchanged them for ten-dollar bills.Then we took the bus downtown to shop for our chair.11.We shopped through four furniture stores.We tried out big chairs and smaller ones, high chairs and low chairs, soft chairs and harder ones.Grandma said she felt like Goldilocks in “The Three Bears” trying out all the chairs.12.Finally we found the chair we were all dreaming of.And the money in the jar was enough to pay for it.We called Aunt Ida and Uncle Sandy.They came right down in their pickup truck to drive the chair home for us.They knew we couldn't wait for it to be delivered.13.I tried out our chair in the back of the truck.Mama wouldn't let me sit there while we drove.But they let me sit in it while they carried it up to the door.14.We set the chair right beside the window with the red and white curtains.Grandma and Mama and I all sat in it while Aunt Ida took our picture.Now Grandma sits in it and talks with people going by in the daytime.Mama sits down and watches the news on TV when she comes home from her job.After supper, I sit with her and she can reach right up and turn out the light if I fall asleep in her lap.






我也想让我拥有约瑟夫·爷爷的魔力吗?可以想象很多有趣的事情,因为母亲 妈妈总是说我:你不能用自己的大脑思考吗?最后我的母亲问我看到了什么?我想了很久。突然之前,我想到老师,我们教我们使用废物做衣服。做任何事情都应该节约环保。



























阅读祖父必须有一种方式这充满了温暖和有趣的故事,不能不说祖父的魔法工艺和聪明才智和叹息,为约瑟和祖父甜厚的太阳和孙子醉了。祖父和约瑟在故事的每一个损失和创新的过程中,感觉越来越深,而且约瑟夫也相信我的祖父必须有一种方式,这种方法来自一个温暖的信心,这种信心是家庭土壤栽培。爷爷重复麻烦了一次又一次,思考,工作,缝出一条蓝色的毯子,然后把蓝色的毯子变成外套背心等等。对于祖父来说,这只是为自己小小的孙子孙女所见,为了看到一个小太阳太阳辉煌的微笑。爷爷的爱,我们能看到吗?其实,我们的爱人的长老大多隐藏在日常生活的重复,日常穿梭,每天三餐,同样嫉妒这样的爱,我们可以看到吗?约瑟为什么不愿意丢弃旧的蓝色毯子和用蓝色毯子制成的东西?因为这件毛毯是由祖父,那些各种小工具是祖父改变。但也因为约瑟爱祖父,约瑟珍惜祖父的爱!这条蓝色的毯子伴随着约瑟的长大,成为约瑟的小生命之一 部分。这种永恒的宝藏是我们每个孩子应该学习和拥有的。


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