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阅读理解:1—5 CBACB 试题解析:

这篇文章是讲猴子有一种天然的公平意识,文章本身难度不是太大,一开始做了一个类比,讲人的公平意识。然后根据这个类比,文章重点谈猴子们的公平意识。这篇对比性的文章两个方面要理解,第一,人类和猴子之间都有一种近似的表现,当受到不公正待遇的时候,都有义愤填膺的感觉,如果把握这个逻辑,就是类比的逻辑。第二, 最后两段关于选择的实验的对象以及实验的结果。

1题 [C]


A选项 posing a contrast意思是提出一个对比,但是请注意,提出不代表对这个对比做出分析。而原文第一段明显是对人和猴子这个对比做出了分析,因此应该是making a comparison,即对一个对比做出了分析。post仅仅是“提出”的意思,而原文中作者是通过做具体的对比而得出结论,所以,“make”这个词应该更准确。而且,参考上面所说的contrast和compare的区别,更应该选择C选项。

B选项justifying an assumption意思是证明一种假设,但是第一段的意思是人与猴子的比较,而不是什么假设。这个也是很强的干扰项。

D选项explaining a phenomenon.意思是解释一种现象,但是文章第一段的意思是人与猴之间的比较,而不是在解释什么东西,只是进行一种比较罢了。

2题 [B]


A选项monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals.是说猴子也会由于懒惰的竞争者而愤怒。但是,猴子不是因为懒惰的人才愤怒,而是因为不公平。

C选项monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other的意思是猴子也和人一样嫉妒彼此。但是从文章看出,中心思想是讨论猴子对于公平的敏感性,因此C选项只是陈述了其中的一个现象而已,而不是体现了中心思想。文章中只提到了对于不公平所产生的愤怒感,但这个和嫉妒是两码事。这种题属于用小范围替代大范围的干扰项。

D选项 more generous than their male companions是说雌性猴子比雄性猴子更慷慨,大方。但是从原文看出,文章的意思是雌猴子更加注重她们获得的东西。文章的中心思想是说猴子对于公平性的敏感,因此与慷慨大方之类的没有关系。做题时要把握好中心思想,这样就容易排除选项了

3题 [A] 这个是事实细节题,答案是根据文章第二段末和第三段第一句话得到的,雌性的猴子被选择做研究,是因为她们更加注重她们获得的东西。

B选项attentive to researchers' instructions意思是听研究人员的话,而问题 Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because则是指为什么雌性猴子被选择做研究,由文章可看出,应该是由于雌猴子的对公平的更强烈的敏感性。原文只是提到了雌性猴子之间比较容易合作。

C选项 nice in both appearance and temperament是说在外表和脾气上都很好,这个基本上是命题者编造的干扰项,如果你明白了文章的大意的话,就不会选择这个答案了。因为整篇文章和外表没有任何联系的。而且题目问的是最主要的原因,所以C选项不予考虑。

D选项more generous than their male companions的意思是说比雄猴子更大方,但是之所以选择雌猴子是因为她们对公平性更敏感。D选项基本上和主题是背道而驰的,所以属于比较明显的干扰项。



A选项prefer grapes to cucumbers是说猴子比起葡萄来更喜欢黄瓜,但是这和题目根本没有关系,属于搞笑类干扰项....原文中虽然提到过,但是算不上什么“最终的发现”。

B选项can be taught to exchange things是说猴子能被训练得交换东西,这个就是太表面的意思了,但是和文章主题基本没关系嘛,文章的主题一定要把握好。D选项are unhappy when separated from others说的是当她们被分开时会不高兴,但是原文中可以看出,不高兴是因为她们看到另外的猴子得到了更好的东西,而不是因为被分开。猴子哪里会这么怕孤单.5题[B]


A选项 Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions意思与文章的中心思想不符。文章是想说明猴子对于公平的敏感性,而不是猴子能被训练具有社会性的情感。而且这个选项在原文中也没有依据,所谓的社会性情感原文没有提及。你从最后一段的 as yet, an unanswered question可看出,刚好和B选项的an uncertain source想对应。这种题要注意一定要找到有原文依据的选项。而且social emotions是猴子天生就有的,谈不上develop这个词。

C选项Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do的意思是动物经常像人类一样的公开表露感情。但是文章最后一段并没有讲这个问题,而是在强调动物对于公平的敏感性。C选项本身没有错,但是不符合题目要求。

D选项 Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild的意思是猴子之间在野外才能稳定。这个基本上没什么道理可说,和文章的中心思想没有联系。你从最后一段的 as yet, an unanswered question可看出,刚好和B选项的an uncertain source想对应。这种题要注意一定要找到有原文依据的选项.全文翻译:

人人都喜欢大幅加薪,但是当你知道一个同事薪水加得比你还要多的时候,那么加薪带给你的喜悦感就消失的无影无踪了。如果他还以懒散出名的话,你甚至会变得怒不可遏。这种行为被看作是“人之常情”,其潜在的假定其他动物不可能具有如此高度发达的不公平意识。但是由佐治亚州亚特兰大埃里莫大学的Sarah Brosnan 和Frans de Waal进行的一项研究表明,它也是“猴之常情”。这项研究成果刚刚发表在《自然》杂志上。

研究者们对雌性棕色卷尾猴的行为进行了研究。它们看起来很可爱,性格温顺,合作,乐于分享食物。最重要的是,就像女人们一样,它们往往比雄性更关注“商品和服务”价值。这些特性使它们成为Brosnan 和 de Waal理想的研究对象。研究者们花了两年的时间教这些猴子用代币换取食物。正常情况下,猴子很愿意用几块石头换几片黄瓜。但是,当两个猴子被安置在隔开但相邻的两个房间里,能够互相看见对方用石头换回来什么东西时,猴子的行为就会变的明显不同。










1、______ap on Mom’s lap.2、A____ab on the cab.3、Tom is my f ____________ d.4、The cat ch___ ___ ___ ___ the rat.5、The girl r___ ___ to the tree.6、The r__ __ is in the bag.7、I didn’t w______my finger(手指)at him.8、I’m light and I’m sm___ ___ ___.9、I walk as s________ tassnow.10、A tank in the b__ ___ k.11、Don’t forget the l__ ___ __ p when you camp.



























()1.My friend Jack is from ______ European country.We all think he is ______ honest boy.A.a;aB.a;anC.an;anD.an;a

()2.Some of her best-loved photos are ______ display in this exhibition.A.onB.inC.atD.about

()3.— What music do you like?

— I like music that I can sing alongor dance.A.to;withB.with;withC.to;toD.with;to

()4.“Help ______ to some fish,” Mrs Smith said to the children.A.youB.yourselfC.yourselvesD.yours

()5.— Which do you prefer, orange juice or cola?

— ______, thanks.I’d like just a cup of tea.A.EitherB.NeitherC.BothD.None

()6.—What time is it?

—It’s 7:25.Let’s be quick, or we will ______ the first bus.A.causeB.missC.loseD.catch

()7.—Smoking and drunkenness(酗酒)are both bad for people’s health.—Yes.So we should ______ cigarettes and alcohol.A.shut downB.get on withC.stay away fromD.put away

()8.—Where did you go that day?

—I went to a city ______ Jinan.It is very beautiful.A.calledB.callingC.to callD.call

()9.What ______ me most is its ______ sights.A.interested;interestedB.interested;interesting


()10.He is expecting me _________tomorrow.A.to comingB.comeC.comingD.to come

()11.He has a friend who _______ the piano very well.A.playB.playingC.playsD.played

()12.—to.— Then, let’s ask her to take part in our dancing club.A.dancing;singingB.singing;danceC.singing;dancingD.to sing;dance

()13.Do you know the man ______ is sitting behind Nancy?


()14.Sorry, we don’t have the coat ______ you need.A.whoB.whichC.whatD.whom

()15.My grandfather often tells meI do in the future, I should try my best to do it well.A.howeverB.whateverC.wheneverD.wherever



Would you like to take ajob which pays just one euro(欧元)?

These days are out of work(失业)in Germany are asked to do the “one-euro” jobs.That is to say, they can get paid17 , only one euro an hour or about 200 euros a18 they have finished their jobs.19 do the jobs include? They mainly include some20 service work, such as reading for old people,21 streets and planting trees.The workers are22 to sit through three or four weeks of training before they do the jobs.According to a German report, the one-euro jobs are voluntary(自愿的), and many lazy jobless people aren’t willing to(不乐意)take the jobs.“It’s a serious problem that many people in Germany23 jobs, especially the youth.That’s why we24 those people, especially the younger people, to take the “one-euro” jobs.If they25 to do the jobs, they cannot get any other help,” said an official.()16.A.whomB.whichC.whoD.whose












Spanish ballet(西班牙芭蕾舞)

The Spanish National Ballet will tour our country and their classical repertoires(剧目)will be shown in Beijing.Time: 7:30 pm, May 20~21

Place: Chaoyang Theater, 36 Dongsanhuan Beihu, Chaoyang


Tel: 6506-8116

Opera classic(经典作品)

A new production of Kunqu Opera(a traditional Chinese opera in East China’s Jiangsu Province), is now on in Beijing.Time: 8:00 pm, May 23

Place: Tianqiao Theater, 30 Beiweilu, Xuanwu District

Tel: 8315-6300

Wonderful concert

Musicians of the Chinese National Symphony Orchestra(交响乐团)will hold a concert in Beijing.We can enjoy Mozart’s Flute Concerto(协奏曲), Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto and works by the Chinese composer(作曲家)Chen Qigang.Time: 7:30 pm, May 25

Place: Poly Theater, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District

Tel: 6500-1188


()26.If Chen Huan is free only on the evening of May 21, he can enjoy ______.A.opera classicB.Spanish ballet C.Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto D.Mozart’s Flute Concerto

()27.Mr Johnson likes Spanish ballet very much, so he can go to ______ to see it.A.Tianqiao TheaterB.National TheaterC.Chaoyang TheaterD.Poly Theater

()28.Jane wants to buy a ticket to enjoy a traditional Chinese opera, so she should call ______.A.8315-8116B.6506-8116C.6500-1188D.8315-6300

()29.The wonderful concert is held in Poly Theater at _________

A.30 Beiweilu, Xuanwu District B.36 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District

C.14 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Dongcheng DistrictD.14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District

()30.You can enjoy all the entertainment in the city of ______.A.ShanghaiB.TianjinC.BeijingD.Nanjing


Dear Mr.Know,My 13-year-old son was in an accident several days ago.His doctors say he has no chance of seeing again.I have no experience with the blind(盲的).I want to know how he may behave in the future.I want to know everything I can to help him.Please help!


Dear Mary,My son, Trey, who is nine years old, also lost his vision(视力)suddenly.I think one of the most important things for you to do is to find other blind kids of your son’s age in your area.He will need someone to talk to that understands his situation and can give him some advice.Sometimes, other kids treat your son differently, and it takes time, experience, and patience to learn the best ways of dealing with this.But if your son had another successful, blind teenager to talk to, that person could tell him how they dealt with the same situations.Also, often talk to the doctor so that they can show your son how to get around safely.Learning to use assistant technology(辅助技术)and Braille(盲人用的点字法)are also extremely important.Where I live, we have a place called Envision that offers these services.Check around for something similar in your area.I hope I have been of some help.Jack

()31.How old is Mary’s son?

A.9.B.10.C.12.D.13.()32.Mary is worried about ________.A.why her son will be blindB.how to help her son

C.that her son won’t be allowed to go to schoolD.how to help the blind in her neighborhood

()33.Jack is _______.A.a doctorB.a blindC.Mary’s sonD.Trey’s father

()34.How many pieces of advice does Jack give to Mary?

A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.()35.If you go to Envision, you can ______.A.look for blind friendsB.find many blind children

C.learn to use assistant technology and BrailleD.get the advice from the doctors


She is a beautiful actress.Her name is Lin Yichen and her English name is Ariel Lin, She was born

in Taiwan on October 29, 1982.She is 160cm tall.And her favorite colors are black and white.As an actress, Ariel Lin is very successful.At the age of 27, she won the Best Female(女性的)Lead Actor award(奖)at the Taiwan Golden Bell Awards.Now Lin takes on a new challenge — she becomes a singer.In 2009, Lin came to Beijing to promote(宣传)her first album called Meeting with Happiness.It came out in July.For her first album, Lin was in a recording studio(录音棚)for a month.She worked seven to eight hours a day.That was really a hard time.“I had to eat a lot so that I could keep going,” said Lin.Lin hopes she will sing better and better as time goes on.“People say singers should sing with both emotion(感情)and skills,” she said.“It’s an amazing thing to express yourself just with your voice and it’s also wonderful when you make it,” she added.With her strong will(意志), she must become better and better in the future.Good luck to this young girl!


()36.What does the underlined word “strong” mean in Chinese?

A.开放的B.保守的C.薄弱的D.坚强的()37.When did Ariel Lin win the Best Female Lead Actor award at the Taiwan Golden Bell Awards?

A.In 2010.B.In 2009.C.In 2007.D.In 1982.()38.How long was Ariel Lin in the recording studio for her first album?

A.For seven hours.B.For eight hours.C.For eight days.D.For around 30 days.()39.Which is NOT true about Ariel Lin?

A.She likes red best.B.She was born in Taiwan.C.She is not only an actress.D.She is medium height.()40.What can we learn about Ariel Lin from this passage?

A.She is a great musician.B.She prefers singing to acting.C.She is a hard-working girl.D.She comes from a rich family.Ⅳ.任务型阅读(10分)

It seems that today more and more girls like to dress like boys.Maybe they are following the example of Li Yuchun, the winner of the Super Girls contest in 2005.Kitty Deng is a 13-year-old from Shanxi.She has a boyish style.“I am like a boy and I am comfortable being this way,” says Kitty.“I think everybody should have a style according to his or her personality.”

Liu Bing, from Liaoning, is also a tomboy(假小子).“I don’t wear skirts because I don’t look pretty in skirts,” says the 13-year-old kid.“I get my hair cut short because long hair makes me feel very hot in summer,” she says.In fact, Liu has another reason.The style makes it easier to play together with boys.Why not play with girls? “Because some girls are just mean(小气的), ” she answers.Wei Yan, 14, lives in Shanghai.She dresses like a boy, too.In her class, not many girls dress like boys.But many girls think that being a boy is easier.“Boys have more chances than we do,” says Wei Yan.“For example, at our school only boys can be flag escorts(护旗手).Why can’t girls have a try?”







43.Why does Liu Bing get her hair cut short?

44.What kind of girls are Kitty Deng, Liu Bing and Wei Yan?

45.What does the passage mainly talk about?



although, around, different, favorite, influence, loud, million, popular, show, such

Rock music began in the United States in the 1950s.It first became(46)________ in small clubs and on the radio.Later, with the introduction of rock music programs, people could watch their(47)________ bands on TV.Rock music has(48)________ many music styles since it was born.And it has been influenced by

(49)________ cultures and musical traditions, too.(50)________ changes in rock music have often taken place in regional centers,(51)________ as New York City, Kingston and Liverpool, the influence of rock music is now felt(52)________ the world.Some people may not like rock music for its(53)________, fast beats or naughty(粗俗的)lyrics.But(54)________ of rock music lovers all over the world are crazy about it because they think this kind of music can(55)________ their feelings completely.根据词的形式填空(10分)

1.He is considering _____(buy)a computer for his son.2.Be sure ______(not miss)the exhibition.3.Yao Ming is one of the best _______(know)Chinese basketball players in the world today.4.It is useful _______(memory)the words of pop songs.5.You can’t believe him, because he is ______(honest).Ⅵ.书面表达(15分)





An interview with Li Xi

Favorite WhatWhy

Band S.H.E energetic, good singers

Book Harry Potter interesting, magic power(魔力)

Movie Titanic sad, moving(让人感动的)

City Zhuhai clean, quiet,go fishing there


1-5 BADCB6-10 BCABD11-15 CACBB

16-20 CCBBD21-25 CBACA

26-30 BCDDC31-35 DBDDC36-40 DBDAC


43.Because long hair makes her feel very hot in summer and wearing short hair makes it easier for her to play together with boys.44.They’re all tomboys(boyish girls)./ They are all girls who dress like boys.45.More and more girls like to dress like boys.46.popular47.favorite48.influenced49.different50.Although


One possible version:

Here is an interview with Li Xi.We can see that S.H.E is her favorite band, because the band is energetic and has good singers.Among all the books she has read, Harry Potter is her favorite, because she thinks it’s an interesting book, and the book tells people about magic power.As for the movies, she likes Titanic most.It’s moving though it’s kind of sad.She likes Zhuhai best, because it’s a clean and quiet city, and she can go fishing there

第五篇:新生测试题 英语

英 语 评 估 测 验

一.Listen and choose听录音,选出你所听到的单词、字母组合或数字6%







二.Listen and choose听录音,选出你所听到的句子)5%

()1A.Is your mother washing dishes?

B.Is your mother watching television?

C.Is your mother washing shoes?

()2A.The block's shadow is long.B.The block's shadow isn't long.C.The block's shadow is short.()3A.Don't eat chocolate here, Danny.B.Don't eat sweet here, Danny.C.Don't eat biscuits here, Danny.()4A.The cloud was grey.Now they are white.B.The sky was grey.Now it is white.C.The cloud was white.Now they are grey.()5A.The monkey lives in the jungle.B.The monkeys live in the jungle.C.The monkey is playing in the jungle.三.Listen and choose the best response to the sentence you hear on the



()1.A.I wenr to bed at 8:50.B.She goes to bed at 8:50.C.She went to bed at 9:10.()2.A.He wants a computer.B.He buys a computer.C.He likes the computer.()3.A.No, thank you.B.Theank you.C.You're welcome.()4.A.Yes,they are the same.B.No, they are different.C.They are the same.()5.A.It's mine.B.They’re different.C.Yes, they’re.四.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are

true or false



()1.Jimmy is my brother.()2.Jimmy and I walk to school.()3.Jimmy and I are in different school.()4.Jimmy has lunch at home.But I don't.()5.I can play the drum.()6.Jimmy can't play football.五.Listen to the dialogue and complete the passage听录音,完成短文内


A long time _______, Hong was a _______.He ______ in China, He


______ and rice there.He had some _____and ______.At day, he went to


______ in the field and went back at ______.一.Read and write10%

(一)Read the words below and make a sentence with punctuations正确抄写下


Do Mr.and Mrs.Li like loud music Ben yes they do

(二)Write the letters in order: Gg----Zz按英文字母顺序默写Gg —Zz(10分)

二.Read and choose:(选出一个划线部分发音不同于其他单词的单词)5%

()((()(三.Choose the right word to complete the sentence:(选出正确的单词完成句子)9%

1.--May I use ______(your/yours)bicycle?

--I'm sorry.______(My/Mine)is not here.2.Look!The cat is washing ______(it's/its)face.3.The supermarket is ______(to/too)______(noisy/noise).I don't like it.4.John ______(and/with)Mary were(in/at)home yesterday.5.There are ______(third/three)girls in the room.The______(one/first)

girl is my sister.They are ______(quite/quiet)happy.四.Choose the best answer:(选择最恰当的答案)15%

()1.It is evening.The girl's shadow is ______.A.smallB.shortC.long

()2.The ______ are behind the cat.A.mouseB.miceC.mouses

()3.Miss Li ______ a bag.I ______a sketch book.A.have, hasB.is, haveC.has, have

()4.The pair of glasses ______ in my handbag.A.isB.areC.am

()5.I can't see______durians, but l can see ______pineapple.A.some, someB.any, someC.any, any

()6.Eric _______ his bicycle to the shop.A.ridesB.rideC.is riding

()7.______ are your English books ? Eighteen Yuan.A.whatB.How manyC.How much

()8.Mary and Kitty are ______ awake in their bedroom.A.allB.bothC.two

()9.Let draw a ______ face.A.cat B.cats C.cats

()10.Moog ______ like his cushion.It’s very hard.A.don'tB.doesn'tC.isn't

()11.Are the drinks ______ or different? They're different.A.sameB.the sameC.some

()12.There ______ some bread and some apples on the tables.A.isB.areC.be

()13.Four girls and a boy ______ a computer in our class.A.have gotB.has gotC.are

()14.We go to the toy shop at five ______ twelve in the afternoon.A.pastB.toC.too

()15._______ you ______ your homework last evening? Yes.A.Did, doB.Do, doC.Do, did

五.complete the sentence with the right preposition:(用介词填空)7%

1.My mother goes to work ______ bicycle.I go to school

______foot.2.He was here ______ a quarter to eleven.Now he is ______ the

tree.3.The old lady ______blue is blind.She can't see ______her eyes.4.A storm is coming ______ the Atlantic Ocean.六.Think and write:(用动词的适当形式填空)9%

1.Tom, _______(notwalk)on the grass.2.The geese _______(catch)the fish now.3.My grandma _______(watch)TV every day.4.His parents________(go)to the Beijing last week.5.We like _______(play)football after school.6.Look.The girls ______(sing)in the hall.7.______(be)there any money in your hand?

8.Who ______(have)got a boy game? I ______(have)got one.七.Read and write:(阅读理解)10%

(一)Tell whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F);(阅读短文。判


American children love watching TV.Some of them spend six hours a day at

school.And four to six hours a day in front of the television set.Some of them

even watch for eight hours or more on Sundays.Televisions are like books or films.That means a child can learn bad things

and good things from TV.Some show help: children can learn to do a lot of

housework, just like gardening, cooking and cleaning.But some programs are

not good for children.So parents must help them to choose the right ones to

enjoy.()1.Some American children spend about eight hours on TV in their

holidays.()2.Children can't learn anything from TV.()3.Some programs help children learn how to make delicious food.()4.Children need parents' help to choose good programs.()5.All the TV shows are good for children.(二)Answer the following questions:(阅读短文并且回答下列问题):5%

A dove is a bird.You may have seen doves.Some doves are white and some

are grey.They like corn.They don't like meat.A dove likes to live in a bird-house.Many people like doves.They make a

home for their doves near a window.Doves fly out of their houses in the day

and come back home in the evening.Doves can fly long hours.So sometimes people take them far away.They tie a

letter to the dove's leg.Then the dove can take the letter home.How

interesting!Do you like doves now?

1.What do doves like to eat?



2.Where do doves live?



3.When does a dove go out?



4.What do people tie to the leg of a dove?



5.Can doves fly out of their houses?



八.Write at least 5 sentences on the topic ‘Children’s Day’(以Children's




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